A Hope-Filled Anthem for the Woman Who Feels She is Both Too Much and Never Enough
ByHayley Morgan
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is filled with life giving words of freedom. This book is for the woman who knows God has big things planned for her right where she is, and serves as a reminder that we can rest in being Wild as He made us and free from fear and expectations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is UNREAL. Truly moving, inspiring and led by the Spirit of God. The way these women share their hearts is just beautiful and is helping me to truly come outside of comfort zone to be the Wild and Free woman I was created for. I have always been afraid of change and doubt and fear constantly but this book has hit every single issue that could stop us from fulfilling God's purpose for our lives. I'm left in awe every single time I turn the page and it leaves me wanting more.
I actually don't want the book to end.
A must read for any women truly desiring to embrace who they were created to be.
I actually don't want the book to end.
A must read for any women truly desiring to embrace who they were created to be.
Dropping the Act and Finding True Intimacy - Scary Close :: A Liberating Approach to Finding God's Will - Just Do Something :: Elizabeth is Missing :: To Rise Again at a Decent Hour :: Finding What You Need in a World Telling You What You Want
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna jean
This book is life-giving and life-changing. It was water to my soul and so encouraging in a world where expectations are so high and self centered. This is a wonderful book for every woman no matter your age and stage.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has been so encouraging and challenging. As I read it, I kept nodding along and saying "Me too!" Jess and Hayley put into words so many things I'd been feeling and thought I was alone on. I love the unique way it is written, with each of them tag-teaming chapters and showing how even though feeling "too much and never enough" seem like opposites , they are actually just two sides to the same coin. This is a book I'm going to continually go back to and read again and remind myself of the truths of God's Word. It feels like being able to exhale when you realize that God never intended for us to live bridled, safe lives, but to be able to run wild and free in His love and grace. I HIGHLY recommend this book for all women!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie carter
This was a timely read. As the leaves settle after a massive storm in my life, I needed affirmation; I needed to remind myself of just who I belonged to, my worth and my calling. With each chapter, I would find myself feeling as if I were having coffee with either Jess or Hayley, exploring the depths of my heart. I took it slow, reading it over the course of 2 months, a chapter a week and I am encouraged by it and better for it. Wild and Free is engrained in our DNA and it is described and called out in every individual with such thought. I enjoyed it and can honestly say, I am different for having been reminded of such truths by women who, though they didn't know what I had been through, were able to walk next to me in the aftermath of a tough year:)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
derek southern
I have read a lot of inspiring, faith building, hope giving religious books. This one was selected by a group I am doing a bible study with. I was excited to dive into it. I'm sad to say I've found it really lacking. It's not a page turner. I haven't had the aha moment or been lifted up by it. If you're looking for a good book study book or just a book to draw you closer to God I would keep looking.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amy hendricks
While I understand what they're going for here, the book did not accurately nail the title. It's misleading if the"wild and free" thing is what you're hoping to get from it. However it is filled with truths about God so not a loss!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jen tibay
The two authors play off each other wonderfully by alternating chapters and providing responses to one another. The book transitions very well by starting with exploring (quite in depth) God's character and how he created us and then builds to a call to action to live wild and free. I think any Christian woman, whether new to the faith, or seasoned, will get something from this book. **I received an advance reading copy of this book as part of the launch team.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah camp
I cannot recommend this book more highly. It surprised me in depth and energy.
What I love about this book is the freedom it brings and also the invitation and equipping to free the women (and men!) in my own life. It challenges me to look at my self, my friends and my local church; to stay where I am and dig deep to find the true treasures right in front of my face.
Jess & Hayley each have a unique voice they bring to this book and both are needed! I was worried it would be difficult to switch in and out of chapters as they trade off but that ended up not being the case. The book reads smoothly and you can tell these two friends and ministers took pacing and styles into consideration. Their diligence is appreciated and it pays off tremendously.
I will be recommending this book to all my people and will be reading from it with a group this summer. I cannot wait to see the freedom & wildness it will release on my community. Bring it on!
What I love about this book is the freedom it brings and also the invitation and equipping to free the women (and men!) in my own life. It challenges me to look at my self, my friends and my local church; to stay where I am and dig deep to find the true treasures right in front of my face.
Jess & Hayley each have a unique voice they bring to this book and both are needed! I was worried it would be difficult to switch in and out of chapters as they trade off but that ended up not being the case. The book reads smoothly and you can tell these two friends and ministers took pacing and styles into consideration. Their diligence is appreciated and it pays off tremendously.
I will be recommending this book to all my people and will be reading from it with a group this summer. I cannot wait to see the freedom & wildness it will release on my community. Bring it on!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angela irvine
The most life giving book (aside from the bible) I've ever read. We do not have to live up to cultural expectations, we were made wild &a free in Christ alone. And because He is good we are good! We weren't given the Holy Spirit to do nothing with it. Read this book and be encouraged to live your "Eden Idenitity" to the fullest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simply put this book has the potential to be life changing for any woman that picks it up. It has opened my eyes and changed my perspective so much that I purchased a handful of them to share with other women I love. I am raising two daughters of my own. If I can raise them to view God and themselves the way He intended them to, they will not struggle nearly as much as I have over the years. A phenomenal book! A must read for all women!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
irma arricivita
Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan (authors of Wild and Free) dug into my brain, made me realize my thoughts are keeping me captive, and retold the Gospel story in a language my heart craves.
Jess and Hayley put to words the feelings so many women have: being both too much and not enough. We have big feelings, big passions and big dreams. However, we fear getting the pious side eye from the Christian community if we let loose and put them on full display. At the same time, we want to be the model woman/wife/mother but always feel like we come up short.
Each chapter of Wild and Free is chock full of wisdom. This is the first book I’ve read in a long time with highlighter in hand. I think half my book is yellow! Format-wise, the co-authors of the book alternate writing chapters. The end of each chapter offers a response from the other author and a prayer.
I typically quickly skim through non-fiction books. Wild and Free will have none of that! I recommend a slow and methodical read. The Biblical truths laid out in each chapter are rich and require (at least for me) reflection to sink in.
Some of my favorite quotes:
"Feeling too much, feeling not enough – these are two sides of the same coin. They both limit us as women created to live wild and free."
"He knows you are the most you when you’re living out the calling He has given you."
"Living as a wild daughter of the King is not a level to achieve; it’s a freedom we all currently possess."
I had the pleasure of meeting Jess and Hayley at their Influence Conference and hear them speak. These women’s hearts for commissioning a generation of women is so infectious and inspiring!
After reading this book, I wish for all my friends and loved ones to read it. I want to sit in circles and talk about the barriers we place around ourselves. I want to call out the lies we tell ourselves about our worth and influence.
I want to look into their eyes and tell them they are more than enough. They are created beautiful and with a purpose. They are given these passions by no accident. They don’t need permission to pursue what their hearts desire. It is right and it is good.
As the authors say in the book, there is no need to call each other out. We need to call each other up!
Note: I was provided with an advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. And I honestly loved it. #crossmyheart
Jess and Hayley put to words the feelings so many women have: being both too much and not enough. We have big feelings, big passions and big dreams. However, we fear getting the pious side eye from the Christian community if we let loose and put them on full display. At the same time, we want to be the model woman/wife/mother but always feel like we come up short.
Each chapter of Wild and Free is chock full of wisdom. This is the first book I’ve read in a long time with highlighter in hand. I think half my book is yellow! Format-wise, the co-authors of the book alternate writing chapters. The end of each chapter offers a response from the other author and a prayer.
I typically quickly skim through non-fiction books. Wild and Free will have none of that! I recommend a slow and methodical read. The Biblical truths laid out in each chapter are rich and require (at least for me) reflection to sink in.
Some of my favorite quotes:
"Feeling too much, feeling not enough – these are two sides of the same coin. They both limit us as women created to live wild and free."
"He knows you are the most you when you’re living out the calling He has given you."
"Living as a wild daughter of the King is not a level to achieve; it’s a freedom we all currently possess."
I had the pleasure of meeting Jess and Hayley at their Influence Conference and hear them speak. These women’s hearts for commissioning a generation of women is so infectious and inspiring!
After reading this book, I wish for all my friends and loved ones to read it. I want to sit in circles and talk about the barriers we place around ourselves. I want to call out the lies we tell ourselves about our worth and influence.
I want to look into their eyes and tell them they are more than enough. They are created beautiful and with a purpose. They are given these passions by no accident. They don’t need permission to pursue what their hearts desire. It is right and it is good.
As the authors say in the book, there is no need to call each other out. We need to call each other up!
Note: I was provided with an advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. And I honestly loved it. #crossmyheart
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
charles puskas
Why I Chose This Book: I had just finished reading For the Love when I stumbled across this book (which I LOVED), and I assumed it would be very similar. Honestly, the subtitle caught my attention. I constantly feel restless and insecure, wondering why I am not living up to expectations (placed on myself, of course) of reaching the illusive image of success. I certainly wouldn’t consider myself wild, by any means–I never really have been. My “wild days” are quite tame–I’m an old soul in a young body. But freedom is something I am constantly seeking–freedom from the captivity of fear, freedom to truly be myself without worry of disappointing others. The role of women in Christianity (and society at large) is a point of contention for me. Finding a way to contribute without driving yourself insane trying to live up to expectations of others is difficult (and often times heartbreaking).
What I Thought: Putting cohesive thoughts together for this one is a little difficult due to the expectations I had placed on it prior to reading. I wanted a lighthearted piece that would guide me on a journey of both self-acceptance and personal growth. While some of the chapters hit home (Chapter 9: The Danger of Staying Tame) and made me want to change some of my habits, I frequently felt I was in the middle of a graduate course on the multiple connotations of specific words. Interesting, sure. Inspiring? Not really.
The two authors have very different personalities, so even if you don’t relate to one, you will most likely relate to the other. (I’m very much a Hayley personality–like I said earlier, wild isn’t my style. I get small in times of conflict, hoping to go unnoticed and not make waves, rather than large in hopes of intimidating the “threat.”) The authors alternate writing each chapter, with a comment from the other at the end of each chapter. The writing style rambled a bit too much for my taste. Personal anecdotes that should have been engaging just made me want to skim the pages for the next bit of meaty content.
Overall, this book left me unsatisfied. I can’t pinpoint exactly what I would have wanted to see, (which is extremely frustrating, I’m sure). The authors wrote from the heart, attempted to connect to their readers, and provided factual information to back up their claims. I suppose, metaphorically, I felt like I received a Caesar salad when all I wanted was the prime rib. Still delicious, just unsatisfying.)
What I Thought: Putting cohesive thoughts together for this one is a little difficult due to the expectations I had placed on it prior to reading. I wanted a lighthearted piece that would guide me on a journey of both self-acceptance and personal growth. While some of the chapters hit home (Chapter 9: The Danger of Staying Tame) and made me want to change some of my habits, I frequently felt I was in the middle of a graduate course on the multiple connotations of specific words. Interesting, sure. Inspiring? Not really.
The two authors have very different personalities, so even if you don’t relate to one, you will most likely relate to the other. (I’m very much a Hayley personality–like I said earlier, wild isn’t my style. I get small in times of conflict, hoping to go unnoticed and not make waves, rather than large in hopes of intimidating the “threat.”) The authors alternate writing each chapter, with a comment from the other at the end of each chapter. The writing style rambled a bit too much for my taste. Personal anecdotes that should have been engaging just made me want to skim the pages for the next bit of meaty content.
Overall, this book left me unsatisfied. I can’t pinpoint exactly what I would have wanted to see, (which is extremely frustrating, I’m sure). The authors wrote from the heart, attempted to connect to their readers, and provided factual information to back up their claims. I suppose, metaphorically, I felt like I received a Caesar salad when all I wanted was the prime rib. Still delicious, just unsatisfying.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana coman
"Wild and Free" by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan could not have come at a better time. During a challenging month I found myself questioning if I was "too much or not enough." Then the beautiful Jennie Allen shared this book as one of her "favorite things" and I had the chance to review. Thank you God for beautiful, ordained timing. Right as I faced overt sexism, right when I wasn't sure what God was calling me to, this anthem "Wild and Free" came into my life.
Connolly and Morgan share candidly and conversationally. I love that they realized they needed each other to write the book. Each section is written by one of the ladies and then a "response" is written by their counterpart. Wow how can I explain just how much I relate to bits of each perspective. There is plenty that "isn't me" but so much more that I could identify with and learn from.
This is one I must get my hands on, in hard copy, and I will read again. I truly believe that women of all ages, walks of life, and on either end of this "too much" or "not enough" spectrum must read. I am planning to bring it as content to my community Mom's group and I cannot wait to see the women devour it. Connolly and Morgan set the stage for transparent and authentic conversation that I know the women will use as a springboard to explore the concepts held in the pages.
I was thoroughly impressed with the amount of Scripture laced into the book and while I have seen reviews from self declared "Non- Christians" that also raved about this book I know for a fact that the most impact is for people who believe but have trouble having active faith. I want a faith that demonstrates my belief that Jesus is who makes us enough and in that we have absolute freedom. This book gave me the reminders I needed...
I have complete...
Freedom to do what He has called me to, unashamedly.
Freedom to be who He made me to be with complete confidence.
Pick up a copy. Like now. And while you are at it but a second copy to give a friend. You will need someone to share the experience with.
"If you're not living in freedom, you're living in fear. Fear and love cannot occupy the same space, and neither can deep-rooted fear and freedom."
"You can take up all the space you need and still leave room for others." "You can be seen and heard and still be gracious. Challenging expectations is wise, but abandoning them defensively is not."
Ladies this was just the tip of the iceberg as I examined why I was feeling like "too much" in one moment and "not enough" in another. I know what God has called me to, I know I am sensitive to His leading, and I know that he wants me to be "Wild and Free." So here goes...
I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
Connolly and Morgan share candidly and conversationally. I love that they realized they needed each other to write the book. Each section is written by one of the ladies and then a "response" is written by their counterpart. Wow how can I explain just how much I relate to bits of each perspective. There is plenty that "isn't me" but so much more that I could identify with and learn from.
This is one I must get my hands on, in hard copy, and I will read again. I truly believe that women of all ages, walks of life, and on either end of this "too much" or "not enough" spectrum must read. I am planning to bring it as content to my community Mom's group and I cannot wait to see the women devour it. Connolly and Morgan set the stage for transparent and authentic conversation that I know the women will use as a springboard to explore the concepts held in the pages.
I was thoroughly impressed with the amount of Scripture laced into the book and while I have seen reviews from self declared "Non- Christians" that also raved about this book I know for a fact that the most impact is for people who believe but have trouble having active faith. I want a faith that demonstrates my belief that Jesus is who makes us enough and in that we have absolute freedom. This book gave me the reminders I needed...
I have complete...
Freedom to do what He has called me to, unashamedly.
Freedom to be who He made me to be with complete confidence.
Pick up a copy. Like now. And while you are at it but a second copy to give a friend. You will need someone to share the experience with.
"If you're not living in freedom, you're living in fear. Fear and love cannot occupy the same space, and neither can deep-rooted fear and freedom."
"You can take up all the space you need and still leave room for others." "You can be seen and heard and still be gracious. Challenging expectations is wise, but abandoning them defensively is not."
Ladies this was just the tip of the iceberg as I examined why I was feeling like "too much" in one moment and "not enough" in another. I know what God has called me to, I know I am sensitive to His leading, and I know that he wants me to be "Wild and Free." So here goes...
I received this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I kept hearing, and hearing about Wild and Free on social media. I've been following both Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan for a longtime on instagram and really enjoy their posts.
This book felt like a mini therapy session. It was so nice to hear other woman say "hey guess what, the world has the problem with women being strong, opinionated women, NOT US!" It felt like a modern day hero anthem for women to be wild, and free with their lives and faith.
Some favorite quotes:
Mantles have been placed on us that genuinely aren't rooted in Scripture, and they are slowing us down.
Ladies, this is what scares me. When a horse is finally tamed and trained, bearing the burden of saddle and human expectations alike,she is called broken. It is only then that she performs the duties expected of her.
...i don't think that's what God ever had in mine for Even. And I don't think that's what God ever had in mind for you and me.
Wild women live at ease with all their weaknesses and strengths, sin and spiritual gifts; because they are inextricably rooted in a God who covers and uses it all. They know that the less they think about themselves, the more they're thinking about HIm, and that's a good thing. As Ephesians 1:18 declares, the eyes of their heart have been enlightened, and they've seen the hope that they're called to and the riches of the glorious inheritance they have as God's children, and how incomparably great His power is for them. A wild woman doesn't have time or space to feel insecure, because their thoughts and affections are for Him and for how immeasurably great He is.
Wild and Free anthem
The world may tell us we're too much and never enough.
But we can walk wildly in who God created us to be
and rest freely in the work Jesus did for us.
We do not have to be confined or conformed by cultural expectations.
We are unchanged from our past and unafraid of our future.
We choose compassion over comparison.
We love without condition, without reserve.
Our eyes are on God; we hold nothing back; we run fast and strong; we do not hide our light.
We aren't wild and free for our sake alone'
rather we sing life, hope, and truth over the world with abandon-just as our God sings over us.
We are wild and free.
And we are poised to do mighty things, in Christ alone.
This book felt like a mini therapy session. It was so nice to hear other woman say "hey guess what, the world has the problem with women being strong, opinionated women, NOT US!" It felt like a modern day hero anthem for women to be wild, and free with their lives and faith.
Some favorite quotes:
Mantles have been placed on us that genuinely aren't rooted in Scripture, and they are slowing us down.
Ladies, this is what scares me. When a horse is finally tamed and trained, bearing the burden of saddle and human expectations alike,she is called broken. It is only then that she performs the duties expected of her.
...i don't think that's what God ever had in mine for Even. And I don't think that's what God ever had in mind for you and me.
Wild women live at ease with all their weaknesses and strengths, sin and spiritual gifts; because they are inextricably rooted in a God who covers and uses it all. They know that the less they think about themselves, the more they're thinking about HIm, and that's a good thing. As Ephesians 1:18 declares, the eyes of their heart have been enlightened, and they've seen the hope that they're called to and the riches of the glorious inheritance they have as God's children, and how incomparably great His power is for them. A wild woman doesn't have time or space to feel insecure, because their thoughts and affections are for Him and for how immeasurably great He is.
Wild and Free anthem
The world may tell us we're too much and never enough.
But we can walk wildly in who God created us to be
and rest freely in the work Jesus did for us.
We do not have to be confined or conformed by cultural expectations.
We are unchanged from our past and unafraid of our future.
We choose compassion over comparison.
We love without condition, without reserve.
Our eyes are on God; we hold nothing back; we run fast and strong; we do not hide our light.
We aren't wild and free for our sake alone'
rather we sing life, hope, and truth over the world with abandon-just as our God sings over us.
We are wild and free.
And we are poised to do mighty things, in Christ alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen gomez
There is so much hope, encouragement, truth, and commissioning that fills these pages. Jess and Hayley's hearts for women to know they can just be who God created them to be, comes across in every.single.page. If you are weary, worn down, tired of keeping up appearances to be what you think others think you should be, then this book is for you. Find in the pages, the truth of how God created you be wild and free: never too much and always enough.
Please RateA Hope-Filled Anthem for the Woman Who Feels She is Both Too Much and Never Enough
If you find yourself living a small life constrained by the expectations of the culture around you and are craving something more, I urge you to pick up a copy of "Wild and Free." This book is rooted in Scripture and breathes Gospel. It consistently points to God’s glory and proclaims truth with every word. It has pushed me to places of reflection and wild dreams, of prayer and gratitude and grace. This book is an invitation to the wild and free life, a beautiful place that is fully ours without having to meet any standard or expectation. I highly recommend this book because of where it has led me and where I know it is leading the women who take in these words.