The 5+50+100 Rule for Turning Your Business Network into Profits

ByJudy Robinett

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica hopkins
You know a book is a standout when, while reading, you find yourself constructing a list of people you plan to gift it to. How to Be a Power Connector is a game changer that both inspires and educates the reader to master what I believe to be one of the most undervalued and intimidating aspects of business; networking. Like the book’s author, I never saw myself as a networker, but have been fortunate to work with some great networker/connector types over the course of my career. Networking is now centric to all that I do and I can say with confidence that How to Be a Power Connector has earned itself a permanent place on my desk. I have numerous sales and business development centric portfolio companies, not to mention former and current colleagues, friends, and family members who I will be sending this book to over the coming weeks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melody warnick
Life changing book! I’ve never known how to network, not because I didn’t know how to talk to people and ask open-ended questions, but because I didn’t like the feeling that I was using them. Judy’s excellent book changed my perspective, giving me “permission” to just relate to people without every interaction being a “sales call.”

With practical steps and a clear explanation of “why,” How to Be a Power Connector has opened a whole new world to me of seeking how to help others, especially through connecting them to each other for their mutual benefit. It’s almost become a sport to find people with needs I would have never thought of being able to help them with, then looking for someone I know who can help.

The section on being in the right room is worth the price of the book alone. Seems obvious once you think about it, but sadly, too much time is wasted talking to the wrong people for what you need.

I bought both the Kindle and versions of the book and highly recommend them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the tj
I found Judy through a article while learning more about how people grow their business through connecting with others. I can tell you from personal experience, Judy practices what she preaches. Within a day of taking her advice, my path changed immediately into a direction I would have never dreamed. After my interaction with her, I had to learn more and downloaded her book. The book is easy listening (I have the audible version), informative and well structured. Judy shares numerous personal examples and strategies to help you learn how to organize your social capital and to use it as an extraordinary resource in a way that is most beneficial for you...but it also stresses the importance of how, as a super/power connector, you have the opportunity to add value to other's lives in the process. I am so glad I found Judy Robinett and her book and I highly recommend it.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've known the author of this book, Judy Robinett, for several years now and have been absolutely amazed and inspired (and personally helped) by her ability to connect individuals, open doors, offer just the right mentoring tip, and help people build bridges that create great success and reward. She truly lives and breathes what it is to be of service through strategic, thoughtful and effective connecting and supporting others' dreams. A true expert and teacher, Judy offers powerful inside secrets, tips and strategies that go far beyond traditional (and ineffective) "networking" advice, for anyone who wants to break through to the next level of success. But more importantly, you'll learn to overcome your hesitations and anxieties (and overwhelm) about how to connect with people who will help you. Following her recommendations, you'll finally understand how to strategically streamline and manage your networking endeavors so that all parties gain and grow. A MUST-READ for your career success.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tadzio koelb
I never understood why anyone collected copious numbers of business cards from people. I know people who believe they are good connectors because they have drawers full off business cards, but that is like saying you are a rock star because you sing on Karaoke nights. Just because you have someone’s business card doesn’t mean that the person on that card will answer or return your phone call. It has never been about the numbers, but it has always been about the quality of your relationships.
“How To Be A Power Connector,” is a guide to build a “Quality Network,” and by that I mean a group of people who answer their phones when you call and ask you, “How can I help?” For over 20 years I have watched Judy connect with people at a level that is markedly different that the typical relationship. She gives you the roadmap to build your relationships, your career, your book of business, or your clientele. This is not another book on how to work a room. Honestly, you are in the wrong room. She explains how to get to the right people at the right time.
As an added bonus is the free app she is offering to help you get to the next level. Thanks to the generosity of Mike Muhney of VIPorbit, you now have the tool to organize your connections in a meaningful way. This pairing of Judy’s roadmap and VIPorbit is phenomenal. What a gift this is!!!
This is a must read for anyone who needs people…and nothing happens without people!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison lyons
For every tough situation there is a person with the solution. This book will not only show you how to find and connect with that person but it will also show you how to create value for everyone involved so that as you are expanding and improving your network, you are helping others do the same.

How to Be a Power Connector is based in integrity and provides practical steps anyone can implement. It's very rare that a book can positively affect people in all walks of life the way this one does. If everyone practiced the lessons taught in this book, the world would be a healthier and happier place. This is a book I am sure I will read many many more times and I am recommending it to everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As an avid business connector and relational expert, I was curious about what I would learn from Judy's book...I COULD not put this book down. Judy identified what I am unconsciously competent at...and then puts a checklist to it. Absolutely incredible. Buy this will learn the inside scoop of how to build great relationships and turn relationships into revenue!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Judy has been a part of the ongoing revolution in which many women leave the confines of their homes and dare to become a small part of the movers and shakers in the world. I especially love the chapter on supporting women to continue this movement.
Connecting with people, for me, is one of the most undervalued and intimidating aspects of my life. Judy has both inspired and educated me, making this book a brilliant game changer. She unlocks the powerful secrets, tips, and strategies that have guided her successes, providing key insights into both the journey and the benefit of forging true relationships. She redefines what it means to be a power connector, teaching you a critical life skill that will both help your career and assure you have a well-lived life. The tools she offers are efficient and effective. This is absolutely an incredible breakthrough. It has become a gift to my children and grandchildren. I wish I had this profound and important book when I was young. Brilliant!

Honestly, this book should be required reading across every ecosystem - how the world would change if everyone acted on the lessons found in the book. Cooperation among people would increase exponentially. With today's social-media and global environment she walks you through turning your 100+ Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter contacts into meaningful connections. When your approach is sincere and it's about others and not you, you become a power connector. I became a part of Judy's mosaic of connections a few years ago. She immediately reached out to one of my sons, teaching him how important networking is, and never gave up on me – even though I tend to be a recluse.
And to all the baby boomers who are writing the third act of their story, use this script for your next successful journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
phiruzi kasad
You may think that networking is about the old boys network only, meet to gain from others. You may think that gathering as much followers, friends, connections and likes on social media networks really make up your network. How strong are your networks? Can you call on your key contacts to help, guide, advise, and introduce? Dubbed as super-networker or the woman with the titanium Rolodex - though she's well-aware of modern variants such as Outlook, ConstantContact, LinkedIN and Twitter - has learned a lot in her 30+ years as venture capitalist, consultant and entrepreneur. She's learnt much too from Adam Grant's latest book Give & Take on the importance of giving.
Robinett divides her network in 5 critical connections (spouse and family), 50 vital connections with whom she's contact every month, and 100 important other contacts to be in contact with every quarter to a year. A total of around 150 relationships you're "only" able maintain over time, as Robin Dunbar proved in 1993. Out of the many "contacts" you have, you'll need to filter the relations you will nurture and pursue. Diversity in your network is important, so reach beyond colleagues, like minded and just family and friends. Add value to each contact. Share knowledge, connect people, show genuine engagement and attention, first give. Your authority as a resource, a connector of people will grow in time and pay off in the end. Robinett has lots of powerful stories of business won, relationships established and wonderful connections made, thanks to a severe system to manage her contacts.
The book contains practical insights on the usage of social media platforms, how to approach people in conferences or networking events, follow-up within 24 hours of each contact / request. Thanking people, offering help en seeding conversations with information about the other's interests and needs. Also important are the eagerness to learn from the other and simply asking who you should talk to. Great, practical for everyday use!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
constance lapsati
If you ever find it hard to overcome your shyness and reach out in authentic and confident ways, Judy Robinett’s “How to Be a Power Connector” has the potential to transform your relationships and career. This practical and inspiring guide will help you change your strategies in order to add value to your own life as well as the lives of others. Be prepared to see networking as enjoyable and generous, as well as profitable. An essential book for anyone looking to expand their sphere of influence and enjoy the process. I was honored to be quoted in Judy’s book, as she’s the real deal in networking and someone we can all learn from.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tony lauro
This is a very insightful book. Basiclly a step by step guide of how to organize, manage and create contacts. I've read a few reviews about how Mrs. Robinett name drops too much and I wonder if those people realize that this is a book about connecting thus name dropping creates credibility. If you were reading a book about how to be a quarterback you would assume that the author was a good quarterback then when you read there stats and they were great, you wouldn't say oh they are just bragging, you would say oh they know what they are talking about. My assumition is that Mrs. Robinett's name dropping is like quoting her stats. I don't what to learn how to connect from someone that doesn't know anyone, I want to learn how to connect from someone that has 10 billionaires in their rolex. I know a billionaire, they are very difficult to get next to let alone willing to take your calls. Here's the deal, buy the book, read the book, apply the book then leave your review. Her ideas work, period.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carlos benjamin
As a speaker and writer, I’ve always known that networking was important, but I’m not sure I understood how important and/or how to do it effectively without feeling like I was “asking” or “nagging” someone for something.

This book changed my perspective.

The author, Judy Robinett, proposes three golden questions to help increase our network and, subsequently, our “net worth”: How can I help you? What other ideas do you have for me? Who else do you know that I should talk to?

Please notice the first question, where the bulk of our time should be spent, is about asking how we can help others. I love that! Without meaning to, I have been asking others to help me, without building and nurturing a relationship with them and seeing how I can help them first. This is a simple, yet profound concept.

I also appreciate Judy’s commitment to women in business, and her personal, yet logical and structured methodology. Her concepts are incredibly helpful, relatable and clear.

This book has positive implications not only for our businesses and interpersonal relationships… but for our world. What if we all took time to ask how we can help others, before asking how they can help us?

Jessica Stollings
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Book about Relationship Building!

Many of you have asked me for advice on how to find investors, advisers and new staff.

This new book by Judy Robinett (one of the people in the U.S. that are considered #powerconnectors) is the best book on “networking” that I have ever read.

This is NOT your typical networking book (I hesitate to even use the word networking). The book is NOT filled with trite witticisms and unfounded assertions about what one must do to be connected.

Judy Robinett has written a book on relationships: how to create them, build upon them and make them meaningful and enduring. She brings new meaning and insight to the oft quoted (but seldom followed) advice “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want” (for those sales aficionados, the advice is from the late Zig Ziglar – he would love this book). She doesn't just define relationships; she provides specific and actionable methods (with great examples) that will be beneficial to everyone.

Ms. Robinett clearly shows that what most of us think about networking is backwards. Most people approach networking from the perspective of what’s in it for them. This is not because they intend to be evil or deceptive, but because they are misinformed. No one knows everything – there is just too much to know. We all need quality relationships make things better and to get things done. If everyone acted on the lessons that are found in Ms. Robinett’s book, cooperation among people would increase exponentially and there would be no limit to what could be accomplished by individuals and businesses around the world. 5 STARS! Once again, whatever Judy says – do it. Read the book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael kriegshauser
This book really inspired me to be a better person with my immediate family, friend, and business relationships. I purchased the audiobook and I have been replaying it over and over again in my car because there is so much good info to learn. It inspired me to re-think my linked in account and remodel my real estate business plan. It gives a wealth of information on how to's as well as what not to do. I highly recommend! I am now on to her next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Judy Robinett talks about why networking hasn’t worked for you in the past, changes the perspective of networking to connecting and helps you understand how to be successful. I no longer dread the next networking event and would have never thought I would look forward to them as much as I do now. It's no longer about the card collection, it's about the connections.

The author will help you see that a concept all too often missed is the value of business and personal relationships and how to utilize those relationships. There is real power in helping others and removing the “what’s in it for me” mentality. People do business with people they like; it’s human nature.

I found this book an enjoyable read with a step-by-step guide on how to deepen existing relationships and cultivate new ones. I am a Sales Professional who strives to continue to grow professionally and strengthen my skills. With so many different books on networking I found a new perspective on connecting. The book is refreshing, enlightening and well worth the time.

I have and will continue to refer this book to everyone as I feel it not only benefits in my business life by also my personal. I want to share the success I have seen from it with others and know you will find the same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a must read for anyone interested in learning the art of building authentic, powerful, and profitable relationships. The author’s system is elegant, easy to understand, and equally easy to execute. The book walks you through the stages of relationship building and provides powerful strategies for generating extensive value through those relationships. I was so impressed with the win-win nature of this book that I immediately recommended it to all of my business associates. Living in an intensely connected world, this book should be an essential addition to everyone’s personal library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda sharp
As a recent college graduate, I can honestly say that this is a life-changing book. It’s not just a book that you read one time and put away, but rather a book that you will always keep by your side for reference throughout different stages of your professional career. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, I believe you will find valuable information and tools that you can utilize to step-change your ability to connect with the RIGHT people. She explains the concept of valuing quality before size when building networks as well as how to do so strategically. I find myself in many important situations and my mind immediately pulls anecdotes from her book to help guide me. Based on what I learned from this book, I was able to meet the CTO of my Fortune 500 company as well as set up lunch meetings with key influencers to accomplish goals.

One of my favorite quotes is “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” This book explains critical concepts very simply. It is written in a way that allows readers to easily begin implementing the concepts after reading. It would behoove anyone trying to maximize their effectiveness to purchase this book. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone looking to grow on both a professional and personal level in order to accomplish all of his or her goals. I cannot wait for her next book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Incredibly enlightening!

The entire first 40 years of life prepared me for networking – I was raised a military brat, joined the military, married into the military. It seems that until now I failed to account for the foundational knowledge and experience I have as a networker and connector. As I read Chapter 1, page 35 – The Personal Value of Strategic Relationships – the sentence: ‘Your network represents you, and you represent it’, I had an instant flashback to the many times I moved to a new state, or even a new country and was instantly ‘in the know’ about everything from the Base Commander on down – all this due to my status as an elite Airman of The Year, female Jet Engine Mechanic journeyman.

Fast forward to the last 10 years spent in State government. Finding out (as succinctly written on page xiii of the Introduction) … ‘I want to save the world; but sadly, I found out that the world really doesn’t want to be saved…’ BAM! I’m AWAKE now!!

How to be a Power Connector; by the time I reached page 43 of Chapter 1 my future is altered. I have asked the first two questions that I am on a quest to answer so I can become a Power Connector. Those two questions: 1) What do I have of value? 2) What do I want to have happen?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann wang
Judy Robinett's book provides key insights into both the journey and the benefit of forging true relationships.

The WHY. While from a big picture level the concept may seem simple, in reality many of us view a network as something to be "tapped" versus worthy of investment. Robinett clearly outlines why we should consider truly connecting with people--which entails approaching relationships with sincere interest and being thoughtful and proactive in how we invest in those relationships.

The HOW. In addition to outlining the "why", Robinett explains the "how". She covers how to create connections, build upon them and then nurture them--so that they are increasingly beneficial to everyone involved. Robinett discusses how to think strategically and form relationships with high-value individuals, as well as how to become a problem-solver in your network. Plus, it is important to note that she does so in a way that can be useful to anyone.

The AUTHENTICITY. On a personal note, I especially appreciate that Judy's advice is authentic to who she is as a person, and now as a writer. Several years ago I became a part of Judy's mosaic of connections, as a direct result of her practicing concepts in this book. She's the real deal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am fortunate to know Judy Robinett personally (in fact I've profiled her in a column and now that her book is premiering I look forward to writing about her again). Her book is easy to read and a fun way to learn new connector skills that can put your life and career into turbo charge. Like many have observed, Judy shares her connections and relationships freely, which I consider one of the great marks of her growing success. Judy Robinett is a person who attracts great people, and I am delighted to count her as one of my very great friends. This book is a must have for everyone with an interest in learning how to forge new connections with others and how to make their connected relationships great.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a natural connector, this book brought increased value to me as it outlined a 'system' for my networking. As with anything, if you have a system you get greater results. The author helped me to rethink my networking activities, reminded me to have a plan and lead with intention. I like books that help me rethink my activities for greater productivity and I picked several tips in this one. The book highlighted to consider the people we spend time with and to determine if we are increasing in knowledge and skill within our networks. The author emphasized the need to connect "upward" as well as sideways. I embraced the authenticity of this book as the author wrote with a genuine origin and outlined a strategy that anyone can implement for greater business results and lasting relationships. I plan to give this book to some high school and college graduates this year.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wicaksono wicaksono
Power Connector is a GAME CHANGER. A book like this needed to be written. We have all heard the adage, "It doesn't matter what you know it matters who you know." This book shows you how to "know" the right people. Judy's 5+50+100 rule will transform your roledex and business. I have read the book and have had the opportunity to meet with Judy about different strategies and she is the real deal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of my six keys to building a successful career is "Focus on building relationships". Judy Robinett's book gives you the strategies and tactics to acccomplish that in a way that is professional as well as comfortable for anyone. Mastering what Judy teaches has the potential to put your career light years ahead. In my business of helping people connect with jobs, education, and self employment, it is all about relationships with people. People hire people; they always have and always will. So great networking and relationship building skills is paramount to success. I love the ideas about mapping your network and connecting with the right ecosystems. Judy practices what she preaches also. I reached out to her on LinkedIn and she connected with me and the first thing she did was offer to make a connection without me asking. Wow! This book definitely moves into my top five books for personal and professional success. Thanks Judy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Even though I am an extrovert and consider myself to be good at connecting with others, I learned a lot from reading this book. Networking is a necessary skill to have yet we are never really 'taught' how to do it. This book will help you learn techniques that you can begin applying right away. I will definitely being referring back to this book and recommending it to others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ted hovey
I met Judy only once and instantly liked her. She was authentic and kind. She offered to be helpful, and I knew she meant it. In a way, I was confused. Most people just aren't like this. So I was thrilled to hear she wrote this book. I knew it would help me learn to "copy" her behavior.

And let me tell you, it is a phenomenal guide. First, because it makes networking fun (typically something I hate) and also not a chore. When you are doing something because you believe in it, or the person, it isn't work. For me the biggest lesson was that I truly have something to offer others. I've been successful, by never sure how to tap that for networking. Also, I like a quant approach: the "top 5, key 50, vital 100" ranking helped me start to hold myself accountable. Throw some metrics around the networking and it starts to get real.

I got a lot out of this book, dog-eared it up, and have been out using its suggestions. Read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yves hanoulle
My own career has focused on relationship-building and focus, as I am the Co-Founder & Co-Inventor of ACT! software. I've read many "how to" networking books in my career and after reading Judy's book I can truly tell you that it doesn't get any better than this. Practical, insightful, down-to-earth and extremely useful barely begins to describe a fresh and meaningful perspective on how to see people, how to treat people, and how to win with people. Don't even begin to think that you already know how, because after you read this you'll realize that Judy provided a dimension of common sense that is exceptionally uncommon, practical, and applicable that you'll wish that she had written this long before now. Don't waste a moment, put your smartphone down, stop playing games, and order this book now. I promise you will not regret it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tala mhni
This book could change your life. Make the time to invest in reading and implementing its principles.

The author leads us through her unique, powerful plan for systematically and strategically building networks that can actually do something. It isn't enough to collect a long list of acquaintances on LinkedIn; Robinett tells readers how to build a powerful network to help you change the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Even though I am an extrovert and consider myself to be good at connecting with others, I learned a lot from reading this book. Networking is a necessary skill to have yet we are never really 'taught' how to do it. This book will help you learn techniques that you can begin applying right away. I will definitely being referring back to this book and recommending it to others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I met Judy only once and instantly liked her. She was authentic and kind. She offered to be helpful, and I knew she meant it. In a way, I was confused. Most people just aren't like this. So I was thrilled to hear she wrote this book. I knew it would help me learn to "copy" her behavior.

And let me tell you, it is a phenomenal guide. First, because it makes networking fun (typically something I hate) and also not a chore. When you are doing something because you believe in it, or the person, it isn't work. For me the biggest lesson was that I truly have something to offer others. I've been successful, by never sure how to tap that for networking. Also, I like a quant approach: the "top 5, key 50, vital 100" ranking helped me start to hold myself accountable. Throw some metrics around the networking and it starts to get real.

I got a lot out of this book, dog-eared it up, and have been out using its suggestions. Read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My own career has focused on relationship-building and focus, as I am the Co-Founder & Co-Inventor of ACT! software. I've read many "how to" networking books in my career and after reading Judy's book I can truly tell you that it doesn't get any better than this. Practical, insightful, down-to-earth and extremely useful barely begins to describe a fresh and meaningful perspective on how to see people, how to treat people, and how to win with people. Don't even begin to think that you already know how, because after you read this you'll realize that Judy provided a dimension of common sense that is exceptionally uncommon, practical, and applicable that you'll wish that she had written this long before now. Don't waste a moment, put your smartphone down, stop playing games, and order this book now. I promise you will not regret it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martijn heemskerk
This book could change your life. Make the time to invest in reading and implementing its principles.

The author leads us through her unique, powerful plan for systematically and strategically building networks that can actually do something. It isn't enough to collect a long list of acquaintances on LinkedIn; Robinett tells readers how to build a powerful network to help you change the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Judy's willingness to share proven secrets on how she's turned traditional networking on its head in ways that have greatly benefited people in her network (ultimately strengthening her own network) just shows how much she believes in becoming an asset to your peers by simply being aware, and how readers should too. It's not even about I'll first scratch your back and then you scratch mine; it's about connecting people with other people that can help them, which naturally has the serendipitous effect of creating advocates for yourself. She also explains the importance of leveraging abundance into profitability.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
warren berger
I have been passionate about networking for a long time now, and have read many books on the subject. I even spend time trying to teach best practices in networking to others. And I have to say this book is by far one of the BEST I have read on the subject. I was surprised how much I gained out of it in terms of new perspectives and how spotted that I was actually holding myself back by some of my own networking practices. The most impactful elements for me were 1) making sure "I'm in the right room" and not just connecting "at my own level", and 2) the idea of connecting with people in different ecosystems in order to expand the value of your entire network.

I listened to the audiobook twice and the narrator also does an excellent job with the pacing of the book.

Well worth the read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer casey
Judy Robinett facilitates tremendous insight into something we are all capable of doing with tremendous effectiveness, connecting! In this practical and relevant read for anyone who wants to fully utilize their connections to grow their business and profits, you'll get rid of all your barriers to reaching out. I especially love how Judy makes it all about "adding value". Seen this way, How to Be A Power Connector shifts thinking from what you can get from others to how you can assist them. There is no question that when your approach is sincere and it's about them not you, you become a power connector!. Great read whether you are just starting out or in the mature phase of your business or career. Both my college kids are getting a copy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danay wright
Judy Robinett has written a wonderful book for anyone with ambition. Her book outlines the value and steps to strategic relationships, while always returning to the theme of connecting authentically. It is by creating relationships and friendships that true exponential growth and connection happens and Judy's book breaks that down in a clear and concise fashion. This book is honest and forthright about how to build a network, but always from a place of respect and partnership. This is THE business book for people who want to be powerful and ethical - to live the best life possible while enriching those around them. Ambition and service co-exist in Judy Robinett's world in the best possible way. She offers a path for personal success with meaning, something we should all aspire to reach.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hind boodai
I would highly recommend this book for anyone in business as well as a great guide for your personal life. The book is filled with so many useful tips that can have a positive impact on your life. In this book, Judy shows you the real power of a network and that networking is so much more than attending events and exchanging business cards. The tips she shares in this book can have an immediate impact on your business, life and career as it shows you the power of people and that all success really comes through other people. I would strongly recommend this book for entrepreneurs and small business owners, as well as large corporations who need to motivate a sales team, management staff or grow your business. In particular if you are startup or small business owner, this book provides so many tips on networking that will positively impact your business. I am sure it will be a #1 best seller!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I haven’t written many reviews, but felt compelled to write one for this book. I have read many business related books, and this is one of the best. If you’re looking for a “system” to help grow your network and your business, read this book. Judy’s approach to developing relationships is professional, sincere and very applicable in today’s marketplace. It doesn’t matter whether you’re just starting out, or are a networking veteran. This is a must for your library. It’s not a purchase. It’s an investment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a priceless gift from Judy Robinett to society in general, not just for business people. The truth is that only by connecting with other people can we make our vision to serve society become a reality. We are never alone, but interconnected! Judy teaches how to go about effectively connecting with others so that gifts we bring to this world are received by others, and likewise, the gifts others bring to this world are received by us. A powerful and timely book for me personally, as I grow into the life work as a social entrepreneur in the children's healthcare sector. I expect this book to become a classic in human relationships and networking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
florenta jafri
I thought I was great at networking. Then I read Judy's book and it gave me so much insight as to what I was missing in my connections. I love the idea of identifying who I need in my network and really understanding my assets. Her book made me realize what I was lacking in my network. I highly recommend for learning how to make more meaningful relationships, both within and and outside your network.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been waiting for this book to become available and it lives up to my expectations!! Each reader who's eyes read the powerful notes of Judy's words will greatly benefit from taking the time to read this.
You'll learn about "ecosystems" "strategic networking" and the importance of being in the "right room". Judy's connecting wisdom is a must have for every professional that want's to go big, move fast and powerfully connect our way to profits.
Raising my glass to you Judy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andy huffaker
If you think you are not made for networking, the author explains why it is necessary to make an effort and how you too can overcome your inhibitions and build a thriving network to advance your career and help others.
She helps you think strategically and form relationships with high-value individuals. She discusses how you should nurture these important relationships and become a problem-solver in your network.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lori robinson
Reading Judy's book, How to Be a Power Connector has become the most common sense, creative and skillful way to leverage the people already in my network that you also may have assumed you couldn't access! As a business owner celebrating my 20th year in business this month, I wish I had this knowledge the day I started my company. In a few short days I have had explosive success since reading this great book. In "assuming" the power I have in my circles and ability to connect and be connected, I am "Power Connecting"! Look out! Thank you Judy. I recommend that every entrepreneur and business leader read this book ASAP.

matina (tina) koronis koester , president (dpi) digital partners incorporated
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great Read!!! The big benefit of your book for me is that it gives me clear actionable steps to take in order to significantly improve the results of my connecting through networking efforts. I have heavily pursued the education and experience; but have been a little lax in the networking area. Your work has helped to increase my clarity, when it comes to actionable steps, in the area of connecting. As a result, I realize that it is a matter of persistent application and follow through. I especially enjoyed the, “5+50+100 Rule.” You provide not only the “why” but the “how,” as well. Thank You, Judy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
skyla collier
Loved it!
Judy Robinett has translated her own pathway to success into a trail that just about any of us can follow.
Concise and thorough, Judy speaks plainly and from the heart to lay out a practical framework for developing a powerful network of allies and friends.
Numerous quotes and real-world success stories from her own life and those of other high achievers give her ideas weight and make for a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought the Audible version of the book and just loved listening to it on my commute. The author offers clear advice that is easy to follow, and backs it up with academic research that is both interesting and insightful. Almost 5 years ago I moved to the US and had to build my network from scratch. I didn't have the benefit of childhood friends or family connections. Ms. Robinett's advice has been especially helpful to me. I recommend the book to anyone who is serious about building meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leonardo olmos
I have known Judy as a business partner and friend for over 2 years and I can say that over that time, on countless occasions, I have seen her live the lessons she teaches in the book. I have also used her strategies in my own life and they have produced valuable results for my life and my business. This book is fantastic because it is so easy to read and so practical in its approach. Reading this book is like having lunch with Judy while she shows you exactly how you can build connection and solve problems in your business and your life... and most importantly, in a way that is true and authentic to who you are. I say again, this it totally different from a "networking" book. The teachings here are the culmination of her life's work and have never been more relevant in the age of social media. Judy has been a social media strategist since before that was a common job title! Whether you are an entrepreneur, a government official, a homemaker, a community organizer, a parent, a business executive or student, this is a book that will have lasting benefits in your life. Invest in yourself and your happiness and read this book.

Thank you so much Judy for sharing your wisdom with the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jahangir gilani
Judy Robinett walks her talk. I connected with her and was intrigued to read her book. I'm impressed by how Judy exemplifies what she writes about, and to see her in action is inspiring. In "How to Be a Power Connector" she shares her secrets on how to reach anybody to get the information and resources you need to achieve your goals. They work. Read this book, you'll be happy and more successful for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex feinman
FIRST sentence I read in this book--on the jacket--was a complete "aha" and is changing the way I do business: "Contact your top 5 connections daily."

I teach hundreds of students each year at a top-ranked national business school, and I am now including Judy's advice in my curriculum.

In today's social-media, global environment where "it's not what you know but who you know," this could be one of the most important books you will ever read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina duval
Want to find out how strategic your current relationships are? Check out Power Connector. Judy has demystified networking and redefined what it means to be a power connector, breaking down how anyone can crack the networking code. This is one of the best how-to guides for building deep, strategic relationships that create value immediately and over time. And the best part, it’s a fun, authentic read with excellent examples, stories and methods that give anyone, from anywhere, the tools needed to become a Power Connector.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a game changer for anyone interested in making deep and significant connections. Judy Robinett presents insightful brilliance with meticulously framed actionable steps. Her altruistically oriented "give first" system represents a welcomed change from the oft-suggested manipulative "what can I get from you" networking strategies. Her work has helped me understand the counter-intuitive nature of having 1000 LinkedIn connections without having real connectedness. This book is a must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It gives me comfort and encouragement to know that if a farm girl from Idaho can have this much impact and influence that I can too. Being a woman, I also loved the female perspective. Connecting with people is not my first choice, but Judy has illustrated how important relationships are.
Judy Robinett is an entrepreneur and business professional who has taken "Power Connecting" to the next level.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I originally bought this book to help someone else out who's having trouble finding the right connections to sell products. As it turns out, Judy's book not only provided great insight into my original goal but it's going to help tremendously in my line of business. I particularly like Judy's distinction between networking and connecting. I highly recommend this book to those that aren't well connected but would like to change and even to those that feel they are well connected. There is much to learn from Judy's experience!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a natural introvert and someone who networks daily, Judy's book is an amazing manual for success. She clearly articulates the many ways in which networking is critical for all types of people, and she outlines very clear systems and strategies to make it painless, successful and fun! I'd recommend this to anyone thinking about starting to network, or anyone who is already a power networker and looking to become more effective and more organized with their relationships and contacts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandra conde souto
I received Judy Robinetts audio book two weeks ago, and have already listened to it twice! I love it! It has already been a game changer for me, Through her perceptive and clear descriptions and stories she's given me the tools and understanding to take my talents....and fly! My "stranger danger fears", have dissolved, and transformed into the revelation that adding value, helping people, creates true bonds that can be
mutually beneficial and fun and prosperous for all.
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