Wish You Were Here: A Novel

ByRen%C3%A9e Carlino

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wish You Were Here was a very emotional story, filled with love and hope, and beautifully written characters.

Charlotte has never felt ready to settle down, not with a man, not with her education, and not with a job. She was quite lost for a while, until she met Adam for one magical night of getting to know him, and feeling both loved and beautiful. Even if he was acting strangely. Afterwards, it took her a long way to get her self confidence back, in spite of the fact that meeting Seth was nice. Still, Adam was on her mind, and through some fateful circumstances, they met again. Only for her to understand that Adam hadn’t left his loft because he had moved on to bigger and better things.

Charlotte was quite lost, as I said. She didn’t have a plan, and no real direction. Helen, Charlotte’s best friend was different, more spontaneous and seemingly happier. Adam was a whimsical artist, grabbing on to life with both hands, living every day to the fullest. Seth a baseball hope who set his eyes on Charlotte through a dating app. Then, there were Charles, Charlotte’s brother, as well as her parents, and Rodney, Helen’s boyfriend.

Writing style :
First person, past tense, written from Charlotte’s perspective. Wish You Were Here managed to include all of the emotions, experiences and doubts she experienced. Thanks to dialogues, I also got to know the other characters well enough both to care about them, and want them to find happiness.

Feels :
All the feels in the world in Wish You Were Here! I cried so hard I sobbed. I also laughed out loud. I felt light in some moments, and heavy-hearted in others. There was so much love and hope, and the story was truly beautiful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda lepz
I’ve read all of Renee Carlino’s books multiple times. Wish You Were Here literally had me laughing out loud and bawling my bloody eyes out. It is riddled with perfectly quoteable one liners. Do yourself a favor and read it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rebekah johnson
The main character Charlie is difficult to connect with and annoying most of the book. The men in the book are much more likable. It frustrated me that Charlie was so adept at Sailing after being on a sailboat once. Not realistic.
The Peacock Emporium :: After You (Second Chances Series) (Volume 3) :: I Found You :: Silver Bay: A Novel :: The Horse Dancer: A Novel
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
carol zingery
The main character Charlie is difficult to connect with and annoying most of the book. The men in the book are much more likable. It frustrated me that Charlie was so adept at Sailing after being on a sailboat once. Not realistic.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amy carpenter
Hard to like the lead lady, bounced around so much a times. If you've had any troubling loss, this book might trigger something in you. Was very sad and heart wrenching a times. Was a fast read, which I wasn't expecting. Felt like parts of the story were rushed and under explained while other parts were detailed when they weren't supposed too be. Was super choppy and was annoying. Felt like maybe all of this was some crazy delusion of the main character. sometimes it made zero sense how she went from A to B, too the point where I'd go back and read it over again thinking I somehow missed a paragraph or a whole chapter. Was super excited about this book and I feel a little let down. Read her other books, they are amazing. This one fell short for me unfortunately.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dr abd el rahman baiomy
4.5 Stars

WISH YOU WERE HERE is a breathtaking, heart stopping, kinda shake you to the core kinda reads!! The one that will move you, shake you and rock your socks off! But has that added humor, dirty talking and that oh so perfect Alpha attitude!! Which seems to balance out the story! Making you fall that little more, with just the hint of snarkiness to add!
WOWZER!!! Like for real!! I just can’t say enough about the brilliancy of RENEE CARLINO ‘s journey she lead me on! Pure Soul entrapping marvel!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
parisa h taheri
I have read every book by this author and enjoyed each one. I preordered this book and was looking forward to reading her latest. I could barely make it to page 195 and that was a struggle. I know these books are fiction but I want a book that is somewhat believable. I found this story ridiculous. Who could relate to any of these characters? I am very familiar with the medical world and NO ONE SNEAKS a seriously ill patient in and out of a hospital. This book was way beyond a disappointment. No more books by this author for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
morgue anne
Some books you pick up because they sound entertaining, and some books you pick up because you're already a fan of the author. I'm a relatively new reader to Renee Carlino, have been curious about her writing and kept seeing all of the buzz for this book, so it was definitely on my radar. But then I started and was granted so much more than just a story about two people falling in love. It's about finding yourself, even when you don't know where to start looking. It's about embracing life with a sunny outlook, no matter the amount of rainy days. It's about stealing Chinese food from a stranger on the street at midnight and discussing the merits of dancing wolves. It's about love, life, hope and happiness. Acceptance, perspective, and the importance of dreaming about, and creating your future.

There are some authors that come along and you fall into reading them by happenstance. You are entranced not by their fancy words or worldly plots and characters, but their tone and their voice. The realness that they inject into their writing and the vivid imagery that they can create. This is exactly with Carlino and Wish You Were Here. Her voice was what drew me in, the story was what kept me. It's an extremely visceral feeling to read a book like this with such potent intensity. This story can, and will change someone's life.

I went in to this story completely blind and I seriously suggest you do the same. I didn't look at any other reviews, I didn't ask friends that I know have read it, I just turned to page one and dove in. Having no idea why to expect, I didn't even read the blurb. Isn't that part of the fun of reading though? Experiencing a story as it was meant to be read, not by finding hints or seeing biased reviews beforehand. Though who am I kidding, this review is biased. But I'll also do my best to not actually tell you anything about the story other than how it made me feel. We read books to escape, don't we? To meet other people and places and see the stories that we might not get to see. To feel. This book accomplishes all of those and more.

Wish You Were Here swept me up in such a whirlwind of emotions, it was anything but what I expected. I had no clue how this book would go but I never could've imagined what we actually got. I don't know how I would've felt if I knew any details going in, and it was so raw and powerful to experience all of this without any outside whispers of what was happening. I feel like this book changed something in me. Even two weeks later, I can't even reread my notes and highlighted quotes for this book because I FEEL ALL OF THE THINGS that I previously mentioned. I fell in love while reading and embraced the emotions as they came. I only hope that you can do the same.

I've had several people ask me about certain content in this book, but I really don't want to tell you much about it. Just read it because this hurts so good. The only advice that I can give though is that with everything you read, file that away. Once you finish, think about the different perspectives that this gives you. Step back from the book and look at the bigger picture of everything you just read. THIS, in my opinion, is how I think the story is meant to be experienced.

Ultimately, I agree with this story and love how it was done. I thought that there was 10% near the end or so that I wasn't totally sure on, it almost felt a little bit callous to me, but by the time we got to the epilogue, there was a giant lightbulb that went off in my head. I had a quiet, "I understand now" moment, and just had a minute of calm and reflection for what I just read once that happened.

So with that being said, I'll leave you with this little sound bite: Beautiful Life by Nick Fradiani was on repeat in my house for several days while I danced, sang, and lived with these characters in my heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lily dunn
Wish You Were Here was everything. It stole my heart right from the beginning and didn’t let it go, in fact, I am still reeling from this poignant, beautiful story. It’s one of those special books that I felt in every fiber of my being. I was confident that this was going to be a fantastic read, but it was even more than I could have ever hoped for. I’m not sure if anything that I write will do this book the justice that it so deserves. In my opinion, it was perfection.

I fell head-over-heels in love with the characters that Renée Carlino created. I was immediately drawn to them and invested in their lives and story. They were likable and relatable. From the main characters to the secondary characters, each one was so well-done and contributed to the overall story.

Who hasn’t felt a little lost, insecure, and uncertain in their twenties? Charlotte was having difficulty finding her true passion in life – in her career and dating. She had a bad track record when it came to jobs and men. She was a magnet for poor choices, but I couldn’t help but find her completely endearing. I wanted Charlotte to find her calling, so to speak, and to find someone who would sweep her off her feet. And, boy, does she ever!

I loved how Charlotte and Adam met. It was quirky, whimsical, and completely spontaneous. Their connection and attraction was instant and undeniable. They just seemed to click. Their one perfect night of indulgence, conversation, and passion seemed like kismet, however, their tryst didn’t end quite as well as it began. But that one night with Adam was not something that Charlotte would soon forget.

I would love nothing more than to discuss every little morsel of this novel, but I don’t want to take away from anyone else’s reading experience, and trust me, this book is an experience. It is overflowing with emotion and heart. I was swept away in the beauty and intensity of Renée Carlino’s exquisite writing. She delivered a story that was captivating, consuming, and well-rounded. She has the ability to write a story that will make you feel so much that you think your heart won’t be able to take too much more, all the while providing the much needed humorous moments that will make you smile and laugh out loud. Simply put, her writing talent abounds in this book.

Wish You Were Here is a breathtaking, moving story with a powerful love story and message. I was completely enamored with it from beginning to end. It is an unforgettable story that makes me so proud to be a reader. This is definitely a favorite for 2017!

*I received a copy of the book from the publisher (via NetGalley) in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey chapman
I went into this book not knowing exactly what to expect and I couldn't put it down.

Charlotte is a young woman who has been lost and going through the motions with a string of jobs and men that just do not fit. She has her best friend Helen by her side, but with everything else she is not really invested and lacks purpose. She comes off as stand offish, scattered, and guarded. She likes safety and tends to wait around for things to happen.

One night an mysterious man comes to their rescue. She and Adam seem to have this instant connection. He is spontaneous, outgoing, and seems to have a zest for life. He apparently has made some big life changes recently, and appears somewhat unfocused and sad at times. But in a rare act of spontaneity, spurred on by Helen, Charlotte spends an Earth shattering night with Adam where she lets down her walls. But the next morning, he seemed different and she felt rejected.

Months later Charlotte finds herself being pursued by a man that has the makings of the perfect boyfriend. Seth is handsome, attentive, interested, charming, and fits right in with her friends and family. But something is still holding her back. And when Charlotte goes looking for it, she has no idea what she is going to find and how her life is going to change.

This story captured me from the beginning. I kept guessing about the mystery surrounding Adam and wondering how everything was going to come together and turn out. It was hard to see which way the story was going to go at times. And parts of it were as heartbreaking as they were beautiful. This is not a typical romance book. This is really Charlotte's journey of self discovery and finding her self worth. She begins directionless, selfish, indecisive, and needy. And she needs to learn how to believe in herself, really live, and not let fear stop her from doing things. But with that being said, there is definitely love and romance, soul mates, and second chances in this story.

There is also humor, pain, heartbreak, loss, hope, healing, and growth. There are a lot of layers to the story and sometimes timing is everything. It shows how people can impact lives in various ways and how connections can cause a domino effect and bring change. I enjoyed the side characters and their dynamic relationships. The witty banter and joy these characters find even in challenging circumstances is fun and inspiring. There are so many good life lessons to get out of this book. It makes you think, but also makes you feel. And in the end love is what is important...for yourself, for family, for friends, and for those that are willing to open up and share their heart.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul headrick
Beautiful. Absolutely, stunningly beautiful. And spectacular, and powerful, and heartbreaking... I just don't have enough adjectives to describe my feelings for this book! I've only read one other book by Renee Carlino, and I enjoyed it, but she brought everything to the table with this story. I laughed, I cried, I fell in love with these characters, and the story left me bereft (yet hopeful and happy—the hangover is real, y'all!). Wish You Were Here is a gorgeous must-read and one of my favorite books of the year!

Charlotte is like a lot of twenty-somethings these days. She's searching for her life's purpose through lackluster jobs and even worse boyfriend prospects. Her aimless wanderings steer her into the path of an enigmatic stranger who inadvertently changes the course of Charlotte's stagnant life. Nothing is the same after seeing the world through Adam's eyes.

I devoured this story in one sitting, and you could blow me over with a feather once I finished. Wish You Were Here is one of those books that you just sit and stare off into space for a while after setting it down. There is so much to appreciate and absorb and adore about the intricacies and the outcome of the journey Charlotte, Adam, their friends and their families go on thanks to Ms. Carlino's skillful storytelling.

So many passages were highlighted to reread later (when my eyes aren't so misty), and I had even planned to share some here, but I've decided that I want everyone to read this book and enjoy those passages organically and within the context of the story. No matter what I share, it would never capture the perfection of the epic love story I just experienced. Do yourself a favor and pick this book up as soon as you can. I promise you won't regret it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Renée Carlino has become one of those rare authors that I know I'm going to read whatever she writes - and be emotionally impacted by it. She has a gift for writing stories that I slip into seamlessly and become fully immersed in the lives of characters that feel like they could be my friends, my sisters, my family. Wish You Were Here was no exception.

Charlotte is coasting through life with a series of failed careers and failed relationships behind her. A chance meeting with Adam leads to a one-night stand and an intense connection. However, the morning after brings another side of Adam and Charlotte is left questioning how all they shared the previous night could have vanished so quickly. Six months later Charlotte is still shaken by her encounter with Adam and even a tentative new relationship with a seemingly great guy cannot shake her conviction that her story with Adam is still unfinished.

There's little I can say plot-wise without giving away much of the story and it's best to experience Wish You Were Here without too much information - just let the story unfold. So instead let's talk characters. Carlino did her usual magic and created a main character so flawed and so human and it was impossible not to feel her uncertainty and lack of direction. Admittedly, the two main male characters at times fell into the too-good-to-be-true category but I loved them both so much that I couldn't hold it against them (or Carlino). Every interaction was filled with such heart and emotion and humor, often making me smile through tears. There were times when I was frustrated with Charlotte, wondering if she was being deliberately obtuse, but watching as she changed and truly came into her own made it all worthwhile. Yes, it could be argued that there is insta-love (or at least an insta-connection), but it was impossible not to fall under the romantic spell that Carlino cast. I was swept away by the sparks that were flying, by the grand gestures, by the quiet moments. Somehow, Carlino took the trope, added her signature mixture of realism and emotion, and made it work.

Wish You Were Here puts a spotlight on not only romantic relationships but those with friends and family as well. As the story progresses, it was satisfying to see Charlotte's relationships with her best friend, her parents and her brother change and evolve as she herself changed. Her relationship with her brother was a real highlight and their banter rang so true. Anyone with a sibling will understand and appreciate the love-hate relationship, the rivalry, the inside jokes, and the way the relationship (hopefully) evolves into something even stronger and deeper in adulthood.

Wish You Were Here is about having the courage to choose love no matter what the cost. It's about soul mates and second chances. It's about growing up, finding direction, and living in the moment. Ultimately, Wish You Were Here is the perfect novel for those who are in love with love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tanya ellington
Renée Carlino has been one of my absolute favorite authors ever since I read Sweet Thing. She's a wonderful storyteller and knows how to pull your heart in and drown it in various emotions. This book was no different. The moment I got wind of Wish You Were Here I knew I was in for a mind-blowing experience. And that's exactly what I got.

Charlotte is this young woman in her twenties that never seemed to stick to just one thing. She switches interests and boyfriends often because she doesn't get that feeling of certainty that shouts "this is it", so to speak. Still, I found Charlotte's character to be very relatable. Like her, I've often felt adrift or not quite certain of where to go in life. I feel that many people in their twenties especially think they have to decide on one set path, stay on it, and go with the flow, in spite that their hearts may not be all in. But from Charlotte, you get the sense that it's okay to try different things, make mistakes, work on yourself, and keep pushing on until you get there because you will eventually.

Another thing I related to Charlotte with was how insecure she felt and how she lacked confidence, not only in herself but in her capability to have a healthy relationship and career. And although her encounter with Adam was rather interesting and turned out to be full of excitement for that one night, the misunderstanding that transpired the morning after didn't help her self-doubt and already low self-esteem whatsoever. As a matter of fact, her dignity was so bruised that it made it difficult to move on with another. Thank goodness Seth was a great guy and was willing to wait for Charlotte. Even after she reunited with Adam and all that happened after. That's where the sad elements of the book peaked.

Adam. What could I possibly say about this guy that would sum up his awesomeness in the story? There isn't one word that could do him justice, to be honest. He was just that wonderful. Adam was facing something so sad and horrible, yet he smiled and continued to appreciate the small things in life. His love for art and Charlotte was so admirable and so real, that I could feel it through the pages. Their connection was intense, beautiful and painful all in one. My heart ached for them, like seriously. And while I did love Seth, his sweet personality and how even though it hurt, he understood and accepted Charlotte's feelings, a huge part of me loved Adam more and rooted for him.

Regardless of how things went, I was thrilled that Charlotte at least experienced self-growth toward the end of the story and finally saw herself as she should have from the beginning, strong and worthy.

Yeah, the book does have painful moments, but thanks to Charlotte's brother and her friendship with Helen, there were humorous times as well. The brother/sister aspect was particularly my favorite. Chucky, like most siblings, knew how to push his sister's buttons and they sure did mess with each other. But at the end of the day, it was all fun and I liked how supportive her brother was in his own way. As for Helen, it was mostly love/dislike for me. I loved that she could cheer up Charlotte and was so close to her family, but I felt like Helen wasn't really there for her best friend in that whole situation with Adam. I thought she could have been a bit more understanding and stop bringing up Seth every time she was around Charlotte. The situation was already complicated and I didn't like some of the things she said. Glad they were able to resolve all that over time though.

To conclude, Ms. Carlino has definitely done it again. This was such a great story. I transitioned from laughing to crying to feeling frustrated, then to sad and crying happy tears throughout the book. Only a few authors mess with my emotions this much the way Renée does and I just love that you never know how you'll end up feeling by the end of her stories. My gosh, I cannot recommend this one enough. If you're up for an emotional read definitely give this one a chance. You won't regret it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lady ozma
6 Heartfelt Stars!!!

Breathtaking and devastatingly beautiful, Wish You Were Here will take you on an emotional journey of life, friendship, loss, love and discovering ones true self worth! Amazing read, definitely going on my top read list for 2017!

It's very rare to find a book that can invoke so many emotions in the reader, it's like looking for a unicorn. When you find that rare gem, you get in your comfy pants, curl up in your favorite place to read; maybe have some chocolate (or wine lol) and a box of tissues and dive in knowing that the story is going to completely gut you, but you persevere and devour each and every single word anyways. You fall in love and you feel all the emotions that the author wants to portrays through their characters.

That's exactly what this story is, a gem, a rare find, a unicorn of the book world! This story was beautiful, funny, sweet, romantic, steamy, and heart wrenching. You get love and laughter, great friends, family and a love that is so epic, it will stay ingrained in your heart long after you've read the last page.

Adam...oh sweet sweet Adam. How I love him and his epic sweetness!

***Everything before you and I were in that bar is a blur, but everything after is crystal clear. Why is that? Is it because I was so enamored of you that you marked my soul and now I can’t get you out of my mind?

Charolette feels she is just drifting through her life, not knowing exactly what she wants. She's started so many things, and never finished them. She lives in an apartment with her best friend. Her brother is going to be a dentist following in their fathers footsteps, but Charolette, she's a waitress at a diner and still not sure what direction her life needs to go in. One night with Adam, a night so special, that it changed her forever.

***"You still don’t know what you’re worth.” He wiped a tear from my cheek and smiled. “So I’m dedicating the rest of my life to proving that to you.”

See, sweetness! May the swooning over Adam commence! Trust me, there are lots of swoon worthy moments.

I can't tell you enough how much I loved this book, and I won't spoil anything, you need to experience it all first hand!

This book has all the feels and will push you emotionally, but so worth the entire ride. Promise!

~I voluntarily read an early copy of this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Charlotte has very little direction in her life. She has a series of failed relationships with subpar partners and dead end jobs. She has no idea what she wants to do, but isn’t entirely pleased with her current direction. A late night run in with a stranger, Adam, changes her entire course, at least until the next morning when the light of day makes things look different. Shortly after her encounter with Adam, she meets Seth and though things are going well with the developing relationship, she can’t forget her perfect night with Adam.

This was one of those stories full of missed connections and what ifs. I loved watching Adam and Charlotte's interactions and the dreams they create together. But I also loved Seth’s quiet determination to have Charlotte see herself as he sees her.

This was one of those books that left me feeling so mixed. I loved so much about it, but there are a couple aspects that left me feeling more than a little unsettled. Parts that even as I read I wondered if I could find enough to balance. I loved so much about this story, but the timing broke my heart. Everything about the timing broke my heart. Adam. Seth. Charlotte. But I also love the way things were put back together after they were broken. The longer I thought about those pieces that had me all mixed up, the more I realized this just fit.

This has the entire range of emotion, as well as a character development that took a woman floating through life with no real aspiration and gave her purpose, direction, and love. I debated for some time about my rating for Wish You Were Here because of this uncertainty, but the longer I thought, the more I realized I needed to rate this one highly simply because it made me think so hard. This was not a book I read and moved on from quickly. Even now, a week after I finished, I am still thinking about how it made me feel, and that’s the mark of a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nesa sivagnanam
I've heard amazing things about Renee Carlino's writing for years now and I don't know why Wish You Were Here is my first read from her but WOW! I had no idea what I was missing. This book- GAH- THIS BOOK! It gave me every feel. There were moments when I laughed, moments when I swooned and moments when I was a weepy mess.

Charlotte was adorably awkward and so like-able. She was also a hot mess. I loved how she was willing to try almost anything and put herself on the line time and again. Even when she was looking back on that one night that made her pause. One random, spectacular night with Adam opened up Charlotte's world and mind and heart and made her believe that there was something more out there for her. And she tried to find it, oh did she try. From online dating to a new roommate, she gave it everything she had.

The true beauty of this book lies in when Charlotte gives up the fight of trying to please everyone and starts living for herself. Adam taught her that. Their time together may have been way too brief but it's impact, Adam's wake, was a force unlike any other.

Wish You Were Here was just so real. Renee Carlino gave me a new, what I like to call, "life book". There was personal growth, acceptance and perseverance through all the garbage life throws your way and love. For others. For your friends. For your family. For yourself. It's not an easy lesson and some never learn it, but watching Charlotte transition into her true self was an incredible ride. AND THAT ENDING!! Absolutely, positively, most definitely, without a doubt, the perfect way to conclude Charlotte's journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have many favourite contemporary/romance books but, Wish You Were Here is one of those books that blew me away and cry all at the same time. Being in Toronto at the time of reading it, I was remembering everything that happened with my father and that life is short and be with the ones you love most. Renee Carlino really out did herself with this book. I was pretty much an emotional wreck through some scenes. You can always count of Renee with writing a stunning story about love and loss. I was done with it in a matter of hours.

Charlotte is our main character who is in her mid-late twenties and is not having very good luck at finding the one, working as a waitress and is changing jobs a lot. Then she meets Adam and her world changes. They have one unforgettable night that changes her for the next few months because she can't forget him. I seriously loved Adam to pieces!! His character had a lot of soul and love that he will not leave your mind until the last page because you also fall in love with him when Charlotte does. She grows so much throughout the book that in the end she is the one who is selfless and would do anything to help others.

Wish You Were Here is a story that will make you fall in love and cry at the same time. It will touch your heart in many ways. Carlino's writing was as always beautiful and flawless. I have fallen in love with her books for the past few years and I can say that she is one of my favorite writers and auto-buys. If you're looking for a great emotional read with romance you definitely want to read this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barbara pappan
6 Hearts

Wish You Were Here is a standalone novel by the amazingly talented Renee Carlino. I don't want to spoil this beautiful story so I am going to make this short and to the point.

I went in totally blind. I did not read the synopsis. I had no idea what this book was about going in. I have my list of authors I do this with and Renee is on there. I just know that I will want and need to read their words. And wow. This one blew me away! It's one of the most beautiful stories that I have ever read. If I didn't have kids, I wouldn't have stopped reading at any point yesterday. I was fully invested and felt like I was in the book. I felt it all. I usually review a book within an hour of finishing it but I couldn't do it. For one, it was late. And two, it would have been a mess. Speaking of mess. Make sure to have tissues. You will need them.

I absolutely loved everything about this book. The characters. The story. The emotions it brought out. Even now, I am about to lose it. I highly recommend reading this book. It's one of my favorites for the year! I wish I could explain more but I just can't. I won't. You just need to read it. There are parts that are slower but needed. Just go with it. Trust that Renee knows what she is doing.

Overall...Thank you, Renee for such a beautiful story that will stay with me for a long time.


“There’s nothing geeky about that body.”

“Feel me, Charlotte.”

It’s terrifying what your imagination will make you see.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vitaliy kubushyn
Wish You Were Here is an absolutely stunning book. This is my first time reading Renee Carlino's work and it definitely not be the last. From its gorgeous cover to every word on the pages in between, I am in awe of this author and her ability to craft this amazing story. Its snappy dialogue will make you laugh and beautiful imagery will transport you. But mostly, this book will set up permanent residence in your heart and that will be just fine, let it happen. It is so worth it.

When we meet Charlotte, she is living a half-life and looking for the THING that shouts at her heart and shoves her forward. When it shows up, in the form of Chinese food-bearing stranger, well you do not turn it away. You suspend every bit of your disbelief and allow yourself to be pulled into his orbit, because resistance is futile.

Charlotte is plucky, brilliant and always felt authentic. I loved this woman so much and she spoke to me on so many levels. Her journey is part inspiring and frustrating, but she faces with a humor that never fails her.

I can say without a doubt, I was not prepared to love this book as much as I do. Wish You Were Here is a sweet, funny, emotional story that days later I am still feeling soul-deep. This is the best kind of book hangover. Sigh. Enjoy.

Happy Reading!!

Laurie’s Rating: Not. Enough. Starry. Nights.
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