Whiskey Burning (Iron Fury MC Book 1)

ByBella Jewel

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
alisia compton
I've always stayed cleared of writers who take multiple books to tell a story Seems a little dishonest -greed over substance. Trusted this writer not to do that and have bought a lot of her kindle books. Guess I got played on this one. Writing and story is great as usual but I'm so disappointed after seeing a new series start. Right now not sure I'll buy the 2nd installment.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
amber knowles tortolini
Because the store has declined to post my review for this book, so I will write a short version of it. Maverick is a manwhore who doesn't keep in in his pants. Scarlett lets everyone push her around and is the definition of dormant. I don't know why she slept with Maverick after seeing him been intimate with another woman in an alley. He never trusted her. I don't understand how they fell for each other. This book was a very bad experience for me.

For my full review see the one star reviews on GR
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
catherine smith
Scarlett Belle is a Country star, spending her time touring, and she has started to feel imprisoned by her career.

Maverick is taking a break from his brothers in the Iron Fury MC. After losing someone he cared about, he has been spending time alone on the road and healing.

When Scarlett meets Maverick, they couldn't more opposite, but there is something about  him that keeps her looking for him in the crowd. And when danger starts to threaten, she may be the only person she could turn to.

Man, I wanted to love this book. I have read this authors other MC books and this one just didn't draw me in like books in the past had. I didn't really like the characters, they just came off as flat and without chemistry. And for some reason EVERYONE was from Denver? Even though they meet on the West Coast when Scarlett is touring? All in all I felt that just lacked action and consistency and it kind of had me shaking my head at times while reading.

I did enjoy the premise for the storyline, and I hope that the second story will be a great one, as this book ends in a cliffhanger.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.
Reaper's Legacy: Reapers Motorcycle Club :: Crazy B!tch (Biker Bitches Book 5) :: Clubwhore :: Brothers Ink Tattoo (Brothers Ink Tattoo Series Book 1) :: Beard Mode (The Dixie Warden Rejects MC Book 1)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
So hated this entire story. I should have dnf’d it after we were 52% into the story and maverick was still screwing random girls - graphically. First 52 percent was reading about his hookups and when we aren’t reading the graphic part of it he is telling us he’s going to find someone else that night. Glad we didn’t have to view each of them.
Stupid me I’d hope it would get better, that we’d finally get to the “romance” part of the story. Instead we get anger and hate and basically at rape scene where he screws her after a hateful spanking and screaming at her how much he hates her. She betrayed him because she was scared for her life and lives of others but he refused to even listen. Then after he rapes her violently (oh yes, the writer tells us she enjoys it to excuse the behavior) they finally let her talk? And then they let her get away. A room full of bikers can’t stop one girl from running off right in front of them? She gets beaten so badly she has internal bleeding and he tells her he loves her and her last thoughts in the story? She doesn’t believe him.
Fabulous romance, adored it, really.
The story just ends like that - her in the hospital not believing the man loves her. Cliffhanger? Oh I guess not really because the next story isn’t even theirs. Do they get it together? Become a couple? Do we get closure? No idea. Won’t find out either because I’m done
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I almost skipped this book/series because of the reviews and I am so glad that I didn't!!! I really enjoyed this story. First off, yes the book says to be continued at the end, NO, I do not consider this a cliffhanger! Just because the pending war with the Bad Guy was not resolved, does not make this a cliffhanger, IMO. If the author would have drug the story out to resolve the issue with Trey, then everyone would have complained about that. The story with Scarlett and Mav was finished, so no, I do not believe that this should be considered a Cliffhanger. It is a to be continued of the WAR WITH TREY!! Bella is not the first or only author to have a continuing war between clubs or bad guys in each story and she won't be the last! Scarlett said she wasn't sure she believed that she wouldn't be hurt by Trey again, because she knows better than anyone how horrific Trey is, she didn't say she didn't believe or trust Mav, it was the opposite in fact when she apologized to him for not trusting him in the first place! I also wouldn't say that Mav came off as a man whore either, he was tame compared to other characters I have read. He had sex with 2 women as far as I recall and he wasn't with Scarlett yet, so I don't see why he is being demonized for doing what is expected behavior from a biker. I am ignoring the reviews for the next book as well and looking forward to seeing what happens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
petr pra k
Nobody writes a biker like Bella Jewel does. The perfect balance between been an alpha with an attitude and been a sweetheart, I've yet to meet one of her bikers that I haven't loved and Maverick was no different.

Maverick went nomad after losing someone close to him. He's hurting and is trying to work through his feelings before he returns to Iron Fury MC. He's still trying to get a hold on his anger but he's not really the cold hearted biker I was expecting. There's a softer, protective side to Mav that had me swooning all over the place. On his journey he meets Scarlett, the famous country music star with the face and voice of an angel. There's something about the sad, resigned young woman that intrigues him and he finds himself unable to stay away.

Scarlett should be happy. She's a successful music star, currently on tour and loved by millions. But behind her happy facade she's barely holding on. Completely isolated, she finds herself feeling even more and more alone and unheard. She's constantly surrounded by people but has no real friends. Needing some time to just breathe, Scarlett finds herself talking to an understanding stranger one night who she can hear but can't see and feels an instant connection with her mystery man. For the first time in a long while she feels like someone's actually listening her.

When they meet up again and eventually start spending time together secretly, Maverick feels the need to keep Scarlett safe increasing. When Scarlett's past comes back to haunt her, Maverick calls in to his brothers for help but is Scarlett who he thinks she is? Or is she pulling the will over his eyes?

I loved Scarlett and Mav. I felt so sorry and annoyed for Scarlett. She's a sweet kind woman who just so happens to be famous. Maverick is the perfect mix of arrogance, attitude and sweetness and I loved the friendship he builds with Scarlett. With Max's brother and the president of the MC, and a couple of other brothers making an appearance, this series gets off to a brilliant start without overwhelming you by meeting the full club in one go. Full of suspense, loads of sexual chemistry and some great banter, I struggled to put this book down. I can't wait for the next book...and the one after that...you get the idea ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dumitru d
“Barriers don’t have to be objects, darlin’. Barriers can simply be your own heart. No matter how far you travel, or how many people you meet, none of it can penetrate if the barrier is around your soul.”
I’ve been a fan of Bella Jewel since the beginning. When she mentioned beginning a new MC series, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read it, mostly because I already love her other MC series so much! But, I decided to go ahead and give it a try, because … it’s Bella.
So, if you’ve read the other MC series, this one does have a similar feel — alpha bikers, gruff men, involved in some business you wouldn’t want everyone knowing about, and always the brotherhood. But, as I got into the story there was definitely a different feel to this MC. Unfortunately, with this first installment, I didn’t feel like I got to know the actual club well because much of it took place on the road, but the three brothers I met were definitely biker men.
Maverick had a lot to him that I really liked. He had a depth to him that wasn’t always seen, and he didn’t always share. So often we are allowed to delve into the part of these alpha characters that they usually would not share, because we’re readers who can’t actually experience everything without that. But, with Maverick, I was actually a little relieved to see that he was a little more gruff than normal. He wasn’t uncaring or unnecessarily mean, but rather he was just not super “feely.”
I love reading about any musician, normally. What I loved about Scarlett is she showed us the true feeling of frustration that comes along with being on the road all the time. She longed for something more and to have someone that was truly for HER, not for the business. When she brought to light a lot of the other struggles she had faced, and was currently facing, I admired her dedication to continue forward, even when she wasn’t completely satisfied. And when we met Amalie, I was immediately in love with her character! I’m so glad she joined the story!
This story was good. I would definitely recommend it if you’re an MC fan. The only downfall for that is you don’t meet much of the club in this book and it does center mostly around Scarlett. I’d have liked to see more of the club itself and take some of the focus off of Scarlett.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have I mentioned how much I love Bella Jewel? Especially Bella Jewel giving us anything MC related?? Because, yes, yes, YES I do. So very much. This woman just doesn't write a bad book. At least, I have yet to find one, and I am hoping I never do.
Scarlett and Maverick- good lord, these two. One biker and one country music star- because why wouldn't those two go together like peanut butter and jelly, right? Except.... they do. Beautifully. More perfect than you could have ever imagined- these two fit.
Usually, I can fall for Bella's heroines just as easily as her heroes, and this time is no different, because Scarlett is my kinda gal. I love that regardless of who the industry is trying to mold her into- she still rebels at every chance she gets, and lets her own light shine. There is always a hint of the true girl underneath it all. And that is what Maverick saw. That is what made him follow his girl all over the country- because he saw that spark, and he wanted to turn it into a raging inferno. He wanted to see her light shine brighter than any star in the sky. And his love was the only thing that would make that happen.
But the same goes for him- Scarlett was going to be the one thing to pull him out of the past. The pain and torment of the memories that he was trying to escape were weighing him down, and she was the life jacket that could save him. Her love was the only thing that could keep him from drowning.
That's why these two worked.
And that is why Bella Jewel is amazing. Because she created this beautiful story, of these two lost and broken souls, looking for their saviors- and finding them in the most unsuspecting of places. Not many authors can do that- but Bella does. Every. Single. Time.
And that, is why she's always a 5 star read for this girl, and probably always will be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
avi lall
4.50 Stars

I Voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book

I love this author's books. Her MC Books are my downfall, and this one, I loved.

Scarlett is the face of country music, but lately she has not been feeling passionate about her music anymore. It seems more like a job than something she loves doing. So she meets Maverick one night when she escapes from her security and just wants to be alone. He becomes someone that she can talk to and someone that actually listens to her.

Maverick is a member of the Iron Fury MC, but he hasn't been with his brothers in a while. Something bad happened to him and now he's on the road living the life of a Nomad. Until he meets Scarlett, he's never wanted a women since 'her' and that has been a long time. He can't explain why he feels this chemistry with Scarlett, but he does.

Scarlett's life hasn't been as easy as everyone thinks, she had an abusive boyfriend drug dealer who abused her for a while and nobody believed her, now for some reason he is back and she has no idea what he wants. Maverick's club is having problems with a drug dealer wanting to take over their territory, which can't happen and for some reason they can't find out who he is. Will Scarlett and Maverick be able to have a happy ending, or is there too many obsticales in the way. And what really happened in Maverick's past that he doesn't want to talk about to his brothers?

Lots of intrigue/drama and suspense that believe me will have you devouring this book in one go. And we also get to meet the other characters who I'm sure will be getting their own books. And the next one I can't wait to read, as this book didn't end so much on a cliffhanger, but just leaves with you lots of questions and no answers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lindsay cawthon parnell
Whiskey Burning by Bella Jewel is the first book in her newest series, Irony Fury MC. In this series, Bella introduces readers to two lost broken souls who found solace, comfort, healing, and possibly love within each other.

Scarlett is America’s country singing pop star sensation. She has it all from millions of adoring fans and a life that many would die to have an opportunity for. But here’s a secret that not many know about Scarlett, she is miserable. She is tired and just wants a moment of peace and alone time. And so when a stranger sees Scarlett crying, he approaches her and for the first time recognize her sadness.

When Maverick sees Scarlett crying, he felt drawn and connected to her. He knew she was a famous celebrity but at the same time saw her as someone he could relate to. Soon Maverick finds himself attending her concert tours and forming a friendship with her. When feelings for her begins to get blurred, Maverick finds himself wanting Scarlett and that could also be said for her as well. As the two begin to have an intimate relationship, what happens when Scarlett’s past ex threatens her causing a rift between Maverick and her? Will Maverick be able to trust Scarlett and protect her?

Whiskey Burning is an enjoyable read. I liked it but I felt Bella Jewel took so long with the character development with Scarlett and Maverick and so when the couple actually progressed, it felt rushed towards the end especially what happened towards the end. So I am hoping that in the next book, it won’t be a slow burn kind of romance since the plot line got a whole lot interesting and so I am looking forward to Amalia and Mal's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa hartman
Rating: 4.5 Stars

Scarlett Belle wears a mask for the outside world but that’s not who she is on the inside. Maverick is a man with troubles of his own. Scarlett has someone in her life that I wished she’d get laryngitis. She eventually redeems herself but by then it’s too late – I won’t change my mind. This shows us how good this author is in creating her characters when you can wish them ill.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the author created a character that brought tears to my eyes. Life hasn’t totally been good to her but she doesn’t let her disability stop her. Scarlett looks past that and only sees possibility. This was a great way to see how our world is finally changing in how we see past those with a disability and only see the potential. My disappointment came from not being able to hear how creative she is.

This author had me riveted from beginning to end where I suffered from a little displeasure. The book was a pleasure to read but my displeasure came when I got to the ending and felt that there should be more. But it got worse when I turn the page and read the most hated three words. But then I see that a new book is supposed to be released in October and there comes more disappointment since I can’t find anything about it. On further search I see she has plenty of other MC books so I’ll have plenty to keep me occupied until the next Iron Fury book comes out.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nobody writes a biker like Bella Jewel does. The perfect balance between been an alpha with an attitude and been a sweetheart, I've yet to meet one of her bikers that I haven't loved and Maverick was no different.

Maverick went nomad after losing someone close to him. He's hurting and is trying to work through his feelings before he returns to Iron Fury MC. He's still trying to get a hold on his anger but he's not really the cold hearted biker I was expecting. There's a softer, protective side to Mav that had me swooning all over the place. On his journey he meets Scarlett, the famous country music star with the face and voice of an angel. There's something about the sad, resigned young woman that intrigues him and he finds himself unable to stay away.

Scarlett should be happy. She's a successful music star, currently on tour and loved by millions. But behind her happy facade she's barely holding on. Completely isolated, she finds herself feeling even more and more alone and unheard. She's constantly surrounded by people but has no real friends. Needing some time to just breathe, Scarlett finds herself talking to an understanding stranger one night who she can hear but can't see and feels an instant connection with her mystery man. For the first time in a long while she feels like someone's actually listening her.

When they meet up again and eventually start spending time together secretly, Maverick feels the need to keep Scarlett safe increasing. When Scarlett's past comes back to haunt her, Maverick calls in to his brothers for help but is Scarlett who he thinks she is? Or is she pulling the will over his eyes?

I loved Scarlett and Mav. I felt so sorry and annoyed for Scarlett. She's a sweet kind woman who just so happens to be famous. Maverick is the perfect mix of arrogance, attitude and sweetness and I loved the friendship he builds with Scarlett. With Max's brother and the president of the MC, and a couple of other brothers making an appearance, this series gets off to a brilliant start without overwhelming you by meeting the full club in one go. Full of suspense, loads of sexual chemistry and some great banter, I struggled to put this book down. I can't wait for the next book...and the one after that...you get the idea ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jodi davis
“Barriers don’t have to be objects, darlin’. Barriers can simply be your own heart. No matter how far you travel, or how many people you meet, none of it can penetrate if the barrier is around your soul.”
I’ve been a fan of Bella Jewel since the beginning. When she mentioned beginning a new MC series, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read it, mostly because I already love her other MC series so much! But, I decided to go ahead and give it a try, because … it’s Bella.
So, if you’ve read the other MC series, this one does have a similar feel — alpha bikers, gruff men, involved in some business you wouldn’t want everyone knowing about, and always the brotherhood. But, as I got into the story there was definitely a different feel to this MC. Unfortunately, with this first installment, I didn’t feel like I got to know the actual club well because much of it took place on the road, but the three brothers I met were definitely biker men.
Maverick had a lot to him that I really liked. He had a depth to him that wasn’t always seen, and he didn’t always share. So often we are allowed to delve into the part of these alpha characters that they usually would not share, because we’re readers who can’t actually experience everything without that. But, with Maverick, I was actually a little relieved to see that he was a little more gruff than normal. He wasn’t uncaring or unnecessarily mean, but rather he was just not super “feely.”
I love reading about any musician, normally. What I loved about Scarlett is she showed us the true feeling of frustration that comes along with being on the road all the time. She longed for something more and to have someone that was truly for HER, not for the business. When she brought to light a lot of the other struggles she had faced, and was currently facing, I admired her dedication to continue forward, even when she wasn’t completely satisfied. And when we met Amalie, I was immediately in love with her character! I’m so glad she joined the story!
This story was good. I would definitely recommend it if you’re an MC fan. The only downfall for that is you don’t meet much of the club in this book and it does center mostly around Scarlett. I’d have liked to see more of the club itself and take some of the focus off of Scarlett.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mik hamilton d c
Have I mentioned how much I love Bella Jewel? Especially Bella Jewel giving us anything MC related?? Because, yes, yes, YES I do. So very much. This woman just doesn't write a bad book. At least, I have yet to find one, and I am hoping I never do.
Scarlett and Maverick- good lord, these two. One biker and one country music star- because why wouldn't those two go together like peanut butter and jelly, right? Except.... they do. Beautifully. More perfect than you could have ever imagined- these two fit.
Usually, I can fall for Bella's heroines just as easily as her heroes, and this time is no different, because Scarlett is my kinda gal. I love that regardless of who the industry is trying to mold her into- she still rebels at every chance she gets, and lets her own light shine. There is always a hint of the true girl underneath it all. And that is what Maverick saw. That is what made him follow his girl all over the country- because he saw that spark, and he wanted to turn it into a raging inferno. He wanted to see her light shine brighter than any star in the sky. And his love was the only thing that would make that happen.
But the same goes for him- Scarlett was going to be the one thing to pull him out of the past. The pain and torment of the memories that he was trying to escape were weighing him down, and she was the life jacket that could save him. Her love was the only thing that could keep him from drowning.
That's why these two worked.
And that is why Bella Jewel is amazing. Because she created this beautiful story, of these two lost and broken souls, looking for their saviors- and finding them in the most unsuspecting of places. Not many authors can do that- but Bella does. Every. Single. Time.
And that, is why she's always a 5 star read for this girl, and probably always will be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
val rodger
4.50 Stars

I Voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book

I love this author's books. Her MC Books are my downfall, and this one, I loved.

Scarlett is the face of country music, but lately she has not been feeling passionate about her music anymore. It seems more like a job than something she loves doing. So she meets Maverick one night when she escapes from her security and just wants to be alone. He becomes someone that she can talk to and someone that actually listens to her.

Maverick is a member of the Iron Fury MC, but he hasn't been with his brothers in a while. Something bad happened to him and now he's on the road living the life of a Nomad. Until he meets Scarlett, he's never wanted a women since 'her' and that has been a long time. He can't explain why he feels this chemistry with Scarlett, but he does.

Scarlett's life hasn't been as easy as everyone thinks, she had an abusive boyfriend drug dealer who abused her for a while and nobody believed her, now for some reason he is back and she has no idea what he wants. Maverick's club is having problems with a drug dealer wanting to take over their territory, which can't happen and for some reason they can't find out who he is. Will Scarlett and Maverick be able to have a happy ending, or is there too many obsticales in the way. And what really happened in Maverick's past that he doesn't want to talk about to his brothers?

Lots of intrigue/drama and suspense that believe me will have you devouring this book in one go. And we also get to meet the other characters who I'm sure will be getting their own books. And the next one I can't wait to read, as this book didn't end so much on a cliffhanger, but just leaves with you lots of questions and no answers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
steve spicer
Whiskey Burning by Bella Jewel is the first book in her newest series, Irony Fury MC. In this series, Bella introduces readers to two lost broken souls who found solace, comfort, healing, and possibly love within each other.

Scarlett is America’s country singing pop star sensation. She has it all from millions of adoring fans and a life that many would die to have an opportunity for. But here’s a secret that not many know about Scarlett, she is miserable. She is tired and just wants a moment of peace and alone time. And so when a stranger sees Scarlett crying, he approaches her and for the first time recognize her sadness.

When Maverick sees Scarlett crying, he felt drawn and connected to her. He knew she was a famous celebrity but at the same time saw her as someone he could relate to. Soon Maverick finds himself attending her concert tours and forming a friendship with her. When feelings for her begins to get blurred, Maverick finds himself wanting Scarlett and that could also be said for her as well. As the two begin to have an intimate relationship, what happens when Scarlett’s past ex threatens her causing a rift between Maverick and her? Will Maverick be able to trust Scarlett and protect her?

Whiskey Burning is an enjoyable read. I liked it but I felt Bella Jewel took so long with the character development with Scarlett and Maverick and so when the couple actually progressed, it felt rushed towards the end especially what happened towards the end. So I am hoping that in the next book, it won’t be a slow burn kind of romance since the plot line got a whole lot interesting and so I am looking forward to Amalia and Mal's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joe hansen
Rating: 4.5 Stars

Scarlett Belle wears a mask for the outside world but that’s not who she is on the inside. Maverick is a man with troubles of his own. Scarlett has someone in her life that I wished she’d get laryngitis. She eventually redeems herself but by then it’s too late – I won’t change my mind. This shows us how good this author is in creating her characters when you can wish them ill.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the author created a character that brought tears to my eyes. Life hasn’t totally been good to her but she doesn’t let her disability stop her. Scarlett looks past that and only sees possibility. This was a great way to see how our world is finally changing in how we see past those with a disability and only see the potential. My disappointment came from not being able to hear how creative she is.

This author had me riveted from beginning to end where I suffered from a little displeasure. The book was a pleasure to read but my displeasure came when I got to the ending and felt that there should be more. But it got worse when I turn the page and read the most hated three words. But then I see that a new book is supposed to be released in October and there comes more disappointment since I can’t find anything about it. On further search I see she has plenty of other MC books so I’ll have plenty to keep me occupied until the next Iron Fury book comes out.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claudia wilcox
I have been stalking Bella Jewel since I heard she was releasing a new MC Series. She is an automatic one click author for me!

Scarlett is a top country star who desires to live a normal life at times. She can't go anywhere without being recognized. She slips away one night to let her emotions go and a voice out of nowhere soothes her. It shocks her that even in the dark, he made her feel safe, something she hasn't felt in some time. Maverick shows his face at one of her shows and follows her throughout her tour. What happens when her past shows up and she is terrified?

Maverick, is a part of Iron Fury MC and has been on the road for sometime after he faced a terrible tragedy. His brothers are calling him home, but he is not quite ready yet. He stumbles on Scarlett one night and she settles his demons, a feeling that hasn't happened for quite some time. What happens when her past and his club collide? Will their relationship survive? Can he keep her safe?

Whiskey Burning consumed me from the very first page and didn't let me go until the very end. Maverick and Scarlett have an intense chemistry that comes off the pages. It is a must read and I cant wait to read more from this series!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
teal mcgarvey
I was so excited about this new release. The cover, the blurb had me hooked.
Once I started it it became something else.
On the one hand I didn't want to like this book. The characters were unlikable, and I had a hard time connecting with them.
On the other hand, I couldn't stop reading this book because, those same characters were realistic to the scenes described.
The female lead, Scarlett was too passive, and insecure, and the hot alpha Maverick needed a good throat punch. He was a stereotypical mucho macho a-hold outlaw biker of the worst kind.
A mysterious gorgeous sexy biker named Maverick meets a country singer darling Scarlett one night after her show.
How they met and what unfolded between took me on a twisted and crazy ride that had me scratching my head at times. The plot was easy to follow with a lot of unexpected and emotional moments.
What the what?!
However, there's a secondary story that interconnects Scarlett's world along with Maverick's MC Club. I was intrigued and curious as to what was going to be the outcome.
The result was the ending was too quick and I was left wanting to find out what happens!
Oh yeah there's a cliffhanger!
I need book 2!
3.5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
l g castillo
5 Stars!

“Because your eyes are the same as mine. Your voice speaks the same pain. I’m drawn to you. I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to be able to back off.” ~ Maverick

At the end of the book Bella Jewel says... “I swear, it isn’t a cliffhanger!!” Well, I’m not too sure I agree with that! At the end, I sure felt a little like I was hanging!! But that’s okay! That just keeps me coming back for more! I really like Bella Jewel’s stories! I loved that Burning Whiskey wasn’t just a love story; it also was pretty intense! It gave me a few good laughs, especially when Scarlett had an internal battle with herself..

“Damn you, body, for betraying me, you’re supposed to be on my side, you’re supposed to hate him with me. And f%* you, vagina. Don’t get me started on you.”

I just hate when our vagina’s don’t listen! Haha! The connection between Maverick and Scarlett was great! I liked them together, and I loved that Maverick opened his heart to her. I’m also really looking forward to reading Amalie and Malakai’s Story! Just by the little interaction they had in Whiskey Burning, I can tell they are going to make the heat rise!

~ Juls
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Scarlett Belle is 23 and a country singing star. She has been writing music and traveling to shows for the last 5 years. She is burned out, tired and over not being able to go anywhere or do anything on a personal level.

Maverick is a member of the Iron Fury MC and has gone Nomad after his old lady is killed. A chance meeting with Scarlett has Maverick following her bus to her next concert and rescuing her from fans when she sneaks out of her hotel after.

They become friends, but after an ex boyfriend who hurt her physically shows up in the audience at one of her concerts. Maverick calls in members of his MC to help protect her.

Back in Denver, the MC has been trying to find out who has been bringing drugs into their town to sell. When they find out there may be a connection between Scarlett's ex and the the drug runner, they decide to find out the connection.

Can Maverick and Scarlett survive to the end of her tour and can they stop the drugs from coming into Denver. This book has a little bit of everything, love, rebellion, mystery and heartbreak. It does end in a cliff hanger, but it is well written and I enjoyed it thoroughly!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa middleton
Whiskey Burning by Bella Jewel is the first book in the Iron Fury MC Series.
This is Scarlett and Maverick's book.

Scarlett Belle is a country music super star. But she's tired and nearly burned out. Her life is dictated by her manager and label.

Maverick is a member of the Iron Fury MC, but he's gone nomad for more than 18 month. He's on the road and runs from the ghosts of his past. He hates paople and has a lot of baggage.
These two so different people meet and have a insta- connection. They " get " each other.

They're friends and then an ex shows up and threatens to destroy both their worlds.

Whiskey Burning is a action packed novel which left me breathless. I started reading the book and was hooked from page one. I read it in one sitting, I had to know what happens to the characters. There is danger, violence, threats and people get hurt.
The story continues in the next installment in the series.

I recommend Whiskey Burning and give 5 stars. Thank you, Bella Jewel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Whiskey Burning is the first book written by Bella Aurora in the Iron Fury MC series.
It's the story of Scarlett and Maverick.
Scarlett a country music singer, who wants nothing more than her freedom, to be released of the controlling shackles that come with being a celebrity.
Maverick is a man trying to find his way back...but lives his life knowing what freedom feels like everyday....
The story gravitates between both characters, knowing the other is close by...to the need for each other.
Beyond this there is the twists and turns, and Bella Aurora sure does deliver...from ex partners, drug dealers, violence, deaths, manipulation...all tied in from past and present.

All the characters play a major part in bringing this story to life, I'm sure some will have there own books within this series eventually, and I can't wait.

Highly addictive, Intriguing...it will have you wanting more

You will have to wait for Amalie and Malakai's story, book 2 in the series
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Scarlett is America's country singing sweetheart and has been for the past five years but she just wants a life and to be able to feel free. She meets a stranger one night at a water fountain. He gives her peace. She later sees him again and finds out that together they work but not in the outside world. Her Ex is stalking her with threats of pain. Maverick is the only person who believes her or is he? There is more to this story than it looks and Scarlett doesn't know if she will be make it out of this alive or with her heart.

I loved this story and I can't wait to read more from Bella Jewel and the Iron Fury MC. Scarlett and Maverick's story has more to it. I cannot wait to read more as they set my kindle on fire with the chemistry and heat. I have always loved reading books by Bella Jewel but this is one series that I am craving more and more. Write faster Bella!!! I highly recommend this book and the start of this hot MC series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
virginia olive
I was excited for this book, Bella writes the best MC stories, the next generation I didn’t like as much and wanted more of her MC writing genius.

Scarlett and Maverick, the country singer and the biker, you cannot be more different than this.

I liked her sweetness and his roughness.
He’s a typical Bella’s alpha male that she writes so well.

This is a great start to this series, I loved the beginning but felt it went flat towards the end.

Looking forward to Amalie and Malakai story.

Reviewed by Phyl
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zahra zade
It is so refreshing to read a prologue where, although Scarlett is depressed, it is a gentle and caring start to the story. One that instantly peaked my curiosity and so like this fabulous author to grab the reader's attention straight away.

Scarlett is a young country singer who has fame and fortune but desires freedom. Maverick is a member of the Iron's Fury MC but has gone nomad for a while. His is the voice of reason and comfort that Scarlett needs.

Little by little pieces of a much bigger puzzle starts to form a background and continuing to intrigue and capture the reader's attention. Things become a lot more complicated for the main characters, suspenseful and nerve wracking at times.

A plethora of emotions is delivered with this story making it hard not to gasp or laugh aloud.

I look forward to the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bassim abbassi
Arc given by author/publisher/netgalley for honest review..
OMG whiskey burning by the beautiful Bella Jewel...FRIGGIN AMAZING!!!!
I had a 12 hr road trip - what other way to spend it then reading one of my Favorite Author’s.... MC’s are my downfall.. I mean I love them and who better to read one from the this awesome author.. I’ve read every one of her MC books to date..

I loved Maverick & Scarlett!!
One night Scarlett is upset.. needs some air.. this is when she meets the sexy stranger she has yet to see.. next day.. on the bus she sees this mysterious sexy biker following her bus.. then he starts showing up at her shows...

This book had me from the get go.. and that ending!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!! OMG!!!! I need the next book like now..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alberto fernandez
Bella Jewel + MC?! Yes please!

Bella is one of those authors I don't need a blurb or even a cover. I know I'll be one clicking!

Whiskey Burning is Nashville meets Sons of Anarchy. Freaking LOVED it!

The two main characters balanced each other out. They were so different, they complimented each other. Scarlett is docile and dainty, whereas Maverick is all alpha and even a jerk at times. There is a lot of character development with these two, which is great. I think this is a great start for this new series!

Can't wait for more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
denise curry
Dear Readers ,
This author never disappoints. Wonderful story of broken hearts finding each other. Just dig in and feel the journey of healing hearts & finding a home for the love inside . While having to fight an evil force trying to harm both . The kick a$$ club getting ready to bring the smack down on the thug trying to bring drugs into their town .

~Bibliophile Susan #Booksugargetkissed ??
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this first book in the Iron Fury MC series. Couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. Hunky biker Maverick, went nomad trying to deal with the grief of death of his first love. Met Scarlett accidentally and they developed feelings over time. Well developed characters and storyline with an intriguing plot. Totally recommend it ???
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stian larsen
Maverick doesn't like to see his lady in distress, "She’s crying. Eff no. I’ll kill whatever mothereffer made her cry." Maverick likes to give his woman options, “what do you want to do first? Shower, or eff, or both at the same time?” I loved this book, great start to a a new series. Loved the characters, I'm anxious for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leigh anne
Whiskey Burning was such a good book. I loved Scarlet and Maverick. These two were both lonely in their own way and were trying to find the peace they needed. When these two get together the sparks fly. This book had just enough drama and action packed it to it. I can't wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Maverick. Tortured bad ass biker with a big heart. His perfect match? Country super star Scarlet. These two sizzle and have a sweet story that catches our attention and need to know more. Can't wait for the next book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I honestly couldn't stand this story. It was drawn out and the characters don't change. They don't adapt and change no matter the relationship. I just couldn't stand the characters and I couldn't wait for the story to be over.
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