Buns (The Hudson Valley Series Book 3)

ByAlice Clayton

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
roger angle
This book is an homage to old school Hollywood stories. As his name implies, Archie Bryant is an old-fashioned guy. Starting with bow-ties and suits, he is the general manager of the Bryant Mountain House in Bailey Falls, New York. This hotel has been in the Bryant Family for five generations and needs a complete overhaul if it is going to compete in the market.

Clara Morgan is a specialist that helps rebrand hotel properties. She is good at her job because she is totally committed to her clients. She lives and breathes the work and it is just the right crutch to help her forget her solitary existence. Archie and Clara are like two pieces of sandpaper rubbing together. There is a lot of friction, but they also generate a lot heat.

Alice Clayton has a writing style that easy to read and highly entertaining. She knows how to construct charming courtships with splashes of humor woven expertly throughout the narrative. It is like watching a great romantic comedy. I can easily see how the books in this series could translate to into movies. Is that just wishful thinking?

I love the interaction between her friends, Roxie and Natalie, from previous books, Nuts and Cream of the Crop. Although Clara comes across as the most serious of the three, she just skirts the line on being the stick in the mud, their support helps Clara get to let go. Based on her childhood, Clara has structured her life to maintain control over all circumstances. She is a measured person, never giving or taking too much in life. As a child of the system, she grew up feeling alienated. Having not been in a nurturing home, family traditions are foreign to her. For example, holiday celebrations most people may take as for granted, are not familiar. This issue speaks to me as well. Growing up in an immigrant family, there were times when I had no clue about “traditional” events. What the heck is an Easter Egg Hunt? What is the point of chasing after decorated hard boiled eggs? For Clara, rather than feel uncomfortable, she would rather be alone.

Archie has his own baggage to unpack. He is a young widower who still mourns for his wife. This makes him uncertain about his feelings for Clara. Ironically, Clara is the runner in this relationship. This dimmed the story a little for me. I am not a fan of runners. It leaves unresolved issues between the characters.

However, this book gets an extra ½ star for its exuberant conclusion. In a nod to the fairytale endings, Clara throws caution out the window and goes all-in with Archie. I find myself smiling broadly at the grand gesture and it put a big exclamation point at the end of the story for me.

I voluntarily read an advance copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
***I received an ebook copy in exchange for an honest review***

If I could pick any author's novels to live in for the rest of my days, it would be Alice Clayton's. Her characters are fantastic, there's always an ample amount of humor, and they just have this at home feel to them. Picking one of her books up is like reuniting with friends whom I haven't seen for ages, but we can pick right back up where we last started.

Buns is the third book in the Hudson Valley Series. The story focuses on Clara, a woman with a successful career, a life that would make most people envious, and a rather troubled past. She gets assigned to overhaul the Bryant Mountain House, a beautiful, old-school resort up in the Hudson Valley region of New York. Enter Archie Bryant, the latest Bryant man tasked with running the resort. He's sexy, charming, and stubborn as ever, and starts butting heads with Clara from the start. But the longer these two spend together, the fonder they grow of one another, and eventually it has people wondering if their relationship is truly just professional.

Alice is a master of setting the scene in her books. She uses such vivid, rich descriptions, that I always feel like I'm immersed in the same surroundings the characters are. I can almost taste the food, smell the air, and hear the sounds around me as I'm reading. Within moments of Clara arriving at Bryant Mountain House, Clayton brought the hotel to life. I was able to get completely lost in the book because of this, and it made the story even better for me to read.

Clayton's characters in Buns are fabulous, as always. Clara is hilarious! She has a one-liner for everything, she's spunky, and she's so passionate about the work she does. The way she connected with the project was amazing. And even though she has a wonderful life on the surface, Clara also has flaws, and things from her past that she needs to confront before her life can get as full as she'd like it.

Archie is incredible. I fell for him within pages of his introduction to the story. He's passionate about the hotel, and he takes so much pride in the property and the work that he does. He's stubborn about everything Bryant House related, but his stubbornness comes from the right place. He's also a caring and compassionate individual, and his bedroom skills ... well, let's just say they rank pretty high up.

I loved that Clayton incorporated not only characters from the other Hudson Valley Series books, but also characters from some of her other novels as well. It was such a fun mishmash of people, and they were all so relatable. I felt like I was sitting amongst a group of my own friends whenever I read the scenes where Clara's friendship circle was all together.

Clayton did a great job of creating a magical environment with her Hudson Valley Series, and that carries over in Buns. The sense of community in the region is palpable, and Clayton incorporated the various aspects of that into the plot and into Clara's work at the Bryant Mountain House.

This book was so easy for me to get completely absorbed in. I couldn't wait to see what Clayton had coming next, what humorous thing would happen or what character would be introduced (or brought back). The plot was great, the detail in the writing made everything so realistic, and the story moved at the perfect pace.

Buns is a great story to kick start your summer reading with, especially if you like your romance with a healthy dose of humor.

Five stars to this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
arti verma
Buns is another romantic comedy from the amazing Alice Clayton. I love the Hudson Valley gang!

Buns is the third book in the Hudson Valley series but it can be read as a stand-alone. The series centers around 3 girlfriends and their happily-ever-after. Clara Morgan is the final friend to get drawn in to the magic of Hudson Valley. She is career driven and always on the road. Clara is guided by her passion for her work and a heartbreaking childhood that has her avoiding relationships. Archie Bryant is the soon-to-be owner of his family’s resort, the Bryant Mountain House. The resort is his home and the staff and guests are his family. The Bryant Mountain House has been struggling and needs an uplift, which brings Clara to the rescue. Clara and Archie don’t see eye-to-eye on the changes for the resort which leads to heated arguments and a spark of something more. Can Clara and Archie put their differences a side to save Bryant Mountain House? Will their hot tempers lead to hot and sexy nights? You have to read Buns to find out!

What did I like?
• Clara and Archie’s enemies to lovers’ relationship had some tense moments with witty banter. As much as they argued you still felt the sizzling chemistry building up between them.
• Clara is independent and feisty. She loves her work and it shows in her caring nature. Clara has helped other hotels so she anticipates Archie’s reluctance for change. She fires back with her great ideas and makes compromises to ease Archie’s doubts.
• I couldn’t help but love Archie. He’s not your typical guy. With his tortoise shell glasses and suit he has no idea of how charming and sexy he is. He treats his staff and guests like family, so it is understandable why he is reluctant to change. As soon as he sheds the stuffy businessman act he will have you swooning.
• I loved seeing Clara, Roxie and Natalie together. These ladies have been though a lot together and there is heartfelt moments and craziness when they are around.

What didn’t I like?
• Clara’s insecurities lead to poor choices and the story dragging in some parts. I understood her fears but it became repetitive and frustrating when she didn’t want to take a chance on love.

Overall I enjoyed Buns and I love Alice Clayton. The sweet romance, sexy flirtation and hilarious banter is always present in her writing and I know I’ll have a great time reading her book. I recommend this book to fans of sexy, romantic comedies.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan sayers
"Never. Get. Involved. That was a rule that was as firm as the buns this guy likely had under those perfectly ironed chinos."

Buns are generally light and fluffy and sweet and tasty and that's just what I expected going into this story. But once I dug in to these particular Buns, I realized they were much more complex, layered with all sorts of equally delicious but deeper elements I wasn't expecting. Ok, enough of the cheesy. My point... Alice Clayton is my absolute go-to for sweet and sassy Rom Com. Her writing is spectacularly smart, her storytelling is fresh and addictive, and she grips me every single time with the unparalleled romanticism and brilliant humor she laces her stories with. Buns fell right in line with what I've come to love and appreciate from this author, but it deviated in the same way all of her stories do, by delivering an unpredictable, wholly captivating story that stands out all on its own.

I just adore Alice Clayton's brand of romance and wit, but this series holds a special place in my heart for taking place in my neck of the woods. But what I love most about the Hudson Valley series is that Alice Clayton makes me laugh as much as she tugs at my heart strings with what her characters are put through. She crafts a deliciously passionate romance against the backdrop of the Catskill mountains, but she peppers it exquisitely with strife and heartache and it's all just so... Right.

I was pulled in immediately by the premise in this story. Clara Morgan is charged with bringing the historic Bryant Mountain House into the modern age but her love/hate business relationship with Archie Bryant, the hotelier heir who's happily inherited the task of running the landmark, is rife with snarky banter and emotionally charged discord. Clara's ideas clash with Bryant family tradition making for decadent sexual tension and impassioned disagreements that spark like fireworks on every page. The location, the history, the tradition ensure Buns is a perfect comfort read. You'll curl up with this book the same way you curl up on the couch for a Dirty Dancing binge, and you'll understand that reference much better once you dive in to this story set in a dated, kitschy resort in the Catskill mountains. But the humor, the steam, the raw emotion and the smart dialogue make for a story that's anything but comfortable at times. It'll grip you and sweep you away on a tumultuous yet joyfully passionate romance right along with Clara and Archie.

Buns is the perfect edition to a perfect series. I love this series beyond measure for more reasons that I can explain. The brilliant writing. The humor that's never silly, but smart and well timed and seamless. The location and the way it makes me want to explore my own backyard some more. The superbly well developed characters and their heartbreak and their emotions and passions. The romance, the blissfully sexy chemistry that's so perfectly layered with difficulty and reluctance and fear. The way Clayton can both break your heart and make you laugh out loud. The seamless manner in which she weaves the light with the heavy, the sweet with the salty, the pleasure with the pain in a poignant, unforgettable story of healing and hope and moving forward when staying comfortably lonely might've been easier. This book is beautiful. I couldn't have loved it more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kaity fuja
**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book.**

Clara is great at her job. She takes businesses that are in trouble and she uses her multi-step plan to turn them around, from struggling to thriving. When her services are needed in the town that her two best friends call home, she's sure that this will be the best job, yet. What she doesn't expect is to find the owner's son isn't on board with her plans.

Archie likes things the way they are in his family's hotel. The way they've always been. The tried and true methods that they've stuck to for generations. And when a woman comes in from the outside and starts to suggest changes, even if he agrees with them, he can't help but want to reject all of her ideas. The truth, however, isn't that he's startled by the effect that Clara's having on the hotel. It's the effect she's having on him.

This book starts off really well, with Clara and Archie getting off on the wrong foot and butting heads at nearly every turn. He's set in his ways and unhappy with the idea of change while Clara is a straight-forward woman on a mission to turn the hotel on its side. They can't agree on a single thing and their bickering was highly entertaining.

The work tension soon turns into another kind of tension, of the scandalous sort. Our couple have passion in spades and chemistry coming out of their ears. The love scenes were full of spice and well-written. I think the first kiss alone made me sigh in book-reading bliss. I love a little pent-up energy being spent in the bedroom between a couple who challenge each other.

But our characters also each have a past that left them with issues not easily overcome. Archie lost his wife and can't seem to part with his wedding ring. Clara grew up in foster care, unable to form emotional attachments to anyone. Their lust is quick to consume their relationship but the trust and emotion take time to form. The story moved at a steady pace and was filled with interesting secondary characters, as well.

My only real problem with the book was that it followed the typical formula that it seems almost all romance stories are going by these days. Man and woman meet and start a relationship, something goes wrong, couple separates for required amount of time, pair reunite and live happily ever after. I would have been more impressed if Archie had followed Clara or if her friends had come to bring her back or anything to stray from the predictable order of events.

Despite that, I really did enjoy this book. I liked the glimpse I got of the characters who star in the first two books of this series and it definitely left me wanting to read their books, too.

In closing...
A steamy read featuring a head-strong woman, a stubborn man, and a priceless mountaintop view. Four suns!

Full review on Up 'Til Dawn Book Blog
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bailey Falls strikes again!

And, if readers weren’t already smitten by the setting and ambience of Upstate New York, in Alice Clayton’s newest release, Buns, she takes readers back to the Hudson Valley, reinforcing all the things that readers already love about the area and adding even more historical relevance to the town as she illustrates the role that the Bryant Mountain House has had in creating a natural and opulent experience just outside of Bailey Falls.

Because readers are seeing Bailey Falls through an outsider’s eyes, they get to reacquaint themselves with the Mayberryesque feel of the small town as well as gain new insight into a place that was once an important part of who Bailey Falls was – the Bryant Mountain House. And, as Clara Morgan works to rebrand the historical hotel, bringing it into the twenty-first century by blending the old with the new and putting a bit of a twist on traditions, readers also get to witness a whole other side of Bailey Falls – a side that adds a new layer to an already majestic town, allowing it to become an even more pivotal character in the breakthroughs Clayton’s newest hero and heroine experience in Buns.

One aspect of the Hudson Valley series that I absolutely adore is the type of people Clayton uses as her main characters. They are definitely not cookie cutter constructs because their unique personalities and quirky actions are not commonplace. In a way, the male and female leads in this series embody certain attributes that seem contrary to one another, but as their stories continue and the characters transform through a number of new experiences, those differences seem to be the very aspects that draw the hero and heroine together, providing each of them with a counterpart that complements them in every way and giving each couple a chance at a happy life as long as they don’t allow their respective pasts to complicate things or run away because the emotions they are feeling are ones they worked so hard to bury and lay dormant for fear of breaking even more than they already have.

Clara Morgan is one hell of a woman; she’s fought her entire life to get to where she is now, relying solely on herself and keeping herself as isolated as possible because, that way, she won’t have to risk being left behind or thrown away. Never in a million years would she have thought that a quaint town like Bailey Falls and a high strung, frustrating man like Archie Bryant would have her breaking all of her rules and risking her professional career, but she is, and she can’t help but feel drawn to her Hotel Boy and his intelligence and of course, his buns! Archie Bryant is as straight-laced and traditional as they come. Everything about this Bossy outsider infuriates him, especially her rudeness and the fact that her ideas actually make a whole lot of sense.

These two couldn’t be more different, but for some reason, their conflicting personalities draw them together instead of drive them apart. And, as the hotel undergoes its transformation, creating a symbiotic relationship with old school and modern décor, Clara and Archie find themselves transforming as well, experiencing new desires and reaching for something that they never thought they’d have and as long as their fears and the complications that arise don’t scare them away, perhaps they’ll find their own little piece of paradise in Bailey Falls, just like Clara’s best friends have.

I absolutely ADORED Buns; Clara and Archie were amazingly complex characters whose personalities continued to change throughout the course of the entire story. The atmosphere that Clayton created through the hotel’s elements as well as the town itself added such depth and feeling to an already lovely storyline.

Alice Clayton’s words and characters continue to dazzle me and transport me to places that I’ve never been, hoping against hope that someday I’ll get to experience the cities and states that Clayton so easily brings to life.

5 Poison Apples
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Buns is the third book in the Hudson Valley series. Each book can be read as standalone but they are all connected by best friends and the city of Bailey Falls. I read the previous two books and I loved them but I can say that Buns is my favorite! Clara's two best friends have fallen in love while in the Valley but there is no way she will be. Nope. She will not fall victim to that four letter word. Ever. She loves her independence and job too much to settle in one place. But she never tasted buns like this before...

Archie Bryant didn't want her here. It was his father's idea to bring in an outsider to bring this place back to its glory days. The days of royals, businessmen, and family traditions. The Bryant Mountain House is a beautiful hotel that has been in the Bryant family for one hundred and fifty years. It's full of antiques, fireplaces, and amazing views. It's old-fashioned, rich with traditions, and it's Archie's world. And now, a bossy, little spit-fire from Boston was in his world trying to take over. He wouldn't let her. His family name, employees that are more like family, and his soon to be hotel was way too important to him. He hated that she was there but what he hated more was when she was right. And he downright hated it when he wanted to kiss her bossy mouth. Yep. There is a fine line between hate and lust and he was going to be crossing it. A lot.

Clara loves what she does even with a jacka- f- with her on every move. She had to get through to Archie. The damn good-looking son of the boss that killed her with his damn sexy freckles and pocket square. He didn't see that she wasn't there to help. She want there to ruin his traditions or throw out his antiques. She was there to bring life into the hotel. New clientele. To save him money. To bring modern twist to this gorgeous hotel. What she didn't expect was this hotel boy turning her life upside down in the process.

I loved, loved, loved this book! I just get hooked into a great hate/lust maybe even turned love rom-com. And Alice Clayton is the queen of them. I love Archie and his damn freckles and smart-a- and at times filthy mouth. It's those men with pocket squares that you have to watch at for. Yum! And Clara...she is something fierce with her sassiness and bossiness. Together, it's explosive in every way! They each have their own baggage to bring into this thing. They didn't want to bring it with them because there is an expiration date. What will happen when that date hits?

Overall...I loved every minute of it!! It's hilarious, sexy, beautiful, and surrounded by amazing views. I am not sure if this is the end of the series. I hope not, but if it is, it ended on a high note. It was so much fun seeing the Hudson Valley gang again.


“Where are the guys in overalls shoveling in the coal?”
“Aren’t you being a little bit dramatic?” he asked as he consulted a hand-drawn map on the wall.

“Is it common practice to stick a guest two miles away from the next one?”
“You seemed like a girl who’d enjoy some . . . privacy.”
“Do I also seem like a girl who keeps bread crumbs in her pocket? Because I practically have to drop them to find my way back each night.”

Next Winter Olympics you’ll see me representing the good old US of A. The event? Speed skating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura cornthwaite
Alice Clayton clearly serves up another literary batch of romantic goodness in Buns, book 3 of her Hudson Valley series. She definitely pulled at my heartstrings with this one as Clara and Archie’s heart melting tale unfolded. Luckily though, she also adds heaping amounts of humor, sassy back and forth banter, dancing around each other, and undeniable chemistry.

What’s the passion meter on this one? Well, she makes us wait for it, folks, which I found refreshing. A couple of impulsive, mind blowing, “can’t stop thinking about them” passionate kisses tide this perfect for each other main couple over until they give into temptation about halfway into it. It’s not too surprising considering their at times contentious work relationship and their personal baggage that often gets in the way. It definitely works though as they truly get to know one another and fall in love.

Clara is a fixer. She’s brought in to breathe new life/right the wrongs that are being done at struggling to stay afloat vacation/golf/hotel establishments, and she’s darn good at it, too. Always on the outside looking in seems to give her a unique perspective on what needs to be done, but, unfortunately, it also applies to her personal life, as well. Yeah, she sure could use a knight in shining armor to come to her rescue and mend her lonely, just wants a real home heart. Her posse of friends from the previous books are great, just not enough of what this sassy, takes on the world, just try and stop her, good girl needs. Archie will be that man, folks.

Archie has suffered a tragic loss. In fact, it is the type of romantic drama I usually prefer to avoid. However, this author makes it work well with the overall plot. Fortunately, Archie's heart has healed enough to let his attraction to Clara lead to something much more. Just keep in mind, you’ll need to be a little patient, with both of them.

Well, here’s to hoping another book will be added to this great series. I did enjoy all the cameo appearances of previous characters. It all adds to the “just came back home” small town feel.

Title: Buns, Series: Hudson Valley (Book 3), Author: Alice Clayton, Pages: 320, stand-alone but part of a series best read in order, widow hero, never had a real home heroine, back and forth bickering/banter, cameos of other book characters, beloved deceased OW drama, no cheating, no love triangle, no OW/OM drama, very steamy scenes.

Book 1 – Nuts (Roxie & Leo), Pages: 308, 10/20/15
Book 2 – Cream of the Crop (Natalie & Oscar), Pages: 384, 7/12/16
Book 3 – Buns (Clara & Archie), Pages: 320, 5/23/17

(I received an advanced reader copy via NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. No compensation was provided to me, nor do I have any affiliation with the author/publisher/NetGalley.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Originally posted at The Reading Alley and The Romance Reviews.

A new top-favorite! I absolutely loved the chemistry and witty dialogue between the hero and heroine in Alice Clayton's third Hudson Valley book, Buns! This is a book where the pages practically turned themselves. From the humor (I love Ms. Clayton's ability to use innuendos and plays on words to spice things up) to the romance and even the resolution of two angst-filled side-stories related to the background of the hero and heroine, everything in this novel worked for me. So much so, that while I enjoyed Cream of the Crop and Nuts, I think Buns is my new series favorite! And best of all, lovers of Ms. Clayton's writing will be thrilled to know that all of the characters from the prior books in this series come back to play a part in Buns (and we are even treated to a cameo appearance by Jack Hamilton and Grace Sheridan--the hero and heroine from Ms. Clayton's first series, Red Head!).

Clara Morgan is moving up in the world. After dedicating her life to her career, her boss has promised her that if she successfully concludes her branding campaign with her new account, the Bryant Mountain Hotel, the golden carrot--partnership--is all hers. Not that Clara needed more motivation as her job is her life, and the fact that she grew up in multiple foster homes and still has no family per se, is only part of the reason that she spends more time on the road re-branding hotels each year than she does in her apartment in Boston. The facts are that she really loves what she does and on her time off, what little she has, she spends it doing other organized activities like running marathons and triathlons and occasionally when their paths cross meeting up with her friends, Roxie and Natalie (the heroine's from books 1 and 2).

Little does Clara know, however, that this time she has her job really cut out for her. The Bryant Mountain Hotel has been in business for over 100 years and not too many of its traditions have changed since then--needless to say it has a number of things that are a little dated. However, the son of the man who hired her, and the man who will be assuming the CEO role next year, Archie Bryant is intent on keeping things the same.

Needless to say the tension between their two diametrically opposed goals causes instant friction and their snarky encounters in the beginning will leave you panting. Is there any way to merge their goals? Moreover, when all that pent up frustration leads to some explosive and chemically charged encounters, will they be able to resist their mutual attraction? But there is more to Archie's past than at first meets the eye and Clara refuses to share her background too. Can a relationship ever flourish without full disclosure?

What a pleasant treasure! I also loved the hope-filled message that even those who love has failed once can also find their HEA. I can't wait to read more of Ms. Clayton's future works!

Source: Review copy provided for review purposes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate mccartney
Reviewed by Rachel & Sharon Thérèse

We both adored the previous books in this series and couldn't wait to get our hands on Ms Clayton’s latest offering. Her works are a sure one-click for us as she always delivers a solid storyline, her character development is par excellent and laugh out loud moments are guaranteed. Let's talk about the cover first ‘cause if you know us gals at KFF a little bit, you'll have a good idea how much we appreciate those ones which stand out! BUNS definitely falls into this category. Not only did we love the one-worded title; we'll never forget it, but also the intended meaning. The definition fits those blue jeans just as well as it fits the story, and those gorgeous sun tanned arms look even more delectable than the scrumptious Easter treats!

“Sorry about the buns thing, I—”
“Buns thing, Ms. Morgan? What buns thing is that exactly?”

Out of the three full-length novels, this is definitely the one! Alice has given us a gift in the name of Archie Bryant and sorry gals, he's ours for keeps! Okay, he might be as grumpy as a bear with a sore head, he might even be a tad sharp and tight-lipped, albeit his positive traits will eventually outweigh his negative ones. So why then does he need someone to help save the family business when as far as he's concerned, it's not in dire straits? Ahh, you see, it wasn't actually him that sent out the SOS, but somebody with years of experience. In what we could only imagine to be one of the most beautiful areas in the state of New York is Bryant Mountain Hotel. Everything about it we loved. The protective staff, the charming village of Bailey Falls nearby and its folk are lovely. And traditions going back generations gave the story that true authentic feel, but who stole our hearts was Clara Morgan.

“To be fair, the $ardashians would bring a tremendous amount of coverage to the resort, one tweet from Kim alone could—”
“Ms. Morgan, I think I speak for everyone when I say not on your life.”

The name of a well-known British restaurateur who used to revamp hotels came to mind seeing as Clara’s in the same profession. Needless to say, we wasted no time ruminating since this is the only thing they have in common. It made for really interesting reading learning how she goes about tackling the job and how she would convince the most sceptical yet gorgeous owner to be that she knows what she's doing. That she's the best. There's certainly no love lost between Archie and Clara. Them snapping and crackling at each other felt like real-life banter; their constant toing and froing comprehensible. Concerned for the success of the hotel for different reasons, they'll have to meet halfway if their working relationship has any chance of moving forward. We can't begin to tell you how these two captivated us when the heat was turned up and cleverly thought out innuendos started to fly right, left and centre thawing the ice.

“Talk to me? You want to talk to me, you ask me. You request a meeting, you send me an email, hell, you pass me a note while I’m sitting next to you at a meeting for Pete’s sake, you don’t chase me up a mountain!”

Unlike other female characters in the Hudson Valley Series’ books, Ms Clayton has developed a really strong, independent and confident female protagonist to compliment a staid, set in his ways male protagonist. Although all the characters have a uniqueness about them, for us Clara was truly special. By no means is she your typical heroine. From her backstory, we learnt why she's so driven and why she has no inclination to settle down. Forthcoming about her past, she is not; however, in moments of weakness, we discovered more than she'd have liked to reveal.

“Eventually, Clara, you’re going to have to tell me what you’re thinking.”

Even though this isn't Archie’s story to tell, he humored us to such a degree we smiled until it hurt, swooned and fell hard for him. We thought it would take a strong woman to make him see what he'd been missing. Ah, but who really needs a push in the right direction in this enchanting love story is for you to find out! Maybe both of them, eh? We're not going to say a dicky bird regarding his past, but what we will say is what a marvellous person he is. The author's descriptive writing is as such that it's not in the least bit difficult imagining him dressed in his made to measure suit greeting his guests and controlling everything going on around him.

“The people who work here, they’re my family. They know the story, they know everything, so they never mention it. Why would they? So you see, it’s a very safe place for me. And then someone comes in, someone I never wanted here in the first place.”

How could we not mention Clara’s besties! Unless you've read Nuts and Cream of the Crop, you won't have had the pleasure of meeting Roxie and Natalie respectively. We couldn't have been happier to see the gals and their men together, how they were getting on in their lives and what they'd planned for the future.

“I’m not blushing. I’m not crushing. I’m trying to eat dinner with my two lunatic friends who came up here to visit me in my new place of work, mind you, and instead all we’re talking about is Archie Bryant’s buns!”

Ahem! Did we say steaminess abounds in this read? Ms Clayton gave us a taste of Archie and Clara’s palpable chemistry a third into the book and left us gasping for more. From then on in, the hottest passion builds up at a stealthy pace. Also, disquieting scenes sensitively conveyed in just the right places literally made us catch our breath.

“I want you, I ****ing want you more than I ever thought possible, but I’m . . . well . . . a little out of my depth here.”

What an absolutely brilliant finale! Although each book can be read as a standalone, some names, places and details are interconnected. Therefore we suggest reading them in sequence to get the whole Hudson Valley experience. To cut a long story short, (excuse the pun!), this is romance at its very best. Ms Clayton, BRAVO!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Buns by Alice Clayton is book three in her Hudson Valley series, and it was delightful, funny, sweet, and utterly romantic with characters, new and old, that I absolutely loved.

Clara Morgan, a successful hotel re-branding expert, has come to Bailey Falls to help rejuvenate and save Bryant Mountain House that has been decreasing in sales over the last few years. A hotel that has been in the Bryant family for generations and steeped in traditions, Clara usually expects resistance when she arrives at hotels with her changes. However, she never anticipated the resistance looking so appealing in the form of the handsome and blue-eyed widower, Archie Bryant, the son of the hotel owner who hired her.

Clara and Archie are like cats and dogs as they face off on their tug-of-war on what changes need to be made to the hotel. Though they don't agree at first on what needs to be done to save Bryant Mountain House, the sparks between the from the start can't be denied. These two characters have great chemistry and their relationship grows steadily even though Clara tries to keep things professional, knowing she'll be leaving once the job is done.

A very character-driven story, Buns, pulls you in with Clara's emotional backstory and her own struggles that keep her from finding her happily-ever-after so easily. Archie is wonderful hero who is sweet, hot, and with a backstory of his own, he is exactly what Clara needs. I love their scenes together and how they each bring out the best in each other and fill something that is missing in the other person's life.

Another thing I enjoyed very much about this story is re-visiting previous characters from the previous books in the series. (This book can be read as a stand-alone, but if you haven't read Nuts or Cream of the Crop, you may spoil those stories for yourself. So I'd personally recommend reading both of those first. Plus they're just as fun and entertaining! So win-win!) The couples from the previous books, Roxie and Leo and Natalie and Oscar appear in this novel, bringing with them the lightheartedness and connection to Bailey Falls from the previous books which was great.

Overall, Buns by Alice Clayton is a fantastic addition to a great series with relatable characters. I eagerly recommend.

(I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book I received for free from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my open and honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Chuckle inducing humor plus a very heartfelt romance make the third book in the Hudson Valley series constantly engaging. I laughed when amusing comments were made, and fretted if one of the main characters was making a terrible mistake in judgment. Then there are the moments where passion takes over, and I could feel every titillating touch and kiss. The clever writing of Alice Clayton never fails to impress, as reactions are honestly true-to-life and sexual tension builds to explosive heights. BUNS caused much laughter, yet touched me deeply when feelings are candidly expressed.

When Clara Morgan received her latest assignment with the branding agency where she has diligently worked for over five years, she was told the project could greatly influence her future with them. If she makes Bryant Mountain House a much more successful hotel, then she would become a partner with the company. Clara can always take an established place of lodging that is not bringing in enough money and make it profitable, so she does not anticipate any problems when she arrives in Bailey Falls, New York. Spending a few months in the quaint town will be nice, and then she can move on to the next undertaking.

Being able to save a hotel that is family owned is especially rewarding to Clara, as it will help the current owner keep open what has been inherited. But when she makes suggestions to Archie Bryant, the man who will soon be managing the resort, her opinions are met with resistance. He is someone who opposes changing how things have always been done, and emphatically states his own beliefs. But Clara has a job to complete, and one unyielding hotel manager is not going to stop her.

If an Alice Clayton book is being read, then there will be continuous entertainment. I have laughed so much during her many compelling stories, and each situation that crops up containing amusement seems so genuinely realistic. When Clara and Archie have a disagreement, they hold nothing back and strongly state their views. At first their differences only concerned how the hotel was run. But personal sentiments slowly worked their way into how these two responded to each other, and often their retorts were fueled by sexual longing. Alice Clayton can perfectly balance humor, romance, and emotion in her stories, and BUNS is definitely a prime example of her expertise.

I thoroughly enjoyed all the interaction Clara and Archie had with previous characters in the Hudson Valley series. When she had conversations with Roxie and Natalie, the scenes are particularly hilarious with loads of extremely witty banter. Friends that have been met over the course of the series are also scattered throughout the book, and their appearance added much delight. But it was the moments featuring Archie and Clara that truly grabbed my attention, as they were such a likable couple. She has never had much of anything permanent in her life nor a feeling of belonging, thus she is independent yet secretly vulnerable. Archie is really a wonderful man in almost every way imaginable. He is thoughtful and understanding, and I was moved by his compassion for Clara at certain times. While the series may have come to a close, I hope to perhaps have these individuals show up again in an upcoming book of Ms. Clayton’s.

I voluntarily reviewed the book from the publisher, and all comments are my honest opinion
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
viken jibs
4.5 Stars
Clara Morgan has a fabulous job bringing failing hotel operations back to life. Her boss has hinted a partnership is in the works once she gets her latest client, the Bryant Mountain House in Bailey Falls in upstate New York back on track. Clara likes the sound of that and also wants to check out Bailey Falls -- it's the little town where her friends Roxie and Natalie found love (See book 1 &2 in the series).

Archie Bryant has been running his family's business with an eye for keeping up the traditions of the past. When he meets Clara, he's dug in his heels and isn't ready to embrace the changes that Clara proposes, but he is very interested in Clara. They have a bit of an enemies-to-lovers thing going on that is truly sweet and exactly what they both need (the lovers part, that is).

Clara tries to resist Archie's charm, but she's really a goner from the first moment he kisses her. She knows it's not a good idea to get involved with someone who is essentially her boss on the project, but the attraction between them is very strong. Archie is a bit stuffy at first, but I loved how he gradually opens up to her. Even though they can't deny the physical attraction for each other, Clara still has some old baggage that is keeping her from letting herself love Archie like she really wants to.

What I truly loved about this story is Clara. She's focused on her career and the satisfaction she gets from doing a good job and building her reputation. Her past has shaped her into a successful career woman and has also kept her from putting her heart in a vulnerable position. She must decide what she wants, what she needs, and how she can have both her career and the man she's falling for. These are questions many young career women face, and I liked that this story didn't automatically have her dumping her career in order to get her man.

Although I found the story slightly predictable, it really worked for me because I loved these two main characters. Clara is a sharp business woman, and I loved that she was successful and her life wasn't about finding a man. Archie was sweet and patient with her (okay, maybe not so much at first) and I loved how he cared about the Bryant Mountain House, its traditions and employees. What made it all even sweeter was how Roxie and Leo and Natalie and Oscar had a part to play in this story too. Everything just came together nicely for me and I found myself wanting to know how Clara was going to resolve her dilemma.

Buns is a sweet love story about two people having a chance for happiness,even though their past may prevent them from being open to it. It's about grasping that opportunity for love and not letting it go. It's about making the choice for happiness without giving up other aspects of life that make you happy, like a career. I loved that about this story.

I love this series. The women are strong and career-minded, and their men love them for it. It doesn't get any better than that in contemporary romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris dempewolf
Clara is immersed in her job. She lives and breathes it and not much has room beside it except her two best friends who live in a small town called Bailey Falls. Her apartment is a place she sleeps in but it's a bit of a stretch to call it "home". Just as well, because she isn't at home much anyway, her job requires a lot of travelling. She specializes in rebranding and has made a name for herself in her profession. This time her job sends her to an old luxury resort, the Bryant Mountain House. Wild guess where this resort is located? Yup, upstate New York, Bailey Falls.

Upon arrival she has her first unpleasant encounter with the owner's son, Archie and let me tell you, he seems to be exactly what you expect from a guy with such an archaic name. Old-fashioned. Proud of the Bryant traditions and history. Stuffy. And mostly composed. Unless you are a tiny whirlwind of a woman called Clara. Archie and the rebranding specialist are supposed to work together to rejuvenate the run-down resort and the cooperation goes everything but smooth.

Soon they fight over every detail and it seems whatever Clara suggests, Archie is against it just for the heck of it.

Clara is an immensely independent woman. She has been hurt too often and attaching yourself to somebody only sets you up for more pain. While her past is really sad she still has kept her lively and sprightly attitude and takes great pleasure in riling Archie up. Her bossiness was hilarious. Her abandonment issues are understandable but I couldn't help to get a tiny bit frustrated with her towards the end. Yet, Clara was an endearing and fun heroine.

Archie is so stiff and buttoned-up when we start out on this journey. you want to give him a hug and tickle him silly. His love and respect for his extended family runs deep. He also has had his own share of pain. Archie is a man of old stock and tradition - the pain that comes with change makes him adverse to it so he fights Clara with teeth and nails.
The more he interacts the more he loosens up though and when he does he becomes this adorable sweet guy who is crazy about Clara.

Archie has a past we unfortunately only learn a little bit about and I would have liked to see some flashes of what he was like when he was younger. Has he always been this severe? I suppose not because the guy has a sense of humor to boot and when it comes out to play it's a blast. I just wanted to have something more substantial on him. Nevertheless he was a delightful male lead.

Clara and Archie are so different but that's what provides the tension in this story. They complement each other and the result is better than the sum of its parts making their banter delightfully funny. When they give in to their desire it's downright hot and let me say...I did not expect Archie to be such a sensual man.

This was my first journey into a small town called Bailey Falls and I'm utterly charmed. I loved the side cast of this story a lot. They completed the picture of our main characters. Ms Clayton's writing style is effortless and humorous and so evenly paced, I was instantly a fan. Now I need to find the time to read the backlist of this author because I have a new favorite!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Alice Clayton's heroines are my spirit animals. Each is dynamic, dazzling, and unforgettable in her own way, and each is a large part of why the entire Hudson Valley series needs to be on everyone's TBR list. Buns, the third book in the author’s wildly hilarious romantic comedy series, is just as entertaining, just as heartwarming, and just as sexy as its predecessors. Sweet, romantic, and emotionally gripping, Buns is a story that made me swoon and set my heart aflutter. It definitely made me want to get my hands on some hot cross buns (if you know what I mean…). *insert winking face here*

Part rivals-to-lovers, part office romance (albeit an unconventional office), Buns follows the story of Clara Morgan, a hotel branding expert looking to revive a struggling hotel in Bailey Falls, New York. When the pint-sized but fierce force of nature meets Archie Bryant, the uptight, uncompromising hotel owner, sparks fly, tempers flare, and a begrudging working relationship is formed as the two are forced to work together in close quarters. Two words: sexual tension. Clara and Archie have a bit of an antagonistic rapport, complete with constant bickering and an undercurrent of mutual attraction. Their biting words say "I'm one step away from throttling you" while their heated glances say "I want to rip your clothes off”. The resulting slow-burning romance is both humorous and sensual, igniting an unbridled, lust-fueled passion between Clara and Archie that ignites even brighter with their every interaction.

Our narrator, Clara, has a larger-than-life, inviting personality but she’s also fragile and mysterious – a combination that’s undeniably compelling. She’s a complex character and I loved getting to delve further into her backstory as the narrative progresses. She's not one to open up easily, which makes the process all the more rewarding. Similarly, Archie seems to be Clara’s polar opposite, yet every chapter reveals something new and intriguing about the man behind the tortoise-shell glasses and tailored suits. With a riveting storylines and protagonists that make you want to learn more about them, Buns is lighthearted, funny, and steamy, but it’s also full of heart.

If you’re looking for a book that’ll make you laugh and make you cry (from laughing so hard), Buns is a sure bet. From chapter one to the last sentence of the epilogue, I loved every single word of Clara and Archie’s story and my only complaint was that it ended before I was ready to say goodbye.

*complimentary copy provided by publisher for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Alice Clayton adds another delightful read to her collection. Wildly witty and fun, full of heat and heart.

The extremely independent, career oriented Clara Morgan has worked hard to earn her success as a hotel consultant specializing in revitalizing old hotels. That’s not to say she comes in tearing down the old to bring in the new. On the contrary, being a foster kid without roots and customs of her own, she’s loves knowing about a hotel’s history and traditions in order to bring them into this century. She just needs to prove this to the very traditional and difficult future owner of Bryant Mountain House.

Archie Bryant cannot fathom how a rebranding expert will preserve his family’s one hundred and fifty year old traditions and he’s prepared to fight her on everything, until those fights explode into delicious fireworks and Clara’s ideas start showing results. Now that she’s convinced him there is a way to bring the old back to life, can he introduce her to his traditions and convince her to set roots with him?

Clayton delivers a funny, smexy story with heart that demands to be read. Not only does she provide rich imagery of the beautiful Hudson Valley with its imposing mountains, beautiful hiking paths, a majestic lake and a grandiose resort built for royalty, she also brings back the funny and adorable characters from previous books and adds two very opposites but perfect for each other to the lineup.

I loved both Clara and Archie. They both have sad pasts that have shaped their lives. She’s self-confident and bossy, it goes with the territory she works in. When we meet Archie, he seems arrogant and unbending, but as they butt heads, challenge one another and give literal chase, we get to see his funny, caring and very sexy side.

But after so much time of drowning in their work to avoid pain and loneliness it’s difficult for them to face their growing feelings for each other, especially Clara who knows she’s there for a limited time. Everyone can see they’re perfect for each other but can Archie move on from his past? Can Clara give up her nomadic lifestyle?

I loved the pace, the storyline and the characters. I can’t wait to see what Clayton writes next.

Buns is book #3 in the Hudson Valley series by Alice Clayton. It is a standalone contemporary romance. Told from the heroine’s point of view except for the epilogue which is told from Archie’s POV. It has a happy ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Clara is immersed in her job. She lives and breathes it and not much has room beside it except her two best friends who live in a small town called Bailey Falls. Her apartment is a place she sleeps in but it's a bit of a stretch to call it "home". Just as well, because she isn't at home much anyway, her job requires a lot of travelling. She specializes in rebranding and has made a name for herself in her profession. This time her job sends her to an old luxury resort, the Bryant Mountain House. Wild guess where this resort is located? Yup, upstate New York, Bailey Falls.

Upon arrival she has her first unpleasant encounter with the owner's son, Archie and let me tell you, he seems to be exactly what you expect from a guy with such an archaic name. Old-fashioned. Proud of the Bryant traditions and history. Stuffy. And mostly composed. Unless you are a tiny whirlwind of a woman called Clara. Archie and the rebranding specialist are supposed to work together to rejuvenate the run-down resort and the cooperation goes everything but smooth.

Soon they fight over every detail and it seems whatever Clara suggests, Archie is against it just for the heck of it.

Clara is an immensely independent woman. She has been hurt too often and attaching yourself to somebody only sets you up for more pain. While her past is really sad she still has kept her lively and sprightly attitude and takes great pleasure in riling Archie up. Her bossiness was hilarious. Her abandonment issues are understandable but I couldn't help to get a tiny bit frustrated with her towards the end. Yet, Clara was an endearing and fun heroine.

Archie is so stiff and buttoned-up when we start out on this journey. you want to give him a hug and tickle him silly. His love and respect for his extended family runs deep. He also has had his own share of pain. Archie is a man of old stock and tradition - the pain that comes with change makes him adverse to it so he fights Clara with teeth and nails.
The more he interacts the more he loosens up though and when he does he becomes this adorable sweet guy who is crazy about Clara.

Archie has a past we unfortunately only learn a little bit about and I would have liked to see some flashes of what he was like when he was younger. Has he always been this severe? I suppose not because the guy has a sense of humor to boot and when it comes out to play it's a blast. I just wanted to have something more substantial on him. Nevertheless he was a delightful male lead.

Clara and Archie are so different but that's what provides the tension in this story. They complement each other and the result is better than the sum of its parts making their banter delightfully funny. When they give in to their desire it's downright hot and let me say...I did not expect Archie to be such a sensual man.

This was my first journey into a small town called Bailey Falls and I'm utterly charmed. I loved the side cast of this story a lot. They completed the picture of our main characters. Ms Clayton's writing style is effortless and humorous and so evenly paced, I was instantly a fan. Now I need to find the time to read the backlist of this author because I have a new favorite!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carissa weibley
Alice Clayton's heroines are my spirit animals. Each is dynamic, dazzling, and unforgettable in her own way, and each is a large part of why the entire Hudson Valley series needs to be on everyone's TBR list. Buns, the third book in the author’s wildly hilarious romantic comedy series, is just as entertaining, just as heartwarming, and just as sexy as its predecessors. Sweet, romantic, and emotionally gripping, Buns is a story that made me swoon and set my heart aflutter. It definitely made me want to get my hands on some hot cross buns (if you know what I mean…). *insert winking face here*

Part rivals-to-lovers, part office romance (albeit an unconventional office), Buns follows the story of Clara Morgan, a hotel branding expert looking to revive a struggling hotel in Bailey Falls, New York. When the pint-sized but fierce force of nature meets Archie Bryant, the uptight, uncompromising hotel owner, sparks fly, tempers flare, and a begrudging working relationship is formed as the two are forced to work together in close quarters. Two words: sexual tension. Clara and Archie have a bit of an antagonistic rapport, complete with constant bickering and an undercurrent of mutual attraction. Their biting words say "I'm one step away from throttling you" while their heated glances say "I want to rip your clothes off”. The resulting slow-burning romance is both humorous and sensual, igniting an unbridled, lust-fueled passion between Clara and Archie that ignites even brighter with their every interaction.

Our narrator, Clara, has a larger-than-life, inviting personality but she’s also fragile and mysterious – a combination that’s undeniably compelling. She’s a complex character and I loved getting to delve further into her backstory as the narrative progresses. She's not one to open up easily, which makes the process all the more rewarding. Similarly, Archie seems to be Clara’s polar opposite, yet every chapter reveals something new and intriguing about the man behind the tortoise-shell glasses and tailored suits. With a riveting storylines and protagonists that make you want to learn more about them, Buns is lighthearted, funny, and steamy, but it’s also full of heart.

If you’re looking for a book that’ll make you laugh and make you cry (from laughing so hard), Buns is a sure bet. From chapter one to the last sentence of the epilogue, I loved every single word of Clara and Archie’s story and my only complaint was that it ended before I was ready to say goodbye.

*complimentary copy provided by publisher for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin cobb
Alice Clayton adds another delightful read to her collection. Wildly witty and fun, full of heat and heart.

The extremely independent, career oriented Clara Morgan has worked hard to earn her success as a hotel consultant specializing in revitalizing old hotels. That’s not to say she comes in tearing down the old to bring in the new. On the contrary, being a foster kid without roots and customs of her own, she’s loves knowing about a hotel’s history and traditions in order to bring them into this century. She just needs to prove this to the very traditional and difficult future owner of Bryant Mountain House.

Archie Bryant cannot fathom how a rebranding expert will preserve his family’s one hundred and fifty year old traditions and he’s prepared to fight her on everything, until those fights explode into delicious fireworks and Clara’s ideas start showing results. Now that she’s convinced him there is a way to bring the old back to life, can he introduce her to his traditions and convince her to set roots with him?

Clayton delivers a funny, smexy story with heart that demands to be read. Not only does she provide rich imagery of the beautiful Hudson Valley with its imposing mountains, beautiful hiking paths, a majestic lake and a grandiose resort built for royalty, she also brings back the funny and adorable characters from previous books and adds two very opposites but perfect for each other to the lineup.

I loved both Clara and Archie. They both have sad pasts that have shaped their lives. She’s self-confident and bossy, it goes with the territory she works in. When we meet Archie, he seems arrogant and unbending, but as they butt heads, challenge one another and give literal chase, we get to see his funny, caring and very sexy side.

But after so much time of drowning in their work to avoid pain and loneliness it’s difficult for them to face their growing feelings for each other, especially Clara who knows she’s there for a limited time. Everyone can see they’re perfect for each other but can Archie move on from his past? Can Clara give up her nomadic lifestyle?

I loved the pace, the storyline and the characters. I can’t wait to see what Clayton writes next.

Buns is book #3 in the Hudson Valley series by Alice Clayton. It is a standalone contemporary romance. Told from the heroine’s point of view except for the epilogue which is told from Archie’s POV. It has a happy ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauren covarrubias
: 3.75 stars-- BUNS is the third installment in Alice Clayton’s contemporary, adult HUDSON VALLEY romance (rom-com) series focusing on a tight knit group of friends in Hudson Valley, New York. This is hotel rebranding specialist Clara Morgan, and hotel manager/owner Archie Bryant’s story line. BUNS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty although I recommend reading the series in order for history and fun !!

Told from first person point of view (Clara Morgan) with a final chapter from Archie’s point of view BUNS focuses on Clara’s struggle to enact changes at the dated Bryant Mountain House, Bailey Falls, New York in the Catskills Mountains. The Bryant family is struggling with bookings, and Jonathan Bryan, current owner, has called in help in the hopes of refurbishing his dying business. Enter Clara Morgan, hotel rebranding expert, and the woman with whom Archie Bryant will fall in love. What ensues is the antagonist relationship between Archie and Clara as Clara struggles to push Archie out of his comfort zone-in more ways than one.

Clara Morgan is a passionate female lead who battles the demons from her past. Unable to settle down, her work as a hotel rebranding specialist is the perfect foil for a woman afraid to commit beyond the present fearing rejection in both life and love. Archie Bryant is a man stuck in the past: refusing to move forward especially in his personal life. Meeting Clara throws all of Archie’s caution to the wind until the day Clara walks away without explanation or good bye. The $ex scenes are intimate and sensual.

There are a large number of secondary and supporting characters including several employees at the Bryant Mountain House in Bailey Falls, as well as the return of Roxie and Leo (Nuts #1), and Natalie and Oscar (Cream of the Crop #2) .

The world building looks at the attempted revitalization of the Bryant Mountain House, Clara’s battle to convince Archie that the changes will make a positive impression, and the building romance between two people moving in different directions.

BUNS is a story with a little bit of humor, romance, conflict and fun. The back and forth banter between Archie and Clara is sexy; the banter between Clara and her besties (Roxie and Natalie) as well as Logan and Chad, is lively and entertaining. The premise is amusing and engaging; the characters are dynamic, energetic and passionate; the romance is captivating and playful. If you are wondering about the title-BUNS-this is in reference to the ‘hot cross buns’ that the Bryant Mountain House serves to their honored guests. BUNS is a delightful and charming story about two people struggling with their direction in life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
catherine harwood
Buns is the 3rd installment of the Hudson Valley series, and even though it can be read as a standalone, I believe it’s better when you’ve read the previous two. That way, you understand the frienship between all of the main characters within the series because they do make a lot of appearances in this one. Speaking of which, I loved seeing their trio’s friendship play out; it was endearing and at times I was a little jealous. I could definitely use friends like Clara has. This book was well-rounded…you will laugh, scream, cry, and wish you were apart of this world. I never wanted this story to end. It was the perfect getaway book and I (sadly) devoured it within hours!

Both characters were enjoyable to get to know. Clara is a very independent person and this stems from her time in foster care as a child. She tries her hardest to never need or depend on another person; she keeps her life simple and focuses all of her energy on work, which is rebranding hotels, and running. I envied Clara to a point…I loved her ability to fully focus on tasks she needed to complete, but I could tell early on she used this focus to never open up to anyone, including herself. Archie is the son of the owner of the hotel that Clara is currently assigned to. At first he doesn’t take to Clara being there to rebrand his hotel all that well. This is from his inability to accept change at first. He likes things the way they are. From an outside perspective, even though Archie is aloof, he’s a very proper and likable person to all but Clara. He’s also a bit nerdy but in a totally gorgeous way! With Clara though, he fights her tooth and nail on everything having to do with changing his hotel, and it is during these fights that their chimistry is off the charts!

This is definitely a “love-to-hate or hate-to-love” story that keeps you entertained for hours. There’s never a dull moment between these characters and when the chemistry finally comes to a boiling point…it is amazing! Even with all the baggage that each bring to this relationship, they fit and complement each other well. Clara has to work to open up and learn to rely on someone while Archie has to come to terms with the fact that he’s allowed to find love again and it be okay. Both of these characters are real and that’s what makes them so lovable. Clara and Archie give as good as they get.

The overall storyline was perfect in every way. It flowed nicely and it was descriptive to the point that I could see everything clearly in my head. Alice Clayton’s writing is amazing…this is one of her best series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david fuquay
Clara Morgan is known for her work with struggling hotels, finding solutions to turn around landmark businesses. Though she appreciates the traditions of the locations she works in, she doesn’t keep personal traditions and isn’t tied to many people or things. She is attracted to the history and beauty of Bryant Mountain House, but finds the owner’s son hard-headed and against every change she suggests.

Archie Bryant lives and breathes his family’s historic hotel. His father has hired a branding expert to turn things around, but he is tied to the traditions and doesn’t think they need outside help to keep their hotel running.

Neither character is what one would consider open, or even particularly warm towards the other. They each have pasts that have kept them closed off. In Clara’s case, her detachment keeps her on the outside, even among her longtime friends. Archie’s hesitancy only applies to Clara, though. For the guests at Bryant Mountain House he has nothing but smiles and stories to share.

Because of the way they keep themselves reserved, Archie and Clara were at times difficult to love. Knowing Roxie and Natalie loved Clara made it a little easier to let her get away with being cold, but it took a little while to get used to it from both main characters until their backstories became fleshed out a little deeper.

But as they discovered more about each other, and found walls tumbling and secrets revealed, these two characters who kept themselves so isolated began feeling warmth and trust in another for the first time in a long time. I loved watching these two people carrying so much of their pasts as they let go of the pain and tried something new. These two may have started out as enemies, but quickly find they have more in common than it first appeared.

Returning to Bailey Falls with Clara to see Roxie & Leo, Natalie & Oscar, and all our favorite characters made for a fun, sexy read and made up for the cold moments between the characters. As Clara and Archie open up, we see more of the established characters interacting with our couple here. I loved watching as they embraced Archie as if he had always been part of the group, despite having spent most of his adulthood up on his mountain. In addition to the Bailey Falls group from earlier books, readers also meet an entirely new cast built around the hotel. Archie’s staff is as much his family as his father is, and their interactions in the book say the same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana surkamp
It’s official: Alice Clayton books are my happy place. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this book for forever, but let me tell you, it was most definitely worth the wait. What a funny, fabulous, and generally fantastic book this was. I dove heart first into Archie and Clara’s story, barely pausing for breath as the group of characters I’ve come to know and love took me on another addictive and truly heartwarming Bailey Falls adventure.

I was (and still am) completely obsessed with Nuts, and Cream Of The Crop (the first two books in this Hudson Valley series), so I was incredibly excited to have Buns sitting on my Kindle. I was desperate for more Archie and Clara after finishing book two, so I was over the moon when I first found out that the third book would follow them as Clara helps to turn Bryant House around, and not only was it everything I hoped it would be, it was more!

For starters, I just love everything about both Clara and Archie (on their own and together); Clara is Clayton’s signature sassy and fabulous woman, and Archie is like a sexy, sometimes grumpy nerd. And he’s also about 10 years older than her (bonus points for the sexy older man appeal). I loved how stuck in his ways Archie was when it came to changing the hotel. He fought everything he didn’t agree on, and didn’t fall at her feet and offer her everything as soon as they started sleeping together, they still fought over the decisions which I thought was a great touch of authenticity.

I also loved, loved, loved the romance (and the sexy times before the romancing happened). I fell head over heals in love with Archie Bryant, though admittedly, Oscar still holds the majority share of my heart, Archie has himself a nice big chunk of it. And speaking of my tall, dark and sexy man, I loved seeing the rest of the Hudson Valley gang again! I could spend all my days with these guys, and I’m praying this isn’t the last we see of them.

Simply put, this book is a must read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate hater
This is absolutely my favorite book in this series!!

Everyone knows I love a good rivals to lovers story and Alice Clayton just pulled one off to perfection. There was just something so sexy about the tension building up between Archie and Clara that had me devouring this book as quickly as possible.
At first glance Archie came across as a bit stuffy, over-refined and stubborn, but as we get to know him he has this whole other relaxed, sexy and romantic side that I couldn't help but fall in love with. He was the perfect version of a man on the streets but a beast in the sheets that I found incredibly addicting.

Clara was smart, driven and super independent. It was almost fascinating to read about the ease at which she knew her job and how easily she seemed to seek out the issues the hotel had and how to fix them, and how she wasn't afraid to stand up for those ideas. As frustrating as it was to see her holding back from the feelings she was developing for Archie and even holding back from really letting herself fit in with her friends, when her full history is revealed, it was easy to empathize with her.

At first I thought that Archie, and his past, would be the obstacle that stood in the way of them getting their HEA but, frankly, the ease at which he let himself fall for Clara was my favorite part of this story. When that man let loose, he really let loose and it was super HOT!

This book seemed a little less detailed about the environment than the first two, but Alice Clayton still managed to paint a clear picture of the hotel and all of its history. I was able to get a clear picture of it without feeling overwhelmed with descriptions and was therefore able to focus more on the romance aspect between Archie and Clara and the friendships with the couples from the previous books. We even got a visit from Caroline and a reference to Simon from Wallbanger and an appearance from Jack and Grace from the Redhead series, which pretty much made my day!

This is a definite must read for anyone who is a fan of sexual tension blended with humor and/or Alice Clayton.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley and the Publisher for voluntary review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 "Awesome. Incredible. Mind-blowing. Frustrating. Pretentious. Obnoxious. Freckles." Stars

BUNS was pure delight from cover to cover with characters who provided immediate connection between them and reader and a hate to something-else connection between themselves. The storyline was just engaging and I bought into it completely.

Alice Clayton brought a new friend, Clara 'Ms Morgan' into the scene and she was totally different to Roxie and Natalie (who we see with their respective partners repeatedly). She was small, atheletic, competitive, competent, bossy and untouchable. I loved her so quickly but what I loved even more was the discontent between her and the hotel owner who's business she had come to revamp, Archie 'Mr Bryant'. Archie drew me in and had me swooning simultaneously.

"Archie had taken off his jacket, loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves. Which just made my eyes flicker back and forth almost nonstop to his forearms. I was a sucker for forearms. Forget the forearm. No, you forget the forearm."

These two were like two pincushions around one another but oh man, the chemistry. It was slowly burning and I was slowly burning too. There were two tangible backstories for Archie and Clara which just made the read so much richer.

"He laughed then, and it was magic. And it was into this magic that I did walk over to him, reach up toward him, not with my lips but with my hand, and gently brush back the shock of auburn hair that's had fallen down over his forehead. He closed his eyes, then instantly leaned into my touch, almost like a cat. When was the last time someone had touched this guy?"

I can say three books in, that this is my favourite series by Alice Clayton and that Oscar sure has a rival in Archie. The writing and wit was superb and I just lived the reading experience as you do with the best kind of books. A definite favourite of 2017.

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher through netgalley, in return for a honest review.

Reviewed for Jo&IsaLoveBooks Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amee 21
My Review:
First takeaway from this book...I really want to go to upstate New York and visit an inn like this one. Even with all the issues at the Bryant Mountain House, I still fell in love with it. I loved the author's descriptions of the inn and the entire area. It sounded like heaven.

Clara has been brought in by the Bryant patriarch to breathe new life into the 150 year old family inn which has been in decline for the last few decades. Clara immediately falls in love with the area and the inn and is brimming with ideas. But there's one HUGE problem...the owner's son, Archie.

Archie is completely resistant to everything Clara suggests. He's paranoid that she wants to change the very things that make the Bryant Mountain House the independent, unique inn it is. He doesn't want to become like every other chain hotel out there and refuses to hear when Clara assures him that that isn't her goal either.

This story very much starts out as an enemies to lovers story. From the moment Clara comes onto the scene, Archie fights her. He doesn't want her there and he doesn't do a thing to hide the fact. This book very much fits into the style that Alice Clayton is known for, but the setting really made this book. I loved it all so much...from the inn to the lake to the mountain to the historic details. It's all so good and makes it so much fun to get to visit this setting via the romance.

The romance is a slow burn and build. These two really are at odds when the story begins, but gradually they begin to realize that maybe the other person isn't the enemy they thought they were. I liked both of them. They really are striving toward the same goal although they don't see that at the beginning. The chemistry was awesome (that's always one of the best things about enemies to lovers).

This entire series has been wonderful, but I think this was my favorite of the group. I truly fell in love with Archie and Clara and the Bryant Mountain House.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in return for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elizabeth klonowski
I am absolutely in love with the Hudson Valley series, partly because I love Bailey Falls and all of its inhabitants. More than the amazing town Alice Clayton has created, this series has been the epicenter for wonderful characters, hilarity, and old-school romances.

Buns follows the third woman in the trio of friends, Clara, a hotel specialist, and her very antagonistic relationship with Archie, the owner of the Bryant Mountain House. From the very beginning, there is no love lost between these two, and, in fact, any physical attraction is hidden behind their caustic relationship. As the novel progresses, not only do these two begin work together more efficiently, but they also begin to develop feelings for one another that are genuine. Through the development of their relationship, readers really get to see who these people are past the first impressions they originally have, and once readers get to see what is underneath they will absolutely love the characters of Archie and Clara, as well as the relationship they form.

Buns is a slow-baking story. Alice Clayton takes her time developing the relationship between Archie and Clara. Readers get to see them progress from co-workers to friends to a couple, and every moment is worth the journey. With this relationship, the author takes readers back to the days of true romance, where it is more than just how fast and quick the hero and the heroine get down and dirty. Buns is about finding your home, not in a place, but in a person. It is about embracing life and all the hardships faced and meeting them head on with the people they adore at their sides. It is also about recognizing when mistakes have been made and going full-out to rectify those wrongs. More than any of that, Buns is about family, traditions, and love, making it the epitome of the time-honored romance.

I have really enjoyed all of my visits to the Hudson Valley. Every return trip brings me to another great romance filled with laughter and love, and Archie and Clara's romance is the perfect way to bring it all home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love Alice Clayton, and will read anything she writes. I really liked Buns. It brought me back to the same joyous reading high, that I experienced with Nuts. Don’t get me wrong, Cream of the Crop was good, but it was no Nuts. When I opened Buns, and read the first couple of chapters, I was happy dancing in my head. I was hopeful that I would fall in love with Clara and Archie, the way I did with Roxie and Leo. I honestly can say, I was not disappointed. I love a set of characters that have had personal struggle and obstacles. It just makes for a better, more interesting read. At least that’s the case with me.

I knew Clara would be an amazing human being, even with the simple snippets of her personality in the other books. She has an amazing suit of armour going, and has managed to keep all the hurt from her past buried deep beneath the surface of that armour. She’s a tough cookie, with an amazing job, rebranding struggling hotels. Her job brings her to the Hudson River Valley, where she is tasked with helping the Bryant Family, bring their Mountain Inn back to its former glory. Sounds easy, right? No so much. She immediately runs into an huge road block, in the form of Archie Bryant. Archie is the son of the owner, and is severly stuck in the old ways of doing things. His stuffy, stuck up suit persona, only fuels Clara’s determination to make this man bend to her way of doing things. This is the catalyst for some major heat, and tension between these two. There is a ton of push and pull, and at times the angst is off the charts.

There is a whole lot of heart in this book. Both Clara and Archie have their own personal demons to battle, and the progression of their truths, is wonderfully woven into the well paced progress of their story. I honestly have loved the feel of these books, and hate to see it end. I don’t want to spoil anything, or give too much away. This is just a wonderful conclusion to the Hudson River Valley Series.

An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nell orscheln
Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) provided by the Author and Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an fair and honest review.

I have really liked this first person narration series. Normally, I find first person story telling boring, but this series has been a delight. The heroines have all been surprisingly different and unique and their Beta Boys have been delightful. Humor and hot, hot sex scenes and romance, all make this series a real hit for me. This series isn't all fun and games, it addresses some very heavy subjects too and the characters actually show some growth.

Roxie, Natalie and Clara are besties. Roxie and Natalie have both found their HEA's with boys from Hudson Valley in upstate New York and they are rooting for lightening to strike a third time as hotel rebrander extraordinaire, Clara, is in Bailey Falls to help the Bryant Mountain House Resort find its way to the 21st century. Just like her friends, Clara has some baggage and issues and scars, but unlike them she has no family and her childhood was a series of unpleasant foster homes. That life dealt her a crappy hand is sad, but she overcame it to get an education and build a career that is, literally, her life. Her relationships with everyone, except her friends and her boss, are superficial and she likes it that way as she is never anywhere long enough for it to matter. She is another of the "I am a rock, I am an island" types. Until Archie.

Archie, son of the Bryant Mountain House Resort owner and heir apparent, does not like change, and he especially doesn't like anyone telling him his beloved hotel needs to change. The more he butts heads with Clara the hotter the sexual tension becomes. Well, you know what happens. But Archie has his own baggage, but he also wants Clara, even when he knows this is just temporary to her.

As Archie and the people of Bailey Falls find their way past Clara's defenses and into her heart, Clara has to decide if it's time to come off her island and into the family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sean golden
Buns is book three in the Hudson Valley series. I've really enjoyed the previous books in this series and knew I had to read this when I saw it. It's set in the same small town that the previous books are and include appearances from the previous books main characters. While I would suggest you read these in order they can be read as standalone novels if needed.

Our leading lady, Clara Morgan is a hotel branding extraordinaire. She jumps at the chance to head to Bailey Falls, NY to work with the owner of the Bryant Mountain House in efforts to turn his hotel around. Clara is happy with the location because her BFFs (the leading ladies in the previous books) are both in Bailey Falls, so while she's working she can see her girls. It isn't all fun and games though, the house needs a ton of work to refresh it into this decade and Clara is the perfect girl for the job. The only thing she didn't count on was the boss's son being a hottie and pushing all her buttons. Archie Bryant doesn't want her changing a thing. The attraction between the two is there from the start and I couldn't wait to see how they'd wind up together. Both characters had their own sort of emotional baggage and it gave me a real life kind of vibe while reading. It was a nice touch.

Buns is an excellent addition to a series I love. I hope there will be more books in the series since I really dig the small town feeling and how the characters intertwine. Clara's character in particular really intrigued me as I was reading. She's worked so hard to get where she is, but you can tell she's running from her past. She doesn't want to ever face it or rely on others. Archie was the perfect fit for her, he was patient and for the most part understanding when she didn't want to open up. If you're a fan of Contemporary Romance and haven't tried this series yet I highly recommend it. AClayton fits in an emotional read with electrifying chemistry all while balancing it out with humor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marie baucum
What a FANTASTIC book by Alice Clayton!! I have loved the Hudson Valley series since the beginning, but Buns, has got to be, hands down, my favorite in the series!!

Clara is one hard headed and independent woman. She is very set in her ways and very eager, but at the same time, she is open to suggestions and compromises. Archie is a man who is desperate for help, but doesn't like change. These two characters definitely butt heads and when they first start working together, it is not all rainbows and roses; oh no, it is more like two bulls charging at each other. I loved the sexual tension between the two. It was like a slow burn type of situation, because of them working together, but when they finally gave into their desires for each other, it was SCORCHING!!

I understood why Clara was the way she was, especially because of her past, and the same goes with Archie. I loved that Clara didn't make herself a victim or use her past to get pity, she "manned up" and became a very successful woman. I loved how Archie was very professional and quiet when he was working, but a total ALPHA when he was in the bedroom. I honestly think Clara was surprised about that, which made it even more enjoyable to read.

I loved the banter between Archie and Clara; it was funny, flirty, sexy and emotional. I loved seeing characters from Nuts & Cream of the Crop. The friendship between Natalie, Roxie & Clara was true and beautiful and hilarious. Those girls are true friends who are more like sisters.

Alice Clayton is one of my favorite authors and I love how she can pack so much heat and humor and emotion into one book. Her writing style is one of my favorite to read and she is for sure one of my top favorite authors to read!! These characters were great to read about and I cannot wait for what Alice Clayton comes out with next!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Alice Clayton returns to the delightful upstate New York town of Bailey Falls in this third installment of her Hudson Valley series. Her writing has always appealed to me, and once again I found myself wrapped up in a sweet love story.

Clara is a successful hotel rebranding expert who lives for her job and is constantly on the road. Her newest project is to revitalize Bryant Mountain House in Bailey Falls. It’s a historic family-owned resort that has catered to the wealthy for decades, but it is now dated and business is declining. Archie Bryant is the stuffy son of the owner who is resistant to change and instantly butts head with Clara.

I was completely charmed by these damaged but lovable characters. Clara and Archie are complete opposites, which makes them even more delightful together. Clara’s feisty exuberance helps melt Archie’s ice man exterior, while Archie’s attentive nature challenges Clara’s fierce independence. Still, Clara’s demons make her determined not to succumb to the appeal of the town or the people—particularly Archie.

As expected with all of Alice Clayton’s novels, Buns is packed full of heart, romance, and perfect comedic timing. Her strong willed, funny heroines and their faithful, patient suitors win me over time and time again. I found Buns to be a very enjoyable, lighthearted read. If you’re a fan of the series, you’ll be pleased to see more of Roxie and Leo, Natalie and Oscar, as well as a surprise cameo from a certain beloved couple from one of Ms. Clayton’s other series.

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary jacques
BUNS was a fun, romantic, and adorable book. This book also had plenty of angst in this book to keep the sexual tension alive, even if some of it felt a little unnecessary. I loved the humor and wit the author weaved into this story. I seriously laughed out loud so many times!

I really liked the characters in this book. Clara was a great main character, and I enjoyed getting to know her. She was such a strong, endearing, thoughtful, independent, and determined woman, which I admired a lot. The other main character, Archie, was extremely swoon-worthy. Not only was he sexy, but he was also hilarious, dedicated, and hard-working. He was a little rough around the edges and a bit stiff in the beginning, but he became more lovable as the book progressed. I do wish his character would have had a little more development, but I still found him very charming and easy to fall for. By the end of the book, I basically squealed anytime he spoke.

The romance in this book was a fun sort of enemies-to-lovers type of story arc. The author did a great job at creating sexual tension between Clara and Archie that was both steamy and believable. Their constant bickering brought a smile to my face every time! Watching Clara and Archie open up to each other and slowly fall in love was heart-warming.

Overall, BUNS was a sweet and sexy read. If you are looking for a book that will put a smile on your face and make you want to fan yourself off, then this is the book for you!

3. 5 / 5 Fangs

*This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review. *
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Buns by Alice Clayton

Clara is the quintessential career woman. She loves and lives for her job which is rebranding and rejuvenating hotels. This means that she's constantly on the move and while she has an apartment, she doesn't really have a place to call home. But that's more than fine by her! She doesn't want or need to have those roots. She has her two friends who are more or less her family, her mentor, and a possible partnership in the cards. She heads down to picturesque Bailey Falls to rebrand the gorgeous but dated Bryant House where she meets the amazing Archie Bryant, owner of the delectable buns and too seeped in tradition to be willing to accept change.

I enjoyed this book though not quite as much as the previous in the series. I think this may be because while it had a small handful of funny moments, it was lacking in the humor I've come to expect and enjoy from Clayton. The reason for this is evident: both of these characters have a lot (like, A LOT) of baggage and so so much to work through. Love and trust doesn't come easily to Clara and again, while I understood it completely, I also wanted to shake some sense into her. Archie I adored although he was bloody stubborn! Overall, I think this series is great and it's one I don't hesitate to recommend. Buns is a welcome addition to the Hudson Valley family!

*arc received from Netgalley in exchange for honest review.

**Reviewed by Melinda for Joandisalovebooks Blog.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
diane ailor
Clara is strong and independent. Normally these are very good traits to have, but she takes them to a fault by refusing all help and nearly all connection with other living creatures. That made reading her story an exercise in frustration. The one thing that has driven me the most nutty about this series is the lack of the male’s perspective until the epilogue. It’s been really difficult to get a handle on who the men are, having only the skewed perspective of one woman to judge them by. Archie seems like a really good guy. Still dealing with the tragedies of his past, but overall the kind of man any woman should want to have in her life. But not our Clara. Nope. She’s an even tougher nut to crack than either of her two best friends were. I love that she did finally see the light, but I’m not sure if I completely buy into the way it came about. Her epiphany felt to easy. I did, however, love getting another chance to catch up with the other couples in Bailey Falls.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ian truman
Buns is the third novel in the Hudson Valley series. Like the other two, the cover drew me in. It’s quirky but sexy. Buns is written in First person point of view. It’s definitely meant for mature readers, lots of steamy scenes.

In this novel Clara, who works at helping hotels who are in trouble, goes to work at Bryant Mountain House. Not only does she need to worry about the staff, but also the owners’ son Archie Bryant, who will inherit the hotel.

Alice is amazing at creating characters that are distinct and likable. They have flaws but it’s so great to discover how they play into the storyline. I really liked Clara, the calmest in my opinion, of the three friends. Her past, growing up in foster care, is the reason why she tries to stay unattached. I wasn’t sure what I thought about Archie at first, but I learned to like him more and more as I began to understand him.

Since I’ve read a few other novels by Alice, I was expecting them to come with humor and Buns was no exception. When you have so many characters who are fun and their conversations are full of innuendos you get a supper sexy and hilarious story.

An advance complimentary copy of this book was supplied by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I thought Buns was a cute read. The setting played a big part in my like for this book. I mean who didn't want to stay at the resort pictured in Dirty Dancing. I loved all the nostalgia surrounding the resort. It sounded like a time capsule but Clara was ready to bump it into the future without letting go of the past.

Clara is a bit bossy but she's also funny, tough, and is longing for her forever home. She has definitely built up walls around her and guarded her heart but after a few weeks with Archie they start to crumble.

I loved watching Archie, the suit stiff hotelier, break out of his time capsule and start to live again. He was stuck in a rut and really started to breakout when she came on board. He doesn't hold anything back when it comes it Clara. He knew Clara could be his future but he first had to convince her of that fact.

The story could have used a bit more heat but they were both so skittish that I can over look that. I also thought it was odd that his father wasn't in more of the book towards the end. It seemed like he was forgotten about after the first few chapters.

There's a great chemistry among the friends which is enjoyable to read. Several lol moments in Buns.

Review copy provided for a voluntary review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ryan hanford
A deliciously sticky yet sweet romance that will leave you utterly satisfied.

Clara and Archie but heads almost instantly in this book. She's out to makeover his family's hotel and he is dead set against change. What ensues is some funny witty banter back and forth and some hilarious yet awkward moments. Both of them are stubborn and determined to get their way and as they work closely together they can't help the physical attraction that is there.

Their pasts made my heart go soft and I thought how if these two could just get it together they would be sooo great. I was definitely rooting for them and loved some of the secrets moments that we get to see. Will they figure it out? Or will they let their stubbornness get in the way.

Only one way to find out and that's to read this book. It will have you giggling, swooning and melting from all the sticky sweet and messy that is Clara and Archie's story.

A solid 4.5 stars for me and I definitely look forward to more from Alice Clayton
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenny p
Flirty, sweet and laugh-out-loud funny!

This story is set in the majestic Bailey Falls and introduces two new characters to The Hudson Valley series, Clara a young workaholic who protects herself from possible abandonment by only relying on herself and never setting down roots; and Archie a young widow whose future is firmly entrenched in the family business and whose biggest fear is loving and losing again.

The writing is animated and lighthearted. The characters are intelligent, alluring and feisty. And the plot is a charming mix of spirited hijinks, blistering tension, playful banter, combustible chemistry, touching moments and swoon-worthy romance.

Overall this book is entertaining, sexy and amusing and I love that some of our favourite characters from the previous books in the series made an appearance. If you haven’t read anything by Clayton before you really should, in fact Wallbanger, from her Cocktail series, is still today one of my all-time favourite rom coms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Buns (Hudson Valley, #3)
by Alice Clayton

Having read Alice Clayton’s Red Headed series i knew i was in for it when i began the story Buns. The puns and innuendos intended, in the book and throughout the story. Alice Clayton likes strong independent women, she is not letting her readers down with Clara Morgan. She has a career she loves, and she depends on no one for all she is. Clara has her sordid history, a history that has made her not only what she was but inhibited her in her life. Until she meets the straitlaced, hotel owner of Bryant Mountain House. She learns that she was not ready for love and opening up is a panicking prospect. This love story of ill proportions, and personal risk makes the reader connect to their own fantasy loves, and the idea that there is someone who could and would be willing to accept everything for love. This is a beautiful love story with a great back history and characters.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
gretl glick
After not really loving the previous book in this series {and my first Alice book}, I decided to give this one a try.

I liked Clara and Archie. I really enjoyed their banter and their chemistry was fantastic. There were some fun hotel employees and of course the MCs from the other books. The dialogue is some of the best and if it were more character driven in that sense, I would no doubt be devouring all of Alice's books.

I guess my hang up is the inner monologue. It's rambling and I struggled to settle into it. There are several full descriptions of her outfits {complete with labels/designers.} I found myself skimming entire passages because I didn't care about a full paragraph on a particular shade of wallpaper or what the creaky floor sounded like.

Overall, I did enjoy this one a bit more, but I doubt I'll read any of her other titles.

**Huge thanks to Gallery Books for providing the arc free of charge**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen alonzi
Mr. Uptight Hotel Owner and Miss Fix-It are butting heads and can't seem to agree on anything she proposes as she tries to make his hotel great again. Of course all their bickering only make the sexual tension build to the point they both break. They both have things from their past that they need to work through. He needs to move on after the death of his wife, and she needs to allow love into her heart. Who will break first?

This is well written and filled with hilarity at it's finest. Smart and lovable characters. You'll see a few familiar faces if you've read Nuts or Cream of the Crop. Although this can be read as a stand alone, the characters are intertwined in each book of this series. The female lead does have a bit of a melt down, but there are not any too overly emotional scenes. This is a tear-free zone. :) There are, however, plenty of naughty scenes. ;) And because of those scenes, I would recommend this for readers 18+. It reads quickly and smoothly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ahmed ezzat
A deliciously sticky yet sweet romance that will leave you utterly satisfied.

Clara and Archie but heads almost instantly in this book. She's out to makeover his family's hotel and he is dead set against change. What ensues is some funny witty banter back and forth and some hilarious yet awkward moments. Both of them are stubborn and determined to get their way and as they work closely together they can't help the physical attraction that is there.

Their pasts made my heart go soft and I thought how if these two could just get it together they would be sooo great. I was definitely rooting for them and loved some of the secrets moments that we get to see. Will they figure it out? Or will they let their stubbornness get in the way.

Only one way to find out and that's to read this book. It will have you giggling, swooning and melting from all the sticky sweet and messy that is Clara and Archie's story.

A solid 4.5 stars for me and I definitely look forward to more from Alice Clayton
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Flirty, sweet and laugh-out-loud funny!

This story is set in the majestic Bailey Falls and introduces two new characters to The Hudson Valley series, Clara a young workaholic who protects herself from possible abandonment by only relying on herself and never setting down roots; and Archie a young widow whose future is firmly entrenched in the family business and whose biggest fear is loving and losing again.

The writing is animated and lighthearted. The characters are intelligent, alluring and feisty. And the plot is a charming mix of spirited hijinks, blistering tension, playful banter, combustible chemistry, touching moments and swoon-worthy romance.

Overall this book is entertaining, sexy and amusing and I love that some of our favourite characters from the previous books in the series made an appearance. If you haven’t read anything by Clayton before you really should, in fact Wallbanger, from her Cocktail series, is still today one of my all-time favourite rom coms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mariana m
Buns (Hudson Valley, #3)
by Alice Clayton

Having read Alice Clayton’s Red Headed series i knew i was in for it when i began the story Buns. The puns and innuendos intended, in the book and throughout the story. Alice Clayton likes strong independent women, she is not letting her readers down with Clara Morgan. She has a career she loves, and she depends on no one for all she is. Clara has her sordid history, a history that has made her not only what she was but inhibited her in her life. Until she meets the straitlaced, hotel owner of Bryant Mountain House. She learns that she was not ready for love and opening up is a panicking prospect. This love story of ill proportions, and personal risk makes the reader connect to their own fantasy loves, and the idea that there is someone who could and would be willing to accept everything for love. This is a beautiful love story with a great back history and characters.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
becky mikkelson
After not really loving the previous book in this series {and my first Alice book}, I decided to give this one a try.

I liked Clara and Archie. I really enjoyed their banter and their chemistry was fantastic. There were some fun hotel employees and of course the MCs from the other books. The dialogue is some of the best and if it were more character driven in that sense, I would no doubt be devouring all of Alice's books.

I guess my hang up is the inner monologue. It's rambling and I struggled to settle into it. There are several full descriptions of her outfits {complete with labels/designers.} I found myself skimming entire passages because I didn't care about a full paragraph on a particular shade of wallpaper or what the creaky floor sounded like.

Overall, I did enjoy this one a bit more, but I doubt I'll read any of her other titles.

**Huge thanks to Gallery Books for providing the arc free of charge**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caroline copley
This book was intense, sweet, funny, sexy and a slow burn of lust all at the same time!

Archie and Clara have great chemistry and they are equally spitfire! It was so fun and so raw and so addicting seeing them arguing and showing their strengh about their opinions. But at the same time, they respected each other's opinions. They weren't rude, they just stood their ground.

They both had baggage and a past full of intense feelings for different reasons, so it as hard for both of them to feel light at the beginning and let their feelings flow freely. Their fears were understandable so we could justify their mistakes and stubborness. You feel sad for them, you want to hug them, you want to watch them being happy, because that is what they deserve!

So when you see all the old friends and the new friends living their happy ever after, you just can't not enjoy this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lori jean
5 Crazy Ass Must Read Stars!!!!!

I love Alice Clayton! I love this series! I love Clara! I love Archie! I have so been looking forward to getting Clara's story. While she wasn't the most intriguing character in the previous books, she still brought out the book whore in me and made need her story.
This book was fast-paced, funny, witty, sexy, and kept me swiping pages until I couldn't any more. I love the enemies-to-lovers aspect of it. I even went along for the ride alongside Clara. I didn't like Archie at first. I just love when an author can make me fall in love with a character that I really didn't care about. It just goes to show you the writing ability of Alice Clayton.
I fell in love with Alice with Wallbanger and my love for continues to grow making her one of my go-to favorites. I can't wait to see what her brilliant mind comes out with next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I just loved reading "Buns" by Alice Clayton. I've really enjoyed this series and I think this might be my favorite of the three books. The writing is outstanding and the characters were so engaging and spoke to me in a way that I just couldn't get enough. I was so sad when I hit that last page, knowing that there weren't going to be any other books in this series. I'm hoping that maybe down the road, we'll get another sneak peek into their lives. This author is great at having characters from other books make special appearances in different books. If you are a fan of contemporary romance, this book, this series and especially this author is a must have to your book collection.
Happy Reading...enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura l pez alfranca
I absolutely loved this book!!! Clara and Archie are both closed off due to their pasts and they clash as soon as they meet. Archie is set in his ways, while Clara is strong and determined to make changes. They butt heads constantly and I loved it.

I love the way their fights eventually give way to flirting and eventually more. I absolutely loved that Clara was so tough!! And Archie, he was so sweet once he let his walls down. He was sweet and caring and understanding and always attuned to Clara's moods and thoughts without her having to say anything.

I love Clara's friends and how often they pop up in this book, cause I love them!! While this can certainly be read as a standalone you will definitely want to read the rest of the Hudson Valley series once you finish if you haven't yet!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an absolutely FUN, FUN book! Clara has an intriguing job that has her traveling more than she is home and she is comfortable with that and has no plans to change. Her newest endeavor is one she has excited about, she is going to get her hands on Bryant Mountain House to help bring them into the present. Standing in her way is Archie Bryant who is heir and new owner and fighting Clara at every turn. Sparks fly but the chemistry is unmistakable. Even though Clara tries to keep things professional, Archie has set his sites on Clara and it was so fun to watch this story unfold. Great characters and even better story line!

Even though this is part of a series it can be read as a standalone.

**Received this as an ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this town! I love each and every character. Clara is my favorite, she is just broken enough and full of spunk and spite. Archie is so geeky hot! He is the subtle hottie that will slap you right in the hoohaa!

Clara was hired to help, it's her job. To take something old and make it vital again. Archie is kind of in need of being made vital again too.

I enjoyed every page, once I started I couldn't put it down. I laughed, I cringed, I seriously swooned and Alice Clayton's sexy words can really make me squirm in my seat. She has such a way that it's hot and will over heat you before you know your even over heated. I love this town, I love these characters and I don't know what they feed these men but this town produces some hot ones.!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gnann moser
Our friends from Bailey Falls are back. Buns is Clara Morgan's story. It's a fantastic story. Clara is fiercely independent. She doesn't let anyone in. Except Natalie and Roxie. When she starts her job at the Bryant Mountain House, she doesn't expect blue eyes and freckles. She needs to resist her attraction to Archie. She's not staying in Bailey Falls.
I haven't read a book by Alice Clayton that I didn't love. This series is fantastically written. This group of friend's have become family and the strength in them is unbreakable.
Told in Clara' s POV, this book is full of laughter, friendship, and hot steamy love scenes. Can be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend reading the series in order.
Reviewed on behalf of Once Upon an Alpha.
Please RateBuns (The Hudson Valley Series Book 3)
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