A Proven Program to Teach Your Baby to Sleep Twelve Hours a Night
BySuzy Giordano
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen padgett bohle
It works! Our twin boys were sleeping 12 hours straight since they were 13 weeks old. We started them a week later then was recommended because we wanted to be sure the babies were ready. All the steps were easy to follow and they really worked. Make sure you and anyone else who is responsible for overnight care of your children are in agreement on how to follow the instructions in this book. If you are consistent it pays off. I recommend this book to all new parents.
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This book was amazing in that Giordano simply walks you through the steps to get your baby to sleep. My son is now 10 weeks old and is sleeping anywhere from 6 to 10 hours straight through the night. The first week was hell but it has all been worth it. My baby now no longer has any feedings in the night and only eats 4 times per day. I am currently working on getting him to take naps consistently in line with the book and get him through the full night every night. It is all about baby steps (no pun intended) and you have to be committed to make it work. I only wish that Giordano had put more info in the book about certain situations such as, "what do you do when your baby won't sleep during the day?" or "how do you get your baby through the fussy times in the evening before bedtime?"
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joe whelan
I read this book so many times that I practically memorized sections. It is well laid out and nicely explained. I was hopeful because it worked so well for my friends. As for baby and me, it was super stressful trying to do the day schedule. We were stuck here for weeks, we were both cranky and it didn't seem worth it. I was also breast feeding and couldn't sustain supply with the methods described. Baby is now 8 months and we finally got jhim to sleep through the night. More power to you of this book works for you!
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Great program but the timeline may not work for all babies. My twins started sleeping through the night on their own at about 12 weeks before we implemented any of the steps. Also, spacing feeds 4 hours didn't work be/c they were too small to eat enough calories at one time. They are 14 weeks, weigh 12 & 13.5 lbs and still need to eat every 3 hours unless they take a long nap. They sleep 9-10 hours a night. This happened once they got to about 11 lbs. For older babies that still aren't STTN, I believe this book really would work.
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This book assumes you are bottle feeding your baby. It briefly touches on breastfeed babies but I don't think a breastfed baby can go 12hrs without eating without disrupting the baby's digestion and the moms milk supply.
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carla jenkins
After reading the reviews on the store I ordered the book a few weeks before my twins were born. We started the training when they were 10 weeks old as they were 4 weeks premature, and they started sleeping 12h every night at 15 weeks!!!!We re so happy, can t believe it really. It s like a dream. They nap very well as well . They re really easy during the day. And it takes 5 mins from the moment I enter their bedroom to put them to bed (for naps and bedtime)
We re bottle feeding which I think makes it a lot easier. I breastfed my first son and we had so much problems with him for the first year. Even if we were on a really strict schedule with him it just didn t work.
Do yourself a favour and get that book NOW!!!!!
We re bottle feeding which I think makes it a lot easier. I breastfed my first son and we had so much problems with him for the first year. Even if we were on a really strict schedule with him it just didn t work.
Do yourself a favour and get that book NOW!!!!!
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I started this program when my baby was already 12 weeks (bottle feeding), but as soon as I got him on the daytime schedule of feeding every 4 hours with regular bedtimes, he started sleeping 10 hours within 5 days, then 12 hours within a week!!! Thank you Suzy for saving my sanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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christopher cianci
This does not work for a breastfed baby. The premise of the book is to get your baby to eat every 4 hours and if you are a breastfeeding mom you know that's highly unlikely - especially with an 8 week old which is when you are supposed to start. This did not work for me for that reason.
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braden fraser
Most of the book is the author validating herself as an 'expert' - which I didn't care so much about since I was trying to get my daughter "prepped" for me going back to work. The most basic thing to make going back to work possible is getting your baby to sleep through the night.
The tips were very common sense and the majority of them are available for free when you google 'sleep training for babies'. Overall, if you're taking the time to read this book, then more than likely you'll be able to use the suggestions to get your baby to sleep through the night. Very worth the ten bucks for a few additional ideas.
The tips were very common sense and the majority of them are available for free when you google 'sleep training for babies'. Overall, if you're taking the time to read this book, then more than likely you'll be able to use the suggestions to get your baby to sleep through the night. Very worth the ten bucks for a few additional ideas.
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We absolutely LOVE LOVE this book. I have 6 month old boy / girl twins, and at 12 weeks they were sleeping through the night and on a great nap schedule. It made such a difference, and I really felt like I could enjoy that early time with them and it wasn't a blur. A few things that I liked the most - she does not encourage cry it out - this is something that would not be sustainable for me, she teaches you how to teach your babies to self soothe (we started some of these techniques early where appropriate), she provides tips for moms of multiples, and also walks you through how to get them on a good nap / feed schedule. We worked with the lactation consultant until she said we could go to on demand feedings at night and then utilized the books guidance to slowly transition them to a 4 times / day feed and nap schedule. Having a set schedule with twins is essential. I am able to plan out my day and our activities in advance. I know when they will need to sleep and eat so I am prepared if we go out or want to schedule friends for a visit.
One of the big things she teaches that we did from day 1 is to put your baby down to sleep while still awake. I didn't realize how big of a deal this was till I talked with friends. For us, we literally just bundle them up after the 7pm feed, lay them in their crib, put on twinkle twinkle, and we don't hear from them again till 7am.
I have recommended this book to so many people. I can't say enough good things about it.
One of the big things she teaches that we did from day 1 is to put your baby down to sleep while still awake. I didn't realize how big of a deal this was till I talked with friends. For us, we literally just bundle them up after the 7pm feed, lay them in their crib, put on twinkle twinkle, and we don't hear from them again till 7am.
I have recommended this book to so many people. I can't say enough good things about it.
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krishna subramanian
I understand the thought of sleep training being 'bad' for your children. I too felt that you need to feed on demand and let them sleep when they fall asleep. However, I feel a sleep deprived parent is even worse. With one baby it's not that big a deal to go without sleep or a schedule but when there are others in the house who depend upon you you need to be able to function especially if you have to return to work. I didn't start a schedule with my twins until they were both over 12lbs. and three months according to their due date. They were taking in the amount of calories needed during the day and were gaining weight steadily. Up until then I followed their ques. I kept track of when they were sleepy so I could set a schedule they would easily fall into. They took to the new schedule easily. When they start to have growth spurts and wake up early and are hungry I comfort them and feed them a snack and make sure we up their consumption during the day by half an ounce or and ounce per feeding. This is working for us. My babies are happy and almost never fuss. I have more time with each of my children because of the schedule. I can have special time with my toddler while the twins have their morning nap; get chores done while all three nap in the afternoon and special time with the boys while my toddler finishes her nap. Having a schedule when you have more than one child is a must in order to plan anything like Dr.'s appointments etc. let alone cook dinner. How you raise your babies is up to you but if you are in need of some guidance and have multiples this book is a great source.
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My baby sleeps 10 hours a night on this schedule, but the problem is that this feeding schedule has decreased my milk supply. When there's not enough milk in my breasts, my baby doesn't suck more, she just gets frustrated and pulls away. So my milk production at the 3 afternoon/evening feedings never increased. So for all of the feedings besides the first morning feed when there's not a full 6 oz for her, I have to supplement with a bottle after she nurses. I like the timing of the four feedings-- it works with my work schedule. But giving a bottle after three feedings is laborious and not having enough milk is stressful. I won't do this program for my next child.
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mr g
I was looking for a gentler approach to sleep training when my pediatrician recommended this book. By the time my baby was 8 months old I had read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, Baby Wise, and Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems. While these books have a lot of great information, the sleep training methods didn't seem right for my family. I read The Baby Sleep Solution in a couple hours and was able to implement it the next day. My husband and I worked together and by 1 week our little one was sleeping in 8 hour stretches. By one month she was sleeping from 8pm - 8am. One part that I struggled with was that our baby doesn't like to take a bottle. This is probably why it took a month to reach the 12 hour stretch. The author suggests shortening the time you nurse in the middle of the night by detaching the baby when the time is up. This just infuriated her. I went a few extra weeks with a 4am feeding until she naturally just let it go.
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This gives great, practical solutions at a time when you're sleep-deprived. It would be best to get this as an infant, but works also for an 8-mo old (kind of). One thing it definitely helped me do was stop using nursing as a pacifier at night. Our child will still wake up occasionally during the night and early for the day, but we're still working on it.
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jane rebecca
We started this program when my daughter was 4 months old and she was sleeping 12 hours through the night by 5 months. It was life changing to get to start sleeping the night again myself! I now give a copy of this book to anyone I know who is having a baby! I highly recommend it!
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thomas pfau
Very quick and easy to understand read. It's only been one week and my 7 week old is down to 4 day feeds and only 1 night feed. He is already going to bed drowsy but awake and overall seems happier. We've also managed to increase his daily feed intake since he's hungrier and more efficient at eating. He is EBF pumped milk and we top off feeds with formula if he finishes all of the breast milk. So far so good!
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For mothers who dont breastfed its an excellent approach. Unfortunately I exclusively breastfeed and plan to do it for a year, so this approach did not help at all, since I started the 4 hour schedule my breastmilk reduced and my bb got more fussy at night and did not gained any weight. Best luck
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I just bought this book and started the structured process yesterday. My son is 12 weeks old, and I just went back to work as a Registered Nurse. The comment that I want to make is about some negative reviews I've been reading. My oldest son, who is now over 2 years old, slept through the night on his own from the time he was 2 months old. Obviously, I am not so lucky with the second, but I want you all to know that it is completely safe and natural for babies this young to sleep through the night. They will not be labeled as "failure to thrive" because they don't eat for 12 hours at night, as many of you are saying. My son has always been a big boy for his age, and has never had any problems with weight gain. After reading the book, I don't know how well it will work for my son, who is used to eating constantly all day every day. I'm willing to give it a shot, but it's going to be very hard work and I'm going to have to stick with it. I'll post another review once all is said and done, but this book has obviously worked wonders for many parents out there!
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I have purchased this book twice for myself (with each pregnancy) and have bought it as a gift for several friends. The author's methods work! I personally have used it with twins and a singleton with ease. I did start later than the book recommends, but by 4.5 months I have had all my kids sleeping 12 hours a night AND taking 2 2 hour naps! Anyone looking for some sanity back into their life after having a baby needs this book! I can't recommend it enough!
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gytis raciukaitis
This is the very best Sleep Training book out there. Let me explain, this is not a cry it out method. The longest your baby will cry without some attention is 5 minutes and my LO will cry longer then that in my arms at times. I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 4 month old and it worked on both of them. It feels amazing to have your 3 month old sleep 12 hours! My LO goes to bed a 7pm and wakes up at 7am. He hasn't cried in the night for over a month! My two boys also share a room which I was worried about because I didn't want my LO waking my toddler up, but it has been a pretty smooth transition.
I would highly recommend giving this a try. If anything it is worth the read to get some ideas. It is super short, can read in an evening, and it was very easy to explain to my husband. I want to also point out that I am a breastfeeding & bottle feeding mom so this can work for breastfeeding moms too!
Good luck and hope you get some rest!
I would highly recommend giving this a try. If anything it is worth the read to get some ideas. It is super short, can read in an evening, and it was very easy to explain to my husband. I want to also point out that I am a breastfeeding & bottle feeding mom so this can work for breastfeeding moms too!
Good luck and hope you get some rest!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tried this on both of my kids, each with different personalities. My son was active, alert and had to be soothed in general. Followed the book word for word. Now he had to be trained! Followed each tip, used a mobile as his soothing technique. By 10 weeks he slept through the night (12 hrs) and I never went into his bedroom in the middle of the night again until he was 3 yrs old. My daughter (2.5 yrs after my son) had a calm, easy going personality, doesn't need much soothing, not as alert as my first child. Read the book again and she slept 12 hrs by 7 weeks. She is now 6 mo. old and hasnt woken up in the middle of the night, or earlier than a complete 11.5 hrs night sleep since. This book got to me by word of mouth, and I am sure glad it did. I think it's the main reason why I want to keep growing my family, the reason why my kids are happy and the family unit is happy in general. Parenting is a lot easier if you're getting sleep, and training via feeding schedules like this is brilliant. The idea of teaching your baby to consume all of his or her milk in a 12 hr period 4 times a day so there is no reason for night feelings is such a simple idea that makes so much sense. Tips: I breastfed and used this book. I had to pump one extra time in the day (2.5 oz) and fed it to my baby after her last breastfed night feeding. Did this with both kids and it worked.
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This is a very interesting book, I certainly recommend it to parents. Personally, I think that her approach is very similar to that of Ferber, but less scientific and detailed. Similarly to Ferber, this approach is not really intended for breastfeeding, although you can make it work (we did!). But I can understand that many people would prefer her approach...
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