Making Things Right with Those You Love - When Sorry Isn't Enough

ByGary Chapman

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kaitlyn tucek
Excited to read this book and learn new concepts are understanding this emotion. Love everything Gary D Chapman has written and they are always a great help and insight. He truly knows what he is talking about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marc ensign
Gary Chapman’s book, When Sorry Isn’t Enough, is written to provide you with information needed to heal any and all relationships in distress both presently and in the future. It makes you step back and take a look at how you currently are approaching relationships. It then provides the correct way to approach these relationships. The author, Chapman, did plenty of research in The Five Languages of Apology and uses this research to differentiate the types of apologies that are given in five separate chapters of the book. In these chapters there are real life stories used which helps understand the specific language of apology being talked about. The book is made up of other chapters, too. A couple of these are about forgiveness and apologizing to self. Each chapter has a section at the end called “Talk About It” which can help you to personally reflect the content of what was read in the chapter. Biblical references are used throughout the book and all readers are able to understand the context of where the verse was taken. Chapman concludes the book with examples of things to say when apologizing, and even things to not say when apologizing. There is also a quiz at the end of the book to help figure out what type of love language you use to apologize.
I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone because of the way Chapman focuses on relationships between spouses, siblings, friends, co-workers and more.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
bradley hansen
Has some GREAT CONTENT. Good as a reference. But once again, books that only have one side of the story don't really accomplish much. They just affirm or dis-affirm your pre-existing knowledge of dealing with folks.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tanya rankin
Has some GREAT CONTENT. Good as a reference. But once again, books that only have one side of the story don't really accomplish much. They just affirm or dis-affirm your pre-existing knowledge of dealing with folks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael cary
Just like the five languages of love, saying sorry isn't always heard the way it's intended by the one who is apologizing. This book gives one insight on ways to apologize to somebody who doesn't always receive things they way they are intended when said.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
viola k
I would recommend the book When Sorry isn't Enough to anyone with broken relationships. Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas's intensive research, prior to writing this book, make it nearly impossible to argue against. They did a wonderful job thoroughly explaining common errors people generate while apologizing. For example they analyzed the damage of finishing an apology with the word "but". These unfortunate choices of words counteract the reconciliation the apology just established because the word "but" is being used for justifying their actions. This book stresses the importance of being sincere. As a result of reading this book, I have seen a drastic change in my tense relationship with my parents. Not only do I now know how to effectively apologize, but also I have a stronger ability to empathize with them. When Sorry isn't Enough has also taught me how to replicate God's amazing love and forgiveness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy doherty
Great book and looking forward in reading more of his books. After ready the five languages and the other book for men this book made me see my marriage in different views and understand what sorry means ..... I've learn I've been apoglizing with wrong feeling and using no emotion.....once I've read this, I felt now my apologize are better and meaningful.... Thansk Dr chapman
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book gave good strategies on how to approach sincere apologies. Not everyone is okay with a simple, "I'm sorry". Truly it became clear that one must understand the person they are apologizing to and apologize from their stand point. In other words, some people want an acknowledgement of what one did "wrong" and other's want you to tell them that "you understand what you did was wrong and that in the future you will take proper measures to ensure it does not happen again."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A real world account on the act of giving allowances to people's apologies. It helped me understand if I should forgive other people. However, readability & ease of ideas are on the lower side because I would have preferred the transition from one account of rationale to the other to have a clear demarcation whilst still being under the same problem statement.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
nancy sullivan
Gary Chapman usually does excellent work & it was really disappointing to wind up with a sense of having been duped into buying a book I already owned under a different title.

This is merely a rebadging and refreshing of his earlier work The Five Languages of Apology: How to Experience Healing in All Your Relationships. In my view, the earlier work was better and I wonder what might have led them (Gary & his co-author Jennifer Thomas)to decide on a new title & coverwork & give the impression of having written something new.

The disappointment expressed, the contents are still highly useful. And the simple test is revelatory - for example, I learnt that I tend to offer apologies in the language of Taking Responsibility with undertones of Expressing Regret and yet I prefer to be offered apologies in the language of Expressing Regret with undertones of Taking Responsibility.'

For me, a key gap is sound advice on how to ask for an apology. The authors write "The desire for reconcilliation is often more potent than the desire for justice" and yet they gloss over how to figure out the way(s) in which you feel wronged and ask for a fitting apology from the other person. The only advice seems to be "releasing the person to god" which might work if you are religious or more inclined towards justice than restoring trust & reconciling. People don't always know how (or even that) they've wounded you, a few clues and a simple request might work wonders.

Other works that might help:
Apology: The Importance and Power of Saying "I'm sorry"
The Power of Apology: Healing Steps to Transform All Your Relationships
I Was Wrong: The Meanings of Apologies
I'm Sorry . . . My Bad!
Forgiveness Is a Choice (APA Lifetools)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
anne dodge
#1 There was no mention of religion in the description and summary of this book, yet the authors squeeze Christian dogma into every sentence they possibly can. If they are so proud of writing a Christian apology and forgiveness manual then they should tell people that is what it is.

2# The authors are morally reprehensible if they think children who have run away from sexually and physically abusive parents need to be the first ones to apologize for the broken relationship.

Why should victims of rape and assault have to apologize to their perpetrators? Because of the Bible, that’s why. No thank you.

I sincerely regret that I gave them my money for this book, and I shall do everything in my power to make sure that I never buy one of their books again. I also regret that I am required to give this book one star.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh troelstrup
This was real helpful in understanding what I need in an apology and for looking for what is important to others when I need to apologize to them. I highly recommend this book if you want to learn a life skill in saying you are sorry.
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