Volume One (The War of Souls Book 1) - War of Souls Trilogy

ByMargaret Weis

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marie cheng yu
Long, long ago, I abandoned the Dragonlance books, as they seemed too numerous and overexposed. But recently, I picked this book up.


The storytelling is just fantastic. The interwoven plots are skillfully paced and after a while, I simply could not put it down, dying to see what was coming next.

If you are reading this, it is DEFINITELY worth giving a try.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
this book was amazing...lately ive been reading the same old plotline and keep stopping books halfway...ive never been much of a fantasy fan, though i of course read LOTR, and Dune (only the first actually)...but this one i whipped through..i simply couldnt put it down, and am planning on reading the second as soon as i can get my hands on it...this book has drawn me into the fantasy realm, one im glad ive been drawn into
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rebecca riggan
Well after feeling very disppointed at the way the great dragonlance saga has dwindled over the years, this book comes pretty close to getting it back on track. At least one of the original characters has a quirky part to play & adding a bit of that old nostalga. As for the original part, well have these writers been watching or reading about Joan of Arc lately ! God one of their central characters seems a total carbon copy of the AKA the messenger film which was out a couple of years back. Palin seems a mere shadow of the great Raislin in character even though they are trying to build on his darker side. Don't mind the new knight character, he could progress into something greater. Overall a good read, if you enjoyed dragonlance books of old, then its a worthy try at getting you re hooked.
PS, have to say it was fairly obvious where the dragon was hiding eh?
Volume Two - Brothers in Arms - The Raistlin Chronicles :: Dragons of Spring Dawning (Dragonlance Chronicles - Book 3) :: Volume Two (The War of Souls Book 2) - War of Souls Trilogy :: The Red Sea (The Cycle of Galand Book 1) :: Dark Elf Trilogy, Book 1 - Legend of Drizzt
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica yetter
This book has touched my soul...liftied my spirit and has taken me on a never ending journey into a part of my life i never knew. I am captivated, overwhelmed and in pure bliss. I just got through reading "dragons of the fallen sun" and my heart is still pounding with the excitement of love, honor and adventure. The characters are not fiction, but true to my heart. They live inside of my mind and soul right now...hoping to catch a glimpse of my admiration for them, which they will over and over as I thoughtly converse with them through my minds eye and my hearts speech. If this excert is sounding foolish to you, you have either not read DOTFS or you are an evil dragon, imprisioned in the mind of a mere mortal waiting for you chance to complain and doubt. Get this book...or you will be sorry=P ATTN: AUTHORS: I WANT VOLUME TWO PLEASE, DO NOT KEEP ME WAITING, OR I WILL HAVE TO PIECE TAS'S ARTIFACT BACK TOGETHER AND TRAVEL TO THE FUTURE TO GET IT, AND YOU KNOW HOW US KENDERS ARE...THE BOOK JUST MIGHT SLIP IN TO MY POCKET ON ACCIDENT, WINK WINK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim maize
Despite how other authers have screwed up the world of Krynn weis and hickman are back on the scene to fix it all. Palin is finally interesting again, Rabe destroyed him not the evil mages in this book. Some of the new charactors take some getting used to but by the end of the next book they will be firmly in the hearts of all dragonlance fans. This is an excellent book there are no two ways about it I can't wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brendan baker
My thirst for GOOD Dragonlance has finally been quenched.After the long absence of Weis & Hickman where DL has been abused and violated by other "authors"(who i'll leave anonymous...JR),It's good to have the old team back.I've been reading DL since the 80's and this book brought back the excitement that is DL even more so than the Dragons of Summer Flame book.I like this new character Mina who seems to remind me of someone in the old books but I just can't place it.Anyhow for anyone who loves DL and was turned off by other writers,definately get your hands on this b/c you will feel like you're experiencing DL for the first time. I just ordered vol.2 and I can't wait.Now only if they can get W & H to rewrite the Dragons of a New Age.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
elena dudina
When reading this review, keep two things in mind:
1) I could not make it past the second chapter
2) I had never read any Dragonlance, or anything by these authors before, and I do not think I ever will after this book
The quality of the writing was just inexcusable. How did this get past the editors? I honestly could not make it very far in this book because the writers could not write. It felt like wadding through thick mud. They messed up their head-hopping with added confusion and did not handle the perspective with grace. The history was just dumped on the reader with any finess or polishing, litterally raw. I might have sticked through if they were first time authors, for I like to give them a chance becuase writers for the first time tend to get better and improve their craft with practice. Boy, was I surprised to discover that they had written over a dozen books before this. This book reads worse than a first effort at writing, and I hate to think how bad their other books were. I just had to drop the book after that, knowing that there is much better out there, and I do not really want to waste my time with hundreds of pages of sloppy story craft.
Do not get me wrong, I could see the gems of a few good ideas in there, but good ideas are a dime a dozen. It is the writing that makes or breaks the story, for in the hands of a master, the worst plot can be one of the greatest works ever....
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
michelle prinzo
When I heard that Weis and Hickman had released a new novel detailing the times after the fifth age, I was at the very least excited. Maybe it was the lack of action, or the inconclusive ending, but either way this novel left me wondering whether or not I want to read the rest of this series. I have read all of the "Dragons of..." books and this one really did not fit in. I can count on one hand the number of action sequences. And a jumpy story line made it quite hard at times to stay interested. The novel takes a very long time to get going, and once it does it flows like molasses. Don't get me wrong, Weis and Hickman make an extradordinary writing team, but it seems they didn't know how to end this one.(Goldmoon underwater with a gnome? come on) On a brighter note it was good to see some old heroes like Tas, Caramon, and Goldmoon come into the picture.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim mullin
Dragons of a Fallen Sun, is keeping the DragonLance name strong. This novel is different in a good way. This is a changing time in the Dragonlance series. Instead of having a light at the being of a tunnel, walking into the darkness. You are in a dark hole, working your way out of the darkness.
The characters in this novel are not the same ones for Legends and Chronicles. These characters have different problem then in previous books. The characters are being developed in a harsher environment then the other books. There is no goodness in this new world. Characters in this novel are trying to bring back the goodness into the world.
I do think that this is a darker novel then the previous ones. But it is a good change; it makes for different heroes, friends and villains. I think that everybody well enjoy the new struggle for good in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vicki rae
Dragons of Fallen Sun is an excellent work in dragonlance. Why am I giving it four stars?
Because the story of the War of Souls has just begun. It won't be fair if I gave it FIVE stars and then the other two books turned out to be Dynamite.
However, everything lives up to my expectations, and there are a few surprises. The Dead is leaching all the new magic away, a new God arrives on the scene (could it be Chaos?), and a dragon has got the Silvanesti into killing themselves. Not only that, but there is something wrong with krynn and it is up to a hero of the Chaos War and a Hero of the Lance to fix it.
A great beginning to a great storyline in one of the most popular D&D worlds of all time. Read it for yourself and see if you agree.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
p r a x i s
Revisiting Krynn because of an oportune order of Realms of Dragons, I found Dragons of a Fallen Sun wonderfully written. Once again Weis and Hickman show an uncanny ability to turn a tale, much like they did fifteen years ago in Chronicals. I had a hard time explaining to people unfamiliar with DRAGONLANCE my fascination with the book. Plots, subplots, plot twists and characterization by such polished writers kept me reading, reading, and regretting any time I had to spend between reading. Hickman insists that all his books have morals, (note the plural), and Fallen Sun is no exception. Seeing the lessons taught here was just as interesting as the story itself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim verne
Finally, after a long wait, Weis & Hickman return to Krynn and I, for one, am throwing an imaginary parade to celebrate their return. Now that I've confirmed my delusional tendancies I can get to the point.
After Dragons of Summer Flame Krynn was left in a shocking state and with no gods to get out the dusters and give it a good once over I wasn't entirely sure what would become of it. I was hoping that this series of books would sort it out and get the house into shape, so to speak.
With a, mostly new, cast of characters this book snatched me up and swept me through a fabulous story. With moments that made me laugh and some that had my lip quivering (so I'm a softy - sue me!) it was a journey I enjoyed from beginning to end. It was one of those, all too rare, books where I hated putting it down and transformed eating and sleeping into extreme annoyances.
The story is centered around several small group of characters, their own stories and that of their surroundings weaved expertly together. The characters are vivid and drive the story at just the right pace.
I know this is all rather vague, but I really don't want to ruin it for anyone who has yet to read it (and it is well worth it!) At first I read this book to find out what was to become of Krynn (something I am still curious about), but I got a lot more - a story worth reading even without the legacy of the past and new characters who are worthy to pick up the standard from their beloved predecessors.
In conclusion I must say the authors have more than lived up to my expectations and that I hope they are busily writing the next book because I just can't wait. Now where did I put that magical time travel device...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ellen glenn
After many years of watching other writers totally screw up the world of Krynn, (Even though some of the stories were good), I'm glad to report that Weis and Hickman are back. You can tell they've kept up with the other writers telling of tales in the world of Krynn. This reader feels that Weis and Hickman and gathering all of the loose strings and gathering them in one neat, tidy pile. Who is the One True God? Only in the next two books will we know but I for one am glad to be back with the REAL Gods of Krynn leading the way. Weis and Hickman have returned. The only real question is why did they leave in the first place?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah eisenstein
I just finished reading DoSF and it is once again a success for Weis and Hickman. I definetly recommend reading the chronicles and legends trilogy before reading it. I give it a four out of five because it is clearly not their best book, it is slow in parts but what book is not? Prepare for a book that almost completely consists of setup for the next two books. Don't expect another Dragons of Summer Flame. It is a different time and a different feel than any of their other DL books. I enjoyed it and am looking forward to more War of Souls.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I found this book to be an enjoyable reading experience. I have several hundred science fiction/fantasy books, and am quite sure that this one will be read again and again. While most of the story stays along with the major charicters, I enjoyed the indepth introduction and compatability of new ones. Most Dragonlance fans will be pleased with the cohesiveness of Ansalon with the growing population of heros. New readers may find that they have stepped into a fast paced world of WATCH YOUR STEP OR DIE fantasy, mixed with good humor and memorable people. ENJOY!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerry grogan
Now I am a seasoned Dragonlance fan who has loved every book of the series that I have read. This book was one of my favorites except how the change all the characters personalities. Like Palin Majere who becomes cold and dark and used to be loving also Caramon whonow becomes wise and more complex than the Chronicles and Raistlin made him out to be. One good thing is that the Solamnic Knights are still as valiant and noble as Sturm and Steel Brightblade's death taught them to be.
To all the Dragonlance fans out there ~Est Salurus Oth Mithras~
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After I finished Dragons of Summer Flame, I thought that the Dragonlance series had arrived to a perfect ending. I didn't like (at all) The Dawning of a New Age and all that new stuff. But I was interested in the new Weis-Hickman book (Dragons of a Fallen Sun), and I read it as fast as I could. I think it's not as good as the previous books, but I enjoyed it very much and had a great time wondering what was going to happen and who the One God was. I think I know who he is, and I'm waiting for the next volume to confirm my idea. Read it and enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My mother bought me a Dragonlance book when I was 13 years old. The first book in the Elven Nations trilogy. From that first book, I was hooked, through the Chronicles, Legends, Tales, etc. This book came to me sans the "prequel" and I must say that I was bamboozled to see what had happened to our beloved Krynn. Nevertheless, the book is superb and a great introduction to a new age in the Dragonlance saga. I feel like I'm 13 all over again. A good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
veronica hernandez
Also, much heavier than "Brothers in Arms". They are obviously trying to set up something completely different, darker, new set of characters, etc. Still, it's Weis and Hickman as we all expeceted, and should fullfill anyone's craving for more DL.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jean patrick
This book was overall an extremely avid addition to the Dragonlance series, but it has more mysteries and unanswered questions than all the other books, which leaves the reader rather unsatisfied at the end, with feelings that r mixed; you either really want the next book in the series to come out, or you dont know what to think. This book, more than anyother, probably isnt recommended for newcomers to the series, cuz you wont know what the ehll is going on... Peace out, an till the next book comes out...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie duncan
i have begun to lose interest in the dragonlance series over the past few months, but this novel renewed it. It was interesting, and held you by having multiple plots going on all at once, that sometimes crossed. Mina is a very intriguing character, whom you learn more about as the book progresses. The "One True God" acts oddly in that it favors the forces of evil in the world, so that keeps you interested also. all in all, a great book that i loved every page of.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary renshaw
I have been following the books of Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman since the mid-80's. In this book they do it again with superb storytelling. The story is lively and they bring to life the characters and storyline. If you loved the original Dragonlance stories, you'll love this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
conrad zero
M. Weis & T. Hickman are my favorite Fantasy Authors!!! I loved the Chronicles and LegendS!! They were my all time favorite books. I was disappointed with Second Generation and Dragons of Summer Flame. But they brought the magic back with this trilogy!! I loved this book and it was written very well!! I recommend reading all the Dragonlance books by these two authors.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lorie kleiner eckert
Dragons of A Fallen Sun, by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, is a great addition to the Dragonlance series. This story is about about Tas, Palin, and a new addition, Sir Gerard Uth Mondar, along with some other side characters. Tas goes forward in time to after his death. What he finds there is not what it seems. Out of storm comes a strange cleric girl, talking about her "One God", after all the others have left.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I had mixed feelings about this book. For someone who couldn't get through a single Fifth age book, the recaps were helpful, however, i agree that the character development was not too great. I also didn't like how all of the characters had changed in such awful ways since Summer Flame. The last twenty pages are the best in the book and the rest is just blah.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In my opinion, I thought this book was very good. But then again, I think any book written by Weis and Hickman is a good book. It was very creative, and it had characters that you felt you just *had* to know what happened to them. For me, Silvanoshei was one of them. But all in all, this book was a joy and very entertaining to read for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren young
I found the book very enjoyable. I have been waiting for their next book for ages. Im glad they got tas back in there, even though i think they should let him rest now. What i found confusing was that didnt goldmoon die in one of the other books and didnt skie disappear to go find kitiara? Hopefully someone can clear this up for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After reading the Chronicles series, this book is a wonderful return to Krynn and a new set of characters with wonderful tie-ins to familiar faces. The War of the Souls is off to an epic start. Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, as always, are a team well worth remembering. They have just proven it once more in this well written, engaging novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lale yildirim
I have been waiting a long time for dragonlance to get a big book out.The new series(fith age and bridges of time) are just to small but we get them quicker.I loved this book right from the start.I cant wait to see what devlops in the next one!Buy this book if you can you wont regret it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill causey
This was an extraordinary book! From the beginnning, it pulled me in and i found myself reading nonstop, everytime i got the chance. I would highly recommmend thid book to anyone. The plot is easy to get into to, its actionpacked from the start, and doesnt let up until the very end. Again, i would highly suggest anyone who is a fan of fantasy to read this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the first dragonlance novel i have ever read.When I started it i didn't know that the war of souls was the 3rd series of dragonlance.this is a great book to start at with a lot of surprises and it will make you want more dragonlance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After Dragons of Summer Flame, Jean Rabe started writing some Dragonlance books. Frankly, they were very bad. But now the original authors Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman have fixed the Fifth Age! This book is great, well written, and very gripping! I got through it in a day because it was so interesting!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
camilla lynch
I have been waiting a long time for dragonlance to get a big book out.The new series(fith age and bridges of time) are just to small but we get them quicker.I loved this book right from the start.I cant wait to see what devlops in the next one!Buy this book if you can you wont regret it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marnie cunningham perry
This was an extraordinary book! From the beginnning, it pulled me in and i found myself reading nonstop, everytime i got the chance. I would highly recommmend thid book to anyone. The plot is easy to get into to, its actionpacked from the start, and doesnt let up until the very end. Again, i would highly suggest anyone who is a fan of fantasy to read this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meredith williams
This was the first dragonlance novel i have ever read.When I started it i didn't know that the war of souls was the 3rd series of dragonlance.this is a great book to start at with a lot of surprises and it will make you want more dragonlance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda gibson
After Dragons of Summer Flame, Jean Rabe started writing some Dragonlance books. Frankly, they were very bad. But now the original authors Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman have fixed the Fifth Age! This book is great, well written, and very gripping! I got through it in a day because it was so interesting!
Please RateVolume One (The War of Souls Book 1) - War of Souls Trilogy
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