How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans
ByBen Shapiro
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lacey blodgett
Overall the book is very well laid out. Its highly enlightening and really helps connect the historical dots from Teddy Roosevelt to today. If you want to understand how deeply entrenched and institutionalized some of the lefts most nasty tactics are this is a good read. I would criticize on thing about it however. There is a lot of Obama bashing. Don't get me wrong I am not apologizing for the president here at all, I firmly believe the nation would be better off today if he had never been elected, even if that means Hillary might have taken office in 2008. Obama sucks, we get it Ben, but we don't need to be reminded every six pages. It gets a little distracting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian ng
This is critical information. If you are a news junkie/new to twitter or facebook, or any other social network that discusses politics, you need to understand the methods used by the left to SHUT DOWN communications/discussions. Excellent source, and, despite the topic, an enjoyable read.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tori hutchison
This is a book filled with astute observations about 2013 American politics. You will read a thorough analysis of what's been happening and, if you're literally 'right-minded', you will be disgusted. Shapiro has a sharp eye for the details and a quick wit, he uses them to describe what the left in America has been up to, bullying anyone--including those on their 'side'--who don't toe the line.
As fine a job as he does of showing the problem, he doesn't do as good in describing a tactical solution for fighting back against the myriad. Then again, perhaps that requires a right-wing version of Rules for Radicals, something I don't think the right is even capable of.
As fine a job as he does of showing the problem, he doesn't do as good in describing a tactical solution for fighting back against the myriad. Then again, perhaps that requires a right-wing version of Rules for Radicals, something I don't think the right is even capable of.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A good book for any conservative-minded person to read. Exposes and dissects methods used to force conservatives to shut up or conform on a wide variety of issues. So many of these issues are no longer even argued, since these methods have worked so well to force these points of view on people. And yet actually we need to begin some form of a process to fight back before all our rights are trampled. This book is likely to make a conservative person angry, perhaps inspire them to take action. It's well worth reading, but, I think it does not really suggest too much that can be done actively other than starting to speak out and find ways to fight back. So read this book and try not to knuckle under like we have been......
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohamed habashy
I know Ben Shapiro's work from reading his columns along with an earlier work (Porn Nation) that I thought was weak. This book is totally different, however. Bullies is written with Shapiro's usual style of sneering at the left without the total emphasis on social conservatism. Personally, I believe Ben's attitude towards the opposition is meritorious. He treats the left with the type of disrespect they absolutely deserve. His theme is that when an enemy is completely dishonorable--as the political left is--we debilitate our own cause by acting like conservative gentlemen. The author is 100 percent correct in his assumptions. Chivalry towards thieves is the policy of losers. The left fights us to the death, and when we respond by pretending they argue in good faith we destroy our own side. The left is fundamentally dishonest and deceptive. Shapiro illustrates this truth within these pages. When it comes to sex, environmentalism, race etc., their dishonesty never stops. Just last month we heard, over and over again, that the rich just need "to pay a little more." Now they do. Yet the left continues to clamor for more stealing from the productive members of society. I wish that all of us on the right took Ben's message seriously and fought the left with the same zeal with which they fight us. Additionally, I appreciated Bullies for its link to Breitbart whom most of us greatly miss. I did not know that Shapiro was one of Andrew's right hand men, but obviously his spirit has rubbed off favorably on this young author. Ben's really improved.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"When we talk about political bullying, we're talking about the bullying of private citizens by government actors, media heavies, Hollywood, and organizational allies outside of government. THAT sort of bullying creates a climate of fear among Americans, forcing them to abandon cherished principles, back nasty causes, or shut up entirely. And the left relies on that sort of bullying to the exclusion of all other tactics." --p 10
Just in case you hadn't noticed, the overwhelming majority of the vitriol on display in the public square originates from those on the Left. Honest, hardworking, law-abiding conservatives like myself have been putting up with it for years and it has only gotten worse since Barack Obama became President. Most of us are bound and determined not to stoop to the same tactics employed by our ideological adversaries. Progressives will deny they engage in such tactics but author Ben Shapiro has done his homework and has assembled a comprehensive anthology of some of the left's "greatest hits" in his compelling new book "Bullies: How The Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans". Shapiro leaves very little doubt how the left has managed to get its way over the past quarter century and makes it abundantly clear that conservatives need to figure out some way to counter these tactics. Given all of the obstacles in our way it is not going to be an easy task.
Pick the cause. Be it climate change, gay marriage, gun control, abortion rights, religious liberty, illegal immigration or Obamacare--if you dare to disagree with the radical positions espoused by those on the Left than you are going to be instantly and brutally attacked by government officials, the mainstream media, Hollywood and the union thugs who stand to gain from these policies. Unlike conservatives, those on the Left including the President of the United States have absolutely no problem playing the race card, the class card and the sexism card to get their way and really don't care who gets hurt in the process. Ben Shapiro shines the spotlight on incident after incident where these tactics are employed and concedes that "the strategy is working and will continue to work as long as American's remain silent." And that is what the left is counting on.
I could enumerate chapter and verse some of the most heinous and downright ridiculous examples cited by Ben Shapiro in "Bullies". For example, in Denair, California a 13 year boy was forced to remove an American flag from the back of his bicycle because according to school officials the flag "raised racial tensions". Absolutely ridiculous! Then there is the left's passionate and irrational hatred of conservative Republican women like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and Michelle Malkin who have the audacity to espouse traditional American values. The attacks on these ladies have been vulgar and vicious by such leading liberal luminaries as Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, David Letterman and Al Sharpton. Or how about what happened when the President of the Chick-Fil-A restaurant chain Dan Cathy dared to support the notion of traditional marriage in a televised interview. The leftist bullies immediately sprung into action. Gay and lesbian activists decided to hold a "Kiss In" at selected Chick-Fil-A outlets while Mayor Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago and Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston sought to ban the chain from their respective cities. This in spite of the fact that there was absolutely no evidence to suggest that Chick-Fil-A discriminates against gays. So much for tolerance! And so far as Obama's Department of Homeland Security is concerned it is conservatives and not terrorists that are the real threat to America. Progressives clearly and consistently seek to stifle any opposition to their agenda and have absolutely no problem destroying lives and ruining careers in the process. It's just what they do. For those of us who read and pay attention to current events little of what Ben Shapiro has presented in "Bullies" comes as a surprise. However, it is shocking when you see all of it assembled in one place and come to realize just how far the progressive tentacles extend in America in 2013.
Ben Shapiro believes that these left-wing bullies are the most despicable people in America. I would concur. These folks have absolutely no interest in due process, the rule of law, civil discourse or for that matter the United States Constitution. These are all viewed as impediments to implementing their radical socialist agenda. Ben Shapiro concludes with some words of advice and encouragement from his close friend and mentor--the late Andrew Breitbart. We conservatives would do well to heed his words. For those Americans who only casually pay attention to what is going on out there "Bullies: How The Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans" should prove to be a real eye-opener. This is a meticulously researched (40 pages of helpful footnotes) and very well written book. Very highly recommended!
NOTE: Review originally posted on the store on January 12, 2013.
Just in case you hadn't noticed, the overwhelming majority of the vitriol on display in the public square originates from those on the Left. Honest, hardworking, law-abiding conservatives like myself have been putting up with it for years and it has only gotten worse since Barack Obama became President. Most of us are bound and determined not to stoop to the same tactics employed by our ideological adversaries. Progressives will deny they engage in such tactics but author Ben Shapiro has done his homework and has assembled a comprehensive anthology of some of the left's "greatest hits" in his compelling new book "Bullies: How The Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans". Shapiro leaves very little doubt how the left has managed to get its way over the past quarter century and makes it abundantly clear that conservatives need to figure out some way to counter these tactics. Given all of the obstacles in our way it is not going to be an easy task.
Pick the cause. Be it climate change, gay marriage, gun control, abortion rights, religious liberty, illegal immigration or Obamacare--if you dare to disagree with the radical positions espoused by those on the Left than you are going to be instantly and brutally attacked by government officials, the mainstream media, Hollywood and the union thugs who stand to gain from these policies. Unlike conservatives, those on the Left including the President of the United States have absolutely no problem playing the race card, the class card and the sexism card to get their way and really don't care who gets hurt in the process. Ben Shapiro shines the spotlight on incident after incident where these tactics are employed and concedes that "the strategy is working and will continue to work as long as American's remain silent." And that is what the left is counting on.
I could enumerate chapter and verse some of the most heinous and downright ridiculous examples cited by Ben Shapiro in "Bullies". For example, in Denair, California a 13 year boy was forced to remove an American flag from the back of his bicycle because according to school officials the flag "raised racial tensions". Absolutely ridiculous! Then there is the left's passionate and irrational hatred of conservative Republican women like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and Michelle Malkin who have the audacity to espouse traditional American values. The attacks on these ladies have been vulgar and vicious by such leading liberal luminaries as Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, David Letterman and Al Sharpton. Or how about what happened when the President of the Chick-Fil-A restaurant chain Dan Cathy dared to support the notion of traditional marriage in a televised interview. The leftist bullies immediately sprung into action. Gay and lesbian activists decided to hold a "Kiss In" at selected Chick-Fil-A outlets while Mayor Rahm Emmanuel of Chicago and Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston sought to ban the chain from their respective cities. This in spite of the fact that there was absolutely no evidence to suggest that Chick-Fil-A discriminates against gays. So much for tolerance! And so far as Obama's Department of Homeland Security is concerned it is conservatives and not terrorists that are the real threat to America. Progressives clearly and consistently seek to stifle any opposition to their agenda and have absolutely no problem destroying lives and ruining careers in the process. It's just what they do. For those of us who read and pay attention to current events little of what Ben Shapiro has presented in "Bullies" comes as a surprise. However, it is shocking when you see all of it assembled in one place and come to realize just how far the progressive tentacles extend in America in 2013.
Ben Shapiro believes that these left-wing bullies are the most despicable people in America. I would concur. These folks have absolutely no interest in due process, the rule of law, civil discourse or for that matter the United States Constitution. These are all viewed as impediments to implementing their radical socialist agenda. Ben Shapiro concludes with some words of advice and encouragement from his close friend and mentor--the late Andrew Breitbart. We conservatives would do well to heed his words. For those Americans who only casually pay attention to what is going on out there "Bullies: How The Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans" should prove to be a real eye-opener. This is a meticulously researched (40 pages of helpful footnotes) and very well written book. Very highly recommended!
NOTE: Review originally posted on the store on January 12, 2013.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
On the surface, it would seem fantastic that the premise is true. I believe Ben did excellent research. I think he's right. WARNING: There is graphic language in this book. It isn't gratuitous and it helps make the point by relating real life situations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vera holenstein
After witnessing Ben Shapiro placidly and deftly expose CNN's Piers Morgan's limited fund of knowledge re firearms, I decided to download the Kindle version of "Bullies" expecting a masterpiece. It's not quite a masterpiece, but neither are most books. Instead, I found it an enjoyable read with substantive examples and well-reasoned argumentation supporting his thesis.
Clearly, it is written for a conservative audience. I would not recommend this book to those on the left, that is, unless they enjoy simmering in resentment. Also the frequent praises of the late Andrew Breitbart will make his rabid haters physically ill (in addition to their preexisting emotional comorbidities). Incidentally, some on the left have written nasty reviews on the book without having read it. It's an attempt to discredit and vilify, and it demonstrates the bully tactics of the left covered in the book.
I gave it 4/5 stars because it's an important book shedding light on the failure and corruption of our political system. It would have been 5/5 if he wrote as eloquently as he slapped down Morgan.
Clearly, it is written for a conservative audience. I would not recommend this book to those on the left, that is, unless they enjoy simmering in resentment. Also the frequent praises of the late Andrew Breitbart will make his rabid haters physically ill (in addition to their preexisting emotional comorbidities). Incidentally, some on the left have written nasty reviews on the book without having read it. It's an attempt to discredit and vilify, and it demonstrates the bully tactics of the left covered in the book.
I gave it 4/5 stars because it's an important book shedding light on the failure and corruption of our political system. It would have been 5/5 if he wrote as eloquently as he slapped down Morgan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book, very intelligently written and a pleasure to read, even though the topic is far from pleasant. One should hope that the book will find a broad audience among people who are able to feel strongly yet think critically. Thank you Mr. Shapiro for giving a voice to those who are being silenced, and thank you for your advice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
max t
With the current political situation and corporations striving for profits, this book is a must read.
He put into words what I have experienced first hand and is now news worthy.
Shapiro confirmed my darkest dreams as to where this once great country is headed.
I recommend this book to all middle class America, while we still have a middle class.
The next generation is doomed.
They will be bullied into making decisions that are wrong and will be blamed for the failures that arise from UPPERS poor decision making skills. As me, they will loose their jobs and their bosses will get bonus's.
He put into words what I have experienced first hand and is now news worthy.
Shapiro confirmed my darkest dreams as to where this once great country is headed.
I recommend this book to all middle class America, while we still have a middle class.
The next generation is doomed.
They will be bullied into making decisions that are wrong and will be blamed for the failures that arise from UPPERS poor decision making skills. As me, they will loose their jobs and their bosses will get bonus's.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I ordered this book and am planning on reading it cover to cover just from the 1-rating reviews. Anything that brings out the name-calling, author-bashing types is definitely worth a read!!!
Edited 1/23/13. As stated, I have ordered, received and read this book. I stand behind the 5-star rating. This is a very clear, concisely written book regarding the hatred, bullying, and intimidation from the Left. Good read for anyone interested in what passes for political discourse these days.
Edited 1/23/13. As stated, I have ordered, received and read this book. I stand behind the 5-star rating. This is a very clear, concisely written book regarding the hatred, bullying, and intimidation from the Left. Good read for anyone interested in what passes for political discourse these days.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Probably one of the most engaging political books you'll ever read. Ben Shapiro has one of the most incisive minds out there. If this does not convince you of the paradigm shift we need to make in our society, nothing will.
Enjoy this book. You'll never forget it.
Enjoy this book. You'll never forget it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ben Shapiro is very passionate in his words as he describes bullies--those that lie, distort, blame, intimidate, and try to silence anyone who disagrees with them. He is referring to the Left, otherwise known in another life as progressives and liberals and Democrats. They are everywhere, but are most evident in the media. But they would never admit to that--after all they are the ones that know better than you do, so shut up about it!
Other bullies described in the book are racist bullies, institution bullies, feminist bullies, gay and lesbian bullies, and environmentalist bullies. What is scary is that these groups are all well organized and they will do their utmost to undermine, boycott, and bedevil anyone who is remotely opposed to any of their agendas. There are numerous examples in the book of which I think most everyone is aware.
The most recent example of bullying that occurred this summer involved Chic-Fil-A. The president of that restaurant chain Dan Cathy did an interview in which he said he supported traditional marriage. Immediately the restaurants were boycotted by leftists claiming that Chic-Fil-A discriminated against gays and lesbians which they hadn't at all. This whole episode even prompted Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago and Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston to ban Chic-Fil-A from opening restaurants in those cities.
Another example of bullying has to do with the hypocrisy of some of these agendas. My favorites are the environmental ones. Now we all know how much the government is in hock for billions of dollars on "green companies" that went belly up, like Solyndra. But President Obama who has been preaching about global warming and the need to develop more clean energy is one of the biggest offenders. On observing President Obama in shirtsleeves in the Oval Office: This from the New York Times: "Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat. 'He's from Hawaii, O.K?' said Mr. Obama's senior advisor, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. 'He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.' So we should all do our part and install solar panels(even though the company that makes them is bankrupt) and do our part to use less energy. Meanwhile the president turns up the heat in the White House. By the way, does the White House have solar panels on the roof? I hadn't noticed.
Ben Shapiro recently did an interview with Piers Morgan shortly after the terrible tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Morgan asked him why any citizen would have the need of an assault rifle. Shapiro answered him by referring to the second amendment which allows that citizens of the US have the right to bear arms which includes protecting themselves from a tyrannical government. Morgan, looking perplexed, wondered when and why this would ever happen in the United States. Ben Shapiro replied that it has happened in Europe and in fact to his ancestors who "were turned to dust" because of a tyrannical government. Remember the Holocaust?
Other bullies described in the book are racist bullies, institution bullies, feminist bullies, gay and lesbian bullies, and environmentalist bullies. What is scary is that these groups are all well organized and they will do their utmost to undermine, boycott, and bedevil anyone who is remotely opposed to any of their agendas. There are numerous examples in the book of which I think most everyone is aware.
The most recent example of bullying that occurred this summer involved Chic-Fil-A. The president of that restaurant chain Dan Cathy did an interview in which he said he supported traditional marriage. Immediately the restaurants were boycotted by leftists claiming that Chic-Fil-A discriminated against gays and lesbians which they hadn't at all. This whole episode even prompted Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago and Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston to ban Chic-Fil-A from opening restaurants in those cities.
Another example of bullying has to do with the hypocrisy of some of these agendas. My favorites are the environmental ones. Now we all know how much the government is in hock for billions of dollars on "green companies" that went belly up, like Solyndra. But President Obama who has been preaching about global warming and the need to develop more clean energy is one of the biggest offenders. On observing President Obama in shirtsleeves in the Oval Office: This from the New York Times: "Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat. 'He's from Hawaii, O.K?' said Mr. Obama's senior advisor, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. 'He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.' So we should all do our part and install solar panels(even though the company that makes them is bankrupt) and do our part to use less energy. Meanwhile the president turns up the heat in the White House. By the way, does the White House have solar panels on the roof? I hadn't noticed.
Ben Shapiro recently did an interview with Piers Morgan shortly after the terrible tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Morgan asked him why any citizen would have the need of an assault rifle. Shapiro answered him by referring to the second amendment which allows that citizens of the US have the right to bear arms which includes protecting themselves from a tyrannical government. Morgan, looking perplexed, wondered when and why this would ever happen in the United States. Ben Shapiro replied that it has happened in Europe and in fact to his ancestors who "were turned to dust" because of a tyrannical government. Remember the Holocaust?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ben Shapiro is brilliant, astute and knows how to write in an informative yet entertaining manner. This book explains how Americans are being duped by the bullying leftists. It does so in an easy to understand, captivating style that will make you chuckle between gasps. i recommend it highly. (Pick up a few extra copies to give as gifts to your lemon head friends and relatives who don't keep up with what's going on in our country.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashleigh rossman
Finally, someone is pointing out that the only liberal argument when their "precious programs and politically correct attitudes" are challenged with sound reasoning and facts is to resort to name-calling and belittlement of their opponents rather than being willing to have a true discussion about the issues that we face as a nation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I watched the video of Ben being interviewed by Piers. When Ben told Piers he was standing on the dead children of Sandy Hook I was shocked. I then bought the book Bullies for my Kindle that same day. Then I understood that Ben was using the bully tactic of the left! Create a false narrative; Piers appeared to get angry and ready to throw a punch at Ben! Yet everyday those that support traditional values are mocked and ridiculed as hate filled .... Piers was head slapped in his interview and appeared to be incoherent after the dead children comment (false narrative). If you appose the left it cannot be anything other than hate because...insert false narrative here.
The book is a good read. Very insightful that conservatives fight for the individual and the left fights for the institution (at the expense of liberty of the individual). Helps frame a better understanding of Andrew's plan to fight the left using the lefts tactics.
The book is a good read. Very insightful that conservatives fight for the individual and the left fights for the institution (at the expense of liberty of the individual). Helps frame a better understanding of Andrew's plan to fight the left using the lefts tactics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Ben Shapiro is a pretty good polemicist overall, but this book leaves something to be desired. Like far too many conservatives and conservative writers (and incidentally this is why I am not a conservative), Shapiro gives his Progressive opponents too much moral credit. In places he takes the shopworn position of failing to challenge the moral position that Progressives take and instead only quibbles about degree.
And speaking as a patriotic atheist, I actually agreed with Obama regarding the need to have a secular basis for policy, and I found Shapiro's metaphor here to be incomprehensively bad. What I mean by that is that his rhetoric here noticeably falls in quality. I get that his religious convictions are important to him, but this is not understanding Obama's (admittedly possibly mendacious) point.
The point here is that its inappropriate to, for example, seek to ban abortion on the grounds that it offends God, rather than because a fetus is human and thus abortion is murder. The former is an excellent reason for a believer to not HAVE an abortion, but as this is not a theocracy it is not a good basis for law. Believing both is fine, of course.
And speaking as a patriotic atheist, I actually agreed with Obama regarding the need to have a secular basis for policy, and I found Shapiro's metaphor here to be incomprehensively bad. What I mean by that is that his rhetoric here noticeably falls in quality. I get that his religious convictions are important to him, but this is not understanding Obama's (admittedly possibly mendacious) point.
The point here is that its inappropriate to, for example, seek to ban abortion on the grounds that it offends God, rather than because a fetus is human and thus abortion is murder. The former is an excellent reason for a believer to not HAVE an abortion, but as this is not a theocracy it is not a good basis for law. Believing both is fine, of course.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john mutchek
The point of this well-written, fact-based book is to show that you don't have to be bullied by a philosophy which supresses debate, dissent, and truth. Shapiro exposes Obama for what he is - a comic demagogue who uses lies and divisive rhetoric to promote himself and to bully anyone who disagrees with him by calling them racists and bigots, even in light of the truth. Look to your lefty friends friends for subtle (or not) signs of intolerance and how it permeates not only their political beliefs but every aspect of how they see the world and function: "X has the best sandwich in the city and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot!". (actual statement from a Denver leftie). Ben has great courage and wit (you have to laugh at the left if you understand any of this at all) and his lectures are a ball to watch, mostly for the Q&A at the end where he slays unsuspecting, witless students with the sword of knowledge. I wish he would run for office.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ali shahab
Ben Shapiro is a pretty good polemicist overall, but this book leaves something to be desired. Like far too many conservatives and conservative writers (and incidentally this is why I am not a conservative), Shapiro gives his Progressive opponents too much moral credit. In places he takes the shopworn position of failing to challenge the moral position that Progressives take and instead only quibbles about degree.
And speaking as a patriotic atheist, I actually agreed with Obama regarding the need to have a secular basis for policy, and I found Shapiro's metaphor here to be incomprehensively bad. What I mean by that is that his rhetoric here noticeably falls in quality. I get that his religious convictions are important to him, but this is not understanding Obama's (admittedly possibly mendacious) point.
The point here is that its inappropriate to, for example, seek to ban abortion on the grounds that it offends God, rather than because a fetus is human and thus abortion is murder. The former is an excellent reason for a believer to not HAVE an abortion, but as this is not a theocracy it is not a good basis for law. Believing both is fine, of course.
And speaking as a patriotic atheist, I actually agreed with Obama regarding the need to have a secular basis for policy, and I found Shapiro's metaphor here to be incomprehensively bad. What I mean by that is that his rhetoric here noticeably falls in quality. I get that his religious convictions are important to him, but this is not understanding Obama's (admittedly possibly mendacious) point.
The point here is that its inappropriate to, for example, seek to ban abortion on the grounds that it offends God, rather than because a fetus is human and thus abortion is murder. The former is an excellent reason for a believer to not HAVE an abortion, but as this is not a theocracy it is not a good basis for law. Believing both is fine, of course.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole mastropietro
The point of this well-written, fact-based book is to show that you don't have to be bullied by a philosophy which supresses debate, dissent, and truth. Shapiro exposes Obama for what he is - a comic demagogue who uses lies and divisive rhetoric to promote himself and to bully anyone who disagrees with him by calling them racists and bigots, even in light of the truth. Look to your lefty friends friends for subtle (or not) signs of intolerance and how it permeates not only their political beliefs but every aspect of how they see the world and function: "X has the best sandwich in the city and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot!". (actual statement from a Denver leftie). Ben has great courage and wit (you have to laugh at the left if you understand any of this at all) and his lectures are a ball to watch, mostly for the Q&A at the end where he slays unsuspecting, witless students with the sword of knowledge. I wish he would run for office.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joy cervantes
Ben Shapiro really nails the liberals in this book. The bully tactic works for liberals and the low information voter doesn't care about the issues so they think, the liberals are telling the truth. Hard to believe politicians get elected by demonizing their opponent and telling lies as they did in the 2012 election. There is no way a conservative can fight the Chicago machine no matter who is the candidate and this book tells the truth about liberals. I will be passing this book around to my conservative friends as it is a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The author is very eloquent and approaches the bullies very efficiently in his interviews so I got the book and I must say...he is right on the money with all he says. Political correctness has prevented the truth from being spoken. Time to get rid of it and speak out and not be silenced.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is a must read. Shortly after I started reading I received hatemail from someone using exactly the types of words Ben describes in his book. Rather than respond in the manner hoped for (silence), this book helped me respond back in a calm, measured manner, but calling Jen out for what she is: a bully.
It will open your eyes as to what true bullying is and how rampant it is in our society.
It will open your eyes as to what true bullying is and how rampant it is in our society.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juli crow
We often read or hear that the left uses intimidation and bully tactics to marginalize, silence, and ostracize concervatives or anyone who disagrees with the progressive position. This book provides a well researched and detailed discussion of this Alinsky type tactics (a/k/a "the Chicago way") currently used by liberals. Mr. Shapiro is bright, a gifted writer and quick on his feet when debating media figures, such as Piers Morgan. Great book. Would recommend for any thinking person and a good gift for your college student or young adult.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
molly frisinger
Ben's book: "BULLIES" is a smart and intelligent account of today's polarized culture of left and right. I would wholeheartedly recomend it to anyone who is interested in beining an effective participant in today's cultural war.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
betsy murray
One is continually amazed by Ben Shapiro's laser focus and strength of argument. And he is still so young! I am now reading "Bullies" for the second time, and enjoying it just as much, while appreciating even more his thought process and marshaling of facts, particularly in discussing such flashpoint subjects as the Trayvon Martin case, and Ferguson.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Anything by Ben is awesome! He has an intellect that few possess.
He is absolutely right about the seeming psychopathy (my words) of the neoliberal regressive movement currently tearing the western world apart at its very seams. These people need to be confronted, not left alone in a show of respect for them to embrace their point of view. Their point of view is wrong, plain and simple, and it is causing genuine mental illness among a large swathe of our populations. It is, without a doubt, the germination of a new civil war in America and Europe.
He is absolutely right about the seeming psychopathy (my words) of the neoliberal regressive movement currently tearing the western world apart at its very seams. These people need to be confronted, not left alone in a show of respect for them to embrace their point of view. Their point of view is wrong, plain and simple, and it is causing genuine mental illness among a large swathe of our populations. It is, without a doubt, the germination of a new civil war in America and Europe.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tom grattan
I enjoyed reading a political book that was very up-to-date with current events. Ben Shapiro talked about the liberal strategy of bullying in many different instances and showed how it's happening in current politics and how it has been done in the past. It makes my blood boil to learn about the sleazy tactics of the left and how they push people around, humiliate them, and intimidate them to accomplish their agenda. I would like to see another book that delves more into the history of the left's bullying. The only criticism of this book is that there is not much variety and tends to get monotonous when reading for long stretches. It exposes one bully tactic after another. But that's what I expected when I bought this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Truthful, insightful and full of information the mainstream media just doesn't report. The liberals and media read from the same script. See how our institutions, politicans and talking heads manipulate the news for their own gain.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
traci caddell
I have enjoyed what Shapiro has written in articles and says when interviewed about leftist bullying. He has a clear view of what he means by bullying and ad hominum attacks being commonly substituted for refuting claims from the right and center.
But this book is not a good discussion of the issue, merely a litany of leftist offenses. I wish Shapiro had offered good tactics for facing down leftist bullies.
But this book is not a good discussion of the issue, merely a litany of leftist offenses. I wish Shapiro had offered good tactics for facing down leftist bullies.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe o hallaron
I do not like bullies.
Neither does Ben Shapiro and neither did his mentor Andrew Breitbart, which is probably why Breitbart devoted his like to exposing the biggest bullies of all the contemporary Left, and why Shapiro continued his work by writing Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Intimidation and Fear Silences Americans.
In Bullies, Ben Shapiro describes in exacting detail how the Left uses bullying tactics to shout down and silence all who oppose them. He tells how Leftist bullies in government, in the media, on the university campus, and elsewhere use their position and power to force their viewpoints on people. He writes how liberal bullies in politics use the nastiest and slimiest personal attacks against conservatives to get their way, and then blame the conservatives for the incivility in politics. Green bullies want you to be poor to save the Earth. Secular bullies want to forbid you from praying in a public space. Race and class bullies want to pit Americans against each other. Anti-patriotic bullies want you to be ashamed of your own country. The entire Left is composed of bullies who want to tell you what to do. If you don't like it, than sit down and shut up.
Luckily, Ben Shapiro is able to relate these stories of the power hungry, bullying Left with a sense of humor. Otherwise, this book might be painful to read. As it is, he writes with just the right, slightly mocking touch that makes his book actually fun to read. Like all bullies, the Left does not like to be laughed at and maybe more books that are humorous will help to put them in their place.
Ben Shapiro concludes Bullies with a rousing appeal to his readers to pick up Andrew Beitbart's mantle and continue the fight against the thugs and bullies of the Left. Bullies who are unchallenged only get worse so if we want our descendants to live in a free country, we have no choice but to fight them.
By the way, if there is any doubt that Leftists are nothing but bullies, check out the one-starred reviews of this and other conservative books. There seems to be a clique of people who have nothing better to do, they probably collect unemployment, but to publish nasty reviews of books they have not read. Typical.
Neither does Ben Shapiro and neither did his mentor Andrew Breitbart, which is probably why Breitbart devoted his like to exposing the biggest bullies of all the contemporary Left, and why Shapiro continued his work by writing Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Intimidation and Fear Silences Americans.
In Bullies, Ben Shapiro describes in exacting detail how the Left uses bullying tactics to shout down and silence all who oppose them. He tells how Leftist bullies in government, in the media, on the university campus, and elsewhere use their position and power to force their viewpoints on people. He writes how liberal bullies in politics use the nastiest and slimiest personal attacks against conservatives to get their way, and then blame the conservatives for the incivility in politics. Green bullies want you to be poor to save the Earth. Secular bullies want to forbid you from praying in a public space. Race and class bullies want to pit Americans against each other. Anti-patriotic bullies want you to be ashamed of your own country. The entire Left is composed of bullies who want to tell you what to do. If you don't like it, than sit down and shut up.
Luckily, Ben Shapiro is able to relate these stories of the power hungry, bullying Left with a sense of humor. Otherwise, this book might be painful to read. As it is, he writes with just the right, slightly mocking touch that makes his book actually fun to read. Like all bullies, the Left does not like to be laughed at and maybe more books that are humorous will help to put them in their place.
Ben Shapiro concludes Bullies with a rousing appeal to his readers to pick up Andrew Beitbart's mantle and continue the fight against the thugs and bullies of the Left. Bullies who are unchallenged only get worse so if we want our descendants to live in a free country, we have no choice but to fight them.
By the way, if there is any doubt that Leftists are nothing but bullies, check out the one-starred reviews of this and other conservative books. There seems to be a clique of people who have nothing better to do, they probably collect unemployment, but to publish nasty reviews of books they have not read. Typical.
Please RateHow the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans
However, he builds of many great arguments through numerous examples — which ARE thought-provoking — but so many teams he resorts to typical schoolyard bullying tactics to "prove" (otherwise well-set-up) talking points (e.g., within chapter "Secular Bullies" he 'proves' his point by literally writing "people that believe this are just stupid." Then changes the subject.
I'm actually second-degree from Benjamin, through a family lawyer whom attended law-school with him — and have viewed several (albeit not ALL) of his youtube interviews — but was really disappointed by his presentation here (perhaps this was ghost-written / hastily finished?!).