Beard Mode (The Dixie Warden Rejects MC Book 1)

ByLani Lynn Vale

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've read every book that this author has published to date and have loved each story. This is the one story I've truly been looking forward to for a while now. Aaron's story did not disappoint, it was better than I ever expected. I knew it was going to be good because they're all wonderful stories. Aaron truly is one of the most beautiful characters in this series. His personal and professional struggles would have broken other men but not him. I absolutely adored his love interest in this story, she is tuff, loyal, kind, and big hearted. Thank you again for sharing this awesome story. Can not wait for the other Rejects stories.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
yolandi harris
I have every book lanis has written. I obsess about when her books come out and she never ever disappoints like some writers .....undeniably do......hint hint. Lol......
As a writer I absolutely love reading her stories. Love the thing in of all the different series. Awesome and smart from a writer perspective..... if your going g to read her start all the way back to the beginning... get to know ever one. Stay awhile hang out.. great families to get to know.

That said.... this book hmmmm.. can't say I'm disappointed because I love the story line love the characters. But it seemed that at some point in the story everything became rush rush rush...... flying through the whole end...... I'm not going to spoiler anything. Just how I viewed it.. but I'm still super excited about the next. ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One sitting !!! That was all I was willing to allow myself allowed, I just knew if I put it down I would be scratching around half-heartedly until I could get back to it, so I made myself comfy and set about devouring this the latest series from Ms Vale.
I fell in love with the Dixie Wardens in the previous series, so had no doubt that The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC, were going to have a very similar effect and I was not disappointed, the author kept the format and feel very much as I would have anticipated and I think I will be eternally grateful to her for that.
She has the ability to make me feel as if I am boots on the ground involved, the descriptive tones and saturation of detail meant that I could not only clearly visualise the events as they unfolded, I could almost hear the conversations, touch the characters and absorb the atmosphere. This is a new series, yes, in a new town with a whole new club and members but there are ties to the previous series that give the book and I hope the rest of the series that is to follow a depth, these guys have history even though neither we nor them know it yet, but I rest assured that Ms Vale will endow them with everything that they need to become family.
Aaron made his first appearance in the Kilgore Fire series, and I had a feeling then that if and when we got his story it would be one that would speak to me and it did. Aaron was good guy but it appeared as if he lost everything when his psychotic ex-wife almost killed him. I think emotionally it took a much harder toll on him that he was probably willing to admit but when he couldn’t get his job back, he took that to mean that his time in Kilgore was reaching an end, so he upped sticks and moved on, joining up with the Rejects and taking up a position at the local jail. Hardly what he wanted to do but he needed to work, his ex-wife made darn sure of that!
Aaron’s story was so touching, a beautiful soul, marred physically by the actions of someone who had professed to love him, Aaron might have been intense but it was his heart that shone through. I thought he carried his scars well, refusing to be defined by what had happened to him but my favourite thing about him…this was a guy that loved to read!
Imogen was the other half he was missing, the puzzle piece that was made to fit him perfectly, the woman that saw the person he was inside not just the outer shell. She had a sharp wit and was fiercely protective but of everything it was her compassion that spoke volumes about the woman she was and the man she chose to love.
I loved the banter between the two of them, she stood her ground and made darn sure that she got her point across, there was no half measures with her and I think Aaron needed that, he needed someone who wore their heart on their sleeve, how didn’t elude or evade, he needed clarity, someone who called him out when need be and didn’t hold back and for him that was most definitely Imogen!
As you will probably know there is always something more running through the story and with this it did more than just deliver Aaron and Imogen, it did more than introduce the Dixie Warden Rejects, it set the scene, it set the tone and it set my nerves tingling…I can’t wait for the next instalment!!
Whiskey Burning (Iron Fury MC Book 1) :: Reaper's Legacy: Reapers Motorcycle Club :: Crazy B!tch (Biker Bitches Book 5) :: Clubwhore :: Shade's Lady: A Reapers MC Novella
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teresa jusino
Lani Lynn Vale once again blows us away creating an addictive base/cast that is sure to keep us hooked for all the future books of The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC! Something tells me this is going to be epic! And judging by this start…WOW…

Aaron came to us, for the first time in the beginning of one of my all time series, Kilgore Fire, and immediately I was anxious to know more, and what would come from his horrific accident in Shock Advised – a MUST READ – and what the future (and Lani herself) reserved to him.

New Town. New Beginning…

Well, sort of… LOL. After everything that happened in his life, Aaron sees no other chance but to leave his family and friends, and return to the town he left as a child, and hope for a fresh start (as much as possible given his physical reminders, his scars), free from all the bad memories.

But fear not because this BEARD MODE, really is about moving on, and I’m so happy that the author didn’t get stuck in his tragic past, and its memories, because it sure gave us some hilarious scenes, like that opening scene at his mom’s dinner. OMG, I laughed so hard…

Of course, the fact that the heroine, Imogen, witness this humorous moment, but I diverge.

Imogen, the main female character was simply brilliant. A self made woman, an ex-Marine, and a absolute badass has been struggling to keep her crazy family afloat, so when her secret childhood crush, now all man, but scarred by his past moves across the hall, she can’t help but take her fill, even from afar.

Aaron, not one for bullshit, doesn’t deny that the pixie mechanic makes him feel more than any woman before, but with the why women burnt him in the past he can’t help but be cautious and protect himself. The same goes for Imogen, even though she already has plenty on her plate, she can’t help but be curious about him, so they end up in somewhat of a friendship. I loved that, but their chemistry, attraction and the sexual tension present when both were in the same room, couldn’t be denied for long, so when the tragedy struck one person close to Aaron – WARNING: have the Kleenex prepared – he realized that living like he had been wasn’t really living, and that we all need somebody to love, and that love us back.

I don’t want to spoiler who the shocking moment concerns, but that moment, the funeral, with the widow, and the K9 partner, truly broke my heart! :'((

At least all that sadness had a positive note, because it was the kick in the butt that Aaron needed to decide to move on with his life, and let go completely of his bitter past.

And this is an amazing lesson. Yes, he’ll never forget – specially because of the visible scars in his body – but he decides to take it as a lesson, but move on, and create a new life with Imogen, that really sees beyond the scars. To her they make him that man that he is today, the man she fell in love with.

Didn’t I say she was amazing?!

These two were fantastic together in every single way. And for two long time celibate – adored this, by the way – they sure burned up the sheets! Lordy, the sex scenes were scorchingly hot and Aaron’s dirty talk… WOW…

Lani Lynn Vale keeps surpassing herself, specially in the male main character area, because Aaron was one of the best and most loyal, faithful, devoted and caring men I’ve have the pleasure of reading about.

I’m so in love with both these characters! The only reason for which I knocked half a star for, even though the story was brilliant, was because of the reveal of their connection in the past, I think it was completely unnecessary, and even detracted from the magic of their connection. Given how strong their attraction was, it would seemed more natural that it was a instantaneous thing. But that is just a grain of sand in this thrill, love and suspense filled plot!

The writing, plot and character development are as beautifully executed as Lani Lynn Vale got us used to, and I’d dare say, even more than usual. Add to that all the amazing and fascinating new characters from this new MC, and like I’ve said in the beginning, we are utterly hooked! And I can’t finished without saying that the author sure likes to keep us on our toes, because the mystery surrounding Ghost’s identity – for which a have a very, very deep guess of whom he is, lol, – will leave me hitching for confirmation until the presentation of his book on 7/27/17. July can’t come fast enough. Actually, next month we have more Dixie Wardens Rejects, and I’m already counting down the days!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel ostrander
Title: Beard Mode
Author: Lani Lynn Vale

5+ smashing stars

If you're looking for a book that will make your heart cry out in sadness at what these two individuals have gone through all the while begging to hear more about their relationship, then Beard Mode is the perfect go to book! I was never one to enjoy a man in a beard, or rather, they aren't my go-to man, but Lani Lynn Vale sure changed my mind on that point when it came to Aaron. The man sure can rock the look! Imogen has the heart of gold - taking in her mother and nephew when it would seem that their luck was down, even though she herself is struggling to make ends meet. With the stereotypes that a woman shouldn't own a mechanic's garage (even from the men that she works with), but as an ex Marine who took her tour and made sure to become a specialist in her field, she takes over her grandfather's business and does what works best for her. When her grandfather rents out a spot in her garage, she comes face to face with her neighbor, Aaron, again who she can't deny, she has been fascinated with ever since she moved in across the hall. Each with their own inner demons, will they be able to learn to trust their hearts again?

4.5 sexy dreams

I absolutely loved these two. They are completely different and yet similar in so many ways. They understand the effects of tours and the marines, and how instincts will take over when everything else doesn't make sense. At the same time, their individual trials, the things they went through, is enough to make you wonder more than once just how it's possible for them to want to attempt trusting another human being. Aaron had been hurt in the worst kind of ways by his ex wife, and Imogen, the brunt of such lack of respect by the same people who have served with her (maybe not at the same time or the same platoon), and yet, they give me hope that there will always be someone who will make you believe again. Beard Mode is part of a series, The Dixie Warden Rejects, but I know i'll following the storyline from now on if getting sucked in thoroughly to a point where 3am came around and i forgot to go to bed is any indication. Honestly, i can't wait to read more about Lani Lynn Vale's bearded men, because quite frankly, they call out to me in ways i never thought possible.

*ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
von allan
Ever since reading about Aaron Sims’ now ex-wife going postal on him and almost killing him, I wanted to hear how he was recovering…see if he was able to move past the day that mentally and physically scarred him and find a woman who could make him feel whole again and help ease the darkness within him and prove that not all women are like his ex, and in Beard Mode, he definitely gets that with Imogen Wild.

Who would have thought that a Pixie Grade A Clinger would be the one to help Aaron feel wanted again…to help make him smile when he hasn’t done so for over a year. But as Imogen and Aaron’s past connection is explained and their bookish tendencies are highlighted, it makes sense that they have more in common than they thought and that Imogen is about as opposite from his ex than a woman could be, which is exactly why Aaron risks getting close to Imogen without worrying about the possibility of her going crazy and making his life hell on earth like it was for almost a decade.

The whole idea of Aaron’s club considering themselves rejects and even calling themselves The Dixie Warden Rejects speaks to how this crew of battered men see themselves and how those around them view them as well. But Imogen sees beneath Aaron’s scars and she accepts his brothers for who they are, which is exactly why the electricity between them is not something Aaron wants to keep fighting and when they find themselves wrapped up in a fight that has nothing to do with them, both Aaron and Imogen show their strength and commitment to do what’s right in all situations.

Beard Mode is a great story to kick-off Lani Lynn Vale’s new biker series, The Dixie Warden Rejects MC. Readers are introduced to the Rejects’ band of misfits, and while they definitely are rough around the edge, it’s clear how much their brothers mean to them and how quickly they have each other’s backs when it’s needed. Interestingly enough, Imogen is a perfect fit with Aaron and his club members and she’s just as much of a fighter as Aaron is, which makes them a perfect pair, which is clearly shown once Aaron allows Imogen fully in.

Can’t wait to read Tommy’s story!

4 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 Stars

I have had a soft spot for Aaron 'Fatbaby' Sims, since we first seen him, he has always piqued my interest and after reading what happened to him at the hands of his wife I have been dying to get my hands on his book.

Lani doesn’t disappoint with the start of this new series, like her other series this book is chock full of hot uniform wearing alpha males, spitfire female’s and a whole new MC chapter that we are going to fall in love with from the start.

Aaron left Kilgore and moved to a small town called Toxey, he is finally getting his life back on track after his b!tch of a wife terrorised him and wants nothing to do with the fairer sex! In the beginning of this book Aaron was pretty standoffish with Imogen, he knew she would be trouble if he let his guard down and wanted no part in that.

Imogen has always held a candle for Aaron from she was young, she admired him from afar and knew if she ever got the chance she would fall in love with the scarred, brooding medic. Imogen was fun, flirty and had a great personality, she loved with her whole heat and even when she seen Aaron’s scars for the first time she maintained they added to his allure.

Lani Lynn Vale’s books are always ones I love to dive right into and can’t put them down until I finish the last page. I have fallen in love with each and every one of her characters and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bradley mease
5 stars

So we have a new series here thank goodness as we had another series end. This can for sure be read as a standalone but if you want to know Aaron then go back and pick up The Kilgore Fire books. This is where you first come across Aaron.

Having not had the best past holding scars of life threatening injuries Aaron leaves and returns home. His ex did a number on him almost killing him ... Literally. Swearing off women and working a unfulfilling job at the prison, Aaron soon finds his way with The Dixie Warden Rejects MC.

Imogene is caring for her nephew while her sister is deployed. She first encounters Aaron after an altercation with her sisters husband at the prison. Finding out that nice looking medic at the prison is also her neighbor is a bonus but Imogene has no time for men romance or anything remotely relating to the opposite sex. She has her hands full with her nephew.

The story takes off from here and is quite the tear turner. I felt my heart sink numerous times and cheered endlessly for these two characters. In the meantime you meet a whole new crew of friends with mentions of old friends which is always excellent. Lani holds true to her comedic bits at the front of each chapter leaving you laughing in true form.
This was and is a gem like all her series. Click it up. The cover is fantastic. Great photo. Thank you for the ARC. ! ~ AMy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Aaron had many sides, included the badly scarred one. However, it was hard to tell if the external scars surpassed the internal ones. His ex-wife had ruined him and he had no intentions of letting another woman anywhere close to him—until he met Imogen. The pixie-sized ex-marine wasn't put off by the scars, in fact, she'd like nothing better than for him to put his hands, his body on her. As her neighbor, it wasn't easy to ignore her.

The characters in this MC story are not your typical bad boys. These guys are characters with stories to tell, however, they are a mix of medical personnel, law enforcement, as well as other leadership roles. They still have their get togethers, with beer and rowdy stories. I loved how well Imogen fit right in with the guys and how well she was accepted.

The town is in the middle of a gang war. Drugs are a major problem and that problem is too close to home. Can they clean up the problem Danger stalks them all. It is tough to make a life, overcome a past, and clean up a town.

Could Aaron hold down a job he didn't ask for, let a woman become part of his life, and fully live again? The story is funny, sad, steamy, filled with danger, and the beginning of a series I don't want to miss. The characters are interesting with lives worth reading about.
Reviewed for Words Turn Me On
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lani Lynn Vale has another hit with her latest, Beard Mode. Aaron and imogen's story had me hooked, like all her books do, from the beginning. I laughed-her little thoughts, quotes at the beginning of the chapters are the best-I cried when the Dixie Warden Rejects MC are shaken to their core and cheered when Imogen stood up to the bad guy. Aaron has been left to pick up the pieces of his life after the betrayal by his ex-wife and in the town where his mom lives he finds a life for himself. With the scars still there, physically and emotionally, he is resigned to his situation until Imogen comes into his life. Imogen has a lot on her plate with owning the family's garage-not all guys think a woman should be able to work on cars-her mom and sister living with her and helping take care of her nephew when her other sister is serving overseas. Taking her nephew to see his father at the jail brings her face to face with Aaron, her new neighbor. Imogen and Aaron will be the rock for the other during the toughest times they will encounter. Imogen shows Aaron that the scars and betrayal from his ex can be erased with the right person and she is that person. I absolutely loved Beard Mode and can't wait to see what is in store for the men of the Dixie Warden Rejects MC. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pamela conners
I was pulled right into this story. The story has laughs, pain, suspense, secrets, and heartbreak.

Before reading this story please read the below books first
Shock Advised (Kilgore Fire #1)
Flash Point (Kilgore Fire #2)
Oxygen Deprived (Kilgore Fire #3)
Controlled Burn (Kilgore Fire #4)

This is Imogen and Aaron ‘don’t ever call me Fatbaby’ Sims’s story. After an accident that almost killed him caused by his wife he wonders why he survived. He can’t return to his old job that he loved in the fire department. He ends up just going through the motions of living. After moving he becomes part of the Dixie Wardens in Alabama. He needs the brotherhood. They will force him to live and bring him back from the edge. But after running from the pity he used to see on everyone he made sure his feelings were locked down. Imogen is about to change all that. He is an angry man but she can see underneath all the scars and anger to the real man. She knows she makes him feel. But can she bring down all his walls before he pushes her away for good? One kiss just might be the end of angry Aaron.

I loved these characters and the side characters. I felt I could connect with the characters and the story was a great read.

I highly recommend this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steph kleeman
Aaron Sims is physically, and mentally scarred from his ex wife, so he tends to stay in the shadows, with a bad attitude. And after being turned down for a job that he earned, he finds himself in Alabama, and becomes a part of The Dixie Wardens MC. Imogen is a beautiful, smart, and sassy woman, that will do anything in her power to takes care of those she loves, and for whatever reason, feels a strong pull to the cranky Aaron. So no matter how hard he tries to resist, he finds himself unable to stay away from Imogen. OH MY BEARD! Another masterpiece from the brilliant Lani Lynn Vale, and trust me, I've devoured just about everything she's ever written, and I'm constantly left jonesin' for more. Her twists and turns came out of left field, to where I was dropping f-bombs in every direction, while well placed humor kept me laughing loudly. Aaron and Imogen's simmering chemistry FINALLY ignites into panty meltin' flames of sexy scene goodness, guaranteed to bring an onset of hot flashes. There isn't anything this amazing author could write that I wouldn't love, ( I'm convinced that I would give her grocery list 5 stars), so I'm impatiently waiting for the next amazing story, and HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie ellsworth
As always, Lani Lynn Vale, is an automatic read for me, and again she did not disappoint with Beard Mode. This book starts a new spin off from one of her other series. It is not necessary that you read the others because it gives plenty of background, but it certainly is better and gives for a better reading experience if you do.
I loved Imogen. I loved that she wasn’t a classic girly girl (not that any of lani’s are… they all have amazing quirks and I want to be best friends with them lol). But my favorite thing about Imogen was that she has a badass past. I loved that she was part of the marines, and served her country… she is my girl crush at the moment lol.
Aaron oh Aaron, you have had such a rough past, and I am so glad that you were able to find your happy ending. With everything that he went through, he had a soft spot in my heart and I could not wait to read his book.
As most of lani’s characters, Aaron and Imogen had the perfect amount of suspense, chemistry and perfect witty one liners. I give this book 5 stars and cannot wait until the end of next month for another book from her!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed Aaron and Imogen chemistry, but also they understood each other which were really nice to read. These two came with their own set of problems separately, but that is why these two did so well together. In this book you get the drama some angst along the way, but some really good sexy scenes as well. I truly every book, I read by this author and they keep getting better every time. You never know where the story is going to go, but the story also keeps you engaged from the first page till the last. Sometimes we all deal with grief differently did others do, but I love a story that deals with as well other things at the same time.
‘Those scars…those don’t define who he is. They don’t take away from his masculine beauty. They only add to it. They’re a story. A story that you damn well know likely hurts him.”
Don’t think about it, just go one click this book and you’ll enjoy it like, I did. One thing about this author is she keeps getting better every time. You will never be disappointed about it, I promise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erika cooperman
Great read. A little long, but definitely worth the read. Loved how they love each other.
Imogen: “He shot me in the butt,” she declared loudly. “And he did it hard, too. I wasn’t even expecting it. Just BAM! In the ass! No warm up, no preparation. No, ‘I’m going to stick this in your butt now.’ No nothing!”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jen reviewing for KinkyGirlsBookObsessions

Once again Lani Lynn Vale writes a book where I absolutely fell in love with the characters! Aaron and Imogen have been added to my list of favorite LLV characters
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Any book by this author is an automatic buy for me. This is an excellent addition to this series. The characters are wonderful, genuine add in a great plot and smoking hot romance and it makes for a great read and an even better afternoon. I laughed and cried and cheered for all the Rejects, because even in their imperfections they are perfect.
If you have read any of the previous series by Lani than this is a no brainer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex martini
After reading about Aaron in the Kilgore Fire series, I couldn't wait for him to get his HEA. After his ex wife tried to kill him, and he wasn't able to go back to his old job, Aaron leaves Kilgore for a fresh start. That is where he meets Imogene and the rest is history. I loved their story and loved seeing him get his well deserved hea.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I about died reading this! Grab the tissues, holy crap. The emotional rollercoaster has arrived. Anguish, laughter, hot men, and healing!!! I freaking loved this intro into the "Rejects". A nail biter for sure!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this new series. And it of course intertwines with the other series Mrs. Lani has written. I love that. It gives updates and more of the story of the other characters. I was upset and needed Kleenex when Tank was trying to mourn his partner. That ripped my heart out. But for sure another 5 Star amazing read by Lani.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lindsay stone
Another unbelievably beautiful story from Lani! She has started this new series with a bang and a lot of shock and mystery. She draw's you in and gets you hooked until you can't wait for the next book!
Thanks again Lani for another great must read book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
florin perianu
Sometimes scars are hidden deep....and sometimes scars are visible.

O'kayyyy all you Lani Lynn Vale lovers...guess what??? Lani wrote a new MC series and it's sooo freaking good!!! It has just the right amount of loven, drama, alpha male, funny one liners, some cat and mouse chasen and more

Ohhh Aaron...he is a Dixie Warden MC. He will definitely be your next BBF!!! "The man is sexy. Scarred, yes, but sexy beyond belief. Very, very sexy." He also wants to stay out of the limelight. Not even interested in dating after his now ex-wife was sent to jail after she did something sooo horrible to him. But then walks in Imogen and she just may chip away all that concrete Aaron has around his heart.

I gave this book 5 iScream Books Stars!!! It was sooo good and I am sooo excited that this was my first Lani Lynn Vale book...gasp....can you believe I have not read one of her books yet?? What the heck Tricia?? lol But I am definitely on the Vale train now and can not wait to read more of her books!!! OMG...I forgot, ladies, lets take a moment to admire this cover, holy moly, this cover model is HAWT!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
How do you over come tragedy when it has happened to you? How do you move forward when everything you know and love has been taken from you? Well for Aaron he moved on to another place, somewhere he could fit in as best as possible. Aaron only wanted one thing to be left alone so that those would quit staring at him. What he never expected at work was to save a women who he knows. Imogen her name alone I loved is passionate and will do anything for her family, including going to a prison to see the most hated man ever. Imogen realizes that being saved is not what she wants, what she wants comes as a bada@@ man name Aaron. One she knows without a doubt can fulfill her ever need. These two are passionate and together they will fight the demons and do their best to come out on top. But there are the powers to be who are trying to separate them will they succeed?
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