Inked Expressions (Montgomery Ink Book 7)

ByCarrie Ann Ryan

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the book that I have been anxiously waiting for and it definitely is my FAVORITE in the Montgomery Ink series!!

Everly is the ultimate strong willed woman!! She has endured some struggles and instead of letting life knock her down, she fought back and is still fighting. She is a good mother and such a hard worker. She wants the best for her boys and she gives them everything she has. I love the history between Storm & Everly. There was also an attraction and a connection, but other things happened and they remained very close friends. I loved watching Everly turn from a mom who never dated and thought of herself as sexy, into a woman who dated her best friend and he made her feel like the sexiest woman in the world.

Storm is a very broody yet oh so sexy alpha male. He has baggage from the past that he has kept hidden from his family and Everly, and it is finally weighing too much for him. I loved how much Storm was involved with Everly & her boys' lives; her boys thought the world of Storm. I also loved how freaking caveman he was about Everly; honestly, I would have picked Storm over her late husband any day. Storm's relationship with his family was tight and with his twin, it is like they shared one brain sometimes and just knew what the other was thinking. Storm was really a great guy and I love him and Everly together.

This couple had a fiery passion and the stolen moments between the two were some of the most intimate and hottest moments. I absolutely love this series and I am SO excited for the next book to come out!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Inked Expressions is Storm's story and one that I have been waiting on.  Storm is a secret keeper and his secrets are huge so to finally see this big, brooding Montgomery find love was something I have definitely been looking forward to.  

The story centers around Everly and her twin baby boys - they are currently 3 years old and have health issues.  Pretty much anything and everything that can go wrong, does go wrong for poor Everly in this book.  The boys' father Jackson, who is Storm's best friend, is killed the night the babies are born.  Storm steps up and helps to take care of Everly and the twins - to an extent.  But as I mentioned earlier, Storm is a secret keeper and not a man to let anyone get to close to him.  As problems just keep arising for Everly, she needs more from Storm and their attraction for one another grows.  

The story was definitely filled with action and drama.  Lots of different things going on in this book, almost too much.  I would have like to see more of a relationship between the two develop earlier than it did.  It was certainly a slow build up, a slow burn.  There was plenty of attraction and heat, it just took a while to get where I wanted them to be.  I love the Montgomery Ink characters, you really feel a sense of connection to all of them and get to know them as a family.  They are well developed and the author makes them out to each have a distinct personality.

I love this series from Carrie Ann Ryan and cant wait for Wes to get his story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric mullis
4.5 Stars

Inked Expressions, is the seventh title in the Montgomery Ink series, and each title can be read as a standalone. I have read several of the books in this series, and love the endearing, dynamic and relate-able characters that Ms Ryan creates.

Storm Montgomery has all the traits of a great book boyfriend, he's sexy, smart, strong, compassionate, loving, caring, thoughtful, loyal and gives off a brooding alpha vibe. Storm holds secrets and guilt from his past, that is beginning to effect his relationship with everyone around him.

Everly Law is Storm's best friends widow, she's a single mother to a pair of captivating precocious twin boys. Everly is incredibly strong, hardworking and loving, and a survivor.

I thoroughly enjoyed this friends to lovers romance, which is full of twists and turns, drama and angst. The connection and chemistry between Storm and Everly is both believable and intense.

I love the Montgomery family, and found Inked Expressions to be a wonderful addition to this series, with an intriguing, entertaining and engaging story told in a dual point of view. I look forward to the next title in this series featuring Jillian and Storm's twin brother Wes and recommend this title to anyone who enjoys a friends to lovers romance, a contemporary romance or series featuring family and interconnected story lines.
Ink Enduring (Montgomery Ink Book 5) :: Whiskey Reveals (Whiskey and Lies Book 2) :: Inked Memories (Montgomery Ink Book 8) :: Hot Ink (Inked in the Steel City Book 1) :: Ink Inspired (Montgomery Ink)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader copy of this book. Carrie Ann Ryan is a force to be reckoned with, her writing is absolutely undeniably decadent and beautiful. If I could give this series more than five stars I would in a minute. Never turn one of her books down, it will be with you for a lifetime and you will read them over and over again as I have.

Jackson married Everly, Storm was his best friend, the three coexisted together for a long time, they were all so close. Everly found out right before she gave birth to twins that Jackson died in a plane crash. She just about lost her mind and body but Storm was there to help her with her life and was a blessing in disguise to her then and now. Storm asked nothing of Everly but inside he felt things for her that he would never say. Everly was trying her best to survive on her own but when a tragedy hit that was unexpected, her world began to collapse and she felt all alone but did Storm come in and save the day. Did he give her what she needed and if he did, did she reciprocate his feelings or did she run from him. There are so many twists in this one you will have to pay close attention but when you get to the end of this one, you will sigh, feel fulfilled and sit for a minute to collect your thoughts and then two days later you might read it again to see what you missed. Wonderful, wonderful story, much love portrayed by others in this one, and great support for Everly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love reading about the Montgomery family and Inked Expressions was no exception. Four stars, because there was almost too much going on for the first half of the book with the past colliding with the present. Storm and Everly have known each other for years through Jackson. When he is killed in a crash, Everly tries to do everything herself and it becomes overwhelming. The twins have medical issues, the in-laws are nasty, bills pile up and she is trying to run a business, which comes to a violent end. Stone also has secrets of his own. When Storm and Everly finally realize and accept how they feel about each other, the story flows more easily.

Of the Montgomery stories, Storm and Everly were not my favorite characters, but still worth reading as a part of the series. This is a voluntary review of an ARC.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff polman
Oh how I loved everything about Storm and Everly. Even when they were both acting foolish and not seeing what's right in front of them!! This is a perfect addition to the Montgomery Ink Series.

These two have been in each other's lives for what seems like forever. Everly accepted Storm because he was her husband's best friend. When the unthinkable happens right before she's going to deliver their twins, Storm steps in just like he always promised he would if something ever happened to Jackson. What neither of them counted on was developing feelings for each other that they both thought were wrong and didn't want to face.

Well, I'm here to tell you, that even though there were a few times I wanted to slap one or both of them, the heat and passion between these two finally couldn't be ignored. Add in a dose of the cutest and most precocious little boys, his meddling family and a past and some secrets that come out and it's a perfect Carrie Ann Ryan book!

This story kept me glued to my kindle and every once in a while I'd gasp or mutter, something like "shut the front door!" and I even shed a few tears because this one brought out a lot of emotions especially when Storm has to face a past that only a select few know about. The entire Montgomery family is in this book and we're setup very nicely for Wes's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janette mckinnon
I am addicted to the Montgomery Ink series!!! Carrie Ann Ryan makes me feel like I am coming back home when she releases a new book in the series. Inked Expressions was no exception! Storm stole my heart and took my breath away! His compassion and dedication to Everly and her twin boys was heart aching good. No matter what he felt for Ev since they first became friends, he was always there for her. More now that she lost her husband, his best friend three years before.

Everly was everything I would love to be. You read about the devastation and the toll losing her husband has been on Ev. She is a survivor and works so hard to provide for her boys. She has in-laws that are not so nice that she will put up with for her babies. She is a true mother and the compassion she has is unforgettable.

I loved Storm and Ev's chemistry. Everyone around these two knew that they were soul mates. Their time was not in the past, it is now! Storm is a great father figure for the twins and a great supported to Ev. When they let go and give in to their attraction, the sexy scenes exploded with love, lust, and all those pent up feelings. And then the drama!!!!! The past clashing with the future is unreal and makes you hold your breath! The angst and what ifs come to play. Inked Expressions has it all! I can not wait for Wes and Jillian's story next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara liebert
Inked Expressions is book 7 in the Montgomery Ink series. It is fully stand alone however this series is so good that I recommend them all and they others are about this characters brothers and sisters. This one follows Storm and Everly. Storm is one of the Montgomery twins and owns part of the family business. Everly is Storm's best friend's widow. I absolutely loved this book! I have been waiting for the twins to get their own books and really hoping that they would be great and it doesn't disappoint at all. Storm is a strong, loving, and courageous man. He had something horrible happen to him in his past that shaped every portion of his life. The problem is that only a couple people know what happened and he holds all of his feelings inside. Everly was pregnant with her own twins when her husband was killed. Little does she know how hard her life would become or even what secrets her husband withheld from her. There were so many unexpected parts to this book along with twists and turns that I certainly never saw coming. I loved every minute of it. Storm and Everly together are such a strong couple and I love how they learn they can lean on each other for everything! I cannot wait for the next book in this series, along with the planned spinoff!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Title: Inked Expressions
Author: Carrie Ann Ryan

5 amazing stars

I've been following Carrie Ann Ryan's releases for a while now and i love how diverse she is. I now that whether she writes her paranormal genre or her alpha men, i'm in for a treat - one that i'll need a fan to make it through her book because it's that hot! I've read the majority of the Montgomery Ink series and just when I think I've found my favorite couple, along comes a new adventure, a new story and a new couple to 'beat'.

4.5 sexy dreams

Everly and Storm's story touched me - it was emotional, full of love and had a backstory that i'm so glad i got to read because for as long as i can remember, i've always wondered what Storm was hiding. There was a hint as to what he was hiding, but i could never pinpoint exactly what it was. So many questions were answered and i simply couldn't get enough of these two. I have a feeling it'll be difficult to beat this couple as my favorite, but i have a feeling i'll be regretting or changing my mind with the next Montgomery couple!

*ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maria swailes
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of the book.

This is the 5th Montgomery Ink book that I've read (6th if you include Passion Restored, which is technically a Gallagher Brothers book, but it's a Montgomery Ink spin-off) and I find myself loving the series more and more with each book that I read. I was attached to Everly and Storm from the very beginning of the story - you could tell that there was chemistry between the two of them, but they were both genuinely good and loyal people, so nothing ever happened. Everly was so strong and resilient and tenacious, my heart just went out to her as she dealt with blow after blow after blow. The revelations that came up through the course of the book kept me turning the pages, in addition to the sweet love story brewing between her and Storm.

I thoroughly enjoyed Inked Expressions and it truly had everything that makes the Montgomery Ink series so great: heat, emotion, depth, and love in so many facets (familial, romantic, and platonic). I'm so looking forward to having the time to go back and catch up on the gap between books that I've got going - I love this series and all of its spin-offs! I give Inked Expressions a solid 4 out of 5 wine glasses.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cheryl madigan
Everly thought her life was perfect as she was deeply in love with her husband Jackson and she was expecting twins until tragedy struck and he passed away the night that she was giving birth. Running her bookstore and looking after her two boys if all she had the time or energy for.

Storm was Jackson’s best friend and when he passed away he promised that he would help Everly in any way that he could however she her need for independence challenges his efforts to assist.

The two of them have not acknowledge their attraction to each other not even to themselves but one encounter causes it to explode. When secrets from Jackson’s past are exposed it rocks them to the core but Storm will do whatever is necessary to ensure the safety of Everly and the boys that he considers his own.

I love this family as they are so close and supportive of each other. It is bittersweet to see this series come to an end as I love this family as they are so close and supportive of each other but I know that whatever Carrie Ann Ryan is writing next I will be reading. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Storm was one of only two of the Montgomery Brother that wasn't attached to someone. His life was enough for him as it was. Something happened in his past that he has been living with and only a couple people knew. So that weighed on him for years. Then his best friend in life and his wife were about to have twin boys and he was thrilled for them On the night he was suppose to arrive home from a business trip his plane crashed and his wife went into labor and had the boys. Storm swore he would always be there for his best friends family. He had always been close to Everly and now she had twins to raise on her own. Well not truly on her own because she knew she always had Storm to always help her. After a few years it seemed Storm was backing away from her in some way, not the boys. He was always there for them but she thought he was distancing himself from her. Why she didn't know. Well seems like things were about to change...In many ways. Some good and some not so much. The question being will they be there for each other. Just Wow, I so look forward to the next.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I enjoy this series, even though there are quite a lot of Montgomerys, at this point. One could easily get lost, so I recommend you read the previous books. Plus, they're good.

Storm is one of the twins and him and Wes are the last to be paired off. Storm never thought it would happen with his best friend's widow.

Everly has been on her own since the death of her husband. She only had Tabby and Storm, on occasion, though it was getting harder and harder for her to rely on him. Things have changed, had shifted between them. And none of them knew how to deal with it.

Storm had secrets. Everly would get a huge smack from the past.

While things were pretty predictable, the story line was okay and things were easily solved.

I can't say this was my favorite, I think Luc & Meghan's will always be - along with Decker and Miranda - but I am looking forward to the next book, with Wes.

I voluntarily agreed to review an early copy of the book. My rating is 3-3.5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
loree draude
Inked Expressions by Carrie Ann Ryan is another great installment in The Montgomery Ink Series.

Meet Storm Montgomery and Everly Law.
Both are friends since long ago. She was married with twins, but her husband died in a tragic accident. Storm lost his best friend.
Years later a ugly truth comes to the light of the day. Will this incident destroy the relationship both are building and the love that grows between them?

I love the Montgomery Ink Series. I love every couple and their stories. I can't get enough reading about them. And Storm and Everly's story is no exception.
I love to meet old friends and new acquaintances in every book.
I love the characters, I love how they interact, how they struggle and how they find their HEA.
And I love Carrie Ann Ryann's writing, I love her words and I lve how I can feel the characters emotions in the words.
I recommend this book, this series, and I give 5 Stars. Thank you Carrie Ann Ryan !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love everything Carrie Ann, and this was no exception. I adore the Montgomery bunch and always look forward to them. These stories always have such a good storyline and great family bonds behind them to.

Storm and Everly have known each other since college, and have been nothing but friends. When Jonathan dies, Everly husband and Storms best friend he steps up to help Everly and her newborns in typical Montgomery fashion, they always protect there loved ones fiercely. After what seems like forever the tides sort of change for these two and they start to see each other differently which takes them by surprise and leaves them on edge around each other.

I have loved Storms mysterious persona and now we know why he's always seemed miserable in a way, he's holding one heck of secret. And Everly was a phenomenal heroine, she truly showed the meaning of strength and devotion!!

I voluntarily reviewed a advanced readers copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Montgomery series just keeps getting better and better with each book that is released, if that is even possible. This is one of the best family series out there to read. Inked Expressions is about Storm Montgomery and Everly Law. Storm is part owner of the family construction business and Everly is the widow of Storm's best friend, Jackson. He has always been there for her and her twin boys and finally they both realize there is something more to their friendship.

Carrie Ann Ryan takes us on the emotional roller coaster that she loves to do with her stories. With the relationship of Storm and Everly turning from friendship to something more and then the surprise from the past that tries to ruin everything, and finally the nuggets that are places for the next book, this book is a page turner until the very end.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie s b
This Montgomery Ink book is my favorite so far. Storm Montgomery has been mysterious throughout the series and we finally find out why. Conflicted between loyalty to his deceased best friend and helping his widow, Everly, with her twin sons Storm seems lost to his twin, Wes, and the whole Montgomery clan.

Hiding his physical and emotional pain is no longer possible when fire destroys Everly's bookstore Beneath the Cover. Between the twins individual health crises and the fire, Storm becomes more than just a friend.

The Montgomery businesses rally around Everly when they discover the fire was arson. A dark cloud looms over Everly until she can get back in her burned out store and rebuild. The surfacing of a hidden story of Everly's deceased husband throws everyone a curve.

The tensions between Storm and Wes has been brewing for a few books and finally finds release in Inked Expressions. The relief is palpable to the reader. Another story that draws the reader into the family. Well done, Carrie Ann Ryan.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
merle saferstein
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader’s Copy of this book

Who does not love a man with ink? That is what we get when we open the book inked expressions. Strom Montgomery is the co-owner of Montgomery Inc. A construction company his father started, he also happens to be the twin brother of Wes Montgomery. In this book you get a look at Storm who happens to be the god father of a little boy that belongs to Everly. She is the widow of his best friend. She is one who is dead set and determined she does not need or want help from anyone. In this book you find Storm is caring a secret that is eating at him. You will also find a love that gets to develop after all of these years. It is a great read and I look forward to the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Inked Expressions is Book 7 of the Montgomery Ink series. This series is one of my all-time favorites so I highly recommend reading them all but each one does stand well on its own and doesn't need to be read in order.

Wow! This book was AMAZING! Carrie Ann Ryan knocked it out of the park with this one. I probably sound cliche but these stories just keep getting better and better with every one. As much as I loved the first books in the series, that's a tall order indeed!

There were so many twists that I didn't see coming. Ms. Ryan kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. Storm and Everly are my new favorite couple. Very enjoyable! I cannot wait to read the next book in the series. The author definitely set up some teasers of what's to come.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everly was pregnant with twins when her husband died and she's working on raising them alone. Storm was her husband's best friend and has promised to always be there for her. Well, Storm inadvertently discovers a secret about Everly's husband and that combined with some unusual things happening to Everly, causes Everly's life to change forever. Storm was such a sexy alpha male and I would love to find a guy like him. I found myself engaged in the story and making predictions about what was going to happen next. There were some things that I found heartbreaking, but they definitely added to this wonderful story. I read it in one sitting and didn't want it to end. This book gets a strong 5 stars and is a must read for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bruce trachtenberg
I have yet to be disappointed in the Montgomery series and this one is included as well. I enjoyed Storm and Everly's story from start to finish. Both characters had real issues that were relatable to readers in Storm's guilt from a past incidents and Everly's struggle with being a single mother as well as a widow. I liked the strong sense of family from the characters and the sometimes cameo appearances from the Montgomery characters from previous books in the series. The plot of this book moved along well and there were a few twists that I did not see coming. I had a hard time putting this book down once I started reading it and would recommend this book to others.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy tolbert
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of Ink Expressions.
I absolutely loved Storm and Everly's book!! It was amazing and I couldn't get enough! It is a complete story and doesn't disappoint! Carrie Ann hits the mark again in the next installment of Montgomery Ink!! They continue to get better and better each and every one!! I've loved them all and Storm is no different!! He makes you want to know him better to understand all that he's been through from his best friends death to his dark past that looms over his head. One begins to see exactly how strong Everly has had to be and the reasons behind it. This is another must read!!! Don't miss out!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan carroll
Another beautiful story from the Montgomerys. Them seem to be a well of never ending sexiness decorated with ink. Storm and Everly's is a simmering romance. She is his best friends window with three yr old adorable twins. They have been friends since college and he has been his rock for the last 3 years.
Storm has his secrets, ghosts from the past. Will he be able to open up and share? I liked that Everly is so strong and a great mom. Indepent and a go getter. I loved their story. There is drama, suspense, family loyalty and aweful in laws. Now I can't wait for the next in line:Wes.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Storm Montgomery is a conflicted guy with so much pain inside him and he is falling for his best friend's widow desperately. Everly is a widow single mother of two who is struggling like crazy to cope with bringing up her boys and keep her business.

The Montgomery family is back again in this sexy, real and tough story. This couple is so real and they are so in love! It is sexy, strong and well written. I like the way the author has a special place for every one in the Montgomery clan and still keeps Storm and Everly's romance deep and thoughtful.

I loved this book and looking forward to the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Storm has been carrying the burden of a secret for years. He now finds himself helping out Everly, the widow of his best friend. Everly's life was changed forever when her husband died and she was left to bring up their twin boys alone. A devastating revelation turns her world upside down. An unexpected passion ignites between Storm and Everly as they deal with the fallout.
Usually at this stage of a series, the stories tend to get a bit predictable, but this is definitely not the case with the Montgomery Ink series. They just keep getting better and more interesting. I really enjoyed this terrific story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everly "Ev" Law married the love of her love (Jackson) and lost him in a terrible accident on the eve of giving birth to their twins. Now a single mom who was working overtime at her bookstore to give her boys a life they deserved. Her life was hectic and demanding enough and she didn't need Storm in her life. Storm was Jacksons best friend, and he vowed to be there for Jacksons widow and twins. However, there is an attraction that Everly and Storm are determined to fight. Will they be strong enough to fight their attraction? Will they get their happily ever after?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Another Montgomery Brothers novel.
I enjoyed the read but keeping up with the Montgomery clan can give you a headache. The story of Storm and Ev is a little sad and happy. After a 10 year friendship they finally get their HEA. Finding our your husband and your best friend had another family was a shock for both Storm and Ev to get over. With the promise of Storm's twin Wes's book in the near future. It looks like the series will be going forward to another Montgomery clan. While this is a very good book I think I love the paranormal book by Carrie Ann above these
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've loved this series since Delicate Ink and now that it is almost over I have to say that it seems like Ms Ryan saved her best books for last. I loved this book I was patiently waiting for the twins to get their and Storm was the lucky number 7 book, I have to say that says a lot about his book. Storm and Everly were amazing as the leads of this book I had an suspicion that they would end up in a book together and I was so happy that they did. This was an amazing book I cannot wait to see what she has in store for the ending to this incredible series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aviya kushner
I've always wondered about Storm Montgomery, and I'm so excited to finally get his story. He and Everly each have a past, but they now have a second chance at happiness together. I love the Montgomery family, and Everly is an amazing woman, taking care of her twins while struggling to keep her bookstore going. The way that Storm and Everly were so cautiously treading around their attraction to each other was awesome. Fantastic addition to a great series. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana azevedo
Absolutely love this series all the books have been awesome reads so far I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book Storm and Everly's story was a very exciting read the characters were so appealing lije some if the old characters appearing from other pasts stories the storyline flowed beautifully couldn't put the book down I highly recommend to read you so won't be disappointed . I can't wait till Wes and Jillian's story comes out I'm sure it will be just as great a read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jinna hagerty
I liked this addition to the Montgomery family. I am always a sucker for friend to lover stories. In this case Storm was best friends with Everly's husband. Once he died, Storm continued to support Everly and her twin boys. Little did he realize he was falling for her and her sons. She also didn't realize that her feelings for Storm went beyond friendship. The only issues I had with the book was the conflict introduced based on Everly's husband's choices. You never find out why he made the choices he did as well as why the consequences of his actions came back to haunt Everly and Storm 3 years later. I would have like a little more into this. But overall this was a good read.

I received an ARC for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor o brien
This is another fantastic addition to the Montgomery Ink series. Storm is hot, sexy, and devoted to his best friend's widow and her two children. Everly is a single mum trying to do her best for her boys. As always the relationship development is spot on - in this case good friends to lovers, and the interaction between Storm, Everly and her boys is sweet. Lots of romance, sexy scenes, and a twist that I was definitely not expecting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julianne cabasi
Inked Expressions (Montgomery Ink Book 7) by Carrie Ann Ryan - WOW another truly AWESOME read by this very talented author.
This is Storm & Everly's story and wow does it grab you from the start and you need to keep reading. This is an amazing story that has a few twists and hurdles to get over.
I received an advanced readers copy of this book and leave my review to help other readers not miss out on this truly amazing read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely Amazing!!!

*I received an ARC for an honest review *

I honestly don't even know how to put into words the range of emotions this books took me through. I have waited for Storm and Everly's sorry and Mrs. Ryan did not disappoint!! I recommended this book to new and old fans it is so well written and finally they get their HEA. So thankful for the chance to read this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Storm is one dutiful man and reassures his woman on things, “they’ll like the potato salad,” Storm said with a smile. “And you didn’t have to bring anything at all. I told you that.” I loved all the perception Everly's kids had, “he’s strong and awesome and knows about X-men. We love him, and you should, too.” I really enjoyed this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leandi cameron
Another amazing book Jackson, Everly and Storm best friends through it all until a tragic accident leaves Everly pregnant Jsckdon dead and Storm around to pick up the pieces. Storm tries to be the friend to Evely but when the past comes back to haunt them will they be able to move on ? I love the montgomerys !! Love the chemistry
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex kuhl
I love the Montgomery family. Storm is strong and hot, and maybe a little broken. Everly is knocked down quite a bit it seems, but just keeps standing stronger. And together they're amazing. Loved reading how they came together. There were stressful moments and lots of emotions, but lots more loving moments. Loved this!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vince obrien
I voluntarily read this advanced readers copy of this book. Carrie Ann Ryan has done it again and wrote a fabulous book. She kept me enthralled from start to finish and I couldn’t put the book down. I love the Montgomery Ink series and cannot wait for the next book in the series to come out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received an ARC for an honest review. CAR never seems to disappoint. Storm and Everly are a wonderful couple. All of my preconceived notions concerning this couple were blown out of the water. The love scenes were steamy as ever. Ev and the twins were a nice addition to the Montgomery family. This is another must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jd avidreader
as always the author gives us an amazing read Montgomery Ink series is one of the best series ever. And the characters are the best I love how all of the past ones pop in and out as well.

This book was outstanding everything and more that you want in a romance book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I voluntarily received an advanced copy of this book for an honest review. Loving This series. Everly deserves happiness after all that she had been through. Her husband was dead, she finds out secrets about his life, and his best friend has been her rock. Good story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm totally in love with the Montgomery family. As Storm and Everly find each other, they have to fight through many issues from the past to the present. This book is filled with sweetness, suspense, danger and love. Perfect combination!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Inked Expressions was phenomenal and I enjoyed every minute of it!

The evolution of Everly Law and Storm Montgomery's relationship was HOT! Complicated and intricate, but steamy!

A must read!
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