A Simple Guide to the Yoga of Awareness as taught by Yogi Bhajan

ByShakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jenny dodgson
Kundaliny is a spiritual and practical kind of yoga,in a mysterious way it combines those qualities, This book is a pleasant representation of some concepts, but to it seems that one must have one of those wonderful guru women for a close instructor, to deepen the invovlment
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was looking for a book to awaken the Kundalini, extend it through the Crown Chakra and unite with the universe. Instead this book just offers a bunch of Asanas (yoga poses) with very little discussion of the actual Kundalini experience. *SIGH!*
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It's a good, solid simple introduction to the complex theories of kundalini yoga. I bought it because I've been just starting to learn kundalini yoga, and wanted a basic overview. Where the book falters is in some of the rather cultish praise of Yogi Bhajan (who I'm sure is a wise teacher, no doubt), but I'm suspect of the author's apparent devotion. It also falters in very outdated and sexist "advice" for women.

Keep those things in mind, and take the good from this book if you're just starting your yoga journey. Leave the rest alone.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been practicing yoga for over 50 years and this book is the very best guide I have seen. Everything is presented in a clear and easy to understand manner and you don't have to become a pretzel with excruciating difficult poses to benefit.Yogananda, Satchidananda and Vishnudevananda have excellent books too, but you already have to be pretty advanced to benefit.This book can take anyone if their attitude is right, and give them enormous spiritual benefits.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I liked the section on healing foods and drinks. What we ingest into our body can make our practice more effective so we can get into a state of mindfulness.

The meditation chapter was also quite good. Shows you how to meditate with effective practice. The pictures in the book are thoroughly demonstrative. They are easy to follow and help anyone who is seeking more of a peaceful life.

Another interesting part of the book was the description of the "The Ten Bodies." Each of these bodies can contribute to a calm and peaceful mind.

Kundalini yoga is great because it focuses on balance and mindfulness. The art work in this book is really pretty. The colors were well-sought out.

This book also talks about the 8 Chakras. REALLY powerful information.

Patrick Leonardi
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna simonak
I got this book after taking a couple kundalini classes and leaving confused. It was perfect. I now use it as a resource during times when i can't get to class, want to change up my home routine, or introduce to this form of yoga, or explain what it is that I'm doing when I'm waving my arms around and humming in the middle of the living room. I keep handouts from class lectures or new krias in the cover flap. this book is always within arms reach. love it. very easy to follow. explains very well. I've had it for over 5 years now. i refer to it often
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane mcrae
So many books on Kundalini Yoga are bogged down with confusing information and subject matter that it can discourage most students. This book is excellent for both beginning and advanced students. It contains a wealth of information put together in a loose, light-hearted, and easy to understand format. You get everything here: philosophy, exercises, breathing techniques, mantras, cooking recipes. Regarding several criticisms I've seen of this book - I'd have to say please remember that this teacher is one of Yogi Bhajan's first students, and she may occasionally speak from a different generation then we're used to. It's not necessary to agree with every last sentance of the book to benefit from it. I recommend this inspiring book to anyone intrested in improving their life and learning more about Kundalini Yoga!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
norah b
This is a FANTASTIC resource and addition to one's yoga routine. Of course, it is only an introduction, but it is informative, accurate (to my knowledge), and easy to understand. It has a wonderful design and layout. It tells you everything you need and is a wonderful guide.
If you are curious about Kundalini Yoga this book is for you:
"Kundalini Yoga, the mother of all yogas and the most powerful yoga known. As brought to the West in 1969 by Yogi Bhajan, it produces results 16 times faster than ordinary yoga.
Its power comes from the Kundalini, an enormous reserve of untapped potential within each of us. It is normally depicted as a coiled or sleeping serpent, located in an area towards the base of the spine.
By gradually and safely awakening this serpent and employing its power, you will benefit greatly from an elevation in consciousness, promotion of physical well-being and an expansion of awareness. You will feel more relaxed and at ease with yourself. Your life will be transformed into one which is happy, healthy & harmonious."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
catherine weise
I want to thank Shakta Kaur Khalsa for her incredibly beautiful books, her beautiful writing, and her beautiful teachings! Certainly her "gift number" must be 5 since she is such a talented teacher and communicator!

I bought the "Kundalini Yoga" book about a year ago and still thoroughly enjoy selecting various "kriyas" (exerices) to perform. One of my favorites is the kriya for disease resistance! The book is so beautifully produced and Shakta's writing is so lyrical. I have given many of the Kundalini books as gifts to help others discover their life potential.

Also, I purchased the companion CD to the Kundalini book and often use that music to accompany my yoga practice. The music is beautiful and the CD has so many tracks!
I would recommend this book to anyone interested in the incredible benefits yoga offers. The descriptions are very clear and the writing is so very inspirational. There is such a wealth of information that even now, a year later, I am still using it as a reference as I get deeper into yoga.
I also enjoyed the nutritious recipes. I overcame a cold very quickly by preparing a delicious datemilk. I've made some of the soups as well, all very tasty and healthy!
I plan on buying more of Shakta's books. They are my absolute favorites when it comes to yoga!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am responding to a review by chiara adina cerweny "chiaradina" (wellington, NZ), who has posted the exact same review for three different books on kundalini yoga. Obviously, this individual has a personal problem with kundalini yoga, calling it a cult and a money producing machine. I have practiced kundalini yoga for eleven years and as far as I can tell, it is not a cult. My yoga instructor has never encouraged me to join anything or buy anything. For me it is an enjoyable way to exercise, unwind, and rejuvenate.

As for the book by Shakta Kaur Khalsa, I have used it as a reference for four years now. It is well written and beautifully illustrated. The book is not only a manual, but explains the background and philosophy of kundalini yoga as well. Simply put, it is the best book on kundalini yoga that I have come across.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a wonderful book for cultivating a daily practice. For our physical health, we all need to learn to breathe deeply (this book will teach you how) and encourage you to spend some time in contemplation and meditation. Wonderful book for the beginner or the seasoned Yogi.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nils davis
There is not a better book written on this subject. Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa is the grandmother of Kundalini Yoga and it is obvious by reading this book. I am a Kundalini Yoga teacher and I refer to this book on a regular basis for any "?" I might have on Kundalini Yoga. Do yourself a favor and select this book for your yoga collection.

Kulbir Kaur
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aulia alfahmy
This was the first Kundalini yoga book I ever owned. It's a great beginner's book and has a lot of helpful and informative details. The content is very well rounded since it covers multiple aspects of living a Kundalini styled life. This is an excellent book and I definitely recommend it to anyone starting to practice this wonderful form of yoga!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Shakti Parwha Kaur was Yogi Bhajan's very first student. She has taught yoga since then. We could not recommend a better book or author of Kundalini Yoga. Her knowledge is detailed and yet presented in an easy to use manner. Whether your a casual beginner or an advanced Kundalini Yogi, don't miss this book! more info: [...]
Kundalini Yoga

The Kundalini Yoga Experience: Bringing Body, Mind, and Spirit Together

Kundalini Yoga
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amir gadhvi
Having started Kundalini Yoga in Feb. of this year (2001), I was anxious to "bring home" my practice of Kundalini Yoga. My teacher is wonderful and recommend this book because I wanted to find or learn some thing so that I could do my exercies at home. Kundalini Yoga, by Shakta Kaur Khalsa, was my answer. This book is the very very best at introducing, explaining and depicting exercies, mudras and medidations relating to Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness. The pictures are colorful, clear and the directions are precise and easy to read. I, we, are all lucky to have such an author to give us such great work and allow us to bring home our daily practice of Kundalini Yoga. My hat is off to this book and its context. Thank you.
Sat Nam
Scott Heiple Norman, Oklahoma
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dennis tomlinson
This is a simple reminder what Yoga, Sanskrit for Union, really is. It is a relief from the Pop Yoga that has been "infiltrating" the main stream--watered down so as to be palatable by the masses. It reminds the reader that yoga is for the body, mind, and spirit--not just a physical low-impact exercise.
This is easy but informative reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amit goyal
If you are interested in Kundalini Yoga, this is a good book to read. It is very thorough and describes the reasoning behind the practice, has detailed descriptions of various poses, and general health information. As the cover says, it is fully illustrated, the pictures are clear and easy to follow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard quenneville
I have 33 books on Kundalini and Chakras and over 52 books alone on yoga in my library. This is by far one of the best and easiest to read. It is full of sacred kriyas and mantras that you cannot buy at any price. I know because I have been teaching and studying all types of yoga and meditation for over 25 years. All one needs to do is practice these sacred techniques to become Enlightened and as a side effect you will become infinitely Healthy, Happy, and Whole. Enjoy!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa campbell
I have been practicing kundalini yoga for 5 years and hate to say anything bad about it, because I have benefitted so much from it. But this is a truly awful book. It is ANNOYING -- full of condescencing 6th grade reading level New Age chirpy cheerleader drivel. It is also a flood of things to do (with poor explanation of why other than "because Yogi Bhajan said so"), with little framework for navigating what works for YOU.
In contrast, any book by Ravi Singh is GREAT.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sadhana Guidelines is a wonderful guide with simple instructions and illustrations. The open and free qualities of this text are very helpful for me as I find my yoga practice very free-form. If you want a solid and highly useful reference for your spiritual practice and physical well-being, I definitely reccomend this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mark r
Since "Kundalini Yoga The Flow of Eternal Power" is listed in the the store book "category" under "Sikhism", I feel it is appropriate to comment on how traditional Sikhs view the teachings of Yogi Bhajan. Specifically the Sikh Reht or code of conduct which 99% of all Sikhs accept, strictly forbids the use of astrology yet the author, Shakti Parwha Kaur, in this book prescribes the use of astrology. I must admit that I only read a few pages of the book "Kundalini Yoga The Flow of Eternal Power" but it was enough for me since I can see the same propaganda in its pages as Yogi Bhajan used to induct yoga students into his cult when I was with his sect for 30 years. Of the few pages I read, I was reminded of Dr. Trilochan Singh's criticisms of Yogi Bhajan's yoga. Dr. Trilochan Singh met with Shakti Parwha Kaur's yoga teacher, Yogi Bhajan, in 1977. I quote from the book "Sikhism and Tantric Yoga": Yogi Bhajan, "...honestly replied that Tantra (White as he calls it) is his basic faith while Sikhism is only an off-shoot of his Tantric system. Dr. Trilochan Singh replies, "The reason he (Yogi Bhajan) gave was that he believed Sikhism has no meditation techniques. I (Dr. Trilochan Singh) told him (Yogi Bhajan) that Sikhism has more specific, fruitful, and spiritually exalting techniques of meditation, but his (Yogi Bhajan) misfortune is that he has never studied Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and never cared to live according to Sikh Discipline."

Dr. Trilochan Singh goes on to say, "from the point of view of Sikh philosophy and theology I would like to state that Yogi Bhajan is using the sacred Sikh mantras and the sacred name of Guru Ram Das as a mantle for his Tantric Sex Yoga which would inevitably lead to mental and physical debauchery of those who take his brand of Sikhism contaminated by crazy sex-energizing asanas seriously. Every Sikh having even rudimentary knowledge of Sikhism, and even every non-Sikh scholar of Sikhism, would agree with me that Sikhs and Sikhism in America will go down the drain if these things continue to be practiced secretly or openly in the name of Guru Ram Das, and with sacred Sikh mantras as instruments of this type of Tantric Yoga which is extremely repulsive to Sikhism."
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
yana d
Doing strong techniqes to awaken the kundalini is only safe if your mind is 99 percent pure.Those that force it awake are very rare. If you are one of those rare ones you could find yourself severely overwhelmed for a long time.Strong breathing exercises and kriyas are dangerous.Meditate pray make good karma.We are in a society with kundalini orginizations that the founder had no kundalini experience.So many self proclaimed experts.Kundalini is power and more then your prepared for.Read gopi krishna and muktanandas autobiographies and then give that power the respect it deserves
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
podchara rattanakawin
"All the truths about Kundalini Yoga along with humor, innocence, and love for God and man. Not just a book but an experience. Yogi Bhajan came here to make teachers. He succeeded with Shakti. " - Brian Kilton
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
For those wanting peace of mind.Dont do This style of so called kundalini yoga.We live in a society where even the founders of kundalini orginizations have no genuine experience.All the self appointed experts.Practices that try to force a awakening are dangerous enless the mind is already 99 percent pure.Yoga postures for health are good 1 or 2 times a week.More then that can be dangerous.Breathing exercises are only for temporary use for a specific condition.Known to be helped by the exercises.Strong breathing exercises and other practices to try and force a awakening are very dangerous.Kundalini should be respected like lightning.Chakras like nuclear bombs.Meditation prayer and service are safe ways to work for purification.Though not too much on any given day .You can do all the service you want.Those wanting knowledge on the genuine power of a kundalini awakening.Should read gopi krishna and muktanandas autobiographies..Purify safely and make as much good karma as possible.If you are ripe/near pure. nature will take care of the rest.Never ever try and force a awakening.LOVE
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