
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon

Review:This book came in great condition and came relatively fast. I really appreciate the book because what it has to offer. It serves as a guide and just an every day pick me up. I read one page right when I wake up and it helps start off my day in a positive manner. I would definitely suggest this book whether you're new or come frequently to al non meetings. Read more

Making Things Right with Those You Love - When Sorry Isn't Enough
Making Things Right with Those You Love - When Sorry Isn't Enough

Review:Excited to read this book and learn new concepts are understanding this emotion. Love everything Gary D Chapman has written and they are always a great help and insight. He truly knows what he is talking about. Read more

Mutant Microbes - & So Much More
Mutant Microbes - & So Much More

Review:The Culture of Fear by Barry Glassner is an extremely well researched book. If you ever find yourself becoming afraid from the stories on the news about things such as kidnapping or plane crashes you should pick up this book and read it immediately. This book is not merely to entertain you, although at a certain level it is rather entertaining, once you realize people are so easily manipulated by people in influential positions like reporters. Mainly it is to inform people that they are ultimate... Read more

Everything Is Obvious: How Common Sense Fails Us
Everything Is Obvious: How Common Sense Fails Us

Review:I was intrigued by this book because in my career field (fitness and nutrition) there are a lot of "obvious" things people think they know are true when in actuality they're not at all. Saturated fat will clog your arteries and give you a heart attack. You must eat "healthy" whole grains in your diet. Red meat will cause cancer. You must exercise for an hour a day. The list goes on and on and all of these things comprise what is known as conventional wisdom. They're generally accepted by people ... Read more

Ignite Your Energy and Focus - Transform Pain into Purpose
Ignite Your Energy and Focus - Transform Pain into Purpose

Review:The material is life changing if you apply it. The approaches presented affect every area of life and transform the sick and tired into the vibrantly alive.

My highest recommendation for this treasure. Read more

Maps of Meaning
Maps of Meaning

Review:Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief by Jordan Peterson is a great prelude to "Saam Medical Meditation's" and "Saam Meditation: The Interpretation of Dreams" - Organ Centered Consciousness. In terms of consciousness what Jordan Peterson and Carl Jung are missing is that consciousness resides in the internal organs. Archetypes are formed and stored in the Spleen which represents the need for children to grow big (through nutrition), to counter the fears and threats that are likely to harm... Read more

Trance: Formation of America
Trance: Formation of America

Review:Signed by both authors! Required reading for people who really want to know what's up. Explains a lot of mysteries. Uncomfortable, on occasion, as the truth often is. Very glad to have found this. Remember how the feds tested nuclear fallout on the unsuspecting citizens of Nevada, how they tested LSD on unsuspecting military personnel? This is much worse. You'll never hear about this on the news. It's happening and it's bad. At some point this will all come out publicly in a big way, pr... Read more

The Interpretation of Dreams (Translated by A. A. Brill)
The Interpretation of Dreams (Translated by A. A. Brill)

Review:This is the most landmark work ever written in the field of dream interpretation. That doesn't mean that Freud was necessarily right about everything, but this is the book which provides the "benchmark" for all of the subsequent monographs on dream interpretation which have come since 1900. One could even say that the book was a benchmark for itself as it underwent a great many revisions between 1900-1920 or so. Welcome to modern day psychology: the realm of Sigmund Freud.

The work co... Read more

Dream Psychology: Psychoanalysis for Beginners
Dream Psychology: Psychoanalysis for Beginners

Review:A helpful insight into the psychology of dreams for beginners . Only if Freud had lived in times when he could have interacted with the Tibetan Buddhist masters of the Drram yoga :) that would have been a great research he could have done Read more

Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist
Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist

Review:There is here such a wealth of information about the subject, that I must recluse myself from reviewing the book other that to place it on the list of works I will surely read again. Excellent, provocative, exciting, and it works. Read more

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