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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristin luna
Once again, the challenges and fantastic events entertain my 12-year-old daughter after chapter.
But I docked this review by a star because the editing is so bad. I can't convince myself that the series is simply trying to have a juvenile voice; instead I'm left to assume that someone needs a copy of Stunk & Whites "Elements of Style" so they can (please!) correct and improve the syntax errors. The random few that dotted the landscape in the first books have become more than occasional and get in the way of story itself. It's an unnecessary distraction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julia t
Neverseen was a pretty good book. Sophie was a bit of a Mary Sue and her naive crush on Fitz was getting kind of annoying. SHe was also very overemotional and that kinda made me mad.And we still don't know who she'll end up with. Thus, THE SHIPPING WAR RAGES ON!!! :) But Keefe was DYNAMITE. He was very well developed and he made me cry.Yeah. Overall, a really good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kellie ikirt
I loved this book. I didn't think Shannon messenger could top Everblaze, but i was proven super wrong. Neverseen makes you go crazy waitng for book five. Shannon Messenger is a real master with words. She makes me want to laugh, cry, and punch Keefe (which I never thought would happen.) This is byfar the best book series I have read for a long time.
Exile (Keeper of the Lost Cities) :: Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities) :: The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders &c. :: The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders (Annotated) :: Nightfall (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacy jordan
This book picks up just after Everblaze, the previous book in the series, ends, and Sophie and her closest friends are running away to join the Black Swan before the Counsel can banish them. While the Black Swan welcomes them, it isn’t to go on dangerous missions but to train in improving their abilities. While this frustrates all of them, it is especially hard on Keefe. Meanwhile, Sophie and Fitz work on increasing their telepathic bond, Dex begins building even more complicated gadgets, and Briana works on perfecting her vanishing.

But even in their more isolated location, they begin to hear rumors of trouble. The biggest is a plague infecting the gnomes. Then Sophie and her friends are given their first mission, something that seems impossible. Are they ready? What will success or failure mean?

My guess is if you are new to the series you are scratching your head a bit wonderful exactly what all this means. That’s my cue to tell you not to start this series with this book. Each story builds on the previous entry in the series, so there are major spoilers for the first three books in these pages. Trust me, you’ll be ready for this book before you know it.

With books two and three, I’ve complained that there weren’t enough reminders for us about what has come before. After all, it’s usually a year between books, and the details begin to grow fuzzy. I’m thankful to say that we got enough reminders this time around so that when something important was mentioned, I was able to remember what had happened. I needed them do, since many times I’d forgotten about that piece of the plot.

When I see a 700 page book, I often worry that there will be slow spots. That is not the case here at all. Everything plays a part in the story that is unfolding, and I never found my interest waning. In fact, I usually had a hard time putting the book down. There are a few twists before we reach the end, and while it will be a very long wait until book 5 comes out, I’m thankful to know that it is coming. I need to know what happens next! After some of what we learn here, I want to go back and reread the earlier books with newly enlightened eyes, too.

Because the main characters are in hiding, we don’t see quite as much of some of the supporting players in this book. While I missed them, it gave us a much better chance to watch the rest of the cast grow, and there is plenty of character development for them over the course of the book. We meet some great new characters as well I hope pop up again.

I’ve long loved this series since Sophie’s world is so detailed and rich. We get to explore more of it in this book, and once again those details make things come alive. We are also truly getting to see how complicated some issues are, and I like how those complexities are introduced and not glossed over. I’m looking forward to seeing how Sophie deals with these complexities in future books.

Obviously, I once again enjoyed my time with Sophie and the rest of the gang. If you are already a fan, you’ll race through Neverseen as quickly as I did. And if you have yet to start this great series, fix that today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gee gee
Warning: this review contains spoilers.

Having just read the third book in the KEEPER series, I rushed to buy this book the second it came out. It was totally worth it.

Who can Sophie trust now? Not even Tiergen or Sir Astin are who they claims to be. This book is the most twisting---not even Lady Gisela's betrayal can match the revealed identities and startling betrayals in NEVERSEEN. I knew the Neverseen were manipulative, but Keefe? Alvar, one of Sophie's kidnappers? Sir Astin and Mr Forkle he same person? Tiergan a spy for the Black Swan? The Council nearIy killing Fitz? I did not see that coming.


This is, by far, the best book in the KEEPER series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john ledbetter
I really enjoyed this book; the prologue teases the reader with an interesting revelation that totally hooked me since the beginning.

After that interesting prologue, things slow down a bit, Sophie’s life changes when she joins the Black Swan with her friends, so she has to remain hidden, because of that there is not much action during the first half of the book, just theories and speculations by the main characters.

I think that even thou the book lacks of action for most of it, it compensates it with character development. I love seeing these kids grow up during the series, they started as normal kids and now they are revolutionary teenagers full of responsibilities they shouldn’t have. The character that has developed the most during the book is Keefe, and Dex had some development too, for the better. Also, in this installment we meet new characters that will become important for the Black Swan and the Elvin World.

In this book we finally can see part of the real plans of the Neverseen, they will stop hiding and show themselves and their plans to everyone. With this we can see more clearly all the flaws in the Elvin World that seemed so bright and perfect in the first book.

The book keeps the reader hooked since the start with new characters, revelations and more questions about what will happen with the Lost Cities. If you have started the series, you totally should continue, it gets more and more interesting with each book. If you haven’t started this series, you totally should if you are looking for a fantastic adventure with mystery, lovable characters and a well-built fantasy world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*Spoiler free, but does contain rambling. Sorry in advance*
It is hard to put into words how great this book series is. It is full of adventure, fantasy, friendship, and great characters. It's hard to find a series where it feels as though you are there. Hands down this book allows you to experience this. I have been a fan since day one when Shannon came to my school telling us about her book. She is so devoted to these books that it has inspired me. This begin one of the reasons she is my favorite authors.(Sorry I'm rambling now and I'm getting off track.) I recommend these books to anyone. I'm going to be sixteen and I think these books are amazing, they aren't just for middle school children.
Overall I believe that this series is worth reading. It has had me hooked since day one. This book alone is one of my favorite books since we truly see who these characters have developed and come together in the end.
Thank you Shannon for creating such an amazing book series that anyone can enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kaiden simpson
Wow......that is pretty much all that comes to mind when you read this thrilling fourth installment in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series! This book picks up where Everblaze left off and takes the reader through so many twists and turns, HUGE SHOCKING SURPRISES (seriously Shannon how could you have had this planned for your poor character!!!)laughs, tears (my tears, not the characters) and mostly the BETRAYAL OF CHARACTERS WHOM YOU LOVE AND CHERISH!!!! (WHY SHANNON WHY!!!'???) Seriously I spent about half an hour staring blankly at the wall after I read the main plot twist (yes there are more than one!) But Shannon Messenger is a brilliant writer that can be compared to no one! Honestly, who else can rip your heart to pieces and you can still love her afterwords? This book is a MUST READ! The entire series is! And one more thing, don't be fooled by the description of the first book. This is not a flimsy little series about elves and magic. It is a phenomenal fantasy that has well developed characters and a thrilling plot. Plus tons of shocking surprises to keep you on your toes! These books have never settled and you can count on all 600+ pages flying by way faster than you'd like! PLEASE READ THEESE BOOKS AND MAKE THE KEEPER FANDOM GROW!!!! You will not regret it!! I promise!!!
Happy Reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alyson horn
Mr. Forkle/Sir Austin/Magnet Leto, tends to quote him a lot. But gotta say, you don't want to miss this! Also, it's hard not having someone be one step ahead all the time! And thanks to Keefe, we'll have to wait till the next book for Sophie to tell Fitz she likes him. Read this, this is no series to skip.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sebastian jarrett
I have not found a book series more captivating than the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. This book, along with all the others has twists and turns and constant action that keeps the reader hooked. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. Everyone should be able to experience a clash of the book series: Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, two of the most influential books in history. Though in the beginning, the character development was rough, the author later establishes it. Other than that, I see no other faults in this book series and hope that everyone feels the same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael tuszynski
Neverseen is one of my favorite books because it always sparks my imagination in the best ways. My favorite part was when Sophie suggested she give Tam and Linh a new home, even though she didn't know them that well. I also love to help people even though I don't know them that well. The saddest part was when Calla wanted to change into a tree for the gnomes and the other trees. THAT made me cry? Tam and Linh are so brave, especially at the part when they were in Ravagog and Linh had to hold up a huge wave and Tam had to cover them all with shadows to help them blend in. Honestly I have always hoped that the Lost Cities were actually real.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this book series and Neverseen did not disappoint. Even though there were a handful of things that bothered me - mainly that this book was a little slower than the others at times - it was well written and worth the year long wait. Though, if Shannon ever expects Sophie to pick her guy, Sophie needs to have at least one uninterrupted conversation about her feelings with each boy.

(Review from my daughter)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book broke my heart into a million pieces all the way through. The last few pages killed me. But it was amazing and it was worth it.

*spoliers* Keefe come back!!!!!!!! *starts crying* Sophie and Keefe deserve to be together! I trust you Keefe please come back!!!! Please don't join Neverseen!!!!!!

Like I was saying I highly recommend all the books in the series so buckle up your heart and get ready for the Emotional Rollercoaster.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Okay, this book is fantastic! It's filled with so many twists and turns that it was hard to keep up, but I absolutely loved it! I would recommend this series to anyone who loves "magic" and plausible explanations for that magic--or just to anyone that lives and breathes!! All of the details are perfectly arranged just so that you can't guess what the ending will be, but that it is obvious once you finish. This book made me bawl my eyes out--in a good way--and I am so excited for the unnamed fifth book!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Shannon Messenger delivers another stunning novel full of action, adventure, and unexpected plot twists that will leave readers hanging for book #5. Each character individually grows throughout the novel(s) and the relationships between characters are perfectly hit. The fun, bubbly personalities of some characters will make readers want them as their own friends. The amazing cover art is definite eye catchers. The Keeper series is the perfect book for old and young alike
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was very entertaining. The characters progressed and were shaped in ways that I thought were not possible. The whole thing kept me guessing until the very end. The characters relate to everyday people. It held my attention throughout and I would recommend it to any book-thirsty person wanting to try something new.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rodrigo novaes
I was so excited for Neverseen to be released, and it was everything I hoped it would be. I was surprised by some of the revelations (no spoilers here!) and glad that some of my questions from the previous books were answered, while it still left me hanging in anticipation of the next book. I would recommend these books to anyone, child or adult, who loves a well-told story. You won't be disappointed!
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