Business & Money

A Beginners Guide to Trading Tools and Tactics - Money Management
A Beginners Guide to Trading Tools and Tactics - Money Management

Review:Excellent book. Andrew keeps it concise and packed with discussion and examples of core concepts necessary to learning the trade. I first listened to it on Audible and immediately knew I'd want the Kindle version for highlighting and note taking. My second read through on Kindle reinforced those key concepts, and because it wasn't 8,000 pages of theory or self-promotion (like many other similar books) I really got a lot out of it. I felt it was certainly worth the time and investment, and I ... Read more

Penny Stocks For Dummies
Penny Stocks For Dummies

Review:This is definitely the book that will help investors in penny stocks pick the right stock and make money. It is easy to read and it contains everything one should know before diving in the world of penny stocks. By following the well defined advice from Mr. Leeds, one can avoid costly mistakes and make his porfolio grow at a tremendous rate. Mr. Peter Leeds is considered the foremost authority in penny stocks in this country and probably in the world. He has lit my lantern on penny stocks with h... Read more

Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future - A Whole New Mind
Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future - A Whole New Mind

Review:Daniel Pink does a fantastic job describing the qualities needed to be successful in the conceptual age that we are currently in. Ironically, Pink uses many analytics to justify active exercise of right-brain senses to accompany typical left-brain dominance. Get ready to realize what you don't know! Read more

Den of Thieves
Den of Thieves

Review:The reviews here give a pretty accurate description of this book. Stewart is a very engaging writer and rarely gets bogged down in irrelevant details or pointless digressions. He is a writer any journalist would want to emulate.

However, the big drawback is that he is too negative and seems and makes it seem that Wall Street serves no function other than to make the richer richer. In fact, junk bonds and hostile takeovers can have significant benefits for the economy. Furthermore, Mil... Read more

and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success - Take Back Your Power
and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success - Take Back Your Power

Review:Amy shares her vulnerability and the steps she took to overcome tremendous challenges in her life. As I read through many of the things on the list I find myself nodding my head over and over as I can identify so closely with much of what she says.

The book includes tips and ideas for overcoming habits that might be holding you back. I was honored to interview Amy on our podcast and find her very authentic and passionate about her work. Read more

The Gulag Archipelago 3 Volumes
The Gulag Archipelago 3 Volumes

Review:This book is exactly what a memoir should be. Solzhenitsyn puts you right in the center of the action, with scenes so vividly sketched that I had nightmares I was in the Gulag myself. This is a good book for any of your friends or loved ones who have recently become enamored with Marxism. It's definitely the "Scared Straight" of the prose world. Read more

Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor - The Wealth and Poverty of Nations
Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor - The Wealth and Poverty of Nations

Review:The author attempts to cover the effects of culture and religion on economic develop from roughly medieval times to the near present, and in most respects does an excellent job. If you have ever wondered by Switzerland prospers while the comparable sized and resource rich Ghana fails, or why China was the leading nation on earth in 1,000 AD and an impoverished mess in 1900, this book will provide good insight.

The author is a little weak in some areas of economics and to fill in the gaps... Read more

and What They Reveal About the Future - The Patterns of History
and What They Reveal About the Future - The Patterns of History

Review:I found this book through a mention in the Economist. I find it very interesting. It is taking a wholistic approach to looking at history and where the "ruling" power happens to be. I recommend it to others. Read more

Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future
Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future

Review:Disclosures: I do not know Mr. Kelly; I have no financial stake in this book; I did buy it from Amazon. The Inevitable is not really inevitable, but is a great discussion of 12 technology trends that Mr. Kelly has identified. Exactly how those will play out remains to be seen. I give the author credit for mentioning some of the downsides of these trends that have shown up in headlines recently. The book was published in 2016; probably written in 2015. So it's not too out of date. I gua... Read more

Capitalism vs. The Climate - This Changes Everything
Capitalism vs. The Climate - This Changes Everything

Review:This is one of the most comprehensive books about how the economy affects our environment I've ever read, as well as very clearly written, with stories about individuals, corporations, governments and movements. Very easy to read, full of information. Read more

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