The Hunter (Victorian Rebels)

ByKerrigan Byrne

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Byrne is ruining me with these men. These broken and damaged but strong anti-heroes. But not only that, she's now had two back to back stories featuring fierce fierce ladies. I didn't mention it in my review for THE HIGHWAYMAN but I'm mentioning it now for THE HUNTER. These ladies are wonderful. No weakwilled damsels here, no sirree (not that there isn't a time and a place for that). In her Victorian Rebels series we have strong, opinionated, wonderful, women who woo and inflame the tortured souls meant for their love, easing them out of the darkness of their pasts and into the light of their futures.

Similar to book one, we navigate some pretty dark waters in this sequel featuring the realm's most fearsome assassin and London's most adored actress. It lends a bit of gravitas, of depth, to these romance books while still, once again, letting in moments of humour and tenderness. Oh, and sexy steamy swoons, can't forget to mention those. While Byrne may follow a vague formula in the plotting of her novels, there's so much emotion and personal reflection happening that you see less of the formulaic plot points and more of the character arc, the growth, and it feels so seamless, so natural.

I'm really loving this series and am pretty sad by the fact that I have to wait to get my hands on book three. Can't wait to meet Liam and see Mena shine after all she's been through.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kerrigan Byrne's debut novel, The Highwayman, was one of my favourite historical romances of 2015. In that story, the hero Dorian is friends with Christopher Argent, whom he met while in Newgate Prison. I was intrigued by Christopher's character and when I found out his story would be next, I was quite excited, and fortunately the wait wasn't too long for his story.

Christopher is an assassin - a cold blooded, merciless killer. (well, at least that's his reputation, which, truth be told, is well earned). He takes contracts and fulfills them, not caring particularly whether the intended victim is deserving of their fate. He doesn't kill children, and he doesn't abuse women. He is quick and efficient. When he's tasked with killing Millie, a stage actress with a young son, he does what he always does for a mark - scopes them out, finds their weaknesses, and moves in for the kill. Millie believes him to be a fan when she first meets Christopher at the after party of one of her performances, and when he sequesters her away in a private room, she's not averse to exploring the attraction she feels for him. And suddenly, Christopher finds that he can't do it. He can't kill her - with his hands on her throat, he ends up kissing her instead. Shaken by the experience, he retreats, gathers his courage and strikes again in her home - and again, he is unable to kill her, especially when her young son calls out for her in the night. Realizing that Christopher means her harm, Millie pleads only that he will not hurt her son. That plea is a strike to Christopher's heart, memories of his own childhood, and his own pleas to protect his mother, stifling any urge to wreak any more havoc on this woman. Instead he becomes her protector. Someone wants to kill her, someone who has hired the best, and who won't be pleased that the job hasn't been accomplished. Christopher's attraction to Millie is something he can't deny, feelings he's never had for any other woman, and he'll be damned if he'll let her be killed before he gets to explore them further. What follows then is a game of cat and mouse, as Millie and Christopher draw closer together, all while others are on the hunt. Will the best hunter in London, be bested by another or will love prevail?

Christopher was such an intriguing and complex character! On the surface he is an emotionless machine. In fact he prides himself on this, as it's evidence that he has survived a horrible childhood and made something of himself, even if that something is a reputation for murder. It's hard to be empathetic towards him until you find out all the details of his life. As those come to light, his actions, while not excusable, are at least understandable. His relationship with Millie is what saves him of course. She cracks his armor, first by reminding him of his mother and her willingness to do anything to protect her son, then by showing her strength and fortitude no matter the circumstances. He makes a deal with her to share her bed in return for his protection. The result is some steamy love scenes between the couple. While at first this is only for sexual satisfaction (on Christopher's part), it becomes clear early on that there is an abundance of feelings between them that won't be denied, and soon Christopher experiences what it's like to love someone. This is problematic for him as it is a weakness that his enemies can exploit. The only solution therefore is to track these enemies and make sure they are no longer a threat. The plot moves swiftly, with lots of action and suspense as the mystery of who wants Millie dead is slowly revealed. I really enjoyed the behind the scenes look at Millie's stage work, as well as how she copes with the suddenness of her life turning upside down. I loved how the story played out, and how Christopher's character changed over time. It's hard to turn a villain into a hero, and perhaps a hero is too strong a word to describe Christopher based on all that he's done with his life. But he will protect Millie and her son at any cost, and surely that counts for something. 4.5 stars for this highly entertaining and thought provoking story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I loved “The Highwayman”, book 1 of the Victorian Rebels, and after reading “The Hunter” it was only proved that nothing was by chance. Kerrigan Byrne writes beautifully historical romance books and if you are like me that adore anti-heroes , she is an author that crafts the most delicious scoundrels.
Christopher Argent is a cold blooded killer. After a painful childhood he is nothing but ice-hearted with a reputation of being a ruthless hunter. He never misses his mark and he gives no explanations. He is a ghost that lives by his own rules until a beautiful woman turns his life upside down. Although, he is ordered to kill her he only wants to kiss her and his mission becomes impossible.
Millie is a famous theatre actress and she is devoted to her job and to her son. She is open to be admired by everyone but she is full of secrets no one can know. When her life is in danger she never would have guessed she would trust an assassin to protect her but the price is very high.
I have to say that Argent won me over with his transformation. I love tortured heroes and he had a painful past that will make you feel sorry for him and understand him better. Little by little he shows that he has a heart full of feelings and his hard image was born because of circumstances. He appears to be a man that has no heart but the man is ready to burst from his explosive emotions. He is protective, caring and possessive.
Millie on the other hand is an understanding heroine and very helpful. In the beginning of the book I was not fond of her because she was a little reckless and I could not understand how she could like a man that is ready to kill her but slowly she shows that she is just open with her heart and ready to love.
Millie’s son was a nice addition and the scenes with Argent just proved how much the hunter changed. I loved the scenes between Argent and Dorian, the hero from the previous book and it gave them another depth to their brotherhood.
I am becoming addicted to this series and I cannot wait to read the next book of this series about a powerful highlander and a woman a little damaged.
The Duke With the Dragon Tattoo (Victorian Rebels) :: The Bride Wore Blue (The Brides of Bath Book 1) :: Locke & Key, Vol. 1: Welcome to Lovecraft :: The greatest scams on Earth revealed - Everything Is Bullshit :: A free Novella (Marlow Intrigues) - Capturing the Earl’s Love
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
**I received an eARC of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

I didn't think I would love this book as much as the first book - The Highwayman, but I did! This book is amazing - but like the first book, it may contain subject matter that is offensive to sensitive readers. It is not a gentle read, it is more of a wild theme park ride type of read. You need to be prepared to be consumed by this book - it is almost impossible to put down once you start.

Christopher and Millie are fantastic leads in this story. Christopher is an assassin - lethal, brutal, broken and totally immune to emotion. Millie is the darling of the London stage and his latest contract hit.

The night they meet, Christopher is confused by his desire for her and when she begs him to kiss her - he is lost. They share a kiss and he disappears. Later that night he follows her home and tries once more to complete his mission, yet again he is not able to do the deed.

Millie is terrified for herself and her young son, so she hires guards to keep them safe. Days go by and she begins to feel safe again - but all that is shattered when Christopher catches her alone in a bathhouse. He realizes that he cannot kill her and they strike a bargain, he will protect them in exchange for one night with her.

Millie and her son, Jakub move into Christopher's home and soon secrets are exposed and lives are irrevocability changed. Christopher starts to bond with Millie and Jakub in a way that he hasn't been able to do in almost twenty years and this terrifies the man that is afraid of nothing.

Millie begins to see the lost Christopher and is intrigued by him - but he is adamant that nothing can ever be between them. As the threat against Millie is intensified, the body count starts to rack up - convincing Christopher that they can never be together. Even after Millie is abducted and he realizes that he loves her - he pushes her away.

Millie has also realized that she loves this strange, blunt and broken man - more than she ever believed herself capable of. His rejection of her is heart breaking, but for her son, she moves on.

Weeks go by and Christopher can't function - he isn't working, isn't sleeping and cannot move on without her. He stalks her, he dreams about her, he obsesses about her, he plans the murder of every man who makes her laugh or touches her. He is adrift and totally out of his element. He eventually ends up at Dorian's doorstep and after a rather amusing conversation between him and Dorian, he decides that he needs Millie.

Before he can go to her, he gets news that may change everything. His only thought is to get to Millie and protect her.

Millie has been going through the motions of life since Christopher sent her away. She is heartbroken and if not for Jakub, would have given up by now. On this night she is starring in a play about a jilted lover who is murdered. She can't help but see the parody of her own life in this play. As her death scene approaches, she is confronted by the person that wants her dead - however the audience thinks this is threat to her is part of the play. Just as she is about to be killed by her attacker, Christopher shows up. But he can't stop the inevitable.

As Millie fights for her life, Christopher faces reality - he cannot live without Millie. He stays by her side and begs her to stay with him he makes bold promises and lays his heart bare at her feet.

Like the last book, this story is gory, brutal and emotionally charged. The love scenes are smoking hot, the chemistry between Millie and Christopher is undeniable, the villians are exceptionally vile, the darkness of the story is alleviated random bright and funny moments - usually supplied by Dorian, and the ending is unforgettable.

I love that Ms. Byrne doesn't fundamentally change her heroes from bad men, she has created heroines that can accept them as they are and love them no matter what.

I am awed by this series - on the surface you can't see the romance, but these books are probably the most romantic stories I have ever read. And I would recommend them to anyone who enjoys a different kind of love story. You don't have to read the first book to enjoy this book - but you will have a much better understanding of Christopher if you do - plus, The Highwayman is FANTASTIC!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lori robinson
Finally. Wow. I finally hit on one by this author, that I can say is a true, four star for me. I read the Highwayman first and didn't agree really with all of those five star reviews. It was just okay. I gave it three stars and same for The Duke. In both books I wasn't crazy about the heroine and in The Duke, the hero was pretty unlikeable too. Finally, I really like the heroine and the hero. This book really reminded me of Liz Caryle's Two Little Lies which was one of the best love stories I have ever read and a five star book for me. (A very likeable heroine who is an opera singer). The love scenes were a lot better in this as well, way better than the totally spread out love scenes in The Duke and the few in The Highwayman.
On the negative side, this author can really draw out a scene to the point of boredom. For example, pages and pages of the hero or heroine meeting with another character (for example in this book when the heroine goes to visit her hair stylist??) and having a conversation etc., just way too long for me and the long winded thoughts of the tortured hero's. That is the reason why I don't "love" this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victor rivera
I really enjoyed reading this latest and greatest book by one of my favorite authors. Ms Byrne has written book #2 of the Victorian Rebels series that will blow you away. The characters were not what I expected. There was so much going on in this and what a tale from beginning to end.
You have a man who grew up in Newgate Prison with his mother who supported them by doing anything to acquire extra food. The hope of the mother was for her son Christopher to remember that one day they would have a good life. Her love for her son was always true. Times of strife caused by stealing to support them was limited to her and I couldn't imagine the horror of living like that.
When Christoper Argent grew up to become an assassin for money he showed no pity for the marks. His life was about "him" and people meant little to him. His soul was tainted by the way he grew up and didn't feel sorry for anything he had to do. Then his assignment was to do the deed to an actress by the name of Millie LeCour. When he saw her he thought she was so beautiful on the stage. He felt an attraction towards the woman he saw a light on her. Christoper was enthralled with the enchantress and she with him. There was this feeling of want in his soul. He thinks he doesn't need this but fate decides to give him the one woman who will love him. But outside forces are determined to put Millie in danger. Will it be too late for Christopher to save her? I hope you will read this passion filled romance of two people who were meant for each other.
I appreciate Net Galley for this ARC title in which I gave an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this book “The Hunter” Christopher Argent is an assassin for hire whose past still haunts him. He was born in prison, he witnessed and endured atrocities that were done to his Mother and himself. Christopher was left with no heart, his feelings and heart are incased in ice. Since he feels no emotion or has any feelings becoming an assassin seems like the perfect occupation for him; he is a broken man who is a ruthless killer. His next target is Millie LeCour, the popular, and stunningly beautiful actress who happens to turn his whole world upside-down. Millie lives for the stage and her son Jakub. She will do anything to keep him safe, even sleep with her assassin. Overwhelmed by the heat and the feelings she stirs in Christopher heat that simmers between them, he can't complete his mission. He goes from needing to kill her to doing anything he can to save Millie's life and her son Jakub’s lives that he risking his own life. Once Christopher learns Millie has a son he knows he cannot kill her either, he feels a kinship with Jakub who does not want to lose his mother. I cannot imagine the early years for Christopher in prison and it’s a no wonder Christopher became such a cold, heartless killer. I love how he overcomes his obstacles with the help and strength of Millie and the sweetness of Jakub to pull him from the darkness he'd been lost to for so long. What an emotional ride I loved the book!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin s
3.5 Let Me Fix You Stars

Christopher Argent is beautifully broken. He has a cruel and brutal origin story and I really wanted to sit down and cry and eat an entire box of chocolates after the prologue.

Born to a prostitute in prison he has been chain born all of his life and knows nothing else. His mother does the best by him that she can and so she lets the guards do unmentionable things to her in order to have extra food and wood. She is the best mother she can be to Argent in an absolutely horrible situation. After her death he is forever changed and goes on to join with Dorian Blackwell’s crew while still in prison learning to become a deadly assassin.

It is amazing how well Kerrigan Byrne captures how victims of atrocities and abuse as children can grow up to pervert the kind of abuse they were shown in a different why. While Agent would never force a woman into bed he has some severe emotional and sexual hang ups that come from his childhood trauma. KB doesn’t sugar coat that too much. While you understand why Argent is behaving the way he is…it doesn’t necessarily make it easier to read. Especially, his first sexual encounter with the heroine. That scene epitomizes everything that is wrong with him on a personal level.

***Burying his head in his hands, he emitted a low sound that echoed accusingly back at him in his empty room of terrors. Of all the men he’d learned to hate, he never felt such loathing as he did for himself.***

Good thing Milli isn’t one to balk from a challenge. There were a few hints to Milli’s backstory but I like Argent got it wrong and I will say I was very surprised by her history and how she came to have a son. I do love how fierce she was in defending her son and the lengths she has taken to keep him safe up until now.

The love/lust story of Argent and Milli….well I will admit that it was a little love at first sight. But this is one of those genres that I’m totally fine when that happens and almost expect it. Plus I like the idea of an assassin being sent to kill someone and then not being able to go through with it and instead deciding to help and protect them.

I loved seeing Dorian and Farah again and getting a little bit of time with them. I still like their story just a little better but Agrent’s isn’t anything to sneeze at either. It was great to see the two broody and slightly emotionally bankrupt men bond during the story as Argent tries to explain his feelings for Milli.

***“Do you …love her?”
Argent’s glacial gaze flicked about the wall behind where Dorian sat, as though he could find the answer in the expensive volumes lined on the shelves there. “I can’t kill her.”
Dorian let out a mirthless bark of laughter. “I suppose that’s more than some can say.”***

Broken Anti-Heroes I love them and will definitely continue on with the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Christopher Argent is an assassin. Born and raised behind the dreadful walls of Newgate prison, he has known nothing except kill or be killed all his life. He has just accepted a contract to kill an actress.
Millicent LeCour is the darling of the London stage. She hides a secret behind her public persona. To protect her son Millie will make a deal with the devil himself.
Someone has been organizing the deaths of single mothers all over London, their children have never been found. Can the criminal underworld solve what the police can't?
This is a very exciting Victorian historical romance. Its the second in the series, but can be read as a stand alone. It has some traumatic violence, and some hot sex scenes. Our hero is the ultimate wounded warrior, hard as nails and cutting himself of from everyone. Our heroine is a realist, she knows that nobody is all bad . Some of the secondary characters we met in the previous book. There are hopefully many more stories to come. This one will keep you on the edge of your seat. I could not put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Thank you to ST. MARTIN’S PRESS and Netgalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars

I’m not sure what it is with this series but for some reason, I’m unable to give myself over to it completely. There just seems to be something ‘too’ about it. It’s trying too hard to be intense, and it’s trying too hard to make the men seem badass. The thing is, when your hero is too badass, sometimes it’s hard to buy his soft side when you see it with the heroine.

I liked The Hunter better than I did its predecessor. I loved Argent’s back story, and while I felt the prologue in The Highwayman bogged things down, here it catapulted me right into the thick of things. It was easy to see why this man was so tormented and how hard it was for him to shake his demons. It was especially sobering when he realized the position he’d put Millie in when she was desperate to keep her son safe. While Argent was as gruff as Blackwell (the hero from The Highwayman) was, Argent didn’t have a history with Millie that led to him trying to save her, so it was easier to buy him being so harsh with her. I enjoyed Argent and Blackwell’s heart to hearts to a degree, but it got to the point where it veered into cheesy territory, and it just didn’t seem in character for either man. Argent was an indiscriminate killer for hire and Blackwell was king of London’s underground. Millie’s character was very endearing. She loved her son and was willing to do whatever it took keep him safe. She was a woman who was going to fight for whatever she wanted, and she did it with all of her heart. Now, to be able to enjoy this story, you really have to put this in a near fantasy category. Argent was drawn to Millie much faster than was believable, and it’s not until he gets his hands on her that he gets the first stirring of feelings in years. But I wanted him redeemed so badly I went with it. And I’m glad I did. In the end, it was worth it.

So a few of my issues with this story – for one thing, it was just too long. I think 25-50 pages (at least) of Argent’s torment could have been cut and the pacing of the story would have been on point. The impact still would have been there, but the flow would have been improved dramatically. Also, there was a twist at the end that Argent didn’t see coming, and I just did not buy that. He was very shrewd, and he’d have seen what was coming. And the end – to be honest, it was reminiscent of Scream 2 and a bit farcical. But again, other parts of the story were so enjoyable I was able to overlook this.

Despite my issues with this book, I would read The Hunter again and I’d even recommend it. It was a very entertaining read. And while the torment is too much at times, I do love see these men gaining redemption. I’ll be sticking around for the next installment of Victorian Rebels.

This review was originally posted at Badass Book Reviews.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harper reed
Summary from Goodreads:

"A scandalous proposal.

As one of London't most elite hunters, Christopher Argent never misses his mark and always gets his man. But when his latest target turns out to be a woman—the popular, and stunningly beautiful, actress Millie LeCour—it turns his whole world upside-down. Overwhelmed by the heat that simmers between them, Christopher can't complete his mission. On the contrary, he'll do anything to save Millie's life—even if it means risking his own...

A dangerous passion...

When she learns what Christopher was hired to do, Millie is torn between the fear in her heart and the fire in her soul. Putting herself in this dangerous man's arms may be her only path to safety—but giving in to her desire may be the deadliest mistake she's ever made. With both of their lives in jeopardy, Millie and Christopher must learn to trust the real feelings they're hiding—to find the true love they're looking for..."

My Thoughts:

This book! I don't even have words for this book other than: READ IT! This was one of those books that I could not get enough of and didn't want to stop reading. I read this one in a matter of days because I just could not put it down! Even now I'm having trouble putting into words how and why I loved this book so much. Let's start from the beginning and I will try to explain why I thought this book was so great (with emphasis on the word try here). Easily one of the things that I loved most about this book was the premise. Falling in love with your would be assassin sounds next to impossible if I'm being entirely honest. The author took this story line and made me believe in it. From the very beginning I was wary but this author managed to pull me in and want it to work. I found that I was behind Christopher and Millie's relationship from the first time that they met and was very eager to see how they would work everything out. How Millie was ever going to be able to fully trust Christopher was beyond me but I wanted her to. Basically I was reading this one just with the willingness that goes along with instantly trusting the author to take me on an emotional ride. I was all in and this book definitely was able to make me feel all of the emotions.

One of the other things that I enjoyed about this book was the chemistry between Christopher and Millie. These two had some serious chemistry going on and it was hot! I especially loved how we were able to see Christopher open up slowly but surely. He was so closed off at the beginning of the book and I loved seeing how he changed. I was also very intrigued by the story line and trying to figure out who wanted Millie dead and why. It made this book much more fast paced as it constantly felt like there was danger lurking around every corner. I found myself reading this book constantly and fitting in chapters whenever I could. I just needed to see how it was all going to end. This book also had one of the more creepy villains that I have come across and there was a scene towards the end of this book that was so intense! By the end of this book I was at the point where I knew I wasn't setting it down and had to finish. The ending was absolutely perfect in my opinion. I ended this one with a smile on my face even though I was sad to see the book come to an end. I loved these characters so much and am hoping that we will see more of Christopher and Millie in future books.

Overall, this was such an engaging and unique historical romance. This is a book that I won't be forgetting any time soon and will definitely be rereading at some point. I have read some good historical romance lately but this one is one of my favorites by far. I love how the author took a relationship that I totally thought wouldn't work and made me believe in it. This was a book that put me through the wringer emotionally but I loved every minute of it. I just plain loved this book! Luckily for me I have the first book in this series to look forward to. I won't be waiting long to read it. Highly recommended but especially to those historical romance readers.

Bottom Line: One of the best historical romances that I've read in a long time. Sigh....I loved it!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book thanks to the publisher and NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan ryhanen
Kerrigan Byrne returns with the second book in the Victorian Rebel's series, The Hunter. After receiving many accolades for the first book in the series, some might wonder if the second book can compete. The Hunter is just as action filled and romantic as the The Highwayman. There are many contrasts in the two books that readers will appreciate. This isn't the same story, rehashed or changed a little. It's a completely different tale of love and danger, murder and and redemption. A great new story from and up and coming author!

What I liked:

Oh, where to start! As a reviewer, I read a lot of different books, historical romance to paranormal fantasy and I see a lot of author's who are very talented and others that are so-so. Kerrigan Byrne is one of those exceptions to the rule. One of those authors that throws all of your expectations and ideas of what makes a good romance out the window and makes you redefine what you believe about the genre.

Byrne's latest book, The Hunter is a novel that will make readers stand up and take notice. They will enjoy her lyrical prose and revel in her attention to detail. The Victorian era will come alive for them. But, there is something more here. Something that will make the reader think, ponder and mull over what makes a man or a woman, evil? Can evil ever be changed to good or at least something better? Is there hope for one who could be considered the villain in more ways than one? This one was thought provoking, eloquent and an enormously satisfying novel. I can already tell you, this will be one of my favorites of the year.

The hero is a dark one. Christopher is an assassin. He isn't a good guy masquerading as a bad guy, he is the real thing. Cold, calculating, appearing to have no conscience. He doesn't kill for the good of the realm he kills for money. He isn't a white knight and if he bargains with you, it will cost you dearly. Byrne does a fantastic job with this character. She makes you believe in the hero's pain and desperation. But she also makes you believe he can be saved. That love can change even the cruel of people. That it can heal long festered scars and pain. What a great character!

Millie is an actress, a beauty, an independent woman and a mother. How did she become the target of an assassin? It's a long story! Needless to say when she is faced with a man like Christopher Argent, she may be no match for his force and strength,but in every other way she is a worthy counterpart. I liked her passion and fiery nature. When faced with a choice she makes the best decision for herself and her son. I thought she had spunk and determination in spades. Another great heroine!

What I didn't like:

This isn't really something I didn't like. It's just something to keep in mind. In order for Byrne to establish the credibility of Christopher as both an assassin and an all around villainous person, she had to make the reader see his depravity. In doing that, the first chapter of this book is not for the faint of heart. It's graphic. It's vile and painful and it's necessary to the story. I wouldn't have bought Christopher as the hero any other way. I wouldn't have been nearly as invested in him were it written any other way. Well done, but not everyone's cup of tea. Just be apprised of this and don't let it decide the tone of the book for you, because there is sooo much more.

Bottom Line:

If you are a historical romance fan and do not read this book, I would have to say you are crazy. It's just that good. It's intense and passionate and full of surprises. If you haven't tried the genre and this is your first book, it might ruin you for life... LOL! It's just that good. Read it, think about it and fall in love with... I dare ya!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ivan ramirez
Christopher Argent was born in Newgate Prison, horrific any way you look at it, but witnessing the death of his mother and the subsequent struggle to survive until he is free isn’t the best way to raise an honest and functional human being. Cold, calculating and a doctorate in street survival, Christopher is a character that easily could have gone dark. Fortunately, Byrne pulls Christopher from the abyss by presenting his story in a way that builds empathy and understanding for the man he has become.

Millie LeCour is an actress, lauded by men and women. While her profession isn’t particularly ‘respectable’, she doesn’t indulge in the scandalous behaviors that have befallen her peers. She’s got one goal: raising her dead friend’s son to be a successful man, and she goes to great lengths just to keep him safe and happy. But she does have a secret, one that spells danger for her and the young boy. A girl born in Whitechapel, she’s not ‘society approved’, but she’s worked hard to improve her life and grab opportunities. But, the secret will haunt her….

Given the contract to end Millie’s life, thus ensuring the secret will never surface, Christopher has his first moments of doubt when he tries to complete his task. An unusual moment for him, he’s rarely bothered and doesn’t allow attachments. But somehow, the attraction he has for Millie opens the story and the two work to find answers and threats on their way to love.

Descriptive, detailed and engaging, Byrne uses the interactions and history of the two characters to find common ground and familiarity. Christopher’s story is dark and often brutal, but for a few breaks, Millie’s wouldn’t be far behind. With suspense, murders, some dark and brutal descriptions and a quick moment to see a relationship / friendship develop between Millie’s son Jakub and Christopher, the story is a wonderful second installment.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
firnita taufick
Christopher Argent, assassin, was born in prison where he remained until of age. Living a life full of blood and violence he never knew what it felt to feel anything - love, sadness, compassion. His life was empty until his latest job changed his world forever. Millicent LeCour, actress and mother, is wanted dead because she is the mother of a possible heir, a bastard. She hasn't lived the worldly life that Argent has and is unaccustomed to his rough ways and thinking. Byrne's writing keeps within the Victorian era in language and descriptions. Giving us a very clear picture of wardrobe and household furnishings makes the story much easier to get lost in and exist in the "ton". Although this is the second book in the series it can be read as a standalone. Argent is friends with Dorian from the first book and we are given subtle reminders of his story but not required reading for The Hunter. I was thrilled and excited to read my early copy from Netgalley, given exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sameha alshakhsi
They're rebels, scoundrels, and blackguards-dark, dashing men on the wrong side of the law. But for the women who love them, a hint of danger only makes the heart beat faster...

A scandalous proposal.
Christopher Argent lives in the shadows as the empire's most elite assassin. Emotion is something he tossed away years ago, making him one of the most clear-eyed, cold-hearted, wealthiest, and therefore untouchable men in London. But when his latest target turns out to be London's own darling, Millicent LeCour, Christopher's whole world is turned upside down. Overwhelmed by her stunning combination of seduction and innocence, Christopher cannot complete the mission. She has made him feel again. Now, he will do anything to save her life, so that he can claim her as his own...

A perilous passion...
When Millie learns what Christopher was hired to do, she is torn between the fear in her heart and the fire in her soul. Putting herself in this notorious hunter's arms may be her only path to safety-even if doing so could be the deadliest mistake she's ever made. But how can she resist him? As the heat between her and Christopher burns out of control, danger lurks in the shadows. Is their desire worth the risk? Only the enemy knows what fate has in store...

My Thoughts:
The story of these flawed heroes continues from the debut novel The Highwayman.
Much like our flawed hero in the first novel, Christopher Argent comes from very tragic and humble beginnings. Like the Highwayman this is a not to be missed read. Although it starts out with the brutal and tragic death of our heroes mother, this tragedy is what builds his character.
I truly loved this book and would give it a solid 5 stars. Like The Highwayman before it, the characters are well thought out and the story line is nothing less than spectacular.
I received a Free Digital ARC of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Originally Reviewed For: Bodice Rippers, Femme Fatales and Fantasy

The Hunter is one of those books that I seriously want to shout about! It was one of the best books I have read in a long time! After I read, The Highwayman, the first book in Kerrigan Byrne's new Series, Victorian Rebels, I thought this might be a fluke because I wasn't expecting perfection. But I must say, The Highwayman was so not a fluke because Ms. Byrne has done it again!

The Victorian Rebels Series is a perfect foil for the Victorian Era. Often when we think of that time we think of oh so proper men and women, but there was a much seedier side of society, I mean Jack the Ripper was from the Victorian era.. but back on tangent.. Ms. Byrne takes the romance of the Victorian Era, the excitement of a world in change and the seediness of the underbelly of London wraps them together and comes out with a masterpiece!

Millie LeCour left behind her life and family to join the theater. All of her grand dreams have come to pass but now she's a single mother with one true goal. Raise her son. All the accolades mean nothing if he's not happy, healthy and successful. And men? They don't have a place in her life. But there is something about Argent that draws her, compels her and pushes her into behavior she wasn't even aware she was capable of. And when she discovers he was hired to kill her, what does she do? She falls in love..

Christopher Argent was born in hell, literally. Born from a prostitute in Newgate Christopher lived there until he was 16 years old. Several years after his mother was raped and killed while in that hellhole. Noe he is an elite assassin, in fact he's never failed at a job. IF he takes the job he gets it done. So why can't he kill Millie LeCour. Watching her on stage mesmerizes him and meeting her, seeing her selfless dedication to her son strikes something in him and without realizing it, he begins falling in love.

The love story alone can capture your attention but the rest of the story is brilliant. Greed and avarice, love and passion? The plot leads us on a twisted road, promising answers then stealing them away. Someone is killing young women with sons of a certain age and the children are disappearing.. Then there's the serial killer with a passion for his work and of course we get a few moments with Farah and Dorian from The Highwayman..

Pure pleasure! READ THIS BOOK!!


This review is based on the ARC of The Hunter, provided by netgalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a Victorian story Gere . Hero is Christopher. Heroine is Millie .

The story starts off with Christopher's day in jail. He was born there . Christopher's mother was in jail for many things . Christopher had a Japanese friend in jail that was teaching him many things . How to be like water . . However his mother does get killed in prison from some guards .
Fast forward to present day . Christopher Argent , he likes to be called Argent , takes on a contract to kill Mille . Millie is an actress on stage and she has a young son . The son is her life . Argent always finishes a job no matter what . Argent thinks he has a cold hard heart . He doesn't let emotions run his life . One snap of the head and it is done .
Argent goes to the theatre where Millie is playing . He is memorized . One look at Millie and he is done for .
Millie after the show has an appearance to an after show party that is where Argent approaches her for a dance . They flirt back and forth word wise .
Argent takes Millie to a corner thinking he will kill her there but he doesn't .... He kisses her . That night Argent brakes into Millie's home thinking he will kill her there. She has a bath running Argent thinks holding her under water . He still can't do it . Even a third time at a bath house Argent still can't kill her . That is not normal for him at all . Argent always finishes a job . Millie asks him why??? Argent says he doesn't know . He was hired . Argent says he will go back to the lawyer that hired him and see.

During that time there are many woman killed and not found and their sons are kidnapped . It's only boys .
Argent gets no answer from the lawyer and Argent kills him .
Once Argent sees Millie again she asks him is he trying to kill her to take her son. Millie tells Argent about all the dead mothers and missing sons . Argent tells her that he is not the killer and he will now protect Millie . That is where the chips start to break from Argents heart. Argent does save her a time or two. Who is trying to kill Millie ??? why ??? Grab it right when you think you have the killer figured out you get a twist and see who the real killer is???
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen longton
This is book two in the "Victorian Rebels" series. I have read book one " The Highwayman" but this book in a standalone book, so you don't have to have read that book to enjoy this one. With that said I must say both theses books are so good I would not miss a one! When I had read the first book I though this series couldn't get any better but than I read this book and knew that this was now my favorite book! This had so much emotional upset and so much feeling that it just took you into the story and would let you go. I had to read the book in one sitting and just could not put it down! Christopher Argent had a a really hard childhood and seem not to get any better once he had grown up. Christopher was born in a prison to his mother who was accused of prostitution, steeling and other charges. She was to spend 15 years there. She was abused by the guards and did things to help keep her son feed and warm. But one day with on four years or so left to go she was brutality attacked in prison with her son, Christopher watching. Christopher stayed in prison until he was of age. From there he and his fellow friends in prison started being men for hire..assassins. Years later he is ask to do a kill on a actress who he is told is nothing better than theft, whore and mean person. When Christoper goes to kill Millie LeCour, he finds he is greatly attracted to him and that she makes him feel things he hasn't felt since his mom was alive. Each time he attempts to kill her, he can't go through it. Christopher decided to save her and help her and her son at a cost of one night with him. Millie is taken back by him and is scared of him after his first attempt on her life. Millie is hiding a secret that possible is related to why she is being stalked and with a price on her head. When Christopher comes up with his offer to protect her a the price he mentions she goes along with it for the protection of her son. Millie starts to learn more about Christopher and she starts to understand why he has become the person he is today. This is really roller coaster ride in a story and your heart breaks for Christopher so much. I cannot wait for the next book in this series! I just wish I could give this book more that five stars!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathleen c
Not one sweet simpering debutante on any page, but dark, dark goings-on abound. This is another truly fabulous dark Historical Romance from Kerrigan Byrne who whet our appetites with her dark romance THE HIGHWAYMAN just last year. This book follows that one and does include characters from the first book. This is a standalone novel.

Christopher Argent is a murderous thug, born and raised in Newgate prison and now the right hand man of the notorious Dorian Blackwell. He hires himself out as a high priced assassin and will take any job except children. (Although this is laudable, it hardly redeems him.) He is hired to kill beautiful, actress Millie LeCour but for the first time in his ignoble career he can’t complete the job. He kisses her instead and makes her an offer she can’t refuse. Really, he offers her death or submission to his lust and his protection from other murderers. Millie opts to live.
This plot is riveting, action packed and sometimes grossly violent. There is coercion in the initial sex scene which some may view as rape. There is always the question of Christopher’s redemption and can he and Millie have an HEA. There is no question as to their attraction to each other.
I can highly recommend this book with the qualification that the reader know it is very dark.

I received this book free for review from the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kerrigan Byrne’s second book in her Victorian Rebel’s series, The Hunter, speaks to the heart as well as the head. Reaching deeply into the inner recesses of the human condition this was a powerful read that was exquisitely and compassionately illustrated by the immense writing talent of Ms. Byrne. Drawn from horrific circumstances this story exemplified that no matter how cut off from humanity someone has become there is always hope that whatever remnants of long buried feelings can be revived. Watching the hero and heroine of this work rise above abominable circumstances and fill in the fractures of their broken hearts with love was an incredible reading experience. The Hunter will leave you contemplating it far beyond its last page.
*I received this ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*
*While part of a series this book can be read as a stand alone.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richa gim
Kerrigan Byrne blew the world of Historical Romance away with her stunning release of The Highwayman. With its stunning characters and mesmerizing plot, it’s no wonder she on her way to top.

And now with the second book in her Victorian Rebels series ” The Hunter” we get another look into the dark and dazzling world she created.

Talk about an all around amazing read, this book has it all. The plot is so riveting you can’t help but race through the pages, dying to know how it all ends. The characters, oh the characters….

You know we all fell head-over-heels in love with Dorian Blackwell and his fairy. And I can tell you he’s definitely not a character to be forgotten, but Christopher Argent, sigh…..the man gives new meaning to dark and dangerous.

The man loves so fiercely it’s like a storm rolling across the pages. You can just feel the power of it . And Millie, wow is she a stunner. She’s the perfect mixture of dainty and fierce. She can definitely hold her own when it comes to Argent .

This is a powerful tale of all-consuming love. Kerrigan Byrne is definitely an author to watch out for ! I can’t wait for the next book in the series !
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marjorie towers
* A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of an honest review.

This book had me at assassin! Yeah, that was what got my attention. Basically the story is about elite assassin Christopher Argent and his target-turned love interest, Millicent LeCour. Christopher is one of the best at what he does, not to mention rich, powerful, practically untouchable but when he meets his target he doesn’t want to complete his mission, instead he wants to save Millie. Millie on the other hand is torn between her fear of Christopher because he was hired to kill her, and her attraction to him. Meanwhile since Christopher has decided to protect her instead of kill her, the two face a dangerous enemy who isn’t pleased that the formerly ice cold assassin has turned into a thinking, feeling man.

Author Kerrigan Byrne did not pull any punches when it came to showing Christopher’s background because it was crucial to understanding why and how he became such a proficient assassin. Mission accomplished I’d say. He was born in prison, saw his mother die in prison, grew up in prison, and so he saw and experienced the worst of humanity. It was a wonder he even had it in him to care about someone!

All that aside, he was one of the most interesting characters in the book and it had to do with how Byrne told the beginning of his life. He elicited such sympathy all while being skeptical about how his past would ultimately shape his future. I mean, he did become wealthy and powerful by essentially murdering people for money. It was a tricky line to straddle for this character that could have easily been beyond redemption in readers’ eyes. He was blunt, even with Millie which I loved because the situation was what it was and there was no use in “prettying it up” for her. I appreciated that trait in him but what I loved most was his internal conflict of what he was contracted to do and what he wanted to do which ultimately lead to some drastic character growth for him. All in all he was just fascinating.

Millie was no slouch either. Rather than a typical vain, jaded actress, the author made her into such a warm, giving character that had beauty, brains, and strength. Her background wasn’t an easy one either and the author made sure that was duly noted. Still, even with tragedy in her past, Millie was focused on the future and on staying alive. Her own internal conflict was just as interesting as Christopher’s because she found herself attracted to the very man sent to kill her and he wasn’t just any man, he was the most prominent, richest, most untouchable assassin known. She wasn’t stupid enough not to be afraid of him but she had some pretty strong instincts about him that gave her the edge she needed not to just curl up and die. I loved her compassion too because it enabled her to save not only herself at times but others around her too. Towards the end she showed an admirable strength and spirit in her that just made love her. She was a fighter in the best sense and she proved she wasn’t going to wait for someone to save her; she was going to save herself or die trying. The best kind of heroine.

Christopher and Millie made such a great pair. There’s a bit of insta-lust and fascination on both parts but the love comes gradually and after many obstacles, most of them internal. As Millie became less and less afraid of Christopher she really gave him a run for his money and he was so baffled by it that I found it endearing. Some of their interactions are pretty funny too with Christopher sometimes speaking to and expecting Millie to cower and do his bidding and Millie putting her foot down, telling him off, and sending him away with his tail between his legs (There’s a scene where he tries to wake her up at what she considers an unreasonable hour that just made my day). She really did turn his life upside down in the best way possible and their relationship was something beautiful even with the limited amount of actual sex between them. In fact it made it better that they weren’t physical right away or all the time. There was a lot of heat between them that didn’t end in clothes flying but instead with personal revelations that made the difference between Christopher carrying out his contract and falling for Millie.

Definitely one of the highlights was Millie’s son Jakub. Now I normally don’t care much for children in romance because they tend to take up too much time and attention from the main focus of the romance but in this case Jakub brought some much needed emotion and perspective to both Millie and Christopher’s personalities with his quiet observations. He was an intelligent child, not prone to hissy fits or over the top cute behaviors that took away from the real story here. Overall, I liked this kid a lot and could see why Christopher bonded with him quicker than with Millie. He was just too interesting to ignore and had such a brave soul for such a young age.

Final Verdict: The Hunter was dark and full of suspense and that’s really what kept me reading once I began. There are so many twists and turns and combined with the gut wrenching scenes, sexy chemistry, and bright spots of humor it made this story one of the best I’ve read this year. I haven’t read the previous book in the series but I’m definitely putting it high on my To Do list as well as keeping an eye out for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn redmond
This is a beautifully written story of a tortured hero and a heroine living a life of quiet desperation.
They find each other by fate, overcome challenges and claim their happily ever after.
You know that wonderful feeling you get when you just sink into a well-written read? Well, I totally got that with this book. The writing style is strong, fluid and evocative and draws you right into the

I stayed up all night reading this book and it was well worth the exhaustion. This series is highly
addictive as it leaves you craving more. I could go on and on about how this book, but I have learned the only way to discover the truth is to get the book and read it. I DARE YOU and I guarantee you will not be disappointed!!

I am ready for the next installment in this series now!

THE HUNTER is the second book in the Victorian Rebels series. It can be read as a standalone but is better read after the first book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben pietrzyk
Christopher Argent is a cold, methodical, and calculated killer. His brutal and violent upbringing in the bowels of Newgate Prison pushed him into a life of emotional isolation. He is hired to kill the much loved actress Millie LeCour and he doesn’t blink an eye at the job. The moment he tries to complete the deed, he finds he can’t go through with it, at least this time. Unfamiliar feelings stir him and he finds himself drawn to her despite the contract on her life. He offers her the deal of a life time. All she has to do is give him one night for his protection against those who would harm her.
Millie LeCour is a strong and independent woman. Her priority is her son’s safety and well-being and she will do anything to keep him safe, even if it means sleeping with a killer. I loved how confident and comfortable she was with herself. She wasn’t delicate and didn’t give you the damsel in distress vibe. Without pause, she could hold her own with Christopher.
Christopher is broken and almost incapable of loving anyone or anything. It isn’t easy to create such a cold, calculated killer fraught with so many flaws and still have you pining for him. He is a complex and deep character with a dark and horrifying childhood (chapter one is brutal but necessary in understanding Christopher.) It pulls at your heart strings and as a reader I wanted to hug and console him.
The Hunter is a wonderful romance with a focus on the evolution of Christopher in a fascinating and believable manner from a dangerous mercenary to a man capable of love. The love scenes are hot and steamy but also pivotal to the growing bond they begin to share. There is also enough action to keep you on the edge of your seat and I could see each scene clearly in my head as if it were a film.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the only bad thing I can say about it is that I was up all night reading it and had one hell of a book hangover the next day.
***I was given this book for an honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristen plachuta
Quick Take-Aways Review:
4 "The Actress & Her Assassin" Stars for the story and narration.

Having absolutely fallen in love with The Highwayman, which won the 2016 romance Audie award, I knew I had to listen to book 2 in the series, The Hunter. The Hunter proved to be another enjoyable historical romance of a "bad boy" hero who had a bad start in life and who finally meets his match who shows him how to feel and love again. For some reason, however, I just didn't feel the connection as strongly with this hero and heroine, as I did with The Highwayman, but then again it just may be that my expectations were really high for this one.

The narration is also solid, making this a good audiobook pick.

Now I can't wait for Book 3, The Highlander, which is due to be released in August.

Source: Library copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"The Hunter" is a dark and gritty historical romance and one of the best I've ever read. Christopher Argent is a broken and haunted man. He suffered unspeakable atrocities as a child while in prison and it has shaped him into a lethal killer for hire. Ms. Byrne has totally captured the tortured soul of Argent and we understand his icy exterior--feel nothing is his constant mantra. Feel nothing and get the job done. He's the best at what he does. That is, until he meets actress Millie LeCour. Holding the contract to kill her, Argent moves in for the kill, except, the unthinkable happens.

This book will keep you riveted until the final pages, the suspense and angst suffered by both Argent and Millie is spellbinding. These characters come alive on the pages and the reader gets to peak inside their minds throughout the story. Ms. Byrne is an exceptional talented writer and I look forward to reading more of her books. Highly Recommended.

I received a copy of the book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff ryan
I anticipated loving this book simply because it was the second in a series that I had already fallen in love with. Yet, I wondered how I was going to fall in love with a hero who was an assassin, especially when he was hired to kill the heroine and fully intended to follow through. It reflects the brilliance of Kerrigan Byrne's writing that I did just that. The writer manages to find the perfect counterpart for each of her heroes and heroines even though they seem not only an unlikely fit, but have infinite obstacles to overcome. The resolutions are seamless, unpredictable, and realistic, all adding to the strength of the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Powerful Emotional Read!!! Kerrigan Byrne takes you on a journey into a love story that is dark and highly charged with emotion. A story that is heart wrenching at times that you have to keep reading hoping there is a HEA. A story about Christopher Argent a damaged hero who watches his mother die in his arms in prison which made him the emotionless killer you see in the beginning of the book. Who is sent on a mission to kill Millie our strong heroine but doesn't seem to be able to. Instead he becomes her and her sons protector against a serial killer. The same serial killer who killed her best friend. Can Millie help Christopher get past his demons to find love before its to late? Kerrigan Byrne is a definite One Click Buy Author! A author I will be buying PB version and putting on my keeper shelf. I received a ARC of this book from Net Galley for a honest Review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received this ARC ebook from NetGalley for an honest review.
Set in the mid 1800's, The Hunter tells the story of an impossible pairing of two very opposite people. Christopher Argent is a wounded man, wounded physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He is a paid assassin who has some rules before he is contracted to kill, like he does not kill children. One would think from this that he has feelings but he is a cold, dead man inside. The first chapter tells his early years, born in Newgate Prison to an imprisoned mother who barters herself to provide heat and experts food for her son. This rendering of Argent's early life is important in order to understand how he became such a broken man. Forward to twenty years later where he is given the assignment is to kill Millicent LeCour, a talented actress. He has never failed but on watching Millie on stage and later at the after party, he just can't remove her light from the world. So he kisses her instead, and so begins the taming of the beast. However, Millie and her son are still in danger. Someone is killing mothers and taking their sons. Who is behind these murders and kidnappings? Will Christopher ever feel worthy? Will Millie be able to break through Christopher's hardened psyche? All in all this was a very good read with a different storyline from the usual romance. The only negative is the liberal use of the "f" word. Call me a prude but I find the overuse of vulgar language distracts from the story. And this is a very good story that can hold it's own without it. Ignore the language and read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Highwayman was one of my favorite books of 2015, and it left me more than a little excited to see what Kerrigan Byrne would do with the second book in the series. As I started this story, I was immediately gripped by the wrenching prologue that shed light on the foundation of our hero’s horrific life. It was every bit as heartwrenching as Dorian’s was, but without the memory of Farah to sustain him. I was hooked, only to drift a little in the following chapters.

You see, Christopher is an assassin. That’s ok, but to be clear, he’s not a vigilante. He’s not ridding the world of bad guys. He just kills for money. And he is really good at it. In fact, as the story begins, he has been hired to kill the heroine. Which, again, isn’t a deal breaker, because you know he’s not going to go through with it (or this wouldn’t be much of a romance.) But two things did happen which dimmed my glow out of the gate. One, he is struck by an epic insta-lust which sustains no logic. And two, he only agrees to let her live if she sleeps with him.

Our heroine is a beautiful actress named Millie. Her young son is her life, so when Christopher tells her that she’s marked for death and her son for kidnapping, she is willing to do whatever it takes to keep them both safe. It helps that she is deeply attracted to Christopher, and he doesn’t only abstain from killing her, he becomes her protector. The more time she spends with him, the more she sees the fire behind his icy veneer. And what began as a barter, turns into something much more.

I love tortured heroes and Christopher definitely is that. But where he really got to me was in his vulnerable moments. When he hated himself for maneuvering himself into Millie’s bed. When he felt incapable of love. When he revealed the contents of his dreams. When he saw himself in Millie’s son. Those were the parts of the book that wrapped themselves around me. Those were the parts that reminded me the first book. And speaking of which, Dorian and Faye are here. I loved seeing these two again. It was just enough to be relevant to the story without stealing the spotlight from Christoper and Millie.

These two fought their attraction so hard, for reasons that made so much sense. But it was so satisfying to see them fail. They were sexy together, but also poignant. They turned up the heat, to be sure, but just as importantly, they made me care about them. They made me completely invested in their happy ending.

The murder-mystery kept the plot moving, and it was ok. I figured out the villain early on. But honestly, that was all just the backdrop for the romance… which by halfway in to the book, I was totally sold on.

Not entirely as great for me as The Highwayman, but it gave me good feels, and in the end, was quite good, Bring on The Highlander.

Rating: B/B+
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amitha amranand
The prologue is brutal. Ripped my heart out. This is one of those books that you have to put that down in process for a few minutes before you can start the next chapter. After reading The Highwayman I thought I knew what I was getting into. This just grabs you and makes you need to know how everything turns out. Christopher Argent is an assassin. Millicent LeCoer is an actress and mother. He has a contract to kill her but finds he can't do it. She is attracted to him before she learns that he is supposed to kill her. How can a killer learn to love? That's what it comes down to and it is so good, even through the tears.
*I received a copy from Netgalley for my honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Christopher Argent is a name that is only whispered. He is London's underworld premier assassin and born in Newgate, he has no mercy in his soul. It is when he has his hands around Millie LeCour's neck that the first crack of emotion starts to reveal the man underneath the darkness that has encased him all his life. Born in Whitechaple, Millie has become an actress only wanting her name to be shouted about and feel important. When her bestfriend is murdered, she takes on the responsibility of the friend's now motherless son. This seemingly innocuous act will however, put her into the sights of London's most dangerous men and hopefully, into the heart of the deadliest.

There was no denying that he was beautiful. Beautiful in that way that a lightning storm was beautiful, or a tidal wave. Awe-inspiring and utterly dangerous.

Second in the Victorian Rebels series, Byrne takes us on another journey into the lives of London's more on the fringe of society citizens. Introduced in the first book, we get Argent's full story here and what a beginning it was. Argent's mother was imprisoned for various charges and laws being what they were then, Argent ends up being born and growing up in Newgate. The prologue was powerful with its look into the events that shaped and molded Argent, it's dark but there is also such a prevalent thread of sheer human survival that you'll grit your teeth with anger and hopefulness. As with the first book, I was impressed with how well the author could write the scenery in such a way that I could easily visualize everything. Whether it was Newgate, the fighting pits, or the bath house, her descriptions took me there; her ability and talent to do this is one of my favorite aspects of her writing and my favorite part of this story.

"You make me…want."

Argent was the dominant force and at times this felt more like his story rather than Millie and his. His story and demeanor reminded me a lot of the character Bane from Batman. The whole "You think darkness is your ally. You merely adopted the dark. I was born into. I didn't see the light until I was a man." Argent had going on, is how I drew the similarities (or I'm just obsessed with Bane). Millie becomes his light with how she brings out feelings in him. I wouldn't call it insta-lust or insta-love but insta-attraction, it felt more real without the usual eye-rolling verbiage or actions typically associated with the first two. Millie was a good character but the heroine keeping secrets for more suspense tripped her up at times. As with the couple from the first two books, I liked the humor (a bit more stark and sparse in this one) and lightness that shone through from our couple's interactions. It adds a layer to their relationship and helps to make them feel more real.

What I missed in this book that I loved from the first, was secondary characters. Jakob, Millie's son, was the most prominent and had great scenes with Argent but I missed a fuller cast. The hero and heroine from book one make a solid appearance, with Argent's friendship with Dorian adding a great layer to them both but the main villain and the lesser villains weren't quite rounded out or maybe I felt their motives and revealing were a bit rushed towards the end; the pace of the story was uneven. The middle of the story became a bit self-indulgent with Argent's misery and not being able to love; it became repetitive and slowed everything way down. The ending also became too cliché with the easy out of Millie being in danger and Argent realizing he now wants to act on his feelings.

I liked this story with its walled off hero learning not only to love but how and its bold and brash heroine but it seemed to get lost in its own emotional turmoil. There are a couple heroes hinted at who seem to be waiting in the wings and I'm a fan of Byrne's writing style, so I'm definitely staying with the series and hoping for a return of the magic that featured in the first book.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Christopher Argent is an assassin, an excellent one. He never fails his mission. Until his mission becomes Millie Lecour.

Millie is an actress who falls for the dangerous man. He comes in the night to kill her but while she's scared she feels something more from him and eventually for him.

Kerrigan writes some dark plots and this one is definitely dark for a historical. I love the intensity of Argent and how he turns from an unfeeling murderer for hire to a protective caretaker for Millie. He stays true to his nature in everyone but Millie and those she cares about.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
thea respicio
This is not your average historical. This one has a bit of a dark side, Christopher is an assassin and doesn’t care who he kills, good or bad. Millicent is Christopher’s next job, when she learns that he is hired to kill her she is afraid yet there is something about him that attracts her. This story has lots of drama and suspense. I admit the story is a bit slow in parts and sometimes Christopher annoyed me a bit but overall I really liked this book and would recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan macd
I have recently discovered Kerrigan Byrne and it has been such a pleasure reading her books. There is a depth and soul to her characters. The inner dialogue and torment could be trite and repetitive in the hands of a less skilled author. Her stories have everything in them that you want – a great story, steamy love and action.
Millie is a consummate actress, the belle of Covent Gardens. She also has a price on her head and Christopher is the man who is about to collect. The evolution of Christopher is the foundation of this story and it is a great part of the book. I truly enjoyed reading about how one small woman’s presence turns his world upside down.
We know Christopher intimately by the time he meets Millie. The story opens with a horrid glimpse into his childhood and the terror he was subjected to. I think this was an extremely clever plot device by the author as it truly helps the reader understand why the emotions Christopher feels are so revolutionary for him. The fact that he feels anything is remarkable, as the premiere assassin of England, he doesn’t ever feel the pain he inflicts.
There is nothing stronger in this world than the love a mother has for their child. I would do anything for my son. I want to fight every battle for him, swaddle him in bubble wrap and keep him with me forever. Obviously that isn’t going to happen as we want children to be resilient, experience success and failure and to be compassionate. Millie is that kind of mother. She loves Jakub with all her heart and the threat against them is real and terrifying. She makes a deal with Christopher to keep them safe and while Christopher is convinced he is the very devil, Millie gets the protection and the man she is interested in.
From the start the chemistry between Millie and Christopher is electric. The sparks almost seem to fly off the page. Whether he is being coarse or rude or cool, Christopher is an enigma to Millie, but one that she wants to get to know. They are both novices at relationships. This creates some interesting situations, but as the reader you truly knew that this was a life changing relationship and that it just had to develop into more.
What I admire about Kerrigan Byrne’s writing is how she takes deep and heavy issues and weaves them into the plot so seamlessly. Abandonment, despair, depravity and love are all explored in this book, yet I never felt like the inclusion strayed from the plot or the development of the characters. I truly enjoyed this book and can’t wait to read more about this world that she has created!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
matthew torpy
This NetGalley reviewer is very conflicted on this one. Having given Book 1 of this series, The Highwayman, a 5 star raving review, at 15% into The Hunter I found myself raving again…in dismay and frustration. Barely into it and it was breaking important requirements for my romantic reads. #1) I need to actually like the hero. This one has no qualms about killing men or women, does so without remorse or caring if he is killing innocent victims, who are leaving a family/children behind. ..”There was no shame in taking pleasure in a kill…”

***spoilers possible***

And what’s up with the two Irish bodyguards she hired knowing the assassin and simply stepping aside so he can attempt to kill her again. Like it’s no big deal…”She was kind ta us both. Fair. Good to her boy. Paid us in advance. Don’t much like the thought of her screaming, with fear or with pain.” After Christopher implies she won’t suffer. The reply is “Very well then, I’ll be on me merry way.” So anyone else out there have a problem with this? I think a contract for a hit should be taken out on these two bodyguards!

Then, during Christopher’s attempts to kill her, she has sexy thoughts about him. Seriously? Woman, you are going to want to claw his eyes out, not kiss him! Hence, here’s where another criteria of mine surfaced…credibility. She does end up making a deal with this devil, who gives his word he will honor it. Sure, honey, you can always trust a cold-hearted killer.

At 34% into it, Christopher seems to have evolved into a different character. He went from being an unfeeling, uncaring killing machine to feeling guilt and wanting to figure out why he was hired. He’s never questioned his hits before. His fleeting conscience seems to finally be making an appearance. Then is gone…and resurfaces @ 50% after he (coughing into my hand) collects his payment from her. By the way, not just me but even the heroine did not find that scene enjoyable. It certainly made me like him even less. In fact, I think many avid romantics at heart will want to take a contract out on him after it. Yes, he later feels guilt over this, too.

Finally, the plot starts to unfold and the characters actions are more what I expected. I understand this story is meant to have a dark backdrop. After all, there is a touch of the mob, thanks to Dorian, and apparently a Jack The Ripper wanna-be is on the loose. Throw in the constant inner dialog and reminders of the hero’s dark, tormented past/thoughts, and it is impossible to forget. But it seemed to take much longer than Book 2 to jump that hurdle into a hopeful, romantic tale. Yes, if you’ve read The Highwayman, you remember Dorian. Believe me, he comes across as a saint compared to this hero.

The Hunter has left this reviewer on the hunt for answers why Ms. Bryne chose to make this tale even darker than the first book. I contemplated not finishing it. I’m concerned she may push some of her fan base away with this one. Since her writing style is engaging, flows well, and there were several twists and turns, I decided I had to see it through to the bitter end, even though I was conflicted whether to forgive this hero or simply give up on him. In the end, you likely won’t find a more loyal, would fight to the death to save his woman, alpha hero. Here’s to hoping Book 3 will be more light hearted. It’s already looking favorable to this reviewer, because according to the title, The Highlander, it will feature a Scottish Laird, my favorite romantic lead.

So, overall, my fellow romantic book-loving friends, read this only if you are prepared to be taken down a very dark road, at least in the beginning. Also, brace yourself to dislike the hero for some time. It also contains some crude, graphic erotic scenes/comments that some may find offensive. Simply put, it isn’t your tea sipping, average English historical romantic read. You’ll have to judge for yourself if that is a good or bad thing.

Title: The Hunter, Series: Victorian Rebels (Book 2), Author: Kerrigan Bryne, Pages: 432, stand-alone, HEA, hero’s mother is a prostitute gang raped in prison in front of him, hero will kill men or women without remorse, English not Scottish romance, heroine is a successful actress, hero was raised in an abusive prison environment.

Book 1 – The Highwayman, 9/1/15, Pages: 384 (Farah & Dorian)
Book 2 – The Hunter, 2/2/16, Pages 432 (Christopher & Millie)
Book 3 – The Highlander, 8/2/16, Pages: 368 (Philomena & Liam)

(This review is based on ARC generously provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh sands
Argent was a brilliantly drawn tortured hero and though he was so cruel at times, I fell in love with everything about him. Millie herself was wonderful, and the connection between them felt real to this reader. I commend the author for her wonderful writing voice, and the ability she had to immerse me into the story. I quite enjoyed the plot, the romance and the writing. I would recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really like the entire three part series, and of the three I can honestly say that each book got progressively better. Didn't think that was possible! I can only hope that the author writes a forth book about the other brother. All in all I like the flow of each story there was no lull portions or unnecessary prolonging of the book with useless prattle. I couldn't wait to see what was in store for the main characters or just what was happening within the story overall. I found this trilogy of books to be extremely entertaining.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
brian ng
This book tries to romanticize murder. This isn't the typical tortured hero on a quest for justice or even revenge, who's out to destroy the bad guys. This "Hero" kills innocent people, so long as the price is right. He also enjoys the killing (stated very clearly in the book), and walks around imagining which of the strangers he is passing might be his next victim, enjoying the sense of power it gives him. The guy is a sociopath. Yes, he had a tragic childhood. Since when does that grant you the right to murder indiscriminately? I don't know how the love story turns out, couldn't get past the hero thinking about how great killing people is to make it that far.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john ledbetter
Wow. Just. Wow. NOT the typical story. Beautifully written. Emotionally engaging from start to finish. The author doesn't just take you on an adventure or escape. From the very beginning, to the very end I was thoroughly captivated, and left wanting MORE.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren mckeague
Oh my bleeding heart. This story was packed with so much drama, murder and romance. This is now my third book in a row about the "Victorian Rebels" and each one is exceptional. I never would think I would enjoy a book where the hero is a murderer. What extraordinary writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cory bree
I loved this book. No one does dark and tormented better than Kerrigan Byrne. This book has the best prologue ever. It's only 16 pages long but what Kerrigan Byrne did with those 16 pages will stay with you. It's brutal but necessary to create Christopher Argent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bruno stegmann
I loved The Highwayman so I was looking for Christopher's story and I'm happy to say it certainly did not disappoint.The story was interesting .My only complaint is that there was not epilogue!!!!!! I really hope Laird Ravencroft and the Duke of Trenwyth get their own stories!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Christopher that man was sexy, blunt, and dirty, "He smelled clean, but his words were anything but. “I asked you if you came in here looking for another eff? A better eff. A longer eff.” Christopher is raw and uncut, more animal then human and I loved it. I enjoyed this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joy mims
Only Kerrigan Byrne can make a story about an assassin be so totally tear-jerking and amazing. Christopher Argent is hired to kill the actress Millie LeCour. Instead he falls in love with her (even if he doesn't know what it is to love). Born and raised in prison, Christopher is an ice cold killer - who has no heart until he meets Millie. Then instead of killing her he decides to protect her against any other assassins who might come after her and her young son.
Reading about how Christopher relates to Millie as well as her son Jakub was a heart-wrenching experience. I cried more than once at how hard it is for Christopher to open his heart and his life to the two of them. It takes almost losing them to realize that he can't live without them.
This isn't a feel-goof Happily Ever After kind of story. The characters work hard to get their ending but it is worth every minute of the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a wonderful story. The prose was tight. The emotions evoked were real. The suspense was harrowing and it. just. kept. coming.

This series is breathtaking. I love all of the characters. I keep revisiting time and again. Dorian/Dougan, Farah/Fairy, Morley, Murdach, Tallow, Gemma, Frank Walters, it was awesome to see them back again for Argent's HEA.

As I await the release of The Duke, a fresh read of the existing series has revealed hints about the new story that I had not noticed in prior reads. Ah the anticipation! Thank you Kerrigan Byrne for creating my favorite characters and series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
skye alena
Kerrigan Byrne has created the most tortured heroes in this Victorian Rebels Series. Your heart breaks for what they have lived through to become men who need strong, gentle, loving women. Christopher Argent is described as a Viking. He has the scars to prove the life of which he was born of a Mother incarcerated in Newgate Prison. Sweet Millie has the heart he needs to heal. Argent and Millie meet once he accepts the contract on her life, but he is mesmerized by her. He, truly, has his hands around her neck when she kisses him. She changes everything for and in him, even if a bit slowly. He vows to protect her and Jakob, her son, for one night with her. Argent connects her love and willingness to do whatever it takes to protect her son to the love and willingness his Mother had to protect him. She died protecting him in Newgate. If the book seems morbid or dark, keep reading. You will be glad you did.

Yes, Argent is a tormented soul, but Millie sees the good in him. She sees he is who he is due to the happenstance of his birth and not through his choices. Millie does not make excuses, but sees the why of his life. Their HEA comes but takes time for Argent to accept who he is and what he has done as being more about the person he can be in the future with Millie's love.

Her son, Jakob, is the most endearing character in the book. His artistic instinct, his round glasses and his ability to repeat Argents exact words all make him the most appealing imp. His antics will make you laugh.

The Hunter is the second book in the series. This is a stand-alone book, but I encourage you to read The Highwayman if you have not already read it. I love this series! Thank you Net Galley for sharing this book with me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rita macdonnell
This series keeps getting better and better! Christopher Argent was so tortured and the prologue nearly killed me! I would definitely read a second book about these 2 because I would love to see how things go on from the ending. This genre is sucking me into it's web thanks to authors like Kerrigan Byrne!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are times you read books and they evoke feelings , for the characters or their lives .
I’ve never had my heart ripped apart by a series as much as this one .
The Hunter is one of those that is an emotional rollercoaster, from beginning to end .
Do they award Oscars for writing ?
Because I have a candidate ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have throughly enjoyed this book. He fought from the time he was just a lad and finally had to learn how to quit fighting and learn how to love. What an awesome book, I can't wait to read the next one!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was beyond my expectations! Excellent romance read with twists and turns ...never gets boring and not the typical same ole story line that you usually see....this book was an excellent read with a intriguing storyline and characters! I got this book from the Goodreads free book giveaway and it made this one of my must read authors for sure!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
camila meireles
I gave Byrne another chance after tapping out early in the first book of this series. After pages of sermonizing about feminism (a very modern view that did not fit with the setting), I felt like I was listening to a rant instead of reading for recreation. After reading this book I have realized that Byrne may just have a very lenient editor.
If I can skip a page or two every once in a while and still have no problem picking right up with the story, the author is pontificating a bit too much.
Also, I had some of the same issues as other readers with the "kinda-rape" scenario.
I think I am done with Byrne. If she grows concise and stays away from anything remotely resembling rape, she could probably easily have a five star book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dane peacock
I was disappointed in this story. The characters were well described and had charisma but I found myself skimming a lot. I liked the first book much better. Some of the main characters and their relationships from the first story continue into this story. A very troubled sole has a hold on our hero and it takes a strong women to fall in love with him. Good plot but a little predictable and a very bad villain, but always a happy ending.
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