How to Stop the Pain

ByJames B. Richards

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutley amazing, I'm re-reading it again and again!!! Every person on the planet should read this book. So much understanding into the human heart and the scars that get written on it from our pasts......
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica sliman
I am challenged every time I read this book. Challenged to remember the price that was paid by Christ for us. And the price I have paid for organized religion. If you want to find the relationship that fills the hole in your heart, it can only be filled by God. This book helped me realize that I can enter that relationship NOW, not some day in the future. Time to get off the religious Merry-Go-Round and get on with a life that is full of Christ's love. This book has set me free.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maeve ann mak
I overlooked this book for years because it sounded like a self-help fixit. After I actually started reading it, i was bombarded by the wisdom shown on every page. Dr. Richards has placed his finger on the biggest source of pain we ever experience and he very simply describes the Biblical solution. I highly recommend it.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brad hart
Absolutely amazing read. If you're considering this buy, just do it. You will not regret it. I'm so happy that I have it on my phone to refer to it anytime. It's God-inspired, faith motivating, spirit energizing, better than coffee, life changing words. Life words!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
katie nielsen
This book is a great self help. Forgiveness is the number one goal that I think everyone should try to achieve. Once you have forgiven someone the burden has been lifted. This books helps you to realize the importance of forgiveness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tom doyle
How to review a book about judgements? ;)
I picked this book up at a local bookstore on Dec. 24, 2012 the day after I had first visited a prayer group at my new church. One older woman was dealing with a 22 year old substance abusing nephew who was just getting out of the local jail and was saying that he was leaving town that day and none of the family would ever see him again. Another young woman was so upset over the Newtown shooting tragedy that she could hardly function. I've had a bad year, too, so a book entitled, "How to Stop the Pain" seemed like a good choice.
And, actually it's a pretty good book. It covers the topic of judgement and relationships pretty well. I benefited from the chapters on self-judgement. At times the chapters seemed a little scattered about to me. I laughed at myself when I found myself not particularly interested in reading the chapter on being a fool. But there are some particularly good thoughts on when humans judge God. The author makes a good argument for his answer. And, the book ends with some nice encouragements.
The book seemed to have held up well in the years since September, 2001 and still seems to have something to offer the hurting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather miranda
Dr. Richards delves into a difficult topic with grace, wisdom, and creativity. I've read other books about moving out of judgment, but have never seen the concept addressed with so much clarity. This is one of those books I revisit periodically, to digest the wisdom and see how I am doing applying it to my life. I recommend this book to anyone who is suffering in a relationship.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
walter criswell
When I started reading the book I was skeptical but I decided not to 'judge' it until I had read it all. There were two or three translation quotations that I took exception to, however, I remember something my father taught me growing up on the farm.
We would buy flour in 25 pound cloth bags. When we opened the bag, we would many times find weevils (smal bugs or worms) or small rocks in the floor. The first time I saw this, I told my father the flour was ruined and that we would have to throw it away. Dad said, "No, we will just pour it into a floor sieve and let the good flour fall through into a bowl to be used in cooking; the screen in the sift will catch the bugs and rocks and we will throw THEM away."
What a powerful and wise lesson my father taught me. I don't have to agree with EVERYTHING a person says in order for me to received something from God and be Blessed.
Thank you Dr. Richards. The book came into my life at a point when I really needed it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When I started reading the book I was skeptical but I decided not to 'judge' it until I had read it all. There were two or three translation quotations that I took exception to, however, I remember something my father taught me growing up on the farm.
We would buy flour in 25 pound cloth bags. When we opened the bag, we would many times find weevils (smal bugs or worms) or small rocks in the floor. The first time I saw this, I told my father the flour was ruined and that we would have to throw it away. Dad said, "No, we will just pour it into a floor sieve and let the good flour fall through into a bowl to be used in cooking; the screen in the sift will catch the bugs and rocks and we will throw THEM away."
What a powerful and wise lesson my father taught me. I don't have to agree with EVERYTHING a person says in order for me to received something from God and be Blessed.
Thank you Dr. Richards. The book came into my life at a point when I really needed it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maria ryan
Most people have no idea of how many judgements they have made over their life time that keep them in bondage. This book will expose the way you think and the significance you placed on actions of other people that really were not about you in the first place. This book is excellent material for a small group book study.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
barry gibbons
I just finished the book, and I thought the author made some excellent points. Unfortunately, I don't agree with him on his main point that we are never to judge people. I believe we are called to make righteous judgments (John 7:24) in the right spirit. After we have taken the plank out of our own eye, we are able to see clearly to take the plank out of our brother's eye (Matt 7:5). This must be done in great humility and with the right spirit.

The author makes a great point in giving people the benefit of the doubt when they have offended you. His recommendation to talk to the individually directly after a conflict to discuss the situation instead of letting offense fester is superb.
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