A Novel Based on a True Holocaust Story - My Mother's Secret

ByJ.L. Witterick

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A book of what humanity should be. I started the book and read through in one sitting.
I've often wondered how so few people helped and so many hated and harmed my people during WW II.
As our world, again, is being polluted by antisemitism AND anti-Christianity, I wonder if the inaction and unwillingness to see what is happening in OUR world will create another holocaust.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trang minh hoang
Great read. If you are into WW2 novels, this book would be great for you. It has the story of 5 different people, living through the same hell, under same conditions and yet, they all have a different background.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the simple writing of this book. The emotions in the story are conveyed in simple terms, which allows the reader's personal interpretation to come into play, rather than having everything spelled out.
The House I Loved :: Bitten: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance :: Once Bitten (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Series Book 1) :: Bitten (Once Bitten, Twice Shy, #1) :: A Novel (Liam Taggart and Catherine Lockhart) - Karolina's Twins
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book. couldn't put it down. just amazing. felt like you were right there. highly recommend it to anyone. great information and eye opener to what really happened. so heartbreaking but such a great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bethany jett
It speaks of heroics in the midst of horrors
Without detailing them. We all know about them. The older woman.knew the soldier needed an intervention of hope & positivity and she gave it to him
Almost a fairy. Tale.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe chouinard
In the impossibly difficult time during WWII in Europe, it was heartwarming to read about someone who made a difference in the lives of others by a simple act of bravery and humanity. Well written, interesting, and very much worthwhile reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a fascinating book; it is a novelization of a true story. Set in Sokal, Poland during the German Invasion and all the Jews are being rounded up and put into the ghetto or being killed outright and anyone who helps the Jews is summarily executed for their efforts. That’s what makes Franciszka and her daughter, Helena true heroes these women put their lives on the line for people they barely knew, they gave them a place to hide, food and gave them their lives because none of these people would have survived the Nazi’s, well Vilheim may have survived but his soul would have become so scared by what he was forced to do that he would have never been the same.

These two amazing women not only hid 3 Jewish families but also a German Soldier who could not do what his commanding officer was asking of him he had an acquaintance with Franciszka, who reminded him of his Oma and of course she hid him , she hid them all and none knew about the others.

This woman’s courage just floored me especially when she invited the German Commandant to dinner with 2 Jewish families in the basement and another in the shed but it made her above suspicion and when the Germans moved tanks into her yard and were a little close for comfort she talks them into moving everything out of her yard when asked how she did it she says, “Always point out what is in the best interest of the other person if you want them to do something. Works on everyone.”

There are some great quotes in this book these are my favorites:
“Helena, there are three kinds of people in the world. One that would have seen the suffering cat and not have given it a second thought. Another that would have seen the same cat and said to themselves, ‘Oh, isn’t that a pity’ before continuing about their business. Finally, there is the kind that sees the suffering, feels the empathy, and then goes one step further by taking action to help. That is you. You didn’t leave the cat there to perish. I am proud that you are my daughter. Think what a wonderful place the world would be if everyone was like that.”
“I always thought courageous people were those who were not afraid. Meeting Franciszka and her daughter, I realize that courageous people are afraid like everyone else. They just act despite the fear.”
“ If you choose to do the right thing, it’s a conscious decision at first. Then it becomes second nature. You don’t have to think about what is right because doing the right thing becomes who you are, like a reflex. Your actions with time become your character.”

This was a great book and I would highly recommend this story, it’s a short book that packs a powerful punch.

4 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeanna morgan
Excellent read. This books fills in some gaps in a horrible period in history. Reads like ringleblooms notes from the warsaw ghetto. And elie Wiesel night. Great for anyone interested in historical fact
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An amazing story about a very brave woman. A quick read told from many perspectives. I read this book and felt nothing but admiration for such bravery and belief in the goodness of mankind. Well worth the time to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristy grazioso
I had doubts about reading a fiction book about the Holocaust when there are so many non-fiction books on the subject. But this story needed to be told. I think the author did a fine job of doing research and gathering facts from that era that brought the story to life. I couldn't put the book down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I would love to see this book as required reading for middle schoolers. It gives such a different view of relationships during WWII and how people risked their lives to save others desperate to live. Poignant.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Simple. Concise. Powerful. If Hitler did anything positive in WWII, it was creating the opportunity for everyday people to become unbelievably brave hero's. This tells the tale of two remarkable women who risked everything they had to save innocent people. Loved it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jonathan emmett
I felt the book was very detailed of the character's experience. I learned new information about cities in Europe. I was not a fan of the style of the writer. I felt it was a he said, she said type of writing, which I don't like.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
isaak berliner
I have read many books on the Holocaust, and this is a wonderful story to introduce children (11 and up, I would say) to that tragic time in history. A mother and daughter risk their lives to save Jews from certain death, and keep it secret from loved ones and neighbors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberly gnerre
This was a compelling quick read bringing the Holocaust to life with finely tuned characters trapped in a horrible reality. The fast pace kept me turning pages and the author interwove the stories deftly and believably.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A heartwarming book of compassionate and innovative people who have lived one of the most difficult times in history. We are all the same in many ways no matter our ethnicity, race, religion and beliefs. We are repaid in many ways when we do good.
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