Law & Beard (The Dixie Warden Rejects MC Book 8)

ByLani Lynn Vale

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Big Pappa! I love him so much, but please, Steel Cross is such a perfect name for him! Of course his name is just one of the great things about this book. LLV just has this down, every time. This is a perfect example of why she's the go to author. Excellent writing and a steady flow of new releases. She is awesome!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wan kinsella
Steel and Winnie are amazing together. The way he dotes on her kids will make your heart swell. I fell in love with the older man in his son Sean's story. Definitely enjoyed him finally finding his happy ending!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love and consume everything Lani Lynn Vale creates and it was no different with this book either. This is the 8th book in the Dixie Wardens rejects MC series and it can be feel a bit strange for those, who like me read them as they come out because the publishing of this one the author put out another complete series. So for me there was a half a year break between the 7th and the 8th books. But since it can be read as a standalone, like every other books from Lani Lynn Vale, it not a huge obstacle.
Law&Beard has a completely different atmosphere and pace than any other books in the series and I loved it even more for it. This story also kinda plays out more separately from the whole MC aspect and the other characters we meet in the first 7 books. With the change in the dynamic and the more subdued plot this book is an interesting play on the author usual style.
The storyline was interesting and engaging however I felt that there was a bit of a potential drama left unused in it. I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop and it never did. Thou the ending have such a powerful and deep impact that I didn’t mind that much.
After the previous 2 books I read from the author also glaringly obvious that the sexual and intimae elements are less overheated and come into play way later in the grand scheme of things. But I enjoyed the longer getting to know you period between the characters.
There is a good 20 years between Winnie and Steel, and while I usually don’t like such huge age gap the author has a talent to create characters in a way that I didn’t even notice it in this case. They just have a certain maturity to them and they have similar views of life, so there is not as big of a contrast between them.
Winnie is a strong and persistent woman. She is a great mother and admirably graceful when it comes to dealing with her ex. I liked her quiet but powerful personality.
Then there is Big Papa or Steel, whom we see a lot in the others book in the series and I was glad that finally he got his own happy ending as well. He already has a grown up son and grandchildren si he is over the whole fathering thing, he is simply enjoying life or at least tries to. He has a commanding presence; he is a great man; however when he meets Winnie and her kids something shifts in him. He starts to want things he thought he is already over.
While Steel tries to resist the attraction between them, Winnie tries to find little and clever ways to burrow into the man life. Alas he had no chance. They form a great couple and fell into a comfortable dynamic fast.
The only thing I gave only 4 stars for the book is because I felt like that some pretty big things are left unresolved which could have added to the dramatic effect and also around the 10th chapter I got the impression as if I missed a couple of chapters. It created some confusion for me. Otherwise it was a phenomenal conclusion for the series.
The Beard Made Me Do It (The Dixie Warden Rejects Book 5) :: Flash Point (Kilgore Fire Book 2) :: Savage Stalker (Savage Angels MC #1) :: Heroes of Dixie Wardens MC Series - Book 5 - Life to My Flight :: Jack & Coke: Uncertain Saints MC Series, Book 2
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This brought everything that I hoped a story about Big Papa ( aka Steel Cross) , President of the Dixie Warden Rejects MC would bring because having read the other books, I knew that whilst each of the other guys had brought their alpha game out to play…I was also in no doubt that they learnt everything they knew from Steel, and darn it he was a man that took no prisoners and coveted nothing, everything he has he loves and everything that he had lost, he was prepared to accept as a life lesson and move on…especially the numerous ex-wives!
Not content with being the club President, Steel was also the chief of police and general all around good guy. There was nothing in his town that he wasn’t aware of, so the cute single woman that now lived with her kids across the street from him had not gone unnoticed but far from looking for any complications, they both seemed determined to keep their distance…but a certain rebellious daughter seemed determined to ensure that their paths continued to cross more than either of them would have wanted.
Conleigh, wasn’t a bad kid but she just seemed to attract all the wrong attention, but with Big Papa on her side she at least had an ally that she could rely on but that didn’t mean that she could escape the wrath of her mother Winnie when she gets continually returned home by the sexy as sin older man that just happens to live across the street.
The proximity and constant contact meant that there was not much that either of them could do fight the connection that they shared, despite the age gap they were on a collision course and…darn it what I ride they took to get there.
I liked that Steel was willing to give Conleigh the chance to explain her misdemeanours and the way he was with her and her little brother Codi, was enough to make my heart swoon. But as you might expect nothing was easy for them, they both had complicated pasts, exes that were less than stellar individuals and in Winnie case she also had health issues to contend with but neither of them were the type of person to shirk the hard stuff, so once they got their head around what was going on they did what they had to make it work for them…. right up until what they had slipped through their fingers and decisions had to be made.
I understood why Winnie felt the way she did but I had no doubt that Steel would have the final word on the subject …and boy did he!
Great characters, and I would expect nothing else from Ms Vale, the social aspect of the story spoke to me, the pressure of divorce and starting again, the pressure of making ends meet and the pressure of just doing the right thing.
Both Winnie and Steel faced their pressures and so much more on a daily basis and that made this a story about good people getting what they truly deserve…happiness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is book eigh in the Dixie Wardens Rejects MC series. Now Lani Lynn Vale is a must drop what I am doing and her book author. She is an automatic one click for me. This book, this series is everything I love in it. I love the whole May/December romance. I am a sucker for it.We get a little bit of everyone. We even got Ghost for a bit. She is an author that can spin a tale and keep you holding at the edge of your seat from the first word until the last. When we get ARC’s they say not to let the errors get you. You don't have to worry about that with this book. I don't think there was one, and if there was I never even noticed how good the story is. This is Steel/Big Papa’s and Winnie's story. Ok, that is not quite true throw in Conleigh her sixteen-year-old daughter and Cody her five-year-old son as well. This story is told in both Steel and Winnie’s pov and toss in a rebellious Conleigh as well.

Winnie is down on her luck when she meets the chief of police Steel. They live across the street from each other but don't really interact until Steel brings home her daughter from stealing headphones. Winnie is simply broken and recovering from a spinal stroke. Not to mention her ex-husband is a douchebag and wants nothing to do with his son. Not to mention he married her best friend. In as I said is Steel.

Steel is the big-hearted man. I loved him. He is loyal to his core and puts everyone first, even his people at work under his command. He was such an amazing man. He has some drama that is going on with his ex as well and he isn't looking for anything more.

Oh, how I loved everyone in this book. The people are great. What can be better than a man that loves someone children unconditionally like they are his own? He doesn't overstep any boundaries. Though he is everything that little family of three needed. There is nothing better than a bearded, tattooed, alpha male love with his whole heart. I loved how he sat patiently and listened to Cody and his useless facts. I loved that little boy. I love how Conleigh would do anything to make her brother's life easier and not be teased. No matter the fall out.

I absolutely love this whole series from start to now. You will fall in love with all the Dixie good and bad. You get to see all them here and even the ones that aren't around anymore are still with them. They are family.I can not wait to read more from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Law And Beard is another absolutely fantastic story by the brilliant Lani Lynn Vale with a super sexy hero to die for! Sounds like I'm biased right?! You would be ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! This amazing author is one of my very favorite authors in the world, and believe me, I devour anything she puts out, so I can say with everything in me, SHE'S EARNED every bit of my praise & fan girl gushing! This story is Steel Cross aka Big Papa's, the President of The Dixie Warden Rejects MC & Police Chief, story. But let me back up a bit. Winnie thought she had the perfect life, married to a handsome police officer, with two beautiful children, a job she loved, and a nationally ranked marathon runner. Then tragedy strikes when she had a spinal stroke, and 6 months later finds her a divorced woman, barely able to feed her kid after so many medical bills, with an ex-husband who wants nothing to do with any of them. Oh, and he's now with her ex best friend. She comes into Steel's path when her 16 year old daughter is caught shoplifting, and he brings her home. Winnie is in way over her head, and while she is attracted to Steel, she's not fooling herself, no man wants her messed up body. The first time Steel brings home Winnie's daughter, he figures out that she's one of his officer's ex-wives, but it becomes clear, that he's missing something. See, he was told that Winnie left her husband, but while Winnie isn't sharing, her daughter isn't hiding anything. And he knows his life is complicated, but he can't seem to walk away from them, and the more time he spends with Winnie, every wall that he's trying to keep up, is crumbling. Steel may be an older man, but he was oh so yummy throughout this story that he's now my favorite! And Winnie got such a raw deal, and she busted her behind for her kids, even with all the medical issues she battled, so I had mad respect for her. (Her ex-husband needed to have his junk cut off) The chemistry between Steel & Winnie was HOLY HELL HOT, and when the top finally blew off, they lit it up! Add in a very entertaining cast of secondaries, especially a sassy teen & random fact sharing tiny human, and the moments of humor had me laughing my a** off! Plus there was obviously off the charts angst with Winnie's circumstances at times, and a string of twists that came out of left field to press my f-bomb dropping button (I'll never look at safes the same way again) to round it out! I LOVED this story so much, and HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I freaking loved this book. I can't express how much i love this series <3 So when i received this ARC i was like, oh Yes... Big Papa is here!!! <3

Sean "Big Papa" Steel is the president of the Dixie Wardens Rejects and the chief of police and his life is freaking complicated enough with an ex wife and ex girlfriend and the club and the police force he doesn't have time for anything else in his life. But when he meets Winnie and her kids and even though he doesn't want to get involved he can't help but save Winnie's daughter and then he can't help but wanting the mother too.

Winnie fresh out of her divorce with an ex who is a total douche who slept with her ex-best friend and haven't seen his kids in a while. So she doesn't want to get involved with another man, but when she sees Big Papa she can't help but want to get up close and personal with this silver fox. But Winnie is already hurt emotionally and physical after she had a spinal stroke and she's learning to walk again. Her focus is her kids and getting back to her self again. But she can't help herself and she doesn't want to either. But can she convince Big Papa that he needs her. And on top of all their personal issues there is a danger out there that they didn't even know about yet either.
Big Papa finally finds the one women that is meant for him and I loved this ride. No denying that they were perfect for each other and once the Big guy decided there was no turning back he was all in. Loved their relationship, loved how he took care of her kids without making it known and loved that she didn't let him push her away. Laughter emotions angst and just some awesome moments. I seriously hope there is more where this came from
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katlyn conklin
Seriously, if I wasn’t already a silver fox stalker, I would be after meeting Steel Cross. I fell in love with both him and Winnie from the start and the love is still felt even though I’m at the end of their story. These two gave me all the feels and I adored their slow but intense development.

Winnie’s life had hit the shitter. Her husband left her for her best friend and had ruined her reputation. And she’s solely responsible for her two kids. Thanks dead beat. And she’s still recovering from a spinal stroke. Struggling to find two pennies to rub together, she’s totally unprepared for the awesomeness that was Steel. He was an older man, absolutely gorgeous, The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC prez… oh and the Chief of Police. But his life, at least his romantic life, left a lot to be desired. His ex won’t leave him or his family and friends alone and he’s not ready to give one more piece of his heart away. So what happens when he just can’t help himself?

This story was so beautiful. Despite the tension that erupted due to a serial rapist on the loose, the drama between Steel and Winnie was almost non-existent in context. Her teenage daughter gave them a hard time, but it was pretty normal stuff. I loved the way Steel helplessly inserted himself into their lives, to the point that it was hard to picture him not being there. He stepped into a role that was desperately waiting to be filled and it happened so seamlessly. I’m still pretty new to Lani Lynn Vale’s world of amazing characters, but if she hadn’t already made me into a fan, Law and Beard would have done the job ;)

Release: 03.08.2018 | Genre: Romantic Suspense | POV: Dual - 1st person | Heat: 4 out of 5 | Standalone - The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC #8
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
name bunnarith
(I voluntarily reviewed an eARC of the book for For The Love of Fictional Worlds)

This is the 8th book in the Dixie Warden Rejects Series and at its base it an old/young romance – and it is an absolutely standalone. I had no problems getting the hang of the plot and the characters without any problems at all!

Steel aka Big Poppa is an older alpha male who honestly never does come off as old – he is a grandpa and until it was literally written in black and white, I absolutely refused to believe it *grins* But when I actually did get to know, it just made his appeal all the more sweeter ;)

Honestly, though he just comes off as a mature guy who is settled in his life and knows exactly what he wants *swoons* .

What he doesn’t want is to be is enamored with a single mother, who recently divorced one of his deputies, and get embroiled with her kids. But the Universe wants what the Universe wants and the Universe definitely gets it *winks*

Winnie is now a single divorced mum of two – and she just moved next door to Steel aka Big Poppa; and is instantly attracted to him (I mean, who wouldn’t be!) but can’t really do anything about it, for she needs to get her life and children in order!

It was adorable to witness that interaction between Steel and Winnie, and it was delightful to see how Steel communicated with Winnie’s kids. But it was the romance between Steel and Winnie that was heartwarming and entertaining at its best!

Yes, there is also drama – you don’t get to be old and divorced without any ex drama but it was Winnie’s decision that had me shaking my head and wanting to slap her silly! But all’s well that ends well!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Law & Beard was a quick, fun, and enjoyable read for me. It hit all the right notes and had a few surprises along the way. Winnie and Steel's path is unique but truly fits them.

Winnie thought she had it all, a good life, great kids, marriage, job, everything all nicely wrapped up - and then it all slowly fell apart, each hit taking it's toll. So when she finds herself divorced, with a teen with more than an attitude problem, money issues, health issues and just about everything else going wrong, the last thing she needs is the hot neighbor cop cutting in on her life - or maybe that's exactly what she needs.

Steel can't help but get involved when he sees the situation Winnie has going on - he's got the immediate compulsion to help her - to protect her - and that leads to so much more. Knowing he shouldn't, he's about to wade in to the situation and hopefully find a place in Winnie's life.

With just the right about of angsty drama - I mean there's got to be drama right?! - and a touch of suspense, I was engaged with the story from the start and curious to see where Winnie and Steel would end up and how they'd get there. I loved the kids and what they added to the story, there was a whole new depth to both Winnie and Steel when you added in their interactions with the kids.

I haven't read every book in this series, but this book was definitely able to read as a stand alone - though, myself, I'll be going back and picking up the rest of the series because the writing is amazing and the characters really grabbed my attention.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annie rim
Steel (Big Papa) is the President of The Dixie Warden Rejects MC and the police chief. His nature not only makes him a natural leader but he is a fixer as well. When he catches Conleigh shoplifting he has empathy as he was not an angel as a teenager either so he brings her home.

Winnie is recovering from a spinal stroke but if that isn’t bad enough while she was recovering her now ex-husband got together with her best friend and wants nothing more to do with her or their kids. She is now struggling to look after her children, drowning under the weight of medical bills with no relief in sight.

When Steel sees the situation he realizes that his officer, and Winnie’s ex-husband, has not been truthful about the breakup and he wants to help. Winnie is very attracted to Steel but has learnt that men are not to be trusted or counted on and questions why the sexy man would want anything to do with a woman in her position. Slowly Steel worms his way into her life and the hearts of both her and her kids but will it be enough to overcome the drama surrounding them.

This is a wonderful story featuring a strong, brave woman who has overcome everything that life has thrown at her and an alpha protector who would do anything to protect what is his. The kids are the perfect touch and the chemistry between Steel and Winnie is intense! This is another winner by this author that doesn’t disappoint. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris volinsky
Yay, finally Big Papa got his story !! I was giddy to get my hands on his book, I couldn't wait for this one.
Law and Beard by Lani Lynn Vale is book 8 in The Dixie Warden Rejects MC Series.
Winnifred Holyfield thinks she has it all, a good life with two children, a husband who's with the police force, a sports career and she loves her job.
Only 6 short months later she's divorced, lost her job, has severe health issues, the kids are rebelling and she works too hard to make meets end. She's on the lowest point of her life.
When her hot neighbor, silverfox Steel Cross tries to tell her how to live her life she's not amused. Yes the bearded biker president, alpha male and chief of police is serious hot, but nobody tells what to do.
Winnie and Steel have a mangetic pull to each other, their chemistry is through the roof high. Both are mature and act their age. There are a lot of obstacles in their way to a beautiful HEA and both master them beautifully.
I can't say how much I love this book. I immediatedly connected with the characters and I could feel their emotions in the words. The writing is excellent and the story sucked me in. I read Law and Beard in one sitting, was at the edge of my seat and I really, really didn't wanted the book to end.
Law and Beard is a book totally worth reading, I give 5 stars and recommend Law and Beard.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shiva devy
Big Papa … BIG. PAPA. That pretty much sums up the entirety of the book. That’s all you need to know. We finally get to read the story of this amazing silver haired, hard bodied fox.

Winnie’s life has been like being drug around by her hair and left to pick up the shredded pieces. To say that she has had it rough, is being kind. She is still young and raising two kids on her own. Her ex is out of the picture and wanting to stay that way. When her oldest, Conleigh, finds herself in repeated trouble, Steel aka Big Papa is there to reign her in. Being the Chief of Police and the President of the Dixie Wardens MC, he doesn’t play. Not when it comes to his town.

Bringing Conleigh home to mama (Winnie) he sees first hand the woman who caught his eye years ago, but couldn’t touch. Winnie instantly feels heat pooling between her legs the moment she sees Steel. Hot, silver and smoldering. Winnie knows the last thing Steel wants is a younger woman with kids and a lot of baggage. Thing is .. will these kids and Winnie worm their way into Steel’s heart? Can he keep his distance when he lives across the street?

Of course, Lani Lynn Vale gives us yet another amazing book. I don’t know how each one gets better than the last. This is an author that I will follow until the end of time. Addicting, suspenseful and happily ever after, every time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenn jones
Steel and Winnie finally Big Papa's story is here. Steel has not been so lucky in love with a Ex wife he can't get rid of and all of his past women that things did not work out with. He is the chief of police and the president of a MC club, now it is finally his time to find love . When he sees a teenager stewing not nice but twice he meets his younger neighbor Winnie. He knows her and knows that she used to run but after a change in her heath she is now walking with a cane. Winnie's daughter she does not know what to do with her she is working full time with no help from her ex husband whom was a police officer who cheated in her with her best friend. No one in this small town knows that Matt the ex cheated he is the so called golden boy.

Winnie when she sees her neighbor she thinks he is incredibly hot for a older man and he keeps getting her daughter out of trouble. Steel has no intention of getting involved with her women are trouble. I loved that Steel was the hot older guy and Winnie is a true survivor, but Steel can't run from fate and especially when Winnie's life is threatened. I just love everything Lani Lynn Vale writes and this story was no exception. I stayed up late reading this one I could not put it down until I was finished a definite five star read.


Meme Chanell Book Corner
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly moore
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

Law and Beard is the eighth book in Lani Lynn Vale's The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC Series. It can be read as a standalone but this entire series is so amazing you will want to read them all. I recently discovered Lani Lynn Vale and she quickly had me to the point where I don't want to miss a single thing she writes.

Law and Beard is Big Papa AKA Steel's book. Steal is the chief of police and the president of the Dixie Warden Rejects MC. He is for sure a family man who lives across the street from one of his men's ex wife Winnie and kids. When he catcher her oldest daughter shoplifting she takes her home and this is the beginning of their love story. But, Lord knows that Steel doesn't need a new ex and Winnie is not going to let another man ruin her life. They never saw each other coming and I loved them together so very much. I loved how he included her kids in their dates and how their families blended into one. However you don't mess with what is Steel's and one of his enemies makes this mistake which leads to the reason I was on the edge of my seat some. However this is a beautiful story of a love you never expected to find. Of a mom raising her kids and the kids learning lessons the hard way and just growing up. In short I loved this book and devoured it.

If you have not read anything that Lani Lynn Vale has written then you are missing some amazing books. You need to fix that right away and can not go wrong with whatever book you chose to start with.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
devan raj

I freaking loved this book. I can't express how much i love this series <3 So when i received this ARC i was like, oh Yes... Big Papa is here!!! <3

Sean "Big Papa" Steel is the president of the Dixie Wardens Rejects and the chief of police and his life is freaking complicated enough with an ex wife and ex girlfriend and the club and the police force he doesn't have time for anything else in his life. But when he meets Winnie and her kids and even though he doesn't want to get involved he can't help but save Winnie's daughter and then he can't help but wanting the mother too.

Winnie fresh out of her divorce with an ex who is a total douche who slept with her ex-best friend and haven't seen his kids in a while. So she doesn't want to get involved with another man, but when she sees Big Papa she can't help but want to get up close and personal with this silver fox. But Winnie is already hurt emotionally and physical after she had a spinal stroke and she's learning to walk again. Her focus is her kids and getting back to her self again. But she can't help herself and she doesn't want to either. But can she convince Big Papa that he needs her. And on top of all their personal issues there is a danger out there that they didn't even know about yet either.
Big Papa finally finds the one women that is meant for him and I loved this ride. No denying that they were perfect for each other and once the Big guy decided there was no turning back he was all in. Loved their relationship, loved how he took care of her kids without making it known and loved that she didn't let him push her away. Laughter emotions angst and just some awesome moments. I seriously hope there is more where this came from
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tyler goodson
Seriously, if I wasn’t already a silver fox stalker, I would be after meeting Steel Cross. I fell in love with both him and Winnie from the start and the love is still felt even though I’m at the end of their story. These two gave me all the feels and I adored their slow but intense development.

Winnie’s life had hit the shitter. Her husband left her for her best friend and had ruined her reputation. And she’s solely responsible for her two kids. Thanks dead beat. And she’s still recovering from a spinal stroke. Struggling to find two pennies to rub together, she’s totally unprepared for the awesomeness that was Steel. He was an older man, absolutely gorgeous, The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC prez… oh and the Chief of Police. But his life, at least his romantic life, left a lot to be desired. His ex won’t leave him or his family and friends alone and he’s not ready to give one more piece of his heart away. So what happens when he just can’t help himself?

This story was so beautiful. Despite the tension that erupted due to a serial rapist on the loose, the drama between Steel and Winnie was almost non-existent in context. Her teenage daughter gave them a hard time, but it was pretty normal stuff. I loved the way Steel helplessly inserted himself into their lives, to the point that it was hard to picture him not being there. He stepped into a role that was desperately waiting to be filled and it happened so seamlessly. I’m still pretty new to Lani Lynn Vale’s world of amazing characters, but if she hadn’t already made me into a fan, Law and Beard would have done the job ;)

Release: 03.08.2018 | Genre: Romantic Suspense | POV: Dual - 1st person | Heat: 4 out of 5 | Standalone - The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC #8
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mahatma anto
I feel like I’m always anxiously awaiting the next book from Lani Lynn Vale, but this book, I was jumping up and down, pacing, nail biting, needing it right this very second waiting. It’s Big Poppa, can you blame me?! Obviously I had some high expectations. Those high expectations were blown out of the water with Law and Beard! I loved every tiny little detail of this book. Every sentence, every word. All of it is perfection. No one writes such real, relatable characters or delivers a story quite like Lani.

Big Poppa is everything I’ve come to love about him through reading all the other books in this series, but times a thousand. Solid, caring, and still hot as hell there’s no way anyone couldn’t love him. The way he is not just with Winnie, but with her kids had me full of constant warm and fuzzies. Who can resist a bada*$ alpha that’s also an amazing father? I sure can’t. The relationship built between him and Winnie was so sweet, yet still real, something Lani writes to perfection.

Winnie is yet another character that I absolutely adored. Everything about her was down to earth and something I think anyone could relate to. From her struggles to the everyday stuff we all deal with she was real and I couldn’t help but cheer for her to get her man. Their story was so incredible I couldn’t put it down. I started it and literally carried around my kindle all morning reading it. I devoured every amazing page and just want to start reading it all over again now that I’ve finished.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
(I voluntarily reviewed an eARC of the book for For The Love of Fictional Worlds)

This is the 8th book in the Dixie Warden Rejects Series and at its base it an old/young romance – and it is an absolutely standalone. I had no problems getting the hang of the plot and the characters without any problems at all!

Steel aka Big Poppa is an older alpha male who honestly never does come off as old – he is a grandpa and until it was literally written in black and white, I absolutely refused to believe it *grins* But when I actually did get to know, it just made his appeal all the more sweeter ;)

Honestly, though he just comes off as a mature guy who is settled in his life and knows exactly what he wants *swoons* .

What he doesn’t want is to be is enamored with a single mother, who recently divorced one of his deputies, and get embroiled with her kids. But the Universe wants what the Universe wants and the Universe definitely gets it *winks*

Winnie is now a single divorced mum of two – and she just moved next door to Steel aka Big Poppa; and is instantly attracted to him (I mean, who wouldn’t be!) but can’t really do anything about it, for she needs to get her life and children in order!

It was adorable to witness that interaction between Steel and Winnie, and it was delightful to see how Steel communicated with Winnie’s kids. But it was the romance between Steel and Winnie that was heartwarming and entertaining at its best!

Yes, there is also drama – you don’t get to be old and divorced without any ex drama but it was Winnie’s decision that had me shaking my head and wanting to slap her silly! But all’s well that ends well!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lalu imaduddin
Law & Beard was a quick, fun, and enjoyable read for me. It hit all the right notes and had a few surprises along the way. Winnie and Steel's path is unique but truly fits them.

Winnie thought she had it all, a good life, great kids, marriage, job, everything all nicely wrapped up - and then it all slowly fell apart, each hit taking it's toll. So when she finds herself divorced, with a teen with more than an attitude problem, money issues, health issues and just about everything else going wrong, the last thing she needs is the hot neighbor cop cutting in on her life - or maybe that's exactly what she needs.

Steel can't help but get involved when he sees the situation Winnie has going on - he's got the immediate compulsion to help her - to protect her - and that leads to so much more. Knowing he shouldn't, he's about to wade in to the situation and hopefully find a place in Winnie's life.

With just the right about of angsty drama - I mean there's got to be drama right?! - and a touch of suspense, I was engaged with the story from the start and curious to see where Winnie and Steel would end up and how they'd get there. I loved the kids and what they added to the story, there was a whole new depth to both Winnie and Steel when you added in their interactions with the kids.

I haven't read every book in this series, but this book was definitely able to read as a stand alone - though, myself, I'll be going back and picking up the rest of the series because the writing is amazing and the characters really grabbed my attention.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I recieved a complimentary copy of Law and Beard for an honest review through the Crazy Cajun Book Addicts.

I've absolutely loved everyone of the Dixie Wardens Regrets M.C every books been amazing and I've loved Steel a.k.a Big Papa he's an amazingly strong and powerful character, he's been through life and is only getting older he loves his life as a law enforcement officer he enjoys his days and he's respected by his community and his Motorcycle Club. Until Conleigh ends up in his police car and dropped off at her mum's house and he becomes acquainted with Maggie who he has a urge to look out for the single mum who's struggling and they both can't help the attraction between them, Steel also becomes a father figure to Conleigh who I feel plays a big part in this book!

After events from the past come back to haunt Maggie and hers and her children's lives are threatened, Steel knows he has to protect Maggie, Conleigh and
her little boy Cody these guys are his family now and he aims to protect them at any costs even his own.

I truly loved the family feel of this book it gives it a whole new dynamic! Steel and Maggie are sexy as hell together and I love the little snippets that Lani-Lynn Vale puts at the beginning of each chapter, it's an incredible read I throughly enjoyed it all and Cody's interesting facts :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rita wright
Steel (Big Papa) is the President of The Dixie Warden Rejects MC and the police chief. His nature not only makes him a natural leader but he is a fixer as well. When he catches Conleigh shoplifting he has empathy as he was not an angel as a teenager either so he brings her home.

Winnie is recovering from a spinal stroke but if that isn’t bad enough while she was recovering her now ex-husband got together with her best friend and wants nothing more to do with her or their kids. She is now struggling to look after her children, drowning under the weight of medical bills with no relief in sight.

When Steel sees the situation he realizes that his officer, and Winnie’s ex-husband, has not been truthful about the breakup and he wants to help. Winnie is very attracted to Steel but has learnt that men are not to be trusted or counted on and questions why the sexy man would want anything to do with a woman in her position. Slowly Steel worms his way into her life and the hearts of both her and her kids but will it be enough to overcome the drama surrounding them.

This is a wonderful story featuring a strong, brave woman who has overcome everything that life has thrown at her and an alpha protector who would do anything to protect what is his. The kids are the perfect touch and the chemistry between Steel and Winnie is intense! This is another winner by this author that doesn’t disappoint. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cezar paul badescu
Yay, finally Big Papa got his story !! I was giddy to get my hands on his book, I couldn't wait for this one.
Law and Beard by Lani Lynn Vale is book 8 in The Dixie Warden Rejects MC Series.
Winnifred Holyfield thinks she has it all, a good life with two children, a husband who's with the police force, a sports career and she loves her job.
Only 6 short months later she's divorced, lost her job, has severe health issues, the kids are rebelling and she works too hard to make meets end. She's on the lowest point of her life.
When her hot neighbor, silverfox Steel Cross tries to tell her how to live her life she's not amused. Yes the bearded biker president, alpha male and chief of police is serious hot, but nobody tells what to do.
Winnie and Steel have a mangetic pull to each other, their chemistry is through the roof high. Both are mature and act their age. There are a lot of obstacles in their way to a beautiful HEA and both master them beautifully.
I can't say how much I love this book. I immediatedly connected with the characters and I could feel their emotions in the words. The writing is excellent and the story sucked me in. I read Law and Beard in one sitting, was at the edge of my seat and I really, really didn't wanted the book to end.
Law and Beard is a book totally worth reading, I give 5 stars and recommend Law and Beard.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim s
Big Papa … BIG. PAPA. That pretty much sums up the entirety of the book. That’s all you need to know. We finally get to read the story of this amazing silver haired, hard bodied fox.

Winnie’s life has been like being drug around by her hair and left to pick up the shredded pieces. To say that she has had it rough, is being kind. She is still young and raising two kids on her own. Her ex is out of the picture and wanting to stay that way. When her oldest, Conleigh, finds herself in repeated trouble, Steel aka Big Papa is there to reign her in. Being the Chief of Police and the President of the Dixie Wardens MC, he doesn’t play. Not when it comes to his town.

Bringing Conleigh home to mama (Winnie) he sees first hand the woman who caught his eye years ago, but couldn’t touch. Winnie instantly feels heat pooling between her legs the moment she sees Steel. Hot, silver and smoldering. Winnie knows the last thing Steel wants is a younger woman with kids and a lot of baggage. Thing is .. will these kids and Winnie worm their way into Steel’s heart? Can he keep his distance when he lives across the street?

Of course, Lani Lynn Vale gives us yet another amazing book. I don’t know how each one gets better than the last. This is an author that I will follow until the end of time. Addicting, suspenseful and happily ever after, every time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark price
Steel and Winnie finally Big Papa's story is here. Steel has not been so lucky in love with a Ex wife he can't get rid of and all of his past women that things did not work out with. He is the chief of police and the president of a MC club, now it is finally his time to find love . When he sees a teenager stewing not nice but twice he meets his younger neighbor Winnie. He knows her and knows that she used to run but after a change in her heath she is now walking with a cane. Winnie's daughter she does not know what to do with her she is working full time with no help from her ex husband whom was a police officer who cheated in her with her best friend. No one in this small town knows that Matt the ex cheated he is the so called golden boy.

Winnie when she sees her neighbor she thinks he is incredibly hot for a older man and he keeps getting her daughter out of trouble. Steel has no intention of getting involved with her women are trouble. I loved that Steel was the hot older guy and Winnie is a true survivor, but Steel can't run from fate and especially when Winnie's life is threatened. I just love everything Lani Lynn Vale writes and this story was no exception. I stayed up late reading this one I could not put it down until I was finished a definite five star read.


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