Ink Exposed (Montgomery Ink Book 6)

ByCarrie Ann Ryan

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sean leslie
Yes, Alex Montgomery is a man who deserves absolutely a second chance in life. His romance with Tabby is beautiful, bittersweet, but also hot, a lot…

Alex is a photographer who gradually became known for his ability to capture the soul of the people and everthing else with his shots due his sensitivity. He is also an alcoholic who has just left the rehab, where he had gone for help after hitting the bottom in his life, causing pain to the people who are close to him, the amazing Montgomery family.

The relationship with his former wife, who had been his first love as a kid with time turned into something toxic for him and devastating, something that marked and pushed him toward the abuse of alcohol.

Alex isn’t perfect , he’s is protective, passionate but he has his weaknesses, but what makes him so great and real as a character is his ability to deal with his issues day by day, knowing his limits, and his weaknesses turns out to be his real strength, because now he has learned to ask for help and to let go his tension and problems in other ways.

He doesn’t hide himself in front of anyone and wants to try to regain the trust of the others, even though in truth his family and the people who love him have never ceased to be near him.

Over the years, another person has quietly “watched” him, loving him in secret without ever coming forward and assisting to his fall and rebirth: Tabby, the girl who helps his brothers in their construction company and who is part of the Montgomerys fully.

Tabby surprised me and I loved her because she’s an extraordinary woman, strong and she deeply believes in Alex, supporting and loving him without fears or doubts about him. Yet she could have every reason to protect her feelings from him, given she had behind her a painful experience with someone else.

Between them everything is fast and deep, a bond at the same time a delicate and unstable equilibrium, but full of passion and love and I love how this author knows to write moments full of sensuality, compelling, with scenes explicit and hot for the protagonists of her novels .

I love this series and all Montgomerys, their presence is always strong every story. And “Ink Exposed” is an amazing story, in a series that remains one of my favorites in the adult contemporary romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For those of us immersed in the Montgomery Ink world created by Carrie Ann Ryan Alex’s journey has presented some problems. His demons have clearly been plentiful but he’s been presented in such a way that it’s hard not to root for him. Alex has the backing of his family though and by the end of Ink Enduring it looked like Alex had conquered his addiction and was cautiously diving back into the real world.

Tabby has worked for Storm and Wes for quite some time and she’s been worming her way into my heart since she first stepped on the page. She’s loyal to the Montgomerys but she doesn’t seem like a pushover. She’s almost cautiously enamored with the crew (and I love that about her).

So, in the timeline of the Montgomery Ink world, it’s been a year since Ink Enduring ended. Alex is back on track and he’s finally beginning to trust himself again. He doesn’t feel worthy of his family’s love and devotion, but he’s getting there. But when Tabby and Alex finally face up to the feelings that have been growing for quite some time things seem to shift all over again. She’s the addiction he doesn’t know if he’ll recover from. Tabby, on the other hand, has loved Alex for a lot longer than she should. She knows him and she knows he’s worthy of her love and her trust. And sheesh, when Alex finally proves to himself that he is gonna protect Tabby he does it ALL THE WAY.

This book did seem a bit more complicated than the previous Montgomery Ink books in terms of the baggage that Alex and Tabby brought to the page. Perhaps that’s since we’ve watched both these characters grow and change and develop over the course of a few books. Before Alex and Tabby even took a good long look at one another we, the readers, know that this could end really really poorly for the entire Montgomery crew. Luckily it doesn’t and the romance between Tabby and Alex is spectacular.

Tabby’s brothers...swoon

4 stars for INK EXPOSED!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vijay bhargava
Alex Montgomery has hid his addiction to alcohol very well to those he loves. Until the rock hit the bottom, almost losing those he treasured most in his life. A year later and treatment in rehab, finds Alex working hard to maintain his sobriety and figuring out his life. Each day is a battle in will, strength and endurance as he picks up the pieces and tries to move forward.

Tabby Collins is the gear that keeps the office of Montgomery Inc running like a fine tuned machine. A smart woman who has a passion for planners and lists. Tabby is an honorary member of the Montgomery clan. She had a crush on a man she's seen crack to his core and watches him try to get himself back together.

Hot, hopeful and healing.

Ms. Ryan never fails to deliver an emotional story that readers feel deeply. Ink Exposed is a wound cut open, admission of faults and failing, recovery with soul deep healing story. One that will require tissues for the emotional depth and a fan to cool off from the heat of the passion.

Tabby and Alex, so amazing together.
OMG! Dirty Talker ALERT!!! The heat of Ink Exposed is very high but there is a deep passion weaved into every sensual moment. The communication between Alex and Tabby is a high point of the book.

There was no sugar coating to Alex's alcoholism. An issue that Ms. Ryan hit on the nail. He's actions and thoughts allowed readers to feel right along with him. An ugly healing process written beautifully. Tabby and Alex have a bumpy road with demons and secrets. A constant battle plaguing them both in different ways. With trust, compassion, growth and some hope and faith two people found a way to love.

A truly outstanding emotional and sensual read.

Review copy for this title was provided. I voluntarily chose to review this book.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
OMG! The Montgomery Ink series keeps getting better and better. I know that I say that every time I write a review, but it's true every time Carrie Ann Ryan releases a new book in this series. I adore the world Ryan has created and the characters that inhabit it. You can't help but fall in love with this family.

I have wondered for a long time what could drive a Montgomery to live at the bottom of a bottle. I am not surprised that with as passionate as the entire family is, that someone ended up there, but what happened to Alex that he didn't feel like he could get support from his family. You never know how strong you can be, until you have to be. That's the journey Alex takes in this book. You have to find something that works for you, then trust the support structure you have in place. It's very common for addicts to replace one addiction with another, so Alex's need for control is very real. Where he ends up is a testament to personal strength and resolve.

I have always liked Tabby, but now I absolutely love her. I'm not into the whole "planner" thing, but I do love me a good list and pens, OMG. I am not allowed in the pen isle at Walmart and I can't go to an office story unsupervised. She just makes me smile. She also carries burdens that aren't hers. While she gets part of it, she still struggles with not owning more than her share.

So what happens when two of my favorite characters finally figure out they are meant for each other? Ink Exposed. This book was raw in places and down right funny in others. Ryan takes on very serious topics, including addiction, co-dependence and self defense. At the same time, it's a beautiful story about redemption, self discovery and learning to trust again. Oh and don't forget the passion and heat! Those Montgomery boys do know what to do with their hands!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen m e
I have been waiting for this story forever it seems. If you are a fan of the Montgomery series then you have seen how Tabitha, an honorary Montgomery and an assistant for the Montgomery construction business, has secretly pined for the broken brother Alex. Tabitha has her own secrets she has been hiding and when those secrets come to light things start to change.
Alex is the youngest Montgomery sibling and has recently returned home after completing rehab for alcohol. Now sober and trying to find his way in the world and his place in the family again he is thrilled when his brothers offer him a project with the construction business. The job will have Alex and Tabitha working closely together.
The job puts Alex and Tabitha working side by side and mutual feelings start to grow. Alex however can’t help but fight this attraction, feeling he is not “good enough” for Tabitha because of his demons. When Tabitha is nearly attacked, all bets are off and these two can no longer fight the attraction even though both fear they are not what the other needs.
I loved the way Carrie Ann faced the alcoholism in this book. She did an excellent job of really showing all the struggles involved with this disease and didn’t skip over the ugly parts that accompany it. She gave Alex the strength to overcome his demons and the knowledge to be able to avoid his triggers. This book was very powerful and extremely well written.
I received an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review and opinion. All ratings and opinions stated are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
prachi rungta
Ink Exposed book six in the Montgomery Ink Series

This was a good book with a lot going on. I have read all the books in this series and have to say this one is my favorite.

Everyone is so worried and walks on eggshells around Alex. The first family dinner proved it to me. He’s an alcoholic, out of rehab and recovering everyday, and sober 16 months. Tabby works with his brothers Wes and Storm at the family owned construction company. All the Montgomery’s love like she is one of them. You get to see all the Montgomerys in this book, and how they are all doing. Right now they worry about Alex, and a relapse.

Alex tries to keep his distance but when he sees that Tabby is in trouble, and being attacked he steps in. From that moment on he is there and they become closer. I liked watching the friendship grow. The reasons why Alex drank are heartbreaking. He thinks he had everything. He has never opened up to anyone, until Tabby. Alex is a brooding alpha male, that has a tender spot for family. Family is everything. He is afraid he may not be what Tabby wants. Tabby feels the same way but wants to be what Alex needs. I like how she is open and honest and doesn’t hold back. His family does, but she straight up call him out. Alex likes that as well. Tabby gives him the courage and strength and sticks up for him, she has faith in him. The family can see them getting closer even though they try to hide it.I think Tabby brings Alex stability and possibilities of a great future. I can’t wait to read the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cecie browne
I haven’t read all of the Montgomery Ink series but I couldn’t help but jump on Alex’s story as soon as I saw it. I was just too excited to see his story. This was a heartbreakingly real and raw story about the struggle to find your place again. It hit me right in the feels. I was captivated and entertained from the very beginning.

Alex is the perfect mixture of strength and vulnerability. He’s the brooding alpha hero, tortured and sexy. Tabby is compassionate and sweet. She has her own burdens to bear but is the perfect counterpoint to Alex. The connection between them vibrates with chemistry and tension. They are very relatable and real. They have flaws and make mistakes. The secondary characters are just as great—you get to see the whole gang from the rest of the series. Someone please tell me books with Tabby’s brothers are in the works?

Ryan has done a wonderful job pulling back the veil on addiction and how it affects not only the person addicted but those who love them. Alex’s struggles are very realistic and portrayed with honesty. As the family member of an alcoholic, I appreciated that the disease wasn’t glossed over. I can’t wait to continue reading the rest of the Montgomery Ink stories, Carrie Ann Ryan is definitely becoming one of my go-to authors for amazing stories and sexy tattooed men.

I voluntarily read an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carla lee
Carrie Ann Ryan is a brilliant author, creating a world of varied characters who somehow all manage to revolve around each other and throughout each others' lives seamlessly. The latest addition to her Montgomery Ink world is a beautifully, albeit heart-wrenchingly written tale of a hard-earned HEA for Alex & Tabby.

Alex is just over a year sober, working through his demons but still not fully integrated back into the Montgomery family. Tabby has always loved him from afar and it pained her to see his spiral, especially in light of her past. As he works to find a new normal, Tabby must find a new sense of security, and their paths overlap...passionately on a physical level, but hesitantly emotionally. As the reader, you feel every bit of this heat, fear, excitement, anxiety. I even had to go back and re-read some of their conversations because they are gut-punchingly frank in their honesty and emotion.

This is not a quick-fix sobriety--now lets easily live HEA, but a more muddy, twisted journey through Alex & Tabby finding their rock in each other, through doubt, insecurity, and ultimately, knowledge that they are stronger with each other.

Definitely a must-read for a romance with a deeply beautiful look at how lovely life can be on the other side of the hell of addiction. ❤️
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber royal
This is the first Montgomery Ink book that I have read and I truly enjoyed it!! This book was emotionally gripping and heartfelt.

Alex & Tabby were both great characters who were looking for something, and they found it in each other. Alex is a recovering alcoholic and Tabby is his salvation. I loved seeing Alex fight his battle internally everyday, because it shows how much strength he truly has. He called out when he needed help and that took strength too. His family was supportive, he just had to re learn how to be a part of a family. Tabby was adopted into the Montgomery family, and has been smitten with Alex for far longer than she likes to admit. She is sweet, organized, patient & understanding. She never treats Alex any differently, because she understands. She may have not been an alcoholic herself, but she lived with one. Together, Alex & Tabby find true love and passion.

The chemistry between these two characters was off the charts hot and their connection just grew throughout the book. I loved watching these two learn how to love each other and respect each other. Carrie Ann Ryan really wrote a great book that will speak to everyone on some level. I am very excited to go back and read the books from the beginning and I cannot wait for the next book in this series to come out!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
burcu ba datl
Alex Montgomery is an alcoholic in recovery. He has come back to the Montgomery fold after a successful rehab but he still has the demons that drove him to a bottle. Tabitha is the admin at Montgomery Inc. and she has been infatuated with Alex for a long time. When these two decide to come together they have to work hard to not only build something together but help Alex rebuild everything he lost.

Carrie Ann Ryan is a new author for me. I had not read the rest of the Montgomery Ink books and was a little apprehensive to start this one not having done so. However, even with mention of the Montgomery siblings liberally peppered through the story, it was easy to delve into. I quite enjoyed the story of what it takes to come back from the mistakes of your past and to rebuild yourself after great trials. Alex, carrying around deep hurts both from the outside and the regrets of the ones he caused, is a very likable character. He hides his intense hurts in his heart and it takes a strong woman, Tabitha, to help him to release those hurts. Tabitha is the woman we all would like to be. Strong, capable, loving. She has a deep well of strength that she can call upon, even when she thinks she can't.

This was a good read with true-to-life characters and a relatable storyline
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an unexpected couple of all the Montgomery boys dating Tabby I never saw Alex. I loved their story it was amazing and they had so much to overcome before they could be together. I was surprised at the relationship but happy when they got together this story is definitely one of my top 3 favorites in the Montgomery series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
whitney myers
I have been waiting on this book since Miranda and Deckers book. Absolutely love Tabby and Alex. Alex's story was way better than I ever thought it would be. Love Alex and Tabby they are HOTTTTTT. Another great book Carrie Ann Ryan
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the tj
Carrie Ann Ryan does it again!! She writes a heartfelt, yet hot love story. I've been looking forward to learning Alex's story as I read previous books in the series. It didn't disappoint, wow what a love story. It was a heartbreaking story about overcoming addiction. However, getting Tabby's support might just be the key to Alex overcoming and beating back his addiction.
I just loved this story, you could feel Alex's pain in the writing, but Tabby was such strength when Alex was weak. This was a great love story. I definitely recommend the entire series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie valvo
Awesome book loved it that Tabby and Alex got together and glad that Alex got his stuff back on track by cleaning up and flying straight and staying sober and good thing that they found Tabby's friend Michael and that he and his daughter Angel are OK and loving this whole series and can't wait for Storm's story as well and glad to see her brothers are loving her as well as the Montgomery's love her too great to see Thanks for an awesome book and Carrie is a great writer love this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rom kim
Ive loved reading every book in thIs series but this one is special. Alex has been through and overcome so much in his life. Tabby is the woman who has loved him for years. This is the story of how they find each other finally and are stronger together. Great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I truly think Carrie Ann Ryan's writing just keeps getting better and better. Loved seeing Alex and Tabby get their HEA! Finding out more behind their stories, loved! Made me shed a tear, hot, and suspenseful! Such a great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Alex Montgomery finally gets his story. This is a beautiful love story between Alex and Tabitha. Alex has his demons of addiction that he has to deal with ever since he left rehab and Tabitha has her own demons that she feels she has to deal with as well. They both come together in a sometimes heartbreaking but very beautiful and wonderful way! There is still the hot and steamy Montgomery alpha way throughout this book so you won't be disappointed!

I voluntarily reviewed an adbvanced copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victoria boundy
ARC - I voluntarily offered to review this book and my opinions are honest!

This was a sad, but a great read
This is book about Alex + Tabby.
We learn what happened to Alex + why he turned to alcohol.
Alex is being released from rehab + now, he has to deal w/ the world w/o alcohol
Tabitha also had heartache in her life.
Because both of them knows about pain. they are able to help each other to heal.
I loved this book.
I can't wait to read about the next Montgomery
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ahan yatarkalkmaz
While the book deals with the very important issue of recording substance abuse, this book is boring. Too much repetitive angst over the same thing explained with the same words.

The romance part of this was not in focus and the relationship sort of happened off book.

Sex scenes few and glossed over in double speed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate rice
I voluntarily read this advanced copy. . I love the Montgomery Ink series and this book was fabulous. I enjoy Carrie Ann’s writing style. She keeps you interested in the book from start to finish, and then leaves you wanting more. This book is well written and has a few twists that I did not see coming. I think Alex and Tabby Just about killed me though there were a few tearful spots that I just couldn’t put down. I loved this book and cannot wait until the next in the series comes out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah callis
This was an unexpected couple of all the Montgomery boys dating Tabby I never saw Alex. I loved their story it was amazing and they had so much to overcome before they could be together. I was surprised at the relationship but happy when they got together this story is definitely one of my top 3 favorites in the Montgomery series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nanci bompey
I completely loved this book! Alex and Tabby were amazing! This book is one of my favorite! I can't wait for the next one to take place!! I couldn't get enough it was sexy, funny, loving, courageous all rolled into one!! It took me no time to finish this book and only caused me to want more Montgomery's!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been waiting on this book since Miranda and Deckers book. Absolutely love Tabby and Alex. Alex's story was way better than I ever thought it would be. Love Alex and Tabby they are HOTTTTTT. Another great book Carrie Ann Ryan
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