Flash Point (Kilgore Fire Book 2)

ByLani Lynn Vale

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren patricia lund
Masen and Booth have been in love with one another for years. When her sister dies and Booth is away at war Masen writes him a “Dear John” letter leaving Booth confused and more than a little heartbroken. Now after years of no contact and trying to get over each other they are back int he same hometown. The only problem is they still love one another and have never stopped. However Masen has a boyfriend that she just started seeing and Booth, well Booth has a wife.

That plot line alone is enough to make you go “What!” I really felt for Booth in this although there were a few times I wanted to slap him. He lashes out at Masen because of the pain he still carries. Masen also left me feeling for her because she did what she did all those years ago out of pain and grief. She knew she made a mistake but never knew how to correct it and if these two thought they would get on with their lives then they were wrong. I mean you can’t put someone in your past when you both have your relatives keep tabs on the other and when a voice reaches out to Booth from beyond the grave the decision to come home wasn’t so hard. As they work through their mountain of baggage Masen is being stalked and Booth might not make it to her in time.

As always Lani Lynn Vale has given us a set of characters that draws us in and leaves us breathless! Booth and Masen were both wonderfully written and I know that months from now we will be screaming for an update. The story behind Booth’s wife just goes to show the kind of man that he is and made me fall that much more in love with him. While Masen had a strength about her that few women have even when she feels like she had nothing left to give.

This review is the copyrighted property of my blog, Blushing Reads, where it was first posted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Yes I know here I am again - reviewing LLV AGAIN !! Sorry I can't help it !! I love her and the stories she brings to life. The covers are always hot - and the guys always fit the bill , she always provides drama , angst , suspense , danger and of course hot hot hot FUN !! This is book 2 in the newest series she has going and it is about Masen and Booth . We met Masen in Mia and Tai's book and now we get to meet the man she fell in love with when they were younger !! You know me , I love those second chance romance stories - this is that and then some.

When we start out the story goes back and forth and you need to follow along so you know if you are in past or present and which year !! Masen and Booth are in love and young having fun , then he is deployed for a couple years , Masen has a family tragedy and she needs Booth but he can't come home - Masen makes some dumb choices and things are destroyed. THEN years later Booth comes home and there is some pretty weird interaction - quick , silent and hmmm ?? NOW in the present Booth is home due to his family tragedy and since Kilgore is so small and both Masen and Booth are in the saving lives business their run ins and interactions are unavoidable and super angsty !! Sadly for us the reunion isn't as amazing as we want , of course there is heartache and angst and drama and of course the horrible factor of time flying by. Hang on tight , we do get there !! Once we get there you can see why Masen and Booth fell in love , it is hot and happy and fun. In LLV's world that never lasts !! Not giving anything away but yes there is a strange added plot twist that will keep you on your toes. Masen is put through the ringer and Booth proves to us how amazing he is !! In true LLV fashion we have that HEA and promise of more to come ??!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marnie cunningham perry
WOW I LOVE this series!!!! Lani Lynn Vale has done it again!!!

I purchased and read Shock Advised before I read the ARC for Flash Point and even though I highly recommend reading Shock Advised because it’s awesome, it’s not necessary. You really wouldn’t be too lost if you read Flash Point first. The only thing you would miss out on is knowing some of the other firefighters, but that’s not a detriment to the story.

Masen & Booth. WOW! Love them so much. They are such an amazing couple. They were together for so long and then he left her. She’s been lost for eight years!!! Just lost. She compares all men to him and can’t be satisfied with anyone else. No one can replace Booth in her heart or mind.

Booth is back and he’s kind of a dick. At least at first. He comes around but he’s the character you hate then love to pieces! He’s a man of few words but when he does speak you listen closely cause it’s gonna be good.

They have a lot to work through and it’s such an amazing story. Lani does such an amazing job keeping the story moving but focused so that it’s fast-paced but also compelling and interesting too. The characters, even the ones in the background, are complex and wonderful.

Absolutely wonderful series. I can’t wait until the third book comes out!! Thank you Lani for an amazing series. Again!

Highly Recommend!!!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We first get introduced to Masen, she’s just endured a terrible lost one that has caused her to speak her mind to the man she loves. The words she shares with him are not kind ones and are words that put an end to their beautiful relationship.

Michael Jones aka “Booth” has just been spoken words he never thought he’d hear spoken. Hearing said words well away serving your country only cause a man to do one thing, Self Destruct! Booth is set on a path of self-destruction. The need to test his limits are extreme. As years pass and extreme measures in Booth’s career take a toll on him physically, he must return home. The one place where Mason still resides.

As the story progresses we learn so much more behind the terrible words that Mason spoke. We also learn some interesting facts that reveal that Booth himself was just a tad bit relieved to hear her speak them. One of my favorite OMG moments in the story had to be when Booth and Mason both revealed to one another that there had been no one else they had never been intimate with since they’d been apart. Mind you it has been over 8 years or so since they had last been together. That just had me so teary eyed and swooning. My not so favorite part was definitely Emily. Yes, I know it was not a real marriage but come on who sleeps naked in a mans bed huh! No sir that there was a NO! NO! I loved getting to see some Tai and Mia in the story but even better was Aaron “Fat Boy” I can’t wait for his story to come. This was definitely another great read and a must add to your TBR list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelly yutesler
Flash Point, is the second book in the Kilgore Fire series. I haven't read the previous book, so this can easily be read as a stand alone.
This is Masen and Booth's love story! Masen and Booth have a history, they were each other's first love and tragic events caused them to break up. Ten years later, they reconnect and the chemistry and love remains.
This book is well written, completely engaging and the characters are believable and enthralling. Flash Point has heat, romance, suspense, humor and angst mixed with hot alpha fire fighters, what more could you want!
There are quite a few twists and turns in this story that keeps you on the edge of your seat, not knowing if Masen and Booth will find their happy ever after. I read this book in one sitting, I was so enthralled.
This was my first time reading Lani Lynn Vale and definitely will not be my last.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another hit from the talented Lani who seems to not be able to do know wrong. Booth and Masen are so perfect for each other even after time wasted. Masen facing a terrible time in her life broke up with Booth and regretted it soon after. Booth who's devastated and hurt ignores all attempts she made to ask for forgiveness. Ten years later both are still stubborn as all get out but can't deny the chemistry between them. This is a story that will have you feeling so many emotions from laughter to sorrow and so much more. Each book of Lani's weaves it own spell and wraps you up in her special brand of magic that's just as addictive as the alphas she writes. If you're in need of a series with characters that you can relate to, chemistry to melt you and laughter when you're feeling down then pick this book up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“‘Kiss me,’ she ordered. I pressed my lips to hers, our mouths molding and tongues dueling. She moaned into my mouth and lifted her hips up to grind into my cck.”

5 firefighter stars!!! Lani Lynn Vale never disappoints!!

I won’t lie, I’m a huge fan of Lani’s books! So I knew I’d like this book, but I never expected to become so invested in the characters the way I was! I fell in love with Masen and Booth. I mean how can not fall in love with them! You’ll find yourself rooting for them and cheering them on. And when you aren’t doing that, you’ll be fanning yourself from the heat overload!!! Another great book by Lani!!

**Received a copy in exchange for an honest review. Read and reviewed by Melissa for Alpha Book Club**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Received a copy. I found a new book boyfriend. Military, fireman, alpha and and sexy as hell. His name is Booth. Yes, I am claiming him even though I will not be the only one. Booth and Masen, mercy me, these two are outstanding together. Lani Lynn Vale keeps bringing these firemen into my life and their stories are fabulous. Masen, Masen, Masen! She is an interesting character. She is sassy and fun with a little what were you thinking. From the beginning of Flash Point I was drawn in from word one. Lani Lynn Vale had me saying, "oh" one minute then "what the hell" with the next. By the time I was at the end I could have jumped up and down shouting "YES"!!! To sum it up: I freaking loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maru ta
Do not skip this book because of Booths "marital" status, and Masens "taken" status. Things are not always so black and white. Masen and Booth were together since they were teenagers. Booth was deployed and Masen was dealing with devastating sadness with her family alone while he is away. unfotunately Masen cant come home to help and she takes ig out on him. Years go by and there her is standing right in frint of her. They instantly feel the love that never faded for eachother but there are "circumstances" that both of them are to stubborn to ask eahother about so as usual they make assumptions that delay them pursuing each other. Luckiky that gets resolved fairly quickly in the book, let the chase begin lol. Booth is a quiet (except in the br), but sexy, bossy alpha that i fell for quickly. Masen is a strong woman that went through so much before Booth came back from deployment. They were so great together. As usual i also loved all of the chapter quotes! Cant wait for the next one Lani, bring it on!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well they just keep getting better and better. I love the Kilgore Fire Series. Booth is all bad ass. And Masen gives him a run for his money. They are meant for each other. Another 5 star must read from Lani. Can't wait for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bentley mcgrath
This story like all the other is so explosive you will need tissues. Masen and Booth have a love that we all dream about. Falling in love when you are young, however when one get's deployed (I've been there) things change. Sometimes our hearts take us somewhere we don't want them to go no matter what. When Masen sends the Dear John, Booth's world falls apart and not in the best way ever. When Booth get's his heart shattered what does he do? He goes on mission after mission to save lives and forget the one he left behind. Now they are both face to face with each other and though time has passed their hearts know where they belong. However things are not as they seem and no matter how much these two want to be with each other they can't. Of course their is a twist and turn and secrets will be revealed, the flash point of it all is can the secrets and lies told finally break each of them?
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