Unattainable (Undeniable Book 3)
ByMadeline Sheehan
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm a Madeline Sheehan lover! Whether you love or hate the books you can't help but appreciate her talent. She sucks you in. Makes you feel. With that being said I LOVED Unattainable. I couldn't wait for Cages story and I definitely wasn't disappointed. I highly recommend reading this. I mean he'll if Madeline wrote a grocery list I'd buy it she's that good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cynthia dahle
Love the whole series. However, the first and the last book of 5 are my absolute favorite. I love how you get to follow the characters through all the books. I'm only sad that I have to wait now for the 6th book to come out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tessa drysdale
Unattainable by Madeline Sheehan
Series: Undeniable #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult
Release Date: September 20th 2013
Print Length: 306 pages
Format: Kindle
Source: Purchased
Review Date: September 23rd 2013
Steam Rating: Scorcher
Overall Rating: 5+++ STARS
WOW! She did it again! Madeline Sheehan is pure genius, and I am in awe of her amazing talent. Seriously. I have however, come to an interesting conclusion--I am one sick twisted b$#@* for loving these shockingly debauched men as much as I do. I mean really, this one pushed the limits. I didn't even know it was possible to get more raw, in a seedy sort of way, than the first two have been--BUT I WAS WRONG... I was creeped out, horrified, and somewhat traumatized--but if I am being brutally honest with you I was also fascinated, and utterly captivated, again. I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF THIS STORY. Every. Fr@#$in. Second. I'm almost ashamed, almost ;)
Unattainable is Cage and Tegan's story. It was brutal. I mean these two go through the ringer to be together, and at every turn they face another obstacle. Most of the time they don't overcome the hurdles they have to jump and they both suffer for it. I was frustrated, angry, and sad much of the time--but I FELT everything deeply.
Cage and Tegan had so much more of a past than I had even anticipated. Their lives had been entwined since they were young kids. And Tegan looked up to Cage as a sort of father figure at first.
"The older I grew, the more I grew to love him until I no longer looked to him as the one stable figurehead in my life, but instead loved him with an intensity that at times bordered on madness."
Then she had a crush, which eventually turned into love. And she gave him her virginity at the age of 16. He didn't return her love, and she was devastated.
When she told him she loved him he said... "Listen," he continued slowly. "I don't know what the f$#@ you're thinkin' but... it just ain't like that for me, baby."
AGHHHH! Cage you A@@!!! But I still love you;)
"Which, in the end, killed the girl I'd once been. It left me broken, stuck, unable to move forward. And no matter how many years had passed, I was unable to let go."
And my heart broke with her. I felt so bad, but at the same time I also understood that Cage was too young and hadn't yet gotten his "youth" out of his system. Tegan is a mouthy one. She takes the hurt and frustration of not being able to have the man she loves out on him at every turn.
"You're still feelin' me, Teacup, and you're still pissed that I f$#@n' stiffed you all those years ago, ain't you?"
Yes she was feelin' him and pis*ed as h**l...
And we know from the previous books that many years pass between then and now. And it would be so unlike Madeline if she gave these two each other quickly from the beginning. No, like I said they had to suffer, and let more time pass before they could really be honest about their feelings for one another.
"Just say it," he muttered. "Tell me the f%&$n' truth for once. Tell me you f$#@n' love me, babe."
Their chemistry was passionate, and primal full of raw intensity.
"Take it," he growled, jerking his hips up hard. "F*&%$n' take it, Teacup."
Yeah, Cage has a way with words, just like his dad ;)
And then there was Dirty... Madeline did us "dirty" giving us him--I mean WT*!?! I have met many messed up characters before but Dirty takes the cake. I won't divulge why, but just know you will be shocked. Then appalled. Then thinking you are crazy because you fall for him right along with Ellie. This is how I know Mrs. Sheehan is a genius, because I know I should not like Dirty, in fact I should HATE him. But I just couldn't help it... Gah!!!
"He was a woman's worst nightmare-- beautiful on the outside, ravaged on the inside. A deadly combination. ~Ellie"
I just want to go on and on about this story, but I can't do that to you--you have to read it ;) I mean I highlighted so much of this book that I think more is highlighted than not. The prologue alone knocked my fr**$in' socks off, and the epilogue was no different. I was fr**$ing out telling my sister (who also loves this series) how amazing it is and that she has to read it RIGHT NOW! Seriously you do too--that is if you have read the first two.
Overall, I LOVED this book and this series so much that I may have a FanGirl crush on the author. I mean I really have no idea where she comes up with this sh**, and how she makes me love it so darn much, but I do. Thanks again Madeline for rocking my fr**&in world!
"It had always been him. It would only ever be him." ~Tegan
~Reviewed by StacyHgg
Books Unhinged Book Blog
Series: Undeniable #3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult
Release Date: September 20th 2013
Print Length: 306 pages
Format: Kindle
Source: Purchased
Review Date: September 23rd 2013
Steam Rating: Scorcher
Overall Rating: 5+++ STARS
WOW! She did it again! Madeline Sheehan is pure genius, and I am in awe of her amazing talent. Seriously. I have however, come to an interesting conclusion--I am one sick twisted b$#@* for loving these shockingly debauched men as much as I do. I mean really, this one pushed the limits. I didn't even know it was possible to get more raw, in a seedy sort of way, than the first two have been--BUT I WAS WRONG... I was creeped out, horrified, and somewhat traumatized--but if I am being brutally honest with you I was also fascinated, and utterly captivated, again. I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF THIS STORY. Every. Fr@#$in. Second. I'm almost ashamed, almost ;)
Unattainable is Cage and Tegan's story. It was brutal. I mean these two go through the ringer to be together, and at every turn they face another obstacle. Most of the time they don't overcome the hurdles they have to jump and they both suffer for it. I was frustrated, angry, and sad much of the time--but I FELT everything deeply.
Cage and Tegan had so much more of a past than I had even anticipated. Their lives had been entwined since they were young kids. And Tegan looked up to Cage as a sort of father figure at first.
"The older I grew, the more I grew to love him until I no longer looked to him as the one stable figurehead in my life, but instead loved him with an intensity that at times bordered on madness."
Then she had a crush, which eventually turned into love. And she gave him her virginity at the age of 16. He didn't return her love, and she was devastated.
When she told him she loved him he said... "Listen," he continued slowly. "I don't know what the f$#@ you're thinkin' but... it just ain't like that for me, baby."
AGHHHH! Cage you A@@!!! But I still love you;)
"Which, in the end, killed the girl I'd once been. It left me broken, stuck, unable to move forward. And no matter how many years had passed, I was unable to let go."
And my heart broke with her. I felt so bad, but at the same time I also understood that Cage was too young and hadn't yet gotten his "youth" out of his system. Tegan is a mouthy one. She takes the hurt and frustration of not being able to have the man she loves out on him at every turn.
"You're still feelin' me, Teacup, and you're still pissed that I f$#@n' stiffed you all those years ago, ain't you?"
Yes she was feelin' him and pis*ed as h**l...
And we know from the previous books that many years pass between then and now. And it would be so unlike Madeline if she gave these two each other quickly from the beginning. No, like I said they had to suffer, and let more time pass before they could really be honest about their feelings for one another.
"Just say it," he muttered. "Tell me the f%&$n' truth for once. Tell me you f$#@n' love me, babe."
Their chemistry was passionate, and primal full of raw intensity.
"Take it," he growled, jerking his hips up hard. "F*&%$n' take it, Teacup."
Yeah, Cage has a way with words, just like his dad ;)
And then there was Dirty... Madeline did us "dirty" giving us him--I mean WT*!?! I have met many messed up characters before but Dirty takes the cake. I won't divulge why, but just know you will be shocked. Then appalled. Then thinking you are crazy because you fall for him right along with Ellie. This is how I know Mrs. Sheehan is a genius, because I know I should not like Dirty, in fact I should HATE him. But I just couldn't help it... Gah!!!
"He was a woman's worst nightmare-- beautiful on the outside, ravaged on the inside. A deadly combination. ~Ellie"
I just want to go on and on about this story, but I can't do that to you--you have to read it ;) I mean I highlighted so much of this book that I think more is highlighted than not. The prologue alone knocked my fr**$in' socks off, and the epilogue was no different. I was fr**$ing out telling my sister (who also loves this series) how amazing it is and that she has to read it RIGHT NOW! Seriously you do too--that is if you have read the first two.
Overall, I LOVED this book and this series so much that I may have a FanGirl crush on the author. I mean I really have no idea where she comes up with this sh**, and how she makes me love it so darn much, but I do. Thanks again Madeline for rocking my fr**&in world!
"It had always been him. It would only ever be him." ~Tegan
~Reviewed by StacyHgg
Books Unhinged Book Blog
Thicker Than Blood :: Weightless :: Fury :: Storm (Storm MC #1) :: Undeserving (Undeniable) (Volume 5)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Love, they say, has the potential to kill a person if they aren't careful."
I love Madeline Sheehan. She has the potential to kill me by making me lose sleep.
Every book in this series I have looked forward to, but admittedly I was apprehensive about this one. Because I wasn't feelin Tegan. Not even a little. We got introduced to her in book 2 and I wasn't feeling her hippie ways.
Well, eff me sideways with a chainsaw. This book TOTALLY exceeded my expectations. I actually found Tegan likeable...COMICAL! Some of the stuff that came from her mouth had me cracking up. She was so quick with her wit. I started referring to them as Teganisms.
"Goddammit, I probably had AIDS now or at the least some sort of wonky biker venereal disease. Or even worse, I was going to end up like mothereffing Danny and pregnant with a little biker baby that, knowing my luck, would be a boy who'd look just like his father, become a biker just like his father, and break a million hearts...just like his father."
So that's Tegan in a nutshell, in love with Cage since she was 8 years old. We discover early on that she slept with him at 16 and told him she loved him. She didn't exactly get the response she was aiming for. This turns her into a bitter, angry betty and she won't even speak to Cage and if she does, it's to tell him off. She disappears to California for college and comes back after her mom is shot in the head. And now speaking of heads, she's causing Cage's one to turn and the other to 'twitch'.
The best advice for Cage comes from Eva. God love her. "From chaos, the strongest sort of love is usually born." To which Cage thinks to himself "When did Eva become mothereffing Buddha?"
Their love/hate relationship turns sexual and let me tell you it's sizzling.
"My tears spilled over. My longtime broken heart was breaking again, shattering, falling to pieces and disintegrating. And in it's place was a brand new heart. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes."
But poor Cage, no matter what he does, he can't get through to her. Try as he might, he fights back and never gives up. Eventually, he finally gets through to her.
"I love you, Teacup," he said smiling. "Always have," he said. "Just didn't realize it until now."
Cage is truly tested in this book because he's also battling for respect from his Dad. I found Duece to be totally detestable in this book until around the end. There's nothing worse than a parent being a puppeteer in your life.
All the regulars are in there which I loved. Cox & Kami, D, Jase & Hawk, Eva & Ivy, Danny, Ripper and Harley and even ZZ. I cried twice. If you are a fan of the series, you'll know when. And we are introduced to Ella and Dirty...an awesome small storyline within the book.
And so I find it good to end here.
"But we don't get to pick our families or choose who we fall in love with. And we all have our crosses to bear: our stories, our loves, and our losses."
I love Madeline Sheehan. She has the potential to kill me by making me lose sleep.
Every book in this series I have looked forward to, but admittedly I was apprehensive about this one. Because I wasn't feelin Tegan. Not even a little. We got introduced to her in book 2 and I wasn't feeling her hippie ways.
Well, eff me sideways with a chainsaw. This book TOTALLY exceeded my expectations. I actually found Tegan likeable...COMICAL! Some of the stuff that came from her mouth had me cracking up. She was so quick with her wit. I started referring to them as Teganisms.
"Goddammit, I probably had AIDS now or at the least some sort of wonky biker venereal disease. Or even worse, I was going to end up like mothereffing Danny and pregnant with a little biker baby that, knowing my luck, would be a boy who'd look just like his father, become a biker just like his father, and break a million hearts...just like his father."
So that's Tegan in a nutshell, in love with Cage since she was 8 years old. We discover early on that she slept with him at 16 and told him she loved him. She didn't exactly get the response she was aiming for. This turns her into a bitter, angry betty and she won't even speak to Cage and if she does, it's to tell him off. She disappears to California for college and comes back after her mom is shot in the head. And now speaking of heads, she's causing Cage's one to turn and the other to 'twitch'.
The best advice for Cage comes from Eva. God love her. "From chaos, the strongest sort of love is usually born." To which Cage thinks to himself "When did Eva become mothereffing Buddha?"
Their love/hate relationship turns sexual and let me tell you it's sizzling.
"My tears spilled over. My longtime broken heart was breaking again, shattering, falling to pieces and disintegrating. And in it's place was a brand new heart. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes."
But poor Cage, no matter what he does, he can't get through to her. Try as he might, he fights back and never gives up. Eventually, he finally gets through to her.
"I love you, Teacup," he said smiling. "Always have," he said. "Just didn't realize it until now."
Cage is truly tested in this book because he's also battling for respect from his Dad. I found Duece to be totally detestable in this book until around the end. There's nothing worse than a parent being a puppeteer in your life.
All the regulars are in there which I loved. Cox & Kami, D, Jase & Hawk, Eva & Ivy, Danny, Ripper and Harley and even ZZ. I cried twice. If you are a fan of the series, you'll know when. And we are introduced to Ella and Dirty...an awesome small storyline within the book.
And so I find it good to end here.
"But we don't get to pick our families or choose who we fall in love with. And we all have our crosses to bear: our stories, our loves, and our losses."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Madeline Sheehan is the epitome of THE writer of today's MC genre. If there was a "how-to" guide to writing this type of series, Madeline's name would be on the cover.
My fav of the series is still "Undeniable"....ohhhh, Deuce & Eva, siiigh!! Madeline takes the bad, ugly and yes, the good, of a fictional cast of characters she has brought to life in the form of the Hell's Horsemen and their families. She doesn't sugar-coat and she sure doesn't cover-up what a "real" MC does and how they do it, from her point of view. This the third in the series, revisits the Club about seven or so years after "Unbeautifully" is written. We see and take a look at the great cast of supporting characters such as Kami & Cox, Danny & Ripper and the ever faithful, true MC lifer Blue. We find out answers to questions that we have had, how is Dorothy fairing? What is happening to ZZ; how some of the Horsemen came into the club, what were their backgrounds. We find a whole new dimension to Dirty and how he is NOT so dirty. He has such a meaningful story and journey. We find out how the president Deuce is fairing running his club under the watchful eye of his better half Eva. Madeline shows us that even though there are no angels in this Club they ARE what some may consider your every day, run-of-the-mill family that just live by their own set of rules.
This third book is Cage & Tegen's story....Their story started years before. He took her virginity, she wanted him too. She wanted forever & love, he was 19 and didn't know the meaning of anything. Follow their "ride" from the past into their future as she discovers what she tried so hard to run from is what she wanted to run to all along and Cage....see how he has grown up in the shadow of his dad and what the repercussions of it is for him. Also witness the "AHA" moment when he knows that Tegen is "THE" girl...HIS girl!! Follow them and see what the future holds for this pair that has grown up in the world of one fiction's most beloved and BAD-A*S*D Motorcycle Club the "Hell's Horsemen"
Some of my fav quotes: "Shut up isn't a bad word," Ivy said matter-of-factly. "G**Dammit is a bad word"....ohhhh out of the mouths of babes...a typical Sunday dinner at Deuce's.
"Eva shrugged. "Take a look around you, Cage. From chaos, the strongest sort of love is usually born."
"I stopped crying and started glaring."Don't you dare act like your father!" Cage crushed me to him and burst out laughing, "Reel it in, Teacup. Reel it the F*** in"
There are many, many more that you will just have to read.
Thanks Madeline on letting us once again ride with the Hell's Horsemen....Can't wait for the next installment.
"Long live the Hell's Horsemen!....Biker Born, Biker Bred and when I die, I'll be Biker Dead."
My fav of the series is still "Undeniable"....ohhhh, Deuce & Eva, siiigh!! Madeline takes the bad, ugly and yes, the good, of a fictional cast of characters she has brought to life in the form of the Hell's Horsemen and their families. She doesn't sugar-coat and she sure doesn't cover-up what a "real" MC does and how they do it, from her point of view. This the third in the series, revisits the Club about seven or so years after "Unbeautifully" is written. We see and take a look at the great cast of supporting characters such as Kami & Cox, Danny & Ripper and the ever faithful, true MC lifer Blue. We find out answers to questions that we have had, how is Dorothy fairing? What is happening to ZZ; how some of the Horsemen came into the club, what were their backgrounds. We find a whole new dimension to Dirty and how he is NOT so dirty. He has such a meaningful story and journey. We find out how the president Deuce is fairing running his club under the watchful eye of his better half Eva. Madeline shows us that even though there are no angels in this Club they ARE what some may consider your every day, run-of-the-mill family that just live by their own set of rules.
This third book is Cage & Tegen's story....Their story started years before. He took her virginity, she wanted him too. She wanted forever & love, he was 19 and didn't know the meaning of anything. Follow their "ride" from the past into their future as she discovers what she tried so hard to run from is what she wanted to run to all along and Cage....see how he has grown up in the shadow of his dad and what the repercussions of it is for him. Also witness the "AHA" moment when he knows that Tegen is "THE" girl...HIS girl!! Follow them and see what the future holds for this pair that has grown up in the world of one fiction's most beloved and BAD-A*S*D Motorcycle Club the "Hell's Horsemen"
Some of my fav quotes: "Shut up isn't a bad word," Ivy said matter-of-factly. "G**Dammit is a bad word"....ohhhh out of the mouths of babes...a typical Sunday dinner at Deuce's.
"Eva shrugged. "Take a look around you, Cage. From chaos, the strongest sort of love is usually born."
"I stopped crying and started glaring."Don't you dare act like your father!" Cage crushed me to him and burst out laughing, "Reel it in, Teacup. Reel it the F*** in"
There are many, many more that you will just have to read.
Thanks Madeline on letting us once again ride with the Hell's Horsemen....Can't wait for the next installment.
"Long live the Hell's Horsemen!....Biker Born, Biker Bred and when I die, I'll be Biker Dead."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mauricio hermosillo
Unattainable #3 by Madeline Sheehan
Cage a.k.a. King Stupid or Crazy #1 and Tegen a.k.a. Teacup or Crazy #2
What can I say.... I'm in love with Madeline Sheehan. After Undeniable and Unbeautifully came Unattainable and holy freaking hell... #3 in this series is every bit as explosive as it's predecessors, maybe more so! How does she do it? How does she captivate and keep me with this heart wrenching, belly flopping, and tear jerking story? I'll tell you... she's a freaking genius! Her writing is pure bliss, absolutely impressive, and one of a kind!
This third installment of the Undeniable series is not light-hearted nor is it for the faint of heart! You need to pull up your big girl panties if you're going to survive this dark and dank tale. It does have it's cutesy and funny parts, but mark my words, you'll be gasping with your hand over your mouth, grabbing you heart, and resisting urges to throw your Kindle across the room.
Cage is so many things! He's got an enormous heart if he'd just let somebody in. He's the ultimate "man-whore" and a hot one at that. I'd hop in that bed any day of the week! Although he seems so hardened and callused on the outside, you can just tell he's missing something. He just needs the right girl.... Tegen is by far my favorite female lead character... the beotch swears like a drunkin' sailor, throws a punch like a prize fighter and most importantly doesn't back down from ANYONE. When I say anyone, I mean even Deuce! Add in tattoos, piercings, and dreadlocks and wowza, I'd switch teams! I know this book is mostly about Cage and Tegen, but there's a side story going on there that I need to acknowledge. Dirty (Michael) and Ellie are heating up the pages also and I'm not talking sex here! They seem to have some chemistry and I'm looking forward to maybe reading more about their friendship to see if anything romantically develops. Great supporting characters in Deuce, Eva, Cox, Kami, Danny and her Skittles wardrobe, Ripper, and all the damn spawns from all these crazy biker and old ladies!!!
Madeline's writing style is off the chain! She seems to write from her heart, and it comes through on the pages. It's almost as if this book, the entire series are her secret love children. She's births them, nurtures them, and then sets them free on us and those freakin' kids of hers are turning me inside out!! I can't tell you how many times I was late for things, up too late at night, and yelled at my hubs over this damn book!
I love how the point of view shifts between our characters. I always like to see and feel what each character is feeling about the same situation. It's a great way to keep me "in the know" on everyone and everything! Especially if I'm suffering from "ASTF (Aggressive Sexual Tegen Frustration)" LOL. The pacing is good, not that I paced myself!! Bwahahaha... but every damn page kept me glued to my Kindle. It's 306 (Kindle version) pages long and if I do say so... is just right!
Highs, lows, and the climax.... too many to mention and well, that climax... well, you may be happy, you may be sad, you might even want to hunt Madeline down and beat her butt... but I'm telling you... this freakin' book rocked my socks off!!!
5 Stars all the damn way!!!!
Cage a.k.a. King Stupid or Crazy #1 and Tegen a.k.a. Teacup or Crazy #2
What can I say.... I'm in love with Madeline Sheehan. After Undeniable and Unbeautifully came Unattainable and holy freaking hell... #3 in this series is every bit as explosive as it's predecessors, maybe more so! How does she do it? How does she captivate and keep me with this heart wrenching, belly flopping, and tear jerking story? I'll tell you... she's a freaking genius! Her writing is pure bliss, absolutely impressive, and one of a kind!
This third installment of the Undeniable series is not light-hearted nor is it for the faint of heart! You need to pull up your big girl panties if you're going to survive this dark and dank tale. It does have it's cutesy and funny parts, but mark my words, you'll be gasping with your hand over your mouth, grabbing you heart, and resisting urges to throw your Kindle across the room.
Cage is so many things! He's got an enormous heart if he'd just let somebody in. He's the ultimate "man-whore" and a hot one at that. I'd hop in that bed any day of the week! Although he seems so hardened and callused on the outside, you can just tell he's missing something. He just needs the right girl.... Tegen is by far my favorite female lead character... the beotch swears like a drunkin' sailor, throws a punch like a prize fighter and most importantly doesn't back down from ANYONE. When I say anyone, I mean even Deuce! Add in tattoos, piercings, and dreadlocks and wowza, I'd switch teams! I know this book is mostly about Cage and Tegen, but there's a side story going on there that I need to acknowledge. Dirty (Michael) and Ellie are heating up the pages also and I'm not talking sex here! They seem to have some chemistry and I'm looking forward to maybe reading more about their friendship to see if anything romantically develops. Great supporting characters in Deuce, Eva, Cox, Kami, Danny and her Skittles wardrobe, Ripper, and all the damn spawns from all these crazy biker and old ladies!!!
Madeline's writing style is off the chain! She seems to write from her heart, and it comes through on the pages. It's almost as if this book, the entire series are her secret love children. She's births them, nurtures them, and then sets them free on us and those freakin' kids of hers are turning me inside out!! I can't tell you how many times I was late for things, up too late at night, and yelled at my hubs over this damn book!
I love how the point of view shifts between our characters. I always like to see and feel what each character is feeling about the same situation. It's a great way to keep me "in the know" on everyone and everything! Especially if I'm suffering from "ASTF (Aggressive Sexual Tegen Frustration)" LOL. The pacing is good, not that I paced myself!! Bwahahaha... but every damn page kept me glued to my Kindle. It's 306 (Kindle version) pages long and if I do say so... is just right!
Highs, lows, and the climax.... too many to mention and well, that climax... well, you may be happy, you may be sad, you might even want to hunt Madeline down and beat her butt... but I'm telling you... this freakin' book rocked my socks off!!!
5 Stars all the damn way!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ritam bhaumik
I think there is no book written by Madeline Sheehan that I will not read. As someone else was saying this "I would readd anything that Madeline Sheena is writing including her grocery list". Well this is not her grocery list but a book that pretty much resemble Undeniable. Not as raw only a little more tamed. Again, well done Mrs Sheehan!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this! Probably my favorite of the entire series so far. I hated Deuce in the first book. No matter how much I wanted to love him, ugh I couldn't do it. This book made me love him. Although I'll never love him as much as I love Dirty, Cox, and Ripper.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Rating: 4 Stars - Loved It
I could not wait to dive into Cage and Tegan story but to be honest their story really did not do it for me till ZZ was a part of it. After a while Tegan started to get on my nerves. She has a lot of anger towards Cage and I get it but she did need to take it down a notch at times. There was a lot of Angst between them but felt like all they did is fight, have steamy-cold-shower-sex. But towards the end I get that is what their relationship is like.
Who would of guessed the side story of Michael "Dirty" and Ellie stole the show.
Never really gave Dirty a second thought in earlier novels. After all, he does not think twice about hygiene and that is how he got his name "Dirty". In earlier novels he is dark and twisted. Finding out about his past and what makes him the way he is now with layers slowly peeling away in Unattainable was well done. Totally fell in love with his character and his scenes at time were brutal and some even broke my heart. At the beginning I was not sure where their story was going. I could not swipe my Kindle fast enough to see if they will get their HEA. I do hope they get their own story and will not always be a side story like how Kami and Cox were in Undeniable #1. I feel like there is so much more to their story.
Perfect set up for Hawk, Dorothy and Jase book next up in UnBeloved (Undeniable #4). Look forward to see how their story plays out.
ZZ and Dirty saved UnAttainable for me from a 3 star - Liked It novel to a 4 stars - Loved it. Now as for ZZ....Wow did not see that one coming with his action. No.. ZZ what have you done! I am curious how Madeline Sheehan is going to pull off his story. I am so excited his story is not too far away in Undying (Undeniable #5). I am sure it is going to be a hit after all Madeline Sheehan is an amazing author that was able to turn a Never-thought-of-twice character Michael "Dirty" into a crushing character. Brilliant Madeline...just freakin brilliant.
Originally posted at Wickedly Delicious Book Blog
I could not wait to dive into Cage and Tegan story but to be honest their story really did not do it for me till ZZ was a part of it. After a while Tegan started to get on my nerves. She has a lot of anger towards Cage and I get it but she did need to take it down a notch at times. There was a lot of Angst between them but felt like all they did is fight, have steamy-cold-shower-sex. But towards the end I get that is what their relationship is like.
Who would of guessed the side story of Michael "Dirty" and Ellie stole the show.
Never really gave Dirty a second thought in earlier novels. After all, he does not think twice about hygiene and that is how he got his name "Dirty". In earlier novels he is dark and twisted. Finding out about his past and what makes him the way he is now with layers slowly peeling away in Unattainable was well done. Totally fell in love with his character and his scenes at time were brutal and some even broke my heart. At the beginning I was not sure where their story was going. I could not swipe my Kindle fast enough to see if they will get their HEA. I do hope they get their own story and will not always be a side story like how Kami and Cox were in Undeniable #1. I feel like there is so much more to their story.
Perfect set up for Hawk, Dorothy and Jase book next up in UnBeloved (Undeniable #4). Look forward to see how their story plays out.
ZZ and Dirty saved UnAttainable for me from a 3 star - Liked It novel to a 4 stars - Loved it. Now as for ZZ....Wow did not see that one coming with his action. No.. ZZ what have you done! I am curious how Madeline Sheehan is going to pull off his story. I am so excited his story is not too far away in Undying (Undeniable #5). I am sure it is going to be a hit after all Madeline Sheehan is an amazing author that was able to turn a Never-thought-of-twice character Michael "Dirty" into a crushing character. Brilliant Madeline...just freakin brilliant.
Originally posted at Wickedly Delicious Book Blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dawn kilgore
Wow, can this author write some books. As usual, this is not for the faint heart. This book is real, raw, and steamy at times. This book is about Tegan and Cage with Dirty and Ellie mixed in. We see some Dorothy, Hawk and Jace as well. Basically she touches on all characters. Her writing style is consistent and thorough. Just ate the book up in one sitting, so make some time to read it because you won't want to stop!
This book delves into the building of a combustible relationship with Tegan and Cage (and boy is that girl combustible). She has been in love with Cage since she was 8 yrs old then he took her virginity around 16 or 17. She is bitter about how that went down and how it ended. The next 7 years or so she builds more anger than possible to fight the love and attraction she has for Cage. He does the opposite and falls for her each year more and more. One day when she returns to the MC club to bring her half/brother to Hawk, she runs into Cage and all hell breaks loose. That is the beginning and what a wild ride you go one. There was one part in the book where the author jumps a year later and I literally gasped out loud, because I was so bummed out! ZZ is in the picture and that shakes all kinds of things up. I am not going to say how, because it would ruin part of the book.
Ok, I forgot about Dirty and Ellie. Dirty comes across Ellie when something happens to her and Dirty saves the day, except he is so scarred and damaged from his past, it almost kills him to save her. The relationship is interesting and Ellie is patient. Dirty becomes clean and is described as a "Calvin Klein" model under all that dirt and hair.
Read, read, Read the book. The only thing that I am bummed out about is that I have to wait for the next one. I swear I am going to start series when they are completed so I do not have to live in misery until the next book which I believe is about Dorothy, Jace and Hawk!!
This book delves into the building of a combustible relationship with Tegan and Cage (and boy is that girl combustible). She has been in love with Cage since she was 8 yrs old then he took her virginity around 16 or 17. She is bitter about how that went down and how it ended. The next 7 years or so she builds more anger than possible to fight the love and attraction she has for Cage. He does the opposite and falls for her each year more and more. One day when she returns to the MC club to bring her half/brother to Hawk, she runs into Cage and all hell breaks loose. That is the beginning and what a wild ride you go one. There was one part in the book where the author jumps a year later and I literally gasped out loud, because I was so bummed out! ZZ is in the picture and that shakes all kinds of things up. I am not going to say how, because it would ruin part of the book.
Ok, I forgot about Dirty and Ellie. Dirty comes across Ellie when something happens to her and Dirty saves the day, except he is so scarred and damaged from his past, it almost kills him to save her. The relationship is interesting and Ellie is patient. Dirty becomes clean and is described as a "Calvin Klein" model under all that dirt and hair.
Read, read, Read the book. The only thing that I am bummed out about is that I have to wait for the next one. I swear I am going to start series when they are completed so I do not have to live in misery until the next book which I believe is about Dorothy, Jace and Hawk!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elana crane
I was nervous starting this and had so many questions... will it live up to my expectations.... Madeline can't possibly continue each book getting better and better can she, will I hate Deuce in this one, will Tegen get on my last nerve, how can Madeline possibly surprise me any more?
Let's just say, this book exceeded all my expectations. I don't see how Madeline does it, but each book just keeps getting better and better.
All the Horseman are back and it is filled with surprises and twists. From the very beginning it starts! A name is mentioned and I thought " Oh hell, it begins already!!! Never saw it coming!" Way to bring it Madeline.
I still have a huge love/hate relationship with Deuce. He drives me insane, then those dimples come out and I fall into that big bucket of stupid!! Tegan... she is my new hero and favorite character in this series. She is feisty, takes no crap, says exactly what she thinks, and I love it!! Her and Cage have an explosive relationship and I love seeing them get together.
This story is also about Dirty and Ellie. I am not jumping on the Dirty train because he does some things that I have a very, very hard time looking past. But Madeline worked her magic and did make me feel for him and I like how he is changing.
Jase, Hawk, and Dorothy are back. We didn't get as much as I wanted about them ....BUT..... WE GET A WHOLE BOOK FOR THEM!! Unbeloved can't get here soon enough and I will begin to stalk Madeline for it now. I need a teaser already!!!
And ZZ..... hmmmmmmm... how much more crap can a brother take?? I really feel for him and need to read more about him. ZZ's story.... I need it now too!!!
Thank you Madeline for bringing us these characters and keeping it reeled in! I can't wait for more with this crazy ride!!
Let's just say, this book exceeded all my expectations. I don't see how Madeline does it, but each book just keeps getting better and better.
All the Horseman are back and it is filled with surprises and twists. From the very beginning it starts! A name is mentioned and I thought " Oh hell, it begins already!!! Never saw it coming!" Way to bring it Madeline.
I still have a huge love/hate relationship with Deuce. He drives me insane, then those dimples come out and I fall into that big bucket of stupid!! Tegan... she is my new hero and favorite character in this series. She is feisty, takes no crap, says exactly what she thinks, and I love it!! Her and Cage have an explosive relationship and I love seeing them get together.
This story is also about Dirty and Ellie. I am not jumping on the Dirty train because he does some things that I have a very, very hard time looking past. But Madeline worked her magic and did make me feel for him and I like how he is changing.
Jase, Hawk, and Dorothy are back. We didn't get as much as I wanted about them ....BUT..... WE GET A WHOLE BOOK FOR THEM!! Unbeloved can't get here soon enough and I will begin to stalk Madeline for it now. I need a teaser already!!!
And ZZ..... hmmmmmmm... how much more crap can a brother take?? I really feel for him and need to read more about him. ZZ's story.... I need it now too!!!
Thank you Madeline for bringing us these characters and keeping it reeled in! I can't wait for more with this crazy ride!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Madeline Sheehan, if you aren't familar with her, please check her out on the GoodReads site, this lady knows how to write a book, I can't begin to describe all the different emotions I felt while reading her books, definitely cried, got angry, but was glad it had a happy ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This story begins with Cage and Tegen having one night together. They have know each other their whole lives, but now for this one night Tegen thinks the boy she's been in love with for so long will be able to realize the he wants her, and that she loves him. But all of her dreams die when Cage says he doesn't do that. After that one night it changed Tegen's life forever. She leaves and goes to California to get away from it all. As the years go on she does her best to stay away from the club, and Cage.
Until one weekend she ends up back with him, and in his bed. They end up having an explosive time together, not all of it good, and tons of things happen. I won't go any further because I don't want to ruin it but dang, they went through a whole lot of crap.
I have to say, I really think Deuce is a jerk. I hated him in this one, until the end. Then I actually felt a little bad for him. And Tegen was awesome. She's freaking crazy, and I thought she and Cage together were perfect. I do have some mixed feelings about Dirty, and his relationship with Ellie. I sort of hate him, yet like him all at the same time. Not sure how that's going to go down. Then one more person I'm actually kind of interested in learning what's going to happen to him is ZZ. I feel bad for the guy, then again I think he's sort of crazy too. This one was good. Not as good as the second one, but still better than the first one. I really loved it. So I can not wait to read the next book in this lovable, crazy, series.
Until one weekend she ends up back with him, and in his bed. They end up having an explosive time together, not all of it good, and tons of things happen. I won't go any further because I don't want to ruin it but dang, they went through a whole lot of crap.
I have to say, I really think Deuce is a jerk. I hated him in this one, until the end. Then I actually felt a little bad for him. And Tegen was awesome. She's freaking crazy, and I thought she and Cage together were perfect. I do have some mixed feelings about Dirty, and his relationship with Ellie. I sort of hate him, yet like him all at the same time. Not sure how that's going to go down. Then one more person I'm actually kind of interested in learning what's going to happen to him is ZZ. I feel bad for the guy, then again I think he's sort of crazy too. This one was good. Not as good as the second one, but still better than the first one. I really loved it. So I can not wait to read the next book in this lovable, crazy, series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren summers
Blown away by Madeline Sheehan yet again. Unattainable gives you the story of Cage and Tegen along with Dirty and Ellie. I was pleasantly surprised by Dirty and Ellie's story, I hadn't really focused on him in the previous books. Of course, Dirty made my skin crawl at times and had me on the edge of my seat but at the same time I believe we all deserve redemption so it was pretty wonderful how Madeline crafted this heart shattering tale to allow Dirty to find his way back into the light. Yea Ellie!!
Cage and Tegen .. what to say? These two were destined from the start, you saw it from the first tea party but they both had a lot of growing up to do. Tegen, she desperately wanted to stay away from the Hell's Horseman, didn't want to admit this was her family and in doing so really denied who she was and created chaos in her life. Cage struggled with finding his place next to Deuce in the club. He truly wants to be loved and really needs Deuce to be proud of him. At times, he was Deuce in his younger years making the same mistakes. Watching Cage transform when he realizes Tegen is the love of his life is pretty amazing of course Deuce thinks he knows best and sends Cage down a dangerous path. Glad to know that Deuce is learning and can correct his mistakes.
Wow, another amazing ride into the world of the Hell's Horseman. Still feel like I shouldn't enjoy these stories but there is such a raw, honest, natural portal of human life and failings that I am compelled to read.
Cage and Tegen .. what to say? These two were destined from the start, you saw it from the first tea party but they both had a lot of growing up to do. Tegen, she desperately wanted to stay away from the Hell's Horseman, didn't want to admit this was her family and in doing so really denied who she was and created chaos in her life. Cage struggled with finding his place next to Deuce in the club. He truly wants to be loved and really needs Deuce to be proud of him. At times, he was Deuce in his younger years making the same mistakes. Watching Cage transform when he realizes Tegen is the love of his life is pretty amazing of course Deuce thinks he knows best and sends Cage down a dangerous path. Glad to know that Deuce is learning and can correct his mistakes.
Wow, another amazing ride into the world of the Hell's Horseman. Still feel like I shouldn't enjoy these stories but there is such a raw, honest, natural portal of human life and failings that I am compelled to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4.5-5 Stars
If you are reading reviews and debating about buying this book - Don't. Stop now and just buy it. The series is FABULOUS and you will not be disappointed! With that said, it's also real, shocking, sexy, sometimes ugly and amazingly beautiful - you will not be able to put it down. Start with book 1 and go from there because the stories build on one another.
I LOVE this author because she continues to give us stories that are unique. Her books just stand out from all the others that I have read. Her writing pulls you into the characters/story like no other. I can't describe it well with words, what makes her books so special; it is just a feeling you get when you read a really great book!
The only reason it was 4.5 for me at one point was because of the beginning. I couldn't wait to read Cage and Tegen's story and I was slightly distracted at first because of the change to Dirty and Elle. I didn't feel that way with 'Unbeautifully' when Deuce and Eva's story was incorporated- in fact, I loved it because I wanted to read more about them. But with Dirty and Elle, not so much. I wasn't emotionally invested in them to start with, didn't remember anything remarkable about them and I felt like they were taking me away from Cage and Tegen :) After I got over my initial upset, I got into their story as well and it was 5 star all the way from there.
This truly is one of the best series I have ever read, if not the best. If you like bad boy bikers and unconventional love stories - this is a must read!!!
If you are reading reviews and debating about buying this book - Don't. Stop now and just buy it. The series is FABULOUS and you will not be disappointed! With that said, it's also real, shocking, sexy, sometimes ugly and amazingly beautiful - you will not be able to put it down. Start with book 1 and go from there because the stories build on one another.
I LOVE this author because she continues to give us stories that are unique. Her books just stand out from all the others that I have read. Her writing pulls you into the characters/story like no other. I can't describe it well with words, what makes her books so special; it is just a feeling you get when you read a really great book!
The only reason it was 4.5 for me at one point was because of the beginning. I couldn't wait to read Cage and Tegen's story and I was slightly distracted at first because of the change to Dirty and Elle. I didn't feel that way with 'Unbeautifully' when Deuce and Eva's story was incorporated- in fact, I loved it because I wanted to read more about them. But with Dirty and Elle, not so much. I wasn't emotionally invested in them to start with, didn't remember anything remarkable about them and I felt like they were taking me away from Cage and Tegen :) After I got over my initial upset, I got into their story as well and it was 5 star all the way from there.
This truly is one of the best series I have ever read, if not the best. If you like bad boy bikers and unconventional love stories - this is a must read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
athina a
This was a great book. Once I started reading it I could not put it down. You will definitely get hooked. . I highly recommend you read Undeniable and Unbeautifully first. Madeline Sheehan has a wonderful and creative imagination and you will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Madeline Sheehan has done it again with her latest installment of Duece West, Eva,and the rest of the crazy horsemen! This story features Cage, Duece's son and Tegen. This is one hell of a roller coaster....there is so much anger, frustration, and just plain crazy love in this book- I couldn't get enough of it! I love the intricate relationships that exists between the characters. The way she weaves all this emotion into the character's dialogues with one another had me crying, laughing, and yes, sometimes screaming "what the........?" You find yourself seeing things that you feel and perhaps have done in your life.....
"Girls are stupid like that...falling in love with what they can never have, the untouchable, the seemingly larger than life, the attainable." Her gritty way of using descriptive language is both brilliant and comical, she reaches into her characters and brings them to life..... "And damn if that man didn't look as good as a double bacon cheeseburger after a week spent camping with my vegan friends."
Of course she throws in moments of wisdom into the book that will make you stop and think...."from chaos, the strongest sort of love is usually born." With these characters, you got that right!!
Just REEL. IT. IN and read the book!! Wish I could give it more than 5 stars!!
"Girls are stupid like that...falling in love with what they can never have, the untouchable, the seemingly larger than life, the attainable." Her gritty way of using descriptive language is both brilliant and comical, she reaches into her characters and brings them to life..... "And damn if that man didn't look as good as a double bacon cheeseburger after a week spent camping with my vegan friends."
Of course she throws in moments of wisdom into the book that will make you stop and think...."from chaos, the strongest sort of love is usually born." With these characters, you got that right!!
Just REEL. IT. IN and read the book!! Wish I could give it more than 5 stars!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
justin ramroop
Not quite sure how you do it Madeline. With every book this series gets better and better. Watching the crazy journey these characters go on its truly fascinating. This book for me took me to a completely different place them the others.
Dirty is the most amazing character I have ever met. His and Ellie's relationship was very intense and frightening. They were exactly what each other needed to heal. Hearing his story broke my heart. Watching him heal made my heart melt.
Cage and Tegen they are the perfect definition of a beautiful disaster. There relationship wasn't pretty at all. But in the end it's was exactly was it was supposed to be. Crazy, intense and down right dirty. I have a feeling she's gonna make a bad *ss old lady to the prez.
ZZ man I feel for that guy. The whole West family screwed him over. His and Tegen's relationship was strange. But it's what they were and she was more to him than he was to her. I felt so bad for him when that went down . I have a bad feeling that's not the last we will se of that.
Deuce continues to surprise me and make me love him more and more. But please stop having kids with you old a*s lol.
:( RIP Blue that scene unfolding was devastating.
Madeline thanks again for this crazy world you have thrown us all into. Looking forward to so much more.
Dirty is the most amazing character I have ever met. His and Ellie's relationship was very intense and frightening. They were exactly what each other needed to heal. Hearing his story broke my heart. Watching him heal made my heart melt.
Cage and Tegen they are the perfect definition of a beautiful disaster. There relationship wasn't pretty at all. But in the end it's was exactly was it was supposed to be. Crazy, intense and down right dirty. I have a feeling she's gonna make a bad *ss old lady to the prez.
ZZ man I feel for that guy. The whole West family screwed him over. His and Tegen's relationship was strange. But it's what they were and she was more to him than he was to her. I felt so bad for him when that went down . I have a bad feeling that's not the last we will se of that.
Deuce continues to surprise me and make me love him more and more. But please stop having kids with you old a*s lol.
:( RIP Blue that scene unfolding was devastating.
Madeline thanks again for this crazy world you have thrown us all into. Looking forward to so much more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love all of the books in the Undeniable series. This one is no different. Just be prepared to not want to put it down. This book is the kind I crave for. This book is not for the tamed. There are many vulgar scenes and not the normal romance novel. However, if you want to read something that will be intense on your emotions this is it!!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie carr
Book hangover time!
I loved this book! Getting Cage and Teagans story AND Dirty and Ellie's story!?!? Omg it doesn't get better! I already miss the club! I cannot get enough of this series. I was hesitant to read Undeniable at first. The Deuce/Ava age difference freaked me out a little. But after I started, I couldn't put it down! Read it straight through in one sitting. And then immediately started foaming at the mouth while waiting for Unbeautifully. With Unbeautifully, while not quite as dramatic, it still drove me to keep reading like an addict. And then I again started foaming at the mouth waiting for Unattainable. When I found out that Madeline was releasing this book early I literally squealed like a little girl and stalked the store for 8 hours until I was forced to eventually sleep. Upon waking I found that the store had posted the book and I freaked out and downloaded immediately!
I cannot get enough of this whole series. I love the characters and the stories and the dialogue, and the drama.....yadda yadda yadda. I love it all. This is a must read series and a must read book. Period. Cannot wait for Unbeloved. So now I will go and suffer through withdrawals until it is released (hopefully early). Come on Madeline my birthday is November 26th! Make it happen lady! ;)
I loved this book! Getting Cage and Teagans story AND Dirty and Ellie's story!?!? Omg it doesn't get better! I already miss the club! I cannot get enough of this series. I was hesitant to read Undeniable at first. The Deuce/Ava age difference freaked me out a little. But after I started, I couldn't put it down! Read it straight through in one sitting. And then immediately started foaming at the mouth while waiting for Unbeautifully. With Unbeautifully, while not quite as dramatic, it still drove me to keep reading like an addict. And then I again started foaming at the mouth waiting for Unattainable. When I found out that Madeline was releasing this book early I literally squealed like a little girl and stalked the store for 8 hours until I was forced to eventually sleep. Upon waking I found that the store had posted the book and I freaked out and downloaded immediately!
I cannot get enough of this whole series. I love the characters and the stories and the dialogue, and the drama.....yadda yadda yadda. I love it all. This is a must read series and a must read book. Period. Cannot wait for Unbeloved. So now I will go and suffer through withdrawals until it is released (hopefully early). Come on Madeline my birthday is November 26th! Make it happen lady! ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margo iserson
Even though I LOVE all three of the Undeniable books by the AMAZING Madeline Sheehan, Unattainable just held my heart and didn't let go. I am still thinking about it today and I will probably go in to a re-read.
It was different from the first two books, not that it wasn't CRAZY, F'D UP and Everything that you would expect from Madeline, it was just more emotional, not over-taken with sex (which don't get me wrong, sex is NEVER a bad thing), UNATTAINABLE was just so much more than I had ever imagined, and so much more than I expected, and my heart was broken, sewn together just to be ripped apart again.
Cage and Tegan are a Firecracker waiting to go off, and when they did, the fights were insane, the making up was wild and the fall out was heart-breaking.
But it's Dirty who stole my heart and I will remember him always, as a different kind of "hero" and Ellie, the angel who saved him right back.
What a powerful romance written by a Master of the Mind [email protected] is truly amazing.
Read the series, enjoy the ride, and then fall in love with a Wounded Soul. Great Great Great addition to the series, I can't wait for more of the Hells Horsemen, there is so much more pain and heartbreak and LOVE to come!!
It was different from the first two books, not that it wasn't CRAZY, F'D UP and Everything that you would expect from Madeline, it was just more emotional, not over-taken with sex (which don't get me wrong, sex is NEVER a bad thing), UNATTAINABLE was just so much more than I had ever imagined, and so much more than I expected, and my heart was broken, sewn together just to be ripped apart again.
Cage and Tegan are a Firecracker waiting to go off, and when they did, the fights were insane, the making up was wild and the fall out was heart-breaking.
But it's Dirty who stole my heart and I will remember him always, as a different kind of "hero" and Ellie, the angel who saved him right back.
What a powerful romance written by a Master of the Mind [email protected] is truly amazing.
Read the series, enjoy the ride, and then fall in love with a Wounded Soul. Great Great Great addition to the series, I can't wait for more of the Hells Horsemen, there is so much more pain and heartbreak and LOVE to come!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love Madeline Sheehan's raw writing. I LOVED this book and couldn't put it down. Teegan and Cage's romance was sexy and fun. The relationship between Cage and his dad/Deuce is also a great storyline. I love this motorcycle world and can't wait for book 4.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gretchen kulas
Another great book! I love this series. This story is about Duece's son Cage and Tegen, and also about Dirty and Ellie. The stories are both told in different POVs which I love. It's always great to be able to feel what all the characters are thinking. Dirty's past will break your damn heart. I so wanted to hug him. And Cage... I love Cage, and there were moments I wanted to hug him too. Duece is in this book throughout, and I have a big soft spot for him. He's gonna make you mad a couple of times, as Duece can do. But then he's gonna make you proud of him. Damn smile and dimples ;-). And from Tegen's description, he passed them on to Cage. They're part of Tegen's weak spots. Would be mine too. Both stories are about finding happiness, and handling the junk that gets in the way.
I love this series. It's written in such a way that you'll almost forget it's a book. It's real! Yeah, there's some violence, but hell, there's violence in life. This is a biker book and a a really good one. And because of the way it is written, the language it contains, and the violence that occurs, it's real. You can read and escape and feel the characters and love, hate, get angry, get scared and just escape and enjoy. Cannot wait for the next book in this series.
I love this series. It's written in such a way that you'll almost forget it's a book. It's real! Yeah, there's some violence, but hell, there's violence in life. This is a biker book and a a really good one. And because of the way it is written, the language it contains, and the violence that occurs, it's real. You can read and escape and feel the characters and love, hate, get angry, get scared and just escape and enjoy. Cannot wait for the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gritty! Truth! Steamy! Hot! Truth! Intense! Truth truth truth! Madeline has nailed it again! The gritty raw passion between the characters is simply BEAUTIFUL! You can feel the emotions drip off the page! Kudos to you Sheehan! Keep knocking em out lady!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sls schnur
First, about the book. It was awesome! Story was fantastic. Characters from previous books were there. I love seeing the main ones from other books still involved. I love that all 3 in this series kind of cross over and you don't just get a story about one character per book. Next, the editing. Great! I love when I read a well edited book. It's a rare thing so I like mentioning when it's done so well. And finally, the author. Seriously, what a great writer, storyteller, and risk taker! The book is so gritty, and in your face, sometimes painful and unpleasant, but the author is so eloquent in telling the story...it makes you crave more. It's such a shame that reviewers pick on the author, a lot of times without even reading the book. There are warnings everywhere. You knew you weren't going to get a Disney fairy tale. I personally don't like the horror genre, but I don't go around bashing authors like Stephen King, or rating books I've never read just to hurt the author. If you don't like something, rate it or leave an honest review, but don't make it personal.
I absolutely can't wait for the next book. This is one of those authors that I don't even read the sample before I purchase, I immediately click "buy now". I just know it will be good.
I absolutely can't wait for the next book. This is one of those authors that I don't even read the sample before I purchase, I immediately click "buy now". I just know it will be good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen nicholson
Awesome series about Duece, Eva, Dannie, Ripper, Cage, and Tegen!! It would be awesome to learn about the love life for Tegen's mother! Big hint for the author!!! Please!!!! I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about MC clubs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What I love about Madeline Sheehan's writing is that is it not predictable (even with #3 in the series!) , She keeps you guessing all throughout! Grammatically PERFECT and always setting the scene with emotion sure to be running on repeat in your head, Madeline delves deeper into Hell's Horseman's motorcycle club. Yes I winced in parts, yes, I cried in parts and yes, I fell in love with all of the characters. Never have I read of such a tragic soul as Dirty and I absolutely love how she completely turned repulsion into passion. I love Ellie & Dirty together. Cage & Tegan's story is not your typical romance and if you've read any other in the series you will already know there is nothing sweet about any of these characters and the way they fall in love. There is stubbornness, denial, pain, anxiety, and obsession and I could not get enough of any of it. Madeline is brilliant, genius and incredibly talented! Her works of art are forever imprinted in my heart & mind.
Want an author that delivers with no cliffhangers? An author who brings these characters and all their flaws to life?
This is an absolute must read! Madeline Sheehan delivers a one two punch and she'll have you screaming for more......
Want an author that delivers with no cliffhangers? An author who brings these characters and all their flaws to life?
This is an absolute must read! Madeline Sheehan delivers a one two punch and she'll have you screaming for more......
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
UnAttainable is exactly as the blurb says : This is not a virtuous and tender love story.
This book is such a beautifully written book, it takes all the ugly, hurt feelings that you see on the surface & twists it up & pulls it inside out and shows you all the beauty in the characters. Yes these characters show the ugly, rough side first, and after you have a chance to see into the soul of these characters, you find out they are not really the awfull, ugly individuals that you saw on the surface. Madeline writes her books in such a way that seems so real & raw that most people can not get past the ugly side to actually get to the good that is buried deep down inside the characters, and can not get past the bad things that they see on the surface. You have to be able to look past those bad things & see that most people show their ugly side to hide all the bad shit that has happened to them, so they are not venerable to the bad shit anymore.
If you have a problem seeing the ugly, gritty, dirty, Real side of life, then you will NOT like this story. So just move on to a different book.
This book is such a beautifully written book, it takes all the ugly, hurt feelings that you see on the surface & twists it up & pulls it inside out and shows you all the beauty in the characters. Yes these characters show the ugly, rough side first, and after you have a chance to see into the soul of these characters, you find out they are not really the awfull, ugly individuals that you saw on the surface. Madeline writes her books in such a way that seems so real & raw that most people can not get past the ugly side to actually get to the good that is buried deep down inside the characters, and can not get past the bad things that they see on the surface. You have to be able to look past those bad things & see that most people show their ugly side to hide all the bad shit that has happened to them, so they are not venerable to the bad shit anymore.
If you have a problem seeing the ugly, gritty, dirty, Real side of life, then you will NOT like this story. So just move on to a different book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle vosburg
This book is a motorcycle ride through the most jagged mountain of emotions.
Of course it isn't your typical namby pamby love story, and I LOVE that about Madeline' s books. She takes you into a deep and seedy underworld and shows you characters that emotionally packed and complicated. I just want to step in this world for awhile to hug Dirty and tell him it's not his fault and same with Cage to let him know he isn't a piece of shit he seem to think he is, and then knee him in the crotch do waiting so Damn long with Teg. I want to slap Deuce for making Cage think that in the first place. Teg rocked it in this book, she has come so far from that odd & awkward 16 year old in book 1. I want to follow ZZ into his underworld. Dorothy, I do not envy her. I would not want to ever have to choose between Jase and Hawk...no sir! & I hope she doesn't have to ;) lol
Call me an emotional masochistic fool, but I CANNOT wait for the next twisted gritty love story that only Mad can give us.
So, Babe.Yeah...reel it in and get that story out ;) <3
Of course it isn't your typical namby pamby love story, and I LOVE that about Madeline' s books. She takes you into a deep and seedy underworld and shows you characters that emotionally packed and complicated. I just want to step in this world for awhile to hug Dirty and tell him it's not his fault and same with Cage to let him know he isn't a piece of shit he seem to think he is, and then knee him in the crotch do waiting so Damn long with Teg. I want to slap Deuce for making Cage think that in the first place. Teg rocked it in this book, she has come so far from that odd & awkward 16 year old in book 1. I want to follow ZZ into his underworld. Dorothy, I do not envy her. I would not want to ever have to choose between Jase and Hawk...no sir! & I hope she doesn't have to ;) lol
Call me an emotional masochistic fool, but I CANNOT wait for the next twisted gritty love story that only Mad can give us.
So, Babe.Yeah...reel it in and get that story out ;) <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jean decaro
Once again Madeline Sheehan delivers. From the first word she takes the reader into the gritty and raw world of the HH MC. Using just her pen and her ability to paint a vivid picture with her words she transports you to a place that will never be comfortable. The sheer clarity of her visions will keep you so deeply involved with the people and places inside her story that you will actually miss them when the story is brought to a close. They aren't just characters in a story, they're people in a world you crave. No matter how raw, no matter how real, these stories become part of your reality. They make us grow and learn and maybe, just maybe, help us to see that everyone has a story. A story that made them into who they are. Reality isn't always pretty. When I started reading the first book in this series I wasn't sure I'd like it or even finish the book. Within mere minutes I was hooked. Addicted. If you haven't read the first 2 in this series, go back and get them. You won't be sorry!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anderson khaled
"Unattainable"- is maybe my favorite book yet or maybe a close second to "Undeniable" both by the amazing Madeline Sheehan.
A review... How can one write a review when they are still reeling from a ride they wish would never end? So wrapped up in a world not of their own.
I can almost smell the leather, the sex, and the smell of the men that exudes all of this. That is how much of an exceptional writer Madeline is. She takes you right along with her into their world.Into the inner confides of the Hell's Horsemen MC.
I fell in love with Deuce from the very beginning. How can you resist him calling you " Darlin'" and his dimples? YOU CAN'T.
Cage. Cage, well I'm not blind so yeah I ______ love him too. But he's just not his good looks or just his fathers son. He's much more than that. And hopefully you'll get to find out.
Dirty, Dirty, Dirty,(you'll get a little piece of Dirty too)it's hard to put into words how someone so damaged can be so utterly beautiful.
And well ZZ. OMG ZZ!!!
A review... How can one write a review when they are still reeling from a ride they wish would never end? So wrapped up in a world not of their own.
I can almost smell the leather, the sex, and the smell of the men that exudes all of this. That is how much of an exceptional writer Madeline is. She takes you right along with her into their world.Into the inner confides of the Hell's Horsemen MC.
I fell in love with Deuce from the very beginning. How can you resist him calling you " Darlin'" and his dimples? YOU CAN'T.
Cage. Cage, well I'm not blind so yeah I ______ love him too. But he's just not his good looks or just his fathers son. He's much more than that. And hopefully you'll get to find out.
Dirty, Dirty, Dirty,(you'll get a little piece of Dirty too)it's hard to put into words how someone so damaged can be so utterly beautiful.
And well ZZ. OMG ZZ!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janet laminack
If you have read any other books by Madeline Sheehan you understand they aren't for everyone. These are dark, gritty, sexy, foul mouthed, crass bikers we are talking about here. There are wives and club whores. Guns, drugs, sex and death. But they are the best characters out there right now. There are so many layers to these MC men and the crazy woman that love them. I absolute love these books. In Unattainable, you find out more about Dirty, I never gave a passing thought to Dirty in the other books. To find out Dirty has this crazy past that made him like he is (don't we all?)....I can't get enough Dirty! I love this series and get wait to get more WP from Madeline. Great read but take the warning seriously if you are prude-ish or have stick up your bottom tendencies you will not love the Hell's Horseman like they should be loved. Go find a book about rainbows. But if you know what WP is and love an MC book...this book is so for you!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anna hopkins arnold
This is really a 2 different story book! Which is a shame cause Dirty & Ellie should of had their own book. I hope there are many many more stories yet to be written in this series. Cage is going to have his hands full between his crazy boys and Tegen. Would be nice to have maybe Tegen locate Deuce's mom and bring her into the story especially now that Deuce is going to have some free time on his hands.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you have read any other books by Madeline Sheehan you understand they aren't for everyone. These are dark, gritty, sexy, foul mouthed, crass bikers we are talking about here. There are wives and club whores. Guns, drugs, sex and death. But they are the best characters out there right now. There are so many layers to these MC men and the crazy woman that love them. I absolute love these books. In Unattainable, you find out more about Dirty, I never gave a passing thought to Dirty in the other books. To find out Dirty has this crazy past that made him like he is (don't we all?)....I can't get enough Dirty! I love this series and get wait to get more WP from Madeline. Great read but take the warning seriously if you are prude-ish or have stick up your bottom tendencies you will not love the Hell's Horseman like they should be loved. Go find a book about rainbows. But if you know what WP is and love an MC book...this book is so for you!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cliff lewis
Cage certainly makes you think of "Man Whore" and Tegan - certainly is one very strong personality. She can hold her own around any of these Bad A$$ bikers. Poor ZZ - this guy can not catch a break - So glad he gets his own book - looking forward to reading about his own personal Hell. Madeline Sheehan KUDOS to you for developing a series well worth continuing. Love how Eva, Duece, Danny & others carry over into the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have to admit that Unattainable was not my favorite of the three Undeniable books, BUT that being said, I still loved it! I found myself laughing out loud at how insanely psychotic Tegan could be, how identically crass and panty dropping Cage was to his father, and how all the same old biker antics were in full effect. Although this seems to have been Tegan and Cage's story, Ellie and Dirty SHINED through. Dirty's backstory was a total mind blowing, completely disturbing but utterly heartbreaking and the lengths he went to to protect Ellie...that made him human again. I think my all time favorite line in the whole book came from Ripper when he said something to the effect of "Do we still call him Dirty?"
There's no DENYING it...I will read ANYTHING by Madeline Sheehan, in fact I don't think I'll ever get enough of the West family and the Hell's Horseman.
There's no DENYING it...I will read ANYTHING by Madeline Sheehan, in fact I don't think I'll ever get enough of the West family and the Hell's Horseman.
Please RateUnattainable (Undeniable Book 3)