Hidden Ink: A Montgomery Ink Novella

ByCarrie Ann Ryan

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clare didier
Title: Hidden Ink
Author: Carrie Ann Ryan
Series: 1001 Dark Nights
Genre(s): Romance
Page Count: 124 pages
Heat Level: # 5 flames out of 5
Rating: # 5 stars out of 5
The Montgomery Ink series continues with the long-awaited romance between the café owner next door and the tattoo artist who's loved her from afar.
Hailey Monroe knows the world isn't always fair, but she's picked herself up from the ashes once before and if she needs to, she'll do it again. It's been years since she first spotted the tattoo artist with a scowl that made her heart skip a beat, but now she's finally gained the courage to approach him. Only it won't be about what their future could bring, but how to finish healing the scars from her past.
Sloane Gordon lived through the worst kinds of hell yet the temptation next door sends him to another level. He's kept his distance because he knows what kind of man he is versus what kind of man Hailey needs. When she comes to him with a proposition that sends his mind whirling and his soul shattering, he'll do everything in his power to protect the woman he cares for and the secrets he's been forced to keep.

I absolutely love the 1001 Dark Night series [anyone who has seen some of my reviews knows this; I've done my best to read the entire set from start to finish, and I've been hooked from the very first novel I read] and Carrie Ann Ryan's Hidden Ink was an excellent addition. Considering that the series encompasses a wide variety of genres including paranormal, erotica and contemporary romance, I was excited to find out that our alpha male, Sloane, and our alpha woman [because she is strong and powerful], Hailey, were 'human' - a tattoo shop owner who must deal with the repercussions of his past in the form of PTSD, and a woman who survived the worst of hells and lives with the physical and emotional scars - they were relatable, passionate and characters that I could easily forget they were fictional. Taking Hidden Ink out of the 1001 Dark Night series context, this is the second novel that I've read written by Carrie Ann Ryan, and as the first novel, I couldn't put it down. For a novella sized story, Hidden Ink is anything but: it's jammed pack with enough action, drama, emotion and sexual chemistry that any reader would believe they were reading a full length novel. This is one author that knows how to write her tattoo alpha men in such a decadent way that we can't resist their story! It's a highly recommended read from not only the 1001 Dark Nights series, but also from Carrie Ann Ryan's Montgomery Ink series!
**Received a copy in exchange for an honest review. Read and reviewed by Kathleen for Alpha Book Club**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steven correy
Novellas are both a blessing and a curse. They give you a short story that will satisfy you on one level and leave you begging for more on another. Some novellas are written purely for those who love a series, giving insight into important moments and people. Some are written to give a side story that you have been hoping to see. With this novella, I feel like it falls into every category. Hidden Ink is a novella that shares a moment in which a dream and longing becomes a reality. This short story should not work but it does so well. Carrie Ann Ryan deals with some heavy issues, ones that have the tendency to weigh down a full length story and the fact that she can use them in a novella is genius. She is brilliant in taking those themes and having them add depth to two characters without dragging the story down into details and tragedy. Hailey and Sloane have some major chemistry and history, something that is so obvious from the beginning of the story. They have been friends with a deep connection for so long and when a move is made, it can either end in bliss or tragedy. The story unfolds in a way that is not rushed. Having never read the Montgomery Ink Series, I still understood and felt the emotion from these two. It is clear that their attraction has been alive and building for a very long time. You understand their history without having to relive it. That is brilliant. They both carry heavy burdens and pain from their past, something that no one around them understands. But honesty and openness allows them to take a step into healing and bring life to the darkness.

After reading this novella, I have added the entire Montgomery Ink series to my TBR list. Carrie Ann teases with her characters and builds a comradery that I love to see in a book and series. As someone who has no idea as to who the characters are and their stories in the past, I need to know where they come from and what brought them together. I also hope to see glimpses of Hailey and Sloane both before and after this novella. If you love this series, this novella is a must read. If you know nothing of the series like I did, know that this one is still worth reading and be warned that you will come away adding a handful of books to your reading list!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angela klocke
A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

“I like the dance we had even though I hated it. I’ve wanted you, Hailey, but… well, for reasons of my own, I stayed away. I know I’m not good enough for you, but I don’t damn well seem to care right now.”

What a sweet and emotional novella! I’ll admit, I haven’t read any of the other books in this series, but I really enjoyed this novella and have now added the prior books in the series to my TBR list! Aside from being a little confused with trying to keep everyone straight because I wasn’t familiar with the series, I didn’t really have any trouble following what was going on or connecting to the characters so I think this could definitely be read as a standalone. However, I do think it would have been even better had I been following along with Sloane and Hailey’s slow burn romance that I am sure has been building up to this point.

So as you’ve probably guessed by now, this is the (apparently) long-awaited story of café owner Hailey and tattoo artist Sloane. They’ve wanted each other since they set eyes on each other years before but haven’t taken it any further than friendship. They each have reasons for not taking that next step and all of that is uncovered here. Can they let go of the burdens of their past so that they can move forward together?

This was a short novella so it was very fast moving, that’s where I think I could have benefitted from having met them first in the prior novels, but it didn’t really feel all that rushed and I definitely did connect to both Sloane and Hailey and was rooting for them to finally come together. I won’t say what demons plagued them, since I’m not sure if that was known prior to this book, but I will say I totally admired Hailey’s strength. Not only for her own trials but for handling Sloane’s burden as well. I really loved her character even in just the short time I got to know her! And Sloane broke my heart but he was such a good guy and I loved how well he treated Hailey.

I’m glad I came across this novella and I now look forward to going back and getting to know the rest of the Montgomery Ink crew!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the entire Montgomery Ink series, and newest novella is no exception. Carrier Ann Ryan has created an amazing world of characters. The more I get to know about them, the more fall in love. The complexity and depth of the these characters are amazing. Just when you think you know all the players, BAM! Ryan finds a whole new layer to add.

Hailey and Sloan have been in every Montgomery Ink story, so when they finally got their own book, I was fan girl squueeee all the way. I never imaged where Hailey would take us. Her journey wasn't the I expected, but I think that made it even more powerful. She embodies the strength it takes to come out the other side, and the wisdom to understand that she isn't the same person that started the journey. She could love both people, while keeping them independent.

Sloan's struggle is one that is all too common and there has to be a better way. I don't know what it is, but too many people live broken because of it. He was hard to read, because Ryan made the struggle personal. I have always wondered about the quiet depth of Sloan, and it was deeper than I imaged.

Carrie Ann Ryan continues to amaze me with her characters and complexity of her Montgomery Ink universe! I can't wait to spend more time there! Thank you for sharing these amazing characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david de c spedes
This sweet novella takes place in the world of Montgomery Ink. It follows the lovely coffee shop owner Hailey and the grumpy, mysterious tattoo artist Sloane. The two have been dancing around each other in each book up until now. It seemed they were attracted to each other but the reader and honestly, the other characters did not know what was going on between the two of them.

So this is their time to shine. I read this novella prior to release without paying much attention to the cover illustration. I had read the blurb and I follow the series so of course, I was reading it. What I didn't realize the was the extent to which Hailey's scars ran. The pink ribbons say it all. For me, she is the best character in the story. She has faced looking at death with strength and grace while being utterly alone. Her story is about hope. When she takes a risk with Sloane and learns of his demons, the story becomes one of the healing power of love.

Hailey survived her cancer. She becomes brave enough to share with Sloane and then embraces her new Montgomery family by trusting her story with all of them. Short and moving story in the series timeline. Well written and coming to me at a time when I needed some hope and healing as well. Looking forward to more Montgomery Ink!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey roberson
This was a perfect novella. It was the right length with everything it needed in it and without the feeling that something was missing or feeling rushed. I could not see this novella any longer or as a full length. It is perfect as it is.

The story is a heart breaking one, between both Hailey and Sloane's past it's a sad story but one so worth the read. Not only because after years of dancing around the fact that they were attracted to one another and not doing anything about it but because the meaning behind it. A message that beauty isn't skin deep and strength isn't just muscles on your body, and that scars on your body and your soul don't define who you are and that you can move past the horrors of what has happened and live in the now.

Due to Hailey flirting with some random guy Sloane finally stepped up and asked Hailey for a date. Hailey already knows she is in love with Sloane and has been for a while but she's scared the scars she carries on her body will frighten him off. Sloane has loved Hailey from the beginning but keeps her at a distance never thinking he's good enough for her that his black soul would taint her. Can they each get past their insecurities and have their HEA?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Unfortunately, I haven’t read any of the Montgomery Ink series until Hidden Ink. Fortunately, I wasn’t lost a bit in this story.

Immediately into the book, I adored Hailey. There was just something about her character that endeared her to me. Maybe it was her past struggle, that she fought by herself, that won my heart or that her love for Sloane, even though she thought that there would never be a chance between them. And really, the reasons above are what endeared me to Sloane. He also struggles with a past and believes that Hailey is too good for him so he keeps his distance. What I love is that one customer changes it all. One customer flirts with Hailey and Sloane pushes himself into making his feelings known. (Eeekkk!) Once everything is out in the open, this is when the characters became even more real. Both revealed their secrets of their tortured hearts to each other and the rest of the gang, which created a tight solidarity circle between all.

Like I stated above, I haven’t read any of these books before this one but this one has definitely peaked my interest in the other’s stories and in those to come.

P.S. Hailey’s tattoo…such a beautiful idea.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leonardo olmos
Hidden Ink just awestruck me! I can hardly believe it is called a novella. There is so much going on in such a short span. I have enjoyed reading Carrie Ann Ryan before. This book just tops them all. The issues that were presented along with the reality of them were done intricately but with bold strokes for both the strong characters. I felt my heart melt for them, not in a pitying bad way, but in a resonating strength-glad they made it through way.

Hailey is a survivor and while she doesn’t run around announcing it, she sure as heck doesn’t let anyone trounce on her either. If there was a soundtrack, I could just envision Hailey dancing in the hours before her bakery opens to some intense songs.

So when Hailey has a shot at Sloane, the hot man that she has been wanting for years, she’s not about to let him shut the door on what they could have. Sloane had been through a lot as well but he didn’t see that he had survived. He needed Hailey for that. The book beautifully wove their lives and their need for each other, giving them strength to love, move from the past and not worry about tomorrow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael reynolds
This story is packed up with powerful issues. The main characters are going through is really heavy, Hayle has secrets and Sloane does too. They have been circling about each other.

She feels inadequate and he feels like he doesn't deserve a chance at the life that is looking ahead, an amazing one at that.

Will Sloane finally understand how unconditional love is? Will Hails finally get how deserving and proud she should be that she won the fight of her life? Will they be strong enough for each other and win the fight of their lives?

This story though short is extraordinary and the Montgomerys are a very tight bunch. Carrie Ann did an amazing job in this book, as well as in the previous, the theme presented in this one a lot of you can relate to. It is a must read.

I loved this characters their vulnerability regarding themselves, yet both were so strong and selfless when dealing with what life threw at them and protecting their friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeremy fuller
4 Stars
Sloane and Hailey finally get their story!  They have been circling each other since the beginning of the Montgomery Ink series, but finally Sloane does something about it.  Hailey has her own personal secrets as does Sloane and they have to work through how to deal with them.  The book deals with both PTSD and cancer and the scars that they leave on the people affected.  Hailey is a hero in her own right, having come through her cancer with grace but with no support system.  It is amazing that she keeps the knowledge of her past bout with cancer from everyone, even the Montgomery's.  Sloane has just never talked about his PTSD and the reasons behind it and no one has ever pushed.  Sloane and Hailey's relationship forces their secrets into the open.  I really enjoyed the book, it is short but sweet.  I can't wait for the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased this book at Shameless Con 2016 because I'm a big fan of Montgomery Ink and Carrie Ann Ryan, but I did not expect this book to move me the way it did. Hailey has always been a likeable ancillary character and who could resist the growly Sloane?

But the meat and potatoes of this story? Wow! I never expected such depth. Pretty quickly we find out Hailey's story. As a friend of several women who lost their original breasts to mastectomies, her vulnerability and strength resonated. I found myself in tears with her. I found her courage empowering...and her willingness to help Sloane slay his demons?

Like I said. Wow!

And the sex being hot was just gravy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael fitzgerald
This is my First Montgomery Ink book I have read, it is absolutely AMAZING, I fell in love with Sloan and Hailey, What they have both dealt with in their lives have completely formed the characters, Carrie Ann did an amazing job making you feel what they are feeling, It is such and emotional book I cried many times, I can completely picture Hailey's Ink and It just seems so beautiful with SUCH a great meaning behind it, THANK you so much Carrie Ann,

I will be reading this whole series, because this book touched me beyond words

I received and ARC of this book for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura chamberlain
I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Another awesome Montgomery related book
Two scared survivors who have been going in circles around each other years, finally get the push they need to make a move.
Sloan the tall, bearded, brooding, tattooed, quite tattoo artist doesn't feel he is worthy of Hailey. He feels he doesn't deserve her. He's scarred inside and out and has a secret, even the Montgomeries don't know about.
Hailey is the blond bomb shell baker and owner of Taboo. She too is scarred and has her own secret that no one knows.
As Sloane helps Hailey finally break down her walls, Hailey fights to help Sloane break down his.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea hausler
Received in exchange for an honest review.

Loved Sloane & Hailey! It was great to finally get the back story on both of these characters. It took them long enough to get there, but they are great together and I was happy they were able to find their HEA with each other. Can't wait for the next story :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerri ann
I love this series, with all the muscles & ink & love & such. This one was deep & intense, with both Haileys & Sloans secrets. You're heart bleeds for them, all the while hoping they'll find their strength to be together. Total love. A definite must read
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