How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism

ByOlivia Fox Cabane

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Cabane has an interesting subject, but she inflated it too much and therefore diluted it. There was however a couple of gems that reminded me how others experience you. For instance, she takes a Zen / Taoist philosophy of being as much in the present as possible, i.e. without distraction of what you are busy doing. Simply by reigning in your overactive mind and devoting your full attention to anyone gives you more charisma. That and a couple of other helpful bits on how to greet someone, how to receive compliments, and how to listen with your facial expressions... but there are a couple of bits that is too specific to certain cultures.

For instance she says never to interrupt anyone while speaking. It may be true for most of the cultures, but in certain cultures I have found that if you do not "interrupt" you do not seem engaged in the conversation. Furthermore firm handshakes are well received by many western cultures, but not so in Africa. And in Africa, you do not get up for important people when they enter the room. As a sign of respect you remain seated and thus "below" the person. etc

I think the book could have been concentrated in content, and if she wanted to expand, she could have looked at charisma's manifestations in various cultures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m nagle
Incredible book. If you want to improve your social skills or just interact with the world in a more powerful way, this book will show you how. Easy to read and enlightening. Can't recommend it highly enough.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book summarized a lot of the literature about body language and how impressions are made on other people. For those of us who think that what we say is what is communicated, we would do well to learn the non verbal ways that actually help define our relationships with others.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey mclaughlin
I found this book tremendously useful. I can see where it might be redundant to people who have read a lot of psychology and self-help literature on charisma, but I haven't, and I found it to be a very concise and readable overview. Everything in the book makes sense intuitively, but as someone who learns by analyzing, having a framework for it is very helpful. I can see the stuff in the book in action all around me now.

I really needed this book at this moment in my life, too. I definitely always thought that charisma was in-born, so the idea that I could become more charismatic was what hooked me. It's an intoxicating proposition. (Granted, charisma will always be relative, because power is relative to whoever you're around, but still. It's a hopeful message.) That hook brought me to the message I really needed: that I had to work on my own inner confidence. I thought I was in pretty good shape confidence-wise, but this book smacked me in the face with the realization that I am a glass-half-empty person. Using the techniques Olivia suggests, I'm working on reversing my internal stream of negative self-talk into positive self-talk. I thought in being hard on myself, I was being "realistic" and fair. I've realized that's a bias like any other, not reality, and there's no reason I shouldn't give myself the same benefit of the doubt I do others. It's a simple idea, but I think it's changed my life.

I'd really recommend it to anyone who wants a practical primer on charisma. I think it's possible the intensity of my experience with this book is unusual because I'm undergoing a major life change, but the book is layered in such a way that I think even people who are naturally charismatic could gain some insight into themselves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meet re
I suggest reading it slowly to grasp thoroughly the presented knowledge. It is for once own advantage to know him or her self by nature and that is what this book is about.

A must to read book especially for young generation ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely Fine!
I "help", or give instruction to entrepreneurs regarding many aspects of the manner in which they might increase their business; be more comfortable contacting the correct audience; In addition I've found areas of weakness they perceive, and sadly are correct in this self-assessment. Such areas as how to write a business email - there are tricks to use. How to use the basics of copywriting when corresponding or emailing for business. Then found these same individuals were screaming for someone to help them attract more people - in others words, as I determine they were asking - how do I become more able to talk with people, more conversant, do the 'small talk' game. To which I said - you mean become a charming person? YES!. It will do you little good for me to instruct you, as the gumption necessary to absorb, to make what you are reading your own 'modus operandi' IS within these pages. The cunning, but adroit, the practicality of what she give to you for the inexpensive price of a book, is beyond measure. However, be warned, it is not a 'walk-in-the-park' you now need to go practice, practice, practice and more practice! This learned habit of acting charming will take you far in whatever direction, in whatever field, or possibly with your family. In so doing with your family, and it is a wish you have children who will, yes they WILL naturally adapt much of how you act. Children do do that, you know. Would THAT not be a lovely outcome?
In order to obtain the most benefit from this book of hundreds of charming gems, please read one chapter at a time. Read it, take notes as you will. Now, having read the chapter, absorbed the primary point of that chapter - now work on it. Practice the lesson. then practice the lesson again, again, again.. Then begin to broaden you scope by observing the action discussed in other people you are around, Practice, practice, practice the primary theme of the chapter. When you feel a little confident - great confidence comes after years of practice. Then repeat - read the next chapter - repeat the at least week long process of observe, practice, observe, practice. This way you WILL learn the lesson she so skillfully is teaching you. But, if you choose to read this book of gems as though it is a novel, you have wasted your time. In a month you MAY remember one or two of the primary and well storied themes or points of a chapter. it WILL NOT be yours. And it will be fun! Fun watching yourself learn and watching those l about you, who have not a resource like you have. Watch them go about their bumbling ways and smile for you know what to do in the situation you observe that person in. Furthermore - you too were the bumbling person they now are. It IS fun - I know. i have done it.

This lovely gracious woman, Olivia Fox Cabane, has such a gift for sharing her wisdom, explaining her passion, walking someone thru the not all that easy process. An extraordinarily valuable lessons are held within the covers of this not very llllllarge . But, as I explained- IT WILL WORK. You may not be the next Bill Clinton (politics aside) but you WILL find many areas where, heretofore you were, as is said - 'clueless'. The book is a source for anyone willing to put a bit of polish on how they currently act. It is the 'go-to' book for one wanting to take good ole' Susie here, and revamp her from A - appearance to her Z - zombied, zippered zoot-suit!
A lesson in CHARM - If one believes it is necessary, OR if one was not even aware a certain type behavior, mannerism, style of speaking, avoidable accent,, coveted atyle was attainable - read the book. existed, was in existance - this is the book for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tamara mejia rabell
There are a bunch of books on Charisma out there, most of them are basically charlatanism. Olivia's work is very different: it's insightful, backed by real research, and very applied/practical in nature. I rate it as one of the few top books I read over the years.

I've been always wondering what makes a person charismatic when I met them. After reading this book, I can see looking back on my previous encounters, that these people were in fact, present, powerful in some way and warm towards me. For me, it validates the major finding of this research. The book is full of practical advice on how to come across as present, powerful and warm.

I also took a day-long seminar with Olivia this August.

After seeing her in action, I would highly recommend working with her to anyone, who is facing customers in companies (executives, sales, marketing, bizdev, customer support, etc...). After working with Olivia, I think they would do their job much better.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
evan feltham
This book gave many insightful perspectives , I will open and recognize your standing point
I do recommend this book for many life's situation experience we may not realize
It's not the best charismatic book but it's very helpful to practices on these three point, presence, power, and warmth
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a book everybody should read once in life , I'm buying it as a gift to my family and friends it is very interesting and easy to read and understand and also good with the exercises and practices thanks Olivia
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joey perez
Definitely not your typical self-help mumbo jumbo. Olivia backs up her claims with science, and is open about how and why the techniques in the book work. It's one of my favorite books on state and body language, and one I find myself coming back to time and time again. This book is always on my list when asked for a recommendation. Great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marc brian
The book is well named. Charisma is redefined in practical terms with scientific research to back up what might have been considered "touchy feely" several years ago. The points made are simple yet they take continuous practice. It is also straightforward and very readable. I would recommend it to anyone who relies on interpersonal relationships as part of their job.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate bucci
This book really developed on the idea that anyone can develop Charisma. The author reveals many stories and cases that show that anyone can develop charisma and that it is NOT something people are born with. Just overcoming the fact that charisma isn't innate is very difficult for a lot of people and that is the hardest part. Afterwards, she goes over tips that will help you develop your charisma. This is a great primer on developing a more robust personality and people skills.

Creator of Develop Incredible Charm and Confidence in 7 Days
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison mcfadden
Usable info...that works. Enjoyed doing the recommended exercises. Love her stories which are interspersed throughout the chapters. Plus the research references truly support the fact ... Charisma is attainable for everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rakesh satyal
This book is very readable and enjoyable, and lives up to its promise to teach anyone the basics of what charisma is and how to develop it. The author does a great job of blending relevant research with personal stories. My only quibble is that the exercises are somewhat dry and dull- don't get me wrong, they seem to work, but I think they could be made more engaging.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ivy deluca
This book is very readable and enjoyable, and lives up to its promise to teach anyone the basics of what charisma is and how to develop it. The author does a great job of blending relevant research with personal stories. My only quibble is that the exercises are somewhat dry and dull- don't get me wrong, they seem to work, but I think they could be made more engaging.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think book is written for me, being an engineer at heart this book makes your social skills shine. I felt it really helped me with giving presentations or just interacting with others.
This book makes you aware of all the minute and other intricacies of social interaction. Based on scientific research. Not only that, it gave me clear tools to improve them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa sherrill
The Charisma Myth is a wonderful and inspiring book. For me, charisma is all about connecting with people. This is a how-to-book for using charisma to make those connections, but Olivia Fox Cabane knows that projecting outer charisma is not possible without inner charisma. It's all about integrity and congruence between your inner state and how you are projecting that out to the world. Developing charisma on the inside flows out to the people around you. And that will make and reinforce connections with those people, leading to more positive feelings about yourself, and more charisma. Almost everyone is shy or anxious at least part of the time and this book will help a lot with getting past those feelings.

Fox Cabane reveals a lot about herself and her approach in her reading list that includes books on mindfulness and compassion. She comes across as a very knowledgeable and compassionate teacher. This book is very practical, but it goes well beyond that. It has made me rethink charisma - a great quality that everybody can learn and have fun with.

This is a book that I'll be rereading in the future - often - practice and reinforcement will be fun to help me connect with people.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Have you ever watched someone who is so charismatic that people seem to want to be led by them? Someone who just radiated power and likability? Have you found yourself wishing you had more of what they had? Have you wondered why some people seemed gifted with charisma while others struggle with life and relationships? If you have, you're not alone.
The good news is that, according to the book "The Charisma Myth," by Olivia Fox Carbane, charisma isn't a quality based on genetics, but a set of learned skills. That means that you and I can be just as charismatic as the people we admire in life. This book takes you step-by-step through a process designed to teach you those skills, and make you more charismatic.
As someone who tends to be an introvert, and not naturally disposed to forming deep, meaningful relationships, or even connecting with people in daily life, let me tell you that this works. I have watched it transform the way people react to me as I employ what Olivia teaches. It can transform your business relationships, as well as personal relationships. And this is a great partner book to read alongside John Maxwell's, "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick davis
Olivia Fox Cabane provides not only tips and tricks to convince others to be more impressed by you, but how to be a better human. From the first pages I implemented some of her advice on how to stay present in social interactions, and oddly enough, people commented on how mentally "with it" I was (I space out easily). This was after the first couple of pages.

My life feels a little brighter and my emotions under more control after reading this. Charisma is not just a tool to add to your persuasion armory; implementing her exercises helps you to create more meaningful, longer lasting relationships, while also removing some of the odd taboos we have as adults that keeps us from making new friends.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who feels like they want more long-lasting relationships, whether you're uncomfortable with yourself or the way you interact, or if you're already the Man and you want a refresher course. Cabane has written an excellent guide on how to be human.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
hamed bidi
I was disappointed in this book. I was expecting actual concrete tips, actions to perform, or steps to take to build charisma. Instead, what we got is just an overview on charisma itself plus a rehash of earlier well known advice.

90% of this book describes "what is charisma" and examples of charismatic figures from the past. She talks about Bill Clinton a lot, for example, and how he left everyone he talked to feeling like a million bucks. But aside from "take interest in people," there's little actual "how" on the subject. Same for the Dalai Lama and Hitler. She also spends a ton of time talking about her clients and seminars - the books comes across like an ad for the author's services. At times I wondered if it was filler space because she couldn't come up with actual mastery tips.

What advice there is was already covered by the 1936 book "How to Make Friends and Influence People." Which boils down to: be friendly, show interest in other people, drop your ego, and smile. In other words, you make more friends by being interested in other people than in trying to get other people to be interested in you. There's really not much new here.

Finally, I want to add that I heard better advice from the author herself during an interview about this book, than I got from the book itself: stare like a lover, stand like a gorilla, talk like a preacher. No where in the book is it summarized like this, and no where in the book does it describe what exactly these mean or how to accomplish them (how do you stand like a gorilla without... looking like a gorilla?).

I'd recommend looking elsewhere if you want practical advice. Otherwise it's a good read if you want a general overview of charismatic people.
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