Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible

ByDietrich Bonhoeffer

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brookebooks is committed to providing each customer with the highest standard of customer service and I found this to be very true with my purchase of Bonhoffer's Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible. The source is highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
misty garcia
Very insightful and encouraging - practical use of the Psalms for daily prayer. This is a practice I have been doing. It is a pleasure to read Dietrich Bonhoeffer's own words - how I would love to have know him. He had much to teach us about loving God.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
emma deans
If you are purchasing this book thinking that it would be a wonderful resource for daily reflection on the psalms think twice. This is a general book about classification and history of the psalms. It basically has nothing about Bonhoeffers commentaries on the psalms. I am going to ask for a refund.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher hart
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life was one of total commitment to knowing God and seeking to find His perfect will in all situations. Living through Nazi Germany created conflict of obeying a national leadership that was in opposition to the Holy Scriptures. His realization of the Psalms being the prayer book of the Bible provided him with great discernment. This small book is very powerful and thought provoking, and gives a new meaning to the need to read, and pray the Psalms daily.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gavin owens
dietrich bonhoeffer was very much a pastor it seems, but a pastor with a gift for making theology a practical reality even more than beautiful theory. this devotional guide ties the psalms together as a deep voice of prayer for christians because the psalms are our Lord's prayers for and with us. brilliant and concise, but most of all, encouraging.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teri harman
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was an amazing teacher, pastor, preacher and writer. His short book on the Psalms is an excellent resource for anyone in need of comfort, encouragement or reassurance. His life and confidence in God were lived out in all that he did and believed. Recommend this work for any believer, seeker or pastor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible
Though a small book in size, a powerful presentation of prayer in various settings. Additionally, for those who perhaps stumble around about prayer, Bonhoeffer blesses such that the relationship with God is personal and precious. The power of Bonhoeffer's witness reminds one that we live a privileged life. Christians ought to have this in their library for rereading and rereading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A small but compact book of the Psalms categorized according to the various types and authors and giving descriptions of each.
An excellent guide to reading the 150 Psalms with a better understanding of their meaning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
arun sankaran
my mistake. I should have read more information before ordering this book I was very surprised at the size of it for the cost of $10.00. Would have returned it but thought it would be more costly than keeping.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
george farrah
Some critical information is worth highlighting to the unsuspecting prospective buyer:
First, the book is roughly half the size of a normal book. So its 78 pages of content is equivalent to about 34 pages of a normal sized book. Second, 20 of its 78 pages are devoted to a short biography of Bonhoeffer. Third, there is no exegesis on the individual Psalms. Forth, much of the information in the book is available free in the internet.
In short, one is getting about 24 normal sized pages of general comments on Psalms and 10 normal sized pages of Bonhoeffer biography, much of which is available in the internet.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tim princeton
I was very disappointed with the book. The title gave a different idea about the book's content. It was actually my fault for not doing more research before buying the book. I assumed by the title that this was a book that contained the Psalms but instead it is about how to pray and interpret the Psalms. Not what I was looking for at all
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this beautiful little book, Bonhoeffer guides the Christian to the Scriptures for lessons in how to pray. He affirms that the Lord's Prayer is the primary prayer of the Christian, which he asserts contains every prayer that a Christian ought to pray. Bonhoeffer also makes a startling but wise claim that jolts us out of the narrowness of our focus in prayer: "The richness of the Word of God ought to determine our prayer, not the poverty of our heart." Thus we find the book of Psalms to be a rich treasury of prayers that are part of God's inspired word, and therefore a true place to learn how God would have us pray.
The book proceeds to give some general background on the history and use of the Psalms as the prayer book of the Bible. In the main part of the book he presents one possible system of categorizing the Psalms according to their petitions, and also points out that they can be organized according to the petitions of the Lord's Prayer. But the most valuable part of the book, in my opinion, is how he shows us how the Psalms are to be prayed in Christ, of whom the Psalms also testify (Luke 24:44). As Bonhoeffer says, "It is the incarnate Son of God, who has borne every human weakness in his own flesh, who here pours out the heart of all humanity before God, and who stands in our place and prays for us."
This is a fine book for the devotional/prayer life of the Christian.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liz price
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, hung by the Nazis for his principled resistance to perversion of Christian life, leads us through the themes and value of psalms. These song-prayers, brought forth from thousands of years of human longing for connection with God, are just as powerful in their meaning of human life, today. Use this tiny volume as a study guide to psalm themes for better prayer life.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
angela jacobs
This is one of those good books that actually treat the Psalms for what they are: prayers. Many introductions and commentaries neglect this, treating the Psalms as though they were history, instruction or whatever. While history, instruction and a lot else is in the Psalms, their primary purpose is that we may pray after God, speaking His words back to Him.

The best introduction to the Psalms is probably to begin praying them, perhaps with the help of a good prayer book. But if someone's really green, this book will provide an understanding of the different types of Psalms, different human authors within the Psalmnody, and an overview of some of the difficulties we perceive within the Psalms.

My big complaint with the book is Bonhoeffer's occasional over-emphasis on his perceived need to pray (using the Psalms in this case) against an also-perceived wrath of God. This reflects an unfortunate -- in my opinion -- emphasis, one likely stemming from his Lutheran background. But it's a relatively minor issue with the book.

This book is a quick (it could easily be finished in an hour), easy read. The book's also divided into sections which could be used as subjects for daily meditation or for a series of classes.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
philip benmore
This is one of those good books that actually treat the Psalms for what they are: prayers. Many introductions and commentaries neglect this, treating the Psalms as though they were history, instruction or whatever. While history, instruction and a lot else is in the Psalms, their primary purpose is that we may pray after God, speaking His words back to Him.

The best introduction to the Psalms is probably to begin praying them, perhaps with the help of a good prayer book. But if someone's really green, this book will provide an understanding of the different types of Psalms, different human authors within the Psalmnody, and an overview of some of the difficulties we perceive within the Psalms.

My big complaint with the book is Bonhoeffer's occasional over-emphasis on his perceived need to pray (using the Psalms in this case) against an also-perceived wrath of God. This reflects an unfortunate -- in my opinion -- emphasis, one likely stemming from his Lutheran background. But it's a relatively minor issue with the book.

This book is a quick (it could easily be finished in an hour), easy read. The book's also divided into sections which could be used as subjects for daily meditation or for a series of classes.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible ISBN978-0-8066-1439-7

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