Trusting Relationships That Create Success--and Won't Let You Fail

ByKeith Ferrazzi

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this book after seeing Keith speak. This book made me look at things in different light. I have been able to tailor the model to fit an organization & the benefits have been amazing!!! I highly recommend it for both business and personal enlightenment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
devadas smitha
In his new book, Keith practices what he preaches! He is an extraordinary friend and a brilliant "master connector." Over the past few years, Keith has continuously shared his amazing insights with the 20,000 trailblazing women in our global network -- his passion for his subject matter is what makes him an undisputed expert in his field!

Janet Hanson
Founder/85 Broads
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
megan garbe
The concepts of team, accountability and having the powerful wind of strong relationships behind your back are definitely essential. Why I gave this a three was all of the name dropping, which makes Ferrazzi come off as insecure in his own skin. It's as though he's constantly trying to prove his self worth which for me takes away from his credibility on this particular subject. Also I would like to see some unique research that backs up these concepts to give them more potency rather than just being based on the author's own ideas. Nonetheless it's good common sense if you can get over the constant "aren't I important" name dropping --- it goes against many themes presented in the book.
And Other Secrets to Success - One Relationship at a Time :: The 5+50+100 Rule for Turning Your Business Network into Profits :: Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible :: The Cost of Discipleship :: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fuad takrouri
WoW... is a great word to describe this book... it really is a how to guide to build wonderful and successful life line relationships... Thank you Keith for putting together a book filled with inspirational, easy to follow and life changing instructions ... :-)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa dice
Keith may have some useful things to share,however one has to take the hype with a pinch of salt.There are people who are being 'incentivized' by Keith's marketing machinery,to post an the store review.

I think the book launch is a little overdone. There are many authors with gem of insights in their books,without going through the tremendous hype machine. Also there are many authors who have nothing insightful to say but focus mostly on hype machine.

I guess Keith falls in the middle.He may have some interesting things to share but the book does not merit the artificial launch hype.

I like Keith for many things.But this marketing hype is unnecessary.It can create a favorable bias about a book,which may or maynot be true.
Best is,if the book emerges favorable on its own.

There are plenty of marketing authors in America doing this.
I wish they can reduce it and start respecting the real and unbiased readers discretion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley zeiter
WGYB has valuable insights on what we really could be getting out of our relationships. Keith Ferrazzi also provides practical advice on how to "be" in a relationship, making it more intimate and beneficial for all. Mr. Ferrazzi takes the fear out of asking for help and defines a path to feeling less vulnerable and having a well-defined direction in our careers and lives in general.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vesra when she reads
Having the privilege of multiple business engagements with Keith Ferrazzi and his team at Ferrazzi Greenlight Consulting, and after devouring his book Never Eat Alone and now Who's Got Your Back, I can say purchase this book now. Sit back, reflect on what you read and change your lifestyle by leveraging some of the social, personal and business concepts as outlined by Keith.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krista holtz
keith has done a great job of discussing the need for a team that can help and assist you in achieving your goals and keepking you focused. He sets forht the Four Mindsets and give a blueprint for establishing the inner circle.
it is a worthwhile read to get you focused on how you can help ensure a successful future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
britton jenner
I learned about this book and concept on Good Morning America. Right away I went to the store to get my copy. What a wonderful concept. I've already started building my group and I look forward to growing and using the suggestions in the book!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed this insight by Keith Ferrazzi. He opens doors where people place windows. Team selling is what this country needs; unity and peer support will only help our current condition. Thank you Keith for another outstanding read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Keith's last best seller "Never Eat Alone" was very captivating and inspiring. His new book "Who's Got Your Back " is sure to be another huge success. It's a must read!

Debbie McMaster
Orange County Executive Network
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikki hill
Keith has really out done himself this time. This book is as invaluable as the Bible. The fundamental principles of this book can be used in any realm of every day life. I hope they teach this in every school in America.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
niloofar sh
Have both read Keith's book and heard him speak. I found no new ideas presented. Keith mentions research, however, never indicates what research was done for this book. I think "Who's Got Your Back" is demonstrated by the top management of most companies with one another, however employees do not have this support. When I heard Keith speak he was impressed with the fact that the book is on the New York Times list and connected that with a need by individuals in today's society. However, I do not think he connected the dots with the fact that 100's of thousands of individuals are out of work because no was the "who's got your back" except for the top CEOs who supported fraud and deception and made sure they had each other's back--of course this would be a timely topic for this reason. I teach business students, those who have reviewed this book think it lacks reality. The "Dream Team" concept is just another name for support groups that have been around for many, many years with different types of names. So based on that I do not see anything new in this book, just written in different terms.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I started seeking folks to hold me accountable or who've "got my back". As an Independent Contractor this is invaluable since customers are my boss and sometimes you do not get clear feedback from them. Keith's book helps clarify a comprehensive approach. I also find Keith's Greenlight Community on the web very helpful. Thanks Keith for a great follow up on "Never Eat Alone".
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