10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know

ByKari Kampakis

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annie culver
As the mother of a young teenage daughter, I want to help her to be the best person she can be. There are a lot of good books out there on this topic, many which I've already read. So, I was curious if "10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know" by Kari Kampakis had anything of value to add.

First of all, I think Mrs. Kampakis has a great style of writing. I felt like she was sitting with me, having a conversation. She's not "preachy" at all and gives some really valuable advice on mean girls, boys, self-esteem and self-talk, patience, and perseverance. Included in each section are discussion questions with a place in the book to write your answers, Biblical quotes, and quick quizzes. The printed format is pretty, youthful, and current.

I would definitely recommend adding this book to your/your daughter's reading list.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a free copy of this book by Book Look Bloggers in exchange for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah kuiken
"10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know" is a book written from a Christian perspective. If you are not a Christian or are hostile to a Biblical world view, you will probably not like this book, or at least not like the fact that these truths are rooted in Biblical truth. If you are a devout Christian, you will love the Biblical truths that the author presents and the seamless way she connects them to the lives of girls in American culture today.

Designed to help pre-teens and teens respond to their world in a Biblical way, this book is divided up into sections with questions after each one. As such it makes a great study to do with a group of girls. Other reviewers have listed all the individual chapters; certainly the chapters related to male/female relationships would be of both high interest and high value for girls!

Some girls are serious readers with a high interest in the book and would work through it on her own, but the vast majority of girls would need to do this in a group to enjoy it, since the books has few graphics and illustrations to enhance the message. For this reason, I thought about giving the book 4 stars. However I gave it 5 stars, because as a book for the girls in a youth group to do together with a more mature leader, I think it is a great choice. I look forward to hearing more from author Kari Kampakis in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
10 Ultimate Truths Girls should Know by Kari Kampakis is a great book for teen girls. This is an easy to read book filled with real life stories, advice, and loving reassurance to help guide your teen daughter as she battle's real life challenges and safe guard her heart. Growing up is hard and it is even harder to be a teen in today's society, where non believers are trying to change and manipulate God's law and bully anyone who holds onto Christian views and morals. I read this book with my 11 year old daughter and although she is a tween she was able to relate to most of the topics that were discussed. The author focuses on the Lord as she shares personal stories that every young girl can relate to.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
There are so many powerful messages for girls in this book, it's impossible to list them all in an appropriately-sized review. However, the 10 truths that are discussed in this book are certainly important for every girl to know. The book steers girls middle school and up to a God-centered life that helps them get through the struggles of adolescence.

The 10 truths themselves discuss issues such as popularity, confidence, dealing with boys, building a good reputation, and living a life for God. A tall order for one book, and I do feel the book does fall short in a couple of areas. The chapter on popularity in particular tends to be vague and starts with an example that might be too cliche for many girls to respect. This chapter is the first chapter in the book. I encourage girls to keep reading beyond this chapter if they find it irrelevant. The book does get much better, and is full of so much Bible-based wisdom that is applicable to modern life.

I particularly appreciated the comments at the end of the book that surrendering to God and His plan for your life is not something that happens in one day. Rather, it's a life-long process that goes far beyond a simple altar call at summer camp. And many details of that process are well developed in this book in a way that reaches out to adolescents. With discussion questions at the end of each chapter, I feel this book would be an excellent choice for a youth group book club. I certainly wish I had gone through a book like this with my youth group in middle and high schools.

Disclaimer: I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan corcoran
"10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know" is a Christian living book for teens and tweens. Her underlying, basic premise is that "The [ultimate] purpose of life is to know, love, and serve the Lord." The advice is not heavy on the theology, but it is based on biblical principles being applied to "real life." The book was packed full of good--and true!--advice, and it was written in a way to engage and encourage girls. I felt that she had a good grasp on what girls face these days in terms of social pressures and what they're being told by advertising and their peers. She tries to help girls think long-term to see the results of following "the crowd" versus doing what the Bible says is right.

She never says it will be easy. For example, she says that every girl has unique talents and is "born to fly," but she also makes it clear that you need to take the time and effort to develop that talent. Her advice really does work when you take the long-term view. For example, "kindness is more important than popularity." It was some time ago now, but when I was a tween, I had to choose between kind and popular. I went with kind, and it wasn't always easy, but the author is right that kindness results in the real, lasting friendships. Overall, I'd highly recommend this excellent book to teen and tween girls and to parents who want help with how to say these things clearly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an encouragement to parents who have tween or teen girls. My daughter is eleven and we went thru each of the “ten truths” together discussing each one. This book makes it easy to do that. There are discussion questions at the end of each chapter to help guide you along. And Kari Kampakis is right on when it comes to the ten truths that she has chosen to tackle. I also love that she addresses up front in the intro that though it is “fun to be a girl,” it is also “how hard it is to be a girl.” Another aspect of the book that I like is that she offers simple helps and solutions if one of the truths is hard to comprehend. It is very helpful to have some simple steps to follow and Kari provides those along with scriptures throughout. It is refreshing to hear repeatedly how much God loves us, created us in his image and that we can find peace and security in him. I would recommend this book for any mother of a young girl. You will not regret reading this book aloud and discussing it together. “The 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know” is a great tool to bring you closer together, to help your daughter through the day to day struggles that you may not realize she is having had you not read this together.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received this book in exchange for my honest review. I love this book and would recommend it to any Christian parent wanting to instill truth and values in their daughter. I would recommend it for teens and even preteens, with a note of caution that the author does talk about sex--in that boys often want sex, why God intended it to be saved for marriage, and the emotional social consequences that it can have outside of marriage. If you haven't had "the talk" you might plan on using this as a spring board for discussion. I love the book and I love how the author stresses that God has a purpose and plan for you. Knowing and believing this can get you through all the stress, all the drama and help you to make better decisions. My 10 year old daughter is enjoying this book and it is spurring some great conversations. Each chapter ends with a few thought provoking questions with space to write answers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kari Kampakis writes with understanding for girls who long to be popular and liked. She conveys compassion for both the victims of “mean girls” of the social elite, and the former mean girls themselves who regret their behavior. The book is an encouragement to be better, more than an admonishment to act better. A feat only possible with God, as she points out in Truth #1. I love how she points to a better, positive way of living, and challenges the reader to reach higher and believe that anything is possible with God. Many of the truths presented in this book are those I’ve been taught in my own life…from my Mom, my Dad, teachers, and others that have influenced me. Having these essentials bound in one volume, and so thoughtfully explained and illustrated is invaluable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a terrific little book that will uplift and empower girls. It's tough being a teen/tween today and this accessible guide addresses all the hot button topics. It is frank without being explicit and underscores the importance on keeping one's eyes on the prize. The writing is accessible and should appeal to most girls. It doesn't preach or condescend but gets the point across in a friendly and logical fashion. There are biblical references and discussion sections which will reinforce the principles. While this is a Christian book, I don't think anyone, regardless of belief system, would object to the truths presented. Hands down a helpful guide for girls navigating the perilous waters of youth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trevor bradley
I was so excited when I received the opportunity to review this book. I first heard about this book on Facebook. This is a wonderful resource for when your daughter starts to become interested in boys. It is packed with lots of wisdom and gives advice on how to deal with gossip, bullying, friends, boys, fashion, and other things that girls are concerned about. The 10 truths are:

10.) Kindness is more important than popularity.
9.) You were born to fly.
8.) Today's choices set the stage for your reputation.
7.) Chasing boys doesn't make you cool. It makes you a nuisance.
6.) You weren't made to worship yourself.
5.) People peak at different times in life. Trust God's plan for you.
4.) Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Otherwise you'll never stick to your guns
3.) Boys are visual creatures. The clothing choices you make affect the way they see you.
2.) Pretty girls are a dime a dozen. Outer beauty attracts attention, but inner beauty is what holds it.
1.) The source of all peace and happiness lives inside you. Learn to listen to the whispers of God over the megaphone of public opinion.

I particularly enjoy how the author tells girls the truth in a no-nonsense fashion. She says it like it is and there is no fluff. She gets right to the point. I like that. Here is an example when the author is talking about boys, “Make good choices now, and you’ll be much more likely to have good men interested in marrying you later. Don’t worry if boys aren’t beating down your door or begging for dates. Consider it a blessings if they choose the wild girls over you.” She goes on to say, “One regret I often hear from women is the regret of dating too seriously as teenagers. Instead of investing so much time in a serious relationship, they wish they’d invested that time in themselves.” After each sentence I read, I find myself thinking, “She’s right. I agree. That is sooo true.” This book takes all of the mysteries out of boys, womanhood, modesty and puts the truth out there in a practical, straightforward way.

I will definitely be reading this book with my daughter when the time comes. This book is filled with wisdom that many adult women “wish they would have known” when they were young. Thank you Kari Kampakis for sharing your wisdom and teaching with us. I highly recommend this book – 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The most difficult thing about this book is to get the teenage girl in your household to read it. If they do, the 10 rules / truths are powerful and I appreciate the Biblical references that put it in today's context. The scenarios / situations used as examples are pretty good and, even if you have a difficult time getting your child to read it as a parent you can relay part of the examples in your conversations.

Girls are mean to each other, and they have lots of internal and external conflicts in their daily walk. I would recommend parents of high school girls not only have their children read it but they (the parents) read it as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael rhodes
10 ultimate truths girls should know is for parents of preteen or elementary girls. If you need a refresh in what really matters in parenting this book is helpful. The calls to be intentional about the life lessons we are imprinting through our actions was clear. I have a six year old and a 12 year old so this is a timely addition to our family library.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great Read for Tweens & Teens!

I really enjoyed reading this book with my daughter! It fit in perfectly with a lot of the topics that she and I have talked about at home like reputation, bullying, etc. I also know it's something that she will want to read again when she's older and begins dating! Kari writes in a very conversationalist tone so you feel that you're talking to a friend rather than being "preached to." The only note of caution I will make is that the topic of sex before marriage does come up so you might want to read this to a younger girl and skip any parts you aren't prepared for her to hear about. I did receive this book for free to review but that doesn't alter my opinions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Why I Liked 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know...

A) Oh so relatable. I loved reading about Kari's real life experiences. I felt like she could've been writing about me, the crush-crazy, teeny-bopper that I was anyway. I laughed out loud at her story about not wearing glasses in math class because she didn't want the boy she liked to think she was a nerd. That was so me! I feel like Kari's stories are perfect for both mothers and daughters. Moms, you all remember what the teen years were like. Daughters, trust me, this is a fun read. Not preachy or boring. Kari knows where you've been and relates like a girlfriend.

B) The quizzes and discussion questions. The little quizzes throughout the book reminded me of the quizzes I always liked to read in teen magazines when I was younger. I thought they were the perfect addition to a book for teen girls. The discussion questions at the end of each chapter are straightforward and real. Kari knows exactly what to ask and provides questions you really have to think about.

C) The design. The totally cute design really hooked me before I even knew what this book was about. I loved the colors and flowers. I also like that this book is thin, so it's not intimidating for girls who may not be readers. 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know is the perfect gift book. I highly recommend it for girls ages 12-16.


I received a copy of 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know from Tommy Nelson Mommy. All views and opinions are solely and completely my own. I was not asked to write a positive review. I received no compensation other than a print copy of the book featured in this post, which is mine to keep or gift as I so choose.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
siobhan o dwyer
For full review please search "5 Girls Book Reviews" in a search engine and/or Facebook

REVIEW BY: Angel, age 13 years, 4 months


This book has a lot of advice for teenage girls including how to deal with mean girls, boys and confidence in yourself.

This book is about tons of things circling around 10 things every 1 girl needs to know.

However, some of the things I didn't agree on, but every girl has their own opinions on every subject.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
crystal thomas
Kampakis is a devout Christian and this is a Christian book. If you're going to write a negative review based on that then I would skip this one.

However, I'm a Christian so I happily read it thinking ahead for my now 8 year old daughter. I wanted to love it, but sadly did not.

Primarily I found the tone extremely preachy. She repeatedly says what will happen in your life. For example, "The boys you date now won't be your spouse. They're meant to lead you to your spouse, just as you'll help lead them to theirs." Really? Blanket statements like that are really off putting to me and they were throughout the book.

In general, the book is formulaic: in life this will happen, but you shouldn't think or do A, you should do B." It just comes across as preachy, even though I didn't disagree with the overall message. If I read this as my teenage self I would have rejected it based on this alone, but I wasn't raised with these values either. I question whether someone hostile to the message would be able to receive this book, or whether its only audience is the Christian teenager crowd.

The writing is also very cliched. She tells the story of the caterpillar who gets cut out of its cocoon and is crippled the rest of it's life because it didn't struggle through the opening. She says things like there will be times when you fly and times when you crawl, God's plan for you has perfect timing, and [your mind] will speak hate, love and everything in between. A reader wants to feel surprised by analogies and comparisons and this book did not surprise me, in that respect. There were many sentences where the ending could be predicted.

I also found some of the anecdotes to be a bit shallow. Some of the stories were excellent and applicable to real life, but some of them, like when she can't find her phone because it's in the garbage or when her 6 year old daughter is elated because she could cross the monkey bars, didn't fit at all. It's a more serious book about sex, body image, and walking the Christian walk. Stories about sobbing over a B in history in college don't quite fit.

Another issue I would have in handing this to a young teenager is whether the more racy examples would be disturbing to them. For example, "what would you do" quizes about friends drinking and having sex, or being at a sleepover where girls are texting naked pictures to boys, make me wonder at what point (if ever?) I would want my daughter to read this. I'm not saying we're able to shelter her from the world, but the quizes make it sound so normal which I found it disturbing. Maybe I'll feel differently in a few years when she's a teenager but I hope I don't. I hope this isn't a world we ever find ourselves in.

There was a lot I did agree with. She talks about how peer pressure isn't something you ever outgrow, the narcissistic obsessions of our culture, and the chapter on modest dress is right on (albeit still preachy). I also enjoyed the message she had about writing and how hard it was to get published. I thought her discussion of the emotional baggage sex causes was excellent, though I also found it incongruent with the way she discussed dating.

Overall there's a lot of truth in the book, but I wasn't in love with it. For my own daughter I'll be looking for a different book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diana tofan
As the title suggests, this book contains some sound advice written in a way that it feels the author is there in the room chatting to you about it all. Written by a Christian, it does promote Christian values and this could put off some girls who do not share those beliefs. It would be a shame if that happens as it is full of great advice and covers a wide variety of topics very key to teenage girls regardless of their religion or lack of belief and gives clear advice on why people act in different ways and how to cope with so many of life’s dramas - starting with why it is more important to be kind than to be popular and going through a variety of others relating to boys, people peaking at different times and others. My personal favourite is “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable” - so true!

The chatty format makes it easy to read, example scenarios are given and discussed, relevant quotes from the Bible reinforce the message and guidance and there are discussion questions at the ends of chapters which will make the reader think and could provoke some great conversations. I know quite a few girls who would benefit from reading this book - some to help them cope with the unkindness of others and others to help them become kinder and more caring as they grow up. I believe parents, close relatives or anyone working with or supporting in any way a teenage girl would also find this a very useful book to share with her. I could also imagine this book being shared by girls in a Bible study group, with sisters or friends. Unfortunately, I also think the very Christian nature of the text may put some people off . . . .

Thanks to the author, publishers and NetGalley, too, for letting me read an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ted kendall
Kari has a warm and nurturing way of delivering practical Spiritual advice to young girls.
Her simple message that God loves you and is working for good on your behalf resonates throughout the book. Her message of resting in His peace is illustrated beautifully for young girls. Our 12 year old, who is not a reading enthusiast, has been reading Kari’s book any chance she can! I know we will refer her and our other daughters to this book throughout out the next few years and have many discussions with them centered around the premises in Kari’s 10 Truths.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
riham youssif
I have seldom read more practical, Biblical advice. I wish I had been handed such a book when I was a tween or teen. That would have saved me a lot of heartache. Lots of truth, helpful hints, and very practical application of Scripture showing how to negotiate growing up in the very confusing world we have.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary flores
This book started as a blog post and received such a positive response that it has been expanded into book form. It should be a must read for all tween/teen girls. Kampakis provides so much good information. The discussion questions at the end of each chapter are outstanding. This text would be terrific for a mother/daughter book study.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane buyny
My daughter and I both absolutely love this book. Kari does a fabulous job presenting tween girls this valuable information in a relatable, non-preachy way. (It is as if a big sister is telling her younger sisters what to look out for.) It has also been a great conversation starter for my daughter and her friends. I love watching them become more aware of what is going on around them and then responding in a way that is not only age appropriate, but also glorifying to God. I would highly recommend this book and look forward to using it in a small group Bible study.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As Founder and Leader of a state-wide girls ministry in Alabama, Girl Talk Ministries, this book is perfect! This book faces every issue girls see today and gives them reason to follow God's purpose for our lives. So much of middle school is wasted on what we should and should not do, but nobody tells us why. How do you defend your decisions and stand up to temptation if you have no reason of doing it yourself. Of course there are more than 10 things girls need to know, but maybe that just means we'll get another amazing book from Kari. Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to read with your daughter, your small group, your Sunday school, even yourself, no matter what age, the importance that God has in us being a daughter of the king!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
pkr legend
This is a book full of important, Biblically-sound truths for young girls. As we all know, the teenage years are difficult for girls as they struggle with graciously accepting all the physical and mental changes which occur at that important time.
Too often, teenage girls fail this passage into womanhood, not physically but spiritually and mentally. They become broken, wasted creatures who are unable to embrace the futures God has in store for them. Because I was not-to-long-ago a teenager, I know every struggle a girl can face. And most of all, I know it is nigh impossible to convince a teenager that their present struggles will soon fade and seem trivial. I know. I remember the years in which I thought having clear skin was the key to happiness....only to realize when I reached that goal that the key to happiness is definitely something bigger.
You had to be a teenage girl to understand.
Maybe you are one yourself. This book is for you. The author, Kari Kampakis has four daughters of her own and in this her first book, she gently and lovingly guides the teenage girl through ten ''ultimate truths'' that will change her world. No longer do you, the reader have to be subject to bullying, emotional roller coasters, selfishness, etc. Kari is clear and practical in the way she presents the facts and solutions in this 11-chapter book.

Chapters include:
Kindness is more important than popularity.
People peak at different times of life. Trust God's plan for you.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Otherwise, you'll never stick to your guns.
Today's choices set the stage for your reputation.
You were born to fly.
A major thing I loved about this book is how adamantly opposed to premaritial sex this author is! She clearly stands against sexual impurity and mothers can be sure that their daughter will be encouraged and convicted through reading the author's thoughts on purity.
Along that line, this book is definitely targeted towards public school attendees. There were some scenarios and ''quick quizzes'' (''what would you do....") which were extremely racy and outright public school. At least I hope stuff like that doesn't go on in Christian school!
Some of my confusion stemmed from these scenarios and were answered by the realization that the author is Catholic. Although Catholic schools have high standards, the students come from a variety of families and one can not trust the faith of the children to be true or strong. The same with Christian schools, of course. Anywhere were children are together for hours on end can lead to sinful discussions and desires.
Another portion of the book which disturbed me was the author's view of dating. She openly expresses the following: "The boys you date now won't be your spouse. They're meant to lead you to your spouse, just as you'll help lead them to theirs." This simply bothered me since I wouldn't want my daughter playing the dating game! The author also upholds the joys of young romance. Although she strongly stands for sexual purity, she isn't very strong on the emotional side.
Nevertheless, I was impressed by her chapters about romance. In short, this book has much good as well as some less good portions.
One of the less good facts about this book is that Kari put in her own opinion about when a girl should marry. I thought this wasn't her place, since marriage is a good thing and such advice up to the mother to give. I quote: ''I started dating my husband when I was 23, which is relatively young. Within a month we knew we'd get married, but we waited 3 years because he lived in a different city and I loved my job. To this day, I take great pride in those 4 years I supported myself and earned career recognition. I 'm glad I was able to marry a man not by necessity--because I needed financial support---but by choice. ''
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want my daughter thinking like that!

Lastly, this book is written for the Christian teenager, thus limiting its audience. Throughout much of the book, Kari Kampakis assures the young girl reader that she is a daughter of the King, beloved, cherished...this certainly isn't detrimental to your unbelieving daughter if she knows she is not saved. But I don't want any young girls getting the wrong impression of their standing before Christ if they are not His.
Thankfully, the author strongly explains that we need Christ as our all in all.

I would not recommend this book for homeschoolers. I know the author didn't intend it for such, but since my audience may be homeschoolers, I just wanted to throw this in as a homeschool graduate. Although there is much in it that is Biblically-sound, many of the situations are foreign to those who are not in a public classroom environment. Nevertheless, college students may still benefit from this book. Girls, we all know teenage years aren't the only hard ones. I still struggle with many of the issues presented in this book. And although I am sad that I haven't overcome them, it's nothing to be surprised about. Women will always have similar struggles, even as they mature. Thus much of the content in this book is appropriate for all ages. It will be a blessing for a mother to read aloud to her daughter! Also, I can imagine girlfriends benefiting from reading it side by side.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jack greenbaum
Wise words!
As a former middle school teacher, I have seen the challenges that young girls face during those tough teen years, and I love how Kari addresses many of them with practical advice and Biblical instruction.
Kari writes from the heart of a caring mother who wants the best for all young girls. Tweens, parents, grandparents, or anyone working with adolescent girls will benefit from reading the ten ultimate truths.
As Kari says, "trust the truth!"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My girls and I have loved reading this book together! It is Biblically based and full of scripture. The author's advice, stories and examples perfectly communicate what I want to teach them. I am thankful for this book and all the teachable moments we have have had while reading it. I would strongly recommend this book to every mom of a daughter! There are a few chapters I am skipping, for now, with my 10 year old and will come back to them in a couple of years. Thank you Kari Kampakis!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ignacio lpm
I cannot recommend this book enough. The 10 truths are spot on with what we need to ingrain in our girls, even before they are 'tested' in the Junior High and High School years. Believing the TRUTH, which is all based on God's Word, is essential to form the foundation we all hope our daughters have inside their hearts. Kari's summary of these truths are easy to understand, easy to read, and easy to instill in the little hearts that need to hear it the most. As a mother of 4 girls, Kari KNOWS what she is talking about. It's tried and true in her own home, and she brings these truths in an organized, easy to read approach into our home. THANK YOU Kari for this amazing resource.....for my own 39 year old self, too! -Mary Anna Malone, Birmingham, AL
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This phenomenal book is perfect for both girls and adults. The truths are aimed toward teens, but many also apply to everyone. It is a wonderful guide for girls living or looking to live a Christ centered life while remaining timely and practical.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book advocates very little towards feminine strength. As a single mother, whose husband left her, I am trying to raise my daughter to find pride and strength in her femininity. I hoped that this book might prepare her for high school, to stand up for herself if she should need it, and to feel pride as a the strong young woman she is. This book advocated none of these things. This book advocated a woman remaining in the background, a thing to be chased as opposed to a person who can do the chasing if she so chooses. This book advocates PLASTIC SURGERY. In teenage girls. Rather than embracing what she was born with. If I could give this book a zero, I absolutely would.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book contains thought-provoking questions, which are a great opportunity to talk with your kids and turn it into a teachable moment. It would be great for a Girl Scout troop or small group discussion in Sunday School.
The 10 areas are popularity, confidence, reputation, interacting with boys, self-worship, perseverance, patience, image, inner beauty, and self-talk. It's written in a friendly, conversational style (not dissimilar from Beth Moore's style) and has discussion questions, relevant scripture, and fun quizzes to see where the teens are in terms of responding in a healthy way to some situations.
I cannot recommend this book enough. The 10 truths are spot on with what we need to ingrain in our girls, even before they are 'tested' in the Junior High and High School years.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson part of the Book Look review bloggers program, for my honest and un-biased opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane g meyer
I really enjoyed this book. My daughter is on the younger side (age 9) but I thought this book would create good talking points for us. I would have her read sections of the book with me and then we would discuss it. We would talk about how it relates to her. Each section was done nicely and I appreciated the biblical aspects of this book. Overall, I thought the author did a great job and any Tween and Teen could easily navigate though this book on there own.. I have already recommended this to a co-worker who pre-order the book for her tween daughter. Its a must have for any young girl as they all are faced with rejection, bulling and cliques some time in their lives.

Nicely done! 5/5
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maryteresa morris osb
I was so excited when I received the opportunity to review this book. I first heard about this book on Facebook. This is a wonderful resource for when your daughter starts to become interested in boys. It is packed with lots of wisdom and gives advice on how to deal with gossip, bullying, friends, boys, fashion, and other things that girls are concerned about. The 10 truths are:

10.) Kindness is more important than popularity.
9.) You were born to fly.
8.) Today's choices set the stage for your reputation.
7.) Chasing boys doesn't make you cool. It makes you a nuisance.
6.) You weren't made to worship yourself.
5.) People peak at different times in life. Trust God's plan for you.
4.) Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Otherwise you'll never stick to your guns
3.) Boys are visual creatures. The clothing choices you make affect the way they see you.
2.) Pretty girls are a dime a dozen. Outer beauty attracts attention, but inner beauty is what holds it.
1.) The source of all peace and happiness lives inside you. Learn to listen to the whispers of God over the megaphone of public opinion.

I particularly enjoy how the author tells girls the truth in a no-nonsense fashion. She says it like it is and there is no fluff. She gets right to the point. I like that. Here is an example when the author is talking about boys, “Make good choices now, and you’ll be much more likely to have good men interested in marrying you later. Don’t worry if boys aren’t beating down your door or begging for dates. Consider it a blessings if they choose the wild girls over you.” She goes on to say, “One regret I often hear from women is the regret of dating too seriously as teenagers. Instead of investing so much time in a serious relationship, they wish they’d invested that time in themselves.” After each sentence I read, I find myself thinking, “She’s right. I agree. That is sooo true.” This book takes all of the mysteries out of boys, womanhood, modesty and puts the truth out there in a practical, straightforward way.

I will definitely be reading this book with my daughter when the time comes. This book is filled with wisdom that many adult women “wish they would have known” when they were young. Thank you Kari Kampakis for sharing your wisdom and teaching with us. I highly recommend this book – 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa w
I did this book with my stepdaughter and her friends when they were in the 7th grade and it was awesome! The questions after the chapters are perfect for group discussion and each truth was very applicable to their middle school lives. I am now doing the book with my 11 year old daughter and her friends in the 6th grade and we have really enjoyed it so far! I highly recommend this book to teenage girls - the sooner the better!
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