The Beard Made Me Do It (The Dixie Warden Rejects Book 5)

ByLani Lynn Vale

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vivek singh
I think a couple of times I already expressed how much I love Lani Lynn Vale’s books. I practically devour them at one sitting as soon as they come out but this particular one started with two definite negative points from the beginning. One I don’t really like second chance romances and since this one falls into that category, there is that. Two I really, really didn’t like Ellen based on the other stories. And I know that her actions are explained pretty early in the story but I still couldn’t like her as much. It took me quite a while to ease off her.
About the writing style I will be brief. I like it more and more with every book and I can’t say enough how much the author improved in this regard over the years. Her style was never bad but it’s just gets smoother and easier to read with every story. This book is quick and light, have some short look backs to the characters past. Even so I generally don’t like those in this case the placement and the length of them makes it easier to get over.
The first quarter or so of the book has a really fast pace since it takes place in the period of time which we already saw from Sean point of view. So it’s kind of a glance behind the curtains showing the events form Ellen and Jessie side too. But really the pace doesn’t slow down after that either.
The plot once again is not as OTT drama and catastrophe driven as her earlier books and I would say it not as powerful either. The conflict is predictable from miles away but at the same time its engaging enough to entertain me.
I liked Jessie and Linc, they are really great and strong characters and I loved the relationship between them. Ellen as I mentioned earlier I didn’t like as much. She is depressed during most of the book, only gets a little better after resolving her problems with Jessie. What caused me a bit of a trouble is the whole otherworldly attraction thing that supposed to be there between them. I didn’t quite saw it. The whole we are in love with each other for over 17 years but don’t even try to reconnect until now. I just didn’t saw the feelings between them especially since the brief look back don’t really sow it.
It was an easy to read and quick story. Not my favorite in the series but I liked it nonetheless.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh bradford
The author is looking for an honest review

5 stars

I have to say I absolutely loved this story. The whole story line is one that you can dive right in on and never leave until you are finished with the book. The author has a way of doing this with her books. Making it come alive with things that would really effect you in real life, but showing you there is something good that can come out of it. All the characters in this book were so likable. The ones that aren't likable are the ones that deserve it and for that it made the book enjoyable. I love second chance romances and this is one. This was a hard one. Jessie thought he was really doing the right thing. Ellen was lost. Couldn't find her way for a long time. How do you get over a first love? I don't think you ever do. That feeling when you see them for the first time again, that,s when you know. I can't say enough how much that happens in this book will effect you, but if you are a reader like me it will effect you enormously.

The prologue sets you up for this story. It shows what first loves can do to you, even when you try to do what is best. This story has some heart breaking moments in it, some uh huh moments, some oh crap moments, and the ever so why did i every get involved with her in the first place moments. All these moments lead up to Jessie and Ellen finding each other again in a motorcycle club. It is not an overnight thing. They don't come crashing into each other immediately, it takes time and for all of those moments to lead up to something huge. Jessie is such a good guy. I loved him at the beginning and you will too. He is raising his son at 17 and never looked back. He is a man that you wish you could find. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders, but he doesn't look back. I love this man. Ellen is a woman that lost a piece of herself when Jessie left her, but she is fighting her way back. There are going to be many obstacles they will have to overcome, but they will fight their way till the end.

Just know there a re some twists and turns in this book. It is not as easy as it sounds. They will fight their way, but it is not all roses. Lots of things go down with Jessie's son, that they will need to figure out. The ex always comes back to haunt them and lets not forget that Ellen's brother is part of the mc that Jessie wants to get into. What will happen when he finds out who Jessie really is?

I love this series so far and I hope I get to see another character come out of this series because they are worth the read. What I also liked is that there is a little saying before each of the chapters and its really cute how it ties in with the chapter that you are reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
francois van
After being introduced to Jesse and Ellen earlier in the series, their reactions to one another seemed more than just lust at first sight; their connection seemed deeper and the only way that could have been is if they’d known one another before  they met because of their association with the Dixie Wardens. So going into The Beard Made Me Do It, I knew Jesse and Ellen’s past must have been left open-ended, and I was anxious to find out how they truly knew each other and how the nature of their relationship and consequent falling out shaped their future selves - individuals who definitely need closure on their past in order to move forward.

For fourteen years, Ellen’s been trying to come to terms with Jesse’s unexplained exit from her life, comparing every man to her high school love and being unable to settle down with anyone else because her heart still belongs to the man who destroyed it when he left and never came back.

Jesse James has been a single father since the day Linc was born and with the shitstorm that always seems to surround him, he thought letting Ellen go, setting her free to achieve all of her goals was what was best for both of them because Jesse didn’t want to bring Ellen into his maelstrom, especially with how unpredictable it was.

But what neither of them truly understood, until they re-entered one another’s lives all these years later, is that his leaving actually destroyed both of them, breaking them in ways that would only mend with a clear understanding of why Jesse left and then a open-mind as to what a future might look like for them as a couple…as a family of three who share an undeniable connection and an overwhelming amount of love.

I love how Lani Lynn Vale introduces future main characters as supporting characters in the other books in her series because just when readers think they have a handle on who these characters are, forming opinions about them, Vale reveals much needed insight into those characters’ back stories, giving the reasons behind their actions and allowing readers to look at the big picture and understand that these characters really don’t have a choice sometimes because the heart wants what it wants and it does the things it needs to in order to get the happiness it so desperately craves. And this idea is illustrated perfectly in The Beard Made Me Do It.

Ellen and Jesse’s book was an amazing read about sacrifice and the importance of finding a home and a family that truly has your back, even though you’re not blood related. And, Linc’s supporting role added such depth to the story line because the way that he acts and loves is all because of the way Jesse raised him, even when they were dirt poor and only had each other to rely on.

Once again, Ghost makes his presence known multiple times within the story, adding to the mystery of who he is and how he has become a man so skilled at getting information and finding people who truly don’t want to be found, and with Ghost’s story hopefully coming soon, there is a lot of information to sort through in order to truly understand a man who doesn’t want to be known.

4.5 Poison Apples
Flash Point (Kilgore Fire Book 2) :: Savage Stalker (Savage Angels MC #1) :: Heroes of Dixie Wardens MC Series - Book 5 - Life to My Flight :: Dirty Mother (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 5) :: Law & Beard (The Dixie Warden Rejects MC Book 8)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackson douglass
The Beard Made Me Do It
By: Lani Lynn Vale

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 Star Review by Kristie K

Lani Lynn Vale does it again, bringing the heat with another steamy installment of the Dixie Wardens Rejects MC…

The Beard Made Me Do It is the fifth installment of the Dixie Wardens Rejects MC series by Lani Lynn Vale, and follows the swoon worthy Jessie James. As a single father since the age of 16, Jessie has worked hard, and sacrificed everything to make it where he is today. Leaving behind the girl that held his heart was the hardest thing he ever had to do, but he couldn’t let his lot in life bring her down. Walking away was his gift to her…even though it killed him to do it. But now, he’s back in town and a chance encounter puts him face to face with the girl he walked away from…

No-one had ever held her heart but Jessie James. The day he walked away from her, was the worst day of her life and the day her heart shattered forever. Now, fourteen years later Ellen is trying to move on with her life…until she sees a familiar pair of eyes watching her from across the room at a Dixie Wardens party. As her whole world tips on it’s axis from seeing Jessie again, she must figure out what she feels, and what she’s willing to do about it. Having never gotten over him, Ellen is bombarded with feelings that she isn’t prepared to face. When more secrets come to light, and danger stalks their every step, a decision must be made.

Aaaahhhhh!! I love MC books!! So, let’s start at the beginning…the cover for this book is totally sexy. Simple, gorgeous, and sexy. The blurb is heartbreaking, tantalizing, and offers the hook needed to get you to delve a little deeper. The characters are awesome. I fell in love with all of them, but especially the main three…Jessie, Ellen, and of course the son, Linc. Each one is their own person, unique and separate from the rest. Jessie and Ellen hold a depth and realism that grabs you, and their hearts are so warm that you can’t help but want to be near them. The plot and storyline are well developed, and executed wonderfully. All in all, this was a wonderful book to read, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I look forward to what Ms. Vale has in store for the Dixie Wardens next.

Kristie K
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy parker
I received this advanced copy of The Beard Made Me Do It through the Crazy Cajun Book Addicts site.

Powerful, explosive, dramatic, sexy, emotional and overwhelming book you need to read!

Meet Jessie & Ellen from teen age lovers pulled apart by too many people through uncontrollable circumstances Jessie has a disruptive lifestyle with a young baby called Linc, in order to protect Ellen he decides it's better for him to leave Ellen and let her have the life she deserves.

Ellen finds herself with a new guy at the Dixie Wardens M.C trying to build a new life only to walk into the man she's always loved and never been able to move on from despite trying! It's a hateful build up Jessie won't give her any sort of attention she walks into Lincs life 14 years later to find the man-boy who's his dads absolute double she struggles with her love for both men and decides she needs to move away again it's too hard.

Jessie finally gives into his love for Ellen they start a life together with Linc only for Jessie's pregnant ex to walk into their life's and try to destroy Linc with lies and deceit! Margot is the worst kind of person possible who constantly uses emotional blackmail in order to get what she needs which is mostly drugs.

It's an amazing conclusion I've thoroughly enjoyed it the fact that it's mixed in with a motorcycle club gives it a true family meaning. There are so many twists and turns to this story.

I very highly recommend this book to anyone. Lani Lynn Vale has done an amazing book I really hope Linc gets his own book that would be amazing :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kasturi dadhe
This is book five in the Dixie Wardens Rejects MC. I have read this entire series and have not been disappointed once. I loved them all, though I have to say this one is one of the best. I was kept on the edge of my seat from start to finish. I had drama, some angst, and even some humor. The writing and pace were spot on and I felt like Iw s right there with them all. I loved this second chance romance. I love reading about the MC. They are a great group of professional men and not the thugs one would think them to be. They are a true family not by blood.

We have Jesse and Ellen as teenagers and they loved each other then. Though Ellen continues to say they are just friends. She has her reasons but it hurts Jesse. He felt he wasn't good enough. He has a child already and he is barely surviving. He decides at that moment he decided he was done. He wanted Ellen to follow her dreams but at the same time, he wanted her to choose him.

Now we fast forward fourteen years and Jesse’s son is now a teenager. I love Jesse and his relationship with his son. They have a great dynamic. It brings more life to the book.

Ellen starts the book dating someone else and one look at a club party and we know that it really hasn't ended for either one. Though the hurt and anger from him leaving are very prominent and quite a bit of a shock. When Ellen goes to talk to Jesse, to get her answers to so many questions he wants nothing to do with her. He is a bit of a hard head. She is completely misunderstood. I felt sorry for her in actuality. Jesse though, I loved him. Everything about him.

I liked the growth of all of them, even Jesse’s son. The love and support he got from his father was great. When the ugly ex-rears her head things start to turn bad again. Can they pull it off and have the happily ever after they want? Read and find out. You won’t be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melinda franco
THIS.....BOOK....IS....MY....FAV....LANI LYNN VALE BOOK!!!! Yesss I am shouting cuz that is how I feel right now. I just finished this book and OMG I really want to re-read it all over

Y'all, I can not tell you how much I freaking loved this book!!!

The want, the need, the passion, the drama and ohhhh THE HAWT ALPHA MC MALE, and look he is on the cover of this book!!! lol Goodness this book gave me the feels and I would love for this book to go on and

Fourteen years ago, Ellen had her heart broke by the bad boy that had a kid. He felt she would be better off without him around and after hearing her parents talking crap about him he decided to walk away and let her go onto college and make a better life for herself. This sooo broke Ellen's heart!! She absolutely loved this bad boy. She didn't want to let him go. Fast forward 14 years later, he is all grown up, now a member of the Dixie Warden Rejects, his baby grew up to a young man. (and I just have to insert this, this young boy is freaking hilarious!!! I really hope this boy gets his own book cuz he is a riot. He has sooo taken after his MC bad ass daddy and I just fell in love with him as well!!) Anyway, lol, Ellen happens to be dating another MC'er but when she spots the boy she lost all those years ago, feelings came back and she just had to see if the feelings she had all those years ago were also felt by him?

I gave this book 5 STARS!!! I want stomp my foot...I loved this book sooo much that I want Thank you for this book Lani, you ROCK woman!! : )
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian brennan
Each and every book in the Dixie Warden Rejects MC builds off the last book. You get a glimpse of what the other couple was up to while you are seeing it from the new couple's perspective. I love how some of the timeline in the beginning overlaps.

Every time I finish a book in this series, I swear it is my favorite. This book was no exception. Lani Lynn Vale does such a great job at wrapping her readers up in this nice little web of awesomeness. You cannot put her books down. You are utterly obsessed until you read that very last line and then you are mad you are finished because the next book is not released yet. I am always left needing more!

My favorite line in this book.

"I hate the new you. I miss the old you."
Once you read this story you will know what a powerful line such few words can hold.

Ellen and Jessie's book pulled on my heart strings from the very beginning. This book was extremely emotional. The amount of angst and drama killed my heart. I shared Ellen and Jessie's frustration. I celebrated with them the moment they both finally told the other how they felt. Lord! I wanted to cry happy tears and hurt everyone who had kept them apart.

Jessie's son Linc was one of my favorite kiddos I have ever read in a story. He was his father's rock and an all-around good kid. He wanted the best for the ones he loved and would sacrifice anything for them. He kept true to a kid his age and how they would feel.
Jessie's ex is a real piece of work that kept interfering like a bad penny. This entire book I was wishing bad things upon her. The heartache she gave everyone was enough to dub her most hated villain so far, this year.

This book comes highly recommended if you are looking for an MC book with emotion and real-life situations. You cannot help to fall for Ellen and Jessie's love story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This Series is emotional. Bring tissues. Most people think of M C clubs as homes to degenerates on big bikes. Real fans know the family is a tight group who is always there for their members. In this case JJ, Jessie is the single father of a 17-year-old son. While tattooed and a mouth not meant for the typical church, he has done a great job. In doing so, he'd walked away from the one woman he loved to give her a chance at a better life. Not the mother of his son. Now, a prospecting member of the club he finds her again in the arms of one of his brothers.

You will see the life of the man and his almost man son has been hard but they are a team and Ellen has never gotten over him. Seeing him again she knows she can't continue with Sean. However, she still has to hang out at the club or involve her brother who is also a member and has included her as his family making her part of the club.

The story of their reunion isn't easy, but then nothing worthwhile is. Most M C stories involve violence whether warranted by the member or not. In this case, you will find out this story involves emotional violence, not that the person creating the problem won't drive you to seriously consider violence. These are good people you want to see happy. You want them to exceed. The members are old friends of the series, the steam is hot, and the questions about one member set up the next book—hopefully. A book that will make you stop and ponder the goodness of people is not in their look or their words but their actions and day to day effort.

MC fan or not, unless you are opposed to hot, frequent sex, dirty mouths, hot guys, I recommend this one for sure. Just prepare to become addicted to the genre like I did.
Reviewed for Words Turn Me On
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mr g
5 Stars

Anyone who reads my reviews or knows me will know how much I adore Lani Lynn Vale, she is one of my all time favourite authors and I can never get enough of her books! The Beard Made Me Do It was no different and I hated getting to those two dreaded words "The End".

Going into this book I was adamant I wouldn't soften Howard Ellen, after she broke Seanshine's heart I didn't think I could end up liking her but I was totally wrong! She had her reasons and once I got to know then they definitely changed my opinion of her.

Jessie James hasn't had an easy life, he has had knock after knock and after walking away from the love of his life 14 years ago doesn't think he will ever settle down again. I really liked Jessie, he was a great dad to his son and the relationship while a little unconventional was amazing to witness. I loved the banter they had together and Linc was a big part of why I loved this story.

There were more than a few times I was left crying or with a lump in my throat and the text messages were one of them. These parts of the story nearly broke me and I went through a box of tissues while reading them.

Lani Lynn Vale always delivers heroes that you can't help but love and heroines that are strong, resilient and likeable. This story was emotional yet had some humour in it and it is definitely one of my favourites of Lani's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is another fantastic read from the Dixie Warden Rejects MC. This is Jessie and Ellen's love and hate affair. These two met years ago - highschool in fact and overprotective and overbearing parents pushed them apart -- or Ellen's words that Jessie was just a friend. Haunted by those words Jessie walks away and never looks back .. Linc is his world and he has to protect him. Too bad Ellen couldn't be there along the way but squashing her dreams wasn't an option.

Fast forward years later. That voice -- he knows it. That hair he loves it -- but she is in the arms of another man. (This is where you need to read the previous release because you know exactly what the issue is with Sean from the previous book).

Not only is this an up and down story but I loved Ellen's spirit but my most favorite was a teenage Dad who took ownership of his child and did everything he needed and then some to make sure his child was raised well and always did his best. YES!

Keep the pages turning and enjoy the little excerpts in his chapter prior to reading. Love those from Lani. They always crack me up. There is not a dull moment or a dull character in this release. You can read these as standalone but the characters all tie into each other so missing a book would be a no no in my opinion. Great story and LOVE the cover.

Bring on the next please! ARC provided
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caro rosado
This book is book five in The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC series and I immediately fell in love with Jessie. We met Ellen and Jessie in the previous book, and I admit I didn’t like her then, but this book definitely changed my mind about her.

Ellen broke poor Jessie’s heart by saying he was ‘only a friend’ knowing they were more than that. I was so mad at her for that, and I didn’t know if she would redeem herself in my eyes.

Jessie is raising his son and between him and working, he has no time for anything else. But, when Ellen and Jessie come face to face fourteen years later, the old feelings come back for her. She realizes how much she loves him and missed him. Too bad that he doesn’t feel the same because he wants nothing to do with her. But who can blame him?

It seems that Jessie will never break down his walls that he put up to protect his heart from Ellen. But, never say never because he begins to open up his heart and realize she is his one true love.

The chemistry between them is off the charts and I adored Jessie for raising his son. He loves with all his heart, and I think he is one of my favorites of this MC. I love a good second chance romance and being a biker book, too, this was right up my alley. I can’t wait to get the next book and get more of these tough bikers with hearts of gold after reading this 4 star book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gregory frayser
This is the fifth book in The Dixie Warden Rejects series. They are standalones, but I highly recommend all of Lani’s books. You won’t be disappointed. She is one of my top five must read authors.

This is Jessie James’ story. And what a story it is!

We met Ellen in the previous book. She dated Sean, but broke up with him. Figured it had something to do with Jessie, but not exactly what.

Well, we find out in this book. It’s a great second chance romance.

I absolutely love Jessie. He may have come from nothing, and worthless parents, but, he’s a great man. Yes, he made some pretty big mistakes, but he owns them.

He loved Ellen when he was eighteen. He still loves her fourteen years after he walked away from her. I can’t really fault him for what he did. He had a ton on his plate, especially for being so young.

Ellen didn’t want to hurt Sean. Sean’s a great guy, but he isn’t Jessie.

This is a great read and I have to say that I want Linc to get a book so bad!

Ghost is next. I *think* I know who it is. We shall see.

“Just because you have a beard, doesn’t mean you’re a man. Vaginas can grow hair, too.”
-Things you probably shouldn’t say to a pissed off male with a beard.

“I’m a lady in the streets, and asleep in the sheets.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maggie matthews

Another great addition to the Dixie Warden Rejects MC Series! So many lose ends get tied up in this one! The last book left me with so many questions about Jessie and Ellen, so I was glad to get my hands on their story! Jessie and Ellen are great characters. You will find your self rooting for their Second Chance throughout the whole book! I had a totally different view of Jessie, and honestly I wasn't sure I was going to like him, but just like all the others in this great series; I have fallen in love with Jessie!

If you love MC reads, I suggest picking this series up! I love it! And just like at the end of all the other books, I CAN NOT WAIT TO GET GHOST'S BOOK! The anticipation is killing me over here! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda betts
Title: The Beard Made Me Do It
Author: Lani Lynn Vale

5+ smashing stars

If there's one thing that i love about the Dixie Warden Rejects MC series, it's the fact that no matter where you are in it, you will always be able to catch up on the characters whose story you read beforehand and finally understand what happened to the ones who we saw in passing. The previous instalment in the series, Seas was hurt by Ellen after she broke up with him and we finally know why she did it and the circumstances behind Sean's hatred toward Jessie.

4.5 sexy dreams

I gobbled this story. Like, "I'll read one more chapter and then go to bed right after this one [and end up reading 80% of it 4 hours later but it was totally worth it]" gobbled it. Jessie and Ellen's story was unexpected and i hadn't expected to love it as much as i did, especially since i had read Sean and Naomi's story not too long ago and may have been biased after their point of view. I wanted and still do want to know more of this MC - these character are so very fascinating and Lani Lynn Vale absolutely knows how to pen a captivating story.

*ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This group of guys in the Dixie Wardens keep pulling my heartstrings - and now their kids are doing it, too. I love Ms. Vale’s writing style and how she can tell the story like you’re right there in the action.

The characters in this one are a little different from the others in the series in that this is a 2nd chance story where they were together 14 years ago, but parted ways and now they are reconnected. Jessie and Ellen shared a history, but once they reconnected the future looked even better than they imagined before.

I think the connection between characters is what really draws me into this series. The characters are all interconnected and always have each other’s backs. It’s what I wish for and think that any human would truly desire to be a part of a family like that. The storyline moves at a great pace and everything that happens has a purpose and will help the reader follow the story better.

I can’t wait to get to the next book and see what happens with the next Dixie Warden to get a woman!

*** I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I Voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book

I love this author, her paranormal series had me hooked and this series, loving it. But as usual I do things backwards. And I love MC Books, so yah another plus, and its a second chance love story, YEAH!!!

This book had me hooked from the beginning to the end. I loved Jessie and Ellen and their story was heartbreaking and so much MORE.
I fell in love with Jessie from the beginning, an awesome father and the relationship between him and his son, hmm... Jessie was with Ellen when they were younger and he wanted her to be his forever, but then things happened and he walked away.

Ellen was strong heroine and I really liked her. After Jessie walked away from her previously it took a lot for her to get to where she was, but not to say that it doesn't still hurt.
Trust me when I say that you will want to read this book and take your time, because it will have your heart breaking, but then putting it back together again.

I can't wait to read more of this series, and I am going back and reading the other ones, lol
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aman daro
Second chance at first love stories are my favorite. This couple was always meant to be! The first time just wasn't the right time. Not by faults of their own, outside forces were stacked against them. They were young and needed the growth and maturity they developed while apart.
Jessie was put a tough situation at a young age but made the best of it. Unfortunately that tough situation came with baggage, a crazy drug addicted baby mama, that haunted him for years to come. I couldn't help but shake my head this woman was a piece of work the lowest of the low!
Ellen this girl blew my mind. She was selfless, loving but pretty damn tough when she needed to be.
The heart of this story was about kids and that alone makes it one of my favorites by this author! Kids always get to me!! And the last few chapters had me in tears my heart broke for these characters and what they were taking on but then smiled and warmed with what they got in return. It was a PERFECT ending!! Everyone got what they truely deserved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margie collom
Once again Vale brings us a sexy bearded member of the Dixie Warden MC to swoon over. And boy does she ever know how to right a bearded Alpha who can melt you into a puddle with just one look.
From the beginning of this series, I have loved that the Dixie Wardens are not your average MC. They are a true family. They protect, support and love each other, no matter what. I love all of these characters and am so glad that we get to check on some that we met in previous books in the series. Even if you haven't read the previous books, this one can be read as a standalone. Vale has a knack for being able to suck you into a story from the very beginning, and will leave you completely satisfied, but wanting more.
I am such a sucker for a second chance romance and The Beard Made Me Do It could not have been more perfect. It will leave you full of the fells. ALL THE FEELS! I loved every second of this one and couldn't put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
al diaz
Jesse James keeps to himself no one really knows his story and he likes to keep it that way. His brother's don't push him and he makes sure he is there for them when needed. Right now he is worried about his family and protecting that. What he doesn't expect is someone from his past to come and destroy it all. Not only that but this past is with someone else. After 14 years Ellen never thought she would ever see the one man who broke her. Jesse James she never knew what happen to him only that one day they were together and the next he was gone. Now the secrets and lies are exposed and a new threat to the club is on the horizon. Can these two piece together their lives and move on or will it all come crumbling down?
I loved these two who seemed like they were so in love and then their heartache was to much for them. This story is just as well written as the other and the beard is just as sexy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
c major
Another great addition to a dynamite series and I'm glad that Ellen and Jessie finally got the HEA. If you're a fan of the series than you know that they knew each other before but no one never really knew the extent to their past relationship. They were young when they started out and the odds were stacked against them, him being a single father and Ellen's parents not wanting them together because of things they heard and not taking the chance to get to know him. Fast forward 14 years later and the two still can't seem to deny each other no matter what might have transpired. Jessie is at first stubborn when it comes to Ellen but his heart can only last it for so long because whenever these two are in a room sparks fly, what was once unattainable then is now undeniable. I love each and every book in this series and I believe she saved the best for last and I can't wait to devour Ghost's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion.
Good read, strong characters and finding a way to right a wrong.  No matter the reason, when you love someone, it never goes away.  When an opportunity finds a way to you, you wrap your legs around it and hold on for dear life because it’s your time to finally take what should have been yours in the first place.
This is Jessie and Ellen’s story.  It’s been 14 years since they’ve seen each other.  Their love never died and never strayed to others.  When they collide, it’s not pleasant but Jessie knows, he needs to make it right.  He owes Ellen an explanation and Ellen tries to stay away.   There’s crazy exes, blackmail, corruption, hot scenes and brotherhood all rolled into this story.   You won’t be disappointed and I like that Lani continues their story years later.  
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Man this book had my heart totally invested in how it would all play out. This book is a story about second chances, about growing up, about how misconceptions can change everything, its just so beautiful. The love that they had for each other was so touching. After all these years the love is still there. They've both tried to move on with their lives but once you find your one nothing can compare. My heart was hurting with Ellen's text messages. Talk about heart break.

I highly recommend this book and series. I can't wait for the next book in this series!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathi mulvey
A second chance romance that will make you wish for more in all the best ways. More sexiness more intimacy more sweetness more sass and above all else more pages. This installment of the Dixie Warden's Rejects checked all of my boxes and left me waiting very anxiously for the next installment. Lani, Well done on yet another best yet!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danny hall
Once again Vale brings us a sexy bearded member of the Dixie Warden MC to swoon over. And boy does she ever know how to right a bearded Alpha who can melt you into a puddle with just one look.
From the beginning of this series, I have loved that the Dixie Wardens are not your average MC. They are a true family. They protect, support and love each other, no matter what. I love all of these characters and am so glad that we get to check on some that we met in previous books in the series. Even if you haven't read the previous books, this one can be read as a standalone. Vale has a knack for being able to suck you into a story from the very beginning, and will leave you completely satisfied, but wanting more.
I am such a sucker for a second chance romance and The Beard Made Me Do It could not have been more perfect. It will leave you full of the fells. ALL THE FEELS! I loved every second of this one and couldn't put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tracy hacker
Jesse James keeps to himself no one really knows his story and he likes to keep it that way. His brother's don't push him and he makes sure he is there for them when needed. Right now he is worried about his family and protecting that. What he doesn't expect is someone from his past to come and destroy it all. Not only that but this past is with someone else. After 14 years Ellen never thought she would ever see the one man who broke her. Jesse James she never knew what happen to him only that one day they were together and the next he was gone. Now the secrets and lies are exposed and a new threat to the club is on the horizon. Can these two piece together their lives and move on or will it all come crumbling down?
I loved these two who seemed like they were so in love and then their heartache was to much for them. This story is just as well written as the other and the beard is just as sexy.
Please RateThe Beard Made Me Do It (The Dixie Warden Rejects Book 5)
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