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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is an amazing series. Shannon Messenger does a fantastic job at coming up with a good plot. However, her actual writing is quite inferior to most other book I've read. I wouldn't recommend it if you enjoy good writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gnann moser
NIGHTFALL wasn’t perfect, no. And a lot of that was probably me wanting to love it so much I plucked out all the minute details to analyze later. But none of that is going to stop me from loving this series and these characters. I rarely get so worked up when I’m reading, especially when it's (however much I love them) Middle Grade.

I keep finding myself mentioning that these books are MG, and I hate that so many will overlook this series simply because of it. This series is written so well and there’s so much intricacy in the plot. The world building is good too, and while I’ll occasionally think, “they wouldn’t have said that if this was YA,” if the character’s ages were never mentioned and there was a bit more kissing, I would not question a YA stamp—especially as the series progresses. (I hate comparing this series to Harry Potter, but much like that.)

I know from personal experience how hard it is to juggle such a large cast, and honestly Messenger does a phenomenal job with it. We had a lot of fun interactions and a good amount of character development, I think, especially for the Songs and for Sophie and for Keefe.

Just. I'm so happy right now! This is one of my favorite series again. I can't even tell you how relieved I am. It's sort of ridiculous, honestly.

I had been excited for and dreading the release of NIGHTFALL for 12 months, because I was scared. I was seeing one of my favorite series fall apart and I would so hate for that to happen. But NIGHTFALL was good. Really good, once we got through the arduous first 90 pages. Things happened productively. Time passed. Secrets were revealed. We have the official capital V villain's name, and we met them. We've gotten through enough story that the seventh book could really be the last one. And, despite my evident love for this series and for Sophie, I'm ready for it to be over.

Read my full spoiler ridden review on Goodreads, under the same name.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jordan funke
This is quite possibly the best of the Keepers of the Lost Cities series! Shannon Messenger did a fantastic job adding the sixth installment to the series, and it is just as intense, funny, and suspenseful. I have no complaints, though if I did, I would complain over the HUGE CLIFFHANGER! Its awesome, and agonizing, and I don't know how I will survive the long wait for the next book.
Shannon Messenger is so creative when it comes to secrets, plots, and cliffhangers. She has created another masterpiece, and I am so glad it is 800 pages, a long book full of wonderful unique characters.
Sokeefe lovers, this is your book. It is FULL of Sokeefe moments.
Sopfitz, not as much, but still some really good Sopfitz moments.
Dexphie.... hmmmmmmm... I'll just say it didn't go very well.
I totally recommend this book to anyone who enjoys mystery, magic, elves, and suspense.
I think that kids 11 and up will enjoy this book, but then again, I have a friend who is ten and loves it.
If your looking for a new series, look no more! Your wait is over!
Thank you so much Shannon Messenger for not giving up on your dream, and writing this masterpiece for us!
Neverseen (Keeper of the Lost Cities) :: Exile (Keeper of the Lost Cities) :: Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities) :: The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders &c. :: Lodestar (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I really liked this story for the first couple of books, but now it seems like they're just dragging it out in order to sell more books. There is so much annoying dialogue about which boy likes Sophie the most that it's a little tedious to read. We get it already. All the boys like Sophie, and all the boys are jealous of each other. It is not necessary to make that point 3 times per page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I’ve been very impatiently waiting for a year to find out what happened after the cliffhanger that ended book 5 in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, so that means I was keeping my reading schedule clear to start Nightfall as soon as I could after it was released. It was definitely worth the wait.

If you are new to the series, you need to fix that today. This is a wonderful middle grade fantasy series. It stars Sophie Foster, an elf who was raised by humans until she was a teenager, at which point she learned why she never felt like she quite fit in with the humans around her. But that was just the beginning of her journey.

Before we go further, I need to issue a spoiler warning. Because of how this book starts, it will be impossible to discuss this book without spoiling the previous book in the series. I am NOT going to spoil anything in this book, however. Because this story is really one story broken down into books, you really need the read the previous books before you pick up this one anyway.

The book picks up exactly where the previous book ended – Sophie has just gone to check on her human family only to learn that they have been kidnapped by the Neverseen. Only her “sister” is still there. The only clue that Amy overheard when their parents were kidnapped is the name Nightfall.

Unfortunately, this clue leads Sophie and her friends straight to Lady Gisela, Keefe’s mother. She is obviously using this situation to manipulate Sophie. Can Sophie use Lady Gisela to learn where her parents are being held without giving Lady Gisela what she needs for her plans?

If all of this leaves you lost, then this book isn’t for you – yet. As I said before, these books build on each other. So all that means is, back up and begin with book one. Author Shannon Messenger does a good job of reintegrating us into Sophie’s world, but I’m sure the explanations would only go so far for someone who has never picked up a book in the series.

For fans of the series, this book will satisfy. There are plenty of the twists and close calls that we’ve come to expect in the series. I did feel that things slowed down a bit about two thirds of the way into the book as Sophie started hitting dead ends, but it wasn’t too long before we were ramping up for the climax.

Over the course of the series, Sophie has made a lot of friends, and there is room in this book for all of them to shine. Some get more page time than others, but they all get their moments and all get some development as characters. Fans of Keefe will be happy to learn he gets plenty of page time to make up for the previous book. Plus, we get a delightful new character here.

What I’ve been dancing around is the length of this book. It’s 800 pages. That’s daunting for sure, but I can’t point to anything I think should be cut out. The pages certainly do fly by, and I got lost in the story any time I sat down to read.

I’m not too surprised that we get a bit of a cliffhanger at the end of this book. It’s not nearly as bad as the last cliffhanger, but it is certainly enough to leave me wondering what happens next.

Seriously, this series is fabulous, and Nightfall is a great next chapter for Sophie and her friends. If you’ve been counting down like I have, your patience will be rewarded.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabee attica
OMIGOSH!!!!!!!! The KOTLC fandom has been my favorite forever. I have all the books and I got this one early Tuesday, when it came out... IT WAS LIFE CHANGING!!!!! SPOILER ALERT: I am very glad that Shannon got rid of the Sodex ship fandom because well they're cousins.... ANYWAy I am also glad that A BUNCH of Sokeefe, Team Foster-Keefe, My OTP, and my LIFE happened in this book and not a lot of Sofitz or Fitzphie (as named by Keefe [who I would totally want to have as a boyfriend except for the fact that he and Sophie are perfect for each other =D]) And though Fitz had an equal time as some of the other characters, Dex was almost not mentioned at all except for, hehe, you know, unless you don't, then you don't. ANYWAy, I would recommend this book (series) to every single person in the entire world if I could, but I cant so I'll stick to bothering my friends about it till they read it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn wilson
This was a great book. I'm glad and sad about Sophie's family. I think her sister shouldn't have stayed with her memories of the lost cities. It will probabaly hurt her sister because it will be hard for her to keep the secret. I feel like there should've been more about Prentice. He got healed, and that was it. Didn't he have something to say to Sophie?! This was really good. Again, the ending leaves us with another cliffhanger. I wonder what happened to Alvar. Sophie finally kissed someone, but I feel like she should've done that to Fitz. That totally didn't work with Dex. She needs to make up her mind with those boys. If this was real life, she wouldn't have that many friends that are boys. ( I'm in middle school.) thanks for reading my reveiw!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arash gholizadeh
I absolutely loved this whole series! The only reason I would ever give it less than 5 stars is because of the constant cliffhangers-especially the one at the end of Neveerseen; the character in question is my very favorite. I can't believe that the next one comes out so soon (November 6, 2018) and both the cover, title (Flashback, which makes me hope that Sophie gets that other memory back), and the story look amazing. I really need it soon, because if I don't get the resolution to the stunning cliffhanger at the end of Nightfall, I will spontaneously combust. Also, if Keefe is one of your favorite characters, or even if you just want to see how he thinks about Sophie, in the Barnes and Noble edition there is a short story (with exclusive artwork!) about him. <3 <3 <3
All in all, I LOVE this series, and if fantasy is your genre, I highly enncourage you to try it! Happy reading! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The way the author describes the characters and events really pulls you into the book. I have read all the previously published books in this series and they all end with a cliffhanger that leaves you itching for more. In fact, I can’t wait to read the next book of the series when it comes out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sheila irons
I love this series! Shannon Messenger creates delightful characters and gripping storylines, and Nightfall continues the Keeper series in similar fashion. It is so fun to watch these characters grow up, to see them work side by side with their parents and mentors, to cheer for them as they make hard choices, and pull for them as they find themselves in dangerous and challenging situations. I love the bond of friendship between the characters, the blossoming "love square" (or whatever shape it is currently in!), and how the characters continue to grow, both individually and as a whole. True to her pattern, the author ends with a cliffhanger... and now we wait impatiently for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this is such an amazing series with never before seen clifhangers. i don't care what anyone else says, but SoKeefe is totally going to happen. it's great for all ages and i got through the whole series in about one week. it's SOO good. huge spoiler alert but Blur is totally Jensi's older brother. you should really read the books, no doubts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin smith
I absolutely loved this book! Warning there are spoilers! I loved how Shannon did things. When Sophie kissed Dex I was literally squealing! I loved that she did that I honestly think that they are better off as friends.I also loved that she incorporated Marella back into the story. I got the Barnes and Noble edition w/ the Keefe story and it was sooooo good! It takes place while Keefe is healing from his duel with the ogre king. You learn soo much about Keefe in that little chapter that you would never know otherwise! If you can get your hands on the Keefe story, it will change how you think about Keefe forever!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura treider
Just like the title says: this book is AWESOME! You learn a whole lot more secrets about the spooky history of Atlantis when elves and humans used to live together and you suddenly see everything from a different point of view. Everything is fast paced and full of adventure but there are still so many other elements in the book that make it even better. The first book is still my favorite, but it would be a big mistake to say that the books get worse. I eagerly wait for the next book! : )
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
greg zimmerman
i hit the submit buton on accident so to continue limbium focuses on the part of your brain where abilities originate from. this also happens to be the area where emotions are logged (for lackof a better word) so i think mr. forkle . . . was doing some part of the training for sophie's impenetrable brain when perhaps amy discovered it or sophie told her aboth were traumatized as was said in book six and the black swan tried to remove the memory but the emotions from it triggered it. that was probably when they thought of limbium to remove the emotions and sophie had her reaction. this all hinges on whether the reaction came first or when she got her abilities.bye!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The way the author describes the characters and events really pulls you into the book. I have read all the previously published books in this series and they all end with a cliffhanger that leaves you itching for more. In fact, I can’t wait to read the next book of the series when it comes out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this series! Shannon Messenger creates delightful characters and gripping storylines, and Nightfall continues the Keeper series in similar fashion. It is so fun to watch these characters grow up, to see them work side by side with their parents and mentors, to cheer for them as they make hard choices, and pull for them as they find themselves in dangerous and challenging situations. I love the bond of friendship between the characters, the blossoming "love square" (or whatever shape it is currently in!), and how the characters continue to grow, both individually and as a whole. True to her pattern, the author ends with a cliffhanger... and now we wait impatiently for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nate davis
this is such an amazing series with never before seen clifhangers. i don't care what anyone else says, but SoKeefe is totally going to happen. it's great for all ages and i got through the whole series in about one week. it's SOO good. huge spoiler alert but Blur is totally Jensi's older brother. you should really read the books, no doubts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book! Warning there are spoilers! I loved how Shannon did things. When Sophie kissed Dex I was literally squealing! I loved that she did that I honestly think that they are better off as friends.I also loved that she incorporated Marella back into the story. I got the Barnes and Noble edition w/ the Keefe story and it was sooooo good! It takes place while Keefe is healing from his duel with the ogre king. You learn soo much about Keefe in that little chapter that you would never know otherwise! If you can get your hands on the Keefe story, it will change how you think about Keefe forever!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just like the title says: this book is AWESOME! You learn a whole lot more secrets about the spooky history of Atlantis when elves and humans used to live together and you suddenly see everything from a different point of view. Everything is fast paced and full of adventure but there are still so many other elements in the book that make it even better. The first book is still my favorite, but it would be a big mistake to say that the books get worse. I eagerly wait for the next book! : )
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seriously, it was awesome. I pre-ordered it just after the fifth book came out and I'm already DYING to read book 7! Hope the series continues for a while!
I really can't wait to see who ends up with Sophie... either Fitz or Keefe. Whichever one does end up with her in the end, I'll be happy. Really hoping the next book will develop something on that.
Like I said, I loved it. I'd recommend the book, no, the whole series to anyone who has a weak spot for cool fantasy novels, like I do :-) Great job, miss Messenger!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica shortall
This book was incredible! I have really loved the rest of the series but this one was full of such fantastic details and plot twists I felt like I was actually in the story, making this one of my favorites. You can tell that lots of effort was put into this from the cover art and how the characters were more developed (especially Amy but everyone else too). I definitely recommend the read and I can’t wait for the next one to come out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne s
Keeper of the Lost Cities is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for this for over a year and it's totally worth the wait. It continues from where the last book ended and (spoiler alert: do not read innless willing to learn about the whole book ) Sophie's sister who she hasn't seen for two years comes back to the lost cities with them. Sophie has to find Nightfall where her parents are being held captive and rescue them. It doesn't go as planed, and they learn that there is a completely new Nightfall that they have to find. Sophie saves the day along with Linh and Keefe while Grady finds Fintan and captures him. It ends on a cliffhanger that will be very interesting to learn about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rj clarke
England has Harry Potter, We have SOPHIE FOSTER!!!!!!!!

Incredibly amazed, impressed, and awestruck. Keep this series coming off the press Shannon, please!!!

Team SophitzFoster-Keefe! (I can't decide between the two!!!!!!! Argh!!!!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emmy griffith
We listened to the first couple of Keeper books on Audible. So sad they discontinued recording them! But, we've read the rest of the series, including Nightfall, and have pre-ordered the next book as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jon stephen stansel
i hit the submit buton on accident so to continue limbium focuses on the part of your brain where abilities originate from. this also happens to be the area where emotions are logged (for lackof a better word) so i think mr. forkle . . . was doing some part of the training for sophie's impenetrable brain when perhaps amy discovered it or sophie told her aboth were traumatized as was said in book six and the black swan tried to remove the memory but the emotions from it triggered it. that was probably when they thought of limbium to remove the emotions and sophie had her reaction. this all hinges on whether the reaction came first or when she got her abilities.bye!
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