Biographies & Memoirs

Everything You Need to Know About Success - Real Estate
Everything You Need to Know About Success - Real Estate

Review:This is an excellent read for anyone looking to cultivate the traits of a winner in business and life. Donald Trump is one of the most insightful people on the planet. He cuts through the clutter on every type of business and personal issue and gets to the heart of what's really being said or done. Read this book for the broad insights, not just single how-to specifics.

He shows how you too can cultivate the same successful traits he has been blessed with. For those Donald detractors - re... Read more

An Informal Education in Business and Life (Miniature Editions)
An Informal Education in Business and Life (Miniature Editions)

Review:The content of this book is great, but this is some sort of collectible, the size of your palm or a matchbox. The sellers should be penalized by Amazon for not putting that detail in the title (or AT LEAST the details). Buy the real book, unless you're seeking to fill the shelves of your dollhouse bookcase. Read more

A Big Little Life
A Big Little Life

Review:If you have doubt about man's best friend, read this book. The author has a way of expressing Trixie's behavior that you feel you really know the dog when you read this book. If you are a dog lover, this book is a must to read. Read more

and Faith in Stages - A Little Bit Wicked
and Faith in Stages - A Little Bit Wicked

Review:You know what, I'm not all that big on memoirs or the celebrity book of the week, but when the world seems to be a cesspool of negativity, greed and people getting laid off left and right, it is almost refreshing to read a book about a really really decent, genuine and endlessly interesting person who did things the right way.

She made a name for herself by working hard, taking chances, weathering the down times and working even harder to push herself over the hump.

Films, Broadway... Read more

and the Secret of a Good Life - A Southern Girl
and the Secret of a Good Life - A Southern Girl

Review:It was a thought-provoking book. Writing about about a sister who has died has to be a challenge, and you can see the author's attempt to paint her as nearly perfect in one sense, yet human and flawed in the other. One of the things I reflected on after reading it was that, at the end, Ruthie suffered in great pain and her family was not prepared for her death. This can lead to complicated grief. Ruthie could have died at home much more peacefully if hospice had been involved, and bereavement... Read more

Hard Times and High Spirits on an Iowa Farm During the Great Depression
Hard Times and High Spirits on an Iowa Farm During the Great Depression

Review:To me this well written book was so enjoyable from beginning to the end; it is the way it was and I almost found myself envying this family. It took me back to basics and a time I remembered so well and identified with their way of life. Read more

On Loving Elvis Presley - and Songs in Between
On Loving Elvis Presley - and Songs in Between

Review:I wanted to like this book, but all the Elvis stuff is the same stories told by many others, very little new information here! How many times she uses the same words to describe Elvis and Bruce is insane! She uses handsome and athletic over and over. This story feels whitewashed to me. Linda comes off as perfect in every way! It does however validate my opinion of David Foster! Read more

The Good War: An Oral History of World War II
The Good War: An Oral History of World War II

Review:Studs Terkel is one of the most interesting journalists I have ever read. I picked up this book for my college US History class and I read far more entries than the ones assigned to us. Getting a clear picture of World War II is very difficult, especially given the nature of primary sources (like film reels advocating women to go to work, or whatever) which assert that the War was indisputably the "Good War." Through Terkel's book I have learned that WWII was much more complicated than a simp... Read more

Lust & Wonder: A Memoir
Lust & Wonder: A Memoir

Review:I love this author and have read all of his books. Sometimes he will write a sentence so delicious that I read it over and over to savor it. I'm a fan.
This memoir is simply boring. As a fan I am so pleased that he is sober, and has found love. Other than catching up on his life, I wish I didn't pay for this book. Read more

and the Greatest Team of All Time Conquered the World and Changed the Game of Basketball Forever
and the Greatest Team of All Time Conquered the World and Changed the Game of Basketball Forever

Review:I saw this book first mentioned on some website while I was on vacation. So I did what most people usually do when they see a book on vacation... they write the name down and wait until AFTER vacation to read it. Yeah, I've never been good with reading books on vacation and I'm not sure why. This was, however, the first book I read after my visit to the land of milk and honey (Florida) and I had an absolutely enjoyable time reading it. We always hear people say "I would love to be a fly on t... Read more

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