The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars

ByRichard K. Bernstein

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although overly specific and intricate in parts, this is the best method for diabetes control, period! The closer you can follow Dr. Bernstein’s recommendations, the better your blood sugar control, and the less likely you are to experience the complications that often come with diabetes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erica sutch
The number one recommended book for all diabetics; an absolute necessity for anybody that has anything to do with diabetes. A "must read" for anyone interested in thriving with diabetes, not just coping. One of the best investments you can make in your health if you are diabetic.

Dr, Bernstein includes such details on how to test the food at restaurants for sugar and how to get blood out of your clothes. Blood on your clothes? Only someone who regularly pricks their fingers, and self-injections will even think of addressing it. That shows a level of attention to the smallest detail from someone that's "been there, done that."

Dr. Bernstein is the evidence that a normal life as a diabetic is not only possible, but doable. Being diabetic himself makes this well-rounded approach more personal. He is a type 1 diabetic with an engineering background. He experimented with various foods to discover the effect on his blood glucose and also with different types of insulin. He developed the plan for basal and bolus dosages and vastly improved his own health as a result. He became a doctor in his 40s in order to pursue his passion for helping diabetics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john irvin hauser
If you have diabetes, if you live with a diabetic, read this book. It's wonderfully clear in its explanations and arguments. Supplement it perhaps with the general writings of Dr. Andrew Weil on various foods, vitamins, and food preparation, but take a look at what Dr. Bernstein is saying about protein and carbs. This is a field where there is much disagreement, but I find this book to be convincing and extremely helpful. The best book on diabetes I've ever read. ----- 2008 Update. This is still the best book I've ever read on Diabetes. Can't recommend it enough. The book contains some very candid and vital information about the carbs vs. protein debate which I think would be helpful to anyone, not just diabetics. Again as I come to the tenth anniversary of my diagnosis as a Type 1 diabetic, I give this book my highest praise.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison parnell
Everyone with Type 2 Diabetes should read this book the guidance may have saved my life. Dr. Bernstein is a world renowned expert and offers advice that's contrary to what the American Diabetes Association suggests.

Seriously if you want to live a long life with Type 2 then buy this book and read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah mundy
Although this book is geared to those with Type 1 Diabetes (like myself), I think that it can offer a ton to a Type 2 as well. This is written by a TYPE 1 DIABETIC who became a doctor so that he could share with people that NORMAL is okay to strive for!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee klug
I think Dr Bernstein is one of the top endocrinologists in this country. My physician told me nothing, ....helped me little. After reading Bernstein's book I brought my blood sugars down to a 5.2 and am working to reduce it further. I set up my own insulin plan. I have not met another diabetic, and I have met many, ..who has the kind of information he gives in this book. So far I have not met a physician either with this kind of knowledge. I have handed out older copies of his books to at least 8 people, ....but most diabetic's physicians don't tell them how important it is go get their blood sugars into the normal range. I am rereading his book a 2nd time now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cb davis
Dr. Bernstein is still alive and doing online programs regularly at an age close to 80 years.
It is amazing that a Type 1 diabetic can do this. Something is definitely working for him.

Several people online have stated that they and the doctor and his patients have some serious problems with constipation on this diet. I would want that issue solved first if I ever decide to follow at least part of what he recommends since it is already an issue for me.

I did read an article on cascara segrada. It says this laxative product also helps the to regain more normal peristalsis and you do not need to keep taking it to get benefit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diana polansky
I loosely followed its suggestions, along with intermittent fasting. My blood sugar normalized, to the point where the GP said I was no longer diabetic. I've still got a weakened system. But ought to have no long term ill effects. I was/am a type 2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very informative, explains a lot. Sometimes it's a bit wordy and hard for a simple minded person to understand. The extreme low carb diet can be difficult to follow at work, social settings and travel but worth a try if you have willpower and the willingness/ability to plan ahead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luis contreras
Dr. Bernstein walks the walk and talks the talk. Being a Juvenile diabetic, he knows the disease backwards and forwards. The book is geared towards the average person. His explanations regarding the disease process, the effect of drugs and supplements, and his many suggestions are a boon for anyone struggling with blood sugar control. We go back to this for tips frequently. I can't say enough regarding letting Dr. Bernstein help you get your diabetes under to control, reverse some of the damage it's caused, and let you live a more normal life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate mcneilage
This is one of three resources that I would recommend to anyone diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. (Actually, I 'd recommend this book to anyone with diabetes, but the other resources I'd recommend--Gretchen Becker's introduction to Type 2 diabetes (The First Year: Type 2 Diabetes), and Jenny Ruhl's "Blood Sugar 101"--are targeted more at Type 2s.) It contains detailed descriptions of the effect of different foods upon a diabetic's blood sugars, along with recommendations regarding what foods are generally OK to eat and what foods should be avoided, and even includes several recipes that put its recommendations into practice. I have found it extremely helpful in my management of my own condition.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
HAVING BEEN A TYPE II DIABETIC FOR 20 YEARS & TAKING INSULIN, I *THOUGHT* I KNEW A LOT. ***Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugar*** will empower the diabetes patient. It is *not* just cutting back on carbohydrates but is a well-rounded approach which explains a lot. The results I have experienced following this book in just the first few weeks, were REMARKABLE. It's not just wishful thinking. I use a smartphone app to track my glucose (checked up to 5 times per day) and weight. For the past 3 years, I have been seen at the diabetes clinic of a highly regarded university-affiliated healthcare facility. When I had a very high glucose spike which occurred at the same time each day, I was told, "Well, that just means you need to take more insulin before that meal." WRONG! My goal is to take less insulin, not more. That started me on a journey to learn what I could do for myself. I found information specific to my problem in DR. BERSTEIN'S DIABETES SOLUTION, and it worked...immediately. In the weeks since I implemented the book's methods, I have lost weight (a nice bonus)and achieved a good average BG level. Successful management involves knowing how your body responds to different foods, understanding medications, and just developing good habits. I am not a highly disciplined person. If you invest in reading DR. BERSTEIN'S DIABETES SOLUTION, and closely monitor your BG to gain an understanding of your body, this system will be of great benefit. ***4 stars instead of 5 stars simply because there are still a very few things related to medication delivery and artificial sweeteners that can still be updated, otherwise this book is AWESOME!

**UPDATE NOV2012** At the most recent visit to the Endocrinology Clinic, my A1C is down to 6.4%; down from 7.9% earlier in the year and a previous high of 11%. I have also lost 15 lbs. The endocrinologist decreased my insulin dose but scoffed at the idea that my blood sugar is significantly impacted by carbohydrates & other factors. He DID NOT WANT TO DISCUSS AN INDIVIDUALIZED APPROACH TO DIABETES MANAGEMENT. (will be looking for a new doctor) I manage most meals to 15-35 carbohydrates, along with consistency in medication timing and regular meals, and have never felt deprived. (The ADA recommends about twice as many, which is disastrous for me) Despite an undeniable improvement in A1C, weight loss and and overall good lab reports, this doctor told me I need to eat more carbohydrates. He couldn't articulate a benefit.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charlotta lahnalahti
I have diabetes resulting from partial removal of my pancreas in 1999. I had been doing well on Metformin for several years AND I am a Dietitian who taught people with diabetes as well as other illnesses, using the ADA guidelines.
My A1C had crept up to 7.2 and my new doctor recommended Dr. Bernstein's book. I read it in one day and night 3 months ago. Since then I have lowered my A1C to 6.5 as well as dropped 10 pounds. After reading this book I realized that a diabetic body is NOT the same as one without. The weight I had accumulated was from eating carbohydrates "in moderation." Checking my blood sugar often revealed that even a couple of strawberries will raise the level by 50 points! My goal is to lose 5 more pounds and get my A1C below 6.0, possibly needing even less medications. We can't be 'covering' eating dangerous foods by medication or insulin. Being nearly carb-free is difficult, but it works. All physicians and diabetic educators must read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bradley hansen
A must read for all diabetics. Doctors will not/cannot give you all of this information at their office visits. You have to educate yourself. It has helped me to achieve my target numbers w/o being so frustrated. Its a journey and takes time and patience. He guides you the whole way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dr. Bernstein is the person most responsible for developing a plan for normalizing blood sugar for type 1 diabetics. He is a type 1 diabetic and an engineer. He experimented with various foods to discover the effect on his blood glucose and also with different types of insulin. He developed the plan for basal and bolus dosages and vastly improved his own health as a result. He became a doctor in his 40s in order to pursue his passion for helping diabetics.

One important thing that Dr. Bernstein emphasizes is reducing the carbohydrate intake to reduce the variability in bodily response to food and insulin dosages. Basically if someone eats a lot of carbs and uses larger doses of insulin, there will be more variability in glucose than if the dosages are much smaller.

Overall this is a very informative book with lots of practical suggestions about how to better manage diabetes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara mc
I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and, due to my HMO, was sent out to "deal with it" without much assistance. I started researching online to find out if there was a book that could assist me. I found Dr. Bernstein's book and the reviews were wonderful, but the selling point for me was the fact that this man is not only a doctor who has treated thousands of diabetics, but he has been dealing with Type 1 diabetes himself for the majority of his very long life.

After I started reading Dr. Bernstein's book, I had an appointment, through my HMO, with a Nurse/Diabetes Educator. This diabetes educator told me I could eat anything I wanted, in moderation! I guess when you are diagnosed with this disease you want to hear that it won't change your life "if you do everything in moderation". I would rather hear the truth about what certain foods can do to your body.

I started reading Dr. Bernstein's book four weeks ago and in that time I have been able to keep my blood glucose readings averaging in the 90's and I have lost 15 lbs.

I recommend this book for anyone who wants to eat healthier; diabetic or non-diabetic!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie layton
Dr Bernstein's book was based on his personal experience. He was a type one diabetic in the 1940's when that was a death sentence. He figured it out from himself as the medical community at that time did not have the answers.
He is now 86 years old and in great health due to his management of his disease.
In the end it is YOUR responsibility to manage your diabetes ,your doctor can give you advice and drugs but if you only see him/her every three months and do not manage it between visits you will not do well.
Dr Bernstein's book gives you the facts you need to manage your disease.
My A1C is now below 6 following his guidance and my doctor is taking me off my medicine's as they are no longer necessary.
It works!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was doing everything the Medical People told me to do and my Sugar Levels were still going higher...
I heard about Dr. Bernstein before I even read the book and have instituted a low carb diet....No more
fruit, grains, etc. My sugar levels are now back to what a "normal" person has...Thank god for Dr. Bernstein.
If you are a Diabetic person and especially a TYPE 1 (Although this also applies to TYPE 2s and even normal people)..
You need to read this book and DO IT!!! It can SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
armel dagorn
The ADA is paid by drug companies. The diet keeps you on their meds. This genius changes it up and keeps you off meds. A1C from 7.2 to 5.2 in 3 months. Over 18 months I have lost 150 lbs but I am strict! !! Must for every diabetic!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jill paulson
Some of this information is technical and harder to absorb but I learned so much. I have also made some changes to my diet and I have already been experiencing lower blood sugars. It is well worth the read. I read it in a little over a week.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alyssa evers
Dr. Bernstein has written a very thorough and informative book on diabetes. I would recommend it to anyone who is a diabetic, a pre-diabetic, have the potential for developing diabetes or dealing with others who have the disease. It was an eye opener for me, a pre-diabetic. I've changed my eating habits and eliminated the need for medication to control my blood levels. Even for those who don't plan to adhere strictly to his regimen, it would be extremely helpful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In March 2007, my internist recommended treatment of my diabetes with medication. I had glyco hemaglobin A 1 c values of 6.6 and 6.7 over the last 6 months. I asked my physician to hold off on medication and I purchased a copy of Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution. I read the chapters on diet and closely followed Dr Bernstein's advice to avoid glucose and carbohydrates. I was concerned that my cholesterol would elevate as I was eating bacon and eggs for breakfast four or five days per week. My June 2007 blood test revealed glyco hemagobin A 1 c level of 5.6. All my cholesterol values improved. Total cholesterol went from 169 to 130. HDL improved from 50 to 54. LDL improved fro 106 to 70. My triglycerides dropped from 65 to 30. I am thrilled with my improvement which I achieved by following Dr Berstein's recommendations. I have since read other chapters and awareness of the problems of diabetes strongly motivates me to follow Dr Bernstein's recommendations. Dr Bernstein has helped me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tara o hagan
In March 2007, my internist recommended treatment of my diabetes with medication. I had glyco hemaglobin A 1 c values of 6.6 and 6.7 over the last 6 months. I asked my physician to hold off on medication and I purchased a copy of Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution. I read the chapters on diet and closely followed Dr Bernstein's advice to avoid glucose and carbohydrates. I was concerned that my cholesterol would elevate as I was eating bacon and eggs for breakfast four or five days per week. My June 2007 blood test revealed glyco hemagobin A 1 c level of 5.6. All my cholesterol values improved. Total cholesterol went from 169 to 130. HDL improved from 50 to 54. LDL improved fro 106 to 70. My triglycerides dropped from 65 to 30. I am thrilled with my improvement which I achieved by following Dr Berstein's recommendations. I have since read other chapters and awareness of the problems of diabetes strongly motivates me to follow Dr Bernstein's recommendations. Dr Bernstein has helped me.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
monua cary
While I have complete confidence in Dr. Bernstein knowledge and intelligence, I don't feel this is the best book for people with type 2 diabetes. It's better for those with type 1, or those t2d's whose diabetes has progressed to more profound insulin dependency. Dr. Bernstein is very specific, which is nice. However, he recommends using products like aspartame etc. There are far better replacements for sugar than artifical sweeteners.
I'm a recently diagnosed T2D and have been controlling my blood sugars and lipid profile, etc through diet (very low cal to ketogenic) and intermittent fasting. I also do some exercise, but most of my success has been through altering my diet. I ate healthy before, but I did consume carbs for sure. Now, by greatly reducing my carb intake and eliminating all simple sugars, pastas, breads and cereal, I've been able to lower my A1C and triglycerides, increase my good cholesterol, and I lost weight.
Even for t2d's there are benefits to reading this book, and learning to be had, but as far as being a guidebook, for t2d's who arent severe, there are better resources out there.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pedro pacheco
The book gives practical advice for those with diabetes. I've had type 2 diabetes for 13 years and when another ailment required me to use prednisone, I needed insulin. Dr. Bernstein's book taught me about the types of insulin and syringes. His book removed my apprehension about needles and possible low blood glucose. Like many pioneers in medicine, Dr. Bernstein's ideas were opposite to mainstream methods when his book was first introduced. However, his recommendation for a limited carbohydrate diet like that of the late Dr. Atkins, appears to be gaining acceptance. Control of diabetes is very much up to the patient. Dr. Bernstein's book puts life-saving knowledge in the hands of the patient. I have found it invaluable.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Smartest man on diabetes there is. Why? Because he's personally worked on answers his whole life. If you don't have this book, and are diabetic, or know a diabetic, purchase this book. I cannot articulate the excellence found between the cover of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara ash
This is quite complete in understanding how diabetes affects my daughter's body & how she is following this Dr's advice - with her own doctor concurring - plus how to help her keep thee dietary guidelines!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott bowerman
My wife bought this book hoping it would be useful in helping her mother manage her diabetes. Dr. Bernstein's book has not only given us enormous aid in doing just that, but it has opened our own eyes to the importance of controlling our blood sugar levels even though we are not diabetic. As a result, we have made many changes in our lifestyle, particularly in our diet.

Dr. Bernstein offers something no other diabetic doctor seems able to match; hope for a "normal" lifestyle and a thorough understanding of how diabetes (uncontrolled) destroys the body and what can be done about it. I highly recommend this book for everyone to read, diabetic or not!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morgan davis
The Virginia Mason Clinic has been researching diabetes since 1923 and my VM doctor put me on their diet which is 15 carbohydrates per meal for a total of 45 per day. It is what they put all of their Type II diabetics on. By following that I have been able to control my Type II medication free. I also walk a lot, an hour at a time, 5 and 6 days a week.

About eight years ago I took a VM class regarding their diet with 18 people in attendance and all but one of us was overweight. The class returned a month later and with one exception (a guy who was on a cruise and couldn't resist the buffet) we had all lost weight and our blood sugar was lower. One woman lost 20 pounds in that one month. (The woman next to me had a BS reading of 385 in the first class and it dropped to 85 in the second class.) I'm relating this because the VM diet is so similar to Bernstein's diet that I want everyone to know that is at least one place in mainstream medicine where a diet similar to this one is being prescribed.

After that class I found this book and find it actually easier to follow than the 15 carbohydrates per meal. For some reason even 15 carbohydrates of any type flip a switch in me that within minutes sends me craving more carbohydrates. With this diet I don't have that problem as much.

The downside to this diet has already been mentioned because it is difficult to follow and I used to fall off it quite often. Then after a disappointing a1c test of 7.1 I buckled down and was pretty consistent on it for three months and my last test was 5.8 which is in the normal range. I take no medication, only diet - unlike my brothers who can't control their diet and are on drugs.

Another issue for me is alcohol. I don't abuse it but I do like my almost no carbohydrate double martini or scotch or brandy every week or two. The alcohol doesn't raise my blood sugar level but it rips up my self control and I have often then run out and bought ice cream (my favorite cheat) which defeats the diet for a few days making it difficult to climb back on board. What I now do after learning my pattern is I sit down and have a chat with myself, set some ground rules of not running for snacks after drinking and if I feel that I can really comply with that have a drink. Yes, I have more than once not taken a drink because I knew it wouldn't work. Kind of like compassionate self-parenting but it really does work.

For those concerned about doctor's approval I agree except there are still many doctors out there who don't believe the miracle of low carb and they push people in a less healthy direction. But particularly in the past 10 years I'm seeing more and more studies pointing to the direction that this book supports.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny cox
Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution book has helped me understand my Type ll Diabetes more than anyone has explained to me. The diet is very strict, but I am able to control Diabetes without pills. Why would I eat the foods that gave me Diabetes in the first place, & continue to burnout my Pancreas? This book gave me all the answers that I needed to control this deadly disease.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca wilson
This book was recommended to me by our Naturopath to help us understand my husband's diabetes. It has been very helpful as we are doing our best to use as few drugs as possible to maintain our health.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joyce dale
I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes in March 2009. I was put on 50 units of insulin a day. The nutritionist from the hospital said I needed to be eating AT LEAST 2 slices of bread with every meal. My primary care physician said I would gain AT LEAST 60 lbs in the first 6 months of being treated for diabetes.

I did not agree with either doctor, but did not know what to do until May 2009, when I found (an earlier edition of) this book.

I read Dr. Bernstein's book as fast as I could and immediately applied his ideas. I dropped my insulin dose 5 units a day each week and by October I was off insulin. It is almost 3 years later and I am still controlling my blood sugar by diet and exercise.

I just ordered the most recent edition for kindle and I will avidly read again.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah foley
A diagnosis of type 2 Diabetes terrified me. Kidney disease, dialysis, amputations, dietary problems, injections for a lifetime. Dr Bernstein took me by the hand and taught me all the nuts and bolts of MY disease and what to expect from it. He then calmly, methodically and compassionately taught me how to deal with it in a successful way. My blood sugar level became normal in three days. I stopped being ravenously hungry 24/7 in a few days. I began to lose weight immediately. Since reading his book, the mysteries of talking to my doctors became less overwhelming. I learned how to keep adequate records, plan my meals and to not think of myself as a semi-invalid. I lost ninety pounds over a two year period, reduced prescriptions by thirty percent, arthritis pain is 90% better and I feel good again. My doctors have been amazed at the benefits I've received from following Dr Bernstein's methods. So have I!
If you have the horrific, fatal disease of diabetes, you must have this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dr. Bernstein is a Type 1 diabetic but his eating plan and exercise regimen are the healthiest for even non-insulin using Type 2s. His plan preserves pancreatic function for as long as possible He is in his 80s now with no major complications, This is unheard of among Type 1 diabetics. This book is a must for any diabetic who wishes to remain healthy and complication-free for as long as possible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This guy is a genius and since applying knowledge found in this book a little at a time my boyfriend has noticed more stable and steadily coming toward normal blood sugars. He's down from 350-500 being common to now 90-200. He's not feeling low at these numbers anymore either. Reading this book and applying even some of the concepts can change lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is the perfect companion for Dr. Bernstein's "The Diabetic Diet - the Low-Carbohydrate Solution." Reading both these books over and over help me stay on track. I can already see what following Dr. B's recommendations has done for me. I am losing weight, I have more energy, and I have improved blood glucose readings. I don't want to wait until I have Diabetes 2 to be healthier, because I my liver is already diseased from being insulin resistant. By the way, the cheese cake recipe is delicious. Who needs sugar when food can taste so good without it?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hsinlan wang
This will open your eyes to simple dietary changes that WILL impact your A1C. Someone put it well when they said 'if you're lactose intolerant, you don't drink milk.' And frankly, if you're (essentially) carbohydrate intolerant (or can't metabolize them properly like any diabetic), well, you should consider limiting those too. Makes sense.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jackie blum
Every diabetic should have this book!! It has such wonderful information that truly clears up misunderstandings and helps you know how to keep your blood sugars in check. I believe with this information, I can reverse my diabetes and become healthy and fit again!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is amazing! The section on gastroparesis is worth its weight in gold. Even though my GP isn't caused by diabetes this book had so many helpful and useful tips to add to my GP management regimen.
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