The Barbarian's Captive (Primarian Mates Book 1)

ByMaddie Taylor

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary regan
Ok, I admit, there were some eye rolling moments in the beginning, but as a whole, I loved it. I like stories that have deeper conflicts, not romantic angst, but truly difficult to accept conflicts. Challenging deep seated belief systems makes me enjoy a book more, whether I agree with what happens or not. Actually, I think if a romance book can not only take you thru the typical emotions, but also make you laugh, make you sad, and piss you off a little, that is the mark of a masterpiece.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I downloaded the sample and I was completely hooked. I loved the characters and story. I could not stop reading this book. So glad I purchased this book. I enjoyed the challenges between Kerr and Eva. This book is hot, sexy and full of passion. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely loved this book. The characters are great and i loved how this book ended it was different than expected but i loved it. One planet helping another

On another note i really loved how the big aliens were all hot yet very soft
Kingdom Collection: Books 1-3 (Kingdom Series) :: Hunting Beauty (Possessing Beauty Book 4) :: Beasting Beauty (Possessing Beauty Book 1) :: Erotic Bedtime Stories for Women - A Novel (Erotic Fiction) :: Fifty Shades Of Alice In Wonderland (The Fifty Shades Of Alice Trilogy Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rikka stewart
Ok. So there were eight women taken. They should have all been upset. Every single one of them had their choices taken away. There is no forgiving that. Once they are bond they will not be able to live without each other or they will get sick. So the women should have kept their legs closed until they knew how they felt about their man. Which brings me to how someone can have sex with someone else without knowing them, talking to them, or knowing full well they are an alien.

The spanking and obeying all rules was another thing that irked me. How can an independent person be ok with being forced to live under someone else's rule? If the person likes to submit or have that type of relationship and they choose, no problem. The issue is again that they are forced and no one seems to fix this issue.

Otherwise I liked the book. It's a three because the author is saying it's ok to be forced into a relationship. I did not feel that there was forced intimacy since she was a willing participant. If that was the case this would have been zero stars.

I am not sure I will move forward with this series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
It was entertaining enough and the sex scenes numerous and steamy but I realize many of these books are "similar" to others - this one was so similar that I felt like the author took someone else's story and just re-wrote the backdrop. I had a hard time with the way the author justified the "barbarism" of ownership of a living being- and in making the comparisons between what was "earth equality" and how it worked out for humans. I felt she left out the issue of women and intelligence and being able to "bring something to the table" like their male counterparts. I was further shocked that the author then did a complete turn around right at the end where the captain of the ship and the hero come to some agreement. All of a sudden this "barbaric" world was negotiating with women when throughout the ENTIRE book - women were to keep quiet except behind closed doors... I think at the end the author just capitulated. It would've been more believable and entertaining if the heroine was slowly able to get the hero to see her side here and there and bend a bit... however, like I said, it was an entertaining read which is why it got 3 stars instead of 2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoy Maddie Taylor's stories and have bought every single one. However, maybe I am becoming jaded to the genre, but why can the males never empathize with the female's points of view? Or can the heroine be right some of the time? These women are scientists and independent women. So why do they get simplified and one-dimensional? Ok small rant over. I just think this story could have used some character development on both sides. Otherwise good spanking story and boyfriend approves.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
david hill
Generally really enjoy Maddie Taylor's books but was somewhat disappointed. Th synopsis was really interesting but the execution did not have the same appeal as her usual books. Eva is a scientist from earth basically searching, with other females, for other planets to plunder ( my interpretation) as human kind has almost completely destroyed earth - a realistic premise given current environmental issues - and is caught by a group of "barbarian" aliens. The head alien, Kerr, chases and captures Eva for his own. The rest of the novel is Eva basically going back and forward about how horrible Kerr is but how she still wants to have sex with him, until the last part of the book when she makes a decision based on truly unfounded jealousy - even though she keeps telling Kerr she wants to be returned to her people- and manages to get herself into a situation where the barbarians have to rescue her. I think my main issue with book was Eva - whilst I have no issue with someone who is kidnapped objecting to that as it would be strange if you didn't - for a woman who was meant to be a strong, intelligent scientist, she mainly sounded like a teenager- she absolutely wants to have sex with him , gets incredibly jealous over nothing, is "distressed" when she thinks that they are not bonded like some of the other barbarians are with their chosen earth females and wants reassurance that he would never want to let her go even if they cannot breed, but then objects to everything including being polite at dinner ( pretty sure here on earth even Princess Kate and Princess Mary of Denmark had to learn etiquette for their new roles and can't just do what they want !), calls their rather minor corporal punishment barbaric even though many countries including US still practice capital punishment which is a lot more barbaric and is hypocritical in her reactions to her new people as she along with others were going to do pretty much what they needed to do without considering the morality of plundering other planets because humans were too selfish and greedy to not destroy their own. I think I would have preferred the book if it focused on Trask and Lana, who were secondary characters but quite intriguing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
riviane mayan
Great SciFi erotica! Maxx is a yumilicious dominant hero and Eva is a wonderful heroine. I loved their dynamic...great spanking action, steamy sex and punishment...great balance between pleasure and pain and of course love to temper both. Fantastic read! Morganna Williams
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
r daniel
I love, love, loved this book! I was entranced from the start and couldn't put it down. I'm hoping this turns into a series because I want to see what happens with some of the secondary characters. Great read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynne o brien
Scientist Eva La Croix is captured along with several of her colleagues when they are on a new planet, trying to see if it would be habitable for the people who live on the dying Earth. Maxx Kerr and a group of his people are on the same planet, hunting wild game. When Maxx Kerr and his men spot Eva and her colleagues, they purse them, wanting to know where these beautiful aliens are from. When tests show that Eva and all of her colleagues are very compatible to Kerr and the almost all male population of Primaria, the men let out a cry of cheer as they each pick one beautiful woman to be mated to.

Maxx Kerr, chooses Eva. He claims her and then shows her just how hot it is to have a strong, dominant male guiding her, and punishing her when she breaks the rules. But, when Eva has a chance to leave, she has to decide, will she stay with the barbarian who captured her or leave him and all the pleasure that he has to offer her.

This story was amazing! I'm a sucker for a good Sci-Fi story and Ms. Taylor definitely delivered with this one. The amount of detail that went into the story, really made me feel like I was transported to an entirely new planet from page one.

The characters were HOT! Well, specifically, Maxx Kerr and his group of barbarians. The way that Ms. Taylor wrote Kerr with his long, black hair, and his incredibly muscular arms, and the way that he dominated Eva (which she enjoyed), everything was so HOT!!!

The ending! I won't give it away, but oh, I do love when justice is served! ;-)

This book was fantastic and I seriously cannot wait for Ms. Taylor to write the sequel!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brent abell
Really well developed world with great insta love. It's a spanking story so you have to be into that. Little bit of medical/embarrassment, but not over the top. Both main characters were well developed and you can bond with them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bob ma
WOW! This marvelous science fiction, adventure, romance was a non stop read for me. I literally was up until 4 am until I finished because I couldn't put it down. A spaceship with 300 women are looking for a planet that can sustain earths remaining humans as War and destruction has ruined the planet. 8 women land to survey this possible new planet and are captured by Barbarians who desperately need mates and and to breed baby girls, as a catastrophe has resulted in women being unable to have girl children. This was a fascinating new world with a new language, vocabulary and more. There were many twists and turns and I fell in love with the characters, the dialogue, which was witty and panty melting sex, spankings and romance. I'm so looking forward to the next book. I voluntarily reviewed this Advanced Reader Copy oh this book.
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