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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erik hansen
I was pleasantly surprised on the story of this book. It contained themes that were easily relate-able to me and possibly to others such as bullying and the feeling of loneliness, etc.. The main character, Suzie, was one that I enjoyed seeing this strawberry-smelling land of a world through. She didn't grate my nerves on how she dealt with the hand she was given. She persevered through harsh times with the help of some friends she meets right away. I was grateful for the genuine relationship between Susie and others that were portrayed in this story. There's an adventurous and somewhat magical element to this story that seem incredibly promising and I hope to read on to the next book to find out more on the journey of Susie and company.

I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rajib ahmed
Although this is described as a Young Adult novel, I think that it is probably aimed squarely at the younger end of that age bracket.

The author's world building is detailed and consistent, with enjoyable character interactions. The mythology created is inventive and entertaining.

I did, however, find this book to be a bit long, and the story didn't completely grab me. That said, it's not a bad book, just not for me.

I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely loved this book! I planned to read it over a weekend but found that once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. The character of Suzie is so compelling, right from the beginning. Why is she losing weight? What happens to her? Her responses to the incredible encounters are so realistic and sympathetic that I simply had to finish the book! The beautifully drawn landscapes were easy to visualize (hopefully this will be made into a movie someday). I can't wait for the next book! Three cheers for this new author!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenny adkins
An entertaining fantasy that takes the horrible myth of a scythe wielding grim reaper and places it into the realm of a service industry to ease the passage of a soul to the after life. A unique read with original plot lines and fascinating world building, this book will leave you reaching for the second one. All in all, a great story! Well done, Christopher!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nelly aghabekyan
Received a complimentary copy to read and review. I couldn't put this one down. I love the characters and the world he's created. We are introduced to Suzie. She is put into a situation where she is the only female among a bunch of males. She has to fight to survive against all of her peers and the teacher. None of them her to make it to the end. She's not going to let the odds stop her from reaching her goal. It has some great twists and turns. This one that any reader of YA fantasy will love to read. I look forward to reading more of Christopher's books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie dennis
School of Deaths was a delightful surprise. The world building was surefooted and complete, and I was emerged in the world of the Dead. Our heroine, Suzie, was a true fish out of water as the only female Death in a million years. This story reminded me a lot of Harry Potter with its school politics, magical beings, and treachery. I would recommend this to anyone looking for an original YA fantasy to get lost in. I look forward to the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marc alexander
This book was really wonderful. It took me a couple chapters to get into it, but once I empathized with Suzie I was hooked on the book. I could see Mannino's style develop as the book unfolded. It's a compelling, feminist story that involves mystery, conspiracy, and friendship. I'm eagerly awaiting the second book to come out in print, because I wholeheartedly think this series is worth getting in print.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
An interesting twist as the Grimmer Reaper comes into existence. Wow a girl that's also a really good twist. I enjoyed the reading of this book.
I received this from the author for this honest review
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
(Free copy of novel in exchange for honest review)


Christopher Mannino does a fantastic job of creating a new sci-fi/fantasy series for young teen girls. He provides a great message for young girls about courage and perseverance in the face of bullies and personal struggle.

Suzie Sarnio is the first female Death in, like, a million years. She has one year to learn all she needs to know about being a Death to pass her test to go back home to her family. Little does she know that there are those plotting against her and there's more at stake than her ability to go home.

Mannino does a wonderful job building the world of the Deaths, Elementals and Dragons. The complicated backstory/history adds to the richness of the storyline and characters. There is an intricate plot that begins to be unveiled and I think it will be fully revealed in the sequel. I am looking forward to reading book two.


My only complaint is Suzie's ability to dismiss her family so easily at the end. Her family should be more important than what she's dealing with, honestly, and her comfort of not going back to her family was a little disturbing. I am still undecided on whether I would want my 13-year-old daughter reading this book based on this fact alone. There should have been some out, some way she passed the test and then was able to go back after reassuring her family she was okay. It really bugged me a lot, enough to give the book 3 stars instead of 4/5.
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