Book 3, Son of a Beard: Dixie Warden Rejects MC

ByLani Lynn Vale

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
britt graves
5 Stars

I think Truth and Verity are my new favourite couple of Lani Lynn Vale's!! I love reading books by Lani, the only downfall is I never want them to end and this one was no different! I could have read about this couple forever, they were so loveable! Each of Lani’s books continue on from the previous book so we always get an insight into her other characters that we have come to love, they feed of the previous books in the series and that has always been something I love about her writing.

Verity and Truth have both just been screwed by their respective partners and end up attending the wedding of their ex's. This is the first time they meet each other and while they suffer through the shambles of a wedding they get sh!tfaced drunk which always leads to some very bad decisions.

I had an idea of what was going to happen with this couple but it couldn’t have been further from what actually transpired in their story. Lani always keeps me on my toes while I’m reading her stories and you never really know what to expect from her unpredictable characters.

The relationship between Truth and Verity had so many different aspects and I for one had some amazing laughs while reading their story.

Verity was an amazing heroine for me, I loved her attitude. Some of the things she done had me laughing so hard I could hardly catch my breath at times. There were a few times my heart hurt for her but she was such a kickass heroine I knew she would bounce back better than before!

Truth made me so mad a few times during this book, I seriously would have slapped him had he been a real person! LOL. That still didn’t stop me from loving the big broody jerk, he won me over from the very start and while I was mad on his behalf in the beginning I was delighted with the way things worked out.

This book at times was laugh out loud funny but it also had me swooning so freaking hard. That is another talent of Lani’s, her hero’s constantly have me swooning and her heroine’s are people I would love to know in real life!! Another great book in one of my favourite MC series’ and I am so looking forward to Seanshine’s book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joy ebertz
Title: Son Of A Beard
Author: Lani Lynn Vale

5 amazing stars

If there's one genre i can never get enough of, it's an great MC genre novel. They are so incredibly intoxicating because they take the one thing that you KNOW that you'll never personally join or cross (as a line), but to be able to be part of their world, even briefly, through words, is just something that i can't even begin to explain or be able to put into words. Their world seems so forbidden, so dark, dangerous, and everything that you know is different from your own personal life, that you can't help but be tempted to keep delving into it, no matter the consequences. Thank goodness that through a book, those aren't as personally damaging compared to being there physically. So of course when Lani Lynn Vale created her Dixie Warden Rejects series, i had to get on that band wagon and get pulled right in. i read the series premier book and couldn't get enough. Sadly, i haven't had a chance to read the second one, but with Son Of A Beard, the third instalment in the series, i fell in love all over again. As i did with the first novel, i laughed at all the right moments, and fist bumping the air (yeah, i'm that nerd... ) when Truth and Verity told the world off and made the nights their own after being screwed over by their ex's who happen to have gotten married.

4.5 sexy dreams

I absolutely love this series. It has all the right things that you look forward to in an MC romance, plus a little bit extra- the emotions that pour off the men that you wouldn't have expected. Behind the gruff exterior of Truth lives a man that is fiercely protective of his woman and he's not afraid to show it. It's a hot read, and the kind that will make you want to keep reading over and over and as fast as you can just to see what's going to happen next. I absolutely love reading Lani Lynn Vale's stories since even though i come to respect her as an author, i never know what to expect from her characters and even less the many twists and turns that this journey will take you.

*ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When both the hero and heroine have names that align with honesty and certainty having to deal with cheating exes and then a whole slew of underhanded situations that are out of their control puts a lot of pressure on a couple who don’t really know each other that well and are figuring things out as they go, which, for a biker and his woman mean quite different things.

Truth Alan Reacher is the quintessential bearded biker – one who speaks his mind and defends those he loves - so the circumstances he’s faced with when Son of a Beard begins and then the unfortunate events that occur due to his dark and dangerous past plague Truth with a heavy dose of guilt, quite a bit of anger, and even a modicum of fear, and that combination is not one his enemies want to deal with because when it comes down do it, he’s going to do whatever it takes to rectify what his past choices have cost him.

Verity Ruthann Cassidy thought she had it all until she was faced with a series of harsh truths that send her spiraling, but thankfully, she finds herself in a far better situation than the one she was forced to leave, and even though Verity and Truth’s relationship has its ups and downs, in the end, I’m sure Verity wouldn’t trade what she had to endure to end up with the man she does.

I have to admit that one thing that bothers me about these bearded bikers is that in their need to protect their women, they say and do things that make their better half go crazy with worry and feel hurt by what their men see as doing “what is best” for the situation. Don’t get me wrong, I can’t begin to understand the male psyche, especially when it comes to protecting those they love, but I don’t think I would handle being ignored and then jump right back into bed with a possessive and ornery biker.

The biker brotherhood is always at the forefront of Lani Lynn Vale’s biker books and the way Truth’s brothers have his back and do what needs to be done to help him, even if it pisses Truth off, speaks to the reason Truth found is footing again with the Dixie Wardens when his life almost imploded by events that were out of his control but threatened to destroy him nonetheless.

4 Poison Apples
Jack & Coke: Uncertain Saints MC Series, Book 2 :: Law & Beard (The Dixie Warden Rejects MC Book 8) :: The Beard Made Me Do It (The Dixie Warden Rejects Book 5) :: Flash Point (Kilgore Fire Book 2) :: Get You Some (The Simple Man Series Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james minter
Truth Alan Reacher is a biker who is a bladesmith on the side, and would never be considered a fool. The day that he walked in on his girl sexing it up with his cousin, on his beloved bike seat, he gets rid of the seat, and the girl. If that's not bad enough, he's forced to attend their wedding. On the bright side, he watches a sexy chick going off on his cousin, and he decides he must meet her. Verity Ruthann Cassidy is watching her ex-boyfriend marrying another woman at the wedding that she planned, as the bride. She was forced to attend this farce of a wedding because her mother is the wedding planner, and she's suspicious that her credit cards were still charged, even after she pulled out of it. The only good part is the hot biker who is just as irritated as she is about the whole thing, so she rides off with to Vegas, which was supposed to be her honeymoon trip, with him. After hours of drinking, this newly single couple ties the knot. There was such much to this story, that I believe this is the hardest description of this author's books to date for me. Of course I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED this story, and devoured it in a matter of hours. Truth and Verity are hilarious together, not to mention the super steamy sexy scene goodness will have all panties involved, spontaneously combust into ashes. One of my favorite things about this story, was watching them trying to live together before really knowing each other. It came off realistic, plus it was hilarious! Lani Lynn Vale is completely brilliant, as every book of hers comes off original, (wish I had that talent), and nowadays, I'm completely captivated just by her name and the blurb. The loud f-bomb worthy dropping moments from the twists that came out of left field, round this awesome piece of perfection fantastically. I'll NEVER not be waiting impatiently for the next masterpiece, so I can do nothing less than HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND Son of a Beard to ALL FAR AND WIDE!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy hausladen
Warning: Never ask the guy whose bride was his girlfriend before you got caught doing it with her ON HIS BIKE to give a toast at your wedding to her.
Suggestion: Run off with the girl who was supposed to be the bride and was forced to come to the wedding.

So begins the life of Truth and Verity. A trip to Vegas. Their own drunken party and the after results. He was a hot, really hot, biker and more. She was a part-time librarian, part-time wedding planner, part-time glass blower, curvy girl who didn't think a hot guy like Truth would take a second look. When he did she looked right back and more.

Their relationship had more bumps than a four-humped camel. He had family issues and a history that ate at him. She had family issues and man problems. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't resist her. Until--a terrible crime made him push her away. One more thing about Verity, persistence. She didn't give up easily, especially when she had it by good sources that the reason he pushed her away had nothing to do with not wanting her. The threats that his past brought to her could not be ignored.

How can she get him past the threats? Will he trust his brothers in the MC to help him protect her from a past enemy?

I found Verity more patient than I could ever have been--well maybe with Truth I'd make an exception. He was in extreme to being a rear end to tender and sweet. Keep 'em guessing sure fits this guy. I would have liked to see more emphasis with her craft and continuing it or at least plans to do so.

This is another compelling, gritty, steamy--gritty/steamy, MC story by the author who excels in this genre. If you don't like hot explicit encounters, violence, down-in-the-gutter language, and hot, sweaty, ripped guys, this may not be for you. But heck, if you are reading this, more of the same is better so enjoy. I sure did.
Reviewed for Words Turn Me On
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow what a ride!! Lani Lynn Vale delivers another incredible read! Can you imagine how you would feel walking in on your girlfriend cheating on you (on the back of your motorcycle no less)? And if the person that she was cheating on you with was your own cousin, who has the gall to ask you to be the best man that their wedding? To say that Truth Reacher handled it well is an understatement, but the night was not a total loss when he finds himself attracted to a beautiful woman, Verity, who seems to be as out of place as he does at the wedding. The reason? The groom is Verity’s ex-fiancée and she was as blindsided as Truth was. After they spent a wild night in Vegas, the two go their separate way not remembering that they had done something that would now link them together forever.
I adore Ms. Vale’s heroines – they all stand on their own two feet, have backbones of steel and a bit of snark – all which describes Verity perfectly. I love Truth and all of his Alpha male hotness, his loyalty to his brothers and to his grandfather. My heart hurt for him when his entire life was turned upside down when a ghost from his past decides to wreak havoc. I cannot recommend Son of a Beard highly enough but will warn you that you might as well clear your schedule once you begin reading because this is not a book you can put down before you are finished reading. But what a wonderful way to spend a day!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the third book in the Dixie Wardens Rejects series. They are stand alones. So far, this is my favorite from this series. I’ve loved Truth since the first book. He’s been so funny in the other two books. I’m still eagerly waiting for Ghost’s story and plan to do a re-read of all of Lani’s other books so that I can try to figure out who Ghost is!

Truth had me laughing right from the start with this one.

“One man’s used up s*** is another man’s brand new bride.”

That has to be the best wedding speech that I’ve ever heard.

What Kenneth and Destiny did to Verity is horrible. I mean come on, her dress, car, and wedding.

But it did put her and Truth together.

Not everything that happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. But sometimes you don’t always remember what happened right away.

Truth’s past comes out to play in this book. I won’t say much, but I wasn’t expecting that.

These two are great together.

The quotes at the beginning of the chapters were awesome, as usual.

“I’m not saying she’s a hoe, but she’s taken more loads than a washing machine.”
-Verity to Truth upon discussion of Truth’s ex.

“Ladies, just a reminder. There’s always another man out there with an extra inch more than the one who’s f****** you over.”
-Fact of life
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kori ralston
I absolutely love Lani Lynn Vale. Her books are freaking amazing from the beginning to the end. This one had me cracking up from the beginning and holding on tight until the end to see what happens between Truth and Verity. These is far more than just an MC book. There is romance, humor and a great storyline. So very well written with great character chemistry. I absolutely love how these two meet. I dont love the reason that they meet but I love how they meet and handle what is going on. You can easily see and feel what is between them even if they both are kindof fighting it. But fate has another plan for them. Things tragically happen that bring the two of them even closer together which adds a great suspense to this book.

Lani Lynn Vale hit this one out of the park. Absolutely gripping from the beginning to the end. You will laugh, cry and enjoy. I highly recommend reading and enjoying this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
​Lani Lynn Vale seriously started this book off with a bang. Truth and Verity had quite the start to their relationship. I felt terrible for Verity and what she went through at the beginning. I'm not sure I would have handled that situation as well as she did. Verity's mom was vile in the moment that we did get to meet her. I do wish that she would have been more of an issue throughout the story as she only really made one physical appearance. I freaking love Truth. He had absolutely no filter and it was hilarious! There was a lot of action and little suspense. I really enjoyed all the drama throughout the book, but I wish the resolution didn't come so easily. The big question that still remains though is who the heck is Ghost? I loved that Lani left a few more small hints in this story and I'm hoping we get the answer sooner rather than later. Overall, though I really enjoyed this installment of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the third book in this amazing series, and is Truth and Verity’s story. These two are perfect for each other, and the more that Truth tries to push her away, the more she does not allow him to succeed. These two have many obstacles to overcome, but have an intense chemistry between them. No spoilers from me, you really need to read this amazing series for yourself!
This story is action packed with humorous banter, emotion, entertainment, suspense, trust, and love. This author never disappoints with her work, and this book is certainly no different. I cannot wait to read the next book in this awesome series, and I recommend this authors work for all MC lovers.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I never thought an MC romance can be described as fun! Sure, they are gritty and full of action and bad men. But when you put Verity into the mix, that's when fun begins.

Who wouldn't be intrigued by this book's synopsis? Bride's ex boyfriend and groom's ex girlfriend both attending the wedding. Finding common ground, they formed an alliance that is both entertaining and heart-breaking.

Read on and get ready to be pulled in by Truth and Verity’s story!

I was provided a copy for review purposes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe zeidner
***5 stars!!****

The best installment yet of the Dixie Wardens Rejects series yet! -- This book takes an unconventional spin on the bad boy image, taking what could have been a heart breaking moment and turning it into an epic love story that is filled with angst, sexy times, danger and excitement and left me completely enthralled and holding my sides from laughter. I am so excited to say that Lani Vale has hit a home run with this one! and I can't wait to encourage all of my book friends to read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alexis bailey
So, what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas!

Verity and Truth crack me up from attending their exes wedding to baby duty, they are such a hoot! Though they aren’t all rainbows and laughs, their story was really fun to read.

Ms. Vale did it again with a little suspense and action and a LOT of heart! I love all of her MC members and can’t wait to really meet more of them! <3

*** I voluntarily read an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jaci ms darcy reads
Jen reviewing for KinkyGirlsBookObsessions

Every time I think Lani Lynn Vale' s books can't get any better she proves me wrong. Son of the Beard knocks it out of the park with her classic style Alpha man and a realistic female lead.

Loving living in this Dixie Warden Reject world!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Truth and Verity's story had me crying, swooning, leaping for joy and so in love. This series has it all, I have loved each and everyone of them. Love how protective these men are and how smacked in the face in love they become. Cant wait to read more from Ms. Vale. LOVED!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robin murphy
Love love love this Author. Everything she writes is 5 Star amazing. I love the Dixie Wardens. All the chapters come together in this book to back a brother. It is an amazing family. Can't wait for more of this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Truth and Verity. They got together under horrible circumstances and were just..... drawn together. Even though there was danger, and Truth acted horribly to Verity (men suck, and think they know what's best for everyone else, even when they really dont) she is amazing and holds it together. I love how all of the series fit together, and how characters from previous books keep popping up. I love how well their personalities and lives fit together, and how similar their artistry is. I think it's a beautiful pairing!
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