I'm Only Here for the Beard (The Dixie Wardens Rejects Book 4)

ByLani Lynn Vale

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susie little
4.5 Stars
There is nothing that this author writes that I have not loved and this is no exception, although I will admit that as fabulous as Sean and Naomi are they are in a series that is crammed full of amazing men and their women, so they had still competition for my adoration, and hands up, I have to say that they weren’t far from the top of my favourite LLV characters.
Naomi has secretly lusted after a guy for much longer than she would ever care to admit out loud but she realises it is never going to go anywhere where when he gets hitched, if anything it galvanises her into taking the steps she should have taken much earlier…she needs a fresh start.
So, she heads off to start a new job and a new partner!
Sean is a great guy, much more sensitive than I thought he was going to be, not sure why I had that impression but I was secretly pleased at the man and his magnificence! He is still reeling after he discovers that his woman didn’t want him, she was secretly connected to another of the brothers in the MC, (how you will have to read to see), so not only did Sean lose his woman but it drove a wedge between him and a man that he needed to know would have his back if ever he needed it, a man he saw every single say …it was far from easy to accept, I thought his dilemma was one that added an exquisite twist to the story.
Thrown together through their work, oh had I not said that Naomi was Sean’s new partner…sorry!
I think Sean felt that he was going to have to keep her at arm’s length because it was easier to deflect the pain from his last heartache by ensuring that no matter the fact that Naomi was very attractive, there was no option that as colleagues they could get involved…pfft! Deluded fool!
They both discovered rather quickly that they had rather a lot in common and despite the fact that neither of them was particularly looking for a new relationship, they couldn’t deny the fact that they were drawn to each other. They had to either take what fate was offering them and find a way to be together and once they got their heads around that they were off and running.
I loved this Sean and Naomi, their relationship, the banter and the emotionality they brought to the page was superb and I was totally engaged by the pair of them. Of course, it wasn’t all plain sailing but I loved seeing characters from previous books and series and knowing that they had such a strong support network around them, I was certain that this time Sean had his woman!
Give this pair the opportunity to share their love with you, you will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dan eckstein
You know the adage “Nice guys finish last”? Well, in Lani Lynn Vale’s newest release, I’m Only Here for the Beard, she proves how true that statement is by providing back stories for both her hero and heroine that illustrate them being the consolation prize in every one of their past relationships.

For Sean, he couldn’t get a woman to stay; she always found someone else who she wanted to be with more, leaving Sean with nothing but memories and heartbreak; for Naomi, she’s never had a man who hasn’t cheated or found another woman to warm his bed

What it comes down to for both Sean and Naomi is that they fall in love too easily, putting their heart and soul into a relationship, without really thinking about the complications of handing someone their heart almost as soon as the relationship starts.

But as much as Sean and Naomi wearing their hearts on their sleeves causes them heartbreak, it also allows them to fight harder for what they want, and while they both are a bit more cautious when it comes to their developing feelings for one another, it’s clear that they’ll both be finishing first when it comes to each other as long as their stubbornness and shortsightedness doesn’t break what’s mending by being together.   

Sean and Naomi’s story follows the components of storytelling that readers have come to expect from Lani Lynn Vale. A bit of drama, some steam, and a good dose of suspense help to advance the plot quickly and allow readers to hypothesize exactly how everything will play out and when it comes to the relationship of the hero and heroine, readers know that they’ll be forced to battle their own insecurities as well as some difficulties from outside sources, but as long as they hold on tight, their ride to happily ever after will come…it just might be one heck of a bumpy and emotional journey to get there.

4 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aimee garrett
Title: I'm Only Here For The Beard
Author: Lani Lynn Vale

5+ smashing stars

I laughed. More times than i can remember. And there were tears when that happened. And i'll come right out and say it: i googled the squatty potty and laughed some more. Hell, my boyfriend would spend HOURS on the toilet just because he was busy doing his thing and would only get up because his legs were numb and couldn't feel his butt. So i KNOW Naomi's problems - i live it, every single day. So now i'm debating if i should be buying the squatty potty, but dammit! Lani Lynn Vale didn't tell us if it helped Sean shorten his time spent there! (ha!!!!)

4.5 sexy dreams

Alright, alright, all jokes aside, this is how MC Romances and series should be done. There are very few authors that i'll follow their entire MC series, and those do include GM Scherbert since its just got that something that keeps me coming back for more, and then i found out that there are only a few books left in the Dixie Warden Rejects series, and i could have sworn that my heart fell in my stomach in, well, sadness. I love these men. They're unconventional, dirty and oh so very likeable. I'm not a beard kind of woman, but for these men, i sure as heck will become one! Now, Naomi is hilarious. I love her attitude and i love how she's not afraid to put herself out there even after all that she's been through. Sean is the kind of man that you wish you had by your side no matter what. Together, they are amazing and i couldn't go through this book fast enough. So trust me when i say that i'm impatiently waiting for the next book, because this series... oh hell yes. Gimme. More!

*ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books
Controlled Burn (Kilgore Fire Book 4) :: Whiskey Neat (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 1) :: Get You Some (The Simple Man Series Book 3) :: Son of a Beard: Dixie Warden Rejects MC, Book 3 :: I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie (The I Like Big Dragons Series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
se n patrick sanford
This is the fourth book in the Dixie Warden Rejects series. It is a stand alone, but I highly recommend you read the others as well. We do get to see characters from The Heroes Of Dixie Warden in this book also.

This is Sean “Seanshine” and Naomi’s book.

Naomi started out with Kilgore Fire Department, as a medic. She was in love with PD. If you’ve read the Kilgore Fire series, PD is married to July. After being hit by a car, she basically needs a fresh start.

She is always the second choice, the girl used as a rebound, until someone better comes along. She is use to her heart being broken.

Sean is in the same predicament. He loves hard and he falls fast. But it’s never enough.

I’m so happy these two found each other. They are great together. Yes, they were both being overly cautious because of how they’ve been hurt in the past.

If you’ve read all the other series, you’re probably like me and trying to figure out who Ghost is. I’ve been doing a complete re-read as well. I had an idea about who it is and after this book, I think I’m right. I won’t say who though, sorry.

And OMG, why did you have to do that to Dante, Lain!!??!! No!!! Dante was a side character in the Heroes of Dixie Warden series, if you don’t remember.

Now, my favorite quotes that always make me laugh.

“Women do not want to hear an apology while your penis is still inside their sister. Take it out first.”
~Pro Tip

“I think we all want the samething. Love. World peace. And to be f***** so hard that we can’t go to work the next day.”
~Naomi’s secret thoughts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david mort
This is hands down my favorite book Lani Lynn Vale has written! I absolutely loved every moment of this book. It was one of the funniest books I have read, it had just enough drama to drive one to flip the pages, and was filled with love and devotion that one can only hope to find.

When this book started out Sean was scorned by the woman he wanted to love him back and Naomi starting over after a terrible accident. They both thought love was not an option like they had always wanted.

The moment these two met I was in stitches. They have some of the best chemistry I have ever read, it was raw, gritty, and they knew just how to drive the other nuts in the absolute best of ways.

Naomi is self-conscious ever since her surgery but Sean does see her any different than anyone else in his life. He is himself with her no matter what. THIS right here is what sucked me in hook, line, and sinker. His tenderness with her even when he really did not think he was being sweet turned me to mush.

As always, the supporting cast is just spot on in this series. I loved catching up and learning more about The Dixie Wardens Rejects. So much suspense and drama that keeps you on your toes.

This story left me needing more of these two! And dying to know what will happen next. We have some plots going on that I cannot wait to get answers to in this series. I also will be saying a little prayer we get a glimpse into Sean and Naomi's life in future books. Such a perfect couple!

Full review with quotes on goodreads. This version is edited for the store to accept my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sean and Naomi … be still my heart. These two are the real deal. They are everyday people, living their everyday life and seeking out what everyone else is looking for. Normalcy, acceptance and love.

Sean cannot stand partnering up with new people. He doesn’t like change and he wants things to run the way that he sees fit. He doesn’t want to like that cute, curly haired blonde tid-bit of a woman, but damn it if she doesn’t worm her way into his heart. Before he knows it, he sees Naomi. He really sees her and he likes it. Naomi is no non-sense and a badass in the medic. She can pull her own weight and jumps at the chance to work. Sean is totally down with that. He knows that she is who he needs riding on the back of his bike.

When he finally has Naomi there, someone else is chomping at the bit to take her away. What is not known is that this woman is a fighter. She won’t back down, so if someone is after her, she is willing to fight. With everything that Naomi has been through, she will be damned if her happiness will be compromised.

This story has quite a few ups and downs and I will admit that my heart was torn to pieces at one point. So much emotion, change and turmoil, although I promise that you will get your HEA. Another big win in the book world for Lani Lynn Vale. Add Sean and Naomi to your shelf today!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lani has done it once again!! Every book she writes it just gets better and better. Her characters are simply amazing and her stories are always beautiful and ruff around the edges. She is and always will be my go to author. An the squatty potty OMG I haven't laughed that hard in a while. And I love that we get to see some of the other characters from the other series.

Naomi and Sean have had love and lost it. Many times. Every time they think it's going to work out it blows up in their faces.

The women that have come an gone through Sean's life haven't left much of his head and heart. They have either cheated or just left. When he falls he falls hard hoping it will stick but no one has stayed.

" Women are basically natural disasters with tits."

Naomi has had on hell of a ruff time in her life. Every man she thought would last has cheated or just been a moron. Her brother isn't any better. An it's her brother that breaks the camels back. So she moves on with her life. Change is the best thing for her. She never thought in a million years that she just might find love in the most unexpected way.
" If you're willing to share your bacon with her, she might be the one."

These two were made for each other. Maybe together they can mend their broken hearts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lorie kleiner eckert
With the release of another great read to a great series we have Sean and Naomi. I'm trying to keep track of all the interlacing of these characters but it's hard!

Sean lost his love to a brother of the MC. Seeing them happy together kills him. Naomi only had eyes for PD but we know that was a lost cause. You do get to revisit him in this story.

Thrown together after an accident with Naomi's brother Sean knows his partner is hiding something. The thoughts he has about her .. they need to get out of his head because it only leads to being burned. A man who gives his heart to a woman more than once and gets it's thrown back .. yeah he knows how this goes.

Naomi left needing a new place to call home. PD is married and happy to say the least. The beast of a man she works with is surly and rigid. Perfect match for a whole lot of non feeling.

This is a great read with characters who both have been through the wringer. Of course it can be read as a standalone but you should go back and pick up the others. Characters do appear from other series which again I encourage you to grab up through the summer for some good reading.

Love the book and the characters as always. Thank you for the ARC!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

First I want to say I am LOVING the Title for this one! Lani Lynn Vale's Dixie Warden Rejects have become my monthly addiction series this year. With a new book coming out each month, am getting hooked! I have read every book in this series so far, but I think Sean and Naomi have stolen my #1 Couple spot from Tommy and Tally! I blew through this book! I wasn't sure how I felt about Sean in the other books, but learning his background, and understanding him more I have fallen for him! Sean and Naomi are so perfect for each other! The story line kept me flipping the pages, and the characters of course are all fun, and easy to relate to.

If you haven't started these books, and you love a good Military/MC read, you need to pick up this series! The built up to Ghost Story is HIGH in this book! Seriously I need his story ASAP! Can't wait to get Jessie James, and Ellen's story next month! Loved It!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely devoured I’m Only Here For The Beard. I love the men she writes, I love the females, I love the quotes at the beginning of each chapter

If you haven't started these books, and you love a good Military/MC read, you need to pick up this series! The built up to Ghost Story is HIGH in this book! Seriously I need his story ASAP! Can't wait to get Jessie James, and Ellen's story next month! Loved It!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jen reviewing for KinkyGirlsBookObsessions

Honestly I feel like a broken record every time I try to write a review for a Lani Lynn Vale book. I can't help it. She blows me away every time. I love all her characters she writes.

When you read a LLV book, it's realistic. The characters are relatable and the storyline is realistic.

Once again 5 STARS for Seanshine and Naomi
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sean and Naomi have both been unlucky in love when they decide to give up they met each other. At first they deny it and become really good friends. What happens when love come into the mix? I really liked this book, I always enjoy Lani's books. There was such drama, action and romance all thrown in, it is very well written and I can't wait for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mel gonzalez
Great Read!

Sean, when he loves, he loves fiercely. He has suffered many failed relationships and feels he is destined to be alone. What happens when his new partner sparks his interest.
Naomi is in major need of a break. After a horrible accident and unsuccessful relationships, she moves. Will she be able to overcome the odds?
Sean and Naomi have a great chemistry! I really enjoyed reading their story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jen reviewing for KinkyGirlsBookObsessions

Honestly I feel like a broken record every time I try to write a review for a Lani Lynn Vale book. I can't help it. She blows me away every time. I love all her characters she writes.

When you read a LLV book, it's realistic. The characters are relatable and the storyline is realistic.

Once again 5 STARS for Seanshine and Naomi
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sean and Naomi have both been unlucky in love when they decide to give up they met each other. At first they deny it and become really good friends. What happens when love come into the mix? I really liked this book, I always enjoy Lani's books. There was such drama, action and romance all thrown in, it is very well written and I can't wait for more.
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