Kill Without Mercy (Ares Security Book 1)

ByAlexandra Ivy

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
byron schaller
I recently had the pleasure of reading a short story by this author in All He Wants For Christmas which introduced the guys of Ares security so when I spotted this book I just couldn't resist it. Ok I will admit there are several series out there that feature military types running their own security business but the addition of a heroine who is the daughter of a serial killer took my breath away. That's sufficiently different to catch my attention but when you add in the fact that Annie is connected through dreams to the multiple deaths then this book is completely and wholly unique!
If you are already a fan of this authors paranormal books then you will be very keen to read this story that ties up action, suspense and of course romance. A very strong alpha male type hero in Rafe who never for one minute doubts himself or those he loves. Yes I said loves because there is no doubt in my mind that these seemingly different war veterans are a tightly woven group who would go to the wall to support each other. When he meets Annie not only is he attracted to her but she brings out all his protective urges. It's a small town full of prejudice but Rafe quickly discovers that Annie is in danger!
Annie is haunted by the events that took place when she was just a child but lately the dreams are back with a vengeance. Going back to Newton is hard but maybe she could finally get some closure? Well that's unlikely as when Annie arrives it's to discover there's a copycat killer on the loose and someone is sending Annie strange notes that clearly mark her as a target. Who can Annie trust? The sheriff who rescued her all those years ago or sexy Rafe who just won't take no for an answer?
I absolutely loved this! The author has done a fabulous job of mixing action with passion and an intriguing mystery for readers to solve. Wonderful supporting characters who we still have lots more to learn about. The guys who form Ares have secrets and it will be a joy discovering more about them. For now though it's all about Rafe and Annie. He is without doubt a charmer and he sees in Annie a future but first he has to not only save her but also convince her she belongs with him! Poor Annie just cannot believe she has a future with anyone really and her self defence and need for preservation sees her putting up all kinds to of walls but luckily Rafe isn't the sort to run from a fight. Annie may start out in a dark place but with Rafe and his friends ( who are like a family really) there's definitely light at the end of the tunnel.
Bottom line is I loved the twists and turns as the mystery unfolded and whole heartedly recommend this book
I was gifted a copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam hollern
Another exciting book from Alexandra Ivy Kill without Mercy is the start of a new series Ares Security.

From the hellhole of a Taliban prison to sweet freedom, five brave military heroes have made it home—and they’re ready to take on the civilian missions no one else can. Individually they’re intimidating. Together they’re invincible. They’re the men of ARES Security.

Each man with different backgrounds, personalities, talents, and specialties in different fields have been bonded together through trauma. I have great hopes for this series, each of the guys when introduced you almost immediately sympathize with them. They are protective of each other and would do anything for each other. Rafe Vargas is the heart of the group, he is the one that brought them all together with the idea of starting their own company. This band of men is the only family Rafe has ever really had. He had loving parents but his grandfather disowned his father for joining the ARMY. The old man is dead now leaving Rafe everything he had, which was a whole lotta nothing; the man was a hoarder. Either way Rafe still had to go and clean out the house before the realtor can sell it.

Annie White never wanted to return home but she has been having dreams that scare her, dreams that tell her woman have been disappearing again and being murdered. As impossible as it sounds because the manner of which they have been taken is the same as the Newton Slayer and that man has been dead for years. Annie returns afraid of what she might find, hoping that they are just dreams; she never expected her dreams be to true and to be swept of her feet by Rafe. Rafe fell hard and fast for the pretty honey blonde woman, a woman who needed to be saved from her past and her present; a woman with a past even she didn't know about. Rafe together with his Ares brothers help save Annie and expose the truth.

Overall, this is typical fantastic Alexandra Ivy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emily a
4 - "This is what we do." Stars!

Kill Without Mercy is the first book in Alexandra Ivy's new ARES Security Series. I have previously only read novella length books by this author, and have to say that after first impressions I had high expectations for this book.

"It's not easy to live with a secret."

So let me introduce you to the ARES guys, all ex-military, all battling their own demons and with their own specific skill sets that make them all an integral part of the team. Rafe, Max, Teagan, Hauk and Lucas. We pretty much meet all of them in this book, but the story focusses on Rafe Vargas, and the drama he finds himself in the middle of, when he returns to his Grandfathers house to clear it out after his death.

"Never challenge a soldier, sweetheart."

Its been fifteen years since the capture and suicide of the Newton Slayer, who during his time prior to being caught managed to kidnap and brutally murder seven women. But for Annie White, he was just her father, a man that left her milk and cookies out when she returned from school, and read bedtime stories at night... As you would expect, all is not as it seems with Annie's memories, or her return to Newton, especially when women start going missing again.

"You're safe in my arms."

I really enjoyed this story, Rafe's easy going cheekiness, in the face of Annie's almost innocence and vulnerability built really well into a sexy relationship against the back drop of a superbly crafted suspense/thriller. The author threw a lot of things into the plot, but at no point did the story feel crowded of overdone, and I found myself ploughing through the story with complete enjoyment.

I only discovered this Alexandra Ivy in 2015, and I know for sure that I will be early looking to read more from her in 2016 on the strength of the books I have read so far.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, and it was a pleasure to provide the above honest review.
Kill Without Shame (Ares Security) :: Burned by Darkness (Dragons of Eternity) (Volume 1) :: When Darkness Comes (Guardians of Eternity Book 1) :: Hunt the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity Book 11) :: Raphael/Parish (Bayou Heat Boxset Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*I received an ARC of this book free from NetGalley on behalf of Kensington Books in exchange for an honest review*

Holy stalker!

Typically I’m not a big fan of books with stalkers, but the men of ARES Security swayed me. I honestly could not put this down. I was easily pulled into the story, caught up between sexy ex-military man Rafe, weird vibing men like the Sheriff, and trying to figure out who the psycho stalker was. It was enough to keep me thoroughly interested.

Rafe, along with the rest of ARES Security, have a bond unlike most. They were tortured together. But now that they are out of the military they’re turning their skills to help others. Rafe just didn’t expect his first damsel in distress would be found in the one place he didn’t want to go…where is uncle used to live. Who would have thought a dreaded task like cleaning out an old house would lead to so much more.

Annie grew up being the daughter of a serial killer. Let’s just say she has a few emotional issues. When she meets Rafe she’s immediately drawn to him, but she doesn’t want to be anyone’s charity case. She doesn’t need anyone feeling sorry for her, especially if it concerns her past. A past that brings her back to where her father supposedly murdered seven women.

Too bad for her, Rafe doesn’t really take no for an answer. He has a savior complex, but with Annie it’s more. He not only wants to protect her, he needs to. It’s as simple as that.

“Never challenge a soldier, sweetheart.”

Kill Without Mercy is a romantic suspense filled with a serial killer who twistedly only wants to keep Annie safe, a sexy ex-military man who also only wants to keep her safe, and a woman with visions of horrors she never wanted to witness. It’s a can’t help but stay glued to the pages kind of book.

My Favorite Moments: I loved the camaraderie between Rafe, Max, Hauk, Teagan, and Lucas. They are a true family who would walk through hell for each other.

“Rafe is going to keep her, so she belongs to us.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alison szabo
I just loved this story, I enjoyed every single scene and word of it.
I loved the author's voice and the way she told the story, and how it flows through the pages. There's serious, gruesome crimes that are committed, but the author manages to implement some beads of dark humor into the story, that gives it lighter moments of joy.
The suspense and action is mostly scary, even creepy at times, the intensity level staying up through the story, since there's a well balanced mix of emotions and investigative tools used to solve the crime and move the story on. Love it.
The characters are all pretty amazing. The brothers of the heart have a unique bond, that war has melted in between them. The loyalty, protectiveness, and support they offer to each other was touching. They are all such true alpha male warriors, but they have a soft heart, at least for their brothers, whom they are willing to do anything for.
Annie and Rafe, they have chemistry and heat, they just basically melt in each others company. But they have more than just lots of sex appeal. All those alpha warrior's feelings that the brothers have for each other, are ten fold, what Rafe feels for Annie. To have her, to hold her, to possess her, is all he wants in his life after meeting her. But the feelings are mutual, even when super protective towards Annie, it is obvious to the reader, and Annie, that he only wants to keep Annie safe and alive.
This was one of those few books, that after reading it, you just sit there and wonder when the next adventure comes out, and before that happens, could we just hang out or something, cause the you felt the connection to the characters so strong. I will be looking forward to more in this series, the story was alluring, engaging, and captured my mind.
~ Five Spoons
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kill Without Mercy by Alexandra Ivy is the first book in a new series, ARES Security. I hadn't read any of the author's books before; but I love romantic suspense and wanted to try this one. I am veryglad that I did because I really loved this book from beginning to end.
Ms. Ivy's characters are clearly defined and I enjoyed the love, camaraderie and interaction between the members of ARES. The bond between Rafe, Max, Tegan, Hauk and Lucas is more than a bromance. They have been through hell together and are now a family. They are all Alphas and each one has their specialty/strength within the organization. When one of them becomes involved in a case, they are all in the case. Rafe was the driving force in them coming together after their return to the states and setting up their business. He's the usual handsome Alpha but he's different in that he bases his actions on his gut instinct/intuition. He wants all
of the facts before he makes any decisions but if fact gathering is taking too long he relies on his intuition.
Annie White meets Rafe while he is in Newton, IA cleaning out his grandfather's house to sell. Annie's past in Newton is totally different from anything that I have read before as she is the daughter of an accused serial killer. As a child she experienced psychic visions/dreams regarding the women that were being killed but no one believed her.Thanks to foster parents that loved and nurtured her, she has become a stable and responsible adult until the visions/dreams return. She feels drawn to return to Newton to try to figure out why they have returned. She is shocked to find out that killings have begun again.
The plot is fast paced and filled with mystery, complicated twists, action and passion that kept me turning the pages. I am already looking forward to reading the next book in this series so that I can get to know the men of ARES Security.
I received an ARC via NetGalley from Zebra/Kensington in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I started reading Alexandra Ivy's Guardians of Eternity series back when it came out in 2007. The series was sexy and fun, and I had a good time with it, but with one thing and another, I have fallen a few books behind. (Although I did mange to read the two novellas staring my favorite little gargoyle.) So when I saw that the author had a new non paranormal series coming out, I had to take a look. Didja see that cover? Plus, how often are you going to find true badasses in Iowa, for goodness sake? That alone had me taking a closer look.

This started out as the typical ex-military turned security group, with some variation to keep it fresh and current, romantic suspense novel. Intro the guys, zoom in our hero and then meet the heroine and next set up their initial random meeting. Isn't it funny how after reading enough of this genre, you can tell the basic road map of the journey that the author will be taking you on? It's the details that make or break the story. And can I just say that the details totally and completely made this one, at least for me.

I just kept being surprised with the twists and turns in the story. I'd think I had a handle on the direction of things, and *bam* we'd take sharp 90 degree turn. This kept me in the moment and not skimming ahead. I really enjoyed not knowing what was going to happen next and being surprised with where the author took the story line.

The series story arc was introduced early, we had a chance to get to know all our heroes, and I have already started my book boyfriend crush on one of guys. Here's hoping his story is late in the series, since that will give me more time with him all to myself. ;) The story grabbed my attention and kept me involved right till the very end. I had to give it 4 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and Zebra/Kensington for the opportunity to read and review the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
deirdre keating
This is the first book in a new romantic suspense series. It introduces the five men who make up Ares Security but it focuses on Rafe Vargas. Rafe is gorgeous and the heart of the group. He is a covert ops specialist and a natural leader. He has come from Texas to Newton, Iowa, to pack up his grandfather's home and put it up for sale. He is filled with resentment for the way his grandfather treated his father and wants to get things done and get out of town.

Annie White has also come to Newton. She hasn't been back since she was ten. The town holds mostly bad memories for her. Her father was accused of being the Newton Slayer and brutally killing seven women. After being arrested, he died in jail in an apparent suicide leaving Annie in a state of shock and an orphan dumped into the foster care system. Annie has visions and, after many years, these visions have returned. She has come back to Newton in hopes of finding a reason for the visions and closure.

Rafe takes one look at her and decides that he needs to protect her. Annie is afraid that the only reason he's attracted is because of his savior complex. As a new series of young women are being taken, the danger heats up for Annie and Rafe since the killer is leaving messages for Annie. As they investigate the learn that what Annie remembers from the past isn't necessarily what happened and that the town has lots of secrets.

I liked the relationship between Annie and Rafe. I also liked the relationship between Rafe and his partners in Ares Security. They are a group of men who went through hell together as prisoners in Afghanistan and who have forged bonds stronger than brothers. They have made each other their families.

I'll be eager to read the stories of the other men who make up Ares Security.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ronzella rattler
This is the start of a new series featuring former military men who have banded together to build a security firm after serving their time. The first book features Rafe who has to go to Iowa to clean out his grandfather’s house. Almost immediately he winds up meeting the mysterious Annie and women start disappearing.
What is really good about this book is the mystery about the Newton Killer. A great ‘who dunnit’ style story that kept me guessing. I liked how each member of the ARES security team has a speciality and they use them to solve the unravelling situation in Newton.
Annie is at the heart of the mysteries as her father was the Newtown killer, captured in the act of killing seven women. It’s the fifteen year anniversary of the incident and Annie has returned to try to find some peace. Instead, she meets Rafe and women start going missing again. Rafe swears to keep her safe and gets drawn into solving who is the murderer.
The relationship between Annie and Rafe was interesting. We get a lot of details of their backgrounds and what leads them to end up in Newton. This is definitely a love at first sight situation – at least for Rafe. He decides that Annie is the one for him and he needs her safe so that he can bring her back to his ranch in Texas. It seemed a little fast to be so serious, but I guess there had to be a deep connection in order for Rafe to put his life on the line for Annie.
The author subtly introduces the other members of ARES security and sets up the plot for the coming books in the series. This is a strong start to a promising series of great alpha military men.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.*

Kill Without Mercy is the first book in the ARES Security series by Alexandra Ivy.

Point of View: Third, alternating

Tense: Past

Kill Without Mercy is an entertaining romantic suspense novel with a touch of paranormal.

The story moves along at a quick pace. The characters are likable and well-developed.

Annie, the daughter of a serial killer, has a vision of a murder that makes her return to her hometown. Rafe, an ex-military man with a security business, travels to the same town because he is selling his grandfather’s house. After Rafe meets Annie in a diner, he gets a bad feeling that she’s in danger. He makes it his mission to protect Annie and find the women who have gone missing.

One great thing about Kill Without Mercy is that the characters get to know one another and put their sexual attraction on hold for a while. Another thing I really liked about this book is that none of the ex-military men are portrayed as a-hole alphas. They’re mostly just normal guys. Rafe can be bossy, but he’s not a jerk about it. He (most of the time) considers Annie’s reaction and well-being. I also liked how Alexandra Ivy kept up the suspense and feeling of Annie being in danger. The mystery kept me guessing.

I strongly recommend this book to anyone who likes stories about men who take it upon themselves to do what should be the job of the police. Annie’s a strong character, too, despite her emotional baggage. Kill Without Mercy had the perfect blend of mystery and romance. I give it five stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne singman
First in a new series by Alexandra Ivy! ARES Security. Rafe Vargas, a covert ops specialist now stateside and the four men that he calls his brothers are determined to start their own security business. While they will make their base in Texas, Rafe has to travel to Iowa and deal with the detritus his grandfather left behind in his passing, long estranged from his son and grandson, only the thought of finding something of value barely makes it worth the trouble. Small towns, everyone knows your business and memories are long, the looks Rafe receives especially from the Sheriff certainly aren't welcome, but the looks from the women are a different story. A young woman with a haunting disposition catches Rafe's attention and his knight in shining armor/save the damsel in distress instinct kicks in. To find out she's the daughter of a serial killer who struck fear in this town and the approach of the fifteenth anniversary of the last murder committed, followed by the subsequent suspicious death the day he was captured while in custody is disconcerting enough. Annie White has been gone from Newton, Ohio for fifteen years, but cannot explain the compelling need to return. Well actually she can, because Annie White knows the murders are happening again, she can see them! This time she is determined she can bring and end to them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy tate
Annie White has been running from her past since she was a small child after her father is accused of some very heinous crimes. Convinced that the town has had it wrong all along and her father was innocent, she decides to go back to her home town in Newton, Iowa, and unearth the truth.

Rafe Vargas is back in Newton, Iowa, to clean out his late grandfather's house. He expects to drive in town and drive right back out; with it sold and put his past right back where it belongs...behind him until in walks Annie White.

Rafe and Annie meet when he notices that Annie needs help. Like any man of honor he can't seem to walk away knowing that she may be unsafe. So quickly he changes his plans... sell the house, save the girl get back to Texas...But you know what they say about the best laid plans? No? Well read and find out!

I received this book as an ARC from Net Galley for my honest review

To say that I am not surprised this book was great is putting things very mildly. This book was funny, heart breaking and filled with crazy amounts of passion all at the right times taking the reader on an action packed suspenseful journey!

If I think really hard I feel like Rafe was one of my favorite characters. Rafe was the type of man you can turn to that has no problem saving the day and standing up for people who have a hard time standing up for themselves. But honestly they were all great.

Overall this book stole my heart leaving me wanting more and more. I highly recommend this book and this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
courtney kleefeld
I really enjoyed Kill Without Mercy. Alexandra Ivy has laid the foundation for an exciting series, and if they continue to be as good as Kill Without Mercy, then we need to buckle in for a great ride.

I love stories about loyalty and the family you choose to make versus the family you share DNA with. Alexandra did a great job of setting the stage of the relationship, POWs from Afghanistan, without it overshadowing the present. She makes clear, that while the past is important, these stories are about moving forward. I love that Rafe is the glue of the group, and that each has a role in dynamic. Teagan summed it up with the statement about staying in touch after the got out of the military by creating a new company instead of just a Vegas weekend.

Annie was a little more predictable. In the long run she was a strong character and didn't let herself become a victim or merely a damsel in distress. She finally recognized that she was letting other dictate her life rather than taking it on herself.

I thought the storyline brought a good edge to the overall story. Alexandra created a complex story that was just a contrivance for the main characters, but at the same time didn't overshadow the relationships she was following.

I would have liked to have a bit more of the "other" in the storyline and I hope Alexandra brings it back in future stories. I also liked the hints she sprinkled throughout for future stories.

I am looking forward to getting to learn more about each of the ARES Security detail.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First off, I'm kinda loving on this cover. Little bit. Which has no impact on the story itself, I'm just putting that out there.

So. Five soldiers who survived a hellish captivity are now banding together to put their impressive skills to work on keeping people safe. *thumbs up to that* Rafe is the ...I don't know. The heart. The fire. The one that kept the men together after they got out. He has a big heart and he goes all in when he sees something worth fighting for.

Which makes his teammates a little protective. Because they know he doesn't do things by halves and when he falls for Annie he falls hard.

Given that she's the daughter of a serial killer, things could have gone very badly for Rafe. But Annie's not her father. In fact, Annie doesn't really know who she is. As secrets from her past start bubbling up, she has to face the fact that the things she believed were true aren't. And her life is far more complicated than she could imagine.

Overall, I liked the dynamic between Annie and Rafe. I liked Rafe's friends. I liked that Annie was in a bad, bad place when she first met Rafe and his belief in her helped her find solid ground.

Heck, I just liked the entire book. Bad things happening to good people and pushing them to the edge of their limits make my brain happy.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristin m in durham nc
“Kill without Mercy” by Alexandra Ivy is of the genre which one of my sons-in-law calls “the smut my wife likes to read”. It is true that my youngest daughter has a strong preference for sexy romantic fiction with action and/or mystery and violence. I will admit that I seldom choose to read this type of story, but due to the “queue system” established recently for the store Vine reviewers, I sometimes find myself selecting things somewhat by default. As it turns out, though, this book was very enjoyable. The violence was not extremely gory, and though there was the obligatory “soft porn” scene, it occurred well into the narrative rather than in the first few pages.

The real plus value of this novel, in my opinion, was the fascinating characterization of the “band of brothers” constituting the ARES security group. Their individual personalities, as well as their interactions, greatly enhanced the interest and effectiveness of the plot. With respect to that plot, there were numerous satisfactory nuances and intricacies that were quite sufficient to keep the reader involved. It is clear that this is the first novel of what will likely become a series featuring these characters with their unique gifts and enthralling backgrounds. That will be something for the readers of romantic thrillers to look forward to, indeed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
frances ann
ARC provided by the Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Fast paced, twisted plot with paranormal overtones, this romantic-suspense has a sweet, love at first sight, romance and is a great first book in the series. We get the set up for two of the five ARES Security men and I can't wait to read their stories.

Rafe is a special ops soldier who was captured and held hostage until he and four others escaped in Afghanistan. After they all healed, they formed ARES Security. Rafe has some personal business to take care of before the group can be fully up and running. His estranged grandfather has died and Rafe must settle his affairs which requires him to return to Newton, Iowa where he meets Annie and falls instantly in lust.

Annie is the daughter of the Newton Slayer. The fifteenth anniversary is bringing new attention and Annie is having visions of new killings. She goes to Newton to try and stop whoever is doing this. She meets Rafe and is instantly on her guard against the gorgeous babe magnet who is making the moves on her. But after she receives notes from the killer she knows she needs his protection. Together they and the rest of the SRES team unravel what really happened 15 years ago.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather landon
This is the first of a series about ARES Security, a group of ex-military buddies with an assortment of skills and a shared past. It's basically a crime novel with romance and a smidgen of paranormal thrown in. A serial killer is on the loose in a small town in Iowa. As bad as that is, it's even more frightening as it seems to be the same one that was on the loose 15 years earlier. Supposedly, that murderer was caught and died in custody. So who is the perpetrator now? Annie, the daughter of the murderer, left town years earlier and tried to put everything behind her. She is now having visions of new murders and feels compelled to come back to see if she can help stop the killings. Rafe, one of the ARES members, has come to town on family business. The two meet, develop a relationship and try to figure out what's going on. The suspense and buildup to the solution is done well and keeps you reading while the romance is pretty standard and predictable. Also, the paranormal aspect - Annie's visions - does nothing but give her a reason to come to town. It could have been left out of the book without affecting anything. It's an involving read, though, and I recommend it as a good crime novel with lots of suspense.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
allister fein
Kill Without Mercy is book one in the ARES Security series by Alexandra Ivy. This was a good start. I had a nice time reading Kill Without Mercy. We get a few surprises, action, a mystery, & romance.

Their is a whole lot of yumminess. We got to meet the five men that make up the ARES team. I liked that we got to meet them and learn a little about each. They all sounded interesting and I can’t wait to read their stories.

Rafe and Annie where a good mix for a couple. Rafe steps in to save the day and the girl along with the help of his friends who immediately lead their support and protection. Annie was easy to like.

The story was enjoyable and fun. It has plenty of action, mystery, suspense, and drama which was captivating. The romance was a little quick, but it was still a delightful story. I look forward to more in this series.

Rated: 3 Stars
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
traci caddell
Kill Without Mercy (ARES Security, #1) is a Suspense Contemporary Romance. It is well written, but lacks the intensity needed to make it great. There was potential for some really hair raising moments, but those moments were never taken advantage of. The first few chapters moved nicely, then everything slowed down.
I liked the main characters, Rafe and Annie, but I never really connected to them. They both needed more depth and complexity to get me fully involved with them. Instead of adding layers of emotion and new insight into their relationship, the same thoughts were used throughout the story. The intimate moments of their relationship seemed rushed to me. Just a step above holding hands.
The suspense and action moments were good, but you very little twists or surprises.
At this point, I don't know if I will read book 2 in this series or not.
Kill Without Mercy (Ares Security Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kill without mercy is a very interesting book full of suspense and a great romance. A nice plot and a very enjoyable read.

The series starts following five soldiers, who survive and escape a Taliban hellhole. Once they come back home the create their own high tech security company, ARES Security.

Rafe Vargas, a covert ops specialist, is in Newton, Iowa to clear out his grandfather’s house. He doesn't want to do it and he only wants to do it and return to his ranch and his work with ARES Security. He runs into Annie White and is very attracted to her. Annie White lived in Newton years ago with her father, who was dubbed the Newton Slayer. She is back after having visions about new killings. Rafe feels she is in danger and wants to protect her and at the same time to catch the serial killer.
The characters are very interesting. The romance is hot. I highly recommend this book. I can’t wait to see who will be in the next book of this new series!

I received this book by Kensington Books via netgalley in exchange for a honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric reeves
Rafe Vargas is returning home long enough to clear out his grandfather's house to sell it that is until he meets Annie White. Annie is returning to the town where her life was forever changed. She's there looking for closure but what she finds is something she never expected. Rafe is drawn to Annie and wants to know more than gossip so he uses his contacts to check into her past to find out anything he can about her. A serial killer is on the loose and it looks like Annie's past is coming back to haunt her. Rafe and Annie grow closer as they continue to search for answers and the killers gets closer. Rafe's military friends come to help worried that he is getting too involved with someone that might be connected to the killer. This book is filled with surprise twists and amazing characters I couldn't put it down once I started. Strong characters and a story that leaves you wanting more. I can't wait for more from this author I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone that loves a book that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
betsy linnane
Thoughts: Kill Without Mercy was just okay for me. The blurb places a bit of emphasis on the ‘five brave military men’ that survived the Taliban – however, in all honestly that is completely on the back burner and exactly what happened to them and what bonded them so close to each other is not addressed at all in the book. That just really bugged me throughout the book – you are expected to feel this great bond between them, but it just isn’t there….as a reader you don’t feel it. The same for the romance – it was just lacking between the characters, and I just didn’t feel the draw. Another downside? A mysterious link between Annie White and the killer, which was a bit of a reach. Not to mention how the two main characters meet? I just couldn’t picture it happening.

It was an okay read, but not quite what I was expecting from a mystery/thriller with a romantic element to it.

Rate: B
Review by: Sarah
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brady kimball
I really enjoyed this! Kill Without Mercy starts off a new romantic suspense series about five ex-soldiers who now run a security company together. This first part is Rafe and Annie's story. They meet in Iowa where Rafe is supposed to clear out his grandfather's house. Women are disappearing in the area, and there seems to be a connection to Annie's past. With the help of Rafe's friends, Rafe and Annie start to look into the case of a serial killer from fifteen years ago to establish a link to the current kidnappings.
While the premise wasn't completely new and unique, I really liked the characters and enjoyed their interactions. There was just the right mix of romance and suspense with some good twists. The writing was very good and the story fast paced to hold my attention throughout. This was my first book by Alexandra Ivy, and I look forward to following the rest of this series.
I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebekah lyn
I really enjoyed this debut to the new ARES Security series. Rafe and Annie’s story is full of lots of mystery, and simple romance and some sweet but hot moments as well. The twists in turns we take throughout the story kept me flipping pages and eager to see what happens next. The hints at our future ARES men are wonderful and I find myself intrigued by them all, especially Teague. I hope we get Hauk’s story next though as it seems we have been left with a great lead in to his story. The friendship between the men of ARES is displayed wonderfully here, their light teasing but all around caring for one another is so enduring. If you are a fan of romance’s with smart hot alpha men, with plenty parts intrigue and steamy moments this is definitely one to add to your To Read list!
This was a complimentary e-copy provided by the author and publisher in exchange for a honest review via Netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa dice
Format: Galley Copy
After being POW and returning home Rafe and his friends have started a security firm. They're the best of the best in their chosen fields. Rafe has a hero complex and after meeting Annie and discovering she needs help he can't walk away.

Annie is having visions again. She's seeing women being murdered again while she's asleep. Annie has to go back to where it all began and try to stop it from repeating 20 years later.

Though the story was slow to start it drew me in and had me hanging til the end. The attraction between Annie and Rafe was undeniable. I loved how Rafe was always there, though I would have liked to see more of Annie's psychic ability. This was a much more suspenseful story than I usually read though the twists and turns kept me in the story. If you enjoy a strong suspense story line this would be a book for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott t
Best suspenseful book that I have read in a while. Lots of edge of your seat suspense. A real nail biter. With a little sex thrown in. Will keep you turning the page until the very end.
Annie's father was accused of killing seven women when she was a little girl. He was known as the Newton Slayer but had his throat slashed while in jail. She was adopted and has lived a fairly normal life. But now she is having visions of women being chased. So she goes back to her old hometown and tries to figure things out.
Rafe was a military man and a POW. Now him and his friends are opening a security company. He has to go to his late grandfather's house and clean it out. He meets Annie and feels something he hasn't felt before. When she starts getting strange poems, they think the Newton Slayer is back. Now Rare will do anything to protect her.
Loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
laurel rankin
Annie has been having visions of women in dark places, running, and flashes of a knife. Are they nightmares from the past? Annie's Father is known as the Newton Slayer, 7 women were killed 15 years ago by the slayer. Her Father died is jail before he could be questioned. Annie is compelled to go back to Newton to find out. Rafe is in Newton to clean out his Grandfathers house. He and 4 fellow soldiers who survived a brutal Taliban prison have formed Ares Security together. He senses Annie's vulnerability and is compelled to help. Now, 15 years after the Slayer was caught and died, women are disappearing in Newton again. No sign of any of them has been found. Is it a copycat or did they have the wrong man 15 years ago. This book,has it all, romance, suspense, a twisted killer and a plot that will keep you hooked. The is a good sold 4*. I highly recommend this book as a good romantic suspense.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah braud
✦Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Kill Without Mercy (Ares Security, Book 1) by Alexandra Ivy
Publication Date: December 29, 2015
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Rated: 5 Stars

This book was thrilling, suspenseful and so much fun! The serial killer kept you guessing the whole time you were sweating with them and I love that. Ms. Ivy did a masterful job of introducing this new series by giving us just enough history so that it didn’t bog down the storytelling. The men of ARES are each unique with a tight bond that holds them together. Their easy banter hides a lot of secrets that I can’t wait to read about. I completely enjoyed this sexy, witty and tension filled novel. A perfect start to a new series.

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amy heeter
Kill Without Mercy is a perfect example of great romantic suspense. The story is full of twists and layers, the characters are dynamic, and the pace is perfect. The story unfolds like putting together pieces of a puzzle, so that even when you figure out 1 piece, you still have so many questions! Rafe and Annie were great characters that I totally adored! The author addresses the hesitation in the romance which was great because I was able to enjoy it knowing that these characters admitted the slight insanity of feeling so strongly after such a short time. Rafe is described as having "a full-blown case of savior complex" so you can understand Annie's hesitation. She genuinely questions if he likes her or likes being the hero. Overall, Kill Without Mercy was near perfect in my opinion! Its incredibly well planned and executed and I can't wait to get more ARES books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Annie's happy childhood had an abrupt ending when she lost her father in a disaster and tragedy, making her question everything she ever believed, and she ended up with a foster-family. Now fifteen years later, she returns to her old hometown to finally get a closure. It might not go the way she want to, though..
Rafe is back at his grandfathers place to close up for a sale, not a task he's looked forward to. A chance meeting with a gorgeous lady takes him on another path. With his knowledge and connections, he's just the man Annie needs, especially as it seems that someone is targeting Annie for something that happened back in the day..
Contemporary romance, action, suspense and smutty fluff in a great combo, and a great start to a new series. Can't wait to see more from this bunch of people.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lacey najacht
Rafe is ex-military opening a security business with four friends. Learning his estranged grandfather has died, he has to travel to Newton, Iowa to clean out the house and put it on the market.
Annie has no family left after her father is found to be the Newton Slayer. After he is killed she leaves to live with foster parents. When the killings start again 15 years later she feels she has to return to Newton. Things are not as the seem in the small town. Can Rafe protect her when it's obvious the killer has his sights set on her?
I absolutely loved this book! It has everything; mystery, murder, betrayal, lust, love, and so much more! It was very well written and I couldn't put it down until I was finished. Alexandra keeps you on the edge feeling all of the emotions of her story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finally, an action packed page turner! Annie returns to her hometown to seek closure on her past and to figure out why she is having visions of women’s death. No sooner does she get into town when dangerous pops up. Rafe, a military hero just back from Afghanistan comes back to town to get his grandfather’s house packed up for sale. Once these two main characters cross each other’s path the action starts and doesn’t end. There were quite a few surprises in this book and many great side characters that I hope to see stories written about in the future. A great read – I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a great Romantic Suspense novel. I can’t wait for book number two!
This ARC was given to me by Net Galley in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kill Without Mercy is the story of Rafe and Annie. Annie is having visions and returns to Newton to resolve issues from her past. Rafe is in Newton clearing out his grandfather’s house before heading back to Houston and his business with his military buddies. Their military skills come in handy helping Annie resolve her mysterious past. Rafe and Annie meet and it is insta-love. This book has several twists and turns. I did not see the twist at the end. Epilogue ends with a return to Houston for some good beer. This is my first Alexandra Ivy book. She has an extensive back list, but I could not find a scheduled release date for Book 2 in the ARES series listed. I look forward it’s release.

3 ½ stars

Book provided by NetGalley for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A chance meeting in Newton , Iowa with Annie White sets Rafe Vargas on the trail of a serial killer. It is the anniversary of the capture and death of her father, the infamous Newton Slayer, but women are going missing and Annie is seeing them in her dreams.... once again. Rafe believes in Annie's visions and begins to follow the clues. She is the one woman he feels he can spend the rest of his life with but first he needs to keep her safe.

But when the truth about the Newton Slayer starts to unfold, and secrets are revealed Rafe and his partners from ARES are faced with am enemy, more dangerous and cunning than they have faced in Afghanistan.

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marivy bermudez
Chilling, brutal, complex and alive, Kill Without Mercy has it all. Meeting in a small town, Annie and Rafe are thrown together and become an item quickly and passionately. With a serial killer on the loose, Annie is trying to stop the slayings her visions are showing her, while Rafe is trying to protect Annie and figure out the mystery as well. The twists and revelations in this multifaceted story are unique, and as each unravels, you'll be gasping in surprise. Annie's entire life isn't what she thought it was, and Rafe's entire life is never going to be the same if the killer gets his way. Fabulous and unexpected, thoroughly enjoyable!
*I received an arc for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is the start of a promising new series featuring five military heroes who had survived in a Taliban prison who form a security agency called Ares Security. Rafe is the main character in this first adventure. I'm guessing each book will feature a different one of the five although each of the five played a part in this debut novel and probably will in the future books.

The book is pretty obviously aimed at a female audience since it is heavily romantic for a thriller. There are twists aplenty to keep the reader up late engrossed in the story. I liked it and I think most of you reading this will also
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ARC received for review

Great start to a series. Five hot ex-military friends starting their own security business. Rafe is the first to fall for a girl. Of course the girl is being "stalked" and Rafe and his friends come in to save the day. Whole lot of yumminess hanging around.

Rafe and Annie are so sweet together. Rafe readily steps up to save the day and the girl. His friends immediately step in to help and protect. Annie is strong and easy to like.

I can't wait to read the rest of the partners HEAs. Now is Ms. Ivy going to make Hauke wait until last, or does he get to go next?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rafe Vargas and Annie White are both visiting Newton, Iowa for different reasons involving family and neither one of them really wants to be there. There is an immediate physical attraction between the two that will draw them together and once Rafe learns that Annie is haunted by a serial killer from the past, he wants to protect her from all harm.

There is a lot of action and an interesting mystery and a surprise ending and it was a great read!

I received a copy from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tracy enders
Kill Without Mercy by Alexandra Ivy is a fast paced thriller. The romance is secondary yet ties the action, mystery and. Intrigue tougher well. Rafe is part of a team from ARES Security. These friends and x military men each have their specialties and a tight bond. Rafe is away from the team to straighten out some personal business. Then he meets Annie White and is quickly embroiled in her troubles. The story builds and builds. It is intense and at times a bit disturbing. Well worth the read. Can't wait to learn more about this team and their adventures.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
azilrhaine retada
from net galley
A new series featuring hot ex milatry alpha's of Ares Security. First up Rafe Vargas - his trip to Newton to pack up his grandfathers belong becomes a race against time when he meets Annie White. Annie is in Newton -a town that has bad memories for her. Her Dad was murdered in jail after being arrested for being a serial killer. Facts don't add up in Newton and more women are missing but Rafe and the team is on the job. A hot aalpha - a damsel needing saved and a happy ending. Can't wait for book 2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rafe and his buddies survived the horrors of a Taliban prison and are now back home running ARES Security. Rafe heads to Iowa to clean out the house of his late grandfather when he meets Annie. Annie’s father was a serial killer who died 15 years ago, but she has been having visions and dreams that women are being murdered again. Can Rafe keep her safe as they find out if someone is killing again? This is a fast paced suspenseful read. I like the characters and the story. Enjoyable read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One will never be disappointed in an Alexdra Ivy read! This is the first book in a series and I can't wait for the next ones! Rafe's grandfather dies so he returns to Iowa to clean it out. While there he meets Annie, who is mysterious and in trouble. A serial killer, someone from Annie's past, is after her. This was a simple, but fast read with a good twist!

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
whitney la rocca
From the hellhole of a Taliban prison to sweet freedom, five brave military heroes have made it home--and they're ready to take on the civilian missions no one else can. Individually they're intimidating. Together they're invincible. They're the men of ARES Security.
Rafe Vargas is only in Newton, Iowa, to clear out his late grandfather's small house. As the covert ops specialist for ARES Security, he's eager to get back to his new life in Texas. But when he crosses paths with Annie White, a haunted beauty with skeletons in her closet, he can't just walk away--not when she's clearly in danger. . .
There's a mysterious serial killer on the loose with a link to Annie's dark past. And the closer he gets, the deeper Rafe's instinct to protect kicks in. But even with his considerable skill, Annie's courage, and his ARES buddies behind him, the slaying won't stop. Now it's only a matter of time before Annie's next--unless they can unravel a history of deadly lies that won't be buried.

Wow, this one was so good, I don't even know where to start. The many twists and turns, the surprises, the romance and the closeness of the men who formed the ARES team, all came together to make an awesome story. I read it in one day. Because I couldn't bear to put it down. I guess I was also lucky to be able to have a freer calendar so that I didn't have to. What a life Annie has had, a lot of her memories are fuzzy from her earlier childhood. Good thing too, it helped save her sanity. Of course the nightmares/the visions (whichever you want to call it) were seriously messing up her life, again. Her sanity was being challenged too. Annie and Rafe were so good together. They both just deserved to be happy together. They developed a strong foundation on which to build a life even though it might not have looked like it at first. Each one of Rafe's friends who were part of their new business ARES, they were more like brothers because of the bonds formed during their brutal captivity. They survived and they still had each others backs now that they were back home. They were family, each one of them wildly different in personalities and skills. I liked each one of them and how they interacted together.
I almost feel like I haven't talked enough about Annie, who was such a great character. She forced herself to go to Newton, Iowa the place where the nightmares started and where she was rescued from. Others tried to talk her out of going, especially her foster parents. But she just knew she had to go to the one place she dreaded. She felt that just maybe she could make sense of what was going on and make it stop. I liked Rafe's observation of Annie, "that beneath Annie's sweet, rather shy exterior was a spine of steel." She's going to need help. A lot of it. Good thing Rafe is willing and able to give it.
I can't wait to read more by this author about this team. Seems like the other team members could have some interesting stories to tell.

I received an advance copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Even though the romance itself wasn't fiery-hot (it fell kind of flat, to be honest), I really liked the characters and the plot enough to give it four stars. The hero's super-hot (why couldn't the romance be hotter? I don't know. It just didn't click for me.) and I liked the hint of paranormal in the heroine's ability to see murders (now that's an ability I'd take a hard pass on). Looking forward to the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacob dougherty
I received Kill Without Mercy as an ARC (advance reader's copy) book from Reading Deals. The gifting did not determine the review/rating, which reflects my honest opinion. I really liked the characters in this story-- I expected something a little tougher and more gritty from the blurb, but the author brought the story together really well and the plot was well-paced. I'll be interested in reading more from this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
**I received this book as an ARC through Kensington's titles via NetGalley. In return I will give my honest review.**
This book was well written and kept me guessing. I loved the thought of the book just felt like something was missing. The idea of it all was good. And I sure do love the boys on the crew. Pretty good read
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Author Alexandra Ivy kicks off her new series, ARES Security, with a half page prologue that was more in-depth than some books I've read. I was thrilled to learn the author had ventured into the romance suspense genre. I enjoyed this kick-off book VERY much! Her writing style translated expertly and made this reader crave more ARES' men.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yulianto qin
Besides the incredibly gorgeous cover this is one exciting book. Serial killer, sorted family history, ex-military security and a small town. Twists and turns made way for a chilling murder mystery. Wonderfully written I regretted having to stop. My first Ivy book but not my last. My copy was given for my honest review through Netgalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kira von
I have always enjoyed Alexandra Ivy's paranormal novels, so I took a chance and tried this, the first in the Ares Security series. I couldn't put it down! Intriguing plot, well-developed main characters, and very good writing make this a series I want to follow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
barbara k
This was a great start to a new military/suspense series by Alexandra Ivy. There are a lot of your traditional plot lines, but it was given a bit of a twist to freshen it up and make it something a little different
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
donna sookhansingh
Alexandra Ivy's books are always filled with action, hot alpha males and strong women; and this book is no exception. This book kept me turning the pages all night..... Literally. I honesty can't wait for the next book in the series. So many possibilities on which way the series will go and there is even an overall mystery that I'm sure will carry on through the next few books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
***I received a copy of this book from NetGalley for an honest review****

I have read several of Alexandra Ivy's Bayou Heat books and I thoroughly enjoyed this new book.

Rafe Vargas has to return to his grandfather's home in Iowa to get it ready to sell. He has unpleasant memories of how his grandfather wouldn't talk to his father when he enlisted in the military, so he begrudgingly goes to clean out his house.

Annie White who was also a former resident of Newton but her memories are worse, her father was convicted of being the Newton Slasher but died in jail before even serving his term in prison. He had lost his wife and son in a car accident and then killed six women all with Annie locked in the shelter with them. Annie is adopted by a couple in Wyoming and has recently starting to have visions that the Newton Slayer has returned. But how could this happen if her father was dead?

There is significant twists and turns in the plot, Annie's visions, notes left for with the name Annabelle, and Rafe who will protected her all while falling in love. But when Annie finds out that her mother's grandparents lied about her mother and brother , memories come back plus her brother is very much alive. When she is kidnapped, Rafe brings in everyone from Ares Security to help find her.

I'd give this more than 5 stars if I could and can't wait for the next book in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne brink
Rafe Vargas a covert ops specialist and four of his military friends were held in a Taliban prison for five weeks until they escaped. Their ordeal tethered them together, they were more than friends, they were family and together they opened a security agency named ARES SECURITY.

Rafe was in Newton, Iowa to clean up his late grandfather's house when he came across Annie White. A woman who knowcked his world of its axis.

Annie White had a great childhood until an traumatic event scarred her, her foster parents did everything in their power to protect her. Now an adult, her past came to haunt her.

Rafe knew that Annie was hiding something, he just didn't know that it was so huge that it would put her in danger. They were both dealing with their pasts and never expected that they would find their future in the last place they wanted to be in.

KILL WITHOUT MERCY is the first book in the ARES SECURITY series by Alexandra Ivy. It was amazing, filled with awesomeness, love the suspense, the bantering and the bond between the men of ARES SECURITY...Getting to know Rafe, his friends and Annie was a delightful ride. Looking forward to much more. 5++++
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