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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has all the ingredients of a great read. Well written, great story, terrific characters and unexpected twists and turns. Basically it's about 4 boys from an elite high school studying ley lines (supernatural energy highways) in search of a lost kings burial cite. Along the way they meet a girl from a family of psychics who, while not psychic, is full of energy and helps the boys enhance their search. Lots of twists regarding some of the boys, secrets and revelations. This is not a romantic story, yet, but there is a prophesy about this girl killing her true love with a kiss. I really enjoyed this chapter of the series and am looking forward to the next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book rocked, and if you enjoy a trilogy that builds on the merits on character development and suspense rather than weepy melodrama and awkward necking, then this is the series for you. Seriously, if you're picking this up as a "kissing book", you'll be something else. This novel is about suspenseful plot building.

Blue Sargent, a charming and self-possessed girl, in a house full of psychics, has always been told that if she kisses her true love, he'll die. She lacks the fortune telling abilities of her relatives but possesses the remarkable ability to sharpen any other psychics' gifts. She is independent and likes herself. She's no shrinking violet, hoping that next year she'll be school beauty.

Her world changes when a Raven boy from Aglionby crosses her path. She has seen him on St. Mark's Eve which means he's her true love or she'll kill him. Blue wants neither...especially regarding an Aglionby guy.

The Raven boys are headed by Gansey, a strange mixture of modern day wealth and old world charm. He's obsessed with finding and awaking the ley line that he believes King Glendower is buried on. Legend has it that Glendower will grant a favor to the person who awakens him. Gansey's pals: foerce, brooding Ronan; poor, abused Adam; and quiet, mysterious Noah round out the group on his quest to find the king. When Gansey leaves behind his scholarly journal of notes and Blue finds it, their paths converge on an adventure that will adjust everyone's relationships and self-perceptions.

This novel is the first in a trilogy. The emphasis is on character and plot building. There is action and fantasy elements but they are sprinkled in as seasoning instead of constantly engaging the reader. It makes the story more believable. As soon as I finished the novel, I reread it, and it was even more fun. The author does an amazing job with foreshadowing and dropping little breadcrumbs for the reader to pick up before a major plot reveal--and she still managed to surprise me several times.

Now go buy this book if you enjoy quality more than making out and a novel that builds into a second book that doesn't slump with the dreaded "sequel slump". These books are worth the journey, people.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a wonderful beautifully written book. It was a little confusing at first due to all the names (that are unusual) but once you get them down and get to know the back story it all comes together.

Blue a psychic daughter has been told that when she kisses her true love he will die. At the beginning of the book she goes with her aunt to the cemetery for saint marks day where he aunt sees all the souls of the people who are going to die in the up coming year. Blue can't see souls and isn't a psychic but she has to ability to make psychic powers stronger because they can feel the energy stronger when Blue is there. That night Blue see's Gansy and knows he is suppose to die that year. But her psychic family can't see how he dies.

I don't want to give much away because it is so good!!!
Mr. President :: Rogue (The REAL series Book 4) :: Tycoon :: Filthy Beautiful Lies :: The King of Torts
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brooke romney
Maggie Stiefvater’s writing is like a fine wine that matures with each piece of writing. She is in my top ten authors list and this book is further proof of why she belongs there.
The Raven Boys characters are flawed and real – which makes for excellent reading and believability. The story-line is imaginative and riveting. But it is the writing itself that always draws me to Maggie’s books. There is an exquisite haunting quality to her descriptions that makes her writing flow like poetry or music, and leaves each character and story lingering long after the last page is turned. This book is a piece of art for all young adult readers.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rajiv popat
This book is an interesting one. The characters are lovely and easy to get attached to. The story though, it's like reading a scholarly article about an easy topic. You know what the general idea is but there are so many long scientific words that you find yourself confused. I finished the book and liked it but still couldn't really tell you what it's about. I'll keep reading to see if I understand it more but already in the glimpse of the next book, I can tell that instead of getting any clearer, it's just going to add another element of confusion. Excelsior.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
t s ferguson
Loved this book. While I initially had some confusion about the storyline I found that to be a powerful part of the story. The characters had a great depth to them. I kept expecting the book to turn into some ridiculous romance and can honestly say I am glad the story did not take that kind of turn.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen mccarthy
Maggie Stiefvater has been on my list to read for years, and I finally got a chance to try her. Her books keep appearing in other people's feeds. I chose this one as I'm in a mood for admiring ravens. Wonderfully written, enticing, sink-right-down-into-it type of book and characters. Going straight to book two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This has quickly become my favorite book series, even over Harry Potter! I've never read something where the characters come to life quite like this, but Stiefvater has done so well that I swear if I came across one of these characters in person, I'd know immediately it was them. I almost didn't read it because of the hint of romance in the synopsis (I HATE romance), but I'm so glad I did. I know the characters, the history, Henrietta, and everything in between better than I know the back of my own hand. Stiefvater's writing is magical, as is her story. I keep seeking out and waiting for more books by her, devouring what's already out there, because I love her writing and her storytelling so much. This whole series will stick with me for a long time, if not forever.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura wilson
I really enjoyed Shiver, Linger, and Forever, so I was expecting a lot from this one, and Maggie Stiefvater did, indeed, deliver. I was enjoying the read, then about a third of the way along I encountered an unforeseen twist, which I love. I usually can predict pretty well where a story is going, but this one delighted and surprised me. Then I had to go back and read again from the beginning to that point, because it shed new light on everything that came before.
The characters of the boys are very complex, and I feel like I have only understood a fragment of what makes up thier stories. Ronan, especially, is a delicious enigma that I hope will be unravelled in the sequel. I love that their depths have not yet been plumbed, and know that the next book(s) will reveal yet more. The setting is compelling as well. My only complaint is that now I must wait until September to learn more about Blue and her Raven boys. I suspect I will read this one again before then, and It has been several years since I've read a book a second time.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kristi dehaai
THis is well written with some very interesting ideas, but it doesn't quite deliver on the storyline. The characters are well-drawn and distinctive. I was looking for a stronger storyline, particularly given the premise. Still, worth a read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The beginning to an epic adventure with rich and completely loveable characters. I love Maggie Stiefvater; her lust for life and beautiful prose make such amazing novels that really come to life as you read. From vivid environments to complex and relateable characters. The Raven Cycle is my favorite Stiefvater series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa ringbloom
The Raven Boys is my favorite thing by Stiefvater yet. I'm such an emotional reader, and this hit all the right notes--just enough melancholy, just enough humor, just enough longing. Plus the quest for a sleeping king is an old favorite, and I found the tone of this story reminiscent of Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising series, but for a slightly older and definitely more contemporary audience. Looking forward to the rest of the books in the quartet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris paul
You know Gansey because everyone's met a Gansey. He's that super confident, capable guy that everyone wants to hang with. He's handsome (but not too handsome), fun, generous, an overall good guy. He's got stuff going on that's way more interesting than your life. But, there's something a little sad and melancholy about Gansey.

And you know Ronan, too. He's the really hot guy who's a bit intimidating. You don't want to like him - and he makes it difficult to like him - because he's a bit of a bastard, but you can't help yourself. He's judgmental, self-destructive, violent, a bit tragic, and mysterious. Ronan hands out approval like a miser hands out gold. What's with the tattoo, the Latin, and the bird? And, what's the deal with his dad?

Adam is, well, complicated. Smart and cautious, ambitious but desperate, he's got a lot going on. He's trying to carve out a place that's his very own in the world, but the people around him don't really cooperate. How far will he go to be his own man and how will that affect his friendships and who he eventually becomes?

Oh, I almost forgot to mention Noah, but, then, Noah sometimes seems to just not be there. Neither here nor there, Noah is, nonetheless, a Raven boy.

Thank goodness for Blue, the sensible, creative daughter of a psychic with a burden all her own. Blue just might be the missing piece to a complicated puzzle, or she might drive a wedge between an otherwise solid friendship. Time and three more books will tell.

Maggie Stiefvater offers another winner. Her wonderfully lyrical prose, well developed characters, and imaginative plot keep the pages turning well into the night. I can't wait to find out how both the characters and the plot evolve. Keep it going, Maggie.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pat perkins
This was not the story line I expected, having read Shiver, etc., but I would certainly recommend this book to 8th graders, on up, or to adults who are interested in YA fantasy. I have to credit her with not pandering to the target audience nor making this story suggestive or titillating to entice them. Setting the fantastical plot aside, there's a great deal of improbability with these very extreme archetypal characters, but her writing is so good that it's easy to get swept away in the story. Only when you step away, do you shake you head in disbelief. I don't know how much of the mythology or psychic phenomena was created by the author, but I found it very informative as well. My older students will probably enjoy this even more than the Wolves of Mercy Falls series because of the mystery elements. I will definitely read the rest of the series.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I really enjoyed Steifvater's The Scorpio Races. I thought I would enjoy this book similarly but I did not. There were far too many plots to keep track of, and Steifvater did a terrible job of ensuring the reader cared about the characters. I thought the supernatural aspect was too emphasized almost in a comical way- like how many different things can I put in this novel. Sadly, this novel really wasn't the book I was hoping for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carolyn rhea drapes
After being somewhat disappointed with Shiver I decided to give Steifvater a second chance, and I'm glad I did! The Raven Cycle is full of fantasy and twists with a unique plot line and range of characters. Each characters is well written and holds a life of their own instead of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl syndrome, where they're only there to benefit the main protagonist. I'm definitely continuing the series and looking forward to more of the authors releases!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle rateau
I read this book after finishing a TERRIBLE YA book (previously reviewed, so I won't mention it here). It was like a breath of fresh air. I have been a Stiefvater fan since I first discovered Lament and went on to read Ballad and name James Morgan as my favority fictional character ever. This book rivals all of her other books in character development and plot lines. Several reviews have mentioned that the book was slow to start but I did not notice this, perhaps because I knew I would love it since I have loved everything she has written!

Blue is an excellent female character, down to earth and a bit quirky, but not perfect or dumb, as many YA females seem to be. She works well with the males in the book and finds a way to fit right in without a cliche.

I love the Raven Boys and the way that Maggie protrays Gansey, in particular. He has so many different sides to his personality, something that is easy to miss in YA fiction. He is not only President Cell Phone, although that is a big part of him, he is so much more. He sees how he hurts others without meaning to and it truly tortures him that he can't quite get it right and fix everyone.

Ronan is a lovely bad boy, his brief flashes of emotion (outside of anger) are like a gift. His last big scene with Adam's dad is perfect. Perfectly Ronan.

Adam is real. He is difficult to like at times, which makes him more real. I don't completely understand what happened to him at the end of the book, hoping for more information in the next installment. He strikes me as the one who will end up hurting everyone he loves out of his own faulty pride and jealousy.

Then there's Noah. His secret wasn't hard to figure out, I knew it long before it was revealed. His character did not particularly leave a strong impression, I guess that's the point of him but I wonder how necessary he is to the plot lines.

The plot was refreshingly original. I have gotten awfully tired of rereading Twilight in every YA novel I pick up, which is why I enjoy Maggie's writing so much. She strays away from the convenient love stories to make everything so much more. I can't wait for the next one, and the next, and the next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
pat boyle
Not really what you would expect from a YA novel. It was a very interesting book to read. Usually when you read fantasy you're expecting, ghosts, monsters,fairies,warriors,princesses, etc. Not in this book. Not too many people know anything about ley lines, and I thought it was really clever of the author to do a story regarding that. The characters themselves are very unique. There's a lot of mystery and unanswered questions within them. A very satisfying read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The ever-shifting narrative of this book keeps you invested and engaged. The writing changes so subtly that you can still feel like you're inside each character's head while not jarring you out of the overall reverie of the plot. Stiefvater weaves a complex tale that at once makes magic feel real and possible while inviting you to fall in love with the characters. Her use of foreshadowing is unbelievable; (unfortunately) knowing a few spoilers, the subtle cues in the writing are elegant and understated, and demand a second reading. Incredible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jill lambert johnson
LOVED this - wonderful world-building. I'm someone who really adores a setting that is as fully realized as a character, and as essential to the story. Stiefvater weaves history, magic, and the classic search for self among an ensemble cast.
Her characters are quirky and surprising, she balances a sense of humor with a sense of drama and mystery. The audio version is superb, includes music by the author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
niki campbell seidel
The characters and idea of the book were strong, but sometimes it got too predictable and slow. There were points where I was frantically flipping pages to find out what happens next and others where I got so bored or annoyed that I didn't want to continue reading. The plot "twists" help move the story along, but the characters kept it from getting a full 3 out of 5 stars.

Characters: 4.5 out of 5 stars

These characters. First, I'll start with who I didn't like. Gansey. I know most fans loved him and he's so committed to Glendower and all this, but like Blue, he just pissed me off. With his condescending "I can't help that I'm rich and you're poor" attitude and not thinking before he just threw his money around. And how Blue is so destined to be with him, I'll touch on THAT later. His parts of the story I just really didn't enjoy.

Now, who I tolerated. Blue. I loved that she wasn't ashamed of who she was and where she came from. Whenever she tells Gansey off or back talks Ronan I can't help, but root for her all the way. But then she starts having these "feelings" or whatever for Gansey, which apparently she can't help because it's her destiny, while she's with Adam. But overall, she wasn't so bad.

Who I loved. ADAM AND RONAN. Adam was by far my favorite character. He didn't let his money situation hold him back from making a name for himself and he didn't use his father's abuse as an excuse for things. He was smart, caring, and determined. I how subtle and adorable he was with Blue. His, incident at the end was kind of shocking, but I hope that doesn't change him for the worst in the later novels or keep him from Blue. They deserve each other, no matter what the prophecy says.

Ronan. Oh Ronan. The feels. For being a "bad boy" he gets points right there. But for being so caring and loyal to everyone. That makes him awesome. When he finds Chainsaw, my heart exploded. And when he defends Adam, It tied back together again.

I want friends like these.

Plot: 3 out of 5 stars

So the overall idea of the book was fresh and new. I've never read a book about Welsh Kings. And the psychic element was a fresh relief from a YA world filled with werewolves and vamps. But on the downside, it was odd. I still don't know how I feel about this book. It moved pretty inconsistently. If it wash't for the five hour car ride I had yesterday I probably wouldn't have finished it this fast. I was pretty neutral regarding the book but until about 3/4's of the way through when the action started getting pretty intense. Basically, when we find out about Noah. Usually after I finish a book I have this warm feeling or the need to read the next one immediately, but with The Raven Boy I just kinda put it down like, "Okay, well thats over now." I was more attached to the characters rather than the story or how the plot moved along.

The prophecy regarding Blue and partially Gansey. What the heck?! I do not like how they are basically telling you hey so SPOILER pretty much you're gonna fall in love but not be able to kiss and you'll probably kill him, but in the end you crazy kids will find some way around it and live happily ever after. Stiefvater will probably have to ruin Adam in the story for Blue to be able to move on with Gansey. Not looking forward to that.

Overall it was a good book and I absolutely LOVED the characters. My feelings are still a bit neutral regarding this book, but I'm looking forward to reading more about Adam, Ronan, and Noah in the next books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anthony haden
Amazing book! Was purchased as a gift and I ended up borrowing it. No spoilers, go read it. Ok, maybe one, it's really nice to have a novel based with readers (cards, not books). If this author hasn't spent a lot of time with psychics, they did a good job with their research.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Where's the sequel? -- that was my first question when I finished the book! Wonderful characters, great plot twists, and a fresh, original-feeling magical realm that intersects the real world: all these qualities (and the elusive Welsh Raven King), made reading this book a distinct pleasure. In fact, I didn't want to leave the world inside this book, so, hey -- Miss Maggie! -- when is the sequel coming out? Even though this is a YA novel, I adored it (despite being past my "half-century" mark!).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda oesterle
I adore Maggie Stiefvater. Her writing just gets me every time. The Raven Boys was no exception. I think it's right up there with The Scorpio Races as my favorite of hers. There were so many lines and sections that I highlighted. I love the phrases and sentence structure she uses. I love the quirky characters and the mysterious things going one. I admit, this book is a liter quieter to start with a slow build but I felt that really fit the story. So much love. I cannot wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krystyna salvetta
I bought this book because it was recommended to me here on the store. The title did deter me just a fraction from starting it right away, but after reading the first chapter I knew I would finish this book the day I started it.

First, the characters. They are what make this book so enthralling. Gansey, Ronan, Noah all three AMAZING. All three so different from the other. Now my favorites, I ADORE Adam and I LOVE Blue. I really adore Adam because his story is so painful and I can't help but admire his determination, despite him being a little stubborn. Blue is a strong minded young female character that I actually, despite her living in a house hold full of psychics, felt I could relate to.

Second, the STORY. My god the story. I'm not going to summarize The Raven Boys. JUST READ THIS BOOK. And the next one and the next. DO IT.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this author. She is full of beautiful and imaginative prose. The book is quite occult-ish so, if that bothers you, you might have a hard time with it. The story is humorous with suspense and intrigue. A delightful read. You might want to know it is one of four and the fourth will be out this spring or early summer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica n n
I think my expectations for this book were too high. I have loved all of Maggie's other stories and after reading The Scorpio Races earlier this year and loving it beyond all reason I was expecting to enjoy The Raven Boys just as much. You guess you can see why I was a little bit bummed out when this novel started off slow and took a while for me to get into.

The Raven Boys is told from 4 different perspectives and this at first confused me. I like alternating perspectives alright but I definitely prefer first person. I like that instant connection you feel with the narrator, and the immediacy that is created by that style of narration. That may be why I was not instantly drawn into The Raven Boys. Never fear though, after the first few chapters you hardly notice the shifting narration and Maggie's beautiful prose pulls you right in to the story.

By far my favorite thing about The Raven Boys was that the friend dynamic was so fleshed out that I felt like I was a part of the group right along with the characters. Blue, Gansey, Ronan, and Adam are all completely distinct individuals with back stories and independent lives, they are the kind of characters that become so real that you can imagine how they would act in real life situations, and leave you remembering them long after you have finished the book. For example while reading this book I kept thinking of the song Tea Partay which is a 2006 Smirnoff East Coast rich money parody song and I kept wondering what Ronan and Gansey would think of it.

Now, back to the characters. Blue is the daughter of a Psychic in town and she was born with the power to amplify the powers of those around her. Blue has never seen anything supernatural until the night of St. Mark's Eve when she sees a ghost Gansey in the ancient churchyard. It is said that if you see the ghost they are either your true love, or you killed them, either way Blue is drawn to Gansey and ends up being friends with the entire group and joining in Gansey's quest.

Ronan is one of Gansey's old friends, and is described as the most Aglionby of all the boys. Ronan lost his Father under some mysterious circumstances and now has to answer to his older brother Declan in order to have any kind of money. Ronan is hot-headed, comes off as a jerk to everyone, but it is obvious he is covering for something and all this lashing out isn't the real Ronan. I started to realize Ronan had a heart at about the time he finds a baby bird and begins caring for it. I'm actually excited to learn more about Ronan and his family in the next novel.

Adam is on a partial scholarship to attend Aglionby and someone ends up meeting Gansey. Gansey in a lot of ways forces Adam to be his friend, without ever forcing him to do anything. It was great to see the struggle Adam goes through being a "have not" in a school and friend group full of "haves". Adam has to work, deal with an abusive father, and still try to balance life with Gansey who represents everything Adam wants. Honestly, he is a great character and Maggie wrote him so well that I was both sympathetic to his situation and understanding when he pissed me off.

That brings us to Gansey...Oh Gansey...I could not love this character any more then I do. The chapters written from his perspective were by far my favorite. Gansey has always been rich, he comes from a family of rich Virginians and money doesn't mean the same thing to him, it is just kind of there. He doesn't particularly care about school instead he is truly passionate about ley lines and finding an ancient Welsh King said to be buried along the ley line in Henrietta. The entire reason he choose Aglionby was to hunt for this King. At first I didn't understand his obsession with the search but as the story progressed I wanted him to find the King as much as he did. Gansey is so genuine and thoughtful and just everything! I liked the dichotomy of the two different Gansey's the one he has to put on as a front for the world and the true Gansey that he keeps hidden. I can't think of a more well written character then Gansey, and I already know this little summing up of him does not do justice to the man that Maggie has created.

The highlight of this book is definitely the characters, the storyline about ley lines and the supernatural was kind of a back story for all the character development that takes place. In fact, the end felt kind of rushed, like Maggie really wanted all of us to know the characters and what their goals are but then realized that she needed to wrap up the story and just slapped together an ending.

Overall, I enjoyed The Raven Boys it was a good novel but it was obviously the start of a series. It felt like it ended just when the storyline was really starting to get good. I will definitely be eagerly awaiting the sequel though if for nothing else then the fact that I adore Gansey and can't wait to see what happens to him next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric m
I LOVED this novel!!!!!!!!!!! I love Blue, I love the Raven Boys, I love Maggie's writing. The premise of a girl ending the life of the first boy she ever loved pulled me right in, and the fact this wasn't resolved felt wrong, but I have no regrets from reading this story. I actually read it again when the sequel came out, just to make sure I was following the story. Read and re-read, I say!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
“The Raven Boys” by Maggie Stiefvater was nothing like I was expecting. So many people told me I should read this series and I kept being iffy about it. So finally “The Raven King” is coming out so I decided to break down and buy the series. I may only have read the first book so far, but I am glad that I did.

Blue Sargent is the daughter of a seer and she lives in a house full of seers but Blue is not one herself. Somehow she is able to amplify the other seers powers and help them out with their readings. On the eve of St. Mark’s Day Blue, her mother, and the other seers sit and watch the ghosts that show up. These ghosts are the spirits of people who will pass away over the coming year. Blue accompanies the seers because of the fact that she makes their powers more powerful because Blue can’t see any of the ghosts.

This year there is an exception, Blue is able to see one spirit. This Spirit is named Gansey and he is a Raven boy. He goes to the Aglionby Academy down the road. This moment changes everything for Blue. Now she wants to know more about Gansey and why she was able to see him when she can’t see anything else. Then Blue is told: “There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark’s Eve, Blue. Either you’re his true love…or you killed him.”

Gansey has become obsessed over the years with trying to locate an ancient mythical sleeping king. This mythical king is supposed to be able to grant Gansey one wish. The Gansey gets his friends and Blue involved in his quest and then weird things start to happen. It becomes a very odd adventure for the lot.

So much happened in “The Raven Boys.” My head is still trying to process everything. I am now looking forward to starting the next book. Stiefvater has definitely created a very interesting story that has pulled the reader in right away. I want so many answers that I am guessing I will have to wait for.

Stiefvater’s writing is quite good. She writes very beautifully. I loved the characters. I am really looking forward to seeing what happens. Stiefvater has created this intriguing story that I can’t get enough of. Now I understand why her books are so popular. I will definitely have to go read her other series too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rachel spohn
Maggie Stiefvatar weaves a magically world around wonderfully real characters. I loved this story and I loved the characters. This may in fact be one of the very few YA series I will read in its entirety.

I absolutely adore Stiefvatar's use of language and metaphor which makes her writing visceral and poetic without being overbearing. I read this book in four days and resented having to stop reading when life got in the way.

This is a fantastic book! 4.5/5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amir saharkhiz
Love this book. The writing is excellent, the character development is on point, and the plot line is in depth and intriguing. Some reviews say it ends in a cliffhanger....I don't feel the current story is unresolved as much as it begins the story line for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrei rybin
I looooove this series! I have recommended this to everyone I know! It sounds like a love story, but it isn't focused on love. It's focused on finding a sleeping Welsh king, but there's so much more to it. This is my second favorite series, right up there with the Harry Potter series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j t ramsay
An exquisite book. Loved it so much. Beautiful and unique. It really is that book that makes you both laugh and cry. These incredible characters will stay with me for a long time . . . especially since I have 3 more books to go. Happy reader!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bought all the book in the series. Good writing, good plot with unexpected twists. Sometimes the twists were extreme enough that remembering from book to book was tough. But, that makes me want to read, again. So many good books, so little time.
Please RateBook 1), The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle
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