Book Boyfriend (Book Boyfriends 1)

ByClaire Kingsley

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kaitlyn tucek
Book Boyfriend is a hilarious look at the life of Alex Lawson who has it pretty good as a romance author, only as a woman, Lexi. He does pretty well for himself until he meets Mia Sullivan. He can't believe his luck until he finds out that Mia is actually a good friend of his alter-ego, Lexi's. She could ruin his career if she ever outs him, and he depends on the money to help his ailing father.

Mia is shy and loves to read. By day she's a hospital business office employee, but at home she is book blogger Bookworm Babe. She's also falling madly in love with her new boyfriend Alex, who seems to be doing things straight out of a romance novel. Maybe because that's he writes them.

This was a laugh-out-loud, terrifically enjoyable book! I couldn't put it down, and most importantly, I didn't want to. Granted, some of the facts were exaggerated, but I wouldn't have missed this one for anything!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark abbott
Title: Book Boyfriend
Author: Claire Kingsley

5 amazing stars

Too often I've wondered what i would do if the perfect boyfriend showed up in front of me - of course, the kind that i usually only find in books, too good to be true and so very, unbelievably irresistible. I won't lie, i still believe that those kinds of men are only available in our minds and written down in the pages of the best books that i love. Of course, i was more than curious to find out how Claire Kingsley would make her own book boyfriend real and believable. And what an interesting journey it was, that's for sure. I've met authors who write in the opposite gender, and it's always been fascinating to see how they can be as realistic as possible; so it's no wonder that when Alex meets Mia as his alter ego, Lexi, they become fast friends. Mia loves books, would live in them if possible, something i can absolutely relate to. When she comes across Alex, their chemistry is instant, seemingly as though he's too good to be true. Only, Alex knows more about Mia than he leads on, his feelings so very true, but secrets are something that shouldn't be kept in case they come out...

4 breath taking dreams

It was an adorable story, the kind that really makes you wonder if it happens. How many times do you chat with someone online and truly hope that the person you're speaking to is who they really are. Of course, every so often, they are nothing like what we'd expect, being the complete opposite. While i did like this book, it was interesting and the kind of story that will make you think twice about who you speak to, there was so much i was hoping for. It's difficult admitting this simply because i had high hopes reading the blurb and getting into the story. There were some parts that were great and others when i had hoped for more - as much as Mia loved her books and her blog, there had to be more to her than simply that. As for Alex, i had hoped that he'd be more open on who he is and what he knew about Mia. Albeit this, i still enjoyed Book Boyfriend, and can only hope to read from Claire Kingsley in the future because just being able to read something that i've thought about more often than not has made me wildly curious about her.

*ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan underwood
Gah! I adored this cute, sexy romance! It has all the ingredients that appeal to a romance book lover.

“He’s a walking dream.”

Mia is an introverted, awkward, clumsy bookworm, who runs a popular book blog. She’s become good friends with Lexi Logan, a successful though anonymous romance author, and they spend a lot of time messaging each other. Her love life is a disaster, and her sister thinks that all the romance books she reads has made her set the bar too high for potential boyfriends to reach.

“Mia is so…alive. And she doesn’t seem to realize how beautiful she is.”

Alex always wanted to write sci-fi novels. However, an idea from his sister has him writing a successful romance novel and his career completely takes off from there – under the guise of Lexi Logan. It’s key that no one finds out his secret identity as his income helps with all his father’s medical bills. He has a great online friendship with the book blogger, Bookworm Babe AKA BB, and they talk about pretty much everything.

When Mia and Alex literally bump into each at the local bookstore, Alex is completely charmed by her. However, when he puts two and two together, and tries to do the right thing, destiny has a way of pushing them together, and he finds himself stuck with his deception, whilst falling totally in love with the woman of his dreams. Meanwhile, Mia just cannot believe that this gorgeous hunk of man seems to be straight out of a book. He seems perfect. And, he seems to get her and accept her in all her awkward, clumsy glory, and makes her feeling beautiful.

“She’s like the best book ever written.”

I just loved these two! I loved watching them fall in love. Mia is funny and adorable. Alex is just so yummy! I was absolutely hooked by their connection and sexy chemistry. Alex brought out the little sex kitten in Mia and made her feel like a goddess. And, let me tell you, Alex in intense, possessive mode is massively swoony!! Finally, there’s a particular paragraph near the end where he makes an analogy between Mia and a book, and it’s just PERFECT!

Thoroughly recommend this fun read!
Elements of Chemistry (Hypothesis Series Book 2) :: The Opposite of You (The Opposites Attract Series Book 1) :: Friends Without Benefits (Knitting in the City Book 2) :: A reluctant romance (Knitting in the City Book 3) :: Elements of Chemistry (Hypothesis)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen a
Goodness but this was one adorable romance! Book Boyfriend was everything I could have wanted in a romance novel. It was lighthearted with a bit of angst on the side and was an easy read to get through, especially since I enjoyed every single minute I spent flipping from one page to the next on my e-reader. I've read a number of books involving a male romance author, but this was different from all the ones that came before it. If there is a book out there that has a similar story line, I have yet to read it. The keeping a secret angle has been done many times in many books, but both characters had online personas here, and there was nothing nefarious about these online identities. Of course, there's the whole matter of needing to tell Mia the truth, and Alex wanting to do so but the timing never seemed to be right. Too simplistic of a complication? Not really, because this was about total honesty.

The very beginning of the Alex and Mia's story does exactly what it's supposed to: it captures the reader's attention. That's easy enough, but to hold on to that attention and have your reader go all in, becoming emotionally invested in what's happening between the main characters and having the reader's heart squeeze in empathy and cheer them on? That isn't always a given, but Claire Kingsley masterfully did it here. My attention was held from start to finish, and even after nearly 200 pages in two hours' time, I still wanted more. Alex was very much the ideal book boyfriend, and Mia was a heroine that I would have wanted to be my friend if she were a real person. These two weren't merely likable--they were downright lovable, and they, along with a captivating cast of supporting characters and a fabulous love story are part and parcel of why Book Boyfriend is getting five-plus stars. ♥
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You are a Bookworm ? You are addicted to reading ? That kind of reader that glances at his kindle sticking out of a purse thinking on how to get way with a few minutes of reading when anyway you are only waiting?

Well then this book is your payment for all the times that people glared at you. Told you that you should get a real life and that books are only phantasies. Well I sure had a great time reading this story.

I saw myself in so many of those moments that my cheeks actually hurt from laughing at one point. But don’t get me wrong this story is no joke, no it just felt so good. And you want it to be real, because it feels real.

Because as a bookworm you face so much judgement that it was a great moment when this book showed me that indeed I am not alone in this. Please if you love reading so much like me you need to get yourself a copy of this book badly.

This is my first book by this author and I devoured it by the approved “A book A Day” method and I regret nothing – well maybe one thing – that it is over …

The characters were great MIA is like “us”. She is the essence of the misjudged bookworms of the world and Alex is what every woman wants. He is what so hard to find in Guys especially when you measure with all that us Addicts read about.

It is not that long ago that I was making fun with a friend and we were considering exactly what Mia said to Alex about what a Guy should do when first meeting a woman.

So I was a goner for this book already at that point and it only became better. Their thoughts and actions, their building relationship and not to forget this hilarious cat.

Well please read for yourself and be prepared for a hell of a book ride.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pablo padilla
Loved this romance. These two are so perfect together, no unnecessary angst. Their meet cute was just perfect. Can't wait to read next in series.
Alex is a writer at heart, but computer programmer by day. He is miserable. At the urging of his sister, he writes a romance, turns out he is great at it. Lexi Logan is born and takes off. Able to help is dad and the mounting medical debt, his later ego needs to remain a secret.
Enter Mia, who slammed into his life at a bookstore. She works in a hospital during the day and is Book Babe , a popular book reviewer in her spare time.
These two fall head over heels for each other. One catch, Miami doesn't know Alex is Lexington, her online friend.
This is a sweet contemporary romance. Great build up, and resolution. I enjoyed getting to know the main characters, as well as the brother and sister Caleb and Kendra. Definitely recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie ortiz
The love of our lives has arrived ladies!!! The title says it all!!
The book begins with a hint into the strife our lovely couple will face....but just a Claire pulls you in immediately because you will just have to know what happens and how it happens and when it happens and why it get the idea.
"Sometimes in life we all have moments when we realize we screwed up so badly, there's no way out. I'm having one of those moments." (Alex)
This incredibly adorable love story takes you on the journey of Alex and Mia, one who doesn't really believe in happily ever-afters, and one who feels like it would never be in the cards for someone like her. Their chance meeting is Mia's dream come true, (and mine too, let's face it!) and neither of them can believe the other is true. But it's more true than either of them even begin to fathom. Alex says about Mia, "Mia is so....alive. And she doesn't seem to realize how beautiful she is." Mia says about Alex, "It's like the only chocolate I've ever tasted is a Hershey kiss and Alex is ****ing Godiva." This story has the perfect balance of comedy-laugh-out-loud-moments, swoon-worthy-pieces, make-you-wish-it-was-you-intimate-occasions, and the heart-breaking-tear-shedding-point!
The book name (and cover!!) matches this story PERFECTLY. Claire did an amazing job (as usual!) of giving us something that is not your typical RomCom on repeat! The ending pulled all my heart strings, gave me all the feels, and this is a guaranteed stay on your shelf and read time and time again book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kitan awobajo
Perfection! This book was absolute perfection! Claire took every single one of us book junkies and wrote US as the heroine! Well, except that unlike Mia, I am married. But if I was single, I swear Mia would be my best friend. She's clumsy, a bit awkward and always has her nose stuck in a book. So when she literally bumps into a hot AF guy in a bookstore of all places and he OFFERS TO BUY HER BOOKS, she understandably thinks that she is dreaming. How many of us book addicts haven't wished for a book boyfriend to come to life?

Alex is so book-boyfriend perfect. Duh. I love, love, love that the obstacle between them is his secret life as a romance book author, who happens to be one of Mia's besties in her secret life as a book blogger, because these two are so perfectly matched. There are so many moments that made me laugh out loud, and I wanted to slam shut my Kindle in all the right places.

"It's like the only chocolate I've ever tasted is a Hershey kiss and Alex is f****** Godiva." That line is BRILLIANT!

I pretty much read this story in a single sitting, aside from fulfilling a few basic parenting requirements. Braxton from Always Has has long been at the top of my book boyfriend list, but Alex has now claimed that coveted spot.

Claire has her work cut out for her with her future books, because I don't see how she can possibly do better than Alex Lawson! That epilogue! This book already has all the feels, but the epilogue will definitely push you over the emotional edge!

I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz taylor
This Romance is unlike anything I have ever read! It's creative, captivating, funny, relatable, interesting, sexy and a multitude of other complements I am just unable to put into words. Mia is sweet, clumsy, quirky and really damn funny. I think that any slightly awkward bookish romance fan can relate to this character. Alex is super hot and everything I love about a romance hero and on top of that he secretly writes romance novels how hot is that. That is the big twist he writes the romances and she reads them. However, he finds out he knew Mia before he actually knew Mia. it such a cool concept I was literally squealing about it. This book is so great that I just bought the next one and I hardly ever willing pay over a $1.99 for another E-book but I think it will be worth my extra couple books!

Happy Reading
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura reopell
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader copy of this book. Alex had a horrible job that was draining the life out of him. He wanted to write, that was his passion and his sister, Kendra suggested he do that full time but it had taken him almost five years to finish his first book so that wasn't going to happen but she suggested another type of writing and he thought long and hard about it but did he do it. His father needed financial help and Alex was providing that so he could get well so he didn't know about something new right now. Mia was a blogger for romance authors and loved it but didn't tell a sole she was doing it because she knew they wouldn't approve. She went to a book signing and slammed into a man that totally caught her off guard, she was flustered and what came out of her mouth then was shameless and he looked at her and laughed, she blushed and dropped everything she was holding and he scooped it all up before it could touch the floor. He handed it back to Mia and she had totally captivated him, would he leave her then, did he ask her out, did he find her cute and adorable, did Mia go or did she hide again in shame. This is one very intriguing, draw you in, make you stay until the very last word is read on the page. This is one fabulous author and everything single thing she writes turns into gold on the page, can't get enough of her and I know you won't be able to resist yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy mcferrin
*received an ARC for honest review *
Claire Kingsley's really surprised me. I found Alex Lawson and Mia Sullivan's love story refreshing and well written. Alex Lawson bored to death of his computer programming job gets a new idea to follow his passion for writing from his sister, Kendra. Instead of continuing to work on his long-term sci-fi book, he should write romance under an anonymous pen name. One year and several novels later, Alex is successful in the romance world as 'Lexi Logan'. One day, Alex is at a book signing for a fellow romance author and peer, Amy Aurora, when he literally bumps into a beautiful brunette, Mia Sullivan. He follows a piece of advice that his good book blog friend, Bookworm Babe (BB) offered Lexi Logan: If it’s a thing to buy a woman a drink in a bar, why isn’t it a thing to buy a woman a book in a bookstore?
Eventually, that initial interaction grows into love, but there's one thing that could mess this all up. Mia is Bookworm Babe (BB), successful romance book blogger, and she doesn't know that her boyfriend, Alex, is actually anonymous author and BB's friend, Lexi Logan. Will their love conquer this lie and will they get their HEA?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn dyet
*I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.*

This was a light, fun story with not much angyst but lots of romance and hijinks. It is the story of two people who are very lonely but who love romance novels, who find each other on the internet first and then in person at a book signing.

However the biggest problem is that Mia knows Alex as a woman named Lexi who writes her favorite romances that she blogs and reviews. So when Alex meets this really wonderful woman, Mia he is afraid if he tells her the truth it will totally blow his very lucrative career or romance writing.

When Alex realises Mia and Lexi are best friends online, well tries to do the right thing and let Mia go. But life and fate laugh at them and they start running into each other. So Alex decides to see where things go and as you expect the book is very fun as Ale juggles both identities and falls hard for Mia.

It was an enjoyable book and some scenes were very funny. I honestly felt that Alex was a good guy placed in a bad place and so it was fun watching him make everything work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah is
Alex and Mia were cute. Mia was a klutzy, lovable, character that every romance reader relates to in some way feeling more eloquent and comfortable behind a keyboard, able to show off that she is a real reader because we devour an average book a day, and thinking that she's ruined for real men because of how perfect book boyfriends are. Alex is thoughtful and sweet and takes care of everyone to the best of his ability while keeping a big part of his life hidden from almost everyone. This book was a quick read and pretty predictable which I found comforting. I wouldn't mind this book happening to me in real life if I could pick a book to actually happen to me.
Reviewed for HeadTripping Books by Alisha
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mia is a shy, socially awkward bookworm who runs a book blog. Although Alex doesn’t like his job he is a computer programmer and an author in his spare time. His sister convinced him to give up on the sci-fi novel that he hadn’t been able to finish and start writing romance under the name Lexi Logan which was successful. Mia and Alex have become friends online due to their similar careers however Alex doesn’t want anyone to know he is the author of these novels as he needs the extra income to assist with his father’s medical expenses. A chance meeting at the bookstore leads to an instant attraction and although originally they didn’t know their connection when Alex realizes who she is he doesn’t want to tell her and take the chance it could destroy their relationship. Mia sees Alex as the perfect boyfriend straight out of a romance novel but what happens when she realizes that he may not be as perfect as he appeared? Although opposites I loved the humor and how perfect that Alex and Mia are for each other. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bradley vinson
This book was ADORABLE. I've never read anything like it before!!

I wanted to read this right when I found out the heroine loved books. I didn't need to know anything else. I felt like she was my soul sister with how much she loved reading and blogging. Mia is probably one of my favorite heroines to date!!! She had these little quirks that made her incredibly endearing. AND ALEX, he is basically the perfect book boyfriend . If only an avid reader/blogger such as myself would bump into a man who not only likes that I read, but loves to read as well. ;)

Book Boyfriend was my very first read by Claire Kingsley, and after reading it I will GLADLY read more from her in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon stephen stansel
I think this is my new favorite book ever!!!
Claire Kingsley delivered the perfect romance for us bookworms!!!
Alex and Mia were amazing! The book blogger and the romance writer. This story gave me all the feels. It was the perfect combination of emotions and gave me the giddy, falling in love, moments with these characters from every page.
I couldn’t get enough of Claire’s writing and I absolutely loved the connection between Mia and Alex and the dynamic between Lexi and BB.
This is a total gem and definitely gave me all the feels.
Highly Recommend!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stas nagy
Mia is a slightly clumsy heroine who tends to let her words get ahead of her brain. She dreams of men like her favorite romance book boyfriends. Alex comes along and it's like he has stepped out off the pages and into her life.
Claire Kingsley's writing style really drew me into this book. She takes on the persona of her characters that makes you really identify with Alex and Mia. Add in their chemistry, hot scenes between them, and some good humor and it makes for a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you love a quirky, sweet heroine and a charming hero, some nerdy awkwardness, lots of heat, heart and humor, then this is the one for you.

I love that Mia and Alex both fall fast and both fall hard, with Alex loving the traits about Mia that often get overlooked or turn others away.

Well written, HEA, lots of emotion, witty dialogue, not overly angsty. Fun, loving and sweet with lots of heart and heat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book Boyfriend was the sweetest, sexiest rom-com movie, playing out right on my kindle. The romance author/book blogger connection was so clever. Being part of the indie book world, we “meet” people online daily and forge long lasting friendships although we’ve never met in person. What if one of our online book besties was our Prince Charming??? I loved every minute of Alex and Mia’s story and I can’t wait to read more from the amazing Claire Kingsley! FIVE STARS!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah morgan
I love love loved this book. Claire Kingsley just has this way with her stories that makes you feel like you're in a glass case of emotions and this book was no different. It started a little differently, but I think it gave the book some more reference to what was happening with the characters. I adored Alex and Mia, and I adored the side characters as well. Alex was just so swoon worthy and Mia was so adorably awkward, you couldn't help but fall for them.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michele dennis
I received an ARC in exchange for a honest review. I really enjoyed this book as Mia is basically me, just minus the hot book boyfriend lol! She is shy and awkward when it comes to dating and being around men. I think both characters were very well developed and the flow of the book was constantly moving which made it an easy read. I loved the way Alex adored Mia and didn't think she was awkward at all and his ability to express his feelings in writing, super romantic! This book is definitely a one-click must!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikki wood
This series is amazing. I actually read the third book first, but I do not feel like I was let down in any way by knowing or not knowing anything regarding the other characters. Any of the books could be a stand alone if needed, but knowing more about the characters' backgrounds only allowed me to love them more. I laughed out loud over and over, and said awww I don't even know how many times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved Book Boyfriend! All things great in romance books are summed up in a perfect package named Alex. This is an amazingly fun read that I was actually begging for more when I finished! Claire has perfectly captured the quintessential romance novel and woven a fantastic story for Alex and Mia. These characters are so relatable that you fall head over heels from page one. Perfect spring time read. Top 10 read of 2017!

I am voluntarily reviewing in exchange for an advance readers copy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thoroughly enjoyable, enticing and swoon-worthy. This really was a fun story. A really hot guy who writes romance??? Sign me up! A quirky, slightly nerdy, book-loving klutz who literally runs head first into him and sparks fly? Yup, that too. This was a great walk through the story of Alex and Mia. The ups, downs, hot scenes and more. Can't wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What could go wrong? Uh, when he becomes real!
What a charming book. I laughed, I teared up, I cheered them on. This book was like a pie, a little flaky crust (the beautiful klutzy girl), hot out of the oven (that stud of a boyfriend), the rich texture ( yeah, ALL the feels), making it a delicious dessert (the perfect romance). You'll gobble it up in one fell swoop without a hint of regret.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela polidoro
Just when I think Claire Kingsley's next book couldn't get any better, she goes and writes Book Boyfriend and I'm left in awe. Extremely well written with great characters and an outstanding story-line, Ms. Kingsley weaves a story of secrets, lies, hilarious moments, steamy scenes, and so much more. Once you start reading, the pages practically turn themselves.

I volunteered to review an advanced readers copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aaron blohowiak
What a really cute, sweet, pick-me-up, great book! You could just feel how these two awesome characters just FIT. Both Mia and Alex had their insecure, quirky or clumsy issues when apart, but as friends and as a couple, it all just about disappears. I liked that Alex did not give up and persevered to win back Mia. The epilogue is so damn cutely executed! Don't miss out on this one. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karen hewitt
Funny, awkward Mia and sexy Alex meet by accident but it’s not until later that Alex realizes they are already friends through his secret life as a male romance writer using a female pen name. Insta love turns to feelings of betrayal when Mia finds out the truth. Really a cute story. Looking forward to the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m e g
Alex is a male romance author poses a female because he's embarrassed and thinks the people who reads his books wouldn't if they knew he was a male. Mia is a book blogger who adores romances and is a shy and quirky!! They accidentally meet at a book signing. Will Alex be the best book boyfriend ever or will his secrets destroy his relationship with Mia? Read this wonderful story to find out!! Way to go Claire!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen king
Loved it! I loved the storyline. I loved the characters. I loved the giddy way it made me feel. I think the author has a really great flow her writing--it pulled me in, it felt natural, and I didn't want to put it down. I found myself smiling throughout the whole book and getting butterflies. This light, funny. sweet read was just what I needed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Claire Kingsley has done it again!! This book had it all. Great characters who are so lovable and real you want to live next door to them. Outstanding plot that kept the pages flying and I was sad to see end. Humor, joy, angst and tears...I had them all while reading this. Mia and Alex are a couple that I will always remember and as a fellow bookworm this is a story I will never forget.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very well executed. Loved the flow of this book, the quirkiness of heroine Mia and Alex was the perfect book boyfriend. I laughed, chuckled, re-read several passages twice because they were so funny. My only complaint was that I wanted more. More Alex and Mia, even by extension... so please write a story for Alex's brother Caleb so that we can see what Alex and Mia are up to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book. The character interactions and dialogue were a strong point for this story. The only minor issue I had was that the "crisis" had Mia, our female lead, being a bit over dramatic about the situation. She wouldn't bend until he made is "grand gesture". But that's just a minor issue for me. I look forward to more by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason thompson
What an amazing book!! It was super sweet, and totally sexy. Alex is exactly what I picture when I am thinking of the perfect book boyfriend. Mia was a little awkward, but in an incredibly adorable way. I loved reading how these two try to navigate their relationship. It is definitely worth the read!!

I received an arc and voluntarily reviewed it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anuradha goyal
Book boyfriend is a delight!! I anticipated a cliché story....nerdy bookworm girl...smooth guy. This was not it and I loved it!! The cute and sexy is off the charts! Its a bit fast paced, but parallels the relationship evolving as well. The twists and unexpected small details make this story not what you expect, in every best way!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ok now I'm intrigued...... is Claire really Clint or Caleb and trying to tell us something? :-)
Either way I'll continue reading. Loved this book and am starting the next now.
Looking forward to this series.
Thanks for a great read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed this unique storyline! Alex and Mia were the cutest couple. I was worried about how everything was going to play out and nervous that the drama I knew was coming was going to overpower all the good stuff, but it was perfect!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a very enjoyable story with a different theme! It is always nice to find one with a different story line. A man who writes romances is ertainly a twist and he was good at it. Alex and Mia are delightful, funny and sexy. Ms Kingsley is a favorite author and I recommend her books. I did receive an advanced book for hones review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of Book boyfriend. As always Claire Kingsley blows us away with her magnificent work. The story was full of excitement and the characters were wonderfully written and had amazing chemistry between them. I just couldn't get enough once i started. I believe this is an absolute must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is amazing! I love how “real” the characters are. Mia is perfectly quirky, klutzy, doesn’t have much of a verbal filter and just normal, and not a bad normal at all. I felt really connected to her because of her quirks. And Alex is very very swoony. Loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rodney strange
Once again, Claire Kingsley has given us some great characters to fall in love with. Alex and Mia provide a great romance story...awkwardness, lol moments, hot sex, disappointments with breakups and then make up sex. All this to eventually reach their HEA. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mohamed abdallah
Book Boyfriend is such a fun, flirty, and enjoyable story! I absolutely loved the story between Alex and Mia, as it had a unique storyline that I had never seen before. Looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie jones
I loved this book. It has everything a good romance needs. Great characters, great storyline, funny,and sweet. I would love to hear more from the characters. Who wouldn't wanna read a story about Alex's brother?!? So much potential for a great series. Can't wait to see what's next from Claire!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert adhi ksp
4.5 ✨
Book Boyfriend is funny, sexy and sweet! Alex is swoonworthy and Mia is so adorable. Kingsley keeps you laughing and your interest on high! By the end, I wanted more of Alex and Mia's story!! I received a copy from the author and am voluntarily leaving an honest and unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brianna lopez
The perfect boyfriend! While this book is a little different from anything that CK has written before it is everything you could ever want in a contemporary romance. Book boyfriend is a unique read that is truly amazing. Once again Ms. Kingsley has out done herself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ngu lorna
I think I just found my new favorite author! Seriously, this book is that good. I laughed , I swooned, I cried... Wonderfully written, fresh plot, lovable characters. I stayed up unti 4:30 a.m. to finish this. It's that good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steve stepp
While amazingly written, the storyline kind of got confusing at times. With a romance author writing about a romance author writing under a pen name. How can you not?

But the story was bright and filled with comedy. I still recommend it to the romance lovers out there.
Please RateBook Boyfriend (Book Boyfriends 1)
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