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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The author did a great job mixing romance and zombies. I enjoyed the back and forth between the main characters. Nick was a bit of an ass, but deep down all he wanted to do was protect Ros. Once Ros made her choice she was all in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
l layale
If you loved FLESH then this one will not disappoint for a second! Taking place in the same zombie apocalypse, but with different people, SKIN does a nice job of blending a love story fit for an end of the world scenario. Kylie Scott does it again with an edge of your seat read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is my first zombie romance (?) book and I must admit it was very well written and entertaining. Lots of action. The female lead was intelligent, although she did have a few TSTL moments there. Will definitely consider her next books.
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time :: Deep (Stage Dive Series Book 4) :: TWO PRINCES (Sons of Sanctuary MC - Texas Book 1) :: Lie to Me :: Twist: A Dive Bar Novel (Dive Bar Series Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
LOVED her first book and pre-ordered Skin. I liked the hero but the heroine I wanted to bite her myself just to get her out of the story. If you like an argumentative Kate (taming of the shrew)kind of girl then you will like her.
Would have liked more story about the ending of the school. Kind of dropped the ball on that.
I did like meeting some of the previous characters but overall I was left wanting on this follow up. I will still buy her next installment but . . . .
Would have liked more story about the ending of the school. Kind of dropped the ball on that.
I did like meeting some of the previous characters but overall I was left wanting on this follow up. I will still buy her next installment but . . . .
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Dear God, the horror! I should have known better given how unimpressed I was by this book's predecessor, "Flesh" (See Review), but I wanted to give the author, whose books I normally enjoy another shot. However, I was not prepared for how unlikeable BOTH characters were. Finn was hard enough to put up with in "Flesh", but Rosalyn and Nick just made me want to junk punch both of them repeatedly. She was TSTL for most of the book and ridiculously unreasonable for all her highbrowed attempts to hide behind her "logic" and Nick never seemed to learn from his mistakes; it's almost like he didn't want Rosalyn to ever like him. For example (and there are MANY to choose from), in what world does it seem like a smart move to taunt this uptight woman, a woman you keep chained to a bed that you are trying to SEDUCE, mind you, about reading her diary—a diary you went to recover because you pissed her off so bad she stopped talking to you just the day before. It was just too much work to keep reading their utter nonsense and forcing myself not to DNF. I started skimming after ***********SPOILER***************Rosalyn not only got their home burnt down, but showed little personal accountability over how her stupidity almost got them killed AND ruined their shelter and supplies as night was falling and they were left exposed********************
I’m over this series, regretting my decision to try erotica set in a zombie/post-apocalypse setting and am definitely taking a break from Kylie Scott’s work for the foreseeable future.
I’m over this series, regretting my decision to try erotica set in a zombie/post-apocalypse setting and am definitely taking a break from Kylie Scott’s work for the foreseeable future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark leonard
FLESH (BOOK 1 FLESH) by Kylie Scott
SKIN (BOOK 2 FLESH) by Kylie Scott
*I was gifted a copy of Flesh by a friend that insisted that I read it
FLESH and SKIN by Kylie Scott are two separate standalone books but can be considered companion novels. I thought about writing two separate reviews but in the end both reviews would have sounded the same so I thought, “What the heck!!!” and combined them.
You need to know something about me before we go any further. I DO NOT LIKE, READ or WATCH anything ZOMBIE related. I mean I have nightmares and I hide my eyes and cry. NO, I DO NOT LIKE OR WATCH THE WALKING DEAD. So, when I say, I love these books it means I LOVE THEM and yes, I had a nightmare or two but was so worth it. The only reason that I even picked FLESH up was because it was gifted to me from a member of Kylie’s Fan Group…I LOVED LICK!!!
FLESH and SKIN are not about ZOMBIES but love stories that just happen to happen while trying to survive a Zombie apocalypse. FLESH has fewer “INFECTED” in it than SKIN does but Zombies do make appearances in both these books. However, the story line and Sexy scenes out weigh all the moaning and groaning of the infected.
In FLESH, we meet Ali, Dan and Finn. Lots of surviving and lots of sexy time and yes there is a three- way, love triangle and I loved every minute of it. In SKIN, we meet Nick and Roslyn. Oh, how I love Ros. She is a spit fire and Nick has his hands full.
I know it is silly but I cannot tell you again how much I enjoyed these two books. No, I will not be reading more Zombie book unless Kylie Scott writes them. I am really not that brave but both of these two get 5 out of 5 Platypires and I even bought the paperbacks to put on my shelf.
SKIN (BOOK 2 FLESH) by Kylie Scott
*I was gifted a copy of Flesh by a friend that insisted that I read it
FLESH and SKIN by Kylie Scott are two separate standalone books but can be considered companion novels. I thought about writing two separate reviews but in the end both reviews would have sounded the same so I thought, “What the heck!!!” and combined them.
You need to know something about me before we go any further. I DO NOT LIKE, READ or WATCH anything ZOMBIE related. I mean I have nightmares and I hide my eyes and cry. NO, I DO NOT LIKE OR WATCH THE WALKING DEAD. So, when I say, I love these books it means I LOVE THEM and yes, I had a nightmare or two but was so worth it. The only reason that I even picked FLESH up was because it was gifted to me from a member of Kylie’s Fan Group…I LOVED LICK!!!
FLESH and SKIN are not about ZOMBIES but love stories that just happen to happen while trying to survive a Zombie apocalypse. FLESH has fewer “INFECTED” in it than SKIN does but Zombies do make appearances in both these books. However, the story line and Sexy scenes out weigh all the moaning and groaning of the infected.
In FLESH, we meet Ali, Dan and Finn. Lots of surviving and lots of sexy time and yes there is a three- way, love triangle and I loved every minute of it. In SKIN, we meet Nick and Roslyn. Oh, how I love Ros. She is a spit fire and Nick has his hands full.
I know it is silly but I cannot tell you again how much I enjoyed these two books. No, I will not be reading more Zombie book unless Kylie Scott writes them. I am really not that brave but both of these two get 5 out of 5 Platypires and I even bought the paperbacks to put on my shelf.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurel littlemark
Kylie Scott has delivered yet another fantastic story. Filled with Energy, hot sex, action, suspense, and gore . We are given vivid descriptions into all aspects of the story, giving us a steady paced read that is well delivered - with oomph that will not only have you gasping but have your toes curling and heart a pumpin!!!
Skin is set in the same world as Flesh - we are given insight into a new set of characters and also see a few from the previous story as well. !
Ok - Who would think that Erotica and Zombies would mesh. Well definitely not together (( lol )) but combined into a read Kylie Scott has certainly made it work ! I want more ................
Kylie Scott's Book Skin is the second instalment in her Flesh series. Set in the Australian country - with zombies - kick arse survivors and every man for themselves we are taken on a journey of survival of the fittest.
Nick is alone - and has been watching a group of survivors from afar. Lonely and in need of companionship , sex and much more he makes an offer that the group cant refuse. (( Seriously - If I was Ros I'd be pissed as )) lol.
In the end, despite the circumstances, whether we agree or not . Nick did not only save Ros's life but offered her a little ray of sunshine in dire circumstances. hmmm Maybe even a big ray of sunshine - ** snorts **
What starts off as a loathing - love to hate relationship soon blossoms into survival of the fittest and a relationship based on needs of all kinds.
Ros was a stubborn , witty, woman and she certainly gives Nick a run for his money so to speak. In time though she See's the situation as it is, and excepts it for what is can be. And that Nick isn't the animal she originally thought him to be . * this will make more sense when you read the story**
Nick is a little on the selfish side at first - thinking of what only hangs between his legs and how he can benefit from this new arrangement.
Hand fulls of condoms in case the time arose ** snickers ** (( its def a man thing )) But you have to love his positive outlook RIGHT !
You have to give Kylie coo does for her story. And to think to yourself in these circumstances what you would do. How realistic this could really be - and what you would do in the circumstances yourself. It really does make you think !
Id have to say the story is somewhat realistic in its own ways.
Kylie has cleverly woven, Witt, humour, hot smoking sex, kick arse characters,drama , action and men that are not only buff - but A grade Beef baby ! Honed, taut , well just damm sexy !
We also meet characters from the previous book. And those boys just had my blood pumpin ! I have somewhat a thing for the hot trio from book one ;) ** drools ** moans - - - I look forward to seeing more of the characters in both books in the series to come.
Overall - Skin will certainly keep you on the edge of your seat , You gasping for air, your panties bunching and your breathe baited.
You will be cringing.
Your tummy will be grumbling .
Your heart a - racing.
and your knickers in knot !
You may scream -
as your reading.
BUT ... you will enjoy it ,, every single morsel on each and every page ;)
I love this new series, and never being a fan of zombies I have to say I think Ive been converted. (( moans ))
Remember in a time like this -
Nothing lasts forever,
Live it up while you can,
love while your able,
because at one point your choices determine your survival and maybe even some happiness that could be short lived.
(( check out the smoking hot cover ))
If I was a zombie Id wanna nibble on him tooooooooooo !!!
Big thanks to Kylie Scott for providing me with this book for review.
Skin is set in the same world as Flesh - we are given insight into a new set of characters and also see a few from the previous story as well. !
Ok - Who would think that Erotica and Zombies would mesh. Well definitely not together (( lol )) but combined into a read Kylie Scott has certainly made it work ! I want more ................
Kylie Scott's Book Skin is the second instalment in her Flesh series. Set in the Australian country - with zombies - kick arse survivors and every man for themselves we are taken on a journey of survival of the fittest.
Nick is alone - and has been watching a group of survivors from afar. Lonely and in need of companionship , sex and much more he makes an offer that the group cant refuse. (( Seriously - If I was Ros I'd be pissed as )) lol.
In the end, despite the circumstances, whether we agree or not . Nick did not only save Ros's life but offered her a little ray of sunshine in dire circumstances. hmmm Maybe even a big ray of sunshine - ** snorts **
What starts off as a loathing - love to hate relationship soon blossoms into survival of the fittest and a relationship based on needs of all kinds.
Ros was a stubborn , witty, woman and she certainly gives Nick a run for his money so to speak. In time though she See's the situation as it is, and excepts it for what is can be. And that Nick isn't the animal she originally thought him to be . * this will make more sense when you read the story**
Nick is a little on the selfish side at first - thinking of what only hangs between his legs and how he can benefit from this new arrangement.
Hand fulls of condoms in case the time arose ** snickers ** (( its def a man thing )) But you have to love his positive outlook RIGHT !
You have to give Kylie coo does for her story. And to think to yourself in these circumstances what you would do. How realistic this could really be - and what you would do in the circumstances yourself. It really does make you think !
Id have to say the story is somewhat realistic in its own ways.
Kylie has cleverly woven, Witt, humour, hot smoking sex, kick arse characters,drama , action and men that are not only buff - but A grade Beef baby ! Honed, taut , well just damm sexy !
We also meet characters from the previous book. And those boys just had my blood pumpin ! I have somewhat a thing for the hot trio from book one ;) ** drools ** moans - - - I look forward to seeing more of the characters in both books in the series to come.
Overall - Skin will certainly keep you on the edge of your seat , You gasping for air, your panties bunching and your breathe baited.
You will be cringing.
Your tummy will be grumbling .
Your heart a - racing.
and your knickers in knot !
You may scream -
as your reading.
BUT ... you will enjoy it ,, every single morsel on each and every page ;)
I love this new series, and never being a fan of zombies I have to say I think Ive been converted. (( moans ))
Remember in a time like this -
Nothing lasts forever,
Live it up while you can,
love while your able,
because at one point your choices determine your survival and maybe even some happiness that could be short lived.
(( check out the smoking hot cover ))
If I was a zombie Id wanna nibble on him tooooooooooo !!!
Big thanks to Kylie Scott for providing me with this book for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicole miller
'Skin' is an amazing story that captured me from the very beginning. I was pleased to find that it was about one of the men we briefly saw in 'Flesh' and took place in the same area as that book. I really loved it when the storylines converged and we got to see how the characters from 'Flesh' were doing, and I loved the ending. Super hot! Can't wait for #3!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kylie Scotts 'tell it how it is' style of writing had me absorbed from the first line. The book is bursting with excitement, despair, love, carnage and of course down right hot and dirty sex. I love how she tackles the unconventional courtship between Nick and Ros and their journey in a frightening post-apocalyptic, zombie-filled age. It's up there with FLESH and I can't wait for the next story in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shannon k
I enjoyed this addition to the series. Things move really fast in these books but I guess when your in the middle oaf a zombie apocypse time is not wasted. I feel like these books are episodes and I look forward to each one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nad ge
Really enjoyed this end of the world most people are zombies second book in the Flesh series by Kylie Scott. Survival brings out the best and the worst in people and that is definitely the case here. Action packed, scary, with nice touch of romance.
Please RateSkin (Flesh Series Book 2)