A Cat Who Has an Unlimited Data Planand Isn't Afraid to Use It

ByAngie Bailey

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Readers` Reviews

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
habib fatma
Not appropriate for kids! I am very disgusted with this book. I bought this for my young nephew who also has the books 'I could pee on this' and 'sorry I barfed on your bed'. I thought this would be another similar, but Mittens is more adult humor. I flipped through a few pages and found on page two the very offensive expression "Bros before Hoes" is used, as well as a few other references I did not think appropriate for a kid. I wish the book was more accurately labeled as adult content, then I would not have bought it for my nephew. I read the "inside this book" pages before I ordered and did not see any of this on those, if I had I would not have bought the book. I will be returning the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Mittens" is a four year old male Tuxedo rescue. He lives with his mother - his adopted mother - and a dog called "Phil". There are a few other animals and humans in his life, but basically "Mittens" and his mom are a team. "Mittens" communicates with his mom by text, whether she is at home or away. And being "away" can be "at work" or "on a date", or out drinking with her friend, "Drunk Patty".

Author Angie Bailey has put together the phone texts she imagines a smart, funny, at home cat might have with his food provider...oops, his mother. The texts are funny and charming and even a bit silly. This book really should only be read by a cat or dog lover. A person who just knows her own cat or dog is so very clever, if only the cat or dog could manipulate a cell phone. The book is delightful. (In the spirit of honesty, I have to say that I have a darling rescue tuxie called "Robin". And I just KNOW he's a clever devil who could write the same texts. Really, he could...)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rick smith
Each page in this book contains timed screenshots from the Furizon phone used by Mittens, a cat with serious keyboard skills. Mitty is conversing via text message with her owner, decrying the smell of her dog brother, the behavior of a not entirely sober human neighbor, the vagaries of Judge Judy, and the nature of a nice new Pinterest account. Some of the threads are laugh-out-loud funny. Others fit the imagined humor of cats and bathroom jokes of dogs. I could have wished the seasons followed more logically along the timeline, but that’s just ‘cause I insisted on reading the whole book at once. It’s a book to leave on the coffee table and dip into. Just don’t let your own cat get ideas.

Disclosure: My son bought it for my mum, and Mum correctly predicted that I’d enjoy it too.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book #40 Read in 2015
Texts from Mittens by Angie Bailey

This is a perfect gift book for cat lovers. Mittens is a cat with a cell phone and a data plan with no limit. He texts his human mother constantly about his needs for treats, the ability to watch Judge Judy and how he has his canine brother. Mittens is an online sensation and this book is a collection of some of his best texts. Cute read. I received a copy of this book from the the store Vine program in exchange for a honest review.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
drew kerlee
Cats are introverts. And like any good introvert they do most of their socializing via texts (and the occasional Skype conference when you leave your laptop open). That's why "Texts From Mittens" is an absolute must read for anybody who shares a home (and perhaps a cellular account) with a cat. It's a letter-perfect look into what your cat is thinking when you're at work, what on earth your cat is doing when you're trying to get some sleep, and what your cat is texting about you, even when you're sitting like two feet away and you say "Awww" because you mistakenly believe he or she is playfully pawing at your smartphone screen, not realizing the level of shade they are throwing at you right now.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Texts From Mittens is cute funny book about the minds of our housecats and what they would say if they could communicate via text message. The imaginative text messages from a cat to his owner are certainly cute and clever but to be honest it gets dull about halfway through. I would recommend this as a bedtime book and only read maybe 10-12 texts from Mittens each night. I think this could be much better if there were a couple paragraphs every 7-8 texts to set the stage for a new chapter or hilarious predicament that Mittens is experiencing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gabriela acevedo
The world has been blessed with another kitty comedy from Angie Bailey. You might already know Mittens from Catster and his Facebook page. If so, you know he spends a LOT of time texting. Now you can get a whole book full of his conversations in "Texts From Mittens: A Cat Who Has an Unlimited Data Plan...and Isn't Afraid to Use It."

If you don't know Mittens, this is a great intro. If you're the type of person who doesn't enjoy LOLCat humor, don't worry. Neither does Mittens. In fact in one of his texts he says, "I just saw some (LOLCats) online. Their spelling and grammar are deplorable!" You might even find yourself needing a dictionary to look up a word he uses.

You may also see a little of your own life in the texts, like when Mitty is texting with his Mom because she has him locked out of her room and he is sticking his paw under the door. Do you feel like your cat is barely tolerating your dog? If he's anything like Mittens, you're probably right. Page 20 has my favorite text: Mittens asking for a little Hazmat suit to protect him from Phil the dog's breath.

It's a cute, short, funny read. I recommend it to all cat lovers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Angie Bailey's first book, Whiskerslist:The Kitty Classifieds (think Craigslist for cats by cats) hit a collective funny bone but she ups the ante with Text From Mittens:A Cat Who has an Unlimited Data Plan and Isn’t Afraid to Use it.

The concept is simple: what if cats could text. And then it it gets scary funny. We all know cats rule the world but books like this will guarantee it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
There's a Joe Martin comic called "Cats with Thumbs." This cat, Mittens, has either thumbs or extremely nimble paws and can text.

The book is single screen conversations between Mittens and his owner. Mittens is a typical cat, notional, selfish, and convinced the world revolves around him.

While I didn't love all the panels, many were tons of fun and well worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
denel rehberg sedo
Anything by Angie Bailey is a guaranteed laugh! Texts From Mittens is no exception. You can totally relate to what Mitty tells her and the ridiculous but totally true to life situations. Woe is told my Mittens due to dog breath or Drunk Patty or his fave toy is lost. Etc. Whenever I need a pick me up, I reach for Mittens or other works of Angie's. Works everytime!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian darley
Angie has been writing on behalf of spoiled house cat Mittens for us on Catster.com for years now, and we are so excited to see these catty back-and-forths between cat and human (via text, of course) in book form! If cats could text, Angie's interpretation would be spot-on. And we'd all be screwed. But to find out why, you'll have to read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara almutairi
My Husband and I started reading Texts From Mittens late last year and have been fans ever since. He got me the book for my birthday and I haven't stopped laughing since. It is a short read but Angie makes you feel as though the cat is writing the texts and not her. Five stars and seven purrs (one purr from each of our seven cats).
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