Book 3), Longing (Bailey Flanigan

ByKaren Kingsbury

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is so good. After reading the first book, I couldn't wait to read the next one in the series. Karen Kingsbury really knows how to get one "hooked" on her stories. I love the way she uses Scripture and prayer.
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karl smithe
I was hoping for a different outcome with Bailey and Cody, but what is writing without twists and turns and unexpected results. Karen, continue to allow God to guide you and you will continue to inspire people around the world with the Word of God and His blessings that come only if we ask. Please, never stop following God's plan for you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another amazing book but I'm not surprised. Didn't realize I was at the end already. That's kindle for you. I guess I better put my pen down to and let Karen Kingsbury tell the story. I so wanted Bailey and Cody together. On to the final book of the series!!
Let Me Hold You Longer :: A Baxter Family Christmas :: One Tuesday Morning (9/11 Series, Book 1) :: The Family of Jesus (Life-Changing Bible Study Series) :: Final Vows
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
erin pallas
I continue to have Karen Kingsbury as my favorite Christian author, however Longing leaves me wanting to find the end of this series a bit sooner. Bailey and Brandon's story is so much like a fairy tale that I find myself waiting for the dream to crumble and see Cody come in with a large dose of reality and sweep her off her feet.

The book was a great read as with all Karen Kingsbury's book and scripture is used in a way that is not overpowering but you know that you are seeing God at work on the pages of this book. Most of the books I read by Karen Kingsbury keep me wanting more, but I would like to see this story tied up and ready for a new set of characters to come to life under her pen.

The series in general is a good story line of exploring what God has planned and following your path with God's guidance. It is a good novel for girls coming of age from high school to college to a job but one must remember that it is a Fiction book. It comes across that there are too many good and great things that happen that you wonder when the reality of life will set in.

I will be waiting for Loving to come out and see how Bailey's fairy tale ends and hope that Cody is not just the man left in her past.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Longing: By Karen Kingsbury
Review: By Sharon Dean

Reflections of God's Love...

Anxiously awaiting the postman to deliver my copy of "LONGING", I was going over and over in my head, ways the story and adventures of Bailey, Cody and Brandon were going to progress in this book. And boy was I ever so surprised!! Having the adventures that it did, I never thought of and like in "Leaving" and "Learning", I was taught so much in "LONGING".

Karen took you deeper into the souls and hearts, not only of Bailey, Cody and Brandon, but of Cheyenne and Demetri. In which, I loved because they both taught me that love, sometimes brutal, can still conquer the world. Can still bring peace to ones heart. Can still love like no other. Having that look deeper into these characters gave me new friendships that I can carry with me in my life and treasured wisdom as well.

The story that we all have carried in our hearts from the first book...the story of Bailey, Cody and Brandon...has flourished my own heart but yet emotion has me reeled in many directions for Bailey within "LONGING". There was love, there was loss, there was happy times, bad times and lots of tears of joy and tears of sadness. The story of three beloved friends that we have grown to cherish, has wings yet to spread and fly while "leaving" behind the past, "learning" from the growth, "longing" for the future and "loving" for the hearts.

In "LONGING", Karen has touched my heart with their story, with each word, and has given me new opportunities to explore as the story continues to unfold. She, like in all her books, has given my own life expanded wings to spread and open up and try life at a different angle...add a touch of spontaneity, dream larger than life, open the heart to all fears, and to share wisdom and heed wisdom with and from everyone. Even through the darkest hour. In "LONGING" this is all shared with us through the eyes and hearts of all the characters. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and to me, it has been the best of the three in the series because of the true heartfelt meaning that shines through each character. Karen has brought out a different side of the characters in this book that drew me closer to them. With mixed emotion of the love between two people that "LONGING" brings out in each character, trusting in Him and following your heart and believing in your faith is something that Karen teaches within the pages of this book but growth is always needed in ones heart for their future to be true, open and honest. We see that growth on each page and I feel that hearts are still learning to grow.

I continue to be "Team Cody" throughout this series but the love I have gained for each of the characters, in their own way, has impacted my life in some fashion. Karen's Life Changing Fiction sheds life, love, commitment, and faith in our lives in all we do. "LONGING" is no exception.

Who will win Bailey's heart, Who will break Bailey's heart? Grab the tissues and get prepared to be amazed as the story of Bailey, Cody and Brandon keeps you on the edge of your seat with emotions dwelling deep within in "LONGING".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer oppenheimer
LONGING...I was so longing for this book. And now, I am LONGING for the next. The book was a quick read, leaving you wondering who Bailey would end up with. And Cody, what about Cody!!! I love him. If in doubt, don't be. I love this author so much that I am going on her book cruise in March. If possible, join us. Longing was great!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
gordon fischer
When Kingsbury writes a series that three or more books long, the storyline seems to D-R-A-G. The Bailey Flanigan series is a perfect example, just like the series in which all the books begin with R. The story could easily and more engagingly told in two books.By the third book, I was angry about the slow pace of the book, the shallowness of the characters, and the amount of money I had spent. I now read Beth Wiseman and Kelly Long--much more enjoyable.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love love love all Karen Kingsbury books. I have read every series and have loved every book. The writing in this one is the same, excellent. It is just a personal preference for the plot. I have been cheering for Bailey/Cody from the beginning and their relationship has been in a lot of her books. Now in this one book, it just kinda ends. I know the series is not over but at this point all things are pointing to a Bailey/Brandon ending. I just don't see it! Anyways, great book and looking forward to the last one...just hope it ends with Cody and Bailey together or else I am going to be really let down!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One thing I love about Karen Kingsbury books is the real life advice and scriptures subtly included in the book.

Some of my favorite real life advice is the talk on romance Jenny had with Bailey. When Bailey was younger, she said to her mom that her dad told her that if a guy tries to pressure a girl into the physical stuff, then he's in it for himself, not for her. This is the exact advice I was given by my mom. Also, Jenny constantly reminds Bailey that she's one in a million. So true and so important to remember. Karen Kingsbury incorporates many other important sediments into her books, so the books aren't just any regular, run of the mill romance books.

While reading one of the books on Bailey, I came across a scripture that I hadn't heard before. I can't remember exactly what book it was in, but the scripture is Like 1:37. "For nothing is impossible with God." It was such an encouragement.

Another way that Bailey has impacted my life is that she isn't always perfect. In Learning, she struggles with fear over God's calls for her to start a Bible study with the Hairspray cast. In another point in Learning, the Hairspray director almost cuts her. This just impacts my life because Bailey almost seemed "perfect" in some of the books about her, and this series showed that she struggled in some ways comparable to people's everyday struggles.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen england
Around May of this year (2011), my mom suggested that I read the first book in the Bailey Flanigan Series. At first, I rejected the idea because being a teenager, a book that's not a young adult one, automatically clicks as 'boring' in my mind. But when my mom elaborated on the series, telling me about Bailey, and how she was a theater and God loving young woman who wanted to make it big on Broadway, just like me, the book began to sound more appealing. So, I picked the book up and began to read. After that, it was nearly impossible for me to stop. I brought it to school with me and read it every second I could, even during my lunch periods. The book captured my heart. I was just saved in February of 2010, and being young, I still have so many questions about God. I've heard about Him in church and from my parents, but I still have unanswered questions. When I read about Bailey and her own walk with the Lord, and how she trusts in Him with everything in her life, it reminds me that I need to be the same way. Even though we have questions about God's purpose in our life, or who He is and how He works, all we need is to trust.
This book was truly beautiful to read. There were times when I laughed and times when I cried, and I have never felt closer to the characters in any book. This book is inspiring to all young and old people alike. It teaches that God has a divine plan and no matter how many things are thrown at us, we need to always trust Him, no matter what.
Because of this series, and of Karen Kingsbury, my faith as a young believer has been strengthened in ways I never imagined... and I recommend this book to anybody, no matter what the age, to read if you need the re-assurance of God's faith like I did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karen sima
Having read nearly all of Karen Kingsbury's books, I can tell you that this book, like so many of her others, will not only hold your attention, but will also challenge you to consider God's will for your life. Those who have been following Bailey will be surprised at the twists and turns the story takes. I didn't expect her to end up in LA and nearly engaged to Brandon at the end of this book, but am expecting more plot twists in the next book, Loving. I'm not sure I like the circumstances of Bailey's life right now, but conclusions can't be made just yet about Cody and Brandon.
In light of Bailey's willingness to show Christ's love to Gerald, and Gerald's subsequent decision to trust Jesus as his Savior and Lord, and I was challenged to think about how I can positively influence those around me, rather than just wading through each day, trying to accomplish my tasks. And Cheyenne's illness and death was a reminder of the uncertainty of this life, and to always make the most of the time we have and keep our relationships right, because we never know when the time to do so will end.
I highly recommend this book, and if you haven't read the previous books and series involving the Flanigan and Baxter families, doing so will add to the enjoyment and understanding of Longing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been a long time Karen Kingsbury fan, especially of her books about the Baxter and Flannigan families. Reading each book is like catching up with old friends about what is happening in their lives! I pre-ordered this book from the store because I am so caught up in Bailey's choice between Cody and Brandon, and being a fan of Cody, I'm on pins and needles now for the last book, Loving.

Longing is a book filled with Bailey finding herself as she is now on her own in New York City, being wooed by a man who loves her and can offer her the world, while she deals with the disappointments and misunderstandings of another relationship that reaches more deeply into her heart than she is willing to admit. The reason that I am cheering for Bailey to choose Cody is that I see a depth in his character that comes from experiencing difficulties in life, and learning to trust God in all circumstances.

However, this book is not only about romance. It is about the mother/daughter relationship and how it changes over time, about commitment to each other during tragedies, about letting go of pride and listening to those who have been where we are walking, about the damage that comes from judging others and the good that comes from loving others who are not like us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is so good. After reading the first book, I couldn't wait to read the next one in the series. Karen Kingsbury really knows how to get one "hooked" on her stories. I love the way she uses Scripture and prayer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely love Karen Kingsbury's books. This book arrived much more quickly than expected. That was a welcome delight. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to get into a book and enjoy and relax. It's good enough to watch with the TV on. It's better than most shows.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caroline ferguson
I looked forward to reading this book for a while, it was not disappointing. I love the relationship between Bailey and her mom, I have a4yr old daughter and I pray that I can have that same relationship with her that those two have. I was unable to put the book down and sad when I finished reading it. Karen kingsbury has a way of writing that pulls you into the story and makes you feel like you are watching it with a front row seat! Thank you for the inspiring stories!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I started reading Karen Kingsbury a couple of years ago and have now read all her books. I am gripped by the stories and love that each part of the series stands alone but is part of a larger story thread. I've loved watching Bailey grow up. Karen is a very gifted writer. I get so caught up in the stories that I can't put the books down and LONGING is no exception.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samaneh karami
Excellent!! Karen Kingsbury's characters are so real that I actually find myself praying for them.
I thoroughly enjoy her books, she deals with almost every situation that comes at us in this life in some form or fashion and always with Godly wisdom and direction. I praise the Lord for Karen and the gift HE has given her.
Team Coby!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris gibson
I find, once again, why I love reading Karen Kingsbury books. I just love the way she incorporates Christian life and scripture into "real life" stories. I am still rooting for Bailey and Cody, though. I think that God put that love for each other into their hearts and he has something very special for them in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I LOVE Karen Kingsbury books but this book really stretched credibility. The assumptions the characters make to make Brandon the best choice for Bailey are not solid for me. Several times I wanted to argue with the characters. The book was a definite page turner but I think Karen is trying to convince us to go one way when the case is not solid enough based on our past experience with these characters. In my opinion from what I have read, these are not just fictional characters to most of us who love KK books, they are like family to us too!!! My daughter and I discuss them like they are real people that we know. Nevertheless, I can't wait for March to read the next book. I know it will be awesome no matter what!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Sweet, talented Karen!!!! Okay, this has been dragging on way toooooooooo long! I loved your other books about Cody & Bailey but this just set me over the edge. So happy Chey is gone now only if Brandon would be gone. He is way to "good." Don't get me wrong, I believe in a man can romance someone and admire her but he seems way too good to be true-there is something totally creepy about him. I don't like him and I never have. She is caught up in all the wonderful things he can do for reminds me of the Bachelor on ABC....they are all "in love" but when real life sets in they can't stand one another. We all know in fact Cody and Bailey really know what real life and love is about together. She loves him and it's not like a brother. As far as your still have it. I absolutely love the way God allows you to add his scriptures in your words. It challenges me to be a better person. I find myself going back over the scriptures and writing them down so I can study and reread them. I've grown as a Christian and am thankful to you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have read all the series about the Baxter family and friends, beginning with the Redemption Series. Each has been excellent. The Bailey Flanigan Series has proven to be excellent as well. Will be sorry to see it come to an end with the final book in 2012.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liviu duta
As always, I was counting the days before this book came out, and I was so excited to see what was going to happen in the lives of Bailey, Brandon and Cody. What I wasn't counting on was the emotional ride that would ensue once I hopped on. I feel that I am in the minority when I say that I actually could put "Longing" down, mostly because I just had to take time to let the circumstances that played out in this book sink in.

Consequently, I am more perplexed than ever as to where this story is going to take us in "Loving". I have very strong feelings as to where I would like to see it go; therefore, my confidence that true love would win out in the end is a bit shaken. Being a romantic a heart, this series has made me, on many occasions, get behind and root for the supposed underdog, and who I would like to see Bailey end up with remains unchanged. However, there is now a part of me that wishes that Bailey would step back and really focus on what is most important--the plans that God has for her life--not necessarily where her heart and the "obvious" road seems to be leading.

There were so many ways this story emphasizes the need for a real relationship and having a true longing for God in our lives. Through a series of situations, and the wisdom of words being spoken to each character, some by strangers and some by loved ones, we were able to fully realize the importance of listening for God's voice and waiting on His will before we make any major life decisions.

Karen Kingsbury has a way of using the truths of God's word and blending those truths into story form. She is, by far, my favorite author just because of that. Her words tug at my heartstrings like no other author has done before. Regardless of whose "team" you are on, this story will cause you to view God's love and grace in a whole new light.

Having said all this, I cannot say that I was not also somewhat heartbroken as to how this book ended. It seems to me now, that no matter what happens, someone is going to be very hurt. The question is, who will that "someone" be?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa lewis keeling
I find the romance of Baily and Brandon too perfect and not realistic, very much a holywood movie for teens that can't think very much and only want emotions. This is a story that leaves you with nothing to relate with. She has a perfect family, a perfect famous holywood actor that happens to be able to live his faith without any serius problems but maybe the big contract he is about to sign and does everything Baily wants and desires. It's like he does't have a personality, never fight, never complains and Baily is this spoiled girl that have romantic fantasies that all come true. Very difficult to relate with real life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie dovel
Karen Kingsbury has done it again! She has produced a piece of work that will cause you to relate to the characters in a way that no other author has ever done before. I cried, laughed, hurt, rejoiced, was angry, and cried again before the end of this book. Bailey Flanigan has truly grown up in this series and to see her go through trials that many adults never have to endure with such faith and poise as she does is a breath of fresh air. She longs to do the right thing and to follow God's calling in her life, but also endures real life struggles.

In Longing, Kingsbury tackles hard issues in only the way that she can. This novel contains twists I never foresaw. But she crafted a story straight from her heart that touched mine in a powerful way. Echoing many Kingsbury fans, I feel like the Flanigans are family friends and I've grown up with Bailey all my life. I find myself praying for her throughout the day.

Realizing I am in the minority here, I am Team Brandon and have been since Learning. The last line in the book was perhaps the most poignant and is a promise I will cling to. I am eager to see how this pans out and if it will be Cody or Brandon that will be at the end of the aisle waiting on his one-in-a-million princess.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
justin vass
The book I read is called Longing. About 19 years some one I was very close to killed himself at 24. He had a son that was about 5 at the time. The boy after his dad's death had to suffer another loss. His mother was killed 5 years later. He lived with his mom's mom for most of the time and every other weekend with my parents. When his mother was alive she had many boyfriends and so her son was abused in many ways. His mom grandparents were divorced many times and his grandmother drank all the time. Ever since this son has been growing up I have tried to show him there is another side to life than all the abuse in many forms. He would stay some weekend with me and my family. I longed that he would find Christ and that would turn his life around. I have prayed that God would take this son and use him for his glory. I have taken him to Christian counselors as well. One thing that God showed me when reading this book is that he has a plan and his timing is perfect and that it doesn't always go the way I want it to go. I don't know why but I really wanted Bailey to get back with Cody and when it started to go the other way I was heartbroken. I guess that is the way I feel about this son, I was hoping my influence would change him and search for God. I hoped he would lead a life without all the baggage and problems from his past making his life terrible and his kids. Just like in the book I haven't given up on bringing him to Christ and I long that he will find God soon before he has to hit bottom any farther. This son has two kids now and he and his girlfriend just got their kids taken away. I prayed that God would give those kids a different life not like their parents. God answered that prayer and even changed my husband's hear about taking in other kids after our 6 are almost all out of the house. My husband and i just became the guardians for those 3 kids until that son shows he and his girlfriend can take care of the kids. If they don't we will see where God takes us on this new journey. This book really spoke to me and I think will speak to others about our longing to follow God's leading not ours.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy ahn
I have been reading this entire series since introduced to the books by a friend and coworker. I feel like a neighbor to the Baxter's. This last set about Bailey reminds me of myself at 19. I was deeply in love but the man I loved still had something in his past that would not let him fully open up to the love I knew he felt for me in return. He had a son from a previous relationship and felt like he couldn't move on until he knew he had done everything possible to make it work with the child's mother even though they had not been together for almost 4 yrs. He came to me one night saying that she had contacted him and wanted to return home. I knew he couldn't move on and love me with all his heart until he knew he had done everything possible to make a home for his son. I told him to go with my blessing because I knew God had already blessed our relationship and we were meant to be together. The next few weeks were hard and I can't say that there were times I didn't question God, but I kept my faith that God had plans for us. He called me one evening and asked me to meet with him. That night he told me how lost he had been without us and asked me to marry him. Today, 21 years later, his son is grown with a child of his own, and his mother and I are incredibly close. She also knew after coming back that his heart belonged with me and the three of us working together could make a better world for his son. God had a plan, just like he had a plan for Bailey, for Brandon, and for Cody. While reading the first 2 books I was also a Cody supporter, but when Bailey's mother pointed out that she was trying to write Bailey's story and not letting God, I knew just what she meant. When I let my husband go that night I at that moment too had realized God had to write this story. Cody needed Bailey at special moment's in his life but he didn't love her the way God would have wanted him to love. I'm not sure what is planned in Cody, Bailey and Brandon's future; but I cannot wait to find out! I hope theirs lives are as special as the last 21 of mine has been. God Bless you Karen for using the gift that God has given you to touch so many lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Longing is wonderful. I am so glad that Bailey is moving on, I just hope that Cody can. Their relationship is so complicated and so lifelike. I cried when Cheyenne passed, but I know that she has gone to heaven to be with Art. Brandon is growing in his relationship with God and I am so glad that he has Dayne to talk to and guide him on his walk. Praying for Ashley and Landon as they start on a new adventure with Landon working for the Police Dept and the Drug program.

Every book that Karen writes is so enjoyable and can be read by Christians and non-christians alike and still be enjoyed. I share my books with friends and family, some of who are non-christians or have stepped away from their christian beliefs and they still talk about the books. We discuss every aspect of the books and the impact that believing and trusting in God has on their daily lives, we discuss the bible verses and relate them to daily lives. So incredible!!!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tracy scott
Bailey Flanigan had finally fulfilled her dream of being on Broadway. She was living in New York and in the Broadway production of Hairspray. She was dating Brandon Paul. She met him on the set on Unlocked, a movie they both starred in. He had become a Christian because of her witnessing to him while they were working together. When she was on the set of Unlocked, she had been dating Cody Coleman. She loved Cody since she was a teenager. When Cody broke things off, she started to date Brandon. Cody began dating Cheyenne. The whole premise of Longing is whether Bailey will go back to Cody or stay with Brandon. With each chapter, Karen Kingsbury has you guessing which guy she chooses.

Longing is the third book in the Bailey Flanigan Series. I didn't read the first two books, I'm not sure I'll read the fourth book in the series. I have never read anything by Karen Kingsbury. I do think she is a good writer, making the reader wanting to keep reading until they find out what's going on. After I finished Longing, all I could think was that Bailey was a little too perfect. What I found hard to read was the way Brandon kept calling Bailey "baby." It got to be annoying, it made me question his true motives with her. I was also quite confused with chapter 10 about the Baxters. It was about characters that were not mentioned before this point.

The plotline of Cheyenne truly touched my heart. I was crying as I read more and more of her journey in this book. I like how Karen Kingsbury uses "Forever In Fiction", the real-life story of a reader to be God-inspiring in her stories. An explanation can be found at the beginning of the book. Bailey and her family try their best to follow what the Bible says how a Christian should live. This book would be inspiring for teens/young adults because of Bailey's age and circumstances.

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Longing by Karen Kingsbury

Longing is the third book in the Bailey Flannigan series, which is centered around the book's main character, Bailey Flannigan. The series chronicles Bailey's journey from a teenager and college student to a young woman pursing an acting career on Broadway. Longing picks up from where Leaving left off as Bailey has just come through some difficult times adjusting to the theatre world and maintaining her Christian witness when many are suspicious of her faith and antagonistic towards her. Longing also details what has to be one of the longest played out love triangles in fiction between Bailey, her childhood sweetheart Cody and her movie star boyfriend Brandon. There have been many hiccups in Bailey and Cody's will-they won't-they relationship. The reader has been kept guessing for a long time whether Bailey will eventually end up with Cody, however in this book Bailey's relationship with Brandon deepens and both Bailey and Cody seem to be letting go of the feelings they once had for each other.

Karen writes another great book with plenty of suspence contained within. She shows how love can be a confusing and complicated road as the characters try to ascertain and understand their feelings. The faith of the main characters is depicted as real and having a great affect on their everyday lives from impacting their relationships, influencing their decisions and being a great source of comfort and strength. The title of the book is shown to take inspiration from the character's longing for each other but also for a longing for God or as Karen puts it in her book "longing for an eternal sort of love."

Longing is a great read. My advice would be if you haven't read the other books in the Bailey Flannigan series, make sure you do before Longing as you will spoil the story for yourself. A wonderful book, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love Karen Kingsbury books and anxiously await the release of each one. I have loved this series from the first Baxter story and feel like the characters have become family. Needless to say, this was not my favorite book. I have read most of the reviews here on the store and agree with most of them regarding, "Why is Cody suddenly so imperfect and made to appear unwantable?" We have rejoiced and grieved with Cody and Bailey from the beginning and as readers have always felt God had his hand in their relationship and would bring them both together when they were both ready. Longing implys that is not going to happen. I also have to agree that Brandon is too perfect. For someone who was so much a part of the world and lived a life full of temptation, why is he suddenly so unflawed. He has not been tempted, he has not slipped and their relationship is so rosy. I told my husband I love Karen's books because they are so real to life and the characters and situations are so real. The story between Brandon and Bailey is very much a fairy tale and what each of us as mother's would want for our daughters, but it is not as believeable as the relationship between Cody and Bailey. We can all speculate why this sudden change from Cody to Brandon but Karen is the author of this book and I'm sure takes the characters where she feels she is being led. All I ask is please give Cody another chance as I, as a faithful reader, want to see Cody and Bailey end up together.

Thank you Karen for following the will of God and giving us such amazing stories to bless our hearts and help with our spiritual growth! You are trully blessed!
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