A Taste for a Mate (Redwood Pack Book 1)

ByCarrie Ann Ryan

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samer ismail
ARC - I voluntarily offered to review this book with no obligations and my opinions are honest!
This was a great read!
I love the storytelling.
The interaction between Jasper + Willow was so cute + sexy at the same time.
They did feel attraction toward each other.
I would recommend this book.
HEA ending!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jasper and Willow's story is the first full length story in the Redwood series. Like clockwork, Jasper haunts Willow's bakery and not just for her cinnamon rolls. She asks herself "why" but doesn't question the handsome man that puts a smile on her face. From this first innocent interaction, until the last page, their story is sure to entertain. Never a quiet moment while they work through their challenges and achievements.
Voluntarily reviewed
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book. This is the 1st book (of 6) in where we learn about the Redwood Pack. I love Ms. Ryan's writing style and storyline, you actually feel like you know these people and I love that!
Passion Restored (Gallagher Brothers Book 2) :: Chasing Sam (Vegas Mates Book 1) :: Hope Restored (Gallagher Brothers Book 3) :: Ink Inspired (Montgomery Ink) :: Tempting Boundaries (Montgomery Ink Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica richards
The second installment of this series was even better than the first! I took a liking to Jasper in the first book but fell in love with him in this book. The relationship between him and Hannah was written so well and I loved all the emotions that were brought out between them. Another great book in this great series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tamara mejia rabell
Tall, dark and handsome keeps showing up at Wil's bakery every morning, until one day he finally asks her out. Delighted she expects a wonderful night, instead she gets kidnapped, tortured and near killed and at the very last moment saved by Jasper. And let's not forget she discovers there are such creatures as werewolves, and they aren't all nice.

Jasper is the Beta of the Redwood Pack, he's been dying to make a move on Willow, he knows she's his mate, but Wil's human and knows nothing about werewolves or about his Pack, but risking it he finally asks her out. Before he gets to pick her up she's kidnapped by a rival Pack, The Centrals. Jasper and his brothers do everything they can to save her - with the consequences of having to take Wil to Pack lands to keep her safe, to keep her his.

The Central Pack and its sadistic alpha won't go down easy, they have a plan of their own to get rid of Redwood Pack and their way to do it just happens to lay in Willow and Jasper and destroying everything they hold dear. No amount of blood, family or morals will stop these wolves from making pack with the devil. Literally.

A Taste For A Mate was a great continuation for the Redwood Pack Series! Dark, entertaining and passionate! Carrie Ann Ryan writes like a pro, the text is engaging the reader to react, to feel and to hope. The characters are realistic and the depth of their emotions made this a genuinely interesting read - hoped throughout the book that Willow and Jasper could get a break and just settle down, and be happy for ever after, but this doesn't seem to be that sort of series. There is a delicious amount of darkness and truly wicked enemies that made the hairs at the back of my neck rise. I loved the darkness of the events unfolding in contrast to the love blossoming between Wil and Jasper.

Jasper had all the characteristics of an alpha, even though he was the Pack's Beta, powerful, smart and when it came to Willow, possessive. I can't help but love the traits of a werewolf hero, all the possessive don't cross on my turf kind of attitude, the desperation for their mate and their protectiveness and hot bedroom manners! But then there has to be something about the hero that makes him relatable, bit weak and in Jasper's case that was inability to express himself to Willow which caused some major drift and trouble, and after that he was even more compelled to show her that he truly loved her. Loved it!

Willow, orphaned as a child, took to the Pack life like a moth to the flame, she finally had a family and she was so genuine and happy and caring that you could not help but adore her. She had a strong side too but being only human among friendly and not so friendly werewolves, it wasn't physical. One of the most adorable heroines I've read in ages!

What I loved about this novel was the time, everything happened snap quick in the beginning and then there were weeks and months between actions - which tribute so well to getting to know the Pack and letting Willow adjust and bringing everyone to connect deeply. Sometimes the insta-connection is good, but I so enjoyed everyone getting to know each other over months! I truly enjoyed Jasper and Willow getting to know each other and truly fall in love before god awful things begun to happen one event after another.

I loved all the twists in this book! Just when you thought things were settling down and people were happy, wham, the rugs off from underneath your feet and you're on your ass with a snarling beast before you. Loved it! There wasn't one boring moment in this book! And the cliffhangers, oh boy I loved those!

All that said, I'm straight off to reading Book 3 "Trinity Bound" which is coming out this month! Oh, and all this talk about cinnamon buns is forcing me to make some. ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eman hassaballa
Redwood Pack Book Two

When Willow is asked out by the guy from her shop, she is thrilled! However, before Jasper can take her to dinner, Willow is kidnapped by a rival pack. Being told that werewolves are real is stressful under normal circumstances. Imagine watching the man who has taken you turning into a wolf right in front of you! After Jasper rescues his mate, she must come to terms with their mating and decide how to continue their relationship. But nefarious forces are at play and the Redwoods will face a new enemy.

If you're looking for a werepack to keep you warm at night, this will be it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kendra camplin
As Carrie Ann develops this series, it gets better with each book as they progress through different members lives in the pack and trying times of the redwoods pack itself. Jasper is an individual that is ok with the way his life is currently going. Not "looking" for a mate till he stumbles on Willow's bakery and she steals his heart with food (all guys dreams right). They go through real life challenges of having a relationship with unique twists around all corners... Lets me just say Willow is one strong broad! The things she indures at the hands of the Redwood packs enemy's (centrals) is more than any one person could over come, yet she keeps a level head and pushes through. This is a good book that sets the sene for her next book in the series and it is a must read (trinity bond). I am anxious to see where Carrie Ann takes this series and excited to share my findings!

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jasper and Willow are featured in this one of the series. Baker and Beta drawn to each other and a date he does make. But oh evil has other plans for these two before they can make that date. So the hook is baited and now you are caught running with these two and another installment of the redwood pack. Forced into a mating too soon for either but better to live another day. Her character handles it so well better than most would. Love and adventure against the evil that tries once again to destroy a pack-to take it's power so they think they can. Ha Ha the fools they are. Anyways that is what this author does with her ability to deliver and bracing for the outcome you hope it will be and sighing with the happiness these two receive and more than ready after this one to see what still is in store for the redwood pack. Received an arc for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jasper and Willow are a unique story full of love and tragedy. The story starts off with pain Willow is inflicted with by a rival pack. Jasper and his faithful brothers save her life and bring her back to the Den. Love is tested, love is shown and hatred for Willow doesn't go unnoticed... a vengeful woman turns her back on the pack and helps aid Willows next attack. Jasper, forced to turn Willow, saves her life yet again. Pregnancy should be a joyous time, if only Willow wasn't in so much danger! Last attack on the pack shows how far brothers will go for their siblings mate. A true love story to the end....

This book is unlike any I have encountered... so much is inflicted on a mate that you cringe and hurt just for her. a few tears and happy laughs will bring you to not only love Jasper and Willow but his family as well. You'll want to continue to read her stories as they keep coming. Carrie Ann Ryan is an amazing writer who brings a world out unlike no other out there!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Taste For A Mate packs quite a phenomenal punch for a paranormal lover like me! Werewolves, witches, and demons are all involved in a brutal war that takes prisoners, and has no mercy. The Redwood pack is strong, kind, loving and has a well developed community that is perfect for Willow. However, when she gets caught as the pawn by the jealous, greedy and evil Central pack, she bears more torture than any one human can withstand. Can her beloved Jasper save her?

Carrie Ann Ryan has a wonderful sense of humor, which shines, and made me laugh out loud at times. For instance, at one point, as Willow is removing Jasper's shirt, she stops to ponder, "Seriously, who outside of a romance novel has an eight pack?" My husband wanted to know what was so funny :D

I can't wait to read Reed's story, Trinity Bound, and the following stories of the Redwood Pack. They are a hardy bunch, and I would love to belong to this pack of werewolves!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dan glasson
The review that follows is a partial review. To read my full review, please visit:
The Redwood Pack is the strongest werewolf pack around. But when a rival pack, whose leaders are pure evil, enlist the use of a demon to take down the Redwoods, there will be casualties--on both sides. The war has begun, and the Centrals are not willing to back down. Can the Jamenson family, along with the rest of the pack, take the Centrals out--before it's too late...?

Willow and Jasper seemed to be made for one another--which, considering that they are mates makes sense. The chemistry between them was spicy hot, if a bit sudden. There wasn't nearly enough romance in A Taste for a Mate, at least not for my tastes. I would have been happier watching Willow and Jasper fall in love. Instead, we see Jasper claim her as his mate and she quickly accepts it. The end. Wait-where was the romance? The love? The getting-to-know-each-other banter? I enjoy a good "predestined mate" storyline, such as this, but there should also be a visible connection and development of feelings between the hero and heroine, which I just couldn't find in this book. The sex might have been hot, but the lack of connection between them quickly threw a bit of a cold towel on the action, at least for this reader.

The characters were nothing spectacular, and by that I mean they were not the sort that I will remember long after the book is done with. Willow seemed to be a bit lacking; she tried to show how she was supposedly a strong woman who knew what she wanted, but I didn't see it. And Jasper wasn't much different. Other than the fact that he is a werewolf, with strong ties to his pack and family, I didn't get much from him either. The conversations between the two, as well as conversations between other characters, seemed a bit stiff, and didn't really fit. It made it a bit more difficult to enjoy this book, as, besides Reed (who was a bit different from the others), I didn't really feel a connection--of any sort--to any of the characters.

The story was fairly interesting, though it didn't hold my attention from start to finish. There were more than a few rough spots, and while they didn't ruin the book completely, these rough patches did take away from the story's overall quality. For most of the book, the story and pace both seemed very rushed. And yet there were other times when it dragged on a bit. I wish the pace had been just a bit more smooth and steady, though perhaps this will improve a bit as the series goes on.


This review is property of TBQ's Book Palace (The_Book_Queen)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
turhan sarwar
Loving this series! Full of romance and shifter goodness but also a bit of intrigue as well add there is a risk pack out to destroy the Redwood Pack and lots of drama insues.

Cant wait for the next!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love paranormal romances and next to vampires, werewolf stories are my favorite! This book had a nice amount of action, whether in wolf form or not! There were some suspenseful moments which I think were actually my favorite parts, even more so than the romance aspect of the book ... though those weren't too bad either! ;)

Although I did like the characters of Willow and Jasper, I felt at times that Willow's self-doubt was a little off-putting. Hey, I can relate to that myself and I like when books have a female character that isn't all "I'm perfect and I know everyone loves me, and I can kick your ass, blah, blah, blah." But even though Willow originally suspects that Jasper was forced to accept her as his mate, and despite Jasper telling her that's not true, she still doubts his love for her at one point and I didn't like that. Sure, that led to another suspenseful portion of the story but it annoyed me a bit! I felt like smacking Willow upside the head and telling her to wake up. LOL

Apart from the fact that of the Jamenson brothers, this story focuses on Jasper, I rather liked Jasper's brother Adam! I'm not saying I didn't like Jasper but for some reason, I just really liked Adam's involvement in the story. Maybe that was because of Adam's history which you learn a little bit about. Being that A Taste for a Mate is book two in the Redwood Pack series and I've not read book one yet, I'm not familiar with the character of Adam (or any of the others) more than what this book delved into!

Now, I'm no expert here but I felt that Carrie Ann had a different style of writing than what I'm familiar with. Or maybe it was more that she had a different way with words. As I've already said, I did enjoy the story itself but I do feel it could have been better. There were instances of repetition of words or phrases that I felt weren't necessary. I also came across quite a few mistakes that although don't usually interfere with my reading experience, I think in this case it did hinder my enjoyment of it a little bit. Despite that, I certainly would not mind reading the other books in the Redwood Pack series. In fact, I look forward to it because I would love to read about the rest of the Jamenson family! Plus, not everything in A Taste for a Mate was resolved, in fact, the story kind of left you hanging and I have to know what happens! :)

NOTE: I received a copy of A Taste for a Mate from the author for a giveaway she conducted on Twitter which I won.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed the first book in this series and was eagerly looking forward to this one. I was definitely NOT dissappointed! I loved the interaction between the family members. The sex scenes were amazing... Hot doesn't begin to cover it. I can't wait to read Trinity bound! If you haven't read any of Carrie Ann's books, I highly recommend you start!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael klem
The second installment of the Redwood Pack series is Jasper and Willow's story. From the beginning I couldn't wait to turn the page to find out what was going to happen, trouble was brewing right from the start. I enjoyed reading the romance between the characters and boy did it flourish! The story has lots of action both between the sheets and out of them. Romantic paranormal lovers will find this authors take on the battle between good and evil very intriguing. I cannot wait to read about the the next Jamenson brother!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this installment of the Redwood Pack!! After reading Kade's book I knew I was hooked and this book just reinforced that to me! Jasper is the Beta of the pack and is used to responsibility every day. Willow is a bakery in the small town near their den and he visits her every day. He will do anything and everything for not only his family but his friends. And Willow proves that she is just as much the same. When he finally decides to make his move? She is taken before it can happen! There are twists and turns and things that I never expected! And the pack finds out they have an enemy they never thought to have. This book will make you love the characters and make you fall in love with the series in general! These two together are explosive and I never wanted this book to end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sheetal patel
This is the second book in the Redwood series. This is Jasper and Willow's story. Jasper everyday for a month has visited Willow's bakery and it's not just for her amazing cinnamon rolls but Willow doesn't know that she just knows a gorgeous man comes in like clock work and she doesn't even know his name but that she'd like too!

Jasper and Willow story is thrilling, amazing, epic story that has plenty of ups and downs but worth the read. Carrie Ann Ryan creates a complete package with this book and one that shouldn't be missed!

Loved this book!! Jasper and Willow!!! Amazing!! I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Misunderstandings all over the place in this story, and I am totally on board with our heroine, Jasper is silent when he should speak and speaks when he should think!

That being said, he realizes pretty quickly and recovers when he has messed up, if only he could do that beforehand!

Series need a running theme, and we get it here. We get the bad guys, and they do bad things. We get out good guys having to do good and bad things to win over the bad guys

Overall, this was a wonderful love story with lots of action, and some heartbreak, in it, and had me diving into the next story to see what would happen next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rikhav shah
The second installment of the Redwood Pack series is Jasper and Willow's story. From the beginning I couldn't wait to turn the page to find out what was going to happen, trouble was brewing right from the start. I enjoyed reading the romance between the characters and boy did it flourish! The story has lots of action both between the sheets and out of them. Romantic paranormal lovers will find this authors take on the battle between good and evil very intriguing. I cannot wait to read about the the next Jamenson brother!
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