Only By Blood and Suffering

ByLaVoy Finicum

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor preston
With the exception of mis-identifying Kirtland Air Force Base as Luke Air Force Base, I found this book compelling and informative. It was one that was hard to put down. I found Jake Bonham as I man I could easily identify with and the authors familiarity with the region and it's geography was spot on. I appreciated the lessons taught between the lines as well as embedded in the narrative itself. This book was obviously written by one who understood the founding of this nation and it's founding documents, included the Constitutions and points out the terrible mistakes in the direction this nations leaders have made as they seek to subvert the highest law of the land (if indeed, it is a mistake and not their design). This book will definitely make you stop and think about where we are being led and just how far down that road we have gone. It correctly points out where the unchecked power of Federal Agency will lead and the terrible injustices that will come from an over reaching government which views itself as above the law as they seek ways around the Constitution to get their agendas in place. The title to this book has proven to be somewhat prophetic as the author paid the ultimate sacrifice for trying to educate a public that would prefer to turn a blind eye to what has and is happening. It makes you justifiably concerned about what the future holds if this nation does not turn back the clock and return to sound principles of governing as set forth by the founding fathers. It was an excellent and compelling read. Thank you to LaVoy Finicum.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mandy robidoux
I really enjoyed this book. An Electric Magnetic Pulse has crippled the US and 3 young adult sisters and their brother and his family separately attempt to get home to Dad's Northern Arizona Ranch asap. Dad, a forward looking father and rancher, has prepared his children for just such a time. The writing is surprisingly good. The plot moves along with the needed twists and turns and can be gripping. Additionally, the book allows you to see into the mind, heart and intent of the rancher Dad who values virtue, honesty and a cowboy code. It gives you hope as you see him dealing with the aftermath of no community services to help in this situation, where everyone is on his own. He is integrity supreme mixed with the practicality of a hard working rancher, and has no room for dishonesty or things of little worth, his moral values are mountain stream clear.

I have great respect for this author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an excellently written novel about a rancher and his family after an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. It held me in suspense until the final pages. I highly recommend anyone who is a survivalist, a freedom lover, or concerned about what our future might hold read the book. Even though it is a novel, it gives numerous instances throughout of ways we might prepare our family for a disaster of any kind. Enjoying this book so much, I didn't want to give away my only copy, so I bought a second copy to loan out to friends. I spoke with the author on the phone, before his untimely death. I was hoping to meet this freedom fighter in person and have him sign my copy of his book. He was murdered before I was able to have him sign it. "... I did know that there was a price for freedom and that price was a very dear price." Quote by LaVoy Finicum in his novel, Only By Blood and Suffering: Regaining Last Freedom.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Posthumously: Thank you LaVoy for the book. What a story. So articulate and very well written. So realistic and a book that I had read in about two days. In the days and times we are in and this book not being too far from reality. Gives credence to God, Family and Country.

Often, we take our Freedoms and Liberties for granted and think that someone else will solve our problems for us and we allow government to steer our ship. The Constitutional movement isn't such a bad thing and it isn't that like minded people are anti-government. Government has its place and is limited only by what the people are willing to give. I wish that I would have had the chance to meet you. From the "Sheriff" you were on your way to see. Thank you and God speed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The story is based on critical values that support freedom. It exposes values and actions that support tyranny. It's well-written and engaging. It will open minds and hearts of those who are willing to learn. Our country is already engaged in a battle between those values - right now that battle is being fought with money and votes instead of bullets. It's time for those who value freedom to speak up and act.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
molly hocanson
Excellent book. The is the first novel I have ever made my way all the way through that wasn't compelled on me by a college course. It would make good reading (or a better yet a movie) for anyone who could benefit from some reflection on their own principles and priorities - like probably all of us. I was impressed and inspired by the story line. Well done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was impressed with the ability he had to describe the terrible conditions that could happen in future USA. Thing were so detailed that I could actually see what he was thinking. I read things that I had never even thought of before.... I will be reading this again ans giving as a gift..l
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sin ad
Ignore any review mentioning Tarp Man - these left wing trolls mistake obscenity and snarkiness for substance. The book is a fast, entertaining read that made me think about some things I would not have otherwise. Mr Finicum presents his point of view clearly and cogently, with ample footnotes to back up his assertions and the actions of the characters. It's a shame that he won't be writing more books - this one is really good!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark w
Having read quite abit of scifi/fantasy and more, from Anderson through Asimov it is easy to knock someone based on style, politics or religion. What isnt easy is giving a solid review of a well written generally decently researched book.

The heroes are lifelike and suffer catastrophic loss thanks to neighbors the like of whom make the comments detrimental to the Finicum name.

Unprepared, welfare queens whose news comes from the "salon" lmao.

Always remember, its a book, and he was a man.

Those willing to stand for their convictions should be respected for having stood, most of the screaming salon readers would have me call my daughter and son "its" because using their genders is a terrible thing to do.

Im an atheist, a proud father of two awesome kids and above all, tired of the knew religion, the state.

Read the book, youll enjoy it.

Personally, I would prefer being left alone by DC, but, that wont happen yet.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison chan
Only By Blood and Suffering by LaVoy Finicum after the author was shot and killed in an FBI ambush near an isolated John Day, Oregon is an interesting read. It made me wonder if this was a premonition of his own upcoming death in January 2016 by gunshot violence in an ambush with the federal and local authorities. This is the historical story of a man of integrity's lone battle against the principalities outside his normal world who after a castrophic nuclear diaster tries to gather his resources that he had prepared for prior to this castrophic event to save his family, his property and his rights as a human being to a certain quality of life. His passion and his integrity shine throughout the novel as he attempts almost futilely to preserve the family and lifestyle that he has historically treasured and fought for over decades. In the course of the diaster human greed, power and control monsters are the enemy to be conquered temporarily with destruction of everything familiar in his world. The characters battle not only universal poverty but hunger and starvation. Human weaknesses and strengths are revealed as the story unfolds. The main characters faith and bending a knee to a stronger force gives him hope and strength to keep on going in the most severe extreme situations. Political characters who seek power against the weaker are revealed as throughout human history this has occurred. Eventually all governments come to an end. Very interesting read in the light of the recent events in Oregon and Nevada with the failed economy due to the collapse of mining, logging, ranching and other enterprises for incomes for rural local residents due to overregulation and out of control government controlled employees who have lost common sense and decency.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christopher egan
Entertaining and easy to read fictional apocalyptic book.
Many reviews on here make no sense. They have issues with the writer, guns and killing in a fictional book but probably don't miss an episode of TWD.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent story line given the current state of circumstances we find ourselves in.

It is terribly sad that Mr. Finicum will never get the opportunity to write another book.

Rest in peace Mr Finicum. You will truly be missed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah allen
An excellent book by the an All American Rancher. As a person that grew up in the country with livestock it really hit home. As someone that has morals and common sense, this fictional story is going to be reality. I don't care if you doubt this. On another note. "Yes" LaVoy was set up and assassinated. Doesn't matter if what your opinion is ..that is mine. Other than that ..." You're wasting oxygen son ! " :-D May LaVoy rest in peace. God Bless the Ranchers and Patriots.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is almost prophetic. LaVoy starts the book with the date of January 27th. He was killed January 26th! If you consider yourself a Patriot in any way, shape or form you need to read this book. It is well written and easy to read and you will not be able to put it down!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
glen krisch
I just finished the book "Only by Blood and Suffering" and have to say it was educational and entertaining. The main character Jake is a much better man then almost anybody I've ever met, his dedication to God, Family & Country is refreshing. I hope we never have to live through such a terrible time, it sure wouldn't hurt to pick up a few extra cans of food every time you go to the store, even if it's just a natural disaster, you'll be better prepared to take care of yourself & loved ones.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristin finlay
I’ve read a handful of post-apocalyptic type novels – Patriots, One Second After, the “Home” series – enjoyed some more than others. Only By Blood and Suffering is definitely my new favorite. At times the others could be overly technical, or so full of graphic gore and violence it was just too much. What Finicum’s novel brings to the genre was evidenced by the man himself, and his life and death.
First, the book is such a reflection of the man. As he liked to say about himself, I’m just a simple man, just a redneck. While that was a gross underestimation of his intelligence and depth of knowledge and understanding and character, that direct, laconic, uncluttered economy of expression is reflected in Blood and Suffering . The book has a simple, unfussy, unpretentious strength and power, much as he did. The story line is engrossing; it’s a real page turner and once you get swept away it’s hard to put it down. Jake Bonham looks the Beast straight in the face, and doesn’t blink or back down – neither did LaVoy Finicum.
The other main thing the book is brimful with, also like the man, is heart and soul. While the main characters are strong and tough as nails, they are also tender, and compassionate. It is much more than just a post-apocalyptic vision, but weaves into the story the forces that fight to take away liberty as we speak, and the fight to preserve it that we all have to decide if we will be willing to stand and make. I have to wonder how much of the future LaVoy Finicum really saw, not just for our nation, but for himself. He paints a picture of a grim future that we are all headed for, and reminds us that we need to all prepare to weather it – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. There are tough decisions we will all be called upon to make; we’d be wise to wrestle with those moral and ethical conundrums now. And, as the book and LaVoy Finicum’s life both remind us, there will be a dear price to pay, and gut wrenching and heart breaking sacrifices to make, if we are to stand and defend our families and our freedom.
Nobody appreciates that fact better today than the Finicum family. Where will you stand? It’s so easy for so many heedless and heartless people to mock the man; which of them even know the meaning of freedom, or of sacrifice, or of courage? Fools mock, but they shall mourn. They will be the first ones cut down by the blood and suffering that the future holds for all of us.
“How, as Americans, had we come to this? …Such foolish words. Such blind people….They thought…that the party would never end. Now the tin can had hit the wall and the party was over. The payment had come due, and it was paid by blood and suffering.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin smith
I purchased this novel after the author was killed resisting tyranny. I had low expectations for the book, ignorant of the man's ability to craft a good story. But it is very well written and his style reflects a deep appreciation for classic western novels and modern resistance novels by such as Brakken and Max Velocity.

Those who are awake have lost a tremendous voice of reason and encouragement. This book will teach a few helpful tips to even the most prepared, but I was most impressed with his character's justification for the summary adjudication of the objectively wicked. His rationale was well developed and excellent fodder for discussion among you, your friends and your family.

Finally, Mr. Finicum's "about the author" section, as well as the title of the book, were remarkably prophetic about the Malheur Stand and his murder.

Clearly, Mr. Finicum was a better man than most, and it turns out he is a better writer than most as well.

Through his skill at description and succinct turns of phrases, his novel gives the rest of us hope that we can, with a slight adjustment of our mindset and a good bit of focused effort, successfully apply the principles found in this book when the time comes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely a great read that also digs into the real history and the laws being placed on the American people and just how they can be used against us in a time of crisis. A must read for anyone who values freedom and liberty and wants to understand the importance of being ready when things in this country get really bad, which I believe they will. I haven't seen it get any better at all, in my 48 years on this planet and it seems each election just brings us further into debt. LaVoy does a great job explaining the importance of our founding principles and where we could go without standing firm on them. I read this whole book in one day. It was that good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book could have used more editing but the plot was good, the characters good, the story very compelling. The message clear about people being far too reliant on technology and their government to take care of them and what happens in an extreme emergency, when there is a collapse of civil order, when they must rely on themselves, on being prepared to protect their families. It is difficult to read in some places when it describes how human beings treat each other when they're desperate, hungry, fearful. Some will call it fear-mongering, but only those who would like to reject history, like the Donner party or our wild, wild west, or the millions who died under tyrannical governments after their weapons were confiscated. I'm 62 years old so even in my own history I've seen how the concept of self-reliance, taking responsibility for you actions and your own families protection has so diminished our ability to be prepared for even minor crisis, let alone for an economic collapse, EMP strike or even a natural disaster like a hurricane. Denying the history of FEMA failures or the gun confiscations of hurricane Katrina doesn't make them any less true. We all need to be better prepared.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beverly ball
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was surprised at how much research LaVoy Finicum did on this book. It was thoughtful, and intriguing to read. This author has quite a passion for liberty and freedom, and the responsible, intelligent use thereof.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book. Fast Paced story with lots of footnotes for those who may not be as familiar with the subject matter as others.
What struck me most about this book is that the protagonist often deals with people and situations somewhat differently than the standard reactions you see in most books of this genre. It is a good story with many great informational and philosophical incites for the reader.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
RIP brother, there will be few such as yourself that truly understand the significance of their inalieble rights. I stand with you, your family and the rest of the Liberty peacekeepers whom made a stand.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is required reading for patriots! As the late author gave us a lesson in true heroism with his own life, so to will he forever be immortalized in his text. Ideals of faith,family, honor, preparing for lean times and being on solid moral foundation have fully shown through in this remarkable tale of a man and the lengths he will endure to provide and keep safely his family. The bell of liberty tolls as this fine patriot illustrates liberty and freedom to us. Take a deep breath and inhale what it is and was for our founding fathers... Blood, sacrifice, family. There's no force large enough, no politician or law strong enough that can keep us from our natural unalienable rights. Never forget the history and heritage we have as Americans to stand up and demand( through peaceful means first, force last), the right to every man woman and child to be secure in their person and property. Thank you Mr. Robert Lavoy Finicum for keeping vigil the flame of freedom as the winds blew high, your life and sacrifice will not be forgotten! "Experience has shown that, even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
meredith vietor
Very quick shipment...I ordered the book on Saturday and it arrived Tuesday afternoon direct from the publisher. I got it at a discounted price. I mainly bought it for historical interest as I followed the Oregon Stand Off closely and was fascinated by LaVoy Finicum. RIP Lavoy Finicum, I disagreed with your beliefs but you definitely lived them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The author's personal knowledge of the joy and love within a family is very enviable. His depiction's of true, caring community life and the beauty of living close to the land are also very winsomely described. May his tribe increase.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan holliman
After reading more than 650 such novels, I can say without a doubt that this author is much more than a great author. He is a great philosopher and his knowledge of mankind and history is vast. I agree 100% with him that this novel could come true. He KNOWS the good and the evil in man. He is man of honor, and his portrayal of evil is startling. All this happens in America. Everyone should read this book and KNOW that we may be looking at our future! The Federal agencies that have STOLEN our freedoms while we have been asleep have done and in time of national disaster such as an EMP will act just as depicted. Already the Government at all levels is ignoring the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. I am risking my freedom even posting this review, but I do not care! I am old and remember when we had more freedom and were mostly left alone. Read this novel and see our future should a terrorist country take down the grid (which the Feds refuse to harden, but spend our taxes on non-essential projects.) The author is a TRUE PATRIOT in the manner of our FOUNDING FATHERS.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
breathe out
Hooked on the first page. The book has imperfections, just as I'm sure LaVoy had, but written by one who understands the state of the country. An eye opening story of what can and will happen if we continue on the current course.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
franc woods
It is a rather sobering futuristic story about where we are heading in this country if "We the People" don't take the reins. I didn't know LaVoy but feel like I did. He was a Patriot who was willing to fight for what he believed in RIP, LaVoy. My prayer is that you didn't die in vain.
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