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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
haryo nurtiar
Clubwhore is my first book by this author. The book is well written and written from the perspective of a clubwhore of a MC. It's a perspective I haven't come across before when reading MC romance. I liked that this book gave me insight into what life could be like for this woman and that it addressed her past too. I'm disappointed that Bryce's history wasn't address much, it's there just brief. I had a hard time connecting to the characters however the plot and writing style captured my attention. This book is a page turner with several hot, sexy scenes. Due to some of the explicit emotional content, I had to take several breaks from reading which isn't a big deal. However be prepared for a story that is a bit heavier than, at least I, expected. Overall, I enjoyed Delilah's story I just wish it had more about Bryce's past. I felt like I don't know him as much I should or could have.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have mixed feeling about this book. The authors writing was spectacular, but the characters need a little help. The Female character has more issues than people magazine. It just wasn't my cup of tea. However it was still a OK book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book received so many rave reviews I was immediately convinced I just HAD to buy it. I liked the story well enough, I just didn't really care for the main character. No biggy.

The following contains spoilers.

The main thing that made this book just ok to me was Delilah. When I first started reading, I thought to myself, self, you're going to like this chick. She makes no apologies about being content in her line of work. It makes her happy, so all of the naysayers can shove it! The whole point of the prologue is to drive that point home. But as I progressed through the novel I realized this book was less about whorepower and more about a chick pretending she was satisfied with her life when she was really anything but.

She has the sex with the bikers and acts as if she doesn't have a care in the world but it's nothing but a fascade covering up one seriously messed up chick.

So. It's all fake rainbows and puppies and kittens until the night she looks up and sees Bryce's green eyes and then WHAMMO! Everything immediately changes. I'm a romance fan both in books and in real life. I believe that when you meet certain people there's an extra zing that is special. I believe that when you meet the right person it can change you in the right ways, so I can buy that when Delilah looked at Bryce she knew she'd found something special.
Everything prior to Bryce's arrival led me to believe Delilah was a person secure and quite pleased with her life and her job. It's like as soon as he arrives it occurs to her she's unhappy? She's been there for years! All of this behavior can, of course, be written off by the fact that Delilah has obviously gone through a lot of crap in her life. But still...not a fan.

I'm not begrudging her needing help to get better, I'm just still trying to sort through all of the bravado as I try to find some redeeming qualities in Delilah.

I'm sorry to say this was not an easy task.

Don't get me wrong. I'm happy she got her HEA and I'm glad she gets her head sorted out in the end, but I have to say I'm a bit disappointed by the way she acted with little to no regard to anyone's feelings but her own.

Case in point: her attempting to operate a vehicle while incapacitated not one but TWO times.
Would you be singing the praises of this character if she had died in the car accident at the end of the novel? And yes, driving while emotionally distraught can be as dangerous as driving drunk. She clearly did not have her sh*t together and should not have gotten behind the wheel of that truck. Her "watcher" shouldn't have given her the keys.

So let's just say for the sake of argument Delilah (who should not be driving) dies in the car crash. People are sad. Blah. Blah...and then we find out the story of Bryce's fiance's suicide...and how it forever changed him. How do you think he'd feel if a woman he cared about died due to her own recklessness?
Yeah. Messed up, isn't it?
He's loved two girls and tried to help them get through some major emotional stuff only to have both of them basically off themselves. Awesome. GG Delilah. Poor Bryce!

And what about Luke? He really cares for her -so much so that he sets her up in the club and makes her feel safe, not to mention the fact that he killed Mario. Yet does she once take his feelings into consideration before acting so irresposibly? Nope.
It's not like she doesn't have at least some sense of self-preservation so it really bugged me when she went off the rails again and again. Putting herself in dangerous situations -the shady dealer's neighborhood, the biker brawl, etc., and not even considering how her actions effected those around her.
Not cool.
I don't like it.
Yes, she was abused and yes, she was struggling and I'm not saying I don't feel any empathy towards what she was going through... I just find it hard to swallow that she doesn't show any towards Bryce or Luke.

It's not as if others prior to Bryce weren't trying to break through. Luke's safezone, the ol'ladies and their friendly overtures, the club members who've always treated her with respect -all were there waiting for her to make the slightest effort. She just kept smacking at the hands people were offering to her.

Delilah says repeatedly she doesn't care if people don't like her...citing the reason most people don't is because they're jealous or because she's the clubwhore and people think she's beneath them...yeah. no. I don't like her and not a single one of those reasons factored in.

I'd like her if she really was the clubwhore and was as secure in her decision to be one as she claimed to be. I'd respect that. However, I can't like or respect anyone who acts with such disregard to how the people she claims to love and care about feel. She tells Bryce she loves him and says she needs him to say he wants her to himself (she doesn't require him saying he loves her). He then yells to the club that's she's off limits and then leaves. Ok. So. Not the most romantic declaration, but still, that's what I took it as. She asks him to say it. He says it -only not in the way she would prefer- and she freaks out. Now in get it, I get it, she's messed up. But come on. The dude is trying. He needs some time to think. I can understand that especially since she's sooooo needy.

Give the man a break. It was days. Not months. Not years. DAYS. He basically drops everything he's doing to take care of her REPEATEDLY. Whenever she calls, he answers. She needs a ride, he gets her one. She needs some pain, he takes care of her despite the fact that he claims he doesn't like causing pain. He proves again and again that she can count on him, yet she can't wait for him to get his head sorted?

No. Of course not. She goes off half-cocked, gets into an accident because she's an idiot, and then, because she's trapped in a bed and has no choice she listens to what Bryce has to say.
Come on. Pull your head out of your anus Delilah. Ugh.

I SO wanted to like Delilah which makes her behavior all the more frustrating.

Bryce was the best part of the novel hands down. He seemed to be almost perfect. I would have liked to have gotten to know him better. We pretty much know nothing about him. Delilah makes very few attempts to get to know him even though she's given him what basically amounts to her life story. I was left craving more of his backstory.

All of that being said,
I would definitely recommend this book. Don't be so surprised. Sheesh. I gave it three stars. I know I'm in the minority because I'm not giving it a rave, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy most of the story. I just didn't care for Delilah, and hey, you can't like everyone. :)
Kim Jones is a skilled author and I'll definitely check out more of her work!
Brothers Ink Tattoo (Brothers Ink Tattoo Series Book 1) :: Reaper's Stand (Reapers Motorcycle Club) :: The Industries of the Future :: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future - Rise of the Robots :: Crazy B!tch (Biker Bitches Book 5)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
elizabeth fraser
More than anything I wanted Delilah to ride off into the sunset alone and save herself…but no dice.

Instead she gets into an accident that magically makes the man she loves realize how much he loves her. How could a story that started out so uniquely strong, with such an unapologetic main character, turn Lifetime Channel on us by chapter 10…and end Hallmark Channel to make the cruel metamorphosis complete.

Oh, I know…it makes everyone uncomfortable.

The rub is this: While the main character continues to be hyper sexual, the author castrates her by making her bi-polar or something to that nature. It’s never really clear what sort of mental illness is being created to explain why she behaves like someone who was sexually abused over a long period of time as a child. And if the author had used this excuse, it would’ve made a heck of a lot more sense as to why she needed castrating. But I challenge, why do it at all then? Why make a decent woman out of her? To what end?

I will be honest and admit Delilah made me cringe on more than one occasion but never so much as when Bryce was fixing her. Ish! The only relationship she needed was one with herself and I guess that just ruins a good love story…but the thing is, Bryce is creepy and his 180 at the end didn't make him even less so and being a “submissive” doesn’t fill in all of the blanks the author clearly didn't feel like addressing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Whoa! Get out the fans and the ice, ladies, because this book is smoking hot! If you are a fan of the Devil's Renegades series then you know that this isn't unexpected but still! I will admit, that at first I wasn't too sure...but I stuck with it, because I knew this author wouldn't disappoint, and I LOVE it! I wasn't sure that anybody was going to top Dallas and Luke for me, and while Bryce and Delilah didn't top them, I love them in a different way. Kind of how I love Red and Reggie.

The character of Delilah is a little abrasive in the beginning but we soon get to know her and what lies beneath her hard exterior. Her motivations are complex, complicated and intriguing and once you know her history, you can't help but feel for her. She has this need to live in her own little bubble, where things are routine and safe. Where she can control the demons that plague her.

Her demons take the form of an addiction to pain or even sexual release. Either will do. Which is why she loves her job so much. Delilah was so real, I loved her. So flawed and scarred that she makes you feel for her. Kim Jones did such a great job of describing her fall into darkness that she takes something that is so unfathomable to so many and makes you truly feel it with Delilah. It's rare that I read a book with a character and/or flaw this complex.

Bryce is tall, dark and mysterious and it's finest. We know who he is (eventually) and his role within the club and that's about it! At least for a while. What we do know is that he understands Delilah when nobody else seems to. In ways that nobody ever has. And he knows exactly how to help her.

Bryce is a man of contradictions. The contradiction between what he has to do to help her and his gentleness with Delilah afterwards, when she needs it, is endearing. He's also a huge man that other men fear and is a total alpha male but can be gentle when needed. And let's not forget that he helps Delilah feed her pain addiction, giving her what she needs, even though he hates causing her pain.

Considering that this book had the same players as the other books in the series, I would have liked to have seen at least one scene with Luke and Dallas together but we do get a couple scenes of them separately. We get a couple scenes Red, one with Regg and then a couple of the other guys make appearances here and there. I kind of felt like most of them were gratuitous scenes though. That said, this is a stand alone novel so I guess I can't complain too much about that. Overall, the club itself was pretty absent for a major portion of this book. I would have liked to see some more closure with Delilah's family, especially her brother. These are the only negative points I have for this book.

If you are a fan of MC romances and haven't read Kim Jones yet, you are missing out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hot Holy Smoking Hot, this is one addicted book that you would not want to put down, I did not wanted to finish this book I wanted more. I felt in love with the cover and the title, and I wonder uh this will be interesting, and it sure was I felt in love with the book from the first page to the very last one, I love the characters and love how the book turn out to be, I will tried to keep this short since I don't want to give anything away.

The story begging with Delilah she call herself a Clubwhore, well that's what she want everyone else to think of her as, she live and work at the club house, she bartend and entertain the bikers, and does some other thing beside those, Sundays are her day off those are the day she goes visit her mother, who live three hour away, that's where she goes to tame the darkening that's knocking at her door, her mother is mean and her brother is worst, but after spending her Sunday cleaning her mother house and pushing her brother bottoms for he could hit her, and knows that her beast is tame she get to go back the club house, after having the same routing for the last couple of years, her world will be turn up side down.

One night while she entertaining when she hear the door open she find herself looking into the green eyes of Bryce. His Devil’s Renegade MC Sergeant but she don't know that, and after being with him and spending time with him, she is start to have feelings she did not know she could, but Bryce knows what she want the question is will he let himself fall for her.

I love the way how Bryce and Delilah are with each other, love her attitude and how she say things without hidden them, love how Bryce handle her, how he takes care of her needs and her feelings, and how protective he is of her, and the Sext Scene are Hot.

I really love and enjoy reading this book, I will be start reading more of this author books, she grab my attention with book, Author Kim Jones THANK YOU for introducing me to this amazing characters and this awesome book love it.

Have to say this is my Favorite Line
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anggita deska
I absolutely loved Delilah's's an intriguing look at the biker lifestyle through the eyes of a woman who doesn't mind being used for her body because it's one of the only ways she can feel enough to calm the beast within.

White trash. Skank. Slut. These are the words that clubwhores endure on a daily basis. MC members, prospects, and other bikers don’t hesitate to use these women for all kinds of activities because these men feel that’s what they’re there for and are the first to make sure the clubwhores know their place in the club. But Delilah Scott is not your typical clubwhore and she sure as hell doesn’t care if bikers use her body anyway they want to; in fact, she gets off on it more than they probably do.

MC Romance readers have gotten an abundance of stories told through a future/current old lady, but rarely are we given one from a type of woman who old ladies love to hate…who they would be more than willing to bi***h slap and tell her to stay away from their men, which is exactly why CLUBWHORE works so well for me.

Kim Jones does a great job of allowing readers' inside the heart and head of a clubwhore and the reasons Delilah needs and craves her job and doesn't give two s***s about the way people look at her, especially old ladies. What's most interesting to me is that Delilah has a code that she lives by when it comes to dealing with certain bikers. She's a pain whore who can't feel any kind of release without it and those demons rear their heads all the time until one biker teaches Delilah how to get off without the pain and understand that no one deserves the kind of treatment she gets from those who are supposed to love her.

Delilah is definitely messed up, but it's understandable based on how Kim Jones peels away Delilah's layers and shows readers exactly where all of the damage stems from, and it's a heartbreaking and freeing experience that Delilah goes through in CLUBWHORE in order to realize her worth and what she truly deserves to have in her life.

CLUBWHORE is not readers’ typical love story because while Bryce plays a huge role in forcing Delilah to face her demons and realize that she has no sins to be punished for from her past, the text is more about Delilah not submitting to her insecurities and need for pain and recognizing that she doesn’t need to endure the brutal situations that she’s put herself in, in the past to work through her issues. It’s about Delilah learning to love herself and feel at peace with everything that’s happened and never go back to the weak girl she used to be before Bryce showed her how to feel without thinking…how to submit without pain…how to love and be loved back.

A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

5 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was provided a copy of Clubwhore in exchange for an honest review. Let me tell you, this is by far, one of the grittiest and rawest books I’ve read to date! Delilah is one of those characters that get under your skin, and you can’t seem to shake it. Because she has become so real; she is that woman you think you want to be from the side lines, yet she is also that woman you hate because she has a perceived freedom that is envied. She is so irrevocably damaged, she has no choice other than to be who she is, a Clubwhore.

Clubwhore is the first of Kim Jones’ books I’ve read. This is part of her “Saving Dallas” series; which is part of the Devils Renegades MC world. I plan to read the rest now. Since all the characters from the other books are in Clubwhore; I want to know their backstory, but Clubwhore is a total standalone. I just LOVED it so much! The writing was so encompassing that, had it not been 2:00 A.M., and I just couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer, I would have finished Clubwhore in one sitting. I have officially become a fan of Kim Jones!

Back to the story, Delilah is the MC’s club whore; she lives at the club, in exchange for $300 a week she keeps it clean, serves drinks, and brings pleasure to whoever is seeking it. She isn’t forced; she can always say no to anyone she doesn’t want to be with. I loved how that was stressed. It shows that she is there by choice. This lifestyle is her choice, and for the most part she loves it. She loves the freedom, the sex, and the parties. But, she also has a huge monster on her back; because of past abuse, she is not only addicted to sex, but also to pain, not in the fun smack my ass and pull my hair while I’m bent over the bed pain. I’m talking full on; she needs pain in order to ground her to keep, a level head, no sex involved, just pure pain, like punch her in the face kind of pain! I am thinking “OH GOD GET HER TO A THERAPIST;” this is where Bryce comes into the story. He is the “MC master at Arms,” not really sure what that means, other than what I’ve seen on SOA, I’ll have to do more research; but he is a bad ass, don’t f*&@ with me, huge guy that can control a room, and Delilah with just a look.

“You may know what you want, but I know what you need.”

Holly crap does that not just melt your knees! Bryce is that bad boy of my dreams. Oh lordy! He’s dominant, possessive, and so dam sexy, it’s just unreal, and as much as Delilah fights it, he is exactly what she needs!

“You don’t need to be fixed, babe. Because you’re not broken. You just need someone to teach you how to embrace who you are.”

I give Clubwhore a Huge 5 Boundless stars, and in the words of Delilah, “It’s savage. Raw. Brutal. F*&@ing perfect.” I will be reading it again and again!....Sara
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ramona st
**received for honest review**

When we were asked if we were interested in reviewing this book after reading the synopsis we were highly intrigued we love MC books and this one did not disappoint but it wasn’t your “norm” MC book this was dark, gritty, sexual, painful, sad, brave and loving.

Delilah is one of the clubwhore and she loves it, she loves her job She loves the men.

She loves the power.

She loves being safe.

She loves being needed.

She loves being told what to do.

Delilah isnt well liked by the “ol Ladies” but she doesn’t care she loves being the clubwhore it makes her feel powerful, she doesn’t want to be claimed, she doesn’t want prince charming, she doesn’t want to be someone’s property.

She loves her life and has more baggage than an airport….

But don’t we all…

Delilha has many demons that she hides in her closest.

She love pain she needs it and craves it. Its keeps her demons at bay.

But what happens when you cant get that pain?

When a sexy as sin green eyed ghost comes charging into your life and flips it upside down.

He takes charge.

He owns you.

He dominates you.

He changes you.

Shows you more than u ever wanted More than u thought you ever needed.

Bryce tries to teach Delilah how to overcome her demons and channel her pain into pleasure. But little did they know he was more than just helping her.

She was falling for him hard and fast.

Bryce has his own demons he is chasing, he isnt looking for an “ol lady”.

Until he seen her.

He wants her.

He needs her.

Or is he just chasing away his own demons to help heal his past.

That you will have to read to find out…..

We really enjoyed this book even though it was an MC book there wasn’t much detail about the actual running or businesses of the MC it was a story about the love Delilah and Bryce find together and how they heal each other and help with there demons and how to contain them.

We have never read a book by Kim Jones and we cant wait to read more, the story flowed beautifully and held out attention the whole way through.

Well done Kim on a great book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tze chin ong
Clubwhore Devil's Renegade MC #1
Stars- 5
This is Delilah and Bryce's story.

Delilah is broken not sure she can be fixed. She really doesn't want to be fixed. She knows who she is and why she is the way she is. She is a Clubwhore and she is okay with that as well. She lives her life, does what she has to do, and she likes it. She holds to expectations to be anything other than what she is.

Bryce is (This is where I pause and try to figure out a way to best describe this man) he is -- a bad ass biker, someone who takes what he wants, does what he wants and doesn't feel bad about it. Bryce to me is PERFECTION. I loved this man. He is a protector. The way he is with Delilah made my heart swell. He sees the things she has been through and wants to fix her to make HER better. He has no other motives..

This is the PERFECT LOVE story.

From the moment Bryce sees Delilah I believe she is HIS and his alone. There is just something that fits together like a puzzle and is complete. This book was just wow. I am a fan of Kim Jones and was so excited to read this new one, but I wasn't prepared for how spectacular it turned out to be. This book sucked me in right from the beginning. No warm up just bamm!
Kim has a way with words and expressing them that just leaves me in awe. She is one of the greats. So much talent. It was an honor to read this book.

I cannot wait until the next book comes out and i can devour that one as well.. Kim is definitely one of my favorites of all time! YOU do NOT want to miss this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juliet king
Oh my goodness...this book was FANTASTIC!! Bryce & Delilah were amazing characters and their story was absolutely gritty & thrilling!!! My heart broke for Delilah and what she was put through, but at the same time, I loved her strength and her spirit. She didn't care what most people thought of her, just those select few people, did she actually care what they thought. Her desire for Bryce was a beautiful thing to witness. She was herself with him and I loved that he could bring that out in her. Bryce, that man made me SWOON!!! Every time he called Delilah "love," my heart skipped a beat. He was so strong and I love how he handled everything with Delilah. He saw something in her and knew exactly how to handle it, even though some of it he didn't like. These two souls were intertwined from the first moment that their eyes met and their desire just kept growing throughout the book until they realized it was more than desire, it was true love. Bryce was such a rock for Delilah and how he took her demons and helped her fight them. Delilah, I cannot stress enough with how much I loved her strength. Kim Jones' writing was so real and I felt so connected to these two characters! I am looking forward to more of Kim Jones' books and cannot wait to see what she comes out with next!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
curtis bellemer
Rating: 7 out of 5 Stars
POV: Hers / 1st person
Naughty Factor: 5 out of 5

This book was so f*n good!! The storyline and characters were amazing. This was worth so much more than 5 measly stars!! It was that friggin good!!!!

Delilah is a Clubwhore. She owns that title and even relishes in it. She knows her place and is happy with how her life is. She's not looking for an ol' lady patch or a commitment from any of the bikers, but when a huge and sexy, mysterious biker claims her for a night, she's looking forward to spending more time with him. He pleases her body in ways none of the other bikers have.

But as we get further into the story, we see that her giant wall of confidence is a facade that hides how damaged she is. She's fighting demons that developed years ago and she's dealt with them in her own way. Her need for pain and pleasure have been handled in a way that she's taken them both to the extreme and Bryce, Sergeant-at-Arms for the Devil's Renegades takes it upon himself to help her tame those beasts that haunt her.

He shows her her worth with mere words, and his actions prove to her that he knows what's best for her. He's gentle yet firm, and he gives her something she's never had before...honest affection.

Clubwhore was an amazing tale that delivers the standard MC life, with a bit of 50 Shades and is filled with so much emotion, I couldn't help but cry for Delilah. She was damaged, but not broken and only Bryce was able to show her that.

I was instantly pulled in by the prologue and remained intrigued with every word thereafter. It was a compelling read from start to finish and is definitely on my MUST READ list of recommendations!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica awtrey
Clubwhore by Kim Jones
Delilah & Bryce

So, if I'm being honest here, this was my first Kim Jones book! I know peeps, what the heck was I thinking? This was a great intro into the world of Kim Jones. It has humor, drama, and uber hot sex appeal. This is not your typical MC book, nor is it your classic love story. It's way more than that! Deeper, more emotional, and definitely more angst than some of the books I've read in this genre.

Delilah is our clubwhore. She knows her place, she likes that place, and she's more than proud of it. Her past has her messed up in the head, believing she's not worthy of real love and somehow she needs pain to control the beast inside of her. She's ok with all of that as long as she gets her escape every Sunday to put things back into perspective. When Bryce enters into her life, it's no holds barred. Poop is definitely going to hit the fan... or maybe it's Bryce's hand hitting her butt... lol.. Ouch!

Bryce is all alpha, all sex on a stick, and all business when it comes to his club and Delilah. I have to admit, I wasn't too sure about him and his methods at first, but he kinda grew on me throughout the story and now I'd give my left tit just for a glimpse of that huge... heart of his! Bwahahaha, you thought I was gonna say something else! I wouldn't mind seeing that too! Bryce is just as messed up as Delilah, but somehow manages to pull his crap together long enough to give her what she needs... but will it be enough? Will he break her down, build her up, and then break her once again?

The supporting character cast is pretty good. Even the stinking villains. Like I said before, I've never read Kim's books till now and something tells me Dallas, Red, Regg, Luke, Linda, and the list goes on have made appearances in other books, but you don't need to read them to appreciate this one. I will say this, Kim can seriously write the "bad guy" incredibly well. I had to PM her to tell her how much I hated a certain character and how I wanted to rip his dick off and make him eat it! You'll see! I'm sure you'll agree.

So, this is in the MC genre, however I felt the story was more about two lost souls trying to find their way in this world without hurting themselves or each other. The pacing is fair, not to fast, not to slow, but even keel. The dialogue flows pretty good and the storyline is exceptional. The build up to the end wasn't exactly what I expected, but still good non-the-less. I am a Kim Jones fan now. Bring on Sinners Creed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dalene van zyl
Completely unexpected and absolutely tantalizing!! I was enthralled with this story from the dedication to… Whores!! I love it! The Smoking hot cover is pretty attention grabbing as well!

The point of view of this story is completely refreshing. We get to read and see the lifestyle and going-ons inside the MC from a truly different perspective, the perspective of a self proclaimed Clubwhore.

Delilah appears to love life, not having a care in the world, enjoying the MC, the lifestyle, the sex, the parties and people surrounding her. But what you see on the surface isn’t always the case. Delilah, just like many others you come across have hidden secrets that they keep hidden and only the most closest people to them know their truths. Delilah appears strong and confident on the surface. You respect her for her beliefs and in how she doesn’t give a second thought to what anyone thinks of her.

The unexpected feels in this story were surprising. I wanted to protect Delilah from her monsters and herself at times. But that is where SA Bryce comes in. I won’t divulge anymore – You've got to read this fantastically riveting story to get the full details. There are more than one completely unexpected revelation in this story.

It has been more than a minute since I’ve read the Devil’s Renegades series but once you start reading, all the players come back to life in the story like it was just yesterday. And yes! We get more of Red, Regg, Dallas and of course Luke!!!

Fabulous, Fantastic, Freaking Awesome read!! 4.5 Stars!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book begins an incredibly dark, sexy and actually interesting series from Kim Jones. Clubwhore is an unapologetic and smutty read that happens to be different from anything I’ve ever read. I’m a big Kim Jones fan, which is what made me open this one, but I soon realized what a true gem that I had just stumbled across. Who else has the audacity to dedicate their book to the whores of this world.


“Truth is, you’re smarter than most women. You get paid for sex, while the rest of us have been giving it away for years. So hats off to you, promiscuous women – you’ve figured it out.”

Delilah loved her life as a club whore for the Devil’s Renegades MC. So she told herself and anyone else who would listen. Yet knowing this author’s propensity for creating flawed and deeply troubled characters, I figured there was much more to Delilah. Don’t get me wrong now, she enjoyed what she did, but the whoring was simply another form of the punishment she craved.

Delilah was all kinds of messed up but she endeared herself to me. She was hardened by the life she led and the unique “therapy” that she needed to survive, but she was genuine, with a charming sense of humor. Bryce was a wonderful hero that I liked immediately. He was so good to Delilah and accepted all of her faults. They both had some troubling baggage that added to the storyline and made me want to delve into their dark secrets. It was so easy to get drawn into this story.

Delilah and Bryce were both such fascinating characters and the writing and depth of the story were absolutely amazing. The story was unique with loads of drama, sex and humor. It’s a dark romance with a lot of spanking and BDSM tones. It was intensely emotional at times. I’ve come to expect most of those aspects, along with a good cry or few, from a Kim Jones book. I would recommend this book for the readers who are into the dark romances and MC romance books.
originally posted at long and short reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My Review of Clubwhore by Kim Jones
My Rating 5 Tantalizing Stars
I’m a huge fan of Kim Jones books and I was so excited when I heard that she had Clubwhore coming out and was offering it to bloggers. Thank you for choosing our Blog to review!
First off, I was thinking this book will be similar to her other writings, Oh how wrong was I!!
Delilah’s story is unique and so damn intriguing, Delilah was true to herself and I felt her pain as I read each page, and just when I thought I knew what was going to happen Kim would throw me for a loop, A story so unpredictable that I was on the edge of my seat waiting for what would happen next. Then there’s that moment in the story when Delilah is working as she always does in her element until Bryce is right there taking her hand and asking where’s your room?....and it begins.
Bryce is not what you expect and he is there at every turn helping Delilah live off of pleasure not pain teaching her that she isn’t broken but beautiful.
Delilah’s story gives you the feels. And Feel I did!!
*Received an ARC from the Author in exchange for an honest review*
**Reviewed for Hellmouth’s Bookblog & Review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story blew me away.....absolutely wonderful storytelling. It gets no better.......I loved it and shall relish rereading it again.

What a woman Delilah is and what a hero we have in Bryce. Two very unforgettable characters. What a battle it becomes and what a triumph it then leads them both into. The heat level is off the charts for them.

I did appreciate that the 'Clubwhore' aspect wasn't written in detail but more referred to, glossed over, and didn't define who Delilah really was. We were led to understand why she became the 'Clubwhore'. Not only did I come to understand, but then I really liked her and in fact I was her champion; wanting her to 'recover' herself. Took the right man to see her, understand her, and then become part of recovery process.

Thank you dear authoress.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After seeing the cover and synopsis, I knew I had to read this book! I became a big fan of Kim Jones after reading her MC series, so I was glad to get more of her work. Even though this book is not part of the series, I loved that we still get the characters from that series but this book is entirely different. This book is intense, full of angst, and I was drawn in from beginning to end. It’s raw and very intense, right up my alley.

Delilah is a clubwhore in the Devil’s Renegades MC. She is paid to clean, bartend, and keep the men “entertained” and that she certainly does. Some women would feel defiled or used but not Delilah. She loves sex and aims to please any man who wants her. But, she has her secrets. She has had a hard life and the only way she survives is to suffer through pain and get the sexual release she needs to be able to cope. Pain keeps her demons at bay, makes her feel sane.

“I am simply a woman – a damaged, scarred woman…a clubwhore who fell in love with a dark Prince Charming.”

So when Bryce, Sergeant at Arms of the club, spots Delilah, he knows he wants her and their attraction is hot, hot, and did I say hot? He’s demanding and a total alpha male. Badass, sexy, and just what Delilah needs. Every time he said “Love” to her, I think I might have drooled over him myself.

Suffering from his own secrets, Bryce knows exactly what Delilah needs and how to deal with her past. He knows he has to control her but he’s not a dominant. He’s an enforcer. Once he says something, he expects her to obey and I love the way he controls her but also knows what he needs to do for her to keep her safe. He knows when her darkness is coming to surface and exactly how to handle her.

“Give me your fears…your burdens…your guilt. Let me have it, Love.”

Bryce and Delilah have a very intense relationship but it’s also about healing. After Bryce’s tragic past, he doesn’t want to open his heart but Delilah seems to get past his walls no matter how hard he tries to fight it. Delilah is one tough woman and has been through so much. Her past is so heartbreaking and I loved seeing her open up and begin to heal also. They make the perfect couple but it’s definitely not an easy road for either of them.

I enjoyed how all of the characters of the club supported Delilah even though she really had nothing binding her to them. She is a whore, not an old lady. Luke has always been my favorite of this series and I love the role he played in this book. He’s always been there for Delilah but he knows to step aside because he sees the deep connection she shares with Bryce. Like I said, this book is deep, gritty, and soul searching for both Bryce and Delilah. The sex is steamy, the sheets are burning, and I highly recommend this 4 star book. I can’t wait to see what Kim comes up with next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Completely unexpected and absolutely tantalizing!! I was enthralled with this story from the dedication to… Whores!! I love it! The Smoking hot cover is pretty attention grabbing as well!

The point of view of this story is completely refreshing. We get to read and see the lifestyle and going-ons inside the MC from a truly different perspective, the perspective of a self proclaimed Clubwhore.

Delilah appears to love life, not having a care in the world, enjoying the MC, the lifestyle, the sex, the parties and people surrounding her. But what you see on the surface isn’t always the case. Delilah, just like many others you come across have hidden secrets that they keep hidden and only the most closest people to them know their truths. Delilah appears strong and confident on the surface. You respect her for her beliefs and in how she doesn’t give a second thought to what anyone thinks of her.

The unexpected feels in this story were surprising. I wanted to protect Delilah from her monsters and herself at times. But that is where SA Bryce comes in. I won’t divulge anymore – You've got to read this fantastically riveting story to get the full details. There are more than one completely unexpected revelation in this story.

It has been more than a minute since I’ve read the Devil’s Renegades series but once you start reading, all the players come back to life in the story like it was just yesterday. And yes! We get more of Red, Regg, Dallas and of course Luke!!!

Fabulous, Fantastic, Freaking Awesome read!! 4.5 Stars!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
martine liberman
This book begins an incredibly dark, sexy and actually interesting series from Kim Jones. Clubwhore is an unapologetic and smutty read that happens to be different from anything I’ve ever read. I’m a big Kim Jones fan, which is what made me open this one, but I soon realized what a true gem that I had just stumbled across. Who else has the audacity to dedicate their book to the whores of this world.


“Truth is, you’re smarter than most women. You get paid for sex, while the rest of us have been giving it away for years. So hats off to you, promiscuous women – you’ve figured it out.”

Delilah loved her life as a club whore for the Devil’s Renegades MC. So she told herself and anyone else who would listen. Yet knowing this author’s propensity for creating flawed and deeply troubled characters, I figured there was much more to Delilah. Don’t get me wrong now, she enjoyed what she did, but the whoring was simply another form of the punishment she craved.

Delilah was all kinds of messed up but she endeared herself to me. She was hardened by the life she led and the unique “therapy” that she needed to survive, but she was genuine, with a charming sense of humor. Bryce was a wonderful hero that I liked immediately. He was so good to Delilah and accepted all of her faults. They both had some troubling baggage that added to the storyline and made me want to delve into their dark secrets. It was so easy to get drawn into this story.

Delilah and Bryce were both such fascinating characters and the writing and depth of the story were absolutely amazing. The story was unique with loads of drama, sex and humor. It’s a dark romance with a lot of spanking and BDSM tones. It was intensely emotional at times. I’ve come to expect most of those aspects, along with a good cry or few, from a Kim Jones book. I would recommend this book for the readers who are into the dark romances and MC romance books.
originally posted at long and short reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shannon terry reel
My Review of Clubwhore by Kim Jones
My Rating 5 Tantalizing Stars
I’m a huge fan of Kim Jones books and I was so excited when I heard that she had Clubwhore coming out and was offering it to bloggers. Thank you for choosing our Blog to review!
First off, I was thinking this book will be similar to her other writings, Oh how wrong was I!!
Delilah’s story is unique and so damn intriguing, Delilah was true to herself and I felt her pain as I read each page, and just when I thought I knew what was going to happen Kim would throw me for a loop, A story so unpredictable that I was on the edge of my seat waiting for what would happen next. Then there’s that moment in the story when Delilah is working as she always does in her element until Bryce is right there taking her hand and asking where’s your room?....and it begins.
Bryce is not what you expect and he is there at every turn helping Delilah live off of pleasure not pain teaching her that she isn’t broken but beautiful.
Delilah’s story gives you the feels. And Feel I did!!
*Received an ARC from the Author in exchange for an honest review*
**Reviewed for Hellmouth’s Bookblog & Review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiger gray
Delilah's story was so gut wrenching and painful to read I couldn't put it down.
Her story starts out like you would think living the life as an MC club whore, but it goes so much more deep than I was expecting.

Delilah she lives off pain and not in the way you pry are thinking not BDSM kinda pain. A pain I can't really describe you would have to actually read her story to understand. Kim really shows the story of what so many people really need to live day to day.

Delilah in most the book needs saving and when she meets Bryce he seriously is the man she needs in her life but she is hesitant to accept it. He is a man strong and dominate and he knows what she needs in every way its so emotional it burns seriously burns.

When Bryce pushes Delilah to far it goes beyond any MC book I have read. I freaking loved every single bit of it and I don't blame Delilah from running away from it all. I felt so sorry for her and felt as if I needed to be the one to fix her.

So good. A prefect mix of everything! The ending was perfect seriously perfect and all the heartache was worth it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah chudleigh
" Clubwhore- Truth is , you're smarter than most women. You get paid for sex, while the rest of us have been giving it away free for years. So , Hats off to you , promiscuous women- you've figured it out ! "
And BOOM! Kim had me hooked.
What a fantastic story. Very unusual. Very clear in its character development . Very over the fence kinda story. Nobody has written about a Clubwhore before. There's always alpha bikers' POV, 'Ol Ladies' POV, some off plot characters, but never about Clubwhore and this is a mind opening story which delves into the life of a unabashed Clubwhore Delilah Scott in Devil's Renegade MC club. She's EXACTLY what she is - A whore for the Club. She keeps men occupied, serving them, servicing them. She is visited by Bryce Parker . A Devil's Renegade Sargent At Arms from another Chapter and then on, she's HIS. you'd think Bikers-MC club- drugs - sex - Ol Lady HEA ..right?
Their story has there own version of HEA, their own kind of love, their own kind of Dom/Sub relationship. Very boundryless , very unconventional , very Untaggable kinds. He asks - she gives.
She's just a Broken, Damaged , scarred woman ....a Clubwhore , who fell in love with a Dark Prince Charming who claims her one layer at a time.
I'm so enamoured by her ....their story
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
evelyn pryce
This story blew me away.....absolutely wonderful storytelling. It gets no better.......I loved it and shall relish rereading it again.

What a woman Delilah is and what a hero we have in Bryce. Two very unforgettable characters. What a battle it becomes and what a triumph it then leads them both into. The heat level is off the charts for them.

I did appreciate that the 'Clubwhore' aspect wasn't written in detail but more referred to, glossed over, and didn't define who Delilah really was. We were led to understand why she became the 'Clubwhore'. Not only did I come to understand, but then I really liked her and in fact I was her champion; wanting her to 'recover' herself. Took the right man to see her, understand her, and then become part of recovery process.

Thank you dear authoress.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eli bishop
After seeing the cover and synopsis, I knew I had to read this book! I became a big fan of Kim Jones after reading her MC series, so I was glad to get more of her work. Even though this book is not part of the series, I loved that we still get the characters from that series but this book is entirely different. This book is intense, full of angst, and I was drawn in from beginning to end. It’s raw and very intense, right up my alley.

Delilah is a clubwhore in the Devil’s Renegades MC. She is paid to clean, bartend, and keep the men “entertained” and that she certainly does. Some women would feel defiled or used but not Delilah. She loves sex and aims to please any man who wants her. But, she has her secrets. She has had a hard life and the only way she survives is to suffer through pain and get the sexual release she needs to be able to cope. Pain keeps her demons at bay, makes her feel sane.

“I am simply a woman – a damaged, scarred woman…a clubwhore who fell in love with a dark Prince Charming.”

So when Bryce, Sergeant at Arms of the club, spots Delilah, he knows he wants her and their attraction is hot, hot, and did I say hot? He’s demanding and a total alpha male. Badass, sexy, and just what Delilah needs. Every time he said “Love” to her, I think I might have drooled over him myself.

Suffering from his own secrets, Bryce knows exactly what Delilah needs and how to deal with her past. He knows he has to control her but he’s not a dominant. He’s an enforcer. Once he says something, he expects her to obey and I love the way he controls her but also knows what he needs to do for her to keep her safe. He knows when her darkness is coming to surface and exactly how to handle her.

“Give me your fears…your burdens…your guilt. Let me have it, Love.”

Bryce and Delilah have a very intense relationship but it’s also about healing. After Bryce’s tragic past, he doesn’t want to open his heart but Delilah seems to get past his walls no matter how hard he tries to fight it. Delilah is one tough woman and has been through so much. Her past is so heartbreaking and I loved seeing her open up and begin to heal also. They make the perfect couple but it’s definitely not an easy road for either of them.

I enjoyed how all of the characters of the club supported Delilah even though she really had nothing binding her to them. She is a whore, not an old lady. Luke has always been my favorite of this series and I love the role he played in this book. He’s always been there for Delilah but he knows to step aside because he sees the deep connection she shares with Bryce. Like I said, this book is deep, gritty, and soul searching for both Bryce and Delilah. The sex is steamy, the sheets are burning, and I highly recommend this 4 star book. I can’t wait to see what Kim comes up with next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angel preble
Gritty and different!!! Delilah & Bryce take us on a wild ride.
This is one of the most realistic and gritty MC reads I've read in a while. It is raw and emotional and contains an amazing biker and a tough heroine!
Delilah is exactly what others call her; a clubwhore. She isn't looking for love. She is not looking for Mr. Charming. She is a survivor. She has baggage. She has demons to chase.
The club members want her and the old ladies hate her. She wouldn't have it any other way.
When a green-eyed stranger comes into her life everything changes. He wants her, he is kind to her, he turns out to be what she needs. He understands her need for the extreme and in order to protect her, he gives it to her, no questions asked.
Bryce, the MC's Sergeant at arms, is everything Delilah wants but will she allow herself to be accepted? Will she allow him, and herself, to care?
I loved the writing. The book is detailed and with Delilah's heavy problems, I think it was good that we get to see what makes her tick. The chemistry between the couple was off the charts and I liked the fact that Delilah wasn't looking to be liked by the readers. She was honest and raw in her presentation. I did find some of her acts a bit petulant, but I get where she was coming from.
Bryce? Oh, I loved him. A gentle giant-well, kind of-and an amazing man.
If you're looking for a good MC book, then look no further. Do not miss this. I certainly want to read more from this author.

****4 Stars ****
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt sparks
*copy received from author for honest review*

I will be completely honest, I was so intrigued by this synopsis. and well, the cover is hot as hell. pairing those two together, add in the MC genre and I was ready to jump in.

from the beginning of this book, I was really addicted. add in the alpha and I was a goner.

"you may know what you want, but I know what you need." yes please!!

I will admit sometimes throughout the book I was confused by Delilah and her actions, her cravings, her need. why she asked for that punishment and why from that person. why she kept going back to such a mean mom. even as she explained it. even as she had the darkness knockin at her door, I still kind of didn't understand it.

I was a little surprised that Delilah called him Bryce. that he went by his name and not a road name, but didn't really impact my love of the book. just something that surprised me.

I liked how Bryce handled her. how he handled her attitude, needs, desires and wants. I and I loved his mouth.

I think this was so well written. the flow was great, the storyline was good, and the characters were great. the only thing I didn't like was the topic of the brother. it felt a little brushed under the rug to me. I needed a little more handling of it, but I'm still happy with how Delilah finally saw reality of the situation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marie t
***ARC received in exchange for an honest review - Sanne / Scandalous Book Blog***

“I’m that girl. The girl every woman loves to hate. The one your man dreams about. I live up to the name I’ve been given … CLUBWHORE And this is my story.”

The other side of the MC world, the one you’d love to hate... But might not anymore after reading this story. Dark, gritty, unforgiving and sensual.
Delilah is a woman you cannot but feel for. A complicated creature with issues that stretch far beyond what’s human. Sassy, uses sex as a coping mechanism and has a need to be punished for fear her beast will keep resurfacing.

Bryce is quite the enigma even after finishing this book. A smart biker who seems to be exactly what Delilah needs. Question is, does she wants to keep him around? Or will he want to stay when he discovers her demons?

“I am simply a woman—a damaged, scarred woman … a clubwhore who fell in love with a dark Prince Charming.”

Sweet right? The end might look like heaven but they went through a highway of hell to get there.

Originality is a given and it’ll sure make you see this world in yet a completely different light. Beware that this story handles some rather heavy topics, is highly sexual and touches the edges of darkness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly holmes
When I first started Clubwhore, I will admit, I was skeptical. I’m not a huge fan of MC, but a fellow blogger kept encouraging me to read it. So I gave it a go in hopes I would at least like it. Well, not only did I fall in love with it, I’m now a fan of MC! This book is so different than I imagined it would be and I couldn’t help but fall in love with the characters. It’s different, and boy was it HOT! I found myself unable to stop reading as soon as I started and even when I made myself stop, I kept thinking about it. There were times I got so mad at one character and other times I was biting my nails, hoping for the best! Kim Jones did an amazing job at keeping my interest and sucking me into the world of MC. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve read a few good MC novels before but this one is about the women people assume are just around the club for sex. These women are automatically the “bad” girls and you don’t really see what happens with them. This is another reason why I was so pulled in.
You have Delilah who’s assumed to be the “whore” of the club. But let me tell you, she’s so much more than that. She’s hardcore, confident, and she has hidden demons. Her character is pretty bad ass and I instantly loved her. I couldn’t help but to love her. She doesn’t take any crap from anyone, and she’s not afraid to speak her mind. Her character was a mystery that I couldn’t solve until Kim revealed it for me. I didn’t expect what came of it and my heart broke for her. Delilah has been through a lot of bad things in her life, and most of it she doesn’t know how to cope with. She does things to help herself, but at the same time, it’s not very helpful to her.
Then you have sexy as sin Bryce. He’s another mystery and one that I couldn’t wait to read more about. He’s the one everyone runs away from, and you can’t help but to swoon a few times. I could literally feel the sexual tension with Bryce and Delilah. And I have to say, the sexy parts were scorching hot!! I really loved the fact that Bryce knew what Delilah needed, even without her saying so. He knew her instantly and that made their connection to each other stronger.
I will say, Bryce did make me mad more than once. He’s the alpha male, and I wanted to scream at him, wondering what in the world was he thinking! It was one of those hanging off the edge of your seat moments. I’m so glad I took a chance on this one. I really cannot tell you how great this book was. You just have to read it for yourself and find out. I know Kim Jones has another fan, and I for one, cannot wait to see what else Kim has in store for her next book! Highly recommend reading this!
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