Another Shot At Love (A What's Love??? novel Book 1)
ByNiecey Roy
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
steve peace
Did not purchase this book except for the Kindle edition. I was under the mistaken impression that I was reviewing Ice Man Cometh which I bought twice, Kindle and which are keepers for sure, so the headline is very appropriate for ICE Man Cometh only. Sorry about the mix-up. my fault entirely. .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I would recommend this book to everyone. I purchased the book yesterday and it is hard to put it down. I love the descriptive words the writer uses I feel like I'm right there with the characters. I hope you will enjoy this book as much as I am. Happy reading
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jenny munn
I really enjoyed this book in terms of storyline and such colourful characters. Very funny and cleverly written and I would have loved to read the author's other books. However, using blasphemy in books is just wrong and totally unnecessary. Please stop using the Lord's name in your books.
The Player and the Pixie (Rugby Book 2) :: Happily Ever Ninja (Knitting in the City Book 5) :: The Cad and the Co-Ed (Rugby Book 3) :: Grin and Beard It (Winston Brothers Book 2) :: Beard Science (Winston Brothers Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
conor brennan
Imogen can't catch a break from her meddling family. When her twin sister, Lexie, gets engaged to her scumball ex's best friend, her family is on a mission to get her a date for the engagement party. But Imogen, Gen to her friends, is not up for the losers that keep getting thrown her way. When she actually gets dumped by a guy she had zero interest in the first place, she's done with set ups. When getting up to leave, she accidentally gets a face full of the crotch of the man of her dreams.
Matt is handsome, sweet, charming, and funny, but he's not looking for a relationship. After a shared meal, Gen doesn't plan on seeing him again. Her family's harping doesn't slow down and she blurts out that she is dating Matt to get them off her back. Mom and big sis butt in and get Matt back in Gen's life in an unusual way.
I can't go much further without spoiling things, but Gen and her sisters have a wild ride as the date of Lexie's engagement party creeps closer and Matt and Gen grow closer. I could completely relate with Gen since I'm the middle of three sisters. I have always been the one that was not like the others, so seeing things from Gen's point of view was a little like some of my own arguments with my sisters.
One thing I absolutely loved about this book is the way it made me feel while I was reading it. I read with a smile on my face and laughed more times than I could count. I gasped when something unexpected happened and got teary-eyed when the sisters got to an emotional breaking point.
It seems Rom/Com's are more of a movie or television thing these days. I love that Niecey Roy has brought this one to the page. I love free-spirited Gen and all of her wacky family. Roy made Matt not just eye candy, but a truly witty guy with a genuine heart. I can't wait to read Lexie's story, Done with Love, as soon as I can.
Thanks so much to Niecey Roy for gifting me with a copy of Another Shot at Love in exchange for an honest review.
Matt is handsome, sweet, charming, and funny, but he's not looking for a relationship. After a shared meal, Gen doesn't plan on seeing him again. Her family's harping doesn't slow down and she blurts out that she is dating Matt to get them off her back. Mom and big sis butt in and get Matt back in Gen's life in an unusual way.
I can't go much further without spoiling things, but Gen and her sisters have a wild ride as the date of Lexie's engagement party creeps closer and Matt and Gen grow closer. I could completely relate with Gen since I'm the middle of three sisters. I have always been the one that was not like the others, so seeing things from Gen's point of view was a little like some of my own arguments with my sisters.
One thing I absolutely loved about this book is the way it made me feel while I was reading it. I read with a smile on my face and laughed more times than I could count. I gasped when something unexpected happened and got teary-eyed when the sisters got to an emotional breaking point.
It seems Rom/Com's are more of a movie or television thing these days. I love that Niecey Roy has brought this one to the page. I love free-spirited Gen and all of her wacky family. Roy made Matt not just eye candy, but a truly witty guy with a genuine heart. I can't wait to read Lexie's story, Done with Love, as soon as I can.
Thanks so much to Niecey Roy for gifting me with a copy of Another Shot at Love in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Imogen is the main character of this story and she rocks it with her blonde hair and pink highlights! The story begins with Gen's memory rehashing the past three months of her pathetic life with Brent. She walks in to find him with another woman in their bed. Her response is to sprinkle his clothing over the shrubbery outside. What a kick-ass way to start a story right?! She thought that she had been in love; but, she didn't know what love was...until she ran into Matt. She's drawn to this new man in her life but doesn't know if a serious relationship is something that she can consider or even commit to. As her sister's engagement starts to unravel, Gen's new lust picks up speed but is she ready?
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book which is the first in her What's Love series. Gen and Matt's relationship was so raw and irresistible; I found myself unable to put it down! I am a sucker for a good romance and this topped my expectations because it also had an insatiable amount of humor references as well. All characters really captivated my attention; however, my heart sunk with Lexie's unhappiness. Since Lexie and Gen are twins, the author makes sure to incorporate her sister's unhappiness with her frazzled engagement often. The author also captures Gen's perfectly descriptive annoyance for Brent who becomes incredibly clingy and unreliable. The one sole characteristic that really hit home for me is the closeness of her family; she mentions them often during the story which really made me relate to the main character so much more.
In my opinion, this story was well written and all descriptions were so vivid that I had a prevalent imagination of each character and each emotion experienced. I recommend this wonderful romance to all of the women in my club because it is told from Imogen's perspective. She is tough and innocent which reminds me of myself when I first got married. She doesn't want casual sex but strives to find that one person who will complete her in every way. I am giving this story fives stars because I could really relate which is one of the main things that a reader looks for when picking a book.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book which is the first in her What's Love series. Gen and Matt's relationship was so raw and irresistible; I found myself unable to put it down! I am a sucker for a good romance and this topped my expectations because it also had an insatiable amount of humor references as well. All characters really captivated my attention; however, my heart sunk with Lexie's unhappiness. Since Lexie and Gen are twins, the author makes sure to incorporate her sister's unhappiness with her frazzled engagement often. The author also captures Gen's perfectly descriptive annoyance for Brent who becomes incredibly clingy and unreliable. The one sole characteristic that really hit home for me is the closeness of her family; she mentions them often during the story which really made me relate to the main character so much more.
In my opinion, this story was well written and all descriptions were so vivid that I had a prevalent imagination of each character and each emotion experienced. I recommend this wonderful romance to all of the women in my club because it is told from Imogen's perspective. She is tough and innocent which reminds me of myself when I first got married. She doesn't want casual sex but strives to find that one person who will complete her in every way. I am giving this story fives stars because I could really relate which is one of the main things that a reader looks for when picking a book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sally myers
Imogen “Gen” Gorecki can’t seem to figure out this whole dating/relationship deal. When she goes from taken to single after her dick of boyfriend bangs his ex she finds herself being forced to partner up so she isn’t going stag for her twin’s engagement party.
Dud after dud, Gen is about to give up completely when she comes face to um... not face with Matt. When he overhears her being dumped over a plate of bad Italian food, he can’t help himself. But Matt isn’t interested in dating and although Gen could use something casual herself, these two are too dysfunctional to move this easy friendship to one with sweaty & steamy benefits.
But all that is going to change when Gen opens her mouth and the crazy escapes. Desperate to get her family off her back she figures a few white lies won’t hurt anyone... but she underestimated her family and Matt isn’t going to know what hit him, but he’s willing to go with the flow.
I have to first say that I am a huge fan of when an author gives you an unconventional introduction. The face to the crotch move. F-ing classic. It’s like you can see it happening and you can’t help but groan how embarrassing that moment is. I liked the dynamic of these two quite a bit and although the humor of parts took a while to get into, eventually I did experience a few laugh out loud moments.
I was frustrated at the way her family acted though. Parts of the interaction seemed a tad overdone and I think the idea was for some of it to be outrageous to the point of comical, but it just made me want to slap all of them at times.
This was my first read from Niecey Roy and although I did not love every moment/aspect of the story it was a solid read. The humor took a bit before it really felt like it fit the story, which led to a bit of a shaky start. But by the time the ending was rolling around I was drawn into to the story. I look forward to reading the rest of this series at some point – I think this one created a great starting point for the series.
Dud after dud, Gen is about to give up completely when she comes face to um... not face with Matt. When he overhears her being dumped over a plate of bad Italian food, he can’t help himself. But Matt isn’t interested in dating and although Gen could use something casual herself, these two are too dysfunctional to move this easy friendship to one with sweaty & steamy benefits.
But all that is going to change when Gen opens her mouth and the crazy escapes. Desperate to get her family off her back she figures a few white lies won’t hurt anyone... but she underestimated her family and Matt isn’t going to know what hit him, but he’s willing to go with the flow.
I have to first say that I am a huge fan of when an author gives you an unconventional introduction. The face to the crotch move. F-ing classic. It’s like you can see it happening and you can’t help but groan how embarrassing that moment is. I liked the dynamic of these two quite a bit and although the humor of parts took a while to get into, eventually I did experience a few laugh out loud moments.
I was frustrated at the way her family acted though. Parts of the interaction seemed a tad overdone and I think the idea was for some of it to be outrageous to the point of comical, but it just made me want to slap all of them at times.
This was my first read from Niecey Roy and although I did not love every moment/aspect of the story it was a solid read. The humor took a bit before it really felt like it fit the story, which led to a bit of a shaky start. But by the time the ending was rolling around I was drawn into to the story. I look forward to reading the rest of this series at some point – I think this one created a great starting point for the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was HI-larious! so, so, sososososososo gooooood!
So anyways!
Song Choice: "All I Want is You" by Barry Louis Polisar, "Textbook Love" by Fleet Foxes, "Oh, It Is Love" by Hellogoodbye
First thoughts: This was so funny and I was pleasantly surprised by that. I remember very clearly when Niecey had asked me to read this in exchange for an honest review, I was a little on the fence because usually my genre is paranormal, fantasy, scifi, stuff like that, usually I don't do contemporary and when I do I like suspenseful stuff. But when she sent me the blurb, I laughed my ass off. I thought to myself, yeah I might be a little stockpiled right now but it could be really good. So I said yes, I am glad I did, this was REALLY GOOD. So before I get carried away as I do, so funny, so romantic, and a bit cringe worthy embarrassing moments where you just want to hide behind your hands but then look anyways ;)
Thoughts of Plot: I was again pleasantly surprised here. I - sorry to admit it - was thinking okay this is going to be the norm right? The girl falls for boy, boy is a bit of player but "changes his ways" but then catches him in a comprising position, NOPE. Niecey didn't go run of the mill with us - which honestly I think she could have and I would have still enjoyed this as much I did this way... does that make sense? Whatever in my brain it does. ;) anyways. So while maybe its more predictable for people who normally read this genre it was a nice pleasant surprise for me who doesn't usually because it wasn't the normal miss-communication sort of thing, or just in general the couple isn't open with each other. So on top of that awesomeness, I find it while a lot of authors do achieve a certain amount of humor, sometimes it can VERY difficult to write really good funny ass scenes only because a lot of humor now is physical humor, its something you want to see, verses read, or be told about. I thought this nailed it. Perfectly. Not only did this book read as more like a movie, like ... how do i make this make more sense? Do you get what i am saying? It was amazing written so well in fact that i could picture everything pretty clearly in my head. Which i mean come on that is A HUGE HUGE bonus in my book <3 anyways. moving on there were parts in this book i just KNEW something funny was about to happen and i couldn't even think about holding in my laughter. Oh did I mention I have explosive laughter, yes explosive - if you are wondering what that means, it means that when i laugh people on the other side of the country - if not in China can hear it. So on top of it being funny, it was so sweet and romantic, i was cheering for the couple the whole way through and was just tickled pink with there relationship.
Imogen (pretty sure that is how she spelled it...?) Gen, Gennie, Gennie-bear, you know ;) : So i loved her! She was really funny herself. She was quite the character though, while at times she had this sarcastic side she was also very sweet, to me she felt like a real person, and that is amazing. She dealt with some serious crap and I love how strong she is, and it annoyed me that everyone tried to make her the victim but i was loving that she never let it get to her. She wasn't and she wasn't pretending to be. Sometimes i just wanted to jump in the book and scream at everyone for her but she was very level headed and dealt with it in a calm matter. She was sensitive and very colorful. I really thought she was a fantastic character. Being a twin myself I loved her relationship with her twin, while you are close its not that you are the same person - far from it, but sometimes things you just share. Anyways... moving on
Matt: Wow. Swoon. Worthy. Seriously my thoughts throughout most of the book was: okay where can i buy one? Hahaha for reals though, where can I buy one?! Yes things were odd when he first meet Gen but he took it in stride and he was an amazing guy for most of everything he did, if not more. He was seriously....*swwoooonn* Yup... swooon.
Roxanna: I just wanted to say that i thought she was a really fun character and I enjoyed her parts in the book and i was glad as the best friend she didn't really disappear after being used for one scene <3
So there were quite a few other awesome characters in this book but i don't really do side characters i use to way back when but...yeah no more sorry. :) they were awesome though.
So I know this is a series, will I go on? Yup. Am I sold on Niecey Roy books? Yup. <3
So anyways!
Song Choice: "All I Want is You" by Barry Louis Polisar, "Textbook Love" by Fleet Foxes, "Oh, It Is Love" by Hellogoodbye
First thoughts: This was so funny and I was pleasantly surprised by that. I remember very clearly when Niecey had asked me to read this in exchange for an honest review, I was a little on the fence because usually my genre is paranormal, fantasy, scifi, stuff like that, usually I don't do contemporary and when I do I like suspenseful stuff. But when she sent me the blurb, I laughed my ass off. I thought to myself, yeah I might be a little stockpiled right now but it could be really good. So I said yes, I am glad I did, this was REALLY GOOD. So before I get carried away as I do, so funny, so romantic, and a bit cringe worthy embarrassing moments where you just want to hide behind your hands but then look anyways ;)
Thoughts of Plot: I was again pleasantly surprised here. I - sorry to admit it - was thinking okay this is going to be the norm right? The girl falls for boy, boy is a bit of player but "changes his ways" but then catches him in a comprising position, NOPE. Niecey didn't go run of the mill with us - which honestly I think she could have and I would have still enjoyed this as much I did this way... does that make sense? Whatever in my brain it does. ;) anyways. So while maybe its more predictable for people who normally read this genre it was a nice pleasant surprise for me who doesn't usually because it wasn't the normal miss-communication sort of thing, or just in general the couple isn't open with each other. So on top of that awesomeness, I find it while a lot of authors do achieve a certain amount of humor, sometimes it can VERY difficult to write really good funny ass scenes only because a lot of humor now is physical humor, its something you want to see, verses read, or be told about. I thought this nailed it. Perfectly. Not only did this book read as more like a movie, like ... how do i make this make more sense? Do you get what i am saying? It was amazing written so well in fact that i could picture everything pretty clearly in my head. Which i mean come on that is A HUGE HUGE bonus in my book <3 anyways. moving on there were parts in this book i just KNEW something funny was about to happen and i couldn't even think about holding in my laughter. Oh did I mention I have explosive laughter, yes explosive - if you are wondering what that means, it means that when i laugh people on the other side of the country - if not in China can hear it. So on top of it being funny, it was so sweet and romantic, i was cheering for the couple the whole way through and was just tickled pink with there relationship.
Imogen (pretty sure that is how she spelled it...?) Gen, Gennie, Gennie-bear, you know ;) : So i loved her! She was really funny herself. She was quite the character though, while at times she had this sarcastic side she was also very sweet, to me she felt like a real person, and that is amazing. She dealt with some serious crap and I love how strong she is, and it annoyed me that everyone tried to make her the victim but i was loving that she never let it get to her. She wasn't and she wasn't pretending to be. Sometimes i just wanted to jump in the book and scream at everyone for her but she was very level headed and dealt with it in a calm matter. She was sensitive and very colorful. I really thought she was a fantastic character. Being a twin myself I loved her relationship with her twin, while you are close its not that you are the same person - far from it, but sometimes things you just share. Anyways... moving on
Matt: Wow. Swoon. Worthy. Seriously my thoughts throughout most of the book was: okay where can i buy one? Hahaha for reals though, where can I buy one?! Yes things were odd when he first meet Gen but he took it in stride and he was an amazing guy for most of everything he did, if not more. He was seriously....*swwoooonn* Yup... swooon.
Roxanna: I just wanted to say that i thought she was a really fun character and I enjoyed her parts in the book and i was glad as the best friend she didn't really disappear after being used for one scene <3
So there were quite a few other awesome characters in this book but i don't really do side characters i use to way back when but...yeah no more sorry. :) they were awesome though.
So I know this is a series, will I go on? Yup. Am I sold on Niecey Roy books? Yup. <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
claudia fitch
Imogen Gorecki had just come off from a bad relationship. She caught her boyfriend intertwined in a porn-worthy position with a Barbie bombshell that will forever leave a trauma in her brain. She left her boyfriend, the apartment they shared and her job. Months later, she wasn't yet ready to date which alarmed everyone around her. Her pregnant and terrible-at-matchmaking sister threw her blind dates like there was no tomorrow, and to top it all up, her twin sister just got engage to her ex's best friend.
I wasn't searching for Mr. Perfect anymore - what I wanted was normal. Plain and simple.
She needed a date (badly) to an engagement party. How can searching for Mr. Normal be that difficult?? Gen had no idea it was that hard. The few dates she's been out with proves to be a walking disaster one after the other. She was about to resign herself in coming alone until she face-plants into the crotch in one of the hottest man she had ever laid eyes on.
Matt Sesnick was Mr. Perfect, a gentleman, humorous, thoughtful, and most of all, SEXY! He is really perfect, well except for the relationship part, because he had no interest in engaging in a relationship right now. Neither was she - or she'd like to think so, until the pressure of her not-dating and the increasing fear of her folks of her getting back with Brent (the scumbag) made her blurt out a little white lie that led into meeting the parents, and having him introduced as the fake boyfriend.
I love them both - especially Matt because he was a sport about the whole thing, very gentlemanly of him. He was really a perfect guy for Imogen, but with a past of his own, his readiness to enter into another relationship is also questionable. In fairness to him, he was honest about it. They started out as friends who kissed and spends movie time together - but as the days goes, the attraction strengthens and emotion was starting to grow. Question is, can both of them take another chance at love??
The secondary characters were pretty awesome - they give out the best scenes that will have you laughing: Catherine, the pregnant older sister, with unstable hormones, Lexi her bridezilla twin, Roxanna her beautiful and ever supportive friend, and even Richard - the geek from the IT department! Combine them all together, threw in a controlling future-in-laws, a future grand-wedding, and an assuming ex-boyfriend, it was a total chaos. But I loved it.
Another shot at love is my Sunday read - and I totally enjoyed reading it. Ms. Roy made sure you will be laughing your hearts out (besides falling in love) after you have put your readers down. I love the characters, the dialogues, the plot and most especially the humor that will make your aching hearts feel lighter.
If you want something light, funny, sweet and heartwarming. Another Shot at Love is great story about love, family, moving on and second chances.
★ARC Copy was given in exchange for an honest review.★
I wasn't searching for Mr. Perfect anymore - what I wanted was normal. Plain and simple.
She needed a date (badly) to an engagement party. How can searching for Mr. Normal be that difficult?? Gen had no idea it was that hard. The few dates she's been out with proves to be a walking disaster one after the other. She was about to resign herself in coming alone until she face-plants into the crotch in one of the hottest man she had ever laid eyes on.
Matt Sesnick was Mr. Perfect, a gentleman, humorous, thoughtful, and most of all, SEXY! He is really perfect, well except for the relationship part, because he had no interest in engaging in a relationship right now. Neither was she - or she'd like to think so, until the pressure of her not-dating and the increasing fear of her folks of her getting back with Brent (the scumbag) made her blurt out a little white lie that led into meeting the parents, and having him introduced as the fake boyfriend.
I love them both - especially Matt because he was a sport about the whole thing, very gentlemanly of him. He was really a perfect guy for Imogen, but with a past of his own, his readiness to enter into another relationship is also questionable. In fairness to him, he was honest about it. They started out as friends who kissed and spends movie time together - but as the days goes, the attraction strengthens and emotion was starting to grow. Question is, can both of them take another chance at love??
The secondary characters were pretty awesome - they give out the best scenes that will have you laughing: Catherine, the pregnant older sister, with unstable hormones, Lexi her bridezilla twin, Roxanna her beautiful and ever supportive friend, and even Richard - the geek from the IT department! Combine them all together, threw in a controlling future-in-laws, a future grand-wedding, and an assuming ex-boyfriend, it was a total chaos. But I loved it.
Another shot at love is my Sunday read - and I totally enjoyed reading it. Ms. Roy made sure you will be laughing your hearts out (besides falling in love) after you have put your readers down. I love the characters, the dialogues, the plot and most especially the humor that will make your aching hearts feel lighter.
If you want something light, funny, sweet and heartwarming. Another Shot at Love is great story about love, family, moving on and second chances.
★ARC Copy was given in exchange for an honest review.★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel nackman
Gen is regrouping after the betrayal of her fiancé. She’s looking up and moving forward, until her twin sister announced her wedding and even more… she’s maid of honor and the ex scumbag the best man.
Determined their sister will hook up with Brent at the wedding the Gorecki sisters starts master planning blind dates for Gen. From one awful blind date the worst Gen just doesn’t find another to share love with. That is it until she plants her face into the crotch of a very handsome stranger. Her one night date with him, has Gen dreaming for more.
When her sisters finally decides that Gen is doomed, they reach for drastic solutions, the dull cop will have to do. In an attempt to disarm their plan Gen lies and proclaim her one night date her boyfriend. The only problem to this plan of hers…. He doesn’t know it, yet.
This was an absolute magnificent read. I was cracking myself open with these sisters. Niecey captures your attention from page one and doesn’t let go until your done.
I still grimaced at the memory of catching Brent locked in a porno-worthy position with his fake-breasted ex-girlfriend on the sheets I’d gotten us for Christmas.
The moment the sisters starts planning blind dates and adding some more bad memories for the poor Gen.
“No time for thinking. No friend of mine hits on the pervert pizza delivery guy. It’s time for drastic measures.”
It’s with one of these dates that the inevitable happens, Gen finds her dream guy, but not with puffing her eyes and giving him the dreamy look.
I pushed away the plate of spaghetti and turned in my seat to grab my purse hanging on the back of the chair.
And ended up face-to-crotch with a man in a pair of slacks.
If the guy had been wearing jeans, I wouldn’t have felt every single curve of the male anatomy. Under the soft material of his slacks, nothing was left to my imagination. My nose rolled over his penis and when I gasped, my lips brushed against the slacks, like a kiss. I jerked around in my seat and clutched the edge of the table with both hands, my shoulders squared and back ramrod straight.
“Oh my God,” I choked out in a mortified whisper. Could this day get any worse?
It at this moment when you know, this is going to be an epic read, and it was. From here on out I was grabbing my kindle and just laughing my butt off. What a marvelous bunch of characters. Gen is strong, yet the chance for true love makes her stumble right into the arms of her Mr. Right. Matt was the perfect gentleman through the novel. With some insecurities of his own he ensures that you shake your head and wonder what the hell is going on. This novel is definitively worth every penny, and makes such a great read. Niecey’s writing style is light and elegant giving you enough description but not overbearing details. I loved, loved her writing style. So from me, a well-deserved 5 stars.
Determined their sister will hook up with Brent at the wedding the Gorecki sisters starts master planning blind dates for Gen. From one awful blind date the worst Gen just doesn’t find another to share love with. That is it until she plants her face into the crotch of a very handsome stranger. Her one night date with him, has Gen dreaming for more.
When her sisters finally decides that Gen is doomed, they reach for drastic solutions, the dull cop will have to do. In an attempt to disarm their plan Gen lies and proclaim her one night date her boyfriend. The only problem to this plan of hers…. He doesn’t know it, yet.
This was an absolute magnificent read. I was cracking myself open with these sisters. Niecey captures your attention from page one and doesn’t let go until your done.
I still grimaced at the memory of catching Brent locked in a porno-worthy position with his fake-breasted ex-girlfriend on the sheets I’d gotten us for Christmas.
The moment the sisters starts planning blind dates and adding some more bad memories for the poor Gen.
“No time for thinking. No friend of mine hits on the pervert pizza delivery guy. It’s time for drastic measures.”
It’s with one of these dates that the inevitable happens, Gen finds her dream guy, but not with puffing her eyes and giving him the dreamy look.
I pushed away the plate of spaghetti and turned in my seat to grab my purse hanging on the back of the chair.
And ended up face-to-crotch with a man in a pair of slacks.
If the guy had been wearing jeans, I wouldn’t have felt every single curve of the male anatomy. Under the soft material of his slacks, nothing was left to my imagination. My nose rolled over his penis and when I gasped, my lips brushed against the slacks, like a kiss. I jerked around in my seat and clutched the edge of the table with both hands, my shoulders squared and back ramrod straight.
“Oh my God,” I choked out in a mortified whisper. Could this day get any worse?
It at this moment when you know, this is going to be an epic read, and it was. From here on out I was grabbing my kindle and just laughing my butt off. What a marvelous bunch of characters. Gen is strong, yet the chance for true love makes her stumble right into the arms of her Mr. Right. Matt was the perfect gentleman through the novel. With some insecurities of his own he ensures that you shake your head and wonder what the hell is going on. This novel is definitively worth every penny, and makes such a great read. Niecey’s writing style is light and elegant giving you enough description but not overbearing details. I loved, loved her writing style. So from me, a well-deserved 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In Another Shot at Love, we join poor Imogen, her twin sister just got engaged, to her ex boyfriend's best friend. In a few short months, Gen will be forced to spend time with her two timing ex. This causes her older sister to begin an ill conceived plan to set Gen up. After a month of unsuccessful dates, Gen is ready to give up on men again, when she has an embarrassing run in with a handsome stranger, Matt. I loved falling in love with these characters. The family scenes and sister scenes are so true to life, Gen and her family feel like the family you always wanted. And Matt, the perfect man to make anyone want another shot at love. I love the progression on Gen and Matt relationship and that they are both strong, independent characters that become happier with each other, but don't have some fatal flaw like most romance novels. Niecey Roy writes a funny, smart love story, and leaves me wondering how many people in my life have been abducted by evil gray aliens!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richi gupta
I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Another Shot at Love is a laugh out loud romantic comedy, so I advise taking your surroundings into consideration before you start reading, unless you enjoy making a spectacle of yourself. By the end of the book when Gen finally makes it to the engagement party, I was laughing so hard I could barely read. From the way Gen meets Matt to the riotous engagement party, there is never a dull moment.
I fell in love with Gen from the very beginning. She's such a caring, free-spirit, I just couldn't figure out what she was doing with a bore like Brent to begin with. She's so lucky he cheated on her or she might have married the jerk. Gen is an artist, her creative nature apparent in her appearance (pink highlights in her hair) and her overall personality. When he older sister starts fixing her up with losers, she handles it with more aplomb than I ever could. With a twin sister, an older sister, and a meddling mother, Gen has a hard time living her life without never ending drama.
Sometimes I wondered how Gen managed to deal with her female relatives without maiming one of them. Catherine, the older sister, is overbearing and refuses to take no for an answer. Twin sister Lexie is so wrapped up in her wedding plans, that are quickly spiraling out of control, to support Gen. Mom, like lots of mothers, worries that twenty-three year old Gen will never find a man. The only voice of reason, best friend Roxanna, is crazy in her own right - so basically reason flies out the window in this novel.
When Gen meets Matt, she's immediately attracted to him. They become fast friends with an obvious mutual attraction, but neither is ready for a relationship. Gen quickly realizes that she wants more from Matt, though, she's afraid to say anything to scare him away. Between dealing with two lunatic sisters, a nosy best friend, a relentless ex, and a delusional guy from work, I can't help but wonder how Gen stays sane. I loved the characters in this book, all of them. Ex-boyfriend Brent was so fun to hate. The crazy sisters were a source of constant entertainment. I can't help but wonder about Lexie. Things were falling apart with her domineering and snobby future in-laws, and fiancee Jeremy was no help. I really want to know what happens with her relationship.
If you're looking for a sweet romance, and you love to laugh (it's good for the soul), add Another Shot at Love to your TBR list.
Another Shot at Love is a laugh out loud romantic comedy, so I advise taking your surroundings into consideration before you start reading, unless you enjoy making a spectacle of yourself. By the end of the book when Gen finally makes it to the engagement party, I was laughing so hard I could barely read. From the way Gen meets Matt to the riotous engagement party, there is never a dull moment.
I fell in love with Gen from the very beginning. She's such a caring, free-spirit, I just couldn't figure out what she was doing with a bore like Brent to begin with. She's so lucky he cheated on her or she might have married the jerk. Gen is an artist, her creative nature apparent in her appearance (pink highlights in her hair) and her overall personality. When he older sister starts fixing her up with losers, she handles it with more aplomb than I ever could. With a twin sister, an older sister, and a meddling mother, Gen has a hard time living her life without never ending drama.
Sometimes I wondered how Gen managed to deal with her female relatives without maiming one of them. Catherine, the older sister, is overbearing and refuses to take no for an answer. Twin sister Lexie is so wrapped up in her wedding plans, that are quickly spiraling out of control, to support Gen. Mom, like lots of mothers, worries that twenty-three year old Gen will never find a man. The only voice of reason, best friend Roxanna, is crazy in her own right - so basically reason flies out the window in this novel.
When Gen meets Matt, she's immediately attracted to him. They become fast friends with an obvious mutual attraction, but neither is ready for a relationship. Gen quickly realizes that she wants more from Matt, though, she's afraid to say anything to scare him away. Between dealing with two lunatic sisters, a nosy best friend, a relentless ex, and a delusional guy from work, I can't help but wonder how Gen stays sane. I loved the characters in this book, all of them. Ex-boyfriend Brent was so fun to hate. The crazy sisters were a source of constant entertainment. I can't help but wonder about Lexie. Things were falling apart with her domineering and snobby future in-laws, and fiancee Jeremy was no help. I really want to know what happens with her relationship.
If you're looking for a sweet romance, and you love to laugh (it's good for the soul), add Another Shot at Love to your TBR list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
xitlali mart nez
A romantic comedy?!? What?! I swear it feels like forever since I have read a really great Rom/Com and Niecey Roy's "Another Shot At Love" is definitely one of the great ones! I found myself laughing so hard that my family thought I had lost it a bit. A perfect book to cure any book hangover, "Another Shot At Love" is the complete package. Silly and entertaining characters, hilarious situations, quirky family dynamics and one seriously hot knight in shining armor!
Our main and quirkiest character of all, Imogen Mae "Gen," just found the unthinkable. Her boyfriend of two years (who also happens to be the best friend of her twin sister's boyfriend), was caught in a compromising stripper worthy position with his ex girlfriend. Fast forward five months and the same twin, Lexie, gets engaged and absolutely insists that Gen cannot come to the engagement party without a +1.
Like with every crazy family who gets an idea in their head, Lexie and their older sister Cat decide they need to do a little matchmaking. Enter an insane game of tug of war between a very pregnant and hormonal Cat, a bridezilla Lexie and a mom determined to see her nomad and eclectic daughter Gen settled down with a nice man, and you have a recipe for some of the funniest family moments imaginable.
Set up on some of the worst blind dates, Gen really gets it good when after being dumped in the restaurant, she literally turns around a face plants the sexiest man she has ever seen, straight in the crotch! Matt has witnessed Gen's humiliation and wants to make it better so he takes her to get a real meal. They spend time talking and laughing and just having a wonderful time.
When backed up into a corner, Gen does the only thing she can think of, she lies to her family and says she has met a man and has a new boyfriend ~ Matt! Spoiler free from here on out, needless to say you have to watch Gen's family take the new boyfriend story and run with it!
"Another Shot At Love" is a definite must read! I'm so excited to see what happens with the rest of this funny and lovable series!
Our main and quirkiest character of all, Imogen Mae "Gen," just found the unthinkable. Her boyfriend of two years (who also happens to be the best friend of her twin sister's boyfriend), was caught in a compromising stripper worthy position with his ex girlfriend. Fast forward five months and the same twin, Lexie, gets engaged and absolutely insists that Gen cannot come to the engagement party without a +1.
Like with every crazy family who gets an idea in their head, Lexie and their older sister Cat decide they need to do a little matchmaking. Enter an insane game of tug of war between a very pregnant and hormonal Cat, a bridezilla Lexie and a mom determined to see her nomad and eclectic daughter Gen settled down with a nice man, and you have a recipe for some of the funniest family moments imaginable.
Set up on some of the worst blind dates, Gen really gets it good when after being dumped in the restaurant, she literally turns around a face plants the sexiest man she has ever seen, straight in the crotch! Matt has witnessed Gen's humiliation and wants to make it better so he takes her to get a real meal. They spend time talking and laughing and just having a wonderful time.
When backed up into a corner, Gen does the only thing she can think of, she lies to her family and says she has met a man and has a new boyfriend ~ Matt! Spoiler free from here on out, needless to say you have to watch Gen's family take the new boyfriend story and run with it!
"Another Shot At Love" is a definite must read! I'm so excited to see what happens with the rest of this funny and lovable series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The story centres around Imogen Gorecki (or Gen as she prefers to be known) and the downturn in her love life following her relationship breakdown. She walked in on her boyfriend Brent cheating on her with stripper barbie and that was the end of him. Or not, as the case may be, seeing as her twin sister Lexie is engaged to his best friend. Now she has the engagement party to attend, and doesn’t want to give Brent and stripper Barbie the satisfaction of seeing her without a date at the party. Eager to help her out with Mission: Find Gen a Date are Lexie, their best friend Roxie, and the eldest Gorecki sister Cat.
Cat is pregnant and VERY hormonal. She makes it her purpose in life to set Gen up with a HOT guy, and not daring to refuse her eldest sister, Gen finds herself on a series of disastrous dates. On a ‘date’ with the delusional Richard, who thinks it would be cool to dump her in public, she literally bumps into Matt (or rather Matt’s very impressive crotch area) and the rest is all downhill from there!
Faced with a twin sister who has turned into the Bridezilla from hell, an elder pregnancy hormone ravaged sister, and their exasperated mother trying to help her get a date, she announces she has found her own date to try and get them off her back. That doesn’t cut it though, they want details, and Gen soon finds her little white lie snowballing into a situation she struggles to contain. And it soon comes back to bite her in the face with comical results. I won’t spoil it for you, but I will say I was laughing so much reading this book!
If you’re looking for a book to pull you out of a slump with no angst, a hot guy, and characters that you’d be happy to have as friends then this is the book for you. I loved Gen, and her two sisters, Matt was so sweet and easy going, and Gen’s parents were really funny too. I also have to give a special mention to Richard – he was so funny and borderline crazy, I’d love to read more from him!
Cat is pregnant and VERY hormonal. She makes it her purpose in life to set Gen up with a HOT guy, and not daring to refuse her eldest sister, Gen finds herself on a series of disastrous dates. On a ‘date’ with the delusional Richard, who thinks it would be cool to dump her in public, she literally bumps into Matt (or rather Matt’s very impressive crotch area) and the rest is all downhill from there!
Faced with a twin sister who has turned into the Bridezilla from hell, an elder pregnancy hormone ravaged sister, and their exasperated mother trying to help her get a date, she announces she has found her own date to try and get them off her back. That doesn’t cut it though, they want details, and Gen soon finds her little white lie snowballing into a situation she struggles to contain. And it soon comes back to bite her in the face with comical results. I won’t spoil it for you, but I will say I was laughing so much reading this book!
If you’re looking for a book to pull you out of a slump with no angst, a hot guy, and characters that you’d be happy to have as friends then this is the book for you. I loved Gen, and her two sisters, Matt was so sweet and easy going, and Gen’s parents were really funny too. I also have to give a special mention to Richard – he was so funny and borderline crazy, I’d love to read more from him!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received this copy from the author Niecey Roy for an honest review and so I shall deliver!
The book opens up with Gen tossing out the remainder of clothes, left by Brent, her cheating (ex)boyfriend of two years, down onto the snowy ground below. She then closes the door on the empty apartment and what was once a happy home with marriage and kids in the future...UNTIL....she came home one night and caught Brent screwing "Stripper Barbie". I laughed my butt off at the name, even though my heart ached for Gen.
Fast forward three months and Gen is in a new place and doing really well. She's over Brent, but her 2 Sisters, Lexie(Gen's twin) and Catherine(pregnant older sister), don't believe her.
What makes things more difficult is Lexie's Fiancee', Jeremy, is best friends with Brent. Gen and Brent are both in the wedding party. She is the Maid of Honor, while he is the Best Man.
Cat and Lexie's biggest fear is Gen will take Brent home with her the night of the engagement party that is a few months away. So they decide she needs to start dating. Cat decides to take it upon herself to shove loser after loser onto Gen, despite the NUMEROUS times Gen tells her not only does she NOT want to date, but definitely doesn't want to date the guys Cat is throwing at her! Cat of course knows best, Lexie is too busy with the wedding and Gen's mother feels the same way as the sisters. So Gen has no back up support at all. The kicker was when Cat set her up with a loser at the workplace Gen and Cat both work.
<BOOK QUOTE>My most recent date from h*** sat across from me in a fast-food restaurant that smelled of burnt marinara, where grease hung in the air like a sticky film of humidity.
You are being dumped in a sh**ty Italian restaurant. Perfect.
Richard had been another one of Catherine’s choices for a date to the upcoming engagement party, and I wasn’t happy about it. This guy was all wrong for me. Also, he’d dumped me only four seconds after showing me to a wobbly, plastic table beside a group of giggling teenaged girls who enjoyed eavesdropping more than their overcooked pasta.
With a sigh, I wadded up my straw wrapper, pinching it into a tight ball between my thumb and forefinger—anything to keep me from strangling the guy across from me. I wasn’t searching for Mr. Perfect anymore—what I wanted was normal. Plain and simple.
However, after four really crappy blind dates, I had to wonder if there were any normal single men left in this city. A disappointing thought, because that meant there was a good chance there weren’t any Mr. Perfects left either. This close to the engagement party, there wasn’t any time to start date-shopping out of town.
I couldn’t catch a d*** break if it bit me in the a**. And nothing was biting.
“I know how much you wanted this—” Richard waved his finger, pointing back and forth between us with a sympathetic expression stamped on his face, “—to work out.”
His shoulders were drawn up as if he’d sucked in a lungful of air to inflate his undefined chest and I peered at him, astounded. He was serious.
“Right…” I was too shocked for a more profound response.<END BOOK QUOTE>
Richard proceeds to ignore Gen's protests that they never were dating, she never did have interest in him and THEY NEVER WERE DATING but he continues with his "break up" speech, ending with leaving her at the restaurant with the check.
Honestly, by the time we'd reached Richard's exit, I felt exactly as Gen did. I wanted to beat the crap out of him and run him over.
Not long after this dramatic "break up" is when she meets Matt...well...her face does first...
<BOOK QUOTE>I pushed away the plate of spaghetti and turned in my seat to grab my purse hanging on the back of the chair.
And ended up face-to-crotch with a man in a pair of slacks.
If the guy had been wearing jeans, I wouldn’t have felt every single curve of the male anatomy. Under the soft material of his slacks, nothing was left to my imagination. My nose rolled over his penis and when I gasped, my lips brushed against the slacks, like a kiss. I jerked around in my seat and clutched the edge of the table with both hands, my shoulders squared and back ramrod straight.
“Oh my God,” I choked out in a mortified whisper. Could this day get any worse? I wanted to go home, crawl under the bed covers and never come out. There was no way I could screw that up!
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” said a man in a deep, husky voice.
Don’t worry about it? Not likely!
I inhaled a shaky breath as he walked around the table and planted himself across from me. The sight of him rendered me speechless. His hazel eyes were crinkled at the corner from the smile on his lips, coupled with a pair of dimples under the shadow of a dark close-shaven beard. It was hard not to stare—he was gorgeous. And I’d just put my face in his crotch. I slouched in my seat and blinked in devastated humiliation.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked.
“Sure.” I waved a trembling hand, speechless in the face of this guy whose crotch I’d just sniffed. The tweens giggled again. A glance told me they were all as mesmerized by him as I was. He had that sultry, smoldering thing going on, with dark, thick eyebrows. A dark lock of hair fell over his forehead and I itched to brush it back, all the way through to the hair curling at the nape of his neck and around his ears, as if he’d missed a couple haircuts.
He shed his suit jacket revealing a light gray button up shirt. The jacket ended up draped over the back of the chair Richard had vacated. He loosened his tie and sent me a lopsided grin, one dimple deepening, the other just a shadow.<END BOOK QUOTE>
Ok...THAT would've made all the crap with Richard worth it!!! Plus Matt turned out to be a pretty nice guy. ♥
My thoughts...I flippin' LOVED this book! It made me EXTREMELY angry sometimes but that is only because it was so well written, I became Gen. So when her mother and sisters would gang up on her telling her who she should date, what she should do, I wanted to seriously scream! In fact at one point I really did yell out "Tell them to f*** off!!" Needless to say, my husband was quite confused on who it was I was yelling at. When he looked around and saw there was no one, I'm pretty sure he considered calling the doctor. Luckily once I held up my kindle, he understood...sort of. I still suspect he considered the call.
It has been a long time since I became so emotionally charged with a book. I went through all the emotions with her. Anger, lust, sadness, happiness, etc.
"Another Shot At Love" is book one in the "What's Love" series and I can NOT wait for the next one. I'm hoping we find out more about Lexie. She's endearing in her own way.♥
Niecey Roy did not disappoint me with her second book, her first book is "Fender Bender Blues" and I've read it numerous times. She has a way of drawing us into the story. Her writing is hilarious and realistic. It's also why I put "Another Shot At Love" and Niecey Roy in my Indie Spotlight!
~Robin -
The book opens up with Gen tossing out the remainder of clothes, left by Brent, her cheating (ex)boyfriend of two years, down onto the snowy ground below. She then closes the door on the empty apartment and what was once a happy home with marriage and kids in the future...UNTIL....she came home one night and caught Brent screwing "Stripper Barbie". I laughed my butt off at the name, even though my heart ached for Gen.
Fast forward three months and Gen is in a new place and doing really well. She's over Brent, but her 2 Sisters, Lexie(Gen's twin) and Catherine(pregnant older sister), don't believe her.
What makes things more difficult is Lexie's Fiancee', Jeremy, is best friends with Brent. Gen and Brent are both in the wedding party. She is the Maid of Honor, while he is the Best Man.
Cat and Lexie's biggest fear is Gen will take Brent home with her the night of the engagement party that is a few months away. So they decide she needs to start dating. Cat decides to take it upon herself to shove loser after loser onto Gen, despite the NUMEROUS times Gen tells her not only does she NOT want to date, but definitely doesn't want to date the guys Cat is throwing at her! Cat of course knows best, Lexie is too busy with the wedding and Gen's mother feels the same way as the sisters. So Gen has no back up support at all. The kicker was when Cat set her up with a loser at the workplace Gen and Cat both work.
<BOOK QUOTE>My most recent date from h*** sat across from me in a fast-food restaurant that smelled of burnt marinara, where grease hung in the air like a sticky film of humidity.
You are being dumped in a sh**ty Italian restaurant. Perfect.
Richard had been another one of Catherine’s choices for a date to the upcoming engagement party, and I wasn’t happy about it. This guy was all wrong for me. Also, he’d dumped me only four seconds after showing me to a wobbly, plastic table beside a group of giggling teenaged girls who enjoyed eavesdropping more than their overcooked pasta.
With a sigh, I wadded up my straw wrapper, pinching it into a tight ball between my thumb and forefinger—anything to keep me from strangling the guy across from me. I wasn’t searching for Mr. Perfect anymore—what I wanted was normal. Plain and simple.
However, after four really crappy blind dates, I had to wonder if there were any normal single men left in this city. A disappointing thought, because that meant there was a good chance there weren’t any Mr. Perfects left either. This close to the engagement party, there wasn’t any time to start date-shopping out of town.
I couldn’t catch a d*** break if it bit me in the a**. And nothing was biting.
“I know how much you wanted this—” Richard waved his finger, pointing back and forth between us with a sympathetic expression stamped on his face, “—to work out.”
His shoulders were drawn up as if he’d sucked in a lungful of air to inflate his undefined chest and I peered at him, astounded. He was serious.
“Right…” I was too shocked for a more profound response.<END BOOK QUOTE>
Richard proceeds to ignore Gen's protests that they never were dating, she never did have interest in him and THEY NEVER WERE DATING but he continues with his "break up" speech, ending with leaving her at the restaurant with the check.
Honestly, by the time we'd reached Richard's exit, I felt exactly as Gen did. I wanted to beat the crap out of him and run him over.
Not long after this dramatic "break up" is when she meets Matt...well...her face does first...
<BOOK QUOTE>I pushed away the plate of spaghetti and turned in my seat to grab my purse hanging on the back of the chair.
And ended up face-to-crotch with a man in a pair of slacks.
If the guy had been wearing jeans, I wouldn’t have felt every single curve of the male anatomy. Under the soft material of his slacks, nothing was left to my imagination. My nose rolled over his penis and when I gasped, my lips brushed against the slacks, like a kiss. I jerked around in my seat and clutched the edge of the table with both hands, my shoulders squared and back ramrod straight.
“Oh my God,” I choked out in a mortified whisper. Could this day get any worse? I wanted to go home, crawl under the bed covers and never come out. There was no way I could screw that up!
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” said a man in a deep, husky voice.
Don’t worry about it? Not likely!
I inhaled a shaky breath as he walked around the table and planted himself across from me. The sight of him rendered me speechless. His hazel eyes were crinkled at the corner from the smile on his lips, coupled with a pair of dimples under the shadow of a dark close-shaven beard. It was hard not to stare—he was gorgeous. And I’d just put my face in his crotch. I slouched in my seat and blinked in devastated humiliation.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked.
“Sure.” I waved a trembling hand, speechless in the face of this guy whose crotch I’d just sniffed. The tweens giggled again. A glance told me they were all as mesmerized by him as I was. He had that sultry, smoldering thing going on, with dark, thick eyebrows. A dark lock of hair fell over his forehead and I itched to brush it back, all the way through to the hair curling at the nape of his neck and around his ears, as if he’d missed a couple haircuts.
He shed his suit jacket revealing a light gray button up shirt. The jacket ended up draped over the back of the chair Richard had vacated. He loosened his tie and sent me a lopsided grin, one dimple deepening, the other just a shadow.<END BOOK QUOTE>
Ok...THAT would've made all the crap with Richard worth it!!! Plus Matt turned out to be a pretty nice guy. ♥
My thoughts...I flippin' LOVED this book! It made me EXTREMELY angry sometimes but that is only because it was so well written, I became Gen. So when her mother and sisters would gang up on her telling her who she should date, what she should do, I wanted to seriously scream! In fact at one point I really did yell out "Tell them to f*** off!!" Needless to say, my husband was quite confused on who it was I was yelling at. When he looked around and saw there was no one, I'm pretty sure he considered calling the doctor. Luckily once I held up my kindle, he understood...sort of. I still suspect he considered the call.
It has been a long time since I became so emotionally charged with a book. I went through all the emotions with her. Anger, lust, sadness, happiness, etc.
"Another Shot At Love" is book one in the "What's Love" series and I can NOT wait for the next one. I'm hoping we find out more about Lexie. She's endearing in her own way.♥
Niecey Roy did not disappoint me with her second book, her first book is "Fender Bender Blues" and I've read it numerous times. She has a way of drawing us into the story. Her writing is hilarious and realistic. It's also why I put "Another Shot At Love" and Niecey Roy in my Indie Spotlight!
~Robin -
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chelsie m
A good appetizer to commence a series. Niecey Roy whips up all the known romance tricks up her sleeves to make for delightful reading.
So Imogen Mae Gorecki is in her early twenties, done with love after her sorry trust-fund SOB ex cheated on her with a slut in possession of a boob-size fit for skanks. Gen's been solo for months now, her sister's wedding is coming up, and the family is worried she's going to go back to her ex since, it turns out, he will be best man to her sister's groom. Now the whole family is bent on getting her a boyfriend or at least a suitable date to the wedding in order to prevent her ex from running back into her life with the world's most convincing love speech. A sweet talker, he is.
Anyway, Imogen is set on a string of pathetic dates by her pregnant hormonal sister, Catherine. Pathetic date after pathetic date till she meets him. Richard. Then the date even gets more hideous with the mummy's video game addict dumping her and bolting without taking care of the cheque. Her life couldn't get anymore miserable... until she face plants herself in his crotch.
I mean, HIM. Matt... and the rest they say, is their story.
But not with Richard, video-game addict rolling back with his geeky self and recommendations of alien movies (Imogen seems to be obsessed with) and Brent suddenly realizing he's let The Good One (with streaks of pink in her hair) Get Away.
How exactly does Happily Ever After come this way? And most importantly, with whom?
I've read dozens of books with this story-line. So did this stand out for me? Hell it did! Niecey Roy is the queen of kooky characters, you know. And unique plot twists. At some moments in time, I thought this would end up a certain way. But no, this book really put my predictive skills to test. And I flunked big time!
I give a star to the romance in this title. There are points I "Aww"ed (which almost made me gag, 'cause I'm a guy. I loved those moments, you know. The love speeches, the gestures, the coordinated lovemaking. It's no surprise since Niecey is Queen of Romance.
I love the whole concept of this, What's Love??? series. It's kinda nice when one character decides to put away love, the whole "Going Dutch" casual thing, but that's exactly when they find themselves deeply entangled. Don't mistake this for another "Love Triumphs All" garbage, it's more of a "Don't give up on love because it won't give up on you" delight. Lessons we could all nod to.
Another star would be given to the end to this title. Like a good romance with a chick-litty appeal, there's a huge satisfying smile and a tight hugging of your kindle (or paperback, depending on what you'd go in for). The fact that I didn't find this whole book predictable really put me on the edge of my seat to check out how the end or who the end was going to be like or with.
I did like this book. But did it break Niecey's fantastic debut? No. I couldn't help comparing this title to Fender Bender Blues with all its (FBB, I mean) highly entertaining characters and laugh out loud situations. I think the problem would have been sorted if the humor was tightened a bit.
I recommend this book to anyone who wants something love-related. Anybody in for a little New Adult chick-lit delight and anyone wanting something less predictable.
So Imogen Mae Gorecki is in her early twenties, done with love after her sorry trust-fund SOB ex cheated on her with a slut in possession of a boob-size fit for skanks. Gen's been solo for months now, her sister's wedding is coming up, and the family is worried she's going to go back to her ex since, it turns out, he will be best man to her sister's groom. Now the whole family is bent on getting her a boyfriend or at least a suitable date to the wedding in order to prevent her ex from running back into her life with the world's most convincing love speech. A sweet talker, he is.
Anyway, Imogen is set on a string of pathetic dates by her pregnant hormonal sister, Catherine. Pathetic date after pathetic date till she meets him. Richard. Then the date even gets more hideous with the mummy's video game addict dumping her and bolting without taking care of the cheque. Her life couldn't get anymore miserable... until she face plants herself in his crotch.
I mean, HIM. Matt... and the rest they say, is their story.
But not with Richard, video-game addict rolling back with his geeky self and recommendations of alien movies (Imogen seems to be obsessed with) and Brent suddenly realizing he's let The Good One (with streaks of pink in her hair) Get Away.
How exactly does Happily Ever After come this way? And most importantly, with whom?
I've read dozens of books with this story-line. So did this stand out for me? Hell it did! Niecey Roy is the queen of kooky characters, you know. And unique plot twists. At some moments in time, I thought this would end up a certain way. But no, this book really put my predictive skills to test. And I flunked big time!
I give a star to the romance in this title. There are points I "Aww"ed (which almost made me gag, 'cause I'm a guy. I loved those moments, you know. The love speeches, the gestures, the coordinated lovemaking. It's no surprise since Niecey is Queen of Romance.
I love the whole concept of this, What's Love??? series. It's kinda nice when one character decides to put away love, the whole "Going Dutch" casual thing, but that's exactly when they find themselves deeply entangled. Don't mistake this for another "Love Triumphs All" garbage, it's more of a "Don't give up on love because it won't give up on you" delight. Lessons we could all nod to.
Another star would be given to the end to this title. Like a good romance with a chick-litty appeal, there's a huge satisfying smile and a tight hugging of your kindle (or paperback, depending on what you'd go in for). The fact that I didn't find this whole book predictable really put me on the edge of my seat to check out how the end or who the end was going to be like or with.
I did like this book. But did it break Niecey's fantastic debut? No. I couldn't help comparing this title to Fender Bender Blues with all its (FBB, I mean) highly entertaining characters and laugh out loud situations. I think the problem would have been sorted if the humor was tightened a bit.
I recommend this book to anyone who wants something love-related. Anybody in for a little New Adult chick-lit delight and anyone wanting something less predictable.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tamara collins
This book is a laugh-out-loud romantic comedy,with a sarcastic, blunt, and recently burnt-by-love main character Imogen (Gen). But who wouldn't be pissed about walking in on their boyfriend of over two years, "banging" his slutty ex. I would be right there with Gen, throwing all of his stuff out the window and then leaving and not looking back. Gen's sisters proceed to set her up on one bad blind date after another, believing that she needs to move on from her ass of an ex. This just leads to more crazy antics and the things that come out of these sister's mouths had me cracking up; they are a crazy bunch.
After one of these awkward blind dates, Gen literally finds herself face-to-crotch with sexy, handsome Matt.
"I pushed away my plate of spaghetti and turned in my seat to grab my purse hanging on the back of my chair. And ended up face-to-crotch with a man in a pair of slacks... My nose rolled over his penis and when I gasped my lips brushed against the slacks, like a kiss."
Gen and Matt spend the night talking, laughing and getting to know each other. Neither of them are read for a relationship, so they decide to be friends...even though their chemistry is through the roof. Besides Matt, Gen and her eccentric family, there are several other supporting characters that had me rolling with laughter.... including her best friend Roxanne and geeky Richard, who seems to do everything wrong with it comes to women. The story in general had a good flow, however, I did feel that the last 10-15% seemed rushed compared to the rest of the book. This book is the first in the series, although this story definitely gets closure and the 2nd book will be about supporting characters in this story.
After one of these awkward blind dates, Gen literally finds herself face-to-crotch with sexy, handsome Matt.
"I pushed away my plate of spaghetti and turned in my seat to grab my purse hanging on the back of my chair. And ended up face-to-crotch with a man in a pair of slacks... My nose rolled over his penis and when I gasped my lips brushed against the slacks, like a kiss."
Gen and Matt spend the night talking, laughing and getting to know each other. Neither of them are read for a relationship, so they decide to be friends...even though their chemistry is through the roof. Besides Matt, Gen and her eccentric family, there are several other supporting characters that had me rolling with laughter.... including her best friend Roxanne and geeky Richard, who seems to do everything wrong with it comes to women. The story in general had a good flow, however, I did feel that the last 10-15% seemed rushed compared to the rest of the book. This book is the first in the series, although this story definitely gets closure and the 2nd book will be about supporting characters in this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fiona sandler
Another Shot At Love
By: Author Niecey Roy
Gen and Matt's story was a fun light read, I found myself laughing so much through their story that my bulldog thought I was having a seizure or something :) no joke like lol tears streaming type of funny that Gen got herself and her face into! ;) That part had me holding a hand across my own mouth as my hubby lay fast asleep next me while I the self proclaimed book addict laughed and stayed up until the early morning hours to just get another dose of Gen and Matt!! All of the characters are likable (ha ha ok most) are likable and I found myself caught up in this light funny awesomeness that Author Niecey Roy creates...
I fully recommend this book to all of those who love light fun romances with real depth to 18+up due to adult situations.
I was given a copy of this book for my honest review all thoughts and feelings are my own...
By: Author Niecey Roy
Gen and Matt's story was a fun light read, I found myself laughing so much through their story that my bulldog thought I was having a seizure or something :) no joke like lol tears streaming type of funny that Gen got herself and her face into! ;) That part had me holding a hand across my own mouth as my hubby lay fast asleep next me while I the self proclaimed book addict laughed and stayed up until the early morning hours to just get another dose of Gen and Matt!! All of the characters are likable (ha ha ok most) are likable and I found myself caught up in this light funny awesomeness that Author Niecey Roy creates...
I fully recommend this book to all of those who love light fun romances with real depth to 18+up due to adult situations.
I was given a copy of this book for my honest review all thoughts and feelings are my own...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book is a laugh-out-loud romantic comedy,with a sarcastic, blunt, and recently burnt-by-love main character Imogen (Gen). But who wouldn't be pissed about walking in on their boyfriend of over two years, "banging" his slutty ex. I would be right there with Gen, throwing all of his stuff out the window and then leaving and not looking back. Gen's sisters proceed to set her up on one bad blind date after another, believing that she needs to move on from her ass of an ex. This just leads to more crazy antics and the things that come out of these sister's mouths had me cracking up; they are a crazy bunch.
After one of these awkward blind dates, Gen literally finds herself face-to-crotch with sexy, handsome Matt.
"I pushed away my plate of spaghetti and turned in my seat to grab my purse hanging on the back of my chair. And ended up face-to-crotch with a man in a pair of slacks... My nose rolled over his penis and when I gasped my lips brushed against the slacks, like a kiss."
Gen and Matt spend the night talking, laughing and getting to know each other. Neither of them are read for a relationship, so they decide to be friends...even though their chemistry is through the roof. Besides Matt, Gen and her eccentric family, there are several other supporting characters that had me rolling with laughter.... including her best friend Roxanne and geeky Richard, who seems to do everything wrong with it comes to women. The story in general had a good flow, however, I did feel that the last 10-15% seemed rushed compared to the rest of the book. This book is the first in the series, although this story definitely gets closure and the 2nd book will be about supporting characters in this story.
This book is a laugh-out-loud romantic comedy,with a sarcastic, blunt, and recently burnt-by-love main character Imogen (Gen). But who wouldn't be pissed about walking in on their boyfriend of over two years, "banging" his slutty ex. I would be right there with Gen, throwing all of his stuff out the window and then leaving and not looking back. Gen's sisters proceed to set her up on one bad blind date after another, believing that she needs to move on from her ass of an ex. This just leads to more crazy antics and the things that come out of these sister's mouths had me cracking up; they are a crazy bunch.
After one of these awkward blind dates, Gen literally finds herself face-to-crotch with sexy, handsome Matt.
"I pushed away my plate of spaghetti and turned in my seat to grab my purse hanging on the back of my chair. And ended up face-to-crotch with a man in a pair of slacks... My nose rolled over his penis and when I gasped my lips brushed against the slacks, like a kiss."
Gen and Matt spend the night talking, laughing and getting to know each other. Neither of them are read for a relationship, so they decide to be friends...even though their chemistry is through the roof. Besides Matt, Gen and her eccentric family, there are several other supporting characters that had me rolling with laughter.... including her best friend Roxanne and geeky Richard, who seems to do everything wrong with it comes to women. The story in general had a good flow, however, I did feel that the last 10-15% seemed rushed compared to the rest of the book. This book is the first in the series, although this story definitely gets closure and the 2nd book will be about supporting characters in this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
billie rain
This book was seriously HYSTERICAL! If you don't like fun, humorous books, then stop reading right now. If you are looking for a cute, light-hearted, LAUGH OUT LOUD so many times book, the read Another Shot At Love.
Imogen aka Gen for short caught her boyfriend cheating on her with his ex -"stripper Barbie". Swearing off men, she moves out and on with her life. The problem? Her identical twin just got engaged to her cheating ex's best friend. To make matters worse, her sisters decide she need help in the dating arena and set her up on a series of disastrous blind dates. Enter Matt, cute, successful Matt, who she's introduced to after finding her face in his crotch. Hilarity ensues as these two get to know each other, and Gen fights off her family's matchmaking and her persistent ex. I give 4.5 stars to this book. It's light-hearted and funny, and makes you believe in happily ever after!
Imogen aka Gen for short caught her boyfriend cheating on her with his ex -"stripper Barbie". Swearing off men, she moves out and on with her life. The problem? Her identical twin just got engaged to her cheating ex's best friend. To make matters worse, her sisters decide she need help in the dating arena and set her up on a series of disastrous blind dates. Enter Matt, cute, successful Matt, who she's introduced to after finding her face in his crotch. Hilarity ensues as these two get to know each other, and Gen fights off her family's matchmaking and her persistent ex. I give 4.5 stars to this book. It's light-hearted and funny, and makes you believe in happily ever after!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book! It flowed well and held a great story. It was fun and sexy to read.
Imogen or Gen is a fun, bold, and loving female. She is exactly who she is and she will not apologize for it. Where. she ends up in a bit of a hard place thanks to her sisters she has to figure out how to fix it. And to fix it she needs a man. Lucky for her she falls right into the lap of one!
Matt is an intelligent, hard working, and a loving man who is HOT! He is not looking for a relationship but he doesn't mind helping a beautiful female in a tight spot. Plus he is up for a little adventure.
This book will suck you in! I love Niecey's writing and cannot wait to read mote of her work.
Imogen or Gen is a fun, bold, and loving female. She is exactly who she is and she will not apologize for it. Where. she ends up in a bit of a hard place thanks to her sisters she has to figure out how to fix it. And to fix it she needs a man. Lucky for her she falls right into the lap of one!
Matt is an intelligent, hard working, and a loving man who is HOT! He is not looking for a relationship but he doesn't mind helping a beautiful female in a tight spot. Plus he is up for a little adventure.
This book will suck you in! I love Niecey's writing and cannot wait to read mote of her work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie wiesbeck
Another Shot At Love was a fun romcom I completely enjoyed. Gen and her twin sister Lexie were dating best friends, what could go wrong? Just about everything! When Gen finds her boyfriend of two years with ‘stripper Barbie’ her whole life falls apart. With the support of a big loving family and a best friend with a taser she sets out in the dating world again, only to be dumped and left with the check. Gen meets Matt in the most unusual of ways and their whole relationship is just that, unusual. Add in the posse of secondary characters and you are in for a laugh out loud funny adventure as Gen tests the waters with Matt all while trying to avoid her ex. If you like romantic comedy you will love Gen’s story from the beginning all the way to the steamy end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
3.5 Stars
This book had some really funny parts. I could totally see myself in some of the situations!!
While I enjoyed the humor in this book I did find it hard to get into at somebody place and some places seemed slow to me.
I really loved Matt! He is the perfect book boyfriend!!! ❤️?
This book had some really funny parts. I could totally see myself in some of the situations!!
While I enjoyed the humor in this book I did find it hard to get into at somebody place and some places seemed slow to me.
I really loved Matt! He is the perfect book boyfriend!!! ❤️?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thad miller
What a delightful romance comedy!
A must read!
Follow Gen as she rediscovers the true meaning of friendship. family, and love.
From selfish ex to blind dates to......ALIENS?????
There's never a dull moment!
Will Mr. Right come along in the form of role playing gamer Robbie, or sultry,shy,secretive Matt.
Throw in a crazy sister becoming Bridezilla before her wedding and a very pregnant emotional sister who is seven months pregnant and convinced her cop of a husband is cheating on her!
Wild and funny times in the ole town tonight. Of course no good romance is complete with some steamy erotic scenes when true love does finally hit!
Anxiously awaiting #2!
A must read!
Follow Gen as she rediscovers the true meaning of friendship. family, and love.
From selfish ex to blind dates to......ALIENS?????
There's never a dull moment!
Will Mr. Right come along in the form of role playing gamer Robbie, or sultry,shy,secretive Matt.
Throw in a crazy sister becoming Bridezilla before her wedding and a very pregnant emotional sister who is seven months pregnant and convinced her cop of a husband is cheating on her!
Wild and funny times in the ole town tonight. Of course no good romance is complete with some steamy erotic scenes when true love does finally hit!
Anxiously awaiting #2!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kati stevens
Romantic Comedy at its finest! This book was beautifully written and had me laughing out loud at points. You can relate with the characters and feel as though you can see the scenes unfolding right before your eyes as if you're in fact in them yourself. Brilliantly written and eloquent, Niecey Roy is definitely an author to look out for! Can't wait to get my hands on the sequel!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Looking for a good book to read. Look no further than Niecey Roy's first book in her What's Love?? series. Hear you will met Imogen and Matt as well as Imogen's twin sister Lexie and best friend Roxanna.
You want laughter - this book will have others looking at you when you burst out in laughter.
You want romance - yep this book has that as well.
This book has it all. It will have you wanting more....
You want laughter - this book will have others looking at you when you burst out in laughter.
You want romance - yep this book has that as well.
This book has it all. It will have you wanting more....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was hilarious! From the crotch in the face, to the aliens, to the fake boyfriends, I loved every page. I loved the family dynamic between Gen and her sisters. And Matt was just too swoonworthy! Looking forward to more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen murray
Fabulous, laugh out loud book. This book was full of characters I would be proud to call my family and friends. Can't wait to pick up the rest of this series and get to know them all just a bit better. Niecey, you just acquired a new fan!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Maybe 20% of this book was about 2 people finding each other and falling in love, and that's being generous. Too much of the book was about too many other people and a lot of high school level drama.
I found the hero as interesting as cardboard and he and the heroine's conversations were shallow and boring.
I found the hero as interesting as cardboard and he and the heroine's conversations were shallow and boring.
Please RateAnother Shot At Love (A What's Love??? novel Book 1)