Twist: A Dive Bar Novel (Dive Bar Series Book 2)
ByKylie Scott
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen england
It's a great story. It's slightly different feel than the other books but still highly entertaining.
Scott's a great writer and has managed to tell a story that will keep you entertained and basically, that's the only reason I pick up her books. (Usually pre-order b/c I just can't wait)
Scott's a great writer and has managed to tell a story that will keep you entertained and basically, that's the only reason I pick up her books. (Usually pre-order b/c I just can't wait)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I really like this series...however I feel the author uses too many Australian words. It's set in CdA Idaho so I think it's important to keep to the culture there. Also the term labia is just a no. Not sexy. It was mentioned like 4-5 times in the book. But I like the story overall
Skin (Flesh Series Book 2) :: It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time :: Deep (Stage Dive Series Book 4) :: TWO PRINCES (Sons of Sanctuary MC - Texas Book 1) :: Dirty: A Dive Bar Novel
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
karen dahl
I love Kylie Scott's books, especially the Stage Dive series. I really liked Dirty (book 1 in this series) and was excited for this book but then it took FOREVER to come out. I had to re-read Dirty again to refresh my memory of who everyone was. I'm a little disappointed in this book, to be honest. It was just ok. I didn't particularly connect with Alex or Joe. I was much more interested in Nell/Eric/Pat's story. There was the unnecessary sort of drama with Star which didn't do anything for me. It's not a bad book by any means, it's funny and definitely what you would expect from Kylie Scott, it just didn't knock me over.
I'm still looking forward to Chaser and Eric's story.
I'm still looking forward to Chaser and Eric's story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love Kylie Scott's books, especially the Stage Dive series. I really liked Dirty (book 1 in this series) and was excited for this book but then it took FOREVER to come out. I had to re-read Dirty again to refresh my memory of who everyone was. I'm a little disappointed in this book, to be honest. It was just ok. I didn't particularly connect with Alex or Joe. I was much more interested in Nell/Eric/Pat's story. There was the unnecessary sort of drama with Star which didn't do anything for me. It's not a bad book by any means, it's funny and definitely what you would expect from Kylie Scott, it just didn't knock me over.
I'm still looking forward to Chaser and Eric's story.
I'm still looking forward to Chaser and Eric's story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mary dunn
-An interesting beginning. When we first meet Alex Parks, she’s taking the biggest chance in her romantic life. She’s traveled from Seattle to Coeur D’Alene, Idaho to meet tall, dark and handsome Eric Collins, her online friend and hopefully something more. Then she finds out that Eric has no idea who the hell she is, and it’s actually Joe Collins, Thor look-alike and brother to Eric who was corresponding with her. Yes, there are ALOT of bumps along the way and eventually romance happens.
-A quirky yet intriguing middle. With that kind of a bumpy start, I wasn’t sure what to think, but what I got was a very flawed but likeable heroine, a sweet and slightly screwed up hero and some good developments in the overarching storyline that Ms. Scott has written with this Dive Bar crew. I was moving right along, enjoying the fact that Alex wasn’t your traditional heroine. She admits to random hookups and is terrified of change and emotional intimacy, but she’s trying. She’s the type of heroine who can be prickly and defensive, but I really liked her. Joe starts off as a great, understanding hero who is always there for everyone else and spreads himself thin. I like him too. Perhaps I liked them as individuals more than as a couple, because...
-A bit of a fustercluck to wrap it all up. Without going into deep spoilers, the last third or so of the book kind of goes skidding into high drama. There’s a life changing event that really made the overarching storyline veer into soap territory in a way that didn’t quite work for me, and the impact on the romance for Joe and Alex was significant enough that it lost its shine for me. I felt this event was predictable because of the way it changed other characters on the canvas. The way Alex and Joe's personal drama was resolved kind of fell flat. That said, I loved the first two thirds of the book alot, and there is a sweet little cameo by my favorite hero ever, so there is plenty here to enjoy as far as the Dive Bar crew. It was only Joe and Alex as a couple that didn’t quite do it for me.
The Bottom Line 3 stars
Overall, I enjoyed this entry in the series, though I’m still waiting for that one book that truly hooks me in and won’t let me go. However, if you like flawed characters and some amped up drama in your romance, you may love this more than I did.
**ARC provided by publisher via netgalley for review**
-A quirky yet intriguing middle. With that kind of a bumpy start, I wasn’t sure what to think, but what I got was a very flawed but likeable heroine, a sweet and slightly screwed up hero and some good developments in the overarching storyline that Ms. Scott has written with this Dive Bar crew. I was moving right along, enjoying the fact that Alex wasn’t your traditional heroine. She admits to random hookups and is terrified of change and emotional intimacy, but she’s trying. She’s the type of heroine who can be prickly and defensive, but I really liked her. Joe starts off as a great, understanding hero who is always there for everyone else and spreads himself thin. I like him too. Perhaps I liked them as individuals more than as a couple, because...
-A bit of a fustercluck to wrap it all up. Without going into deep spoilers, the last third or so of the book kind of goes skidding into high drama. There’s a life changing event that really made the overarching storyline veer into soap territory in a way that didn’t quite work for me, and the impact on the romance for Joe and Alex was significant enough that it lost its shine for me. I felt this event was predictable because of the way it changed other characters on the canvas. The way Alex and Joe's personal drama was resolved kind of fell flat. That said, I loved the first two thirds of the book alot, and there is a sweet little cameo by my favorite hero ever, so there is plenty here to enjoy as far as the Dive Bar crew. It was only Joe and Alex as a couple that didn’t quite do it for me.
The Bottom Line 3 stars
Overall, I enjoyed this entry in the series, though I’m still waiting for that one book that truly hooks me in and won’t let me go. However, if you like flawed characters and some amped up drama in your romance, you may love this more than I did.
**ARC provided by publisher via netgalley for review**
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
anselma pardo
No POV from the hero really hindered connecting with the story. And quite frankly, he was kind of a jerk in places. Gorgeous, but emotionally stunted. His emotional arc was less believable than the heroine's. And the ending required more groveling than there was. It felt like the heroine, in spite of her actions, had to deal with all his butthurt, but then a less than satisfying apology and some quick sex made it all go away. These two still have issues that make their HEA pretty suspect.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
anna gandy
This was a automatic pre purchase because of how much I loved the the Stage Dive books. Thought this would be a good spin off and the 1st book Dirty was good. However this book just never felt the same. I have no idea why the h had no back bone. Joe was a very caring during her illness however it felt he just did it because he felt guilty. Then afterwards, he had no idea of what he wants. She kept making excuses for him and in the end chases after him AGAIN... Please go back to making H like Mal who I fell in love with!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ian davidson
2 and a half very disappointing stars!!.Ms Scott what happened, I really enjoyed your Stage Dive Series, Mal was my absolute favorite of course, your writing for him was perfection and fun and heartwarming, that whole series kept me interested and entertained, but this series is just off. Your first book in this series was decent , Lydia really saved and carried that read, she was a great character but Twist, it just was more of a wreck .You started out very strong, I thought into the first chapter, this is going to be good but then it just didn't, up until the 50 percent it was just the same day in day out read, moving slow, very slow, started getting a bit boring just kept waiting for more and when more happened it ruined the story and series for me personally.Eric could have been your Mal in this series, your nutter butter and the storyline between Nell ,Pat the baby and Eric could have been your crowning jewel of this series .A book about Nell and Pat 's break up ,Nell and Eric '' hookup and baby makes 4 type of thing would have been so great but you crashed that whole plot to such a sad sad end.Not cool ever for me to have what happened happen to Nell , I was done , over at that point. You missed a amazing read with Nell and Pat's story , them finding their way back with Eric as the father of her baby and Pat and her working it out becoming a very interesting large entertaining family with Eric and his crazy ways, it could have been awesome .The next book could have been about Eric getting himself together finding his own love but still as a daddy to Nell and his daughter,it could have been highly entertaining and very enduring watching the Nell and Pat story come full circle and work out with Eric and the baby but Nooooo !!!!!!!.And after that brutal chapter in the bookthis read just got so damn cliche, Joe blames himself , pushes Alex away , ex comes into the picture, Alex leaves because she feels and is told basically she isn't wanted , months go by then bam everyone is at a wedding and all is right again .Blah ,blah blah !!!!!The only fun part was having Mal make a fun guest appearance, thanks Ms Scott for that atleast.The accident ruined this read for me which was only Meh at that point , but what the accident truly ruined in my opinion was what I thought could have been such a great, fun and heartfelt read watching Nell and Pat get back together with baby and Eric as the best supporting costars of that read, what a shame !, as I was reading this story is kept thinking I hope the next book will be The Nell and Pat story , which it won't be now , boo !!!!, and your cover models of your next book about Eric coming out next year is not good at all , you need better taste in covers, I know you can't judge a book by its cover but it would help to have a more suitable cover model, yikes to the next cover, doesn't work for me at all , guess I'm done
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
cynthia garcia
Twist is a catfish story. Joe begins an online conversation with Alex through an online dating account created by his brother Eric. Joe only plans to tell Alex that Eric isn't truly interested and that he's lost interest in his online profile, but something about Alex intrigues him. So instead Joe continues to talk to Alex through email never revealing his true identity. Alex's best friend persuades her to get on a plane and go visit Eric for his birthday. But when Alex shows up and Eric has no idea who she is things get awkward. Alex has no intention of hearing out Eric's big burly lumberjack looking brother when he tells her that he's been the one behind the emails that she's felt such a strong connection to. Fate has other plans and Alex is struck down with the flu which prevents her from traveling immediately home. Joe steps in and takes care of Alex while she's sick. And Alex agrees to stay for two weeks to get to know Joe.
I had been hoping that the email correspondence between these two characters would have more of an impact on this story. There were emails included from before the two meet, but I didn't feel like they contributed too terribly much to the story itself or the connection between the two characters as the emails didn't dive as deeply into personal territory as I wanted. This felt like a missed opportunity to me.
Because I so recently read Dirty (although I don't plan to review it), the language that Kylie Scott uses was just too familiar for me. She uses the exact same phrases from time to time in a way that doesn't always sit well with me. I imagine it's easy to use repeat phrases when you're just writing the way you think, but I guess I hope for more when it comes to authors. I'd like to see each book challenge the author to find new ways of communicating the same feelings and emotions.
I guess it is a fault of the genre just as much as the author, but I'm a little tired of relationships that are built upon the physical more than the emotional. On the one hand, I appreciate how Alex wasn't initially attracted to Joe physically but the more she learned about him the more that changed. Yet their relationship still centered around the physical a bit much for my preferences. Although not as much as Vaughan and Lydia's. Beware there is quite a lot of description as well as language if this bothers you.
Ultimately, Twist was a fast read for me, but it likely won't be one that I remember much about in years to come. Alex and Joe won't stand out as an epic couple or even a favorite read for the year. There wasn't much wrong with Twist, but it was just okay for me. Twist gets 3 Stars. Have you read Twist? What did you think? Let me know!
I had been hoping that the email correspondence between these two characters would have more of an impact on this story. There were emails included from before the two meet, but I didn't feel like they contributed too terribly much to the story itself or the connection between the two characters as the emails didn't dive as deeply into personal territory as I wanted. This felt like a missed opportunity to me.
Because I so recently read Dirty (although I don't plan to review it), the language that Kylie Scott uses was just too familiar for me. She uses the exact same phrases from time to time in a way that doesn't always sit well with me. I imagine it's easy to use repeat phrases when you're just writing the way you think, but I guess I hope for more when it comes to authors. I'd like to see each book challenge the author to find new ways of communicating the same feelings and emotions.
I guess it is a fault of the genre just as much as the author, but I'm a little tired of relationships that are built upon the physical more than the emotional. On the one hand, I appreciate how Alex wasn't initially attracted to Joe physically but the more she learned about him the more that changed. Yet their relationship still centered around the physical a bit much for my preferences. Although not as much as Vaughan and Lydia's. Beware there is quite a lot of description as well as language if this bothers you.
Ultimately, Twist was a fast read for me, but it likely won't be one that I remember much about in years to come. Alex and Joe won't stand out as an epic couple or even a favorite read for the year. There wasn't much wrong with Twist, but it was just okay for me. Twist gets 3 Stars. Have you read Twist? What did you think? Let me know!
Please RateTwist: A Dive Bar Novel (Dive Bar Series Book 2)
This one didn't disappoint. I loved authenticity of the dialogues , the way the chemistry evolved and everything in between.
A winner.