Execution Style (Code 11- KPD SWAT Book 4)

ByLani Lynn Vale

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
esther h lee
Love the SWAT team and their stories. Miller Genuines' was no exception. The amount of trouble one damsel can get into is sometimes unbelievable but hey... our heroes and their rescuing is what it's all about :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Honestly, her books are getting better and better. I loved reading about Miller and Mercy. And I cannot wait for the next book! Yay, Foster will get his HEA too!
Miss Vale has such a talent for story telling. I love that it's more than just a love story. I love the family aspect of her stories too. That the guys working together are all a family too. Really awesome.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
cynthia adams
You know what's great about most romance novels? I don't know the authors, their likes/dislikes, their affiliation to a political party, their thoughts in general....This would have been a great book if the author could have kept her personal opinions on sexual assualt victims and abortion out of it. She takes it 10 steps crazier by having her character jump into a relationship so she'll never truly know who the father of her baby is. Holy moly.....I couldn't even finish the book and I definitely won't read the rest of them. i wish there was a review that warned me about that!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cameron meiswinkel
Execution Style is the fourth book in KPD Swat Series and these men are all so delicious that you really should read them all…NOW!

This is Miller and Mercy’s story and they are smoking hot together! Miller is the ultimate alpha male. He’s an ex-Navy Seal now SWAT, rough, sexy, demanding and ah, I would love to lick melted chocolate off of his abs.

After witnessing a horrible act of violence against Mercy while on a SWAT mission, Miller and the rest of the team are left shaken by the events. None more so than Miller when Mercy attaches herself to him and only him as a source of comfort. He will do anything to regain the vibrant, strong and powerful woman she was but he knows the more he is there for her, the more he is falling in deep with her and it may just come to a point that he can’t or won’t remove himself from her life.

Mercy is understandably a little lost with what has happened but she is also tough. She is trying to not let what happened rule and ruin her life and despite what has happened she finds herself falling for Miller, the sexy SWAT member she attached herself to as support following the horrific events. She is taking it day by day but her feelings and attraction grow stronger whenever he is near. She is a little confused with how she can feel this way so soon but everyone reacts differently to tragedy and this is her way of not letting the bad overrule her.

The whole story is fantastic and this whole Series is a firm favourite of mine! I love Lani’s style of writing and the way she can entwine all of the characters into your lives with her words.

I cannot wait for the next Swat member and his story.

I was given a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed b by Tanya
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lani Lynn Vale does it again! From the first paragraph, Execution Style sucks the reader in, holds on tight and never lets go until the final breathy chapter. Chock full of action, adventure, the feels and some super hot scenes between the leads, this latest book is a fantastic addition to the Code-11 KPD Swat series.

Mercy doesn't meet Miller in the most conventional way but their connection is very real. Determined to make her feel safe again, he'll do just about anything to get her there, he just doesn't count on her daunting and tempting offer to get what she needs.

From the first page to the last, you will love this book! I enjoyed reading about a subject that's still kind of taboo, and the character's take on it made me love her a little bit more. Everyone handles this particular subject differently, but the way she handled it like a bad ass made me grin. As readers, we are introduced to many characters who go through similar situations and it was nice to see a character fight back, not only mentally but physically to get back the power she once held while still struggling to come to terms with everything she'd been through.

I could not recommend this book more and would recommend you definitely dedicate a few hours to gobble this one up!

Grab your copy today and get ready to fall completely in love with Miller & Mercy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenn walker
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

Well, this book was entertaining, but not my favorite of the series. It started with a horrific and traumatic experience for Mercy, so it was understandable that she latched onto Miller immediately following the experience. What bothered me was her thought processes a few days later, and her proposition to Miller.

Even though I didn't agree with that her proposition and his response, I still enjoyed them as a couple, they definitely balance each other out. The supporting cast of characters are wide, varied and very much eclectic, with one character on the slip 'n slide of insanity.

There were a couple of subplots that left me a bit confused, as I don't know if one incident had occurred earlier in the series and was finally resolved in this book. If it was never mentioned prior to this installment, I would have preferred that it be given a slightly bigger role than the one page and subsequent 4-line paragraph follow-up that it received.

As I stated at the start of my review, this was entertaining but not my favorite. After reading the snippet of Charlie Foxtrot, I can't wait to read Foster's story, it looks like it's going to be a good one for sure.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tracy dorsett
Execution Style is a shoulda, woulda, coulda scenario. Should have been good, story had promise, characters had promise, would have been good with less OTT drama and a little more substance, could have been good with a better editor for flow, continuity and errors.

I`m always sad when a book leaves me with just a meh feeling, not really caring one way or the other, I would rather totally love it or totally dislike it, at least it inspired feelings. Execution Style was just too unbelievably dramatic, and yeah I know its fiction but seriously? From one horrific event that occurred which is where Miller met Mercy it’s just a roller coaster perilously careering totally out of control throwing in unneeded drama where more substance and exploration of characters and events would have had far more effect. Everybody deals with stuff differently but it seriously stretches the imagination to say the least that a woman deals with the aftermath of a horrific act in such a way and so I struggled, didn`t really connect with either character despite flashes of humour and banter that is trademark Lani Lynn Vale. There are secondary cast members I liked but were overshadowed by the OMFG SERIOUSLY???????? moments I kept having as the drama continued with sparkles, glitter and fanfare. I personally needed more emotion, more exploration of the relationship between them without something happening every 30 seconds (see how I threw in over exaggerated drama then?!?!?!).

Sadly this one wasn`t for me and I probably won`t continue with this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron hastings
This is book four in the series. Like the naughty girl I am I only read one of the previous books in this series. However I absolutely loved this story.

Miller oh Miller. Yes this is Millers story. He is all sorts of hotness. He's a hot sexy alpha that will do anything to protect who he loves. My heart went out to Mercy. I'm so happy she had Miller.

This is an amazing read. It will be included in a select few to stay on my kindle for a re read. Yes it's that good. I'm so looking forward to reading more of these sexy alphas. Loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
l meredith
Another great book by Lani Lynn Vale!! Miller & Mercy were fantastic characters!! My heart broke for Mercy but Miller was there to heal us all!! Mercy was such a strong woman and selfless. She was also a spitfire and stood up for herself and others. She was the absolute perfect match for Miller. Miller was so sexy & strong & protective. He and Mercy had this easiness towards their relationship. Their banter was funny and their passion for each other was strong. I absolutely loved this book and can't wait for more from this series!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
olga belyayeva
somewhere between 2-2.5 stars :(

I am sitting here trying to find the right words that I want to use in regards to Execution Style. Normally for this author I end up cutting down my reviews some because I am usually raving about a book of hers. This time, my issue is that unfortunately this is my least favorite of all of the books of hers I have read and reviewed. If you have read my reviews in the past I am giving high praise for the story lines that Ms. Vale has written. So it is really hurting my heart when this time I have to say this one was kind of all over the place and had too many issues for this reviewer to be able to overlook.

I normally hate to give any kind of spoiler away but in this instance I need to let you all know that it starts off with Mercy being raped. Normally I would put a warning at the beginning but her rape is what takes over the entire book in my opinion and her choices after the matter. I am a religious person but when reading this one I almost felt at times that religion was being pushed on me. I didn’t like how Mercy in a way kind of put Miller on the spot about something, it to me made me not like her and she was never able to redeem herself in my eyes. Miller, I really liked him, he was a really good guy. Past wall breaking aside, he doesn’t want to pressure Mercy or add to her pain.

With all that being said I will continue to read the rest of this series and Ms. Vale’s books. I am hoping that this is a onetime thing that I didn’t mesh with the book at all. I hope she goes back to the recipe that worked for so many books in the past; a sexy alpha male, a sassy female, sexy times and just enough drama and action to keep it interesting.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
antoinette corum
I usually love dark, erotic romance with a lot of action and the synopsis hinted that I was in for a wild ride with this story. Which was true for the beginning ,with all the drama going on , but I didn't connect to the characters at all during the rest of the story . Maybe it was because this was book # 4 in the Code 11-kpd SWAT series , but they should actually be ok to read individually because each book is about a new couple .
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I've read everything written by this author. From book one it's pretty obvious what her "political" views are on certain subjects. I don't share those views but I enjoyed her characters and her stories and have always given heartfelt, glowing reviews about her work. Yes, the author's political leanings are the central character of this book, but that's not why I didn't care for it. There was no chemistry at all between Miller and Mercy. They were simply a means to the author's venting of her personal beliefs. That's all I came away with. I couldn't tell you the plotline to save my life. I had to go back and refresh myself with Miller's name. That's how disconnected I was to the characters.

I'm still a fan. I look forward to Foster's story. As soon as it's available, I'm buying it. I hope this time it's a romance novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hamid salari
Miller & Mercy might have just become my favorite KPD Swat couple. SO happy to see these two get a HEA, and Mercy and her strength are so empowering. Lani Lynn Vale has hit a home run with this series, and I can't wait until the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary fagan
I am addicted to this series!!!!!
everyone I read is kick ass!
Other authors try to write "SWAT" series, but they never pull it off like Ms. Vale.
I am in suspense until the next one comes out!
Non stop action!
Ms. Vale, you are sofa king awesome!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My favorite arthors is Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, JR Ward, Larissa Ione, Dianne Duvall and now I have to put Lani Lynn Vale to list cause I absolutely fell in love with her characters and stories. now l have become addicted to her books and can't wait to go back and read the Freebird MC and Dixie Warden MC cause I found out this series is a spin off from those series. I highly recommend to anyone who loves good books Lani Lynn Vale is the one to read from and guarantee all readers will LOVE her!!!
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