Book 7), The Hunter (Highland Guard

ByMonica McCarty

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
benjamin ferrari
I absolutely adored the first few books in the Highland Guard series, but the last two not so much. So, I was a little nervous going into The Hunter. I am glad to say that my concern was misplaced. With The Hunter, Ms. McCarty has returned to my top Highlander authors list.

Ewen is the chieftain of a minor clan. He is strong and loyal. He has all the qualities that make up a great chieftain. He is known for his tracking and evading skills. Because of this and his unquestionable loyalty, Robert the Bruce requests his help.
(I wonder if request is the right word. I can not imagine The Bruce requesting anything :)

Evan is given the task of tracking a missing courier and making sure that information makes its way safely to The Bruce. The courier is unusual to say the least. First of all, she is female. Secondly, she is an Italian nun.

Finding Sister Genna is the easy part but returning her safely to The Bruce is a whole nother ball game.

Sister Genna is not really a nun. She is actually Janet of Mar. Whom everyone believes to be dead. Janet is really a true and very loyal Scot. She is pretending to be a nun to aid the Scottish rebellion.

The English suspect that the church is being used in the Scottish rebellion. So, Janet is in danger. Now she must trust in Ewan to keep her safe.

Janet has never considered marriage. She always thought of herself as a soldier of the rebellion. She believes love will get in the way of her helping The Bruce bring the thrown back to Scotland. That changes when she meets Ewen.

Ewen is also attracted to Janet, but he is horrified that he has romantic feelings toward a nun. This attraction adds even more trouble to an already dangerous mission.

Janet makes some stupid mistakes on their journey to The Bruce. Mistakes that not only put her life in danger but also Ewan's. Thanks to Ewan's intelligence and skills, they make it out alive.

Do you want to know if they made it The Bruce? How about the feeling they share? Did they finally give in to their hearts? Well, you will have to read The Hunter to find out. I will tell you that it was an action packed journey, with lots a twists and turns on the way.

As always Ms. McCarty's writing was amazing, and I loved that she returned to a more romance based plot. She captured my interest and then my heart. I do believe Ewan is my second favorite Highland Guard member. Coming in second only to Hawk. (I mean really how could anyone compare to Hawk?)

Why the four stars? Well, I got tired of waiting for someone to act on their feelings. I also thought that Janet kept her nun charade going a bit too long. Other than those two things, this book was an awesome read.

Would I recommend it? Yes

Review for Netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This novel follows the adventures of Ewen Lamont, tracker and hunter of the Highland Guard. He is tasked with finding a missing messenger in the Borderlands. The messenger turns out to be “Sister Genna”, who is actually Janet of Mar. There’s plenty of action in this tale as Lamont must first find Janet and then escort her safely to King Robert the Bruce.

I found this to be one of the more complex stories in the Highland Guard series, due to several sources of conflict and rich characterisation of the protagonist and his lady. Aspects of the plot include Lamont’s mission of finding Janet and keeping her safe, concern over his romantic attraction to a nun (Janet’s disguise), and the fact that Janet is promised to another man. In addition, there is the matter of a very important message Janet must acquire from a spy to give to King Robert.

The characters of Lamont and Janet are well drawn and it is easy to understand their motivations. Janet is a Scottish patriot trying to atone for a mistake she made in the past. She has strength and wits, although her bravery sometimes borders on foolhardiness. Because of his past, Lamont has a strong drive to do his duty to the letter, sometimes without thinking of the bigger picture. These two very different personalities make for some interesting conflicts along the way to the eventual happy ending.

Lastly, I enjoy the author’s descriptions of the Scottish countryside and use of real places and landmarks. Lamont and Janet try to buy a horse in a town now known as Wanlockhead. My husband and I were down there this summer for work. We also enjoyed a holiday rambling about the Borderlands and went to many of the other places mentioned in the book. It was fun to read this and think, "Oh, I was just there." That sort of attention to detail makes a novel very enjoyable to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
From the moment I saw that this book involved Scotland and a highlander, I wanted to read it. I have an affinity for all things Scottish, even though I've never visited the country myself (though I desperately want to). It's one of the main reasons that Gerard Butler is my perfect man, though he has many other fine qualities as well... but don't get me started... -starts to stare off into the distance- ... ahem! Sorry! Back to the review!

Janet is a woman known by many names, and working undercover for the King (Robert the Bruce) to deliver important information about English Troops and where they'll attack next. She is a nun, an apprentice, a daughter and a twin. Ewan is part of The Bruce's Highland Guard, or "Phantoms" as the people call them. Amazing warriors, able to take on entire squadrons all on their own. Ewan's war name is "Hunter" -- the best tracker in the land. And when Janet goes missing, Hunter is sent to find her. And find her he does...

This book had moments that were thrilling and moments where I found myself skimming paragraphs that I didn't think were necessary or just dragged on. This is the first book by Monica McCarty that I've read, so I don't know if it's a common trait to have run-on sentences or if it's singular to this one book. The quote above is a perfect example. While some of them work for the book, others just get a little silly and your brain is fighting to catch up to what the sentence even began with. There is a four-page kiss in this book -- no lie. Four. Pages.

Over-all, it's a good book, but the parts that I skimmed due to the story running stagnant were detractors. And it happened in all parts of the story -- sex scenes, history, battles and general story line. So a 3.5 out of 5 from me.

However, I did anticipate one special moment and when it happened, I did, in fact, giggle.

"Damn it, Janet!" (-insert singing- "I LOVE YOU!")

If you're awesome, you'll get the reference. (Reviewed by Ginny)

Good Quote:
"And moments later when she looked into his eyes, as he stroked her to the very peak of passion, when her breath caught, her body clenched, and warmth spread over every inch of her, shattering into a blinding light, Janet knew something else: she was glad she wasn't a nun."
The Enemy: Highland Soldiers 1 :: The Rock (Highland Guard) :: A Highland Guard Novel (The Highland Guard Book 4) :: Highland Brides (Highlander Book 1) - An English Bride in Scotland :: The Knight (The Highland Guard)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

The Hunter by Monica McCarty
Book Seven of the Highland Guard series
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Publication Date: June 25, 2013
Rating: 4 stars
Source: eARC from Edelweiss

***Warning: this is an adult book, and for the eyes of mature readers***

Summary (from Goodreads):

The war for Scotland's freedom continues as King Robert the Bruce battles on. At his command is an elite army of trained warriors, soldiers dedicated to their king, their country--and to the remarkable women they love.

Prized for his unbeatable tracking skills, Ewen "Hunter" Lamont accepts a dangerous assignment: locate a missing undercover courier. But this is no ordinary target. Ewen has met his prey before as "Sister Genna," a fiery, forbidden woman forever etched in his memory after one stolen, sinful kiss. Now that he knows her real identity, he's more determined than ever to keep her safe. But without the protection of the veil between them, fighting the allure of the beautiful lass may be the toughest battle this extraordinary warrior has ever faced.

After her ill-fated attempt three years ago to rescue her twin sister, Janet of Mar has found salvation acting as a royal messenger--until she surrenders to a darkly handsome warrior whose rough, sensual kisses stir feelings the woman in her can't deny. But when betrayal leads to danger, and a crucial communiqué is put in jeopardy, Janet has no choice but to put her faith in the hunter who can find anything--perhaps even her heart.

What I Liked:

Okay, so, I'm not exactly sure what kind of historical fiction this book is, but it is dubbed "Highland", so I'll go with that. It's not the typical historical fiction I've been reading - like, Regency London, and that sort. This seems like medieval historical fiction, in Scotland. But whatever. This book was FANTASTIC.

I didn't know what to expect from this book, since it isn't the same era of history that I am used to reading, but I loved it! Ewen and Genna really dazzle readers in this book, as they run and chase and fight their way to the King, and to themselves.

That being said, the plot of this book is outstanding. I was never very bored in this book, as there was constant action throughout the book. I was a bit confused in the beginning, with Ewen's history, but I read on, and could see how that history came into play in the novel.

The characters were very, very well-written. I was impressed by how three-dimensional the characters seemed, and how much depth even the secondary characters had. Genna (Janet) is such an awesome heroine - believe me, she is truly an excellent messenger. She got herself out of sticky situations time after time after time. Ewen is incredible as well. It's remarkable to see why he earned his title as "the hunter".

The romance is wonderful! It was not instant and earth-shattering, but the chemistry is pretty sizzling. Genna (Janet) is a fabulous heroine, and Ewen really complements her. Both of them are very clever and intelligent, and they constantly try and outsmart each other. It's adorable and endearing to "watch" the two of them struggle within themselves, to discover what is best for themselves and each other.

I loved the ending of this book! Even when I thought the climax was over, and the falling action had fallen enough, and everything was smooth sailing, it wasn't! Ms. McCarty had readers interested up until the very last word of the very last page - because everything didn't wrap up all at once.

Overall, I loved this book! I wish I could have started at the beginning of the series (this book is book SEVEN), and perhaps I will!

What I Did Not Like:

This is really a small thing, but I feel like this book was so long. I usually love long books, but some scenes and descriptions could have been cut down. There's nothing like non-stop action, and then a huge description to kill the buzz.

But it wasn't a big deal. I skipped some of the longer descriptions (like in the very beginning), and I was fine while reading the book!

Would I Recommend It:

Totally! If you like medieval fiction, this is definitely one for you!


4 stars. Now let me go back and read the previous six books :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
natalie hartford
The Hunter by Monica McCarty is the sixth book in her Highland Guard series but you definitely don’t need to read the others to read this one. The books all focus on a different member of the Highland Guard so really they are separate stories although readers of this series will have the added enjoyment of the mention of characters they likely already know. The Hunter is historical romance at its best but more than that it had a really good storyline and characters that you found yourself truly caring about.

Ewen, “Hunter”‘ works for the Highland Guard under King Robert the Bruce and the fight for Scotland’s freedom is raging. The Highland Guard are an elite group of soldiers who are very well trained as warriors. Ewen has gained a reputation for being one of the best trackers there are and that is exactly how he ends up with his next assignment to find a missing courier who has been working undercover for King Robert the Bruce. All is well until he learns that the courier is a woman! For Ewen the war is much too dangerous for women and he plans on holding onto that opinion… but he had yet to meet Sister Genna.

From the moment Ewen sets eyes on the beautiful spitfire that is Sister Genna (Janet) he is lost but oh my does she infuriate him with her streak of independence. Good heavens one shouldn’t have these feelings for a nun so imagine his relief when he learns of her true identity. Yet that only adds fuel to the fire as the attraction between the two is heating up and Ewen has to watch his step. Janet is promised to another and the King will have his head on the block if he goes near her. There is no way that Ewen can jeopardize his career in the Highland Guard or his people for this woman. Or can he?…

This was an enjoyable read for me and quick because it’s fast paced and the characters themselves really pull you into the story. Although I’ve not read any of Monica McCarty’s books before this will most definitely not be the last one. I plan on catching up on the rest of the Highland Guard series. I like her style of writing and while she has some steamy romantic scenes they aren’t overwhelming or vulgar and I really appreciate that. For fans of historical romance this is a winner!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
senta paler
Scottish highlander romance? Yes, please and yum! I'm a sucker for a good historical romance lately so I couldn't resist joining in on the blog tour for this book (even though there are like six books before this one). And since I have never read a highlander romance before I wasn't exactly sure if I was going to like it or not. That being said I had my expectations set low/medium but they were shattered as I tore thru this book in less than three days. I can't wait to go back to the first book in this series to see how it all began!

In The Hunter, Ewen Lamont is part of the notorious highland guard that is fighting to get King Robert the Bruce crowned as king. He is known for his attention to detail and ability to find/track anything. When he meets a nun named Sister Genna his entire world is turned on its' axis. How can he possibly be attracted to a nun? And what kind of nun acts like she acts? What he doesn't know is that Genna has secrets of her own that will make their paths cross in dangerous ways. But it is the chemistry between them that causes them both to start reevaluating their lives and plans for the future.

Yowsers! This book instantly captured my attention from the very beginning! I couldn't put it down and flew through the pages which left me wanting more. Luckily I have the first six books in this series to look forward to because I NEED more! I'll admit that the first few chapters had me on edge. I don't want to go into spoilers but there was an event that had me uncomfortable and left me wondering if I was going to be able to get past it. But before I knew it I found myself immersed in the book wanting to know what was going to happen next. I loved the fact that Genna stood up for herself and was so independent. I also liked that she didn't want to change just for marriage. I really respected that about her. But I also LOVED the chemistry between her and Ewen. Whew! There were a few very HOT pages in this book if I do say so myself. I wasn't completely thrilled with the ending but it wasn't bad. Just not what I was expecting I guess. Don't let that stop you from reading this book though because it is definitely worth the read!

Overall, this was a book that kept me engrossed and left me wanting more. I have no complaints other than why did I never try a highlander romance before now??? I've definitely been missing out if they are all like this! If you are a fan of historical romances with LOTS of chemistry then definitely give this one a try. As for me, I have to go back to the beginning now. Even though I didn't miss out (at all based on my reading experience) starting this series so far into it, I really want to see how it all began. I want to get to know the other members of the highland guard so I plan on doing just that. Definitely a book that I would recommend especially for your summer reading pleasures :)

Bottom Line: A book that had me captivated from beginning to end!

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book from the publisher as part of a TLC book tour. The thoughts are my own!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love reading about Highland Warriors, and their ladies, and this story is no exception, with a twist. The lady in this novel is also a warrior!

Ewan Lamont is one of Robert Bruce's elite army. He is known as Hunter, and is the groups best tracker and "finder" of men. He and his partner Eoin MacLean have been sent to find a nun, Sister Genna, who is a courier in the Church's attempt to pass secrets to the Scots regarding the English army. The English have been tightening scrutiny of friars, priests, nuns and even pilgrims. The Bishop who has sent her is concerned about her safety. Ewan and his partner come across a group of English soldiers who have cornered Sister Genna and her companion Sister Marguerite in a clearing in the woods. He is totally astounded by the sight he sees. A beautiful blonde young woman with golden curls down her back, and her clothing ripped to her waist. She is very loudly cursing the soldier who had ripped her clothing, threatening his manhood and ability to bear children. Ewan was immediately impressed by her bravery, squirming a little at her descriptive curse, but galloped in to save the day.

Sister Genna is a woman of mystery. She speaks Italian, French, English and Gaelic and uses that knowledge of languages in her missions. She is actually Janet of Mar, twin sister of Mary Sutherland, and believed dead. She carries scars and heartbreak from a mission to rescue her sister that had gone very wrong. Her life now is a series of secret trips under many disguises to help her country. Janet is amazed at the strength and physical attraction she feels for her rescuer. "She had crossed paths with hundreds of fighting men over the years, and they'd never given her problems." Oh, but she was in for it now!

This is a very entertaining historical novel . Ewan goes through such struggles to understand this strong and shrewd woman. Janet is captivated by this warrior, who is so gentle with her, yet frustrated by his attempts to stop her work. It's a tale of war, romance , and dark secrets. I would recommend this novel to readers who enjoy historical romance, an highland warriors.

I received this novel from the publisher and NetGalley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristen mcquinn
The Hunter by Monica McCarty is the seventh book in her Highland Guard series. This book focuses on Ewen "Hunter" Lamont and Janet of Mar. It is a riveting story about damaged characters you want to succeed in their personal journey as well as to find their way to each other.

All of the books in the series are about a different member of Robert the Bruce's secret band of elite warriors know as the Highland Guard but Robert's bid for the Scottish throne is difficult one and a long battle to be won. Learning about the journey from each of his warriors is an excellent way to experience all of the difficult aspects of this part of Scotland's history.

Even though the book can stand on it's own the story is much richer an experience if you read them in order. We are introduced to Janet of Mar in the previous book in the series, "The Recruit" and you just knew there would be more about her in the future as well as about Hunter who is also mentioned in previous books.

I could repeat what the publisher tells you about the book but you can only say the same thing so many different ways. What I would say is that if you love to read about characters who are not perfect, who try to make a difference in their world and who willing to sacrifice everything for a cause they believe in then this book, as well as all of the books in the series are for you.

You will laugh, you will cry, at times you will even hold your breath, but in the end, the journey that you take with Janet and Ewen will be one you will not forget and you will be glad you were able to "share" it with them by reading the book.

Monica McCarty writes such rich historical stories and one of my favorite things about her books is that in the back of each of them she tells you exactly what was historical in her book and where she took some license to make the story work better. Don't skip the Author's Notes in the back of the books, you will appreciate the story even more after reading them.

I can't wait for the eighth book in the series which is about Robert "The Raider" Boyd, due out in 2014.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
worawich standup
I keep thinking that the next book in this series cannot possibly get any better and I continue to be wrong (thankfully!). Ewen "Hunter" Lamont was perfectly matched with the fiery Janet of Mar and it was definitely a battle of wills.

Ewen is a proud man of few words and is known as the most skilled tracker in all of Scotland. He's got something to prove and has been loyal to Robert the Bruce's cause from the outset. When he was asked to escort the nun Sister Genna back to the Priory after one of her covert courier runs, he doesn't question the assignment. Ewen is unaware of her true identity and is uncomfortably attractive to this holy woman. Sister Genna is really Janet of Mar who was believed to have been killed in the failed rescue attempt of her twin sister, Mary. Janet is a force and extremely independent, not seeing the need for his protection so the tug of war for control never ended.

The sexual tension between these two was heightened by their constant clashes and it helped create a perfect transition to their inevitable romance. They were a formidable team in the face of danger from the enemy English forces who were a constant throughout their journey. Janet dismantles this brooding warrior and he certainly disrupted her plans to really become a nun.

This story is outstanding primarily because of how wonderfully crafted Ewen and Janet are as characters and how well suited they are as a couple. She's exceptional and holds her own against any of Bruce's warriors and he provides her the challenge she never knew she was looking for. The adventures of the Highland Guard never disappoint in providing excitement and political intrigue in this series. The historical aspects of the era are finely woven into the wonderful storytelling, the result being a vivid portrayal of Scotland's fight for independence. But, the romance is the real jewel this time and made The Hunter a truly exceptional story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael dixon
I just finished reading The Hunter, very well written by Monica McCarty, her 7th novel in her
Highland Guards series. Ms. McCarty has done it again and proved that is one of the best medieval writers I have known. I am fascinated with her writing that gets me addicted to read her book non-stopping!Once I started, I really got hooked in this amazing adventure. It is one of the best Scottish stories that I have read in a long-time, captivating, as I love them! This one has become my favorite of her novels in this series.
It's the story of Ewen "The Hunter" Lamont and Genna, Lady Janet of Mar. Ewen is a charming and handsome warrior and Genna, a nun, who delivers secrets messages to King Robert the Bruce. The King asks Ewen to rescue Sister Genna and protect her, but his mission will become quite a challenge. As soon as he sees her, he cannot understand the attraction he has for her but some stolen kisses between the two will get them to live a wonderful adventure. You will be carried away by her strong characters and be fascinated with a story filled with tenderness and passion. I love Highlanders stories and I highly recommend The Hunter if you love Scottish romance. You really have to read this novel! Some scenes are very well written; one of my favorite scenes is this one: Genna, fearing for her life, cursed the soldiers by saying, "Your body will burn with the fire of your sin, your manhood will shrivel to black, your bollocks to the size of raisins and you will never know another woman". I had to laugh! I could almost feel the passion between Ewen and Genna. Ms. McCarty is truly a high quality writer and I admire her stories so much, that I am already excited to read her 8th novel The Raider. The Hunter is scheduled for release on June 25th. This is my honest opinion and this review is based on the ARC provided by Net Galley. Thank you Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for approving my request.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david etters
Title: The Hunter

Series: Highland Guard series Bk 7

Author: Monica McCarty

Genre: Historical Romance

Ewen "Hunter" Lamont has spent four years putting his prized tracking skills to the test in the service of the elite Highland Guard. Curt and short-tempered, no women has ever been able to thaw his fierce warrior's demeanor...until he meets Sister Genna, a troublesome Italian nun. Alluring and impudent, she doesn't seem like any nun he's ever met--and it's true that she is much more than she appears. She's really Lady Janet of Mar, the missing twin sister of a guardsman's wife, who has been working undercover as a courier for the Scots, and Ewen finds himself charged with finding her and ensuring her safe return. Yet it soon becomes clear that the betrothed Lady Janet affects him in ways he's never felt before. When betrayal leads to danger, everything depends on the man who can find anything. Except, perhaps, what matters most of all: love.

I must applaud Monica. In the way she described their surroundings, the person's emotions, physical appearance and when she described some of the scents, it was like you could smell them off the pages. I have a vivid, active imagination what could I say? It's lovely to watch as a stone non-emotional "hunter" turn into a big softy, once he finally realizes he found the one thing he didn't even realize he had lost. I will be honest, I am thankful not to have lived in those days. I don't think I could have been as brave, strong and controlled as Janet. It was so hard to put this book down once I had picked it up.

Grade A+
Review by: Helen

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished reading The Hunter by Monica McCarty and I was instantly enthralled. The writing was excellent and the characters were likable. I really love those strapping, handsome Highland warriors that are Robert the Bruce's men. You feel in each of their stories the anguish and trials they go through. In this book we meet Ewan Lamont who is called the Hunter because of his tracking skills. Ewan is all about duty and total involvement to King Robert. He never looses control during a mission and he likes it that way. That strong willed man will be in for a surprise when he meets his match.
Janet of Mar is disguised in a nun's robes and goes by the name of sister Genna. She is acting messenger who helps the Scottish King with secrets involving the English troops and such. She feels her duty to her King is the right thing to do because she is his sister in law. No job is too big for her and she does it her way. When she is saved from abuse by a group of English knights, Janet is so very grateful. Her savior is Ewan who thinks Janet is too beautiful to be a nun. His body is telling him something and he's appalled by the lust he feels for this "nun".
Janet tries to steer Ewen away from her, but he's not going any where. He wants to be in charge but Janet gives him a lecture about his controlling ways. Ewan will have a hard way to go with this woman who strives to make him crazy. All he wants is to protect her, but she will not have any of it. Janet feels strongly with her role as undercover agent and won't give up her way of thinking.
How will these two strong minded people get their happy ever after?
I received this ARC title from Random House and Net Galley for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was more like a Highland Suspense Sprinkled with some romance. The story was really easy to follow, even without starting at the beginning of the series.

Ewen tracker extraordinaire can find Sister Genna/ Janet of Mar anywhere she goes.. and thank goodness for that!
Janet's smooth talking capabilities help her weasel out of a number of dangerous situations! But when she least expects it Ewen the Hunter finds her and keeps her safe... even from herself.
This Highland story is filled with loads of historic features that give it a very honest telling. I absolutely thought Sister Genna was hilarious, intelligent and a quick thinker....her character was unlike any other I have ever read. I kept expecting her folies to show that she was less than capable at what she was doing, alas I was disappointed. This strong woman meets up to every challenge and knows how to push back and take what she wants in the world..(Applause)
Ewen is a strong ALPHA Male which is key in every good Highland romance.. He has a way of being present without smothering Janet and letting her fulfill her role as a courier. No matter what role she is playing at and there are so many. Those different roles each bring danger and excitement and show how women can play important roles even without brute muscle and a sword.
Ewen and Janet's story is peppered with desire and romance... I really never knew if this would be the moment Ewen would be true to his roots and act out like his father...or hold fast to be honorable. Good thing Janet is strong enough to take the lead.

All in all I really want to read more of the books Monica McCarty has written...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
THE HUNTER by Monica McCarty is an exciting Scottish Historical Romance set in 1310 Scotland. #7 in the "Highland Guard" series, but I found it can be read as a stand alone, with some re-appearing characters. For a complete list and special offers,of the "Highland Guard" series, visit the author's website. First there is, Ewen "Hunter" Lamont,Chieftain of a minor clan,loyal,and is one of an elite team of warriors trained to help Robert The Bruce. Than you have, Sister Genna/Janet,one of Bruce's missing couriers,an Italian nun, feisty, and determined. Getting her back to The Bruce could not only be dangerous to their health, but when their passion ignites their hearts could be involved also. With a dangerous but crucial mission, betrayal,secrets, passion and so much more will capture your heart as you turn pages. Fast paced, action filled adventure for these two strong-willed, determined people that could lead to treason, and death. If you have never read one of Ms. McCarty's stories, you are in for a treat, if you have, than you know how strong, and engaging her characters are and how intriguing her plots become. If you enjoy Scottish warriors, their feisty, strong, ladies than don't miss "The Hunter". A great read! Received for an honest review from the publisher and Edelweiss.



REVIEWED BY: AprilR, Review courtesy of My Book Addiction and More
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
(REVIEWER'S NOTE: I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I REALLY liked this book!!)

This is my first McCarty novel, and it surely won't be the last! Furthermore, I definitely want to catch up by reading the previous books in this great series!

As is evident from the "Author's Note" at the end of the book, McCarty has done her research well. This novel is based on real people. The Lamont family really existed, and one of them was even named Ewen. Robert the Bruce was also a historical person. He was the King of Scotland, and really was involved in the war against England for Scottish independence.

Against this fascinating background, McCarty has created a very compelling, very sweet romance. Ewen Lamont, otherwise known as "The Hunter" for his expert tracking skills, is a very handsome young Scottish patriot. He's a member of the Highland Guard, a fictional band of secret 'phantom warriors' who harass the English forces at every opportunity.

Aiding the Scottish war effort is a group of couriers who secretly deliver messages to Robert, thus enabling him to send his Highland Guard to ambush the English with deadly accuracy. These couriers include nuns and priests, incredibly enough. In the book, they are known as 'couriers of the cloth'. One of them is 'Sister Genna' an Italian nun. Except that she's not really a nun, nor is she even Italian. She's really Janet of Mar, the fictional twin of the real-life Mary of Mar. Her identity is kept secret so that she can carry on her work.

Ewen and 'Sister Genna' meet when she and a young novice named Marguerite are accosted by English soldiers while on a 'pilgrimage'. Ewen and MacLean (another member of the Highland Guard), who had been sent to look for 'Sister Genna', suddenly appear, and attack the soldiers.

Ewen is instantly attracted to Janet, whom he of course believes to be a nun. However, he's also upset that a woman is engaged in the dangerous activity of carrying messages to the Scottish king, in the middle of a war. He makes it clear to her that he totally disapproves of this, even as he fights his growing feelings for her.

The author introduces some interesting psychological conflicts into this gradually blossoming relationship. Ewen has issues regarding his late father, while Janet has been carrying a burden of guilt regarding her twin sister, Mary. She feels that she must somehow atone for this by continuing to assist Robert the Bruce as a courier.

Ewen becomes more and more intent on protecting Janet, while she contends that she doesn't want to be coddled, and is perfectly capable of taking care of herself.

The plot moves along quickly, alternating between danger and the tensions --psychological as well as sexual -- between the two leads, thus ensuring a page-turning, very entertaining read.

The action scenes in the novel are very well done, and I kept reading to see how Ewen and Janet would get themselves out of one scrape after another. Janet is not only adept with her words, which can sway even hardened soldiers, but she's also very handy with a knife.

Now, as for the love scenes....ah, the love scenes.....Ms. McCarty has a very nice touch with these, infusing them with just the right amount of longing, passion, and sweetness! There's enough description to tantalize the reader's senses, but it's all very romantic. I don't like erotica, which is much too graphic for me. These lovely scenes were indeed sexy, but they were also laced with the tenderness and care that only people truly in love can feel.

Some of the other Highland Guard members also make an appearance in this novel, as does Robert the Bruce himself. In spite of his fierceness and authoritative manner, he actually does respect Janet as a person, which I found to be highly unusual, considering the time period.

For historical romance fans, this novel is a pure delight! It is the story of two strong personalities who ultimately realize that they can't live without each other, and learn to compromise in order to do so. Furthermore, the historical setting creates a perfect backdrop for all the emotional intensity of this relationship. I really enjoyed the ride!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Reviewed by Bri
Book provided by NetGalley for review
Review originally posted at Romancing the Book

I have a new favorite highland author! I’m blown away at McCarty’s ability to create three dimensional characters, weaving continuing action right up to the very end, and this is BOOK seven! I’m going back to read all six others as well as her other two Highland trilogies.

Ewen Lamont was just the right amount of alpha male to Genna (Janet)’s alpha female. It was really fun to see them try to outwit each other. And believe me these two have wit, strength, loyalty, and looks. The attraction was always there but it wasn’t as earth shattering at first as the blurb makes you believe. It built as they two are forced to learn how much they needed each other and to trust.

The ending was perfect and a pleasant surprise. I say that because it would seem McCarty’s has a talent for giving you one impression of resolution then pleasantly surprising you with more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
helen barr
Janet DeMar is the sister-in-law of Robert Bruce, King of Scotland. The war with England is still going on and Janet has been acting as a currier for Bruce. She disguises herself as a nun which has enabled her to move through the country side with little problems. However, her cover has been discovered and she ends up in hiding. Bruce realizes that she has not check in and he sends one of his elite guards to find her and bring her back in.
Ewan "Hunter" Lamont is the chieftain of a small group of about 200 people, a small amount of land and a half built castle. He is also one of Bruce's elite warriors and is sent to find Janet. His expertise is tracking and that skill is thought to be needed to find Janet.
I loved the main characters, both strong willed people. The secondary characters were all known to me from previous Highland Guard Novels. I enjoyed the plot/story line which was fast paced and fun. And as always I very much enjoyed the author's voice. She writes in such a way that it is an easy read. It flows very smoothly, and allows the reader to picture the action with ease.
I recommend this book and the series of the Highland Guard Novels. It is a favorite series of mine and this book is a great compliment to the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara alva
Rating: 4.5 stars, but worthy of rounding up

If you are looking for a hot summer read with memorable characters, look no further.

Ewen Lamont, known as the Hunter, is indebted to his king. A debt that will require him to risk everything for a woman, one who doesn't want his rescuing. Janet, or Sister Genna as she first is introduced, has suffered many losses. From those, she has become stronger and she wants to be part of the fight--not just some woman waiting in the wings hoping for a few morsels of her man's attention.

There's something so rewarding about a woman before her time, strong in ways that were so much harder back then. But just as rewarding is the man who can accept that strength and not try to bury it. To feel the combustible heat generated between the two--even better.

But it's not just a hot romance, the story is full of high stakes and pulse-pounding adventure. You'll either be on the edge of your seat or fanning yourself. It's rare to find so many elements woven together so seamlessly.

Note: I received a complimentary copy for review purposes. A positive review was not guaranteed or requested; the opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron ragsdale
OMG! Just OMG! I am behind in this series becuase of life and writing, but I can't find myself upset about that. LOL. Cuz now I get to read THE KNIGHT, THE RAIDER, and THE ARROW in a row.I absolutely adored this story, and it honestly made me want to read the whole series over again.
Lachlan's book (THE VIPER) is my fave, with Magnus (THE SAINT) and Kenneth(THE RECRUIT) tied for 2nd (don't tell them, ;) ) but WOW I love EWEN! I never considered myself a history buff, but these books play on what I already knew, as well as work in new info for me to file away. I really love the stories. McCarty is BRILLIANT. In her characters, heroes and fab heroines in a time when a strong woman wasn't desirable. I love Janet, just adore her strength and stubbornness as well as her love for Ewen. As ALWAYS I LOVE the "true to history" notes McCarty puts in the back. :) YAY! I love this awesome series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corbin ball
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS BOOK!!! I love everything Monica writes!! But Ewen and Janet are my favorites!! This book had me laughing, crying and everything in between!! There is great adventure and the settings and characters bring you along on a thrilling and adventurous ride. I can't wait to read the other stories in this series!! I loved reading this because she had some side stories for the other characters besides just the main characters!! I love how frustrated Ewen gets with Janets way of thinking and i LOVE LOVE LOVE how she handles it and what she does !! I will have to say he really ticked me off after the barn incident but I forgave him later!! I don't want to leave any spoilers so you'll have to read why for yourself!! You get a great read with Monica on this one. Everything will take you back to a time when danger is everywhere and you have to be careful of who you trust. But she also shows you how adventurous it can be figuring it out. I loved it and I will recommend this to everyone!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha luke
Ewen Lamont is one of the "Highland Guard", a specialized group of warriors fighting for Robert the Bruce and Scotland. Janet of Mar is one of the sisters of Robert's late wife and a courier who delivers vital messages about English movements to the Bruce. When Ewen is sent after her in her current guise as a nun because Robert fears her cover may have been compromised, he is stunned to find a lovely young woman fending off English soldiers who have a nefarious purpose toward her and a fellow sister. Ms. McCarty breathes life into her characters and pulls the reader completely under her spell and deep into the story. Ewen was flawed but very appealing and Janet was a heroine I found easy to root for and though I was well aware that there would be a HEA, I still found myself holding my breath through some of the more harrowing scenes. This series has been enjoyable and "The Hunter" is definitely one of my new favorites.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I must give applauds to Monica. This was an amazingly well written story. In the way she described their surroundings, the person's emotions, physical apperence and when she described some of the scents, it was like you could smell them off the pages. I have a vivid, active imagination what could I say? Its lovely to watch as a stone non-emotional "hunter" turn into a big softy, once he finally realizes he found the one thing he didn't even realize he had lost. I will be honest, I am thankful not to have lived in those days. I don't think I could have been as brave, strong and controlled as Janet. It was so hard to put he book down once I had picked it up.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
arthur edelstein
Ewen Lamont is called the Hunter his skill is tracking and Robert the Bruce has sent him to bring in his sister in law and spy Janet of Mar. We met Janet in bk 6 The Recruit. She is the twin sister of Mary of Mar. Janet has been posing as a nun spying for and intercepting messages for Bruce. Her mission has gotten to dangerous and The Bruce has sent for her. Ewen finds her and as they travel back to Bruce they fall in love. Bruce has betroth Janet and warned Ewen not to touch her or else he would be kicked out of the Highland Guard and lose all his lands an holding. Janet is 27 an old hen for this era and she acts like a 12 year. She is too immature for such and old age. Her mischief always gets her in trouble and threatens everyone around her. Ewen got on my nerves because he kept denying there love an attraction to each other. All he had to do is tell her the truth. Way too much Angst in this story. These two characters are the worst written in this series. The story is slow. The physical abuse Janet suffers after being caught by the English was unnecessary. I am not a fan of stories with women getting the crap beaten out of them.

I really didn't like The Hunter, but every author is entitled to one bad story. This one seemed rushed and not well thought out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
make me believe
Loved it! McCarty does it again. Am I surprised? Heck NO! This is another well written story. I loved Janet and Ewen both. Janet is a sliver tongued, too smart for her own good, strong, independent woman who will not be pushed around by any man. Ewen is the best tracker "Hunter" in the land and a headstrong male with typical male views on a woman's place in the world.

What can I say, this book was pretty much perfect. I love that no matter how capable of taking care of herself and independent Janet is, she still needs her hero every once in a while. I really enjoyed watching the headstrong and unemotional Ewen, struggle with feelings vs. loyalty. However, I wish there would have been more sex but the tension and anticipation of it was also really good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
wendy taylor
Pretty much the same format in all these books, tough guy virile warrior womanizer meets dainty virgin who will not take no for an answer, He is tamed, when he realizes at end of book that he, gasp, loves her, and becomes faithful family man. Lots of battle scenes and over the top sex--how these guys ever learned what women want, given that they are always imprisoned, wounded or fighting is beyond me. Entertaining diversion. The Highland Guard is a bunch of dudes in 13th century Scotland, sort of like the seals, and they war against the English, and are eventually sidelined and trapped by determined women.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ewan is part of a group of highly trained Highlanders warriors, and his ability as tracker put him on a danger mission even more by having to protect the woman who now lives in his dreams.
Janet was there for the cause. She did not imagine falling in love, but try to find her sister. But to be rescued and protected by that handsome and dangerous warrior, she left to fall for him and expect that their lives had the opportunity to live a great love ...
This book is suitable for lovers of medieval historical novels, with several real historical passages.
A new author to be discovered by me, from reading her other books. And for me, a highlander is always welcome.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another fine book by Ms. McCarty. I have become hooked to her series The Highland Guard. She writes with such a flair, that the books come alive in your hands. Her knowledge and weaving of actual history into the books is fairly phenomenal and demonstrates that she loves what she does and in doing so, makes her readers love following her.

Thanks again for some great entertainment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe young
The Highland Guard series is fantastic! Monica does a great job with her characters & makes you wonder..."did this really happen?" It has just enough "no we can't be together" to make you hope they find a way. Plus, Sister Genna will either remind you of someone you know or maybe yourself. Buy it now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really love this author and her highlander books. Just started another today! I will read them all. So far I think I like Hawk and Chief best...

I like the setting and the characters - the back stories driving the heroes and their ladies :). They are characters to love!

Hunter and Janet did not disappoint! I was a bit shocked at Bruce but it ended well...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica bitting
All of the Highland Guard Series were great, but The Hunter was my favorite..Monica McCarty makes you feel like your actually a part of the story.. Great romance and action..from first page to last.. I hated to see it end. I went right on to the next book, The Raider
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
anne mccoy
I have loved the previous books in this series. Sorry I could not really finish this one and actually skipped pages to get to the end. I am not sure what the problem was but I found it boring. The descriptions overtook the romance. I found Janet annoying and immature with no thoughts about anyone but herself.
Please RateBook 7), The Hunter (Highland Guard
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