Review:Svetlana Alexievich was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize for literature. ‘The Unwomanly face of War’ has been translated by star Russian to American-English translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, and is being published in the re-vamped Penguin Classics series. That constitutes three good reasons to pay this book some attention.
The author inserts her own voice from time to time, but for the most part her book consists of extracts of letters from and interviews with women who took... Read more
Review:Can you say "home-grown facism"? We got to repair our method of law-making in this country. Big Money lobbyists are running this government and have been for too long. "By the people and for the people" has become a thing of the past. I hope you sell a billion of your book and maybe a few of them will see the light. Read more
Review:Well-written and researched. Truly inspirational story about the everyday heroes found on the small island of Crete. Like Chris' other book Born To Run, the story-telling is spellbinding and facts behind natural fitness are revealing. Another tour de force! Read more
Review:This book captures and analyses several significant events in the post-Revolutionary War period that shaped the young republic. Mr. Ellis effectively conveys the personalities and circumstances in which they worked and strived to advance their positions, though some of the analysis extends beyond storytelling to historical debate, something better appreciated by scholars than the average reader. Read more
Review:I think it is a great book and quite informative. However Lesley Hazleton has only used sources from a particular school of thought and never bothered to check up on the others. For example Imam Hassan and his father, Imam Ali, were portrayed as having views that conflicted with each other basically. In reality these 2 men were some of the greatest men to have walked the earth. There's a reason they are considered as Imams and part of the 12 descendant Imams after the prophet. I won't go into de... Read more
Review:This book is well written. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and could hardly put it done. While attending a Credit seminar in California, Ronald Reagon was our speaker. This was before he ran for President. He brought down the house. Mary Miles, Venice, FL Read more
Review:Interesting and easy to read history of the civil war era. Particularly interesting was the rise and fall of reconstruction. Then, like now, we the people, tired of war and conflict and as victors simply gave into the vanquished south. Winning the war and losing the peace. Sound familiar at all? Read more
Review:The civil war was a pivotal moment in american history and in the making of the country. McPherson's work esposes in a readable way the decisives facts of the ephoc and gives a fundamented account of its meaning. The author made an impressive research about the matter, telling the story with a slightly sympathy for the Union cause. A great book that leads to a great reading. Read more
Review:While dense with minutiae about politics and battles, this lengthy history of the pre-Civil War years through to Appomattox remains a vivid and engaging account of the inevitable deadly clash between an ambitious slaveholding South and a Union moving with the tides of world history toward freedom. To present a story to which we all know the ending as nevertheless an edge-of-your-seat tale of twists and turns requires a masterful historian and writer. That's exactly Mr. McPherson. Read more
Review:Black Girl Magic! This book is simply beautiful! The content and illustrations are simply beautiful! I loved it so much that I ordered three and plan to keep one for myself and I don't even have children yet! Read more