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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
cindy alexejun
Katie Evans is one of my favorite authors her books usually don't disappoint but for some reason this one wasn't for me. I don't know if it was the pacing of the main character was a little underwhelming but I look forward to reading her other books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Aaric Christos!! Katy has given us another sizzling hot alpha male!!

I love second chance romances and I was anxious to see what Aaric and Bryn were going to be like together based on their past history. It was obvious the connection they had back when they were teenagers was intense, and it's left Bryn wondering "what if". What if she hadn't been too afraid to see what would have happened with Aaric. But before she got up the nerve to find out, he left.

Aaric has been infatuated with Bryn since high school. He made his feelings known, but she never reciprocated. He knew how she felt though, and he wasn't going to pursue her again until he'd made a name for himself and was finally worthy of her.

Now he's on top of the world and Bryn is the one struggling to make a name for herself. And now she's asking him for his help. Is this the second chance he knew would come, now that he's good enough for her?

I loved Aaric, and the cool, collected demeanor he had. Nothing ruffled his feathers, other than Bryn. I especially loved the flashback chapters from his point of view that tell the reader about significant things that have happened to get him where he is today.

Bryn on the other hand was someone I struggled to connect to. I can't really put my finger on why that is, I empathized with her on the struggles she's endured over the past 10 years. I think it mostly had to do with the way she acted when she was alone with Aaric, or Christos as she mostly called him. She ran so hot and cold with him, wanting him but trying to keep him at bay, showing interest but then saying it could only be business. I tend to be really hard on females that act the way that Bryn did throughout, they test my patience way too much. I want to shake them and tell them to just grow a pair!! But Bryn really has been through a lot and she's trying to launch her own company that will take the Kelly name to a whole new level so I guess I can cut her some slack

This story has plenty of angst, some drama, passion and emotion. You get a little bit of it all throughout. There's plenty of sexy time too!! Katy sure knows how to bring the heat with her couples!

I was sad to see the book end! I wanted much more of Christos and Bryn! But luckily, Katy will be writing a book about Bryn's friend Sara so hopefully we'll get to see much more of these two characters and find out where their life together is heading and get the answers to some unresolved storylines that we're left hanging with.

Congrats on another amazing book, Katy! I know fans are going to love it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom cork
Tycoon is a second chance romance. I loved Bryn and Christos characters from the first chapter. Ms. Evans always delivers with the perfect balance of story line,emotions and heat. Whooo... I needed a cold drink and them some afterwards. Lol. Katy Evans is one of my favorite authors a one click must author.
Filthy Beautiful Lies :: Ladies Man :: #1) (Checkmate Duet Series) - This is War (Travis & Viola :: Remy (The REAL series Book 3) :: Rogue (The REAL series Book 4)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bindu madhavi
I read many books and some are very forgettable. I did become invested in the two main characters in this book right away. I read this book quickly as I had to see how the story ended. Glad to see there will be another book with some of these characters.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
linda holm
The writing is amateurish, the characters are facades of a business mogul and NY designer but show only high school mentality. The vocabulary, grammar, and stream of consciousness writing is lame, lacking in execution, and confusing to follow in parts. Also the story is 100% predictable.

I have to say that Remy is one of the best romances I have ever read, and true to romance reader form I have read hundreds- so that is saying something! I don't think Katy actually wrote this...or something went haywire with her schedule, personal life, writer's block, or possibly publishing troubles BUT THIS BOOK IS TOTAL CRAP AND A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
elena berger
I have always looked forward to Katy's books. Often reading them over and over again. One of my favorite books was Real but with each book I feel Katy is losing focus. The story lines are getting weaker, the characters speech patterns go between sounding like a 50's Cary Grant movie and a current time. If it weren't for the technology references I wouldn't know when the story took place. I found myself skipping forward and wanting the book to be done. I never felt this way about the earlier books. I get a sense of the author being rushed to get the book published. I'm sorry to be so critical toward the women that created Remi & Tahoe but I am so disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matthew campbell
I had mixed feelings about the main character, not the book itself. I just want to clarify that before I continue.

I love everything Katy writes and this story was no exception. BUT, I did get irritated quite a bit while reading this particular story because, well, Bryn was not my cup of tea. While I can’t really go into detail about WHY she wasn’t without spoiling anything, I’ll just say that home girl went back and forth so much with her thoughts i felt like I was the ball in a tennis match. Really, it just boils down to my personal preference on female leads. She made some choices that were just…

She had some redeeming qualities about her throughout the story, and she was very well fleshed out and maybe it was because I KNEW someone like her,  but overall….she was frustrating.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about my fav; Double A A-A-R-I-C Christos. The man is lava. Imagine If Malcolm Saint, Maverick and Makenna Jones had a little brother..It would be Aaric Christos. He’s smooth ruthless and so, so sexy. I mean, I could just stare at the cover all day…

“He walks like he’s the poo.”

and talk about smooth….

“Fourteen years starving to kiss you…”

“…That’s not the kind of wet I wanted to get you..”

I mean….

Insert Swoon

I don’t think I have loved someone like him since Saint, Maverick and Makenna!

Him, his loyalty, protectiveness and his swag, it all floored me!

Overall, the ending is a HEA, of sorts(haha) and i loved that it was of’ sorts’. Most of Katy’s books I read around three times and even despite my personal dislike of Bryn, I will probably read this book again because, Aaric!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
suzette kunz
I'm a bit indifferent about this book. The story wasn't terrible but I felt like it was shallow. Bryan is supposed to be 30 but acts about 18. Aaric went from being a mechanic in small town Texas to being a mogul in Manhattan but you never really understand how that happened. He went away to become someone she deserves yet he never goes back for her after he made it? The first time they actuallly get together is about as not special as it can get. Overall, I didn't believe in their connection, it felt forced.

The story was disjointed in places and skipped around a little. It clearly could have used a better editor. Then... it just ends. There are two REALLY big issues in my mind that you get no resolution on, it is just done.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Really disappointed in this book because the blurb sounds right up my alley. The heroine annoyed me and it was so back and forth. I just couldn't connect with the characters. The whole thing with her business plan seemed so thin and wishy washy. Plus all the to-ing and fro-ing from past to present, and between characters' points of view made the book choppy and me dizzy. I returned for refund after about 30% of the book. Just couldn't wade any further through the cement that was the prose. I wanted so much to like it .
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sarah husein
The constant present, 8 yrs ago, present, 8.5 yrs ago, present, 10 yrs ago, present, 12 yrs ago, present drove me INSANE. I liked the story and I understood the flashbacks, but there were too many. It was a struggle to get through the first half of the book. The second half was a lot easier to read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lorraine reynolds
I have been a dedicated Katy Evans reader from the start. I usually love all her characters, but I don't understand this guy The Tycoon. Why is he so focused on keeping a relationship with someone that he does not care about. It was the worst love triangle that I have read in a long-time. Its not like he cares about this woman he is with. Is he staying in the relationship for the business deal with her father? I lost all respect for him. Sorry but I did not like this book at all. I love the slow burn and attraction between the two main characters, that was about it.
Also, too many flash backs.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I'm super disappointed in this book. So many scenes didn't make sense I would haircut 're-read to make sure it didn't make sense. Odd characters. I love all of Katy Evans books. What a sudden ending. So disappointing...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tiago rocha
I really enjoy Katy's books normally but this wasn't my favorite... aaric seemed kind of corny and Bryn was a little too wishy washy for me... it seemed like their issues at the end were a little over exaggerated...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sparky abraham
I LOVE Katy Evans books and was super excited for this one but it just fell flat for me. It felt rushed and had a very abrupt ending. The writing seemed disjointed somehow not smooth and flowing as I expect from A Katy Evans book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
starla harris
Remy is still #1 for me. Aaric was super successful and sexy. Sometimes sad and vulnerable, but Bryn got on my nerves. I'm tired of whiny, immature, weak heroines. Please can't she be strong, confident and go after what she wants without being a bitch? For the majority of the book she, as in so many books (& a pet peeve of mine) was running from her feelings, arguing why they couldn't be together, etc. It grows so tiresome people!!!! Not sure I will read the next book about SARA and Ian. SARA doesn't read any stronger than Bryn.
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